
How To Use Cousin In A Sentence

  • Letters from my family are sort of depressing, though sometimes my cousins write a few words that makes me laugh.
  • Cousin Molle goes to Cambridge and the niece is the only visitor. Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
  • In contrast, farmed rabbit has a less pronounced flavour but is often more tender than its cousin. Times, Sunday Times
  • And that was all my poor cousin got by making his old mistress his new wife — not a drum, not a trumpet, not a fife, not a tabret, nor the expectation of a new joy, to animate him on! Clarissa Harlowe
  • At my cousin's wedding some five years back, the most popular dish was a mixed vegetable fry prepared entirely on the 'tawa' griddle. Musical Cooking - Paneer Tawa Masala
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  • It is closely related to its more favourite cousin the melon.
  • Like jays and crows, their cousins, magpies are mischievous and bold.
  • Quite different from its crisp Scottish cousin, the Staffordshire oatcake is more like a dense pancake made from batter containing three types of flour and, of course, oats. Insider's guide to the best British food, and where to find it
  • Gator, my cousin is a veterinarian and is the same. the only thing that grosses her out is drool. MY KNEES -- PART THREE, AFTER THE SURGERY
  • His name was James and he was younger than me...perhaps by a year. *cue cradle-snatching jokes* He was my friend's cousin, and I remember thinking he was gorgeous when I first met him. Archive 2010-07-01
  • A MAN who asked a librarian to help him trace his ancestors discovered she was his second cousin. The Sun
  • Hubert in particular was recalling times past when Patricia had behaved less than honourably towards his favourite cousin.
  • He is my cousin or rather my 'father's cousin.
  • Heather, at the wedding with her boyfriend, has rowed with her cousin Lorna, who turns her nose up at everything about Kilronan.
  • Shiites of this branch believed that the Prophet Muhammad's successors or vicars were his cousin and son-in-law, Ali, and the eleven lineal descendants of Ali and the Prophet's daughter, Fatima.
  • Thuy came to Australia as a 24-year-old Vietnamese boat person, together with her uncle, aunt and cousins.
  • The cousins and aunts and uncles left behind? The Tribes Triumphant
  • He's a distant cousin of mine.
  • I make no apology for the title of this chapter because it was an expression which my cousins used very frequently.
  • Orange rum butter Orange rum butter is a cousin of brandy butter.
  • I put my cousin in contact with a friend who works at the company.
  • I followed my cousin's instructions and put a combination of peroxide, lemon juice and Sun-In through my black hair.
  • She was betrothed to her cousin at an early age.
  • To think: a distant cousin of the Romanovs, and his love.
  • The plantain is a large cousin of the banana.
  • He mentioned this to his cousin, but O’Hara, with a light-hearted reference to forewarning and forearming, refused to take the matter seriously. The Dancing Druids
  • 1957 - US announces manufacture of Borazon (harder than diamond) 1957 - Jerry Lee Lewis weds his cousin Myra Gale Brown, 13, while still married to his 1st wife Jane Mitcham
  • I got a belated birthday card from my cousin yesterday.
  • Where you usually have a nuclear family living together and nobody else, we will often have not just a nuclear family but cousins, aunts, great-aunts, uncles. The extended family lives together, tightly knit.
  • The Méditerranéen couscous plate was equivalent to its vegetarian cousin, with the addition of a chicken brochette, lamb brochette and a merguez sausage.
  • It turns out that Julie is a close friend of my cousin Kelly.
  • Sandara squealed excitedly, ‘how come you never told me your cousin was very much like me?’
  • He had by a second will bequeathed all his possessions to the Church, reserving in them a life-interest for his virtual wife; and when the cousinry swooped down on what they thought their prey, Madame Mulhausen could receive them and their condolences with the indignant scorn which their greed and cruelty deserved. A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.)
  • She is a first cousin to me.
  • His cousin sat at the kitchen table, glowering.
