How To Use Counsellor In A Sentence

  • GPs and counsellors would need to be involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • So we've actually put in place a helpline, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for people to call, where they'll get professional assistance from people who are trained counsellors.
  • In fact in the recent case before the High Court, the counsellor failed to come up with a clear finding.
  • The common thread in both situations is the communication of information in confidence to an adviser or therapeutic counsellor.
  • Don't try to be a counsellor or adviser within the family. The Sun
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  • First to appear is one of the counsellors who answers the phone when prospective patients initially call. Times, Sunday Times
  • The same doctor has to be a combination of priest, demiurge, counsellor, pharmacologist, horologist, talkshow host and healer.
  • Share your feelings with a bereavement counsellor. The Sun
  • 'Your nation have well been called perfidious, Major Counsellor. A Modern Mercenary
  • She is bound to the rules and the choir, but not to the private recitation of the Divine Office; she can take part in chapters, except in those in which others are admitted to vows; she cannot be elected superior, mother-vicaress, mistress of novices, assistant, counsellor, or treasurer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Nay, the majesty of kings, is rather exalted than diminished, when they are in the chair of counsel; neither was there ever prince, bereaved of his dependences, by his counsel, except where there hath been, either an over – greatness in one counsellor, or an over – strict combination in divers; which are things soon found, and holpen. The Essays
  • As a skilled political counsellor More had to display his rhetorical skills in justifying often mutually incompatible or contradictory statements and beliefs in the service of the state.
  • The findings of the present study should help psychologists, counsellors and lawyers to give useful advice to parents, highlighting a child-focused perspective.
  • They're being drawn to careers of service, as police or firemen, emergency health workers, teachers, counsellors, or in the military.
  • My counsellor was a Christian and she was open about it even though I didn't share her beliefs. Sheepdip Diary Entry
  • I am no bereavement counsellor, but in the last few months, I have learned a lot about ‘coping’ after my mother passed away.
  • The clinic fee is almost sufficient to cover a counsellor's sessional fee, thus costing the practice a minimal amount.
  • Counsellors and trauma experts are queuing up to offer assistance to the Russian town of Beslan.
  • Dozens of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors moved in, and art and play therapy have been used to great effect, trauma experts said.
  • But right now I think I probably am not in the right place to become a counsellor since I am a counsellee myself!! Sheepdip Diary Entry
  • In this instance the counsellor was the living pattern of his own maxims. The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) 1809-1859
  • Couples counsellors suggest having an honest (but not brutal) exchange about what behavioural tweaks would bring you closer. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's clear that people who go to see astrologists use them as counsellors.
  • An occupational health nurse, welfare officer or specialized counsellor are the sort of people well placed to deal with this area. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • Each prisoner spends an hour each week with a personal counsellor. The Prisons We Deserve
  • The counsellor may be able to facilitate communication between the couple that has not been possible at home.
  • There remained the stewards and elder counsellors, and such menservants as might be needed for any service, from armoury, stables, stores, brewhouse and bakehouse. His Disposition
  • “It is really a matter of necessity,” said the younger counsellor, retained for her sister; and Jeanie reluctantly followed the macer of the Court to the place appointed. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The commentator compared it to the cartoon strip of a couple who explain to a marriage counsellor that they don't talk any more as ‘we figured out that's when we have all our fights.’
  • The plot is strained and the back-stories of deprivation can feel like a counsellor's casebook, yet most of the characters have the ring of truth and Coghlan has an ear for street talk.
  • Instead they live out their days in the rescue centre, eating and sleeping in a guarded compound and acting as counsellors to other traumatised victims. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been the counsellor there for 18 years so have seen first hand the exceptional success of the resettlement process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Counsellors, shrinks and psychologists are flocking to the disaster sites and the homes of grieving relatives to comfort the hurting, the stunned and the overwhelmed, sometimes with a media crew in tow.
  • Getting support to think and talk things through with a counsellor might give you ways to turn things round. The Sun
  • But in these studies the ‘talking therapy’ is applied by protocol using specially trained counsellors who are often monitored for adherence to the protocol.
  • There were no advisers or counsellors. Times, Sunday Times
  • For years, unloading your innermost thoughts to a counsellor was de rigueur for those undergoing the trials of celebrity. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to one bereavement counsellor, humour is often used by clients as a way of dealing with grief.
  • The couple have sought help from marriage guidance counsellors.
