How To Use Course of action In A Sentence

  • Finally, in the formation of an opinion as to the abstract preferableness of one course of action over another, or as to the truth or falsehood or right significance of a proposition, the fact that the majority of one's contemporaries lean in the other direction is naught, and no more than dust in the balance. On Compromise
  • They added that as yet no course of action has been determined. Times, Sunday Times
  • A.R. So for new actors coming into the business of acting what do you advise as the best possible course of action?
  • There was abundant advice offered by experts Wednesday on what to do when it rains by the bucketful, with all agreeing that seeking a dry place was the best course of action. D.C. region braces for deluge
  • Why would we want to proceed with a course of action that is unjust, unwise and completely unnecessary?
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  • Since I would go to Tibet if I chose, but could not transmute dustballs into gold under any circumstances, only the first course of action is in this sense a possibility for me.
  • In running the same course of action is likely to do little more than raise a few curious glances from fellow competitors.
  • Are we to regard that as a tacit seal of approval for such a course of action?
  • Shutting down and egressing from the aircraft while on the catapult would have been the most conservative course of action.
  • Deficit – An excuse to do anything really out of order, eg: "Yes, I did spill red wine on your new white carpet, but what you must remember is that Labour left that carpet with a deficit of red wine; my spillage was the only responsible course of action. The buzz words of 2010 explained
  • Whatever the truth, this surely is a case where a gesture of goodwill would have been the appropriate course of action.
  • Such disavowals always remind me of Henry Kissinger's line that when a state denies it intends to take a course of action, it is signalling to others that it has the capacity to take such action if it wishes.
  • In all of these cases it is of course symbolic, a crie de cœur — and in the case of the Swiss, the only course of action which was allowed to them under the law. It’s not just the Swiss — all Europe is ready to revolt
  • Acheson said that the joint chiefs of staff preferred the latter course of action.
  • I determined upon a course of action.
  • But how much more difficult when the right course of action for the patient is disputed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shelly felt that a policy of containment and negotiation was the appropriate course of action.
  • It's one thing to examine the options, it is another to pursue a determined course of action to achieve a concrete result.
  • Our imagination can be either helpful or discouraging when it begins to anticipate a course of action.
  • The only practicable course of action is to sell the company.
  • followed the only honorable course of action
  • I consider Julian a great numismatist and a friend, but he chose a course of action which we coin dealers KNOW has severe risks. Coin Dealer Julian Leidman Victim of Vehicle Burglary. Reward Grows to $156,000 : Coin Collecting News
  • My question actually asked whether this would be a better course of action.
  • Hopefuly, I have explained why option four was the only practical course of action.
  • What is the best course of action we can take?
  • The only practicable course of action is to sell the company.
  • The central issue in the case is whether that was a justified course of action.
  • What is the best course of action in the circumstances?
  • Each course of action has some positive and some negative aspects.
  • If he took this logic to the extreme, the next course of action might mean a radical dive to pick up airspeed so we could pop up over the trees.
  • It was in fact the goal that set her course of action: she chose to complete the stated goal of the conference call rather than to let people vent emotion.
  • He said that at the centre of the present crisis was the fact that the federal council had taken a course of action without consulting the people.
  • Such a course of action, he points out, requires a choice based on morality and a conscious act of volition on his part.
  • The true prophet does not foretell an inevitable future, but warns of likely consequences should a present course of action continue.
  • I would personally agree with going after the people responsible for giving the orders to the CIA operatives, but not the actual Operatives themselves also going after the contractors and their bosses is a good course of action. Cheney takes swipe at Obama over prosecutor
  • Your doctor, health care practitioner or psychotherapist will help you determine the best course of action to have you feel strong and well again.
  • Decision makers beguiled into adopting a course of action may update their beliefs and abandon it.
  • They can advise on the best course of action and can even arrange for an ambulance to be sent if it is needed.
  • They told the 66-year-old that the honourable course of action would be to resign.
  • Which is why trying to reinflate the financial bubble (with the Summers/Geithner bailout) and the housing bubble (with that goddamned idiotic home-buyer tax credit) is a suicidal course of action. Matthew Yglesias » A Flawed Stimulus is Better than No Stimulus
  • You may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect.