  • M. le Comte's guests followed closely on the triumphant bridegroom's heels: M. le préfet, fussy and nervous, secretly delighted at the idea of affixing his official signature to such an aristocratic _contrat de mariage_ as was this between M.le. de Cambray de Brestalou and M. Victor de M.rmont, own nephew to M.rshal the duc de Raguse; M.dame la préfète, resplendent in the latest fashion from Paris, the Duc and Duchesse d'Embrun, cousins of the bride, the Vicomte de Génevois and his mother, who was Abbess of Pont Haut and godmother by proxy to Crystal de The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
  • As my grandfather came out to the deep fryer with a bowl of hushpuppy batter and started spooning it into the same grease where we had already fried the crappie and fries my cousin's wife looked on with big eyes and said, "Good God! They're even frying the bread! Why Southern Flour Makes the Best Biscuits
  • John's "cousinship" afforded an excellent basis for informal companionship, and Clementine gave it full prominence. Winter Evening Tales
  • They are similar to our native Ohio cypripediums and you may consider the paphiopedilums to be the tropical cousins to the cypripediums.
  • By the age of five he was speaking French, having been instructed by a distant cousin in the back seat of grandmother's LaSalle.
  • Although first cousin to the melodious mockingbird, a catbird's song is seldom musical.
  • So Joe approached Cousin Eleanor in the hope that she would intercede in his behalf.
  • A warm welcome with a pleasant smile awaited us as we entered the hotel room where she was put up with her cousin sis.
  • My Cousin Reginald Daniels, who was more like an uncle and father figure, work as a Motorman for the New York City Transit Authority for over 35 years. Our Father’s: Heroes Among Us «
  • My Silesian cousin, who now lives in Germany, told me to use stock instead of boiling water – well, yes, this is tastier, but I consider it western decadence. Family life
  • An extended family tree will grow to include many distant cousins.
  • Father-of-two Ivan, who lived modestly, struck rich 10 years ago when a distant cousin left him £8 million.
  • The lord of the white alicorn was the first to rise from his seat; there was lightning in his gaze and thunder in his voice as he addressed, not Kyrtian, but his cousin. Elvenborn
  • This jawless mouth sets the lamprey and its cousin the hagfish apart from all other modern vertebrates - animals with backbones.
  • Ktesibios's invention is first cousin to that all - American 20 th - century fixture, the flush toilet.
  • Since the Kennedy cousin brained Martha Moxley with a five iron, I propose that we outlaw golf. Golfing With A Shotgun
  • Leicester and tries are becoming only distant cousins at the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are cousins of seashells, but instead of having a protective shell, most of them are poisonous.
  • In English, only cousin ignores the distinction of collaterality.
  • To the untrained ear, the Wagnerian clarinet sounds almost identical to its more modern cousin.
  • A passel of kids of varying ages, the cousins love playing baseball in the front yard, romping on the beach just two blocks away, or exploring what's left of the Fort Tilden gun emplacements that overlook the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Apes may be distant cousins of humans.
  • The enhanced uptake of selenate over selenite is mediated by an active transport mechanism in the small intestine, presumably involving the same transporter protein that carries sulfate; sulfate is a close chemical cousin of selenate but not of selenite. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Who were the first cousins? Smithsonian Mag
  • I belong to a generation of kinless childhoods, where we grew up without grandparents, numerous uncles, aunts, cousins and relatives who had perished, yet whose silent presence loomed in the background.
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • The casual cousins of slip-on sandals, flip-flops are basically nice shower shoes.
  • This our Peeress declined as unnecessary , alleging that her cousin Thornhill 's recommendation would be sufficient.
  • There is, however, more villainy afoot in this film than the English or the class that they and their American cousins represent.
  • Although terns are closely related to seagulls, sharing a general black-and-grey pattern of plumage with their cousins, they have slim silvery bodies and deeply forked tails.
  • The newest member of the Royal family, and the novelist are 11th cousins, six times removed.They share a common 15th century ancestor: Henry Percy, who was the 2nd Earl of Northumberland.
  • My cousins were mere cubs, in whose company I might, if I liked it, unlearn whatever decent manners, or elegant accomplishments, I had acquired, but where I could attain no information beyond what regarded worming dogs, rowelling horses, and following foxes. Rob Roy
  • So when the earth-and-timber ramparts of Sulla's camp began to trace lines across the rolling Campanian horizon, Quintus Sertorius bade his cousin-in-law a grave goodbye, geed up his horse and departed. Fortune's Favorites
  • Brooklyn schools are the Appalachian cousins of the Baby Ivies and take great pride in the number of their Manhattan applicants.
