
  1. the trait of lacking courage
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How To Use cowardliness In A Sentence

  • Boos and hisses came from the crowds at the sight of No Name's cowardliness.
  • These Cheney fans are morons in more than one way, they use the theme "draft Cheney 2012" but these idiots fail to realize that Cheney was deferred from active duty in 'more than one draft order' which shows his cowardliness. ohmygod New group tries to convince Cheney to run in 2012
  • It will show his cowardliness hiding under the desk and voting present. Henry: Afghanistan may define Obama's presidency
  • To say as Obama inferred in his Oslo speech that the greater plunge into Afghanistan is self-defense, with proportional force and sparing civilians from violence is a scale of self-delusion or political cowardliness that is dejecting his liberal base. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The shameful cowardliness of the man's commentating is simply unacceptable.
  • I sigh for my cowardliness amidst my yearning emotions.
  • Behind this was more than mere adaptation and cowardliness.
  • They have decided to risk losing through cowardliness, rather than to risk winning through valor.
  • For example, Ralph Nader recently wrote in his In the Public Interest column, To say as Obama inferred in his Oslo speech that the greater plunge into Afghanistan is self-defense, with proportional force and sparing civilians from violence is a scale of self-delusion or political cowardliness that is dejecting his liberal base. Anti-War Movement Wakes Up From Obama-Induced Slumber
  • So too in the case of flattery we must observe and be on our guard against wastefulness being called liberality, and cowardliness prudence, and madness quick-wittedness, and meanness frugality, and the amorous man called social and affectionate, and the term manly applied to the passionate and vain man, and the term civil applied to the paltry and mean man. Plutarch's Morals
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