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How To Use Counterman In A Sentence

  • S. L. Chang, director of the ministry's Department of National Treasury, said her department was considering a payment countermand on the stolen bonds.
  • As a collection of texts, Scripture is capable of holding both a point and its countermand.
  • IOUs piled up in the register and rather than embarrass anyone, Ray closed the diner to take a job as a counterman. Ray foreman | strange horses, ray’s diner & buddha or no buddha « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Anna: You know counterman in the cafeteria? The tall , blond one? Carlo : Yeah.
  • He refused to obey orders from provincial officers and even countermanded those Stephen gave his own men. George Washington’s First War
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  • He has apparently called for support from all over the country to make a stand against the Americans, and the Premier is trying to countermand him.
  • Moreover, he countermanded the orders of Major General John E. Wool as to the disposal of some of his troops.
  • The counterman packs the sandwich and soda in a paper bag.
  • So a New York Times reporter ended up with her own direct line to the Pentagon, allowing her to countermand the orders of commanders in the field?
  • Schumann is represented by his Romances, originally for oboe, published also for clarinet, despite the composer's express countermand.
  • The room was empty, except for the counterman, a large fellow with a belly that bulged over a soiled white apron. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • This put the newspaper out of business until the order was countermanded.
  • He countermanded his instructions to his staff officer.
  • They spent the afternoon planning and teasing the sour counterman until his heavy middle shook with hard chuckles. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Then the second section turns to some specific issues - how payment obligations are discharged, whether payment instructions can be countermanded, the availability of funds to payees, and the completion of payment as between banks.
  • The Assembly had suffered a pang of conscience over their murder decree, so they ordered Cleon to countermand it. The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
  • Terrorists tried to force him to countermand the order to attack.
  • We are unable to countermand or override the process. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • Eoin MacNeill, chief of staff of Irish Volunteers, then countermanded the mobilization orders given by Pearse.
  • The outsiders are now the representatives of the old South, the plantation owner up on the hill, whose cheek receives the famous slap; those good old boys who chase Tibbs into the abandoned warehouse; the stupid counterman at the diner who refuses to serve him; and, ironically, Bill Gillespie. On the symbolic nature of a broken air conditioner: In The Heat of the Night and the rise of the New South
  • The moment he detected any possible weaknesses in the statements of his envoys in Pakistan or elsewhere he was swift to countermand them.
  • When the division could still have attacked with some effect, the order was suddenly countermanded and its precious armour dispersed by the new local corps commander.
  • … A commissar is a political officer whose position is equal to that of the commander of a given military unit and has the authority to countermand the orders of the commander. Human Resources « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • With Proposition 23, two out-of-state oil corporations, Valero and Tesoro, and right-wing oil billionaires based in New York and Kansas are trying to use the California initiative process, originally intended to allow citizen intervention in the governance of this state, to countermand AB 32 and set policy for us. Rebecca Solnit: Jurassic Ballot: When Corporations Ruled the Earthrop 23
  • On being advised of the ANZAC landings, he countermanded an Army Commander order after vacillation by the German army commander, force-marching two battalions to the ANZAC area.
  • Maybe Jaq would send the signal for exterminatus - and that command would already have been countermanded, light years away.
  • The other main problem concerning the contract between the issuer and the card-holder is that of countermand of payment.
  • Such impropriety on the part of government can only be countermanded by society supporting the very best in its individuals -- making contentment the highest value rather than wealth, status or fame is the necessary re-valuing of values that offers us the surest road to a self-sustaining lifeway that celebrates a long-standing time of peace and prospering for all. William Horden: The Tao Of Green: Love Of Humanity And Nature
  • Countermand is precluded once the card-holder has given his signature.
  • He ordered the police to open fire on the demonstrators but the party's frightened Politburo countermanded the order.
  • In the event the poll was countermanded, but the affair reflected badly on the government and the Janata Dal.
  • From heaven John had received his command, and he would go on in his work till he thence received his countermand, and would have his dismission from the same hand that gave him his commission. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • As a member of the council I can't countermand an order Winger's given. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • The counterman stood with his chubby hands on his thick waist. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Minister’s counsel and again countermanded his order to slay his son. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Speer moved against Hitler by countermanding his orders and other forms of sabotage.
  • In perhaps their most forceful intervention yet in Hong Kong, Mr Tung's wish was countermanded.
  • The CEO set the agenda, and while the board may have questioned the boss's decisions, it rarely countermanded them.
  • The last time elections were held there, dozens of people were killed, requiring polls to be countermanded and new ones ordered.
  • You know the type comes on with bartenders and cab drivers, talking about right hooks and the Dodgers, call the counterman in Nedick’s by his first name. The heat closing in
  • However, we have seen that countermand must be explicit and generally given to the branch of the bank where the account is kept.
  • More than once I have been offered cognac and said no, only to be countermanded by the stranger sitting next to me that actually, yes, the lady will have a glass of cognac.
  • It is his function to persuade with winged words his adversary, the company's local underwriter or "counterman," that the stock of cheap millinery belonging to the Slavonic gentlemen with the unfortunate record of two fires of unknown origin and two opportune failures is even more desirable -- at the rate -- than the large line on the substantial office building which he half exhibits, holding suggestively back. White Ashes
  • Only a court intervention could countermand Bloomberg's order.
