How To Use Coupling In A Sentence

  • A study of long-term coupling in which the partners were unhappy, showed that women more than men were likely to suffer from high blood pressure and obesity. Diana Kirschner: Is Marriage Toxic to Women? Musings on Valentine's Day
  • The reason we don't do it more is that coupling and uncoupling trains adds to the journey time.
  • (Hamburg, 1893).] the poisonous character of the former would be lessened by the introduction of the carbonic acid esters and subsequent coupling of the substances (depside formation). Synthetic Tannins
  • Are photography and surrealism such an ‘unnatural coupling,’ as one observer has recently suggested?
  • The spatial proximities between labels are determined by heteronuclear dipolar couplings, which are measured by rotational-echo double resonance (Gullion and Schaefer, 1989 ab).
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  • Other techniques of electrical stimulation involve capacitive coupling and inductive coupling pulsed electromagnetic stimulation.
  • In particular, the morphological structures of the evolving dust aggregates and, therefore, their dynamic coupling to the nebular gas motion and their further evolution have hardly been investigated empirically.
  • Theoretical analysis and test results demonstrate the new algorithm decreases the value of cross coupling when used in directional sensitivity calibration.
  • There is some risk of the de-coupling of Turkey, Turkey's estrangement from the West, said Ian Lesser. Recent Study Shows Turkey Turning Away from West
  • However, as these QTL appear to be tightly linked in coupling phase, the combined intercrosses do not provide sufficient resolution to separate the effects.
  • The couplings are lagniappes but damn good ones.
  • For electromagnetism, the coupling constant is proportional to the square of the electric charge.
  • Furthermore, it divides the model into structure element and logic element, which reduces the coupling degree of integration and provides good platform transplantation.
  • According to research feature, vertical wheel - rail coupling model of train - slab rack is established.
  • I felt somewhat outside of things - it definitely felt like there was a lot of coupling or pairing of conversations going on, and I felt like I wasn't really welcome in many of them.
  • Then, with the simulation of biological neural integration, this paper built a coupling control system of a single robot leg of two joints based on the single joint control system.
  • J-coupling, also known as scalar coupling, is due to the interaction between different nuclei in the same molecule that is mediated through electrons in chemical bonds Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The change adiabatic temperature was small during coupling isomerization with aromatization of hexene - 1 , because both re.
  • Key issues for the union include decoupling subsidy from production to whole farm payments and changes to the budget to pay for rural development and other reforms.
  • Â Only her white underclothing is visible in the dark room as she undresses and they get it on, and somehow Walker’s new powers give Heather a glimpse of his past couplings as she climaxes. Review: Powers #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Longitudinal busbar coupling - I, II, III busbar sections 4. Power transmission and distribution in power supply systems
  • The model reflected the coupling optimization essence in topology optimization matter and effectively averted the puzzle of "ultimate stress" and "singular solution" on topology optimization matter.
  • Callie was the one who had jumped ship -- and was now happily coupling up with a married lover who was fleeing the wife he'd "outgrown". Yolanda Reid Chassiakos: Redefining Marriage
  • To the problem of parametercoupling of alternator and controlled object, a FUZZY - PID control algorithm is adopted.
  • A new uniform sector horn coupling methods is reported, which is available to couple CO2 laser beam into FIT (flexible-infrared transmissive )waveguides.
  • It consists of gray or black plastic tubing, joined with plastic couplings, and secured at the fittings with metal compression rings.
  • This expression was summed over a Gaussian distribution of dipolar couplings corresponding to a distribution of isolated 13 C- 19 F spin pairs.
  • Couplings between changes in the climate systems and biogeochemistry, meaning that the increase is directly attributable to human activity and can be conclusively proven as such. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • There is a viscous coupling in the front axle, a self-locking differential in the rear and the whole thing alters torque seamlessly from front to rear as required.
  • Coupling factors of BTT missile control system is qualitatively analyzed.