  • He was an extraordinary preacher, a devoted pastor, a catechist who wrote his own catechism, a visitor of the sick, a counsellor, and one deeply concerned about missions, ecumenism, church polity, and church discipline.
  • As a qualified pet bereavement counsellor I would like to help pet owners compassionately and in confidence.
  • For instance clinically depressed people are very lethargic and unmotivated; further sedation can therefore be counterproductive, and massage is only carried out with the approval of the patient's counsellor.
  • For this reason, it is helpful to consult an objective, non-judgemental counsellor.
  • Does that make him a privy counsellor? Times, Sunday Times
  • If she has spoken to her counsellor about co-dependence, she must have explored the importance of boundaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talking to an experienced counsellor is crucial in reassuring us that it is not strange or unusual to feel the way that we do. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't try to be a counsellor or adviser within the family. The Sun
  • They were also the women who went more and more to seek the aid of psychiatrists and marriage counsellors.
  • There were no advisers or counsellors. Times, Sunday Times
  • GPs and counsellors would need to be involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deceivers, in the eighth circle of hell, are put into ten subdivisions, including seducers, flatterers, hypocrites, and false counsellors.
  • Giving up alcohol might prove a trickier long-term proposition, although he has, for the first time in his life, admitted that he has been seeing an alcohol counsellor.
  • A Third Secretary, a dogsbody, fetching and carrying for the ambassador, and sometimes only the counsellor. KARA KUSH
  • Throughout the discussion, the counsellor has several tasks. 1 Giving everyone an opportunity to contribute.
  • Talking to a counsellor can help you untangle the past and move on. The Sun
  • This made her figure that training as a marriage counsellor would guarantee her some employment once her schooling was through. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • The major objective of the counsellor, especially the counsellor who actively seeks to combat ageism, is to encourage involvement.
  • At the same time, youth counsellors have been cut out of Toronto's public education system as a frill.
  • I was ushered into one of the meeting rooms and met by the embassy's press counsellor.
  • They have both a counsellor service and mentors for students that need them.
  • Did gods, in their role as consolers and counsellors, evolve from binkers, by a sort of psychological 'paedomorphosis'? The God Delusion
  • The apparently small and isolated family incidents observed by the family counsellor are often typical examples of family interaction.
  • GPs needed to be able to make themselves more available to teenagers and that required State support for ancillary services and the employment of nursing staff and counsellors at surgeries, he said.
  • As an experienced marriage guidance counsellor, I know these things. The Sun
  • But do you think a newly married straight couple would be referred to a counsellor because they asked about starting a family? Charlie Condou: The three of us
  • According to one bereavement counsellor, humour is often used by clients as a way of dealing with grief.
  • If to avoid this difficulty, one Counsellor should be sent from each state, this would require great expence, which is a consideration at this time of much moment, especially as it is probable, that by the method proposed, the President may be equally well advised without any expence at all. Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of North-Carolina, Convened at
  • I could be a criminal psychologist, a guidance counsellor, a social worker.
  • An abortive attempt at a psychology degree followed, then he jostled with the idea of becoming a drugs and drink counsellor.
  • A counsellor can help you both listen and talk. The Sun
  • Professional career counsellors can assess your strengths and weaknesses and offer advice.
  • These things, saith Aesop after his reproving way, ought rather to have been discussed privately among ourselves, lest we be accounted antimonarchical while we desire to be esteemed friends and loyal counsellors. Essays and Miscellanies
  • This was the first institution of the council or senate, called the Sanhedrin, consisting of seventy or seventy-two senators or counsellors. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete
  • Lin Zi herself was a member of the first group of students to pass the national examinations to qualify as a psychological counsellor.
  • A canine behaviour counsellor, he was also brought to the programme by the Blue Cross.
  • The local grocer, at whose shop Momma used to have a few quick pulls at the hubble-bubble now and then, was his chief counsellor.
  • Why didn't she become a rape counsellor or a psychiatric nurse?
  • As an experienced marriage guidance counsellor, I know these things. The Sun
  • A guidance counsellor suggested he channel his violent energies into drama.
  • It is for the monarch to appoint counsellors of state whenever she wishes, delegating whatever powers she wishes.
  • Most letters come from lovelorn adolescents, but the club also boasts a professional counsellor, who deals with the more difficult problems.
