How To Use County In A Sentence
In Katine sub-county we hear about rape, defilement and child abuse, mostly of girls.
Northampton was another elegant county town and regional market centre and was known far and wide for its horse fairs.
Paul took up the post of County Accountant in the mid-Seventies, leaving for a short spell, only to return to take up the post of Finance Officer.
Rob was late, as usual, with a sports report on an intercounty shinty game.
A Small Death in the Great Glen
No sooner had he his feet under the table, though, than he was being ballyragged at county board meetings by suits who knew better than he who should be playing.

Between 1921 and 1925 he began to develop new colemanite holdings in Clark County, Nevada.
She owns a home in Montgomery County, Md., a market where home values have been appreciating rapidly.
‘They were criss-crossing the county to deliver the news.
After a two-hour meeting, a number of Kilkenny county councillors present undertook to raise the matter at their next Council meeting.
Thomas Cowell of York County in 1680, and Patrick Napier twice phlebotomized 'Allen Jarves, deceased, in the cure of a cancer of his mouth.'
Medicine in Virginia, 1607-1699
‘They were criss-crossing the county to deliver the news.
Wake County, which includes the city of Raleigh, does not reassign students individually.
Local business owner, family man, four kids in Calvert County public schools.
Gerald W. 'Jerry' Clark (R)*
A visit to the new county museum will set the family purse back by around £12.
The county council has introduced pool cars for business trips, and last year adopted mileage rates of 40p a mile for staff using bikes on business.
When you go to a conference you can sit in a room all morning and feel like you've heard all the speeches before," says Ian Usher, e-learning co-ordinator with Buckinghamshire county council and a TeachMeet organiser.
Bett 2011 | In search of leadership
I was brought up in Leicestershire and I used to play for the county team at Under 15 to Under 19 level.
The wyvern was the emblem of the rulers of Wessex and the word "wyvern" is associated with the many areas of Wessex, reflected in many county and town heraldries of the South West and west of England.
This finding came about because of one lonely air quality monitor near the cowtown area of western Pinal County, nearly 40 miles and across the mountains from downtown Phoenix," he said.
Los Angeles Tops Nation In Air Polution
People across the country might reckon we all go about with cloth caps and whippets but Yorkshire is a very beautiful county and perhaps we should be shouting about how wonderful the natural landscape is.
This exhibition pools the collections of nine museums to explore the county's vibrant cultural life.
Times, Sunday Times
Later that evening she will launch the festival and will be guest speaker at an event hosted by the heritage office of Carlow County Council.
In our Columbia County Study, we relied on parent and child reports of parental punishment, rejection, nurturance, and monitoring.
County officials are expected to announce details of the plan today.
But who, if anyone, will become the first overseas player to score a century on his championship debut for the county?
There was joy on the double for racing's first Lady Jessica Harrington at Leopardstown as the County Kildare trainer saddled the winners of the two feature races.
Yorkshire folk turned prickly yesterday after a wild flower charity announced that the common harebell had replaced the white rose as the county's floral emblem.
But he said the county, with its lakes and mountains, had an eminently marketable image that could play well with the wider public.
Wiltshire is currently ranked as the second safest county in the country.
By that time, Tracy had radioed the Los Angeles County Harbor Patrol and a rescue boat with divers was on the way.
Budding archaeologists from across the county gathered in Swindon to learn about treasures from the past.
The county hospital could find no physical cause for Sumner's problems.
But for the last six months there has been no county counsel, as the board dickers over whom to hire for the job.
The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness and encourage more responsible behaviour by dog owners in the county.
Mr. Romney drew first when his campaign had Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, a semirural stretch of Arizona, record automated calls to Iowa voters last month calling Mr. Perry "part of the illegal-immigration problem.
High Noon on Immigration; Toss-Up on the Prairie
Catherine Lewis, better known as "Kittie," was married to Joseph King, of Montgomery County,
History of Roanoke County
The pair along with Donald Ideson, who shoots air pistols, are due to compete in the Yorkshire County Championships at Bradford in December.
If it resulted in the so-called checkerboard, that can't be optimal," Daniels said, adding that his preference is that the referendum be county by county, rather than township by township. Stories
Though the borough claims such a service is uneconomical, a best value review recently completed by the county council recommends developing park and ride around Bedford.
