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How To Use Cougar In A Sentence

  • But except for the Florida felines, as far as one can tell, wild cougars no longer live east of the Mississippi.
  • A bobcat is another wild cat, about half the size of a cougar, with a stubby tail rather than a long one.
  • Other utilized techniques were scent stations using cougar urine, catnip, or other scents, and recorded sounds such as cougar screams, predator calls, and deer bleats.
  • After a long tough winter, many grizzlies, black bears, wolves and cougars are girding themselves for the onslaught of "sportsmen" wielding high-powered rifles in search of "trophies. Chris Genovali: The Cruelest Month for British Columbia's Coastal Carnivores
  • Again the Cougars showed their fighting sprit to open the scoring after the interval.
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  • There were no paw prints and no fresh scat, nothing at all to indicate that a cougar had cubbed in these hills that summer.
  • I've trudged through waist deep snow up an Idaho mountain after a cougar.
  • For the Cougar faithful he brought back memories of Martin Wood, a player capable of making vital breaks, drawing the defence and creating space for his team mates to exploit.
  • Cougar, puma, mountain lion, catamount, panther - by any name, this big cat has inspired wilderness lovers across the country.
  • There were no paw prints and no fresh scat, nothing at all to indicate that a cougar had cubbed in these hills that summer.
  • Knowing how and where cougars travel and thrive is important to maintaining a healthy cougar population, experts say.
  • Stanford's win overshadowed a sterling performance by Jerome Harrison, who rushed 29 times for 218 yards and scored a TD for the Cougars. - Scores
  • And with the greater power and freedom that today's women enjoy, cougars are becoming an increasingly common phenomenon.
  • The only Friend never nominated for an Emmy was considered a good prospect this year for her freshman hit Cougar Town, but will apparently have to wait till 2011 to hear her name preceded by the phrase “and the nominees are…” Emmy Nominations 2010: Your water-cooler cheat sheet! |
  • Keighley are to rename their main stand at Cougar Park after the half back. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the final analysis, though, it was errors in defence that cost the Cougars dearly.
  • While still married to Rocky he gushed about his cougar bride. The Sun
  • With wild lands cleared for agriculture and game hunting on the rise, populations of cougars and other large predators took heavy hits.
  • The animal released the dog and he realised that it was a cougar, or mountain lion. Times, Sunday Times
  • A young male roadkilled cougar wouldn't neccesrally indicate a local breeding population, but would perhaps suggest that there was a breeding population within say 100 miles or so (young lions are stealthy and can travel far). Are There Breeding Cougars in Minnesota?
  • Cougars, that's what they call older women who date younger men. CNN Transcript May 22, 2009
  • And the rare spotting of a cougar, wolf or woodland caribou takes our breath away.
  • If the first half belonged to the Cougars the opening period of the second half certainly belonged to Barrow.
  • It would seem that Brad's mom Paula (Sissy Spacek, Carrie) is also quite the cougar.
  • Cougars are also known as mountain lions, panthers, and pumas.
  • This was not an African lion but an American mountain lion also known as a cougar or puma, a cat the size of a leopard that was once rare and considered virtually harmless.
  • There are huge Douglas firs, cedars, and hemlocks behind us, and cougars come down to the lake to drink.
  • The animal released the dog and he realised that it was a cougar, or mountain lion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its not unusual for people to see bears, and even cougars, on Burnaby Mountain.
  • Cougars are also known as mountain lions, panthers, and pumas.
  • Most can imagine what a mountain lion/puma/cougar/mountain devil / catamount (just in case you only recognize one) looks like.
  • The Cougar team came through the game relatively unscathed, but three players picked up slight injuries.
  • The trend has become so prevalent that the term "cougar" is now a commonly used colloquialism. Louis Licari: The Last Taboo
  • He has spent the past few years among a strange subculture of hunters and outdoorsmen who truly believe, contrary to the stance of state and federal wildlife managers, that cougars have begun to recolonize the East.
