How To Use Counterculture In A Sentence

  • The Web has always been flush with counterculture independents willing to break rules that aren't working anyway.
  • The relationship of progressive rock and the counterculture is thus uneasy and internally contradictory.
  • Theodore Roszak, the author, scholar and critic who brought the term "counterculture" into the mainstream as he documented the social upheavals of the 1960s, has died. Front Page
  • Virginia Woolf's granddaughter, speaking at the Hay-On-Wye Literary festival, celebrates the triumph of the counterculture in Britain.
  • Johnnie had been an example of a pervasive counterculture phenomenon, a rebellious student but by accident a great educator.
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  • For all the woolly sort of anti-Americanism afoot within the Canadian liberal-left, it is also true, and not the tiniest bit pathetic, that to formulate a position on the Afghanistan question the Canadian left has in the main simply adopted holus-bolus the American counterculture polemics on Iraq, and changed some names. Daimnation!: "Hats off to the Canadians"
  • Double standards rule, even in counterculture, where they are supposedly above that, which makes the whole shebang all the more criminal.
  • Hair," the musical that turned the counterculture into a hippie-dippy chorus line, has planted itself at the Kennedy Center for a spell -- and what an exhilarating frug down memory lane it proves to be. The wonderfully unruly 'Hair' is still a blowout 42 years after its Broadway debut
  • An extension of this argument can probably be made to reference Goffman's Counterculture Through the Ages, especially in light of Douglas Rushkoff's argument against the term counterculture ... Underground is a state of mind and repressed information wants to be free
  • Bjork occupies a rare position as both a mainstream pop icon and a major force in the counterculture.
  • In 1976 the counterculture still had a solid beachhead in Athens, Ohio.
  • In a vague echo of '60s counterculture and New Age platitudes, these crusades are likened to the sacred quest for human freedom.
  • The whole event existed somewhere between a mildly disobedient vigil, a human rights conference, and a counterculture festival.
  • What was your relationship with the counterculture like?
  • Peter Coyote reads a bit from his essay about Emmett Grogan at Book Passage and then discusses is own path from the "bland East coast suburbs" to the heart of 60s counterculture, and about the current cultural moment. Multimedia
  • Even the counterculture and college saturnalias of the late 1960s did not corrupt my habits.
  • The point of the various musical countercultures under the Soviets was not simply to hear music.
  • You're all young enough to have missed the counterculture of the 1960s.
  • Johnnie had been an example of a pervasive counterculture phenomenon, a rebellious student but by accident a great educator.
  • Right now the counterculture's online and mainstream culture's in space.
  • In a sense, Gaskin preserved the spiritual optimism of the early Haight, which appealed to some of those in SDS who, unable to choose sides as the national organization splintered into competing factions, took new interest in the counterculture's idealist approach to social change. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • The sad truth is that this doesn't dig up some underappreciated geniuses or lost classics of Northeastern counterculture.
  • Eventually, the Soviet Bloc rock scene grew into an alternate world, complete with a string of safe houses that one could use to inhabit the counterculture no matter where one went.
  • Thus sociologists will speak of the 1960s counterculture but the subculture of delinquent gangs. Sociology
  • Just when it seemed like the corporations had a stranglehold on the culture industries, counterculture has gone mainstream.
  • I've always hated the term counterculture because it implies that we're the ones who are against culture, when it's really the authoritarian overculture that's so deadset against the fecund fertility of a living culture... but I should think a little more thoroughly because at this point this sentence feels like half-baked and warmed-over Hegel. Underground is a state of mind and repressed information wants to be free
  • But the relationship between counterculture environmentalists and technology was always ambivalent.
  • In general, anarchism plays a big role in American radical politics and countercultures.
  • A particular touchstone of this counterculture was jazz, particularly bebop, and its association with African American culture.
  • As a member of the counterculture I had tried to get excited by the New Games in which no one loses.
  • After surviving two heart surgeries, a heart attack, and addictions to cocaine, Vicodin, and red wine, and outliving many of his peers in counterculture comedy, George Carlin died yesterday at the age of 71. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • For many in the counterculture of the early 1960s, computers had represented the epitome of all that was wrong with technology in the service of technocracy.
  • Getting my foot in the door of an actual, ongoing, contemporary, catch-as-catch-can counterculture. Portland Vagabonder [Card #8: Strength] [WORK-IN-PROGRESS]
  • Anyone who is now going to be elected president has probably lived through the drug counterculture and the sexual revolution.