In 1998 and 1999, a 17-year-old male held at Beaumont Juvenile Correctional Center in Powhatan County was investigated by state police for sex offenses with female staff there.
Female Prison Staff Offenders in Two-thirds of Sexual Assaults | Impact Lab
One of those was the Modesto Police Department Stanislaus County jail, prebooking probable cause declaration report.
CNN Transcript Apr 22, 2003
The county council has taken all our views on board and promised it will do its best to accommodate the wishes of the village within reason.
Gord's at a intercounty ball game tonight at Christie Pits ...
Monday workout
Lefors, founded in 1900 as the Gray County seat, long has faced an uncertain future.
Like Sinclair, Tri-County is teaching more advanced skills to students who do arrive on campus better prepared.
Masham Parish Council wanted to add uplighters to the stone bridge over the River Ure at a cost of about £4,500, but the scheme is strongly opposed by North Yorkshire County Council whose officials say it would be illegal.
To stay bite-free, said Brandi Moritz with the Platte County Health Department, residents can treat standing water with mosquito larvicide briquettes, put on repellant, wear long sleeves and avoid being outdoors from dusk to dawn when the mosquitoes bite most. Front Page
Because it's Monday and it's a school day, the crowd is a lot smaller, (but) it appears a lot of people aren't going to work or school," said Los Angeles County lifeguard Capt.
Los Angeles Heat Wave Bakes At Record 113 Degrees
The county promised to speed up building approvals for people who lost their homes in the earthquake.
A county court is held by a county judge elected for four years, who is also _surrogate_, called in other states, _judge of probate_.
The Government Class Book Designed for the Instruction of Youth in the Principles of Constitutional Government and the Rights and Duties of Citizens.
For an unassuming pair of country-folk dreamers, their debut resonates with a wild collection of weirdos: county-fair folk-fest burn-outs, cowboy junkers, and record store braggarts.
When Myrick's other goat, Maya, went into labor Sunday morning, she called a veterinarian who specializes in livestock, but he was out of the county on another emergency call.
The Daily News - News
If county officials confirm that 28, 084 are those of registered voters, a referendum will be held around May 1.
Meanwhile, USDA reported that Asian soybean rust was found in Georiga's southwestern most county of Seminole , near the town of Donalsonville.
It shows local shoppers that their custom is valued and also serves to promote our county as a warm, friendly and hospitable place to visit.
He was charged with criminal homicide and is lodged in the county prison.
Welcome to Wine Country Yacht Charters, Napa County's most unpretentious place to relax and drink wine.
[Page 67] * This accomplished comment to human nature was the widow of the late Willoughby lord Middleton of Woolaton in Nottinghamshire, and wife of Edward Miller Mundy, Esq. of Shipley in the county of Derby, by whom her ladyship had one daughter now living.
Poems, by Mrs. M. Robinson
Much is riding on the new one-day format's capacity to attract young and old to a version of the game which is played midweek up and down the country in club cricket but has never before been offered up as a county crowd-puller.
The imperative to move quickly past fossil fuels to clean energies - wind, solar and biomass - and conservation measures such as retrofitting homes, was noted by those reporting that 2009 and 2010 have been the hottest years on record, and Boulder and Jefferson County (where Coors operates a coal-fired plant) have earned an "F" grade for ozone levels in recent years.
Michele Swenson: The Urgency of Toxic Coal Ash Regulation and the Move to Clean Energy
Following the restructuring of the National Health Service in 1982, the County area was served by three district health authorities.
But then the county redrew school boundaries and moved sixth-graders to local middle schools, lowering enrollment projections and eliminating the justification to build the new school.
Bowie schools will remain open
You are aware that I am the sole heir of the Hidden House estate, which, with all its dependencies is considered the largest property, as my wife would be the most important lady, in the county.
The Hidden Hand
Jerry Brown last month signed into law a plan to move people convicted of crimes deemed "non-serious, nonviolent and nonsexual" to county jails with some of the costs paid by the state.
Prison Ruling Rattles California Budget
But an enjoyable one representing your county.
The Sun
Fossilized spinnerets (the organs that spit out the spider silk) that occur in Middle Devonian rocks in Schoharie County, New York, show that spiders have been making silk for at least 380 million years.
