How To Use Countersign In A Sentence

  • The President has so far refused to countersign the Prime Minister's desperate decree.
  • You must countersign on this line of the contract
  • The dancing and singing function primarily as a decoy from the main event happening in this inner sanctum; only we, the viewers, are ushered in to witness the underbelly, to glimpse the politics taking place in the dark, which countersign the frivolities in the flashing sunlight outside. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • A record in the resident's money book showed the details of the money transferred into this account from their personal account for the purchases, and ‘this is signed by the resident and countersigned by the nursing officer in charge’.
  • This document was countersigned by Ennis, the company secretary.
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  • In order to proceed further, you must answer the sentry's challenge by entering the countersign
  • I don't know the signs and countersigns and all the other earnest nonsense that the Crownkillers who have the time for such things play with in the north.
  • Obtain African development bank line long with China people bank line long countersign of certificate.
  • The message, framed by America and countersigned by Britain, has been duly delivered, with impressive speed and efficiency.
  • Failing that, it is also possible that Burris would have no legal standing in mandamus to compel White to countersign the appointment certificate; because the duty to do so -- if it really is a ministerial duty -- is not owed to Burris himself, but to Blago as the Governor or to the Clerk of the Senate rather than the appointee. Illinois Sec. of State Refuses To Approve Burris Appointment, But Admits He Really Can't Stop It
  • We know, Brother, by your sign and by your countersign that you are indeed one of us," said McGinty. Chennai
  • Many schools run a system whereby parents are asked to sign the homework diary every week, which is countersigned by the tutor.
  • Abd al-Rahman and his officials were completely aware that large numbers of kuchis and other groups of Afghan merchants regularly evaded the monopoly's system of surveillance based on a Khaibar routing focused on Dakka and security deposit receipts countersigned by a subcontracted Sikh broker in Peshawar. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • We are specifically considering the proposal that the donor card should be countersigned.
  • Via their parents, all were sent an information sheet, questionnaire (to establish smoking status), consent form to be countersigned by a guardian, and a freepost return envelope.
  • Generally speaking, where the proceeds are for less than £10,000, most life companies will be happy to accept a straightforward lost-policy declaration, countersigned by anyone over the age of 18 who is not a relative.
  • His contracts were presented by the City Council and countersigned by the city attorney, and he acted openly and transparently when he interacted with the city," Spertus said, adding the council kept raising Rizzo's pay to retain him. Jerry Brown Announces Lawsuits To Recover Money From Bell Officials
  • Practice for issuing and using the parole varied over time and between armies: often it was paired with a countersign, uttered in response.
  • So the countersignature that returns to Nietzsche when he writes himself to himself validates the first by repetition.
  • On 27 October 1994 Mr Amersi countersigned the letter accepting that basis.
  • Rate It ias announced that Franken has asked the MN Supremes to affirm the district court decision, declare that Franken is entitled to a certificate of election; that judgment be entered immediately and that the Repub Gov Pawlenty & Dem SoS Ritchie be ordered to perform their 'ministerial duty' to prepare, countersign and deliver the certificate of election promptly to the sec. of the US Senate. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Franken Replies to Coleman's MN Supremes Appeal
  • I also actually signed a set of contracts for a foreign rights sublicense, althouh until they are countersigned I agin won't post anything about them. Breakfast in Bed
  • When a postal vote is delivered, it comes with a declaration form which must be signed by the voter and countersigned by a friend or relative.
  • In the dark, Smalls pretended to be the captain and, from his previous experiences, was able to provide all the correct countersigns to challenges from the various harbor fortifications.
  • The results, with comments, were then entered on the term report, countersigned by the form teacher and head and sent to the respective parents.
  • We now await your sending of the original contract signed4) by you for our countersignature.
  • In return for their deposits the nomads were given receipts issued by Nur Muhammad that they presented to Nur Muhammad's subcontracted broker and weighman in Peshawar, Jit Mall and his brother, respectively, who countersigned the receipts. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Ms. KEEPSEAGLE: How they treated us was every time my husband, George, needed to get some money to do repairs, he had to drive, like, 17 miles to the FSA office, get their approval, they would countersign the check. USDA Awards Native Americans Millions In Discrimination Suit
  • When I first started work as a Health Care Assistant we were allowed to document any care or other relevant details that we had given to a particular patient in their files, this always had to be countersigned by the Registered Nurse.