  • I was pretty affable myself, just then, and pretended not to hear one or two of the more jealous remarks that were dropped - about how odd it was that Her Majesty hadn't chosen one of the purple brigade to squire her young cousin, not so much as Guardee even, but a plain Mr - and who the deuce were the Flashmans anyway? The Sky Writer
  • Dr. Sandford, my cousin Gary is a prisoner and in the hospital. Daisy in the Field
  • The proportion of endogamous marriages among their 11 children was not as high as among their Burger (three of five marriages) and van Rensburg (five of seven marriages) cousins, but among the three van Heerdens who did marry van der Merwes, the practice of intermarriage remained strong across subsequent generations. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • An elongated chemical cousin called the buckytube is also showing great promise. Tiny Weapons With Giant Potential
  • Like its conceptual cousin, the uncanny, it delimits the boundaries of certainties about identity and experience.
  • Like its cousin the haversine, the hacoversine is mainly useful for doing trig on a sphere when you don't have a calculator handy to square the familiar trig functions. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • He invented some story about a cousin.
  • She is a distant cousin of mine.
  • Do we never learn from our American and European cousins?
  • From 1133 the office was hereditary in the de Vere family, though with interruptions and vicissitudes, until it passed in 1626 to their cousins the Berties, as Lords Willoughby de Eresby.
  • Neville Chamberlain was greatly affected by the death of his cousin Norman and determined that such sacrifice should not be wasted.
  • After her marriage to her German cousin, Prince Albert, the custom became even more widespread.
  • Like tokamaks, their currently more advanced cousins, stellarators use magnetic fields to confine plasma in a torus for fusion reactions.
  • Unfortunately, this species sometimes hybridizes with its distasteful European cousin (especially near urban areas), polluting its pure flavor.
  • He will also be missed by numerous brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.
  • Joszef had put capital into the real estate business of a distant cousin.
  • An under-matron at Malsis school, she was presented by the wife of her cousin, Commander Ian Steel RN.
  • In that setting, Rodriguez said that a cousin -- later identified as Yuri Sucart -- repeatedly injected him with a banned substance known as "boli," brought to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic. Undefined
  • He is making an Easter egg hunt for his cousin Debbie.
  • Taxonomists can now say that the ferns' closest cousins are the seed plants - angiosperms (flowering plants) and gymnosperms (such as conifers).
  • Smith said the substance can be used to make drug tests come up clean and that he was taking it to his cousin.
  • This gives people the chance to slow down to hear how beautifully your cousin Alberto has tuned your engine.
  • Not all Hyderabad cousins can watch their show for it is on invitation only.
  • He lives a miserable life, tormented by his aunt and uncle and his spoiled cousin.
  • Let us gloss over the fact that one of those convicted for exposing her name is his own cousin. Times, Sunday Times
  • My cousin and I have joint guardianship over her since my father's death five years ago.
  • Of course, once permanently established, the Australian settlers lived and worked as their forebears in England and their cousins in North America.
  • The Saxon _few_ may have caught enough from its French cousin _peu_ to claim the benefit of the same doubt as to sound; and our slang phrase _a few_ (as 'I licked him a few') may well appeal to _un peu_ for sense and authority. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • I with a maddening sense of awkwardness, that was not much bettered by the tattle of the plainstanes, where merchant lads and others made audible comment on the cousinly ardour of young Lachie. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Ah, yesterday my brother told me that one of our cousins is getting married. Bit more about Bosnia
  • The title comes from a line in ethicist J. Howard Moore's The Universal Kinship (1906): "They are not conveniences, but cousins. Henry Salt on Shelley: Literary Criticism and Ecological Identity
  • Four first cousins, all named after their grandfather. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are cousins of seashells, but instead of having a protective shell, most of them are poisonous.
  • Anjali Sircar, tired of room hunting, asked her distant cousin, Yash, to pretend to be her fiancé and wangled a single room at Khar.
  • My cousin is a freelance illustrator in L . A.
  • It is a fact that we are cousins of gorillas, kangaroos, starfish, and bacteria.
