How To Use Counter In A Sentence
Beard is rather dismissive of their optical sophistication, shown in the curvature of the stylobate and in the entasis of the columns — the slight outward swelling of a column designed to counter the optical illusion of concavity, were the columns 'sides to be perfectly straight.
Looking for the Lost Greeks
The material you choose for surfaces including counters, backsplashes and floors can also account for variations in price.
There are a lot of counterarguments to using more labor in China.
New antioxidants include ferulic acid, idebenone, ubiquinone coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and resveratrol and are already making their way into our friendly neighborhood counters.
You Being Beautiful
Swiss counter-intelligence was very effective, too, and 387 spies, mostly Swiss but including 100 Germans, were captured and brought to trial of whom 17 were executed.

Lee waved down the server behind the counter, who seemed to have been engulfed in conversation with one of the two men seated next to us.
Consider some of the specific encounters Blue has with women Gareth is involved with.
Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl: Questions
Fly fishers in the salt water environment need something entirely different to their freshwater counterpart on the chalk stream, as does the angler who fishes big reservoirs.
Mewme was an old cat not like the playful little kitten that Alison had first encountered after her mother entered her life.
We encounter a patient with recurrent jaundice resulting from tumor ingrowth to the metallic stent.
Richard and I proceeded through the customs check to the Swissair counter.
There are also plans to bulk up the meat and bakery counters with bigger teams who will also have a new livery.
Times, Sunday Times
Beautiful, green, the remoteness of Exmoor counterpointed by the glorious surf of the Atlantic beaches, coast roads with views of the craggy shoreline.
Archive 2009-06-01
The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation is responsible for internal security, for counter-espionage, for counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism.
Gamers familiar with some tracks will easily be able to pick out certain landmarks or other features from their real-life counterparts.
It was the first time I'd finally counter-attacked.
Most prewar kitchens had ceramic tile countertops and backsplashes, and many of the original patterns and colors are now back in production.
Improved safety measures in cars can be counterproductive as they encourage people to drive faster.
British postal workers lag behind their continental counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
All the review really shows is the lack of good quality research on over the counter cough medicines.
He admitted possessing a counterfeit note.
The Sun
After the counter is installed on top of the cabinet, the wood strip is attached to the front edge of the counter using glue and small, air-driven brads.
The cheese was bright and a good counter to the deep character of the beets.
Nick managed to move his battered body quickly enough to launch his own counter-blast, successfully stalemating the battleship's beam.
The consecutive statements, allegations, and counterallegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant, or prosecutor and accused, in a legal proceeding.
WASHINGTON — A U.S. military official says the Navy had a close encounter with an Iranian surveillance plane last week in the Gulf of Oman.
Iranian Military Plane 'Buzzes' U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier
Slow the airplane to reduce impact forces; also, you'll likely encounter wind shear and strong downdrafts.
The winners of these two encounters will contest the final from 7pm.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, a small number of participants discussed their experiences with gender-bending - that is, pretending to be of the opposite sex - during an online sexual encounter.
Members of the other parties were described as counter-revolutionary.
Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) would make a decision on whether to boost output to calm minister said on Tuesday he sees no push by OPEC members to raise oil output to counter a spike in prices to 18-month highs. - Business News
But Frye's dreams of systematizing and co-ordinating a literary universe also rose to meet counterparts in Frances Yates's 1967 account of the zodiacs and theatres of the encyclopaedic memory systems of Bruno and Camillo.
MI5, Britain's internal security and counter-espionage agency, is to play a greater role in informing the UK public about terror alerts.
It's great that she was able to tie up Super Smize's narrative, since half of these girls would have been so confused if they just encountered her in plainclothes without an explanation.
Taking the boot off
It is sad, very sad to watch a great champion being beaten in a one-sided fight where he cannot offer any meaningful counterpunch, which is what boxing is all about.
They glimpsed each other across grocery counters and in the forced intimacy of domestic service now gone out of style.
This thrust, though, is generally reckoned to grant sufficient dynamic counterplay.