  • This cable route tracer can trace and determine the depth of any conductive line and trace energized or de-energized lines through inductive or conductive coupling.
  • We wished to evaluate the efficacy of Pul8 photosensitizer in the induction of apoptosis because its anhydride group may provide the possibility of coupling this photosensitizer to cell-targeting agents like antibodies.
  • The thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine are iodinated amino acid derivatives formed by oxidative coupling of two iodinated tyrosine residues in the thyroid protein thyroglobulin.
  • It was successfully fitted to the anharmonic coupling model, the fitting parameters being close to those obtained earlier.
  • In the research of the far field structure of a phase-locked LDA by internal coupling, the terms that "single lobe" and "double lobes" were commonly mentioned.
  • Since the binding of signifier to signified is non-essential — such that a cigar may just be a cigar — and is often even idiolectic and idiosyncratic — such that what is significant to the advocate, A, may be significant only to them — the conventionality of semantic associations must be taken as a standard of approximate objectivity in order to distinguish the uncoupling of conventionally-accepted pairings (as, say, where the advocate is highlighting a well-established symbolism of anti-Semitism) from the rejection of idiosyncratically-asserted couplings (as, say, where the advocate is reading a pepper mill as a phallic symbol); the former constitutes insignification while the latter is simply a denial of significance. Arguing With Geeks 8
  • A new method for detecting the tissue-specific distribution of flavonoids has been developed by coupling microspectrofluorometry and multispectral fluorescence microimaging techniques.
  • With SM-28 single mode fiber as the leading fibers, depth of modulation (DM) and coupling efficiency (CE) are calculated with relation to core radius and refractive index of core and inner cladding.
  • In order to achieve output laser of TEM_(00) mode and high conversion efficiency, its necessary to have a favorable optical coupling system between pump laser and resonator.
  • This paper also analyzes crosstalk coupling of SAWF down-leads by the coupling model between two parallel transmission lines.
  • In particular, the coupling constant associated with fluorination of Trp, 3 in gA, (the fluorination coupling constant), was found to be consistent with expectations from molecular modeling.
  • If there are occasionally a few transitional paragraphs between the coupling of her tight, wet, hot... self, and his hard, needy, throbbing...self and the second, even more quiverful coupling of said genitals, I find that my sisters are simply flipping pages straight to the good stuff, as it were. A General Indictment of the Romance "Genre"
  • It is used for railroad frogs, for steel mill coupling housings, pinions, spindles, and for dipper lips of power shovels operating in quarries.
  • Words like mesitylene, alkybenzenes, piperine naphthalene, and pinacol coupling reaction the last not what it sounds like. American Connections
  • Decoupling will not, of course, be straightforward. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a NGIMU system is working, an inevitable static coupling error and dynamic coupling error occur.
  • He was beginning to want more than hurried couplings on fetid, scratchy straw, to want a bedmate he did not have to buy. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Specifically, for a particular inner-coupling matrix, a sufficiently large coupling strength will ensure the whole network to achieve synchronization by pinning any one node of the network.
  • The broadness of the excited-state manifold is probably due to the strong electron coupling to high-frequency phonons, very recently suggested by Ihalainen et al.
  • Even programmes such as Coupling, a laddish show loosely based on Friends, tread a predictable path, well within acceptable limits.
  • Larger terminals had their own steam plants to heat the trains prior to the locomotive coupling on.
  • The effects of this attitude to coupling and marriage were that relationship could be claimed on a fairly wide basis. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • There is a viscous coupling in the front axle, a self-locking differential in the rear and the whole thing alters torque seamlessly from front to rear as required.
  • Coupling diurnal cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations to the CAS-IP3 pathway in Arabidopsis. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • The simulation results show that: for a class of MIMO uncertain bilinear system with unmodeled dynamics, it can not obtain satisfactory control results only by using adaptive decoupling control law.