  • That was the air force's recommendation and the President obviously saw no reason to countermand it.
  • I stood right there and heard the counterman at Bass P. say exactly that. Florida Official Buried In Concealed-Carry Requests
  • The Army had barred Donovan from going in with any of its contingents, no way a Navy admiral would countermand orders from a sister service and take a stowaway, Stark told him. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Moreover, the orders to move were countermanded so the corps could chase deserters and round up transport, then reissued, then countermanded again.2 George Washington’s First War
  • Jefferson Davis countermanded his order for the evacuation of Vicksburg, and, as he had feared, he proved unable to relieve the city.
  • It countermands any specious defences of appropriation when applied to marginal culture that pivot on the double standard, allowing us to point to the precise effects of misrepresentation and discrimination that are resultant from the appropriation, and allows us to challenge the appropriation on a level of legtimacy that is not hamstrung by an implicit privileging. More on Cultural Appropriation
  • He countermanded his instructions to his staff officer.
  • The president demanded that the EC observer and state Chief Electoral Officer countermand the elections to stop the declaration of results tomorrow.
  • If the counterman began adding on the usual pickled jalapeños, he could be stopped by the non-chile lover before it was too late, because picking any one ingredient out of a sandwich this size is a messy undertaking. A Meal in a Sandwich: Tortas, Cemitas, Pambazos
  • It indicated that the countermanding, in order to get out of it, has to be unequivocal and the greatest countermand that one can offer.
  • After a pause, he ordered a march for the 13th, then countermanded it, and on the 14th ordered the men to sleep with their arms and await an order to advance.57 George Washington’s First War
  • Under no circumstances was the order to be rescinded or countermanded.
  • Had the countermand order been given at 0745, as the standard scenario holds, the torpedoes almost certainly would have been restored by 0920.
  • When McAuliffe finally learned of the 333rd Artillery Group commander's order, he countermanded it immediately and sent word to the displacing units to return to their former positions.
  • He finished his slice and signalled to the counterman to heat up another. THE TRAIL OF TERROR (THE THREE INVESTIGATORS MYSTERIES NO 39)
  • They are all issuing commands, countermanding each other.
  • No insurance company should have the power to countermand a doctor. Sebelius: There will be competition with private insurers
  • The bank's mandate to pay is terminated if the customer countermands his order.
  • Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of paying for clothing, & c. furnished to a portion of the militia of Roanoke when called out by the authorities, and the call countermanded before the said militia were mustered into service. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Session of 1861-62
  • The ex-chief retained the loyalty of the rank-and-file, however, and the result was a successor who would find his own directives being countermanded by his predecessor.
  • In jurisdictions where a cheque can be backed by a guarantee card, there cannot be countermand.
  • If not countermanded by personal courage or other organizational forces, this tendency becomes habitual and self-perpetuating.
  • Goldstein was expelled for countermanding a direct order from the supervisor.
  • The three aspirants are already out of the race as elections in their constituencies had been countermanded.
  • Similarly the judge would have no right to complain of or countermand a lawful posting overseas of a ward who was in the armed forces.
  • You should go with the professor and protect him,’ Turner countermanded Junior.
  • A major countermanded the order at the last moment and she lived - only to spend many subsequent years under house arrest. Charles Redfern: A Pre-fab Candidate With Pre-fab Pronouncements for a Pre-fab Country
  • Justine had never countermanded or changed one of his orders before and, he was quite sure, had never before considered doing such a thing. Etched in Bone
  • Those were the British orders, and the Japanese had no reason to countermand them on her say-so. A Covert Affair
  • As a member of the council I can't countermand an order Winger's given. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Countermand that order with the agency, Pitcher , and don't bring any more of'em in here.
  • Schimmelfennig then countermanded his orders and sent the 82nd to face west and form a line-of-battle behind which the rest of the brigade would form.
  • A servant is sent to try to countermand the order, but Lear enters with Cordelia in his arms.
  • The commander countermanded the reinforcements to the battlefield.
  • Before the tanks had set off, this order was countermanded once it was clear that they would not be able to reach Charleroi fast enough.
  • And even if the courts were to countermand a proscription order, the damage done to the organisation during the period of proscription could be critical.
  • If not countermanded by personal courage or other organizational forces, this tendency becomes habitual and self-perpetuating.
  • The counterman comes to me, apparently not to take my order but to carve up a brisket of corned beef. The Line
  • Donovan also had the cloud of the countermanded order hanging over him. Wild Bill Donovan
  • The election commission has therefore countermanded voting in several seats and ordered a re-poll in more than 1,000 booths.
  • Raven countermanded me and ordered the helm hard over while lowering the sail, and the hands, afraid of her, did what she said.
  • Captain Rosser several times countermanded orders given by his chief officer -- an experienced seaman -- and bullied and "jawed" his crew in the most pompous and irritating manner, and finally when we succeeded in getting the vessel off the reef with the loss of her false keel and rudder, and were towing her into smooth water inside the reef, he came for'ard, and abruptly desired our chief mate to cease towing, as he meant to anchor. "Pig-Headed" Sailor Men From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
  • Highly trained specialists, they relied on their professional ethics to help manage the tricky business of judging and sometimes countermanding the clients who paid the bills.

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