  • We must always ask what harm we are doing by taking a particular course of action.
  • Therefore, that which becomes customary is the most reasonable and appropriate course of action to be followed.
  • Lastly, can you really claim that entrenching the current economic divides is a moral course of action? Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Libertarianism, the Environment, and Kyoto: Part 2
  • The fact that secular considerations also favoured this course of action is, of course, beside the point.
  • Though more expensive, dry cleaning is the best course of action if you have a difficult stain on an expensive fabric or piece of soft furnishing. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • Part of his magic is his ability to convince of the rightness of his course of action.
  • There is only one course of action open to the local authority.
  • That the doctor cannot entirely shield his own conclusions is not in question but he must make a good faith effort to present all the data and options even the data that contraindicates his preferred course of action and allow the patient to decide. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • There is a need for a definitive course of action in order to abate this spiralling situation.
  • That the doctor cannot entirely shield his own conclusions is not in question but he must make a good faith effort to present all the data and options (even the data that contraindicates his preferred course of action) and allow the patient to decide. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • In view of what you've said, I think we should reconsider our proposed course of action.
  • He seemed determined to justify a course of action which seemed wholly disproportionate.
  • An osteopath will review the individual's health first before advising on a course of action.
  • Why is it that so many of those whose political creed should be driven by a desire to emancipate those who are suffering choose to object to a course of action which would deliver millions from misery?
  • As the Garzon situation demonstrates (and I think EPosner has it right), Garzon was simply seeing what he could get away with vis-a-vis “universal jurisdiction” and so long as his targets matched the wish lists of various members of the academic international law community, they did everything they could to enable his politics with high-sounding pronouncements as to the QED “legality” of his course of action. The Volokh Conspiracy » Drone Warfare: The Upbeat News About the Obama Administration
  • It is not unusual for manic patients to run up large debts, or follow a course of action that later causes them intense embarrassment, or discomfort, when they have fully recovered.
  • They added that as yet no course of action has been determined. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, not unless you are considering a career in the adult film industry, then I suppose it's perfectly acceptable course of action.
  • The spokesman said he would be discussing with staff the option of taking industrial action, but said he believed this course of action would be a last resort for most of the workers.
  • For me, I have examined the options, carefully weighed the pros and cons and have decided on the best course of action.
  • Proper use of magick then, might entail casting the runes to decide whether a course of action is appropriate.
  • In order for some course of action to count as one of my alternatives, it must be a course of action that I would regard as possible even if all such mistakes had been corrected, and all the relevant lacunae in my knowledge filled.
  • Heins,38 Roald commented ruefully in response, deciding wisely that to be placatory was the most sensible course of action. Storyteller
  • Is this the best course of action to follow?
  • A small, ragtag band of idealists facing overwhelming odds decides to gamble on a course of action judged either foolish or brilliant, depending on the outcome.
  • Swiftly swatting the bug with a rolled-up newspaper would have been the best course of action.
  • There are compelling reasons why such a course of action would also be foolhardy and counterproductive in addition to hugely unlikely.
  • Either course of action will bring short-term howls of recrimination from the right ... but this mini-surge deeper into the quagmire is going to sink the administration without question. declining 35 percent approval rating for management of the war in Afghanistan Five questions for Obama on Afghan war
  • We are trying to avoid the word policy, that commits us down a certain course of action.
  • Maybe she thinks a third war for the US to initiate is a proper course of action? Palin warns of 'Second Holocaust' if Iran gains nuclear weapons
  • I will not pretend to have the skill necessary to lay out a course of action to solve this problem.
  • Why would such a patent democrat and friend of freedom engage such a course of action?
  • Is this the best course of action to follow?
  • There is without doubt a very strong presumption in favour of a course of action which will prolong life, but… it is not irrebuttable.
  • Such a course of action would then result in that particular councillor relinquishing his or her right to participate in the debate and vote when the application is determined by the planning committee.
  • The article provides the bases for this viewpoint and a suggested course of action to meet the Minimum Needs of All (MMNA), practice geonomics, and elicit universal free-enterprise participation by the global population. ' Consciousness and Development
  • What is the best course of action in the circumstances?