  • For the media industry, it is about uncoupling the value of our content from the form in which it is delivered.
  • By uncoupling our emotions from the film's many acts of violence, he frees us to draw parallels and make connections with painfully recent history.
  • He has few mates, preferring the company of his current partner, two children from different couplings, a hound and local goats.
  • The coupling of electrons to these momentum-space monopoles is mathematically similar to their coupling to the real-space magnetic monopoles that have long been sought by particle physicists.
  • The chlorides, being for the most part solids, the mode of procedure is as follows: -- the hydroxybenzoic acid required for coupling is dissolved in normal or double-normal alkali (the volume calculated per molecule acid), a little acetone added, and the mixture well cooled; Synthetic Tannins
  • The existence of such a detailed structure of the [upsilon] Fe-His band shape cannot be explained by the anharmonic coupling model of Bitler and Stavrov, which at 10 K predicts only a single line.
  • In both sexual union is easily followed by reproduction, and future heterosexual coupling is envisaged as fertile.
  • This approach to coupling within the bedchamber was the ultimate sacrament within the Order, and the two of them had been through intensive instruction in sacred union. The Poet Prince
  • Undo the coupling slightly so water can trickle into the container, and open the air vent to increase the flow rate.
  • Third, the duration of inspiratory effort is difficult to determine in obstructive disease with dynamic hyperinflation, due to a variable degree of neuromuscular uncoupling.
  • Coupling chromatographic methods based on different separation mechanisms can enhance the separation potential of the individual methods.
  • This unavoidable approximation is expected to provide good results, since a through-bond coupling between the vicinal protons at a fixed conformation mainly reflects the electronic state.
  • Also, spin rate coupling with structural damping ratio and other structural parameters have a significant influence in aeroelastic dynamic instability for spinning rocket.
  • He replaced the sheaves and pulleys with a direct coupling.
  • The purification of UCP - l ( Uncoupling protein - 1 ) from BAT ( brown adipose tissue ) of the tree shrew.
  • After coupling to the coach, No. 823 was coaled manually and then had to reverse down the shed road to be oiled and greased for the return journey.
  • According to the symmetry of current in microstrip line, microstrip line interdigital filter is divided into parallel coupling pairs independent of each other.
  • The merger stood out as a model of discipline among the industry's increasingly expensive couplings.
  • The lubric enlacements of the branches, dilated crevices and cleft mosses, the coupling of the diverse beings of the wood, disappear; the tears of the leaves whipped by the wind are dried; the white abscesses of the clouds are resorbed into the grey of the sky; and -- in an awful silence -- the incubi and succubi pass. Là-bas
  • Propose a method for mutual coupling compensation which is not limit to microstrip arrays and can be used in any small antenna arrays of arbitrary type and arrange.
  • Still at Varian, I was further extending my earlier work on stochastic resonance with the introduction of heteronuclear broadband decoupling by noise irradiation, the "noise decoupling" that led to a rapid development in carbon-13 spectroscopy. Richard R. Ernst - Autobiography
  • The four-dimensional data assimilation is to integrate the current and past data into a forecast model equation for providing time continuity and dynamic coupling.
  • Base on this model, the influence of coupling of gun and bomb to the muzzle velocity and the bombs action to guns recoil were researched on a certain naval gun firing.
  • The initial study of centromere coupling reported that in chromosome spreads exhibiting centromere coupling, Zip1 foci and kinetochore pairs occur in approximately equal numbers (about sixteen) and exhibit a high level of co-localization PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Magnetic coupling is a new kind of coupling, which connects motor and machine by magnetic force.
  • Iago and his despicable sidekick Roderigo refer to Othello as 'the thick-lips', 'an old black ram' who is 'tupping' a 'white ewe' (that is to say, Brabantio's white daughter Desdemona), and a 'Barbary horse' whose animalistic coupling with Desdemona will beget a generation of creatures half human and half horse. Shakespeare
  • What's more, this type robot solve the coupling of robot's position and posture in mechanism and predigest the arithmetic on control.
