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[ US /ˈkəvɝd/ ]
[ UK /kˈʌvəd/ ]
  1. overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form
    women with covered faces
    covered wagons
    a covered balcony

How To Use covered In A Sentence

  • Once the coals are covered in a fur of white ash, start by barbecuing a few vegetables.
  • Methone is a bit bigger than Anthe, at 3km (1.8 miles) in diameter, it too was discovered by the Cassini imaging team in 2004. Tom's Astronomy Blog
  • The beak is smoth, black, convex and cultrated; one and 1/8 inches from the point to the opening of the chaps and 3/4 only uncovered with feathers; the upper chap exceeds the other a little in length. a few small black hairs garnish the sides of the base of the upper chap. the eye is of a uniform deep sea green or black, moderately large. it's legs feet and tallons are white; the legs are an inch and a 1/4 in length and smoth; four toes on each foot, of which that in front is the same length with the leg including the length of the tallon, which is 4 lines; the three remaining toes are The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • In 1883 Mr. Leaf wrote: "I take it that the _zoma_ means the waist of the cuirass which is covered by the _zoster_, and has the upper edge of the _mitrê_ or plated apron beneath it fastened round the warrior's body. ... Homer and His Age
  • Nothing much happened except that I discovered the automatic paper towel dispenser and proceeded to contort my body into various positions to get the thing to work.
  • Frequently covered in zits, freckles and pockmarks, his character's faces are detailed in their expressiveness without being overly polished.
  • Occasionally rorqual skulls have been discovered in which the long lower jaws have been stuck wedged inside various of the skull openings and with their tips protruding like tusks. From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
  • After a quarter of an hour, hot buttered toast on a covered hot water plate, with the Staffordshire cottage tea pot in its floral cosy, arrived.
  • Brandt was the impresario who had discovered Carly Simon and unleashed the Rolling Stones on America.
  • After using Gentoo I discovered that they're not that "ricer" community everyone claims they are. Planet Ubuntu
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