  • The displays on the four walls and the exhibits in the center are all built around various topics, like "Counterculture and Assimilation," which offers Miles Davis's inscribed flugelhorn, Dizzy Gillespie's bejeweled fez and a well-worn, road-decorated steamer trunk from Pearl Bailey; elsewhere, there's Count Basie's sporty yachting cap. No Myth: The Apollo's Power
  • Intercutting long, engrossing musical sequences with images of revolutionary protest, the resulting film is a flawed but audacious counterculture landmark. Times, Sunday Times
  • The historical record of the counterculture is one of aspiration to cultivate the best in human beings, but it is also a record of the sordid deeds and speech-acts that sometimes followed in the wake of those aspirations. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • He took the company from the bowels of serious worthiness to wowing the London literati with dynamic, subversive, well-produced books that echoed the counterculture bubbling under the historical granite of Edinburgh.
  • Rousseau's "antimodern tunnel vision," Mr. Potter says, can be found in various modern forms: in the views of the American Transcendentalists of the 19th century and the counterculture heroes of the 1960s, for instance; or in such gloomy social critics as Al Gore and Prince Charles and alarmists like James Howard Kunstler. Why It's So Hard To Get Real
  • The counterculture boasted three potent cultural hydrogen bombs—pot, acid, and sexy hippie chicks of easy virtue—in its bid to seduce squares into grooviness. My Year of Flops
  • I saw this whole bunch of young people going crazy, plunging into the counterculture, becoming psychotics, among the Baby Boomer generation.
  • This counterculture is not a handful of people living very different lives.
  • The counterculture isn't dead but it needs some institutions to keep it alive.
  • As the great musical icon of the Sixties counterculture, Dylan has always been expected to live up to higher moral standards than the average rocker.
  • John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counterculture as responsible for the decline of formal English.
  • Highlights here include "A Sort of Loving" (where "rapping about dope" becomes a gateway to more insightful conversation), "I Hate You, Silas Marner" (which uses the title tome as a contrast with Joseph Heller's counterculture war hit), and "The Valedictorian" (an attempt to reconfigure recent student uprisings and nonconformity into the half hour TV setting). DVD Verdict
  • Still, there are jarring moments, such as the author's assessment of the effect on the counterculture of the expansion of America's war in Vietnam.
  • It shared the distaste of postmodernism for totalizing theory and it embraced the counterculture of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
  • GINGRICH: No. The intellectuals around me would -- if you wanted to use the term intelligentsia -- I mean, there's a self-identified, elite intellectual group in America who see themselves as the guardians of this alternative to traditional American civilization, and these are folks who write what I think is largely gibberish and explain deconstructionism and all sorts of ideas that I, frankly, don't pay much attention to, but that are somehow mystically going to be better than American civilization: multiculturalism, the counterculture, etc. To Renew America
  • Your political legacy, alas, will live long - but so will the vital counterculture you have spawned.
  • Counterculture environmentalists never constructed a unified philosophy that united like-minded individuals and organizations under one banner.
  • It should appeal to readers interested in social issues, psychology and the counterculture.
  • How, in that case, could late 1960s progressive rock be specific to the counterculture?
  • During the heyday of the counterculture in the '60s and '70s, a few brave souls crept out of formula filmmaking and found surprisingly wide audiences.
  • During the heyday of the counterculture in the '60s and '70s, a few brave souls crept out of formula filmmaking and found surprisingly wide audiences.
  • If their appearance trumps their stranger status, it is not because it signifies freedom, but because it signals that they belong to a recognizable counterculture.
  • He can't help but make his movies comically comment on themselves, from the college as crazy counterculture turmoil of Animal House to the Stallone as hambone old-fashioned farce in Oscar.
  • Over the past two decades Almodóvar has moved from the counterculture to the mainstream.
  • And they have all declared years ago that Bukowski's poetry was no longer part of the counterculture.
  • But where, in this fertile mess of war and unaccountability, is the raging counterculture to be found?
  • In general, anarchism plays a big role in American radical politics and countercultures.
  • Even Western governments are still utterly incapable of properly distinguishing true incitation to violence and hate from ethnic pride, mild but nonviolent rebellion, and counterculture. Kicking them out « BuzzMachine
  • The 1960s and 70s counterculture gets blamed for every current social ill by conservatives.
  • He makes some quite acid comments about the seventies mystical counterculture which make for very amusing reading now.
  • A large and organized enough counterculture is as likely as not to establish a legal system that supercedes the host nation and is more agreeable to their ideals. Munzenberg Commented Promoted: “What leftists need is an example set for them where Islam attacks one of their precious tenets.” « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • As the great musical icon of the Sixties counterculture, Dylan has always been expected to live up to higher moral standards than the average rocker.
  • It's counterculture from the Emo fad and the early days of Radiohead. "Would you like to see a little of it?" said the Mock Turtle.
  • They're often astonished that they can meet someone who has influenced the bands that introduced them to the counterculture.
  • In many ways, most of a counterculture's impact is limited to style.

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