How To Use Counterpart In A Sentence
Fly fishers in the salt water environment need something entirely different to their freshwater counterpart on the chalk stream, as does the angler who fishes big reservoirs.
Gamers familiar with some tracks will easily be able to pick out certain landmarks or other features from their real-life counterparts.
British postal workers lag behind their continental counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
But Frye's dreams of systematizing and co-ordinating a literary universe also rose to meet counterparts in Frances Yates's 1967 account of the zodiacs and theatres of the encyclopaedic memory systems of Bruno and Camillo.
Our pupils and students leave schools and universities after an incredibly narrow diet of education compared with their international counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times

The handle on the German “potato-masher” hand grenade enabled it to be thrown far further than its British or American counterparts.
Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
Again, the specter of counterparty risk becomes an issue.
Despite the fact that a Dinky toy car can fetch many times more than its real life counterpart, it is still possible to find bargains.
Compared to its refined counterpart, wholewheat pasta gives a slower, more sustained release of energy into the bloodstream, is higher in fibre and more nutritious too.
Women who undergo cosmetic surgery still far outnumber their male counterparts.
In France, industrial investment came first; in Britain, the Counterpart Fund was almost entirely used to pay wartime debts and re-float sterling.
On the other hand, I feel so clearly a certain nearness, spiritually and psychologically, to Henry Stuartwell, I guess there is even an emotional counterpart, too.
Sonny Brewer - An interview with author
Hours after the ambassador was recalled, Saba said Mr. bin Jassem sent a letter to his Yemeni counterpart, Abu Bakr al-Qurbi, to clarify Qatar's position.
More recently the concept of the "at" - complexes as a counterpart to the "onium" complexes has led to the development of a new chemistry from which have come the sodium tetra phenylborates.
Georg Wittig - Curriculum Vitae
There's nothing quite like a domineering matriarch to fall in love with and Streep not only neuters her on-screen male counterparts but the audience as well.
This coin is actually rarer than its gold counterpart.
Coin Dealer Julian Leidman Victim of Vehicle Burglary. Reward Grows to $156,000 : Coin Collecting News
Yorkston has no objection to their plans in principle, and suspects that many of his counterparts may be of a similar mind.
The three visiting prime ministers also met with their Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, who blamed Ukraine for failure to honor a multilateral agreement to resume shipment of gas to Europe.
Having watched reasonably moderate candidates lose the last two presidential elections in heartbreaking fashion, and feeling further frustrated by the steady failure to win either house of Congress, Democrats have made it an article of faith that they lack the political and policy mechanisms to compete with their Republican counterparts.
Take Two: Hillary's Choice
Their goal is to create a car capable of trumping its gasoline-powered counterpart by 2010.
Like most dandies, his predilection for high-style fashion and cosmetic beauty betrays a likeness to his female counterparts.
Out of all the most startling statistics surrounding the risk of suicide among LGBTQ youth, like that they are four times more likely to commit suicide than their straight counterparts, is that there is hope.
Waymon Hudson: Chicago Performers Come Together to Celebrate and Encourage the Lives of LGBT Youth
On the same day, Li also held talks with his Cypriote counterpart George Iacovou.
The MRI appearance of spinal cavernous malformations is generally the same as its cerebral counterparts.
Still, Samsung supporters contend the company is actually the victim of bureaucratic excesses in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and its counterparts in Europe and Australia.
Kutchina announces its alliance with Hettich India Pvt. ltd, the Indian counterpart of Hettich, the Germany based Global leader in manufact - Articles related to Purchasing and Auto, Understand the Terminology
If there is an inconsistency between lease and counterpart primafacie the lease prevails.
Domesticated grain contains less crude protein than its wild counterpart, and a higher percentage of carbohydrate.
He also tips a wink to counterparts in the brewing trade from centuries ago.
Officers are also liaising with their French counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
Minyip (n) - A female bunyip, difficult to distinguish from her male counterpart, the Mickyip.
In this form, goddess Māri is very similar to Sitala Devi2, her counterpart in North India and the orisha Babalu Aye of the Yoruba tradition.