Times, Sunday Times
Our pupils and students leave schools and universities after an incredibly narrow diet of education compared with their international counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
To counter both this and the high levels of private label saturation, bakery and cereals manufacturers are attempting to differentiate their brands, especially in growth areas such as healthy and convenient bakery products. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
And about 50 meters into the canyon at this narrow section, I encountered a place where I was standing on top of a chalkstone with about a ten-foot elevation drop.
CNN Transcript May 8, 2003
The commander countermanded the reinforcements to the battlefield.
But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee.
From October to Brest-Litovsk
While I'm walking along the beach and eating handfuls of cornflake sand, I encounter a group of envelopes playing horseshoes.
Horseshoe Champion
Counterinsurgency operations failed to end support for the separatists.
The fact that they are harmless plankton feeders in no way diminishes the adrenaline rush; the ease with which you can approach them makes that rare encounter even more exciting.
His current research is about the role of intelligence in multinational counterterrorism activities.
Stanhope sees his openness as a counter to society's hypocrisy about such subjects.
The handle on the German “potato-masher” hand grenade enabled it to be thrown far further than its British or American counterparts.
Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
Australia plays a leading role in advancing APEC's responses to human security issues such as communicable diseases, emergency disaster relief preparedness, counter-terrorism, climate change and energy security.
Australia Strengthens APEC
Many of Rogers' assertions and specific rebuttals (which form, in effect, a counter-reading of Kornbluh's book) are best answered by Kornbluh himself.
You are put under a constant low level of pain that triggers endorphal release in your brain to help counter.
Another dream tells of an encounter with a being who held four keys, and bore the wings of a kingfisher.
Uncle Fliakim Sheril, furbished up in a new crisp black suit, and with his spindleshanks trimly incased in the smoothest of black silk stockings, looking for all the world just like an alert and spirited black cricket, outdid himself on this occasion in singing _counter_, in that high, weird voice that he must have learned from the wintry winds that usually piped around the corners of the old house.
Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
She also outlined another misconception that could explain the suspicion research nurses often encounter among other nurses.
Each thread includes a unique program counter, process stack, and set of processor registers.
To counter the offensive the British authorities began to recruit a special force for deployment in Ireland.
Had there, despite Terry Gill's denials, been an encounter?
The work of the Hard-Edge painters, their first collective exhibition catalog in 1959 asserted, runs counter to a widespread contemporary belief in the primary value of emotion and intuition in esthetic experience … the [Hard-Edge painter] is not preoccupied with art as an opportunity to make autobiographical statements.
California Cool
But isn't there also a growing problem with counterfeit phony drugs, pharmaceuticals, as well?
A young sea captain's future is transformed as he encounters mutiny, adventure and a beautiful fugitive in this romantic thriller set during an epic voyage to Shanghai.
"Without a doubt," I said, "You're the most beautiful dip I've ever encountered."
You can't know how well you will perform under stress until you encounter it.
Holding the chain railing, we followed our leader and had up-close encounters with yellow tails, sergeant majors, blue tang, trumpet fish, and other reef dwellers.
I got out all my change, and put it on the counter: two pennies, two nickels, two quarters.
Hence the quotation from ‘Shepherd's Hey ’, which is skilfully counterpointed with the ‘Enigma’ theme in bar 25.
The hole in her shimmery gold nylons from her encounter with the Pekingese didn't add to her self-confidence.
But somehow this latest encounter with Matthew had been even more disturbing than their encounter in the cupboard.
But these statistics represent neither success nor failure in this complex counterinsurgency.
Times, Sunday Times
We are heartened to see the counter-errorist troops in the SGPS fighting to gain a thought foothold among graduate students.
Stephen Taylor - a blog on Canadian politics
Today's kitchens have high-tech appliances, lush countertops, designer cabinets, and tile or wood floors.
Pornography may be legally banned but it is still available under the counter.
One of the primary objectives of the Calcutta celebration is to crystallize this counter-exemplarity in the very space where previous observers, including
Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
The ants were the most prolific of the insects we were likely to encounter daily.