  • While their romance does have more moments of realism than the cutesy couplings of, say, It's Complicated, Karen's transformation from testy to kindly is hard to believe as other characters evolve more realistically. 'Mother and Child' delves into divisions, reunions
  • The coupling had been arranged by another 13-year-old girl - a pimp, essentially - who was prostituting her friend.
  • Based on multibody system dynamics method and ADAMS software platform, a rigid-flexible coupling multi-body model is built for vehicle dynamics simulation.
  • Gymnastics robot is a nonlinear, non-integrity, strong coupling, mufti-state, underactuated system, and placed in the stable region is a naturally unstable system.
  • Finally, we study a simple method of decoupling equivalent for some circuits containing complex coupling inductor.
  • The cross-correlations between the angular time series for knee and ankle, hip and knee, and hip and ankle, were calculated in order to evaluate the presence of coupling between the joints of the lower limbs.
  • The narrator in the urban nineteenth-century Russian novel is likewise informed by a coupling of the Russian chronicle tradition with the Parisian physiological sketch, filtering via the feuilleton into the serialized novel.
  • ® Series UK signal-coupling capacitors with low-voltage coefficient ensure minimal distortion and low microphonics-dramatically reducing the DAC's sensitivity to vibration. HomeToys News
  • In his couplings Tom was always the active, never the passive, partner.
  • Honestly, I figured that meant coupling up, but wasn't sure.
  • I should also point out, as Shebardigan mentioned in an earlier post, microwave ovens and diathermy essentially heat by coupling energy from an RF field to the vibrational and rotational modes of molecules, especially complex organic molecules. Freshwater: A Bonsell in the offing? - The Panda's Thumb
  • At the same time, and by the very same token, the enlarged forebrain permits increased neuronal processing of olfactory information, so the tight chemical coupling between olfaction and endocrine release is no longer so necessary.
  • Besides, this is no mindless celebrity coupling. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Even taking account of the impact of decoupling and the increase in hogget sales to date, lamb supplies for the remainder of the year will be tighter than last year’.
  • The delusional belief that his solidary architectonic can be studied in isolation by decoupling it from the fundament as well as the transcendent is nothing but intransigent vanity. Deleuze’s solidary architectonic can't be studied in isolation by decoupling it from the fundament
  • A fundamentally different analytical method is to use the concept of bibliographical coupling to construct clusters of co-citing journals.
  • In India, like in many Asian countries, for plugging in the fire hose into the landing valve (or also called hydrant) we use instantaneous couplings. Undefined
  • The question remains, how does electrical coupling modify the electrical activity pattern?
  • Here the flagman pulls the caboose's coupling pin and brakes its speed with a measured twirl of the brake wheel as the cars ahead roll into the inspection track.
  • All the relativistic effects except spin - orbit coupling are considered.
  • One problem the team had to overcome was that zinc oxide, which is an essential component of the tires, disrupts the coupling process.
  • It can thus be regarded as a simultaneous excitation of two triplets, whose coupling generates an overall singlet state.
  • To differentiate this homology-independent centromeric association from the regular pairing between homologous chromosomes this phenomenon has been referred to as centromere coupling PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • , where he explores sexual coupling and uncoupling in a community of young marrieds.
  • With ongoing normalisation of the financial system, the decoupling camp is again in strong ascension.
  • The dual mode engine was backed onto our train, coupling up with the frontmost of the three coaches.
  • The barren desert all around them made the shock of the train uncoupling all the more difficult to accept.
  • However, under normal conditions, the intimate coupling of behavioural rituals and sensory aspects of smoking with nicotine uptake gives ample opportunities for secondary conditioning.