The county remains agog since that superlative victory over Tipperary and supporters will relish this latest opportunity to get another look at the heroes of that unforgettable day.
The county has a political structure that has pushed for integrated housing and public facilities.
But a spokesman denied his absence would jeopardise the smooth running of the general and county council elections.
There are stadiums, museums, theater, dancery, bowling alley and sauna center etc. in the county.
This ratio shows what percentage of the local median county household income adult attendees and giving units are contributing to your church.
Christianity Today
Based on phytogeography, the Hengchun Peninsula can be separated from the rest of Taiwan by drawing a line through Fengliao, Pingtung County (22°21'39 N, 120°35'16 E) and Tawu, Taitung County (22°21'41 N, 120°54'02 E).
In 1898 he started a County Fair to spur the ambition of the Negro farmers of the county.
Booker T. Washington Builder of a Civilization
The city now hires someone to raise and lower the flashboard, with a $15,000 budget from the county. Local News
The county was made palatinate under the Earl of Chester, a title that now belongs to the Prince of Wales.
He's been an occasional patron of the county lockup too, in case you hadn't heard.
In some villages of Nyalam County, bharals and kiangs ate 40 percent of highland barley each year.
The chief constable herself has been touring the county telling people their police have been underfunded for years and the only way forward is more cash.
The bird "got zapped when it hit one of those things they call a terminator," Pitkin County Deputy Joe Bauer said.
Terminator Bird Responsible for Fire in Colorado | Impact Lab
Pat asked who was in a position to assess a referee from another county before his appointment.
He'll have to stomach the invasion of his small little Baraboo in Sauk County as the uncleansed, the unshaven, the Communists, the Marxists, and the all out who-knows-what come for "Fighting Bob Fest.
Archive 2005-09-01
Let competing county buses and private jitneys ply bus stops for passengers.
And most firms offering credit builder cards will accept those who have had county court judgments against them.
The Sun
Humberside Area Health Authority was to investigate the possibility of introducing fluoride into all water supplies in the county.
May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people's love spread in the disaster.
The Post's Michael Laris writes about a small Republican enclave in heavily Democratic Montgomery County, where voters sometimes feel disconnected from the elected officials making the decisions.
Lori's A.M. Buzz: Who's calling, please?
The issuing city, county, or state bets that the borrowed money can be invested to earn more than the interest rate that the bonds must pay.
Fortunately for Daugherty, too, her trip to the Palo Pinto County Jail and ensuant booking as an inmate was also in the name of acting.
Near the boathouse was a larger display, several easels with work clearly by the same artist, the featured artist, Derek Huff, who stood bathing in the glory offered him by the people of that rural and rudimentary county.
Vermilion Drift
A Cook County Forest Preserve District representative last week said brush pile fires, set to dispose of chopped trees and buckthorn, and prescribed burns pose no threat to the public.
Passage meet Ballyduff Upper in the County intermediate final at Walsh Park on Sunday next and the game is being eagerly looked forward to in the village and indeed around the barony.
On a drive around the county's back roads, the sheriff pointed to new house after new house, some with mansard roofs, some with Palladian windows, that he said were built with drug profits.
The things that can be done are too many to be itemized for a county so big.
A back road in the area had never been tarred and he wondered if there were any other roads like that in county Mayo.
Elden Jelle, 57 years old, a custodial worker at the University of Wisconsin, wore a green shirt with the logo of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Wisconsin Curbs Unions
The first window -- _i. e._ the westernmost window nearest to the slype -- is a memorial to J. Francillon, Esq., a judge of the county court, who died in 1866.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
A man of the land, he was happy and content in the peace and quiet of this lovely and historic part of County Roscommon.
Consequently in Self v Self it was not lawful for a county court registrar to overrule an assisted party's choice of counsel where counsel had been selected by the assisted party from the appropriate panel.
Ben, for all his many flaws (and they ARE many), is a superb number-cruncher who knows the normal partisan leans of precincts across the county, and I'll remain pessimistic unless and until we KNOW Marsden has won.
I just hope that this resolution weaves its way throughout the local Districts, and can gain support from the County.
Only One Dealmaker « PubliCola
Here, four airships are hangared in Glynn County, Ga.
Leadership and direction should be forthcoming form the County Board officers.
Your birdbath is a welcome spot of relief every time I travel through Fairfax County.