Archive 2009-05-01
By lawmakers' own admission, Ireland lagged woefully behind its Western counterparts when they introduced adoption legislation in 1952.
In education, girls, who were once considered less worthy of a decent education, now outstrip their male counterparts at almost every stage.
That would be at least $1.6 million more in fundraising than the DNC's counterpart, the Republican National Committee, which reported bringing in $11.4 million last month.
DNC beats RNC in March cash haul
ÂHuman males, unlike their snail and rotifer counterparts, actually seek out sterility in a potential partner... and for good reason: could you imagine if each of your own sexual conquests had resulted in offspring?
Carin Bondar: No Eggs? No Problem!
This type of solar cell is now a possible alternative to its solid-state counterpart.
The overture is similar to its more illustrious counterpart from Tchiakovsky and it also has bells in its final moments.
For a few days, the big banks responsible for allocating the world's capital baulked at doing business with each other, fearful that their counterparts' credit would go bad.
Its synthetic counterpart, made from guaiacol or eugenol, is used in artificial vanillas.
In Spanish, they can be translated into the much wieldier alternatives to the local counterparts: "con el centro a la derecha" and "con el centro a la izquierda", respectively.
The spread between inflation-linked bonds and their nominal counterparts -- known as the breakeven inflation rate -- fell to single digits on the most recent linked bond and into negative territory on older notes, a phenomenon market-watchers said they had never seen before.
Japan bond yields drop
It must be noted that the postwar Dutch government, compared with its counterparts in other countries, has done an exemplary job of honestly documenting-and repenting of-its people's wartime collaboration.
Now anglers can find many three-piece and four-piece baitcasting and spinning travel rods that are the equal of their unsegmented counterparts.
Have Rod, Will Travel
Tom is the gay counterpart, resisting her overactive libido on a daily basis, while simultaneously living in a fantasy world of luvviedom.
Although Johnston depicts Cook as a cautious and dignified man compared to his vainglorious counterpart, both men risked their reputations in their mutual quest.
But unlike their counterparts at Nissan and Toyota, none enjoys the full benefits of trade union membership.
The Expedition 6 crew will undock from the Station after a six-day handover with Expedition 7 counterparts.
Like their real life counterparts, our characters are not so keen on having their blood spilt.
Editing Characters « Write Anything
Why would they treat this sultana in such a fashion whereas their counterparts briefly skimmed over her career?
British workers were a third less productive than their German and French counterparts last year as the gap with leading nations reached a record low.
Times, Sunday Times
If there is a river of _mneme_ as a counterpart of the river
Our Hundred Days in Europe
The visual stimulation of this wall of images finds a serene counterpart in a small room opening to the right, re-creating the devotional sanctum of a Mouride holy man.
Which makes me wonder whether women in - ology don't travel to conferences as much as their male counterparts (because of family obligations, etc.)?
Archive 2006-10-01
They were made from c. 1660 but were probably intended for punch or wassail like their treen counterparts.
Even the huge ring roads around Lille, Tourcoing, Roubaix and Courtrai seem more basic than their southern counterparts.
While simultaneously promoting enhanced rights for Turkish women, whom he wanted to reach the standards of their European counterparts, Mustafa Kemal did not touch their attire.
The Headscarf Strikes Back
Though the libretto is not very carefully written, it is better than the average performances of this {177} kind, and with poetical intuition Schefsky has refrained from the temptation, to make it turn out well, as Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer has done in her play of L'orle, which is a weak counterpart of Auerbach's village-tragedy.
The Standard Operaglass Detailed Plots of One Hundred and Fifty-one Celebrated Operas
Like their counterparts elsewhere in the world, most Taiwanese politicians favor tax cuts to appease their constituencies.
Bio-diesel fuelled engines, like their regular fuel counterparts, still emit carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and particulate matter.
The French courante was more elegant and stately than its Italian counterpart.
While glossy magazine journalists are a source of endless inspiration for television and film - from The Devil Wears Prada to Ugly Betty - their subediting office counterparts have been largely absent from screen, stage and page.
Media news, UK and world media comment and analysis |
The permanent embassy building with which we are so familiar had no counterpart in sixteenth-century London.
Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
He intended to make the fleet faster than its German counterpart.
Times, Sunday Times
& Poor's recently assigned its AA - counterparty credit and financial strength ratings to Delta Plan of New Also known as factored rating.
It was as though her soul had looked beyond the flesh and instantly recognised its counterpart.
Sally with her handler Laura proved that cross-breeds are just as good at obedience and agility as their pedigree counterparts.
The mistletoes that grow on the Ohau beeches can reach nine feet in both length and width and can virtually envelop a tree, but unlike their European and North American counterparts, they do not damage their hosts.
Deposition is the counterpart of erosion.
Typically, old policies provided broader cover than their modern counterparts.
But unlike their counterparts at Nissan and Toyota, none enjoys the full benefits of trade union membership.
Lovell-Badge said there were two main types of experiments: altering an animal's genes by adding human DNA or replacing a specific animal sequence with its human counterpart.
Girl power: This female Malaysian Orchid Praying Mantis is, at 60mm, long, twice the size of it's diminutive male counterpart.
-- In this variety the branches are more ascending and the habit altogether more erect; indeed, among the hornbeams this is a counterpart of the fastigiate varieties of the common oak.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884
In the interest of spitting a sluicy cobwebbed thread to tie together the conversations in and around this corner of the infoweb and its earbound counterpart, I wanted to offer up one more chance to allow our space to double as the hotbed of information on the social and biological activities of the Tree Squirrel, and bring some attention to our relationship with tree squirrels.
A Letter to A.A. (Almost Anybody) | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
These are cooler climes and produce more subtle flavors than there counterparts from the Barossa.
The state of Australian wine – and Landmark Australia | Dr Vino's wine blog
A country that gives up its monetary sovereignty by dollarising or adopting the euro may gain greater credibility on inflation but may have to pay more to compensate investors for counterparty risk.
Judged alongside their abstemious Anglo-Saxon counterparts, they were seen as unruly, belligerent and not to be relied on, a slur that was extended to generations through media distortion and police discrimination.
They felt completely at home with their counterparts in Paris and London.
It took the disabled shoppers two hours longer than their able-bodied counterparts to complete the same activities.
There would be a counterpart increase in consumer saving as the unpersuaded allowed their bank balances to grow and repaid their debts.
Mexican authorities have complained for years of what they have termed the laxness of their American counterparts towards the flow of weapons legally purchased in the U.S. and bound towards its southern neighbor.
Spero News
So while the Japanese infantryman preparing to meet his Soviet counterpart could be in high spirits, his misunderstanding and misconceptions about the Red Army were about to exact a terrible price.
Discussing SF as the dialectical counterpart to the historical novel, Jameson suggests that one of the primary roles of SF is not so much to promote visions of the future, but to defamiliarize the present.
British detectives are liaising with counterparts in France in the hunt for the men.
The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.
The government has accepted that it costs more to train reservists than their regular counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
In turn, their active counterparts work with renewed energy and pray for them.
The boom in new types of martial arts contrasts with a decline in the popularity of their traditional counterparts, such as judo and kendo, or fighting with bamboo swords.
British independent schools are now more ethnically diverse than their state-maintained counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
In its much-hyped broadband business, for instance, a capacity glut and financial meltdown made it hard to find creditworthy counterparties for trading.
Like its counterpart on the other side of the platter, this audio track is very weak and also seems to have a subtle hum in the background.
There was assumed to be a counterpart in human events to every celestial phenomenon.
Utilizing rare-earth permanent magnet materials with high coercive force results in substantially higher efficiency than their counterpart with brushes of the same size.
A more likely scenario is that male rape victims would be afforded the same shoddy treatment as their female counterparts.
The fashion industry also appears to be taking lessons from its notoriously secretive counterpart and is pulling a cloak of mystery tightly around its financial affairs.
Times, Sunday Times
The naturalistic philosophies of the non-religious do not play the same kind of high profile role in political and civic life as do the supernaturalist ideas of their religious counterparts.
Unlike their calfskin counterparts, synthetic drum heads can be made the same way every time, an important feature if you're recording a CD in a studio over a span of weeks or months.