  • The deceased addresses his heart, calling it is "mother," and next identifies it with his _ka_ or double, coupling the mention of the _ka_ with the name of the god Khnemu: these facts are exceedingly important, for they prove that the deceased considered his heart to be the source of his life and being, and the mention of the god Khnemu takes the date of the composition back to a period coaeval with the beginnings of religious thought in Egypt. Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
  • I ish just a hobbyist~ very pleased with the performance .. running a high gain pentode in triode mode ish welli sweet sounding, almost minimal humming, will eliminate if i load in one or two more chokes but no space riaos~~ good current from transformer coupling .. bass control ish well good and tight~
  • As a result of the coupling, the single - particle states are clothed in a cloud of quanta.
  • The force was such that the train broke one of its couplings and split into two.
  • Th. Zincke found that the products obtained by coupling a diazonium salt with [alpha] - naphthol, and by condensing phenyl-hydrazine with Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • In case of excess torque, the coupling safely slips without damaging the feedthrough.
  • Opening the hatches (~3: 00am) and installing the QD (quick disconnect) screw clamps (BZV) of the docking & internal transfer mechanism (SSVP) to rigidize the coupling; SpaceRef Top Stories
  • The effect of electrical coupling on the impedance is shown in Figure 8.
  • He replaced the sheaves and pulleys with a direct coupling.
  • Alkylated amino-azo-benzenes are also known, and are formed by the coupling of diazonium salts with alkylated amines, provided they contain a free para position with respect to the amino group. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Surprisingly, given the straight male interest in lesbian couplings, sapphic commercials are still rare.
  • Farmers will certainly have to readdress their production levels for the future in the context of decoupling.
  • Insert the 2-inch and 1. 5-inch male threaded couplings from the bottom up through the holes, screwing the female couplers on top to sandwich the plastic. Workshop: Snorkel Installation
  • It makes a fine coupling for the E flat Quartet, being of a comparably sunny disposition.
  • Nonetheless, his choreography, which often features a racially diverse cast, nudity, and same-sex coupling, is not always easily digested by Middle America.
  • Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus.
  • De-coupling is the chief reason why my ongoing bearishness has failed to materialize.
  • The coupling here means that the conception and philosophy of runoff generation and routing scheme in hydrology are introduced to land surface model.
  • Marriage and family theory has always privileged heterosexual coupling.
  • Qingzhou series compound drive pump groups consists of the mating motive(diesel or motor), cardan shaft, reduction gearbox, clutch, coupling, coupled wheel, base, triangular belt and cleading .
  • The name derives from coupling eco – reflecting environmentally sound products and business practices – with corium, which is Latin for skin. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Inductive coupling of the discharge gap to the electronics is not necessary.
  • Propose a method for mutual coupling compensation which is not limit to microstrip arrays and can be used in any small antenna arrays of arbitrary type and arrange.
  • With SM-28 single mode fiber as the leading fibers, depth of modulation (DM) and coupling efficiency (CE) are calculated with relation to core radius and refractive index of core and inner cladding.
  • Depending on the design of the optical system, misalignment can be a problem in lens applicator systems, particularly among those employing interchangeable lenses, where loose or worn lens couplings may allow the lens to move.
  • Ghrelin stimulation of GHS-R1a results in activation of heterotrimeric G proteins followed by receptor phosphorylation that leads to the β-arrestin recruitment, which then sterically interdicts further coupling to G proteins and targets the receptor for internalization PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Such studies are poised to yield a detailed picture of the coupling of protein dynamics to function.
  • Tighten the coupling nuts and check for any leaks.
  • The mobile radio telephone system includes a hand held unit, a cassette adapter, and a coupling unit.
  • Mineralization is commonly the result of full feedback coupling between the four processes of mechanical deformation, thermal transport, fluid flow, and mass transport.
  • Improved yield and selectivity are observed while applying this technology on diazo - coupling reactions.
  • Input circuit is coupling with the magnetism device to test its magnetization voltage and degauss voltage.