  • Tell the whole story to a young person 's counsellor who can help you sort this out the right way. The Sun
  • Penny, the experienced counsellor who came to assess his needs, decided to take on his case herself. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when evening was now come (because it was the Parasceve, that is, the day before the sabbath), Joseph of Arimathea, a noble counsellor, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, came and went in boldly to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus. Sarx
  • Thirdly, that they that exhort and dehort, where they are required to give counsel, are corrupt counsellors and, as it were, bribed by their own interest. Leviathan
  • Conventions, by having had experience in national concerns, will be able and useful counsellors, and the whole, being impowered by the people, will have a truly legal authority. Common Sense
  • As I walked out with my suitcase, other residents and some of the counsellors said I would be back on smack within days of me leaving.
  • Last November, a drug and alcohol counsellor came to the centre to run a family program and provide training.
  • Listening to others can spark aspects of the counsellor's own personal growth. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • He spoke of the affection he and his uncle had had for each other and what a marvellous counsellor he had been.
  • Counsel shall not perish from the wise; the administration of public affairs shall always be lodged with the privy-counsellors and ministers of state, to whom it belongs; nor shall the word perish from the prophets -- they mean those of their own choosing, who prophesied to them smooth things, and flattered them with visions of peace. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Housing officials and debt counsellors have also been trained to identify those who are heavy smokers and refer them to smoking cessation courses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pharaoh's counsellor_, under all the circumstances, proves him a friend to absolute slavery, as a form of government better adapted to the state of the world at that time, than the one which existed in Egypt; for certain it is, that he peaceably effected a change in the fundamental law, by which a _state, condition, or relation_, between Pharaoh and the Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • Dozens of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors moved in, and art and play therapy have been used to great effect, trauma experts said.
  • Counsellors encourage victims of crime to confront their emotions.
  • People such as counsellors, psychologists and behavioural therapists may show you relaxation techniques and other ways to deal with stress.
  • March 27 & April 3 & 12, 9. 30am - 3. 30pm Admission: $250 a class Tel: 9004-2645 (call macrobiotic counsellor Simone Vaz for details on the venue) Info: There is a 10 per cent discount for at least three persons. Undefined
  • A guildsman and counsellor of the town of Shrewsbury, no less. A Rare Benedictine
  • They also said that they did not feel comfortable confiding in school authority figures, because the girls believed that their culture was misunderstood or not respected by their teachers and counsellors.
  • The findings of the present study should help psychologists, counsellors and lawyers to give useful advice to parents, highlighting a child-focused perspective.
  • They left Laupahoehoe and got off Makahanaloa when one of the men, the one who is called the counsellor, saw the rainbow arching over Paliuli. The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
  • She has trained as a counsellor and psychotherapist.
  • Counsellor Michael Cook, COSLA's Spokesperson for Human Resource Management, who has responsibility for strategic HR across the entire Scottish local government workforce, said: I am delighted that myjobscotland has been recognised in this way. Reuters: Press Release
  • His love of Islam as a philosophy of life and his own adherence to the simple yet profound principles of their lives make him an excellent teacher, a counsellor and a spiritual guide.
  • As at Assisi, in Italy, there are three superimposed churches, a symbol of the three states of religion; the crypt, called the catacombs, and suggestive of persecution; the fortified nave, a symbol of the body which prays, but is not afraid to fight; and the _chapelle supérieure_, the holy place of the saints of heaven, the Christian counsellors in whose care man has been confided. The Automobilist Abroad
  • Most burn centres employ social workers, vocational counsellors, and psychologists as part of the multidisciplinary burn team.
  • Personally, I suspect the search for a perfect counsellor has become a displacement activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The counsellor can then ascertain whether the client has understood the information on treatment choices.
  • People who have been dependant to hard drugs should be strongly suggested to find benefit by their GP as great as await from the scrupulously competent obsession advisor (where available), while people who have been dependant to ethanol have been suggested to find benefit from their GP as great as just as importantly find await by the in effect self benefit organisation Alcoholics Anonymous (non-specialist counsellors as great as psychotherapi! sts do n ot usually work privately with drug obsession though many will work with alcoholics). Archive 2009-11-01
  • His ability to empathize with people made him an excellent marriage counsellor.
  • The introduction of routine PITC using lay counsellors into health-care clinics in Lusaka, Zambia, dramatically increased the uptake and acceptability of HIV testing.