Think Progress » Red Cross financial aid Scott Brown voted to kill now assisting Massachusetts relief efforts in Haiti.
According to the inscription, he had created ‘One of the most productive and best cultivated districts in the County of York’.
One of the new breed of sneaker brands is straight outta Orange County.
Torres was ordered held without bond in the Guadalupe County Jail.
Most significant for a county player was the opportunity to have a benefit match.
Middlesbrough had been joined with five neighbouring local authorities to form the county borough of Teesside.
Under present policy the county council is putting down as many as five hundred dogs annually.
Paul McErlane/European Pressphoto Agency Election posters are seen outside the headquarters in Castlebar as the Irish general election begins in County Mayo, Ireland.
Ireland Heads to the Polls
The Pro Football Hall of Fame member, now 73 years old, recalls the spartan Marion County coal camp of his youth, where his teachers Mrs. Hornyak and Mr. Wolfe made lasting impressions.
59 Top Stories, Sports and Weather
Mr. Reynolds 'opinions are in stark contrast to the core values of the Champaign County Republican Party and are personally offensive to me," party Chairman Jason Barickman told the News-Gazette.
Al Reynolds, Tea Party Candidate For Illinois Senate, Says Black Men Prefer Drug Dealing To Education
Hampshire was battered by high-speed winds and heavy rain yesterday as violent storms hit the county.
The campaigning couple are also angry that no town, district or county councillors have come to visit the site.
These skills had been honed during the late 1950s and early 60s at Cambridge, which he entered from the choir school at Southwell Minster in his home county of Nottinghamshire, where he was born the son of a collier and a teacher.
Last month, officials rolled out a plan that would air-condition all but 46 of the county's schools by 2015.
I guess these aren’t trendy enough or an easy slap at someone (did anyone find it ironic that one year [the annual contest] C’ville said that the place for peoplewatching was at Golden Corral and in the article slammed every person in there for being an obese porker from a surrounding county and THIS year, the place to take your folks in C’ville Annual Contest was Ponderosa?
The Dec. on C-Ville and The Hook at
Other key results to watch involve wards or county divisions which match MPs 'constituencies, such as Redditch for
Evening Standard - Home
It can be drummed into county cricket a little more about just how important it is to report if something is dodgy.
Times, Sunday Times
A significant number of people commute daily to London, offset by commuters into Brighton and Hove from the surrounding county.
The County Court is particularly useful in that it operates a small claims procedure.
Alameda County prosecutors are now looking into alleged incidents dating back to 1995, a year after he joined the church.
(One other woman in the program was barred from early release by her sentencing judge.) "Her behavior has been what we call excellent, excellent behavior," Wayne County Jail Chief Jeriel Heard said. - Nation-World
The county's drought will last for days, said the local water company. It is unknown when water supplies will resume.
We don't segregate in this county
An intrepid group are set to take to the highways and byways of the county as part of a fundraising drive for cancer research.
The court information category will then list details of county court judgments and administration orders held against you.
It seemed that every trades-man in the county, from the black-smith to the chandler, came out of the wood-work to proclaim that he was beholden to them.
Therefore he held that the court had no jurisdiction to review the decision of the county court judge for error of law.
I'm sure you have watched dog shows, horse shows, etc. on TV or at a county fair.
Sonoma County shimmers this month with fields full of red and gold grapevines and fat orange pumpkins.
Apr. 30 -- Cass County health officials are grappling with a sharp rise in pertussis -- commonly known as whopping cough -- confirming five cases in the past six months, including one that resulted in death. Top EMS News
The Lewis County Water Conservancy Board will also be invited to attend.
Donnelly, 37, ran a campaign that emphasized his relative youth - and a recent illness of Slaughter's - as well as what he called her neglect of all constituents except the ones in Monroe County.
Tonawanda News Homepage
But, as Limerick City Council, Limerick County Council and countless others are allowed sink so low that they cannot even empty the bins, Leinster House funks the fundamental issue.
He came back to Carbon County and the North Platte again and again, first to hunt and fish and, finally, when the bison were gone and most of the biggest heads hung on the walls of estates in the British Isles, to vaguely oversee the cattle ranch that became his in 1883.