The treaty usually took place in the dishevelled drawing-room, after a round of the widely parted chambers, where frowzy beds, covered with frowzy white counterpanes, stood on frowzy carpets or yet frowzier mattings, and dusty windows peered into purblind courts.
London Films
Again, the specter of counterparty risk becomes an issue.
Typical appliances rested on a long line of marble counters surrounding an island in the middle of the room.
It is one of the most commonly used counterirritants for temporary relief of pain.
Though I must say that when I've encountered such things, I could not help sending a rather pointed letter about plagiarism and its extreme inadvisability.
Years later, after their defeat, they finally understood how far from international norms they were and saw a change in the youngest element of their society, so they began a counterpropaganda campaign.
The Coming Revolution
Along the way you'll encounter bath plugs, rubber ducks and get the obligatory soaking from intermittent showers.
But army hard-liners, led by Mr. Ioannidis, staged a successful countercoup on Nov. 25, 1973, and ruled Greece with increasing harshness and incompetence for the next eight months.
Dimitrios Ioannidis, 87, dies; former Greece security chief led countercoup
He clopped over to the reception counter in his large leather boots.
Despite the fact that a Dinky toy car can fetch many times more than its real life counterpart, it is still possible to find bargains.
Again and again, by feint of foot and hand and body he continued to inveigle Sandel into leaping back, ducking, or countering.
He thereby provides both a theology of the resurrection and a theology of the liturgy: one encounters the risen Christ in the word and in the sacrament; divine service is the fashion in which he becomes touchable to us and recognizable as the living Christ.
The book by Joseph Ratzinger that "changed history"
The local landowners and crofters have countered with an alternative proposal for a Wester Ross Wilderness Area.
Can the other teams raise their games enough to counterbalance that potential falloff?
She'll approach the perfume counter boldly, spray her ample poitrine and graceful, swanlike neck until it's glistening like a freshly dunked donut and writhe in olfactory ecstasy.
What to Give for Christmas to the Over-Applier?
I countered, soon becoming the stereotypical "noncompliant" black woman.
Archive 2007-11-01
When I turned around, Charlie was still standing at the counter with a mischievous gleam in his dark eyes.
With that retort, Will shoved Mark into a table, but Mark countered, ducking from a roundhouse swing and taking Will's legs out from underneath him.
The winds associated with this broader wake spawn a narrow eastward countercurrent that draws warm water from west to east.
We topped the rise, encountering more of that lumberman 's desolation on the other side.
The 18th century saw incessant warfare between the colonial powers, towns repeatedly sacked, and islands taken and retaken, often for use as bargaining counters at the peace.
There was nobody behind/on the counter when I went into the bank, and I had to wait to be served.
The bestseller lists are full of books highly critical of religion, countered by pundits whose heated rhetoric decries a public square made “naked” by the absence of religion.2 Yet the fault line between those who are religious and those who are not hardly exhausts the ways in which religion can be divisive.
American Grace
She left her purse on the counter, so I had to trot down the street after her.
T. Golan Stockholm, SwedenAmerica needs to invest in long-term counterterrorist measures like cultural understanding.
Mail Call
The only solution would be to counterbalance this negativity in my own eccentric little way.
Times, Sunday Times
They instead want to have -- they want to fight, you know, with drones from afar and take out top al Qaeda leadership, what is -- a so-called counterterrorist strategy.
CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2009
Next, something brushed past him, and he encountered it with a snarl and a splashing of his forepaws.
Setting the crossbow on the counter and sheathing his sword, he moved with surprising speed and agility to replace the bar across the door.
Elongated roars and fragments of voices gave a sense of atmospheric portent, while syncopated pings, clicks and chirps added a desultory counterpoint.
He also booked seven players during the spikiest of encounters.
Times, Sunday Times
The issue could be eased if retailers used systems which blocked out at least some numbers on credit card receipts, or systems to destroy spare counterfoils after use.
So we counteracted the alcohol with caffeine (aka "change"), the opposite substance to alcohol.