  • Like the Hermit, the Shepherd makes havock amongst the King's game; but by means of a sling, not of a bow; like the Hermit, too, he has his peculiar phrases of compotation, the sign and countersign being Passelodion and Berafriend. Ivanhoe. A Romance
  • Obtain African development bank line long with China people bank line long countersign of certificate.
  • Once countersigned, they guaranteed payment on sight at Philadelphia, either in hard coin or in bills of exchange on London. Robert Morris
  • Competitor aged under 21, this application form must be countersigned by guardian.
  • If that were the case, Secretary White might justifiably (and lawfully) refuse to countersign the certificate on ethical grounds based on the manifest impropriety of Blago's action. Illinois Sec. of State Refuses To Approve Burris Appointment, But Admits He Really Can't Stop It
  • In emergency situations, the prescription order must be countersigned by the prescribing physician or dentist within 72 hours.
  • The Proclamation which you have just heard read by the Governor-General's Official Secretary was countersigned by Malcolm Fraser.
  • The Pharmacy Department requires that all Surfactant orders be signed or countersigned by the staff neonatologist.
  • In return for their deposits the nomads were given receipts issued by Nur Muhammad that they presented to Nur Muhammad's subcontracted broker and weighman in Peshawar, Jit Mall and his brother, respectively, who countersigned the receipts. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The complainant countersigned the inspection form.
  • Upon their approach to the bridge, the challenge, and interchange of sign and countersign, which is usual on such occasions, took place in due form; and as Rudolph’s party filed off one after another into the castle, he commanded them to wake their companions, with whom he intended to renew the patrol, and at the same time to send a relief to Arthur Philipson, whose watch on the bridge was now ended. Anne of Geierstein
  • White and Jones were also found guilty of conspiracy to defraud the council by countersigning cheques for each other from the school fund.
  • The waiver is countersigned by a representative of the jurisdictional public health agency of the person's intended U.S. destination.
  • He contended that the premier's decision was not made on behalf of the government of KwaZulu-Natal, because it had not been countersigned by another executive member.
  • The governor shall issue certificates of election to such persons as appear to be chosen to the offices of senator in congress, representative in congress, clerk of the courts, register of probate, sheriff and district attorney, which shall be countersigned and transmitted by the state secretary. Gov Deval Patrick (D, MA) just gave the GOP three more House seats. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Patients received a letter from their medical facility countersigned by the project director informing them about the study and about a phone call to follow.
  • I also actually signed a set of contracts for a foreign rights sublicense, althouh until they are countersigned I agin won't post anything about them. Breakfast in Bed
  • We return one copy of the contract with our countersignature for your file.
  • For 'googly' is nothing but a little initiation test, a code-word given at the start of the interview to see if you know the countersign and can be let onto the premesis of actual question no pun intended. What did the Romans wear under their togas?
  • We are specifically considering the proposal that the donor card should be countersigned.
  • To avoid any future problems he is recommending that joint submissions on behalf of colleagues should be countersigned by the councillors concerned.
  • Note 35: The countersigned receipts associated with the monopoly drew the fruit carrying kuchis to the attention of the Durrani state official responsible for the transmission of state property, especially that purchased with subsidy money, from Peshawar to Kabul, the qafilabashi (see Chapter 5). Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • To countersign and affix the seal of state to all commissions required by law to be issued by the Governor. The Court: Roland Burris is Senator - No Signature Required!
  • But as I mentioned in a previous column, and in a so far unanswered email to Smith, the law actually requires White "to countersign and affix the seal of state to all commissions required by law to be issued by the Governor," and to register the appointment. Jeff Norman: Harry Reid: The Most Corrupt of the Corrupt?
  • If two soldiers have the day's password and countersign, they can get physically close enough to kill each other without knowing that their uniforms don't match or their language isn't even the same.
  • Finally, we signed and countersigned a declaration that under no circumstances would we dive deeper than 6m, nor deviate from the officially designated route as indicated by the phosphorescent orange guide ropes.
  • Barton whistled, and the countersign, "Banbury," was returned in a voice which they knew to be that of Williams. The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • Ve countersigned the permission form on the forensic pathologist's notepad, then withdrew to a corner of the room. Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Distress 1 - Greg Egan
  • Enclosed is our contract No. 345 in duplicate, of which please return us one copy, duly countersign.

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