  • The title sequence made it sure that they're not altogether happy it's still called "Cougar Town" Tue., 8:30 p.m. 'Cougar Town' Premiere: The Gang Sets Jules Up For A Big Surprise (VIDEO)
  • On the next, Black busted up the middle for a 24-yard touchdown run and the Cougars had a 7-6 lead.
  • Their predators include great horned owls, bobcats, cougars, coyotes, and foxes, so wariness is in their blood.
  • Cougars were trailing 22-16 when Adam Mitchell floated a high ball across to the right wing.
  • There are also some familiar faces, such as the musk ox, cougar and bison, that have survived the test of time.
  • Known by many names - puma, cougar, catamount, panther - this large feline predator was once wide-spread throughout much of North America.
  • York Wasps will be looking to bounce back from Friday's drubbing at Doncaster to end Keighley Cougars' seven-match winning run at Huntington Stadium today.
  • Cougars face an uphill battle as they struggle to rebuild confidence for Sunday's clash with Leigh.
  • Sex and the City 2: Cougars Take New York not really the title hits theaters May 28th, 2010. First Official Images from SEX AND THE CITY 2 –
  • The cougar reportedly snatched a house cat and ran off into the bush with it.
  • We're all shouting and whooping as we ride down the descent to where the cougar tried to attack a rider - to scare rather than surprise them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the past 18 months the Cougar Network has documented 21 cougars in nine midwestern U.S. states and one Canadian province.
  • In Lake County there have been several sightings of a cougar or mountain lion.
  • I didn't think anything of it at the time but there were grizzly bears, cougars and who knows what else.
  • West of the crest of the Cascade Range, the area is habitat for bald eagles, marbled murrelets, spotted owls, cougars, lynx, salmon, and steelhead, which thrive among mature and second-growth forests of cedar and Douglas fir.
  • As ridiculous it sounds to knock out Cougars because of its popularization as a term for lascivious middle-aged women, I actually can understand why the board didn't want the term. News
  • Their education is going so well that they are being used to work with other species, such as cougars, moose, and bighorn sheep.
  • Cougars lifted their game in the second half and pummelled the Lions line, but could not find the final touch.
  • It really shocks me that people still think I'm sexy—I get younger men thinking I am some sort of cougar.
  • It wasn't long before the Cougars were over, Colin Pickles brilliantly stealing the ball in a one-on-one tackle and racing in at the corner.
  • I saw a cougar slinking toward its prey
  • But except for the Florida felines, as far as one can tell, wild cougars no longer live east of the Mississippi.
  • Walter Cook, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency captive wildlife coordinator, said the feline is a caracal, not a cougar." ... Archive 2006-11-01
  • Their predators include great horned owls, bobcats, cougars, coyotes, and foxes, so wariness is in their blood.
  • These include the grizzly bear, cougar, wolverine, wolf, coyote, and bald and golden eagles.
  • The big cats you find outside Africa include tiger, jaguar, leopard, cougar and Iberian lynx.
  • Known variously as pumas, panthers, or mountain lions, cougars are fairly common in the West, but not in the East.
  • Several cougar sightings have been reported in the Lynn Valley area in the past two weeks.
  • In Squamish, cougar and bear sightings continue to increase as the animals' nearby natural habitat continues to decrease.
  • Being local lads, Paul and myself are more than aware that Cougar fans have had more than their fair share of ups and downs over the last few seasons, but now I feel that the tide is turning for us again.
  • Keighley are to rename their main stand at Cougar Park after the half back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the proliferation of attractive actresses, including the gorgeous Courtney Cox, adopting the moniker -- "Cougartown" is on its way -- the title clearly has some negative connotations. Yolanda Reid Chassiakos: Don't Call Us 'Cougars'!
  • A bobcat is another wild cat, about half the size of a cougar, with a stubby tail rather than a long one.