  • This course of action would have been unthinkable to the Russian generals.
  • They told the 66-year-old that the honourable course of action would be to resign.
  • The only course of action that I can see is for the parent to be able to impose their will on the stroppy teenager without fear of prosecution. Purple Pain « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The government sees this as an effective course of action for a doctor who feels they are the target of unjustified allegations.
  • But the peace protesters were adamant that civil disobedience was the only course of action left to them.
  • He will sign the act; it is a necessary precaution and the only course of action possible at this time.
  • But how much more difficult when the right course of action for the patient is disputed. Times, Sunday Times
  • To follow the proposed course of action is to invite nemesis.
  • I'm wondering if a year in an unprepared holding bed or plunk and run in the big unprepared bed is the best course of action.
  • In each instance, you see a course of action that brings about the very consequences it sought to avoid.
  • Certainly topping up on any index tracker investment would be a good course of action at the moment.
  • You may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect.
  • Therefore, by definition, “dishonored memories” is a variable cost, as the idea of dishonor and memory would change according to the course of action. More Sunk-Cost Thinking on Iraq War - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Since Diabetes Type 1 (T1D) is a autoimmune decease stopping the autoimmunity should be the first course of action, either through immunosuppression ( Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes
  • One possible course of action would be to raise taxes on tobacco.
  • Yet another dose of antibiotics may not be the best course of action with a long-term urinary tract infection. Life and style |
  • To this dire course of action he was misled by astrologic and other signs, which he interpreted as prophecies of his own kingship, when in reality they pointed to the royal destiny of his granddaughter Bath-sheba. The Legends of the Jews — Volume 4
  • However, fear, as well as guilt, forced me to choose the more honorable course of action.
  • Professional advice should always be sought before embarking on a particular course of action.
  • You're a good judge of character, so hang back and observe the players before committing to a course of action.
  • It probably assuages some people suffering from extreme paranoia but we must not lose sight of the fact that prevention is always a far better and more effective course of action than control. Global Voices in English » Southeast Asia: Reactions to the H1N1 virus
  • I saw that the Clerk was giving you contrary advice, but I actually think the appropriate course of action, once a member calls for a vote, is for a vote to be held.
  • What course of action would you recommend?
  • Either course of action will bring short-term howls of recrimination from the right ... but this mini-surge deeper into the quagmire is going to sink the administration without question. declining 35 percent approval rating for management of the war in Afghanistan Five questions for Obama on Afghan war
  • Though more expensive, dry cleaning is the best course of action if you have a difficult stain on an expensive fabric or piece of soft furnishing. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • The tendency has been to ignore or procrastinate until intervention becomes the least unattractive course of action.
  • A few weeks earlier another minister staged a 'satyagraha', a hunger-strike-unto-death, in an effort to force the Secretary General of the United Nations to withdraw the panel that he had appointed to advise him on the course of action he should take relating to the alleged acts of violence by the military that took place in Sri Lanka in the latter part of the conflict with the LTTE that ended in May 2009. NZ On Screen
  • Therefore, I chose the second course of action to stay and defend the garrison.
  • To make the present business effective may require one specific course of action. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • Personally I think this is the course of action we need to take if we want heroism to be cool again. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was only one possible course of action - he had to resign.
  • This course of action would have been unthinkable to the Russian generals.
  • I can commend it to him as a realistic course of action.
  • However, during a lucid interval he did give instructions to plead, but, if they had the benefit of the reports now before the court, the defence would have opted for a different course of action.
  • Even within the realm of economics, there are clear benefits and costs to either course of action.
  • Chewing her lip, she debated her next course of action.
  • How management answers them determines what course of action it will choose. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • To follow the proposed course of action is to invite nemesis.
  • Though more expensive, dry cleaning is the best course of action if you have a difficult stain on an expensive fabric or piece of soft furnishing. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • We will now have to reconsider what the appropriate course of action will be.
  • The best course of action is to approach the bigger agencies for work experience.