But there is no fight so vigorous as one between comrades, and she proclaimed that she had learned far more from her intellectual bunfights with the Americans than from their ‘dignified’ British counterparts.
Results The degree on self-inconsistency was very high. The mean scores of the factors on self-accusation and illusion were all higher than the counterpart in the norms of Chinese.
His counterpart, Mr Eagleburger, is a smoker.
Yet current sentiment levels are far from extreme, and we may wait until further clarifications in short-term forex trends before taking a stronger stance on the US currency against key counterparts.
British Pound May Rally Further Against Yen on Sentiment - Yahoo! Finance
Locomotives once used by showmen to haul and power fairground rides; road rollers like Blackberry Jack, which was submerged in brambles before its acquisition for restoration; and more manoeuvrable tractors, including Bo Peep and Hot Favourite, encircled by a procession of their miniature counterparts.
Country diary: Stithians, Cornwall
Artists here have been diligently working to improve their skills, as their counterparts in Beijing continue to put forward new concepts and avant-garde ideas.
Once again I could not understand why some of my older colleagues felt so comfortable with our so-called counterpart.
These cooperatives generally sell unique handmade gifts and clothing at a considerably lower markup than their boutique counterparts.
The ornament which the bishop is wearing above the chasuble is the rationale, an episcopal humeral, a counterpart of the pallium, and like it worn over the chasuble.
The Mater Ter Admirabilis
The psychological counterpart is an acknowledgement of the many aspects of an individual personality.
It's true: bachelors die younger than their married counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
Ideally, though, you should go for high-quality fresh or frozen foods which do not have preservatives, rather than their chill-cabinet counterparts.
We plunked quarter after quarter into a pool table as we spied on our masculine counterparts.
Myrtle Beach Daze
One of the first people to call is one of my counterparts from another part of the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet this handful of churchmen is habituated to a life of devotion, worship, and communal living that gives them a depth of character that is lacking in their secular counterparts, most of whom live in a solitary sufficiency.
The information benefits can be achieved by mandatory trade reporting to a repository (which I've advocated for well over 7 years) without requiring mutualized counterparty risk sharing, or centralized risk pricing (in the face of severe information disadvantages). Home Page
Like her copatriot counterparts Jose Gonzalez and Jens Lekman, Frida Hyvönen is a loner; a stripped-down ivory tickler, who maybe falls somewhere between our own Fiona Apple and Tori Amos.
Dallas Observer | Complete Issue
They will join ten French counterparts in the rebel capital Benghazi.
The Sun
The leading answer is due to David Lewis, who is the proponent of the best-known version of possibilist realism, namely, modal counterpart theory.
Possible Objects
Securities pledged to counterparties where the counterparty has the right, by contract or custom, to sell or repledge the securities were $6,398,168 and $5,341,587 as of June 30, 2008 and 2007, respectively.
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Dole and dolent are doubtless the exact counterparts of dolore and dolente, so far as mere etymology can go.
The Unseen World, and Other Essays
That night I head to the pulsing potamic souq, more unruly and wanton than the counterpart in Cairo, where the shopkeepers hustle visitors like dice, shaking and prodding until the right answer rolls.
The Full Feed from
Each actor studied their real-life counterpart, boning up on their life stories to get a keener, truer sense of how they would have behaved and talked.
Concrete public housing projects evoke their counterparts elsewhere and shanty towns exist on the urban periphery.
The green tabs should be placed on MP unit leaders' shoulders in recognition that they are equals with their combat branch counterparts when it comes to commanding their units in battle.
In fact, a brand-name drug's generic counterpart is rarely an exact replica.
Before meeting in Washington on Friday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her Swiss counterpart, Micheline Calmy-Rey, said they were pleased with the preliminary agreement.
The finding suggests that Scutum-Centaurus wraps all the way around the Milky Way, making it a symmetric counterpart to the galaxy's other major star-forming arm, Perseus.
NPN transistors are normally superior to their PNP counterpart in performance.
Here we come up against the counterpart of the methodological problem I identified earlier.
The minnesinger tradition was the Germanic counterpart to the activity of the troubadors and trouvères to the west.