  • I resolved, therefore, that if my immediate union with my cousin would conduce either to her's or my father's happiness, my adversary's designs against my life should not retard it a single hour. Chapter 5
  • A distant cousin recently let something slip which gave the game away. The Sun
  • She's a relation by marriage because she married my cousin.
  • An engagement at your age would be totally rash and unjustifiable; and moreover, alliances between first cousins are undesirable. Daniel Deronda
  • May 15th, 2006 at 12: 18 pm cousin benny says: frist his ass Think Progress » VIDEO: David Corn Confronts Rove On Lying About Plame Leak
  • Cousin Mary was the very type of the beautiful old lady, with her silver hair and her sweet Southern Irish voice; foreigners must be warned that this resembles what they call a "brogue" about as little as the speech of a Highland gentleman resembles the jargon of the Glasgow slums. Surprised by Joy
  • Its cousin, the stunning kokako, is slate gray with sky-blue wattles decorating a black-masked face.
  • The great auk was no biological relation to the Antarctic birds: it was a cousin of the razorbill and the guillemot, which had evolved quite separately.
  • Christopher started off with prawns cooked in coriander, ginger and garlic, accompanied by a close cousin of the Hellmans family.
  • The previously undomesticated boy quickly realizes that half-measures like hastily buying his little cousin a pre-packaged lunch at a convenience store on the way to kindergarten can have traumatic consequences in a milieu where bringing in an amateurish or non-homemade bento is perceived as a symptom of a shamefully inadequate family. Daddies dearest
  • By the age of five he was speaking French, having been instructed by a distant cousin in the back seat of grandmother's LaSalle.
  • The story concerns two cousins, Laura and Janette, who consider two offers of marriage extended to Laura.
  • In the Local Group, as elsewhere in the Universe, however, dwarf galaxies outnumber their larger, shapelier cousins, such as the Milky Way, the Andromeda and the Triangulum galaxies. Straight From the Island of Misfit Galaxies: Barnard | Universe Today
  • Leicester and tries are becoming only distant cousins at the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • More importantly, rhodium has disconnected from its cousin platinum, falling 31% this year while platinum is down less than 10%. Rhodium's Rare Opportunity
  • A cousin of hers had arranged a psychic readings party at home but the psychic let her down. The Sun
  • The person manning the base gate thinks that anyone wearing a kaffiyeh is a terrorist," the cousin continued. Undefined
  • The mother, the Angela of the title, begged for charity and lived off the mingy help of relatives, at one point sleeping with a cousin so that her children might have a place to live. From 'Ashes' To Stardom
  • I can't stand and gossip with Dadda's old cousin and make a fruit cake from Mammy's recipe.
  • I could smell my cousin's perfume mingled with sweat and hear her labored breaths.
  • Ameche and Tierney are a handsome, appealing pair from their first meeting in a bookshop, while Charles Coburn (as scampish Grandpa Hugo) and Allyn Joslyn (as Henry's strait-laced cousin Albert) round out a fabulous supporting cast. John Farr: Laughing in Style: That Special 'Lubitsch Touch'
  • My cousin Mark helped me.
  • - Balzac, Honore de - Cousin Bette; Eugene Grandet; Pere Goriot Wednesday wishes
  • Another effective alternative is soluble fiber from supplements such as psyllium (Metamucil and its generic cousins), preferably combined with plenty of water. Consumer Reports:
  • Seventeen and trembling on the brink of womanhood, she has already suffered the humiliation of being packed off as the poor relation with her rich cousins on holiday.
  • If someone asks me how I'm related to the bride or groom, I say I'm a distant cousin.
  • Originally, it opened with the three Bone cousins, Fone, Phoney, and Smiley Bone, lost in the desert after being run out of Boneville; the new version begins with a lengthy, dull cutscene in which Thorn gives a narration of Bone's cosmogony from the text of Crown of Horns. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Rachelle waved her cousin away as he gestured her to the backyard, where the party was happening.
  • WELCOME MSOMI, DIRECTOR, "ZULU MACBETH": The similarities between "Macbeth" and Uma Botha (ph), it's exactly the same things, where Macabiu (ph), the princess in the Zulu family, instigated and got his brothers and cousins to kill King Shaga (ph) so that King Denun (ph) could take over. CNN Transcript May 5, 2001
  • My cousin a soccer player, he a striker.
