How To Use Countercharge In A Sentence

  • Now see, what Colon did, that was a "countercharge. Top Iowa Story: Edwards Hits Hillary Over Planted Questions ��� Hillary Team Hits Back
  • A countercharge of libel was made by the opposing counsel.
  • She was the only woman in the homicide unit, and already there hadbeen problems between her and another detective, charges of sexual harassment, countercharges of unrelenting bitchiness.
  • There is a desire to bring an end to the charges and countercharges, the guilt and shame, the sense of racial "apartness," and to move toward a world in which people are judged by their personal journeys rather than by the past of the group of which they are members -- by birth and pigmentation. Amitai Etzioni: Race in the Obama Age
  • Jota countercharged that UNITA was moving its forces around the northern town of Uige, violating a ceasefire provision that both sides remain in their positions, but not in sufficient numbers to threaten the town. ANC Daily News Briefing
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  • And amid the crossfire of charges and countercharges - Jellison accuses the government of "blackballing" her at independent DNA labs; federal officials acknowledge that many of those labs are under federal contract, and thus have conflicts of interest-the military is standing by its findings. Plumadore, Kenneth L.
  • Countercharge system, a very useful system in practice, can be traced back to offset plea in Roman law about 1,300 years ago.
  • Charges of racism and immorality being charged and countercharged in that race. CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2006
  • That doesn't mean they're wrong, of course, but it does mean that there's a bureaucratic war going on and all charges and countercharges should be treated with an appropriate degree of skepticism.
  • His lawyer, Robert Amsterdam, has hinted at a countercharge by posting photos on his website showing soldiers firing at protesters during the height of last week's clashes. Thaksin Faces Thai Terrorism Charges
  • If you want to understand the interplay of charge and countercharge between republicans and democrats go to “glen Beck clips” and watch vidio fo3/24/2010. The DNC thinks shooting at Republicans ‘appropriate.’ [And a fundraising opportunity!] | RedState
  • The shield was -- Per fesse embattled, ar. and sa., three falcons, belted, countercharged -- a _bend_ sinister. Notes and Queries, Number 47, September 21, 1850
  • Sulu countercharged, drawing his sword and striking the weapon aside. Home Is the Hunter
  • The dunnite stones were transported to a gravel pit on the outskirts of Cartwright and countercharged. The Telegram: Local News
  • The election caps a bizarre week of charges and countercharges that climaxed with Mr. Blatter promising to revamp an organization he has dominated since becoming president in 1998. President of Soccer Body Is Re-Elected
  • Obama, appearing unusually feisty and at times sarcastic, led the countercharge himself. McCain: Americans Should Be Afraid -- Very Afraid -- Of President Obama
  • Either way, it's certainly interesting to hear the candidates, at least rhetorically, framing the debate in such stark terms, without worrying about the "class warfare" countercharge that for so long set Dems quaking and scurrying off to their consultants for advice. print share Obama Decries "Second Gilded Age"
  • Obviously, as you can imagine, the charges and countercharges are flying fast and furious.
  • And the charges and countercharges have become increasingly partisan and bitter.
  • What is the average citizen to do, facing this blizzard of charges and countercharges and theories and countertheories?
  • Mr White countercharged Mr Smith with slander.
  • Debates help them break through the blaze of hyperbolic attacks and confusing countercharges.
  • His lawyers—plural—threatened a countercharge of police harassment, and Ms. Caroline King had declined to press charges. Tough Customer
  • Countercharge's implicating nature is to point to a countercharge and to appeal in legal action reason or go at defense method to mount existence in fact or legally connection.
  • They weren’t nearly as willing to accept the countercharge from the Obama campaign that Clinton herself had flip-flopped in answering the question (earlier in the year, while criticizing Bush’s recalcitrance about meeting with rogue leaders, she had expressed practically the same sentiment as Obama), because such a slip-up didn’t track with the emerging campaign narrative of Clinton as disciplined and savvy. Teacher and Apprentice
  • Police countercharged, arresting some of what they described as a hard core of 500 bent on confrontation. CNN Transcript Jun 2, 2007
  • The decision to aim at a higher target led to huge increases in cost and lengthy postponements in the timetable, as well as charges and countercharges over where responsibility rested for the new expenses and the delays.
  • I think right now there's a sense that both sides are getting tired of all the countercharges.
  • Authorized rights consist of the right to acknowledge for litigants, the right of conciliation and the right to countercharge and so on.
  • And what responsibility do we have to sort out the charges and countercharges that are being thrown on the stump and on the airwaves?
  • | Reply | Permalink countercharge that for so long set Dems quaking and scurrying off to their consultants for advice. Obama Decries "Second Gilded Age"
  • In politics, when someone levels a charge at you, you have three choices: respond to the substance of the attack (show their facts are wrong), deflect attention with a countercharge (he's much worse than I am) or fire off an insult. Top Iowa Story: Edwards Hits Hillary Over Planted Questions ��� Hillary Team Hits Back
  • I had him charged with assault and he countercharged me with wilful destruction of property or some such thing. Soft Options: Day-Tripping to Danger
  • Authorized rights consist of the right to acknowledge for litigants, the right of conciliation and the right to countercharge and so on.
  • Mr White countercharged Mr Smith with slander.
  • He countercharged that the Chinese had been putting cholera germs in the wells to infect occupation forces. Human Smoke
  • “You are right,” answered the Benedictine; and again consulting his memoranda, he added, “the arms on the dexter side are those of Glendinning, being a cross parted by a cross indented and countercharged of the same; and on the sinister three spur-rowels for those of Avenel; they are two ancient families, now almost extinct in this country — the arms part y per pale.” The Monastery
  • The group denies the charge of election fraud, and makes a countercharge of violence against the opposition.
  • Williams denied it and countercharged that Adler was trying to blacken the name of anyone who had more power over the museum's affairs than he did. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

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