For those who claim to possess moral and spiritual values in reserves greater than their counterparts, why not come forward and confront the problem in an open and transparent manner?
Hu today met his French counterpart Jacques Chirac after arriving by boat from Lausanne Switzerland.
The effect of the phosphonation of the counterpart samples and the load condition on the tribology of the phosphate coatings are also determined.
When it comes to winter sports, rooks may be just as smart as their human counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
Medieval man may not have had the thrill of flinging Frisbees, but they had a worthy counterpart, the challenging sport of batfowling.
The female offender is characteristically older than her male counterpart.
Complex business structures lead to hidden dependencies within the supply chain that can make counterparty risk difficult to determine.
Times, Sunday Times
Lowell's Psalm 137 allusion, the futility of his song, also has a counterpart in Ginsberg: Tho I am not there for this Prophecy, I am unmarried, I'm hymnless, I'm Heavenless, headless in blisshood I would still adore
Serving pots for coffee retained the tall tapered look of their Arab counterparts, while tea pots retained the squat, rotund shape initially seen in China.
On the same day, Yang held talks with his Gabonese counterpart Paul Toungui.
Database object schemas are a great addition to SQL Server and in many ways is more consistent with the original definition of a schema than its SQL Server 2000 counterpart.
The notional $1.14 quadrillion (as reported by the Bank for International Settlements, which is in Switzerland) only becomes real (and frightfully dangerous) if either counterparty to a derivative goes bankrupt and if the defaulter is a major institution.
The Finance Ministry had recently asked large public sector banks (PSBs) to handhold smaller counterparts to improve the latter's functioning.
The Prime Minister discussed the mater with his German counterpart on an unofficial visit to his home last month.
US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev are due to sign a landmark nuclear arms treaty in the Czech capital Prague.
Berryman is therefore appealed to as the figure whose achievements in elegising his fellow American poets provide both model and reproof to his counterparts in Australia.
To get around the lack of storage space, Tokyo shoppers shop more frequently than their American counterparts and tend to buy a lot of fresh food at local stores.
Unfortunately, many of the authors' other recipes are familiar standbys in which goat meat has been inserted as a substitute for beef, pork or chicken e.g., goat meatloaf and goat cacciatore or recipes that call for goat butter, goat milk or goat cream instead of their mainstream dairy counterparts.
The Meat It Behooves the World to Eat
General Chen Cheng, chief of staff and a half-pint counterpart of the generalissimo, lost nearly every battle he directed in the Japanese and the civil wars.
Moreover, the peasants were organized in village communes, and they redistributed their holdings periodically among themselves, while the nobles, unlike their counterparts in western Europe, did not have alodial estates into which to consolidate their tenures.
C. Russia
The report found only a quarter of Scots believe unmarried parents to be worse than their married counterparts.
That "wire" is used for billing and the system provides you with cell phone circuits that have the same limitations as their wired counterparts.
Boing Boing: June 29, 2003 - July 5, 2003 Archives
He was as unschooled in covert action as his Embassy counterparts, but was more innovative and seemingly inexhaustible.
It is a stark contrast with the more substantial resources of her British counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact, certain dried herbs, such as oregano, often have more flavor and aroma than their fresh counterparts.
Professional sociology differs from its lay counterpart here in a number of ways.
Resource cost needs to be adjusted to the NEED vs. exceed situations so that people that care (use less) pay less per watt, gallon, or therm than their inefficient counterparts.
Greenwashing Eli Manning’s New Hybrid Caddi-Wack Escalade | Inhabitat
Of these laws the summation theorems have a counterpart in the control analysis of oscillatory systems.
By competing dynastically and territorially with his European counterparts, especially Francis I, Henry VIII acknowledged settled convention and, even more obviously, popular demand.
I had stumbled upon the historical counterpart of my psychology of the unconscious.
Plus, his matricidal ramblings are beyond the pale even for hip hop; gangsta rappers, like their celluloid counterparts, will consistently take hiatus from issuing colorful death threats to pay homage to dear old mom.
Charged solitons are not as mobile as their neutral counterparts.