  • The telling of our nation's history, however, has included few stories of interracial coupling founded on love or choice.
  • With a super regenerative receiver, this causes problems in that while close coupling improves sensitivity, it can cause the receiver to stop oscillating over part of the band.
  • The conclusion reached was that the use of screw couplings between coaches was inadvisable, and buckeye couplings should be used for push-pull operation.
  • Such tensions may well result in an increase in observed decoupling in share repurchase programs for those firms.
  • Unintelligible Latinisms litter the insides of the booklet, awkwardly coupling with sepulchral imagery.
  • Hypertrophic chondrocytes are localized between proliferating cartilage and bone and form an essential functional interface by facilitating the transition from cartilage to bone and coupling chondrogenesis to osteogenesis and angiogenesis PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The results show that regulation by the fluid coupling, a three-impulse method of regulating water supply system built up in a short time, a small amount of overshoot.
  • We now offer stepped bore rigid couplings with standard keyways in each bore.
  • Compared with conventional coupling bolts, the hydraulic radial - fit bolts can effectively prevent unsmooth stagnation.
  • Studies the stability in total variation norm of the diffusion process with jumps under conditions of Lipschitz and linear growth by the method of coupling.
  • In the spring these tunnies get in motion and proceed towards the coast, coupling and breeding, and the females are now caught full of spawn. The History of Animals
  • While they do consider some factors known in climate they do not seem attentive enough in the paper to the short term resonant coupling factors with fairly well understood process of PDO, RealClimate
  • Flexible topology and coupling structures are used to realize transmission zeros, thereby enhancing the stop band rejection or making more flat group delay.
  • Watch the gang silently take over a train, methodically uncoupling the engine and making off with a shipment of weapons while their adversaries nap in the rear car.
  • Pendulum is a unlinear, coupling, variable and natural unsteadiness system.
  • Recently, the homology-independent pairwise association of centromeres, termed centromere coupling, was also reported in budding yeast. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • C. Shaft coupling on the transmission shaft should be connected with rubber shaft coupling on gear reducer.
  • The operational principle of ECL level is introduced in the paper. A PECL-PECL equivalent transform coupling circuit and a PECL-TTL level transformation circuit are given.
  • Write a brief essay on how Foucault conceives this coupling.
  • The similar comic coupling of two secret agents in Expo 58 was clumsily off key. Times, Sunday Times
  • They may be prepared by the reduction of nitro compounds in alkaline solution (using zinc dust and alkali, or a solution of an alkaline stannite as a reducing agent); by oxidation of hydrazo compounds; or by the coupling of a diazotized amine and any compound of a phenolic or aminic type, provided that there is a free para position in the amine or phenol. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • The motile mechanism of the outer hair cell is analogous to piezoelectricity in that it is based on direct electromechanical coupling, in which charge is transferred across the membrane.
  • It'd be a real shame if you omitted a loophole allowing for her favorite form of coupling, hot heterosexual humanphibian scroggin'. Archive 2009-04-05
  • The uses of medium carbon-manganese steels include shafts, axles, gears, crankshafts, couplings and forgings.
  • Estimation is still somewhat of a black art in software precisely because it's difficult to understand, and therefore analyze, this complex spider web of coupling and interaction.
  • So transplant of plea bargain into China's legal system asks for reformation and perfection of the coupling procedural schemes and legal conceptions, so as to make the best of this doubt-edged sword.
  • Posthumus imagines the suppositious coupling of his wife, Imogen, with her alleged lover, Iachimo. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • The results show that the maximum of the exchange bias field departs from easy axis with increasing the biquadratic-coupling field or bilinear field.
  • It is then pointed out that both major charge and minor shot hole which is plugged at top for good coupling should be used in high resolution seismic exploration.
  • An early night allows for uninhibited intimate bodily coupling without worry of being overheard by a child.