  • When they were in Atlanta, Georgia, US, my cousin reported a lot of awful stuff about what was being done to "sanitize" the city of homeless folks and sex workers. Political crosstitch pieces! (update post 3!)
  • Committed the unpardonable social error of enlisting as a private soldier in a regiment in which his grander cousin was an officer. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • Edward and I have a cousinage, though for all he does to keep it up --! The Awkward Age
  • She gave her cousin Mabel Radcliff a pair of calamanco shoes with black lacing and Jane Herd the green calamanco shoes.
  • Charity looked at her in genuine alarm and was rewarded with a wink that made her revise her opinion of her cousin slightly upwards.
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • It was the same with my aunt and my cousin. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • Can a first cousin at one remove inherit the property?
  • Despite having to get used to American spellings she quickly took to the game, and continued to play on board an ocean liner as she crossed the Pacific to visit more cousins in Australia.
  • These pigs are close cousins of the wild hog.
  • Photo cap #1: samer hassan a boy who survied to tell his story hi this is gio shamoun a gay man in chicago. you have got to read this and help get the word out to the media, tv, paper, world wide web i heard about samer hassan throught my cousin who lives in schiller park il please read this story and help spread this news .... can anyone help!!!! here is his facebook name and information Undefined
  • It is possible that he attended a school in the borough of Brent with one of the cousins. Times, Sunday Times
  • For perspective on the scale of evolutionary difference between genera, consider that modern humans and Neanderthals are different species within the same genus (Homo), while chimpanzees are our living relatives from a closely related genus (Pan), but that we share the same taxonomic family (Hominidae) with our chimp cousins. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The reason he gave was as follows: if the long-eared innocent animal from the interior came to the prairie and saw the horses, it would think it had met its cousins and would happily rush over.
  • Mrs Marx was a Campbell on her mother's side and was a cousin of the then Duke of Argyll.
  • did you finally connect with your long-lost cousin?
  • By an unfortunate twist of fate, Sunderland were to experience the full might of the cousins playing in the same team.
  • DNA extracted from specimens of extinct animals has already been used to show that the Mauritian dodo is a close cousin to the common pigeon.
  • You're just our second cousin from the west.
  • Enjoy the crowned one†™ s antics in hysterical tales as he gets mixed up with weird science experiments, football foul-ups, and his cousin, Souphead! Archie Sneak Peek of the Week | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • And beyond the jobs which are known to the Government, more damage will be done by the disappearance of a wide variety of quasi-legal 'shadow economy' jobs and their close cousin, the 'blackmarket' and illegal occupations. Archive 2005-08-01
  • With the growing popularity of Twitter, Facebook, iPhone, iGoogle, AIR and their distant cousins from the social media/Web 2.0 world, companies are embracing some of these tools and associated culture, driven by employees (for internal usage) and changing consumer behavior. How Internet Content Distribution & Discovery Are Changing
  • Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?
  • Family histories were collected from 114 homosexual male probands who were asked to rate their fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, and male cousins as either definitely homosexual (Kinsey 5 or 6, acknowledged to the proband or another family member) or not definitely known to be homosexual (heterosexual, bisexual, or unclear). The Science of Desire
  • The answer is its distant Indo-European cousin Persian, a daughter language of Indo-Iranian.x Check is from the Persian word shāh, meaning “king.” The English Is Coming!
  • She needs a special dispensation to marry her cousin.
  • I've never liked that cousin of hers.
  • My mother held her strong views, there's no doubt, because she herself was named after her cousin Clara, who died in a boating accident. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • Father-of-two Ivan, who lived modestly, struck rich 10 years ago when a distant cousin left him £8 million.
  • And now they were together, the big brown man who walked like a cripple on ruined knees because of his size, Hawaii's bestknown singer, and his little cousin Keola. Beard
  • Then there is that second cousin in Belgium. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cousin of the bride celebrated the Mass and officiated at the ceremony.