  • Go and see the counsellor alone if need be. The Sun
  • First, the Churchmen were conspicuous by their absence; and secondly, all the old grey-headed counsellors, who had been the pride and ornament of the reigns of Edmund and Edred, were not seen; for, after the rumour of their marriage had reached Odo, he had pronounced the sentence of the lesser excommunication upon them, severing them from the sacraments; and this was felt by the old counsellors of Edred to be a most serious stigma, yet one which they could not call undeserved: hence they deserted the court. Edwy the Fair or the First Chronicle of Aescendune
  • Tell her a counsellor can help her much better. The Sun
  • Talk to a bereavement counsellor rather than relying on your ex. The Sun
  • Choose whichever suits you best after discussing your options with your GP or counsellor.
  • She has trained as a counsellor and psychotherapist.
  • By the end of 1983, he was back in the diplomatic service, as counsellor at the Irish embassy in London.
  • Seeing a bereavement counsellor would give her an unbiased and confidential outlet. The Sun
  • The new services are non-directive, which means that the counsellor does not give an opinion or form a judgement.
  • It has taken therapy and training as a counsellor for me to begin to tackle them.
  • Seeing a bereavement counsellor would give her an unbiased and confidential outlet. The Sun
  • If ever souls on earth could commune, I was so fascinated by the hallowed spot, which contained all which I so adored from my infancy, my consoler, my counsellor, my guide to the holy hill of God, I really believed I heard her speak when I prayed over her head and again vowed my promises at parting. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • His only job is as a superannuated marriage guidance counsellor to Blair and Brown.
  • Cheaper than a marriage counsellor. Times, Sunday Times
  • If your fears still persist then talking to a counsellor can help. The Sun
  • People such as counsellors, psychologists and behavioural therapists may show you relaxation techniques and other ways to deal with stress.
  • Talking to a counsellor will help you free yourself from the past. The Sun
  • Even the wives and daughters of low tradesmen, who, like shovel-nosed sharks, prey upon the blubber of those uncouth whales of fortune, are infected with the same rage of displaying their importance; and the slightest indisposition serves them for a pretext to insist upon being conveyed to Bath, where they may hobble country-dances and cotillons among lordlings, squires, counsellors, and clergy. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • This made her figure that training as a marriage counsellor would guarantee her some employment once her schooling was through. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • She also failed to refer him to a counsellor, despite noting that she thought it was required. The Sun
  • Hello! I'm since Commercial Counsellor's Office.
  • Nor can the counsellor set himself the task of dealing exclusively with one area.
  • The major objective of the counsellor, especially the counsellor who actively seeks to combat ageism, is to encourage involvement.
  • A canine behaviour counsellor, he was also brought to the programme by the Blue Cross.
  • This makes it tough for progressive schools in which the confidential whisper of the counsellor has replaced the swish of the cane.
  • The 50-year-old dog trainer and behaviour counsellor has gambled her future on the venture.
  • Seeing a bereavement counsellor would give her an unbiased and confidential outlet. The Sun
  • Guests can look forward to hot food and entertainment - offers of which would be gratefully received - as well as advice on services from experts including drugs and alcohol counsellors and housing advisers.
  • If you find it difficult to cope, contact counsellors who deal with separation, divorce, stepfamilies and so on.
  • He candidly admits in the book he spent months on the couch and long hours with a marriage counsellor.
  • I could be a criminal psychologist, a guidance counsellor, a social worker.
  • Her first step towards recovery came after a visit to a counsellor after she started experiencing blackouts.
  • She is a confidante, a counsellor and a comedienne.
  • He has since achieved a certificate in drug awareness studies and is now training to be a counsellor.
  • Brill filmed this by sitting with the counsellors and covering the action with unobtrusive moves of his small camera.
  • The major objective of the counsellor, especially the counsellor who actively seeks to combat ageism, is to encourage involvement.
  • But finding those phrases in men's writings, and being not able or not willing to enter into a consideration of the circumstances, they mistake sometimes the precepts of counsellors for the precepts of them that command; and sometimes the contrary; according as it best agreeth with the conclusions they would infer, or the actions they approve. Leviathan
  • Persian kings never did take any step whatever; and the persons named in Es 1: 14 were the "seven counsellors" (compare Ezr 7: 14) who formed the state ministry. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I ended up seeing a counsellor just to deal with the guilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seeing a bereavement counsellor would give her an unbiased and confidential outlet. The Sun
  • I ended up seeing a counsellor just to deal with the guilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Talking to a counsellor can help you untangle the past and move on. The Sun
  • Listening to others can spark aspects of the counsellor's own personal growth. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • The new services are non-directive, which means that the counsellor does not give an opinion or form a judgement.
  • Britain would pay travel expenses and initial accommodation costs, and provide a counsellor to oversee their rehabilitation.