Jamie Frevele: What We Are Experiencing, America, Is a GOP Hangover
The Hill's liberals will count it a successful session if they can scratch up a billion or so out of the defense budget, add in the money freed up if, as expected, Carter's counter-inflationary "real-wage insurance" plan is defeated, and then spread the dividends among the hardest-hit programs.
The Politics of Austerity
To a soundtrack of cooking tips, paedophilia newsflashes and outtakes from the film Brief Encounter, she tries to seduce a stuffed tiger, intercutting her swaying flamenco with mad, petulant little flounces.
Alonzo King Lines Ballet; Retina dance company, Collisions, Juliet Aster
One night, after sampling a strange concoction made from the rose petals collected from Croxleys Wood, Geoff encounters the beautiful Rosemary.
Looking like film noir stills, these photographs were nighttime shots of the actual sites where the fateful encounters between police and civilians occurred.
Among the sofas I encounter a perspex case containing a sleek-looking chair.
Sometimes the counterfeiters are fly-by-night operations, but just as often they're legitimate companies that have a dark side.
It is hard for the able-bodied to understand the difficulties that disabled people encounter in their daily lives.
Compared to its refined counterpart, wholewheat pasta gives a slower, more sustained release of energy into the bloodstream, is higher in fibre and more nutritious too.
Opened in 2007, the family-run Forte S ā o Jo ā o da Barra is part of a small but growing band of hotels running countercurrent to the wave of mass tourism that has swept over much of the Algarve region during the past 40 years.
Portugal's Alluring Hideaways
But this doesn't deter many people from setting up sites selling counterfeit drugs.
The Sun
The internal debate within the Provisional movement has encountered some difficulties.
Marlix feared they might be immune to his hurricane spell, but they turned out to be immune to arcance spells, including counterspell, which made it harder for us to pull them away to a quiet spot of the hall.
Crossfire in Dire Maul: in over our heads
A product of the Reagan-Bush era, she's been steadily counterpoised to the of the right.
After the bill was sent to me, I had an extraordinary encounter with the young NRA lobbyist who came down from Washington to push the bill.
However ecstatic expression is performed, its most enthusiastic performance spontaneously tunes and readies us to experience the divine and encounter the mysterium tremendum.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
This trek also marked our first encounter with leeches.
Two of the ballet's encounters stood out, imbued with a kind of artistic brilliance befitting their underlying influence.
Even if it wasn't clear enough back when he assembled his "team of rivals" and welcomed Wall Street into his administration, it has been absolutely clear at least since he capitulated to "counterinsurgent" generals and their civilian enablers, and to health care profiteers, that, whatever he may think and feel "inside," Obama is not one of the "good guys.
Andrew Levine: Obama Winter and How to Combat It
We do not know of an antidote to counteract this side effect.
To counteract this, he has decided to send the majority of this year 's cohort into the towns and countryside.
Times, Sunday Times
I've just noticed that the Cafe Car has a big jar of wooden - not plastic - coffee stirrers right there on the counter.
I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.
The Christians however seemed to be a quite different species, unlike any other foreign belief system they had yet encountered.
The court also upheld the decision of the assistant recorder to reject the counterclaim which the defendant sought to introduce.
From the outset, she is not sure she will survive this touchy encounter with a legendary fisherman who taught her everything she knows and is one tough, crusty character.
The tartan army, for many a source of national pride as a good-natured counterpoint to prevailing hooliganism elsewhere, is now routinely derided in the press for its apparent buffoonery and lack of knowledge of the beautiful game.
When encountering headachy thing to generate undesirable sentiment, not oppressed in the heart, and should think way its sparse release comes out.
When this happens, we will encounter a strange blurring of the edges between virtual and true realities.
She first encountered the phenomenon when one of her colleagues from the Top End related the story of a man who was evacuated from an outstation with a deteriorating medical condition.
Little tiny lace panties sold rolled up like ladyfingers, and in a myriad of gem tones, sit in a case on the front counter.
Women who undergo cosmetic surgery still far outnumber their male counterparts.