Bird Cloud
First US county-level obesity rates show Alabama, Mississippi communities at top, CDC says WASHINGTON - A fatty acid in the brain, called palmitate, is what makes us memorize the stories which our grandmothers used to narrate to us, says a new study.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Mayo County Council improved the footpaths, kerbing and road system in the village in 1988.
It occurs on conchoidal fracture surfaces developed in clay and tuffaceous sandstone on the Green Velvet claims, Inyo County, and as ‘specimens’ on the Wakefield property near Pozo, San Luis Obispo County.
Now the police sergeant, who has moved back to the town after a 17-year stint elsewhere in the county, wants to clamp down on the late night rowdies.
District council deputy leader Chris Humphries from Aldbourne is one of the few councillors who sits as a member of all three local authorities at parish, district and county level.
FREDERICK COUNTY, MD - The latest winter storm didn't stop a man from holding up a bank in Frederick on Tuesday afternoon. News Feed
DEAL OF THE WEEK: Riding the waves in Oceanside ESCONDIDO: Man shot near Westside Park EXCLUSIVE: Couple appear to be shoplifting pros on 'Dr. Phil' show SAN PASQUAL VALLEY: Cheetah cub conceived with help of bioacoustics HOUSING: Rents falling as vacancies rise at major complexes Two North County couples celebrate 75th wedding anniversaries in March Escondido
Five court venues in County Mayo are to be discontinued as part of a major rationalisation by the Court Service.
My vision of a successful modern polity is something more akin to Orange County.
Matthew Yglesias » Europe: A Continent Full of Lovely Countries
Trauth contrasted those findings from Humboldt County with earlier and ongoing research on Ireland's transformation from an agrarian economy to a high-tech one.
Officers are not only setting up static sites for stopping drivers, but are also conducting random stops in rural villages around the county.
The Broward County Canvassing Board was able to identify a vote for president in essentially 1 out of every 4 of the ballots that the canvassing board looked at that had started out as an undervote or nonvote.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Gore Legal Legal Team Holds News Briefing - November 30, 2000
From Monday, January 28, Laois County Council set maximum fare structure for taxis licensed to operate in the taximeter area of Portlaoise.
Transportation was handled by designated transportation commissioners, and mines were under local officials of prefecture (fu), subprefecture (zhou), county (xian), and subcounty (ting) where mines were located.
Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
On the outskirts, what we call the inland empire, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, out in the desert, where people had to move because those were the only homes that they could afford, there's been a huge drop, a huge collapse in housing there.
CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2009
Buttonholed while crossing the court-house lawn, and backed into a corner between the county clerk's office and the jail, Shelby had to listen with what patience he might to her denunciation of what she called his vile concord with Belial.
The Henchman
The plan will be presented by the county authority's ruling Conservative group to a meeting of the governing executive on Tuesday.
Wiltshire County Council is running a summer poetry competition to seek out the best local talent.
He said he was also concerned about the number of imitation weapons and air rifles in the county.
At a press conference last week, a group of defense lawyers who practice in Madison County, Illinois, reportedly "bristled" at the description of Madison County as a "judicial hellhole.
Tort "Reform" 2
Now the fight appears headed to the courts as residents of Giles County, along Virginia's rugged, pious southwestern spine, fight what they call mounting pressure from Washington and Richmond to secularize their public institutions.
Ten Commandments in school stirs fight in Va. district
A large part of county cricket is about producing England players, and this would hold him in great stead.
Times, Sunday Times
That means in areas which still have county councils, either the county or the local district would have to go.
With unemployment topping 12% in Columbia County, Greg Hinkelman, city manager of Clatskanie, the nearest town to St. Helens, said both coal terminals would be welcome, providing what he terms "living-wage jobs.
Coal Fuels a Fight in Oregon
Sixty percent of the nation's gold is mined here, and the county relies heavily on its natural resources for cattle ranching.
Northamp. late belonging to Ramsay abbey, and the year following had grants of the manors of Rarnwel and Warketon, alias Warton, in the same county.
Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
Finally, on 30 May 1990 the local authority issued a summons in the county court seeking payment of both amounts.
In the last few weeks all over Ireland, county councillors have been electing mayors and chairpersons onto town, city and county councils in party-pacts the length and breath of this country.
Close retired from county cricket at the end of the following season, and moved back to Yorkshire.
Times, Sunday Times
Waste which cannot be reused or recycled will have to disposed of outside of the county.