  • This will put the last nail in the coffin of marriage as an institution and result in a semi-permanent Brave New World scenario of enforced, female, sluttish promiscuity, a climate of coupling with anyone and separating the act from the notion of love [political correctness] and the coming backlash
  • Each track is driven by a separate hydraulic circuit consisting of one variable-displacement piston pump connected by hose and couplings to a piston motor.
  • Kindly, gratefully and adoringly Jason made love to her and she to him, replacing the frenzied passion of their past couplings with an exploration into genuine lovemaking. I.O.U.
  • There was one family that had a high incidence of webbed fingers and they were believed to be the descendants of a coupling between a woman and a merman!
  • High speed data xfer over IR if its close to, on or in your computer, slower speed if its resting (magnetically held) on say the keyboard (via 13. 56mhz near-field coupling), or polling Volune ID only at a distance with say 2. 56Ghz far-field communication. Eye-Fi to Combine Wifi, Flash Memory
  • This paper analyses the coupling wastage in columniform wave guide gas laser, and gives the function between the coupling wastage of laser guide modulo EH11 and the position and radius of reflector.
  • The coupling of a high-power, high-energy and narrow pulse laser unit with the optical fiber is important and of unique value in laser applications.
  • The two governments will also make it clear that they are decoupling the Joint Declaration from the previous Agreement.
  • It receives power through inductive coupling from a special read-write device, which can then extract content from the memory on the chip. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » HP Unveils Revolutionary Wireless Chip that Links the Digital and Physical Worlds
  • The major difficulty with 19 F NMR in an anisotropic medium such as bicelles is the expected large residual dipolar coupling, which limits the length of the gradient encoding period.
  • The best case for 12-inch speakers, with their drivers nearly touching, can provide coupling up to about 550 Hz.
  • The coupling of each neighboring subdomains is realized by vector transmission condition, and the electric field distribution in the cavity is found by iteration.
  • Most ladders studied so far cannot illustrate this process because the large strength of their interchain coupling suppresses the spinon excitations at all energy scales. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The buckeye coupling can be clearly seen on the ‘inner’ end of the wagon.
  • & internal transfer mechanism (SSVP) to rigidize the coupling; SpaceRef Top Stories
  • This is only achieved by coupling great writing with great delivery.
  • Choose from our varied range of necessary bathroom fittings that includes German type bib cocks, wall & sink mixers, stopcock, angle valves, couplings, nipple, reducers, bushings, tee and elbows.
  • Decoupling did not occur last year, but what happened was even more profound. Times, Sunday Times
  • The uses of medium carbon-manganese steels include shafts, axles, gears, crankshafts, couplings and forgings.
  • The invention can ensure that the close coupling RFID tag can receive data both in different environments and in a certain range.
  • I put my camera pack in one, and we each perched on a coupling between cars, squaring down.
  • He paints the hill towns, farmhouses and fishing ports of the Pyrenees-Orientales, coupling the attention to detail of an architectural draughtsman with a romantic sensibility.
  • Social and religious mores prohibit overt sexual coupling in organizations but lekking for other rewards is nevertheless pursued by male managers. Male managers as animal show-offs
  • Half-coupling damage and yield functions are adopted for non-elastic hinges at the ends of structural members.
  • We did not explore the effects of the bilinear coupling model contribution to the free energy; our results strictly pertain to the cubic coupling model.
  • The term _in-and-in_ is often very loosely used and is variously understood; some, and among these several of the best writers, confine the phrase to the coupling of those of exactly the same blood, i.e. brothers and sisters; while others include in it breeding from parents and offspring, and others still employ the term to embrace those of more distant relationship. The Principles of Breeding or, Glimpses at the Physiological Laws involved in the Reproduction and Improvement of Domestic Animals
  • It houses the power couplings that transfer energy from the three main reactors to the different areas of the ship.
  • Our numerical simulations show that the two spatiotemporal systems can accurately become synchronized by appropriately selecting the coupling strength and the equilibrium coefficient.

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