  • According to this logic, if you have a problem the best course of action is inaction. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ancients also used oracles to obtain sanction or approval, even though they had already decided on their course of action.
  • But more than this, it seems to me to be an insane and irresponsible course of action if I'm reading the attorney aright.
  • What is the best course of action in the circumstances?
  • Chuckling to himself at the depth and cunning of his intended course of action, he went among the farmers begging for "bally"! The Red Man's Revenge A Tale of The Red River Flood
  • The government sees this as an effective course of action for a doctor who feels they are the target of unjustified allegations.
  • Technically, Hemingway offered Dietrich a dehortation, a rarely used but quite proper English term compared to an exhortation, which attempts to persuade people to do something, a dehortation is an attempt to dissuade people from a course of action. 'Neverisms': 11 Things You Should Never Do, Never Say, Never Forget (PHOTOS)
  • I agree with you for the theoretical position that given our current abilities the optimal number of innocents imprisoned is greater than zero, if it were not, the only permissible course of action would be to abolish imprisonment as criminal penalty, since errors are unavoidable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Now the “Most Reversed” Circuit?
  • The most effective course of action satisfying the two latter requirements is to use a geodetic information system with a set of necessary maps of terrain.
  • How management answers them determines what course of action it will choose. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • It took the Millau Ten less than an hour to digest the court's ruling and decide on a course of action.
  • Deficit - An excuse to do anything really out of order, eg: "Yes, I did spill red wine on your new white carpet, but what you must remember is that Labour left that carpet with a deficit of red wine; my spillage was the only responsible course of action. The Guardian World News
  • The best course of action is to ensure your paperwork is all present and correct at the time of submission.
  • But rather than having hisagencypropose thatchange right away and proceeded straight topublic input, the InteriorDepartment's chosen course of action is abrand new rulemaking processthat won't result in any changes to the rule until at least 2011. Rob Perks: Interior Department Comes Out Strong (Rhetorically) on Mountaintop Removal
  • For his heroism consists largely in this, that his efforts to outjest his master's injuries are the efforts of a being to whom a responsible and consistent course of action, nay even a responsible use of language, is at the best of times difficult, and from whom it is never at the best of times expected. Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
  • You may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect.
  • If the answer is 'yes', then we must decide on an appropriate course of action.
  • I prefer the term betrayal of the public trust to describe the course of action he's pursuing and predicted last November the eventual nominees of either party would embrace such methods. HOPE TERMINATED
  • When successfully employed, the threat of force can deter an adversary from embarking upon an unwelcome course of action or coerce an adversary to cease undesirable activities.
  • He had, we must suppose, good moral reasons for seeking to pursue that course of action.
  • To make the present business effective may require one specific course of action. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • In 1978, with America's ally the Shah of Iran under siege, President Jimmy Carter asked a former diplomat named George Ball to study the situation and recommend a course of action.
  • At its most extreme, some one's capacity to choose which course of action to perform is removed from them.
  • Should a motorist blow his horn the Guide Dog can become agitated and may therefore be unsure as to what course of action to take.
  • To make the present business effective may require one specific course of action. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • Epitia argues for this course of action because she does not want to regard herself as ‘a pitiless and cruel woman.’
  • One teaching union said it disagreed with the training course, which, it said, would make restraint a first course of action for teachers, rather than a last resort.
  • Because the lunacy of the current course of action is so extreme, the need for intimidating propaganda is concomitantly high.
  • Her only dignified course of action would be to say that on further consideration the entire project is misconceived, and resign. Times, Sunday Times
  • How management answers them determines what course of action it will choose. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • I agree, and think that we have made a big mistake by not considering such a course of action.
  • Which is not to argue that a course of action is unavailable to the government that would make such atrocities less likely.
  • You may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect.
  • At its most extreme, some one's capacity to choose which course of action to perform is removed from them.
  • This course of action would have been unthinkable to the Russian generals.
  • You have to judge the situation to determine which course of action to take.
  • My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal, loving and endlessly sympathetic.
  • What with their incessant, continual, never ending, perpetual and stop-less demands for financial assistance I see only one clear course of action.
  • It is understood as a prelude, the necessary prelude, to embarking on some course of action.