If I encounter a gentleman in such a state of déshabillé, I generally point and raise an eyebrow.
In France, industrial investment came first; in Britain, the Counterpart Fund was almost entirely used to pay wartime debts and re-float sterling.
They encountered serious problems when two members of the expedition were injured.
I get a kick out of overtipping people who usually don't get any tip at all, like the girl at the ice-cream counter.
The 'surfboat' was about a quarter of a mile offshore 125 miles north of Sydney when the crew, most of who have been volunteer surf lifesavers for just a few months, encountered the shark.
Home | Mail Online
In all but the most one-sided encounters, however, the ascendancy shifts between the teams.
But Mr Fergus did agree with a recent Australian Government decision to increase funding for counter-espionage activities.
A purported acceptance which introduces different terms is not in law an acceptance but a counter - offer.
He appears to have been a member of Walsingham's and Burleigh's intelligence and counter-espionage networks.
Max Bedacht was not the kind of frowsy, self-assertive Communist most Congressmen were accustomed to encountering.
On being called a bigot and/or racist
The respondent may accept the arbitration claim or object a right to makea counterclaim.
In what was a hard-fought encounter, the Dubliners played an uncompromising game under both boards.
He made a counter-offer on the spot, making me Special Correspondent with a 120 per cent rise in salary!
How does the counter generate the correct permutation of the binary numerals?
The completeness of the 1989-90 material is more difficult to evaluate because the drugs in this period were available over the counter.
`Oh hullo, Darrow," I said as if I had encountered him by chance at a garden party.
Natural deterrents against sea erosion (mangroves, sandbanks, reefs etc.) have been depleted to such extents that their revival cannot be considered a viable plan to counter sea disasters.
The Ministry of Home Affairs, also look and rethink over the existing involvement, efficiency, effectivity and also carrying and delivery capacity of chief district officer, who are the chief of district security system, to encounter the state of occlusion.
Nepal: Disappearing Security in Occlusion
On the other hand, I feel so clearly a certain nearness, spiritually and psychologically, to Henry Stuartwell, I guess there is even an emotional counterpart, too.
Sonny Brewer - An interview with author
I am certain that, over the board, I have a real-time weakness in assessing what is the best countermove by the opponent in a quiet position.
A rectal probe housing a linear array of five copper-constantan thermocouples was designed to measure colonic temperatures simultaneously at positions anterior to, within, and posterior to the region of the colon flanked by the countercurrent heat exchanger.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Merkel went on television last night to try and limit the political fallout from her colleague's remarks, but she has encountered a barrage of criticism.
But when Troy made its strategy of forward defense work, the Greeks employed a counterstrategy of slow strangulation.
The Trojan War
Hours after the ambassador was recalled, Saba said Mr. bin Jassem sent a letter to his Yemeni counterpart, Abu Bakr al-Qurbi, to clarify Qatar's position.
There is no authority on the implied licence argument and it may be criticised that it runs counter to the guidance of the House of Lords in the case of Sunningwell that a tolerated use may be as of right.
It was not remotely greasy and any tendency towards blandness was countered by the saltiness of the feta, while the orange butter sauce saved the whole dish from becoming too dry.
So I went to get a pack of Salem Lights and the woman does a double take at me to double check my age, so I lean across the counter and say, "Look I'll give you five bucks if you don't ID me".
Because of the invariable growth of the counteracting force known as Regionalism, or Nationalism, the Spiritual Power can not prevail.
But barmy carbohydrate appears in starch and candy, include those consist in food to counteract the starch in be being added into treatment food and candy.
The antiserums they stored in the banks that counteracted other forms of BHF were not working on this mutated strain, nor had ribavirin.
In this role he had responsibility for compiling intelligence dossiers on its enemies; for planning counter-espionage and for establishing and supervising fascist cells operating in the trade union movement.
From that moment, he anchors his existence in the hopeless need to share an affective contiguity with this random female acquaintance by changing the time of every clock and watch he encounters to Paris time.
Few aspects of ancient warfare are more conducive to archaeological research than siege mining and countermining.