Among those financial institutions exposed to Enterprise A are derivatives counterparties whose contracts with the Enterprise have a positive market value.
It's the counterpart of the physical body. A ghostlike configuration made of pure energy.
The noble "idyl" of _Echetlos_ is thus a counterpart, in its brief way, to the great tragic tale of Herakles and
Robert Browning
In her installation, Kennedy re-examines this hierarchy by collapsing any clear definition between humans and their natural counterparts.
A former male officer claimed that his female counterparts often'had a tougher time of it' than men.
Times, Sunday Times
Among the requirements is an agreement stipulating the areas of collaboration between the foreign design firm and its mainland counterpart.
Jacobinism -- the doctrine of the ultra-radical and anticlerical wing of the French revolutionary movement -- was as much of an ogre to eighteenth and nineteenth century conservatives as socialism and communism were their latter-day counterparts.
Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
Egg size, the zoological counterpart of seed size, has not been nearly as well studied, but is known to correlate positively with genome size in cladoceran crustaceans and plethodontid salamanders.
The function of its human counterpart is likely to be very similar.
Yet female politicians are routinely assessed in terms of their appearance in a manner that their male counterparts are not.
Times, Sunday Times
If they lose confidence in the creditworthiness of their counterparties, they'll stop lending to each other.
Times, Sunday Times
The popular art of the era shared a great many subjects with its high art counterparts.
The gouaches in her sketch pad (also part of the display) have the raw quality of the mark of the hand, which their digital counterparts retain.
When the Coke deliveryman left the store, his counterpart allegedly punched him in the face three times, breaking his nose and giving him a black eye, police said.
British fans may be paying more than their European counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
On July 8, 2008, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Sapporo, capital of Japan's Hokkaido prefecture.
When the value of the CDOs tanked and AIG's credit rating was cut, the insurance company was forced to pay billions of dollars in collateral to companies known as "counterparties" - money it didn't have. --
The other arc functions, acos, and atan, behave as their more-familiar counterparts.
The melodic counterpart of isorhythmic patterning is the use of the same melodic phrase or line, each time at a different pitch level.
Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one with similar features as its brand-name counterpart.
They were struggling to comprehend the scale of his transactions and the identity of his counterparties.
Times, Sunday Times
Even your average manufactured pop poppet has to work harder than her boy-band counterpart, who can rely on looks alone to generate pubescent squeals.
The ladies shoe, like its male counterpart, is specifically designed for the serious club tennis player.
The work, a groundbreaking study that helped establish the field of medical statistics, showed that the unmarried died from disease “in undue proportion” to their married counterparts.
Is There a Health Advantage to Being Married? | Impact Lab
Canadian pilots, who train with their American counterparts, were never assigned as wingmen to US pilots in missions over the former Yugoslavia.
No optical counterpart has been observed.
Are adequate counterpart funds provided to the project in a timely manner?
Rearrangements can occur during the recombination event, with duplications of the wild-type counterpart of the mutant locus producing a recombinant that would otherwise be inviable.
Domesticated grain contains less crude protein than its wild counterpart, and a higher percentage of carbohydrate.
A sacred tree is often found in Assyrian sculpture; symbol of the starry hosts, Saba. gardens -- planted enclosures for idolatry; the counterpart of the garden of Eden.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The sheriffs performed much the same duties as their English counterparts, while judicial eyres administered justice, at least for the English settlers.
There would be a counterpart increase in consumer saving as the unpersuaded allowed their bank balances to grow and repaid their debts.
Not as warm as Los Angeles, it also lacks the cachet, fashionable coastlines and morbidly appealing plasticity of its downstate counterpart.
Consequently, a good number of the tracks on "High Time" reach the high level of their label counterparts The Fiery Furnaces and High Places.
The title Wolf alludes to Wolfgang as well as to feral canines: the dog pack is a counterpart to the human pack.
The President had talks during a brief stopover in Lisbon with his Portuguese counterpart.
Why should they have to cede this income to female counterparts?
Times, Sunday Times
One of the first people to call is one of my counterparts from another part of the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Japan's military commanders varied as widely in character and competence as their Allied counterparts.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445