  • I think that deferring to the judge who was actually there to see and hear the jury is the wisest course of action here. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sixth Circuit Now 0–4 in Habeas Cases This Term
  • I do not believe that the matter should rest there, because there is an honourable course of action.
  • To make the present business effective may require one specific course of action. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • a ruinous course of action
  • We had a lot of long conversations with them in their 5-9yo years about why what to them was the bleedingly obvious course of action couldn't possibly happen, because the world wasn't LIKE that yet, back when the movie was shot/set. Making Light: Amazon versus Macmillan
  • He said he would be consulting staff about the proposals before deciding what course of action the branch would take.
  • After contemplating many dreadful acts, he finally decided on a course of action.
  • Is this the best course of action to follow?
  • I determined upon a course of action.
  • In 1978, with America's ally the Shah of Iran under siege, President Jimmy Carter asked a former diplomat named George Ball to study the situation and recommend a course of action.
  • The indisputability of a fact is not very easily settled while the circumstances are in course of action by which the fact is to be decided. North America
  • Probably a better course of action for arriving boats is to make for the next major island, Maui.
  • The phrase ‘course of action’ and its property of ‘determinateness’ refers to the human realization of ultimate ends; that is, ends that are not reducible to, nor explained by, the natural world of the environment-human or nonhuman.
  • To reject a course of action as clearly undesirable is to reject it on practical grounds.
  • Mrs Dixon favoured a course of action which included improved management under a market officer and the voluntary transfer of the ownership of the setts from frontagers to North Yorkshire County Council.
  • Keeping the enemy on his toes deters and interdicts his ability to effectively execute the chosen course of action.
  • You are required to constantly assess the best course of action and think on your feet.
  • There is certainly no reason to take the second course of action over the first.
  • This course of action would be more readily embraced by the Ukraine were President Putin's preferred candidate, Viktor Yanukovich, to triumph unexpectedly in the proposed replay of last month's election.
  • He also said that Crean concurred in this course of action.
  • Again and again, such prophecies dictate and determine his decisions, his attitudes, his course of action.
  • You can't take that course of action and remain within the law.
  • And once the fire was blazing away merrily, Sudarshan turned to his next course of action - clean away the cobwebs.
  • It does not determine what course of action will be chosen in a given situation - as the record of bitter disputes within Marxism makes abundantly clear. Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
  • Once a course of action is settled on it is so difficult to undo the momentum of the action and its direction.
  • A gentle wipe with a damp cloth is the safest course of action.
  • I am a stickler for details, and I always seem to need to know the reason behind things, the motivation that inspired certain actions, the purpose behind plans and course of actions, the meaning of it all.
  • This course of action will redound to our advantage.
  • Having resolved to follow this course of action I contacted both England and Russia and formed an alliance to the detriment of Germany.
  • While Miss Lidgett showed some appreciation of the woman's circumstances, she was unable to condone her course of action.
  • To make the present business effective may require one specific course of action. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • The relationship between two individuals may be such that, without more, one of them is disposed to agree a course of action proposed by the other.
  • What is the best course of action we can take?
  • For example, states realize that they cannot achieve their goals in areas such as trade or environment, unless all other states also embark upon a particular course of action.
  • Will they decide on a course of action that confirms us as members of a post-industrial relations society? Times, Sunday Times
  • I have since decided that abstinence is the best course of action for ME. Adventures in conservative media (Laura Ingraham edition) - Feministing
  • The only practicable course of action is to sell the company.
  • I threatened it with the same dire course of action and consequence I used to harbour towards people blowing vuvuzelas.
  • Central governments do not, generally, wish to devolve effective power in any way - that is the root of this whole problem, and the reason why the government may be following its current course of action.
  • Given the common misuse of it, forbidding intinction when there is a high risk of infection is actually a legitimate course of action. The Diocese of Niagara on spreading infectious disease « Anglican Samizdat
  • As you may have guessed by now I believe adoption is a good course of action for many teenage mums.
  • The orator persuades or dissuades someone, to argue for or against adopting a proposed opinion or course of action; the auditors play the role of critics.

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