  • His visit to a counsellor really helped him get thingsoff his chest.
  • ‘We had our own addiction counsellor in here,’ he laughs.
  • Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work. Know Your Own Mind
  • Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work. Know Your Own Mind
  • I am no bereavement counsellor, but in the last few months, I have learned a lot about ‘coping’ after my mother passed away.
  • The major objective of the counsellor, especially the counsellor who actively seeks to combat ageism, is to encourage involvement.
  • Thomas was "consoled" and "comforted," and "induced to remain in the country," by the united persuasions of the Lord Deputy, the Counsellors of State, and the whole army. An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
  • The Texas district attorney prosecuting the case, Amos Barton, said he was "hellbent" on ensuring the 25-year-old West Australian camp counsellor was punished with the maximum sentence - life in a Texan jail. | Top Stories
  • Her family panic and lure her home to be deprogrammed by an exit counsellor from the States.
  • The major objective of the counsellor, especially the counsellor who actively seeks to combat ageism, is to encourage involvement.
  • Last November, a drug and alcohol counsellor came to the centre to run a family program and provide training.
  • In the long winter evenings the mistress and her maids sat at the spinning-wheel in the large hall; every Sunday the counsellor -- this title the pedlar had obtained, although only in his old days -- read aloud a portion from the Bible. Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
  • Talk to a bereavement counsellor to deal with unhappy memories of your relationship with your mum. The Sun
  • She booked me in with a bereavement counsellor. The Sun
  • You may be able to do this alone, or you may need the help of your doctor, dietician or counsellor. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • He made recommendations to the NSW Health Minister that legal restrictions be introduced for practising under the title psychotherapist or counsellor. | Top Stories
  • You can also get support and understanding from a young person 's counsellor. The Sun
  • Before leaving, they would be given a friendly lecture by a trained addiction counsellor.
  • This was one reason why I became a postnatal supporter for a year and why I trained as a breastfeeding counsellor.
  • What concerns counsellors and women's groups is that hairdressers may be ill-equipped to handle the issues they uncover.
  • Seeing a bereavement counsellor would give her an unbiased and confidential outlet. The Sun
  • Talking to a counsellor will help you free yourself from the past. The Sun
  • Without love of community, whether defined as provincialism or community spirit, who would serve as a cop, social worker, soup kitchen employee, teacher, advisor, counsellor? The Volokh Conspiracy » Against Nationalism
  • If your fears still persist then talking to a counsellor can help. The Sun
  • Seminarians are now closely vetted and assessed by professional personnel including psychologists and counsellors.
  • My father was a computer programmer and my mother a marriage guidance counsellor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anne Elliot's unperceived beauty and taken-for-granted goodness are rewarded with true love, despite ugly sisters, other snooty barnyard creatures, and a kind but bad counsellor in her mother's best friend Lady Russell.
  • Suggest she talk with an understanding counsellor about why she's into this self-destructive behaviour. The Sun
  • And then she's always wanted to study comparative religions at university or train as a counsellor.
  • The counsellor constructs a working hypothesis which attempts to see meaning and connections in the counsellee's social performance.
  • In the multitude of counsellors there is safety. 
  • And Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counsellor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he offered sacrifices. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • I could be a criminal psychologist, a guidance counsellor, a social worker.
  • Mr Counsellor Fielding follows his retrospect of this strenuous attack on the law with a declaration that, henceforth, he intends to forsake the pursuit of that 'foolscap' literary fame, and the company of the Henry Fielding: a Memoir
  • I got into a twelve-step programme then and I joined AA, and I started to see this counsellor fellow. DESPERADOES
  • The challenge had come from Justice Department lawyers with top secret security clearances and from civilian Army drug counsellors.
  • As a qualified pet bereavement counsellor I would like to help pet owners compassionately and in confidence.
  • Counsellors encourage victims of crime to confront their emotions.
  • Penny, the experienced counsellor who came to assess his needs, decided to take on his case herself. Times, Sunday Times
  • But God had that sorted, and I could talk to her more freely than even to my counsellor, which is weird! Sheepdip Diary Entry
  • A good counsellor helps them to interpret the meaning behind the words each speaks.
  • In the extremity of what was to be his most passionate experience in Strassburg, it was to Salzmann that he poured forth all the tumult of his passion, and the very act of laying bare his heart to such a counsellor was a suggestion of the necessity of a certain measure of self-control. The Youth of Goethe
  • ‘We had our own addiction counsellor in here,’ he laughs.
  • If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist, you must discuss it.

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