  • Never having met Coetzee, he embarks on a series of interviews with people who were important to him – a married woman with whom he had an affair, his favourite cousin Margot, a Brazilian dancer whose daughter had English lessons with him, former friends and colleagues. Summertime and J.M. Coetzee on Beauty and Consolation
  • Its rough edges and crafty urchins give it a true grit that avoids the sentimentality of its American cousins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next time, though, I'll be employing my teenage cousins to do the manual labour and keeping my hands out of the sink.
  • A cousin, exasperatedly and somewhat self-righteously, called him a crybaby.
  • Unlike a hurricane - a tornado's big, long-lived and usually slow-moving meteorological cousin - a twister is small, brief, and fast moving.
  • Some cousin who went out to America in the sixties looks the best bet. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • It is averred that he is loyal and efficient, but with his calfless legs bared to the knee and feet shod in sandals, he looks a queer cousin of Fifth Avenue's "Finest" and of the East of Suez Ceylon, India, China and Japan
  • He said the defendant decided to do away with her cousin when she could not repay the loan, and had her strangulated, by two close aides.
  • Who were the first cousins? Smithsonian Mag
  • At the family reunion, she's the one who hands out the name tags and keeps Cousin Reginald from spiking the punch. The Queen a Genealogist?
  • If the actress is merely a doppelgänger, you have not offended your cousin with the idea that you thought such a thing was possible.
  • I'm glad, too," answered his cousin, "but I'll be 'gladder' if you will tell me where I can get some togs like yours. The Shagganappi
  • No one in my family looks even the smallest bit Native American (save for a cousin who is addicted to tanning — but she looks more orange than Native American), yet we are all registered members of the Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Arikara, and Hidatsu) which within the federally-recognized Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. The Volokh Conspiracy » AZ Boycott and the Constitution:
  • She needs a special dispensation to marry her cousin.
  • You don't have to act all protective cousinly on me.
  • It just kind of came down and picked off certain people here and there... cousins and aunts and uncles and my father very particularly. The Sun
  • In 1683, aged 18, she was married to Prince George of Denmark, a distant cousin, and their relationship quickly blossomed into one of lasting devotion.
  • But they are cousins who keep hitting the jackpot. Times, Sunday Times
  • I could match my cousin Jasper's game - cock maturity with a sturdier fowl.
  • I think that in any study of anything, an example of excess is instructive, because bibliomania on the whole -- bibliophilia, which is the cousin, are productive exercises. A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books
  • Then there is also the visible issue of having inside access to another MP by virtue of traditional cousinship.
  • The countess Mathilda, grand duchess, his cousin-german, more powerful than himself in Italy, was his mortal enemy. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • April 13th, 2006 at 3: 44 pm cousin benny says: you can honor the families of the dead and still question the official story. in fact the greatest way to honor the victims of 911 is to find out what really happened. true patriots constantly and vigorously question their government, especially when the media refuses to. Think Progress » Flight 93 remembered.
  • Less than a mile from our home stood the iffiest house I then knew, which I will here call Mountbracken, and there lived Sir W.E. Lady E. was my mother's first cousin and perhaps my mothers dearest friend, and it was no doubt for my mother's sake that she took upon herself the heroic work of civilising my brother and me. Surprised by Joy
  • I was the first of eighteen cousins to earn more than one master's degree, and yet the only job I could find in my town was as an elementary school custodian.
  • Indeed, a sonnet is addressed by this one to a cousin and namesake. The Times Literary Supplement
  • : -) Anyway, I expect you know all about the rich cousin and everything since you're getting jiggy with Leanne. GOING OUT
  • Cohibas are made by both the Cuban-based commie bastards (The cohiba is the ONLY thing Che gave the world that is worth a damn), and by their LatAm cousins. Sound Politics: Health Effects Of Pot Get Short Shrift: Bummer, Man
  • When I was 12 my summer nights were spent in the street, playing kickball with my cousins.
  • To this angry message Theseus returned a very gentle answer, excusing himself that he could not deliver up Daedalus, who was nearly related to him, being his cousin-german, his mother being The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • It is a hilly region, and Poovanmala is a small hill where my cousin and her husband grow rubber.
  • While Anita was sociable and well-liked by her peers, Betty was often overshadowed by her cousin and believed to be snobbish as a result of common misperceptions.
  • Alsop entrusted the financial management of the family assets to a cousin, who disappeared with most of them.

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