She was coopted onto the county education committee.
The 44-year-old man drove the wrong way on an off-ramp to State Route 60 in Glen Avon and plowed into the bus carrying seven students, Riverside County sheriff's Sgt. Joe Borja said.
5 Hurt As Driver Intentionally Plows Into School Bus
In a nod to the county's former hippy past, the company's head chef is said to have formerly worked for the rock band Grateful Dead.
The first event for the bicentennial will be a free horse show beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 11, at the Henderson County Fairgrounds. Stories
The book is being commissioned as part of a new Sligo County Council social and affordable housing scheme in Dromore West.
In September 1938, A. E. Douglas-Smith took up his duties as university resident tutor in the county.
One of the joys of being a rural county councillor is online access to the 1880 and 1905 OS maps which can be overlaid on the current OS map; thus arguments over should it be ‘the Strand’ or ‘Strand’ have been resolved for a parish council, and old street names have been resurrected and given to new developments on the site where they ran.
Satnav, democracy and dumbing down
He said a consulting engineer will be talking to Kildare County Council with regard to traffic manoeuvres in the area and it would be premature to put in traffic calming on the Sycamores Road.
The Council have deployed six gritters and four snowploughs and these will cover all the major roads in the county.
North Yorkshire's tourist routes were jammed with trippers and Bank Holiday weekend events attracted visitors in their thousands across the county.
Officers have made more arrests for class A offences than any other county division.
Two Frederick County, Maryland, horses were euthanized recently after displaying symptoms of the disease.
The county has become the second fastest-growing local economy in Scotland.
Residents of the village in Ireland's County Offaly were eagerly anticipating the president's pilgrimage.
Obama: US 'Inspired' by Ireland's Efforts to Bring Peace to Northern Ireland
As an example of the better kind of gallberry land, I propose to give the composition of one which occupies a large area in Onslow county, which, on being submitted to analysis, gave the following results:
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
CLEVELAND - County supervisor Clyde Mueller will not be seeking another term in 2010 after filing his noncandidacy form with the county clerk.
The Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter Latest Headlines
The density of the population figures by county shows a decided bias in favour of East Anglia.
Knight, who is in Los Angeles County Jail on a probation violation, could not be reached for comment.
It was invariably fresh from local allotments or no farther away than the next county.
Times, Sunday Times
The St. Louis County Municipal League's Executive Director, Tim Fischesser, voiced his concerns about what he called a complicated piece of legislation.
Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
He is currently being held at Salem County Correctional Facility in lieu of $1.8-million bail.
Mr Samson works as a technician and driver for Durham county council museum education service at Darlington.
Mr Deering assured councillors that the county manager had given a commitment that a decision would be made on the matter shortly.
And even in plays with twists and turns and convolutions of the storyline such as Bartholomew Fair where the names of the characters -- Littlewit, Winwife, Quarlous -- tell us what they are, their games of language and wordplay make the plot -- Puritans and rogues meet up at a county fair and fun and thievery ensue -- secondary to the fun and revelry.
Play on Words
They are now in Lake County jail with bail set at $ 30, 000 each, and their weapons were confiscated.
A season of English county cricket with Kent converted him to a complete all-rounder.
In Gwinnett County, Ga., a boom that began more than a decade ago continues with no end in sight.
A petition signed by 2,500 people calling for better nursery provision was presented to County Hall in Durham.
South our meander county also countryside is advance northwest a typical impoverished villages and towns.
Meanwhile, Fine Gael councillor John Browne said he was encouraged by the broad support he received at the recent meeting of Carlow County Council when he raised the matter.
A Montgomery County sheriffs deputy reported he saw Monnett hit another man outside the controversial cabaret.
(Tevorang is probably present-day Yujing 玉井; Taccariang was in the eastern part of Gaoxiong 高雄, about 30 kilometers southeast from Tainan; Dolatok is probably present-day Donggang 東港, in Pingdong County; Pangsoya is present-day Linbian 林邊, in Pingdong County; and Longkiau is present-day Hengchun 恆春.) back
How Taiwan Became Chinese
It will accept borrowers who have two missed mortgage payments and up to three county court judgments or defaults in the past three years.
Times, Sunday Times
The boy beamed as if he had just won a stuffed toy in one of those side shows at the county fair.