More recently the concept of the "at" - complexes as a counterpart to the "onium" complexes has led to the development of a new chemistry from which have come the sodium tetra phenylborates.
Georg Wittig - Curriculum Vitae
Cleveland, had often mentioned him, without in any respect diminishing the insignificancy with which fame insinuated he had conducted himself in those amorous encounters: she nevertheless had the greatest curiosity to see a man, whose entire person, she thought, must be a moving trophy, and monument of the favours and freedoms of the fair sex.
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
Their acclimation in these rural settlements proved difficult due to both their lack of agricultural experience and their traditional social structure which went counter to the principles of the moshav.
Yemenite Women in Israel: 1948 to the Present Day.
| Reply | Permalink countercharge that for so long set Dems quaking and scurrying off to their consultants for advice.
Obama Decries "Second Gilded Age"
Other consumer stocks such as discounter Wal-Mart Stores Inc.,
The Seattle Times
She stood up from the table, trailing her finger along the dust that had accumulated on the kitchen counter.
Your domestic scene seems to have encountered some minor problems.
The Sun
There's nothing quite like a domineering matriarch to fall in love with and Streep not only neuters her on-screen male counterparts but the audience as well.
Indeed, before entering the first of two main spaces devoted to the exhibit, you encounter five 1968 lithographs inspired by the poet Pablo Neruda's epic work, "Canto General," an all-embracing distillation of Latin American history, geography and culture.
Siqueiros in Unfamiliar Terrain
He places the finished drink, a macchiato, on the counter.
And while the discounters sell a handful of branded items, most of their shelf space is for own-brand goods.
Times, Sunday Times
Patients received a letter from their medical facility countersigned by the project director informing them about the study and about a phone call to follow.
They encounter some small groups of orcs away from the great army and they slay them quickly.
We propose a countermeasure:after confirming the true Bungarus multicinctus, inserting a falsepreventing pill or mark into its oral cavity and packing it in mould pressing plastic package.
Through such volumes many Americans first encountered hymns that were to become part of the standard repertory.
Christianity Today
I already had them figured for bourbon drinkers, and on receiving confirmation I poured a pair of doubles, left the bottle out and placed a tray of ice on the counter.
Boats fostered unusually intimate encounters because of the enforced idleness of travel and because of their physical isolation.
Each day, in visibility of over 30 metres, we encounter black and white-tipped reef and grey sharks, large pelagics like dogtoothed tuna and many of the four hundred other species of fish which inhabit these waters.
Making vaguely related assertions in response to an argument is not a counter-argument.
The missing trio were interviewed by counterterrorism officers at the time.
Times, Sunday Times
RETURN-DETAIL/ - is a return parameter providing a report of the errors encountered during the attempt to submit the package for approval.
He picked up a washcloth from the counter and ran cold water over it.
He is forbidden, in fact, to be himself a good citizen; forbidden to be anything more than the colourless instrument of a system of compromise and countercheck.
Irish Books and Irish People
His black cloak had seen service; the waistcoat of grey plaid bore yet stronger marks of having encountered more than one campaign; his third piece of dress was an absolute veteran compared to the others; his shoes were so loaded with mud as showed his journey must have been pedestrian; and a grey maud, which fluttered around his wasted limbs, completed such an equipment as, since
Count Robert of Paris
Now, FBI agents' time is a much scarcer commodity because so many agents focus on counterterrorism.
The oath of one of the initiated must counterbalance the most solemn asseveration of every one that is not acquainted with our holy secrets.
Anne of Geierstein
Ben Foden is a counterattacker under surveillance, and has responded to advice to keep to the shadows out there.
Eddie Butler's verdict: five things England must improve
Obtain African development bank line long with China people bank line long countersign of certificate.
This coin is actually rarer than its gold counterpart.
Coin Dealer Julian Leidman Victim of Vehicle Burglary. Reward Grows to $156,000 : Coin Collecting News
Yorkston has no objection to their plans in principle, and suspects that many of his counterparts may be of a similar mind.