  • This was an American mountain lion also known as a cougar or puma, a cat the size of a leopard that was once rare and considered virtually harmless.
  • When I reached the point where the cougar had entered the slide, I called the hounds, but they did not come nor answer me. The Last of the Plainsmen
  • The Cougars inbounded the ball with two seconds remaining but were unable to get a shot.
  • She and other cougar conservationists hope that news of the big cats' potential impact on traffic accidents might smooth their return to the east. Times, Sunday Times
  • Except, Kiran, since you're under 40, you're a puma, which is a cougar in training. CNN Transcript May 22, 2009
  • However, just the thought of waking up, to find some Xbox-ing berk on the next pillow, asking if he can use the phone to tell his mum where he is, is surely enough to make the most voracious cougar want to retire quietly to the next room and hang herself with her support tights. Good luck to Caroline Flack. She'll need it | Barbara Ellen
  • Central to this proposition is the recovery of existing top predators such as grizzlies, cougars, and wolves.
  • While the term MILF came into our culture in a roaring wave like only a line from a summer teen comedy movie can, its prevalence has waned in recent years, partly replaced by the increasingly popular "cougar. David Weiner: VPILF
  • Their predators include great horned owls, bobcats, cougars, coyotes, and foxes, so wariness is in their blood.
  • WOWOWOWOWO.My friend recommend me an interesting site __** **__ If you have worked hard for your Millionaire status and want to meet people of the same class, if you want to enjoy a millionaire lifestyle, you may join it. rob the ray bradbury story id love to see is "the toynbee convector". an excellent story, very meaningful, and eaisly produced as well. koshare TV Tidbits: Ray Bradbury Developing Six-Hour Miniseries, SyFy Launching Comedy Series Outer Space Astronauts, Current TV Gets Dumbed Down | /Film
  • In-Sync today is home to 18 tigers, 12 cougars, 6 lions, 3 leopards, 2 lynx, 2 bobcats, a serval and a coatimundi, named Nugget. Carrie Pollare: Saving the Big Cats: One Woman's Safe Haven for Abused and Abandoned Lions and Tigers and Cougars, Oh My!
  • Borrowing a method used to study human demographics, he and his colleagues took samples from 352 cougars in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States and Canada.
  • While this reclassification is still unknown, it is a debatable subject as the actual speciation of cougars is debated in and of itself. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Things began well enough with the Cougars pressing hard and Eddie Wilson was just held on the line, and although they took the lead with an early drop goal, it was scant reward for their pressure.
  • NIGHTINGALE: The other -- the other part of that is what I call the caged cougar effect. CNN Transcript Jun 17, 2003
  • While still married to Rocky he gushed about his cougar bride. The Sun
  • The cougar trope started out as a joke about desperate older women. Now it's gone mainstream, even in Hollywood, home to the 50-something producer with a starlet on his arm.
  • Cougar, puma, mountain lion, catamount, panther - by any name, this big cat has inspired wilderness lovers across the country.
  • Cougars normally eat deer, but will also prey on raccoons, cats and dogs if the opportunity presents itself, he said.
  • Large felines like the bobcat and lynx don't have this physical feature, but the cougar does.
  • September 20th, 2009 9: 36 pm ET is jessica lange a cougar? her date looks very much her junior … The Emmy Awards Live Blog
  • In California, cougars routinely are killed when deemed a danger to people or livestock.
  • The island is home to few natural predators (the occasional cougar or midget black bear).
  • This is the mountain lion, the puma, the cougar.
  • Known by many names - puma, cougar, catamount, panther - this large feline predator was once wide-spread throughout much of North America.
  • The boy fled into his home, yelling A cougar is eating Angel!
  • Both teams have their "gimmie" games this year with the Cougars playing Hawaii and the Huskies playing Idaho. Addicted To Quack
  • Man and cougar went to the ground as the cat stripped the flesh from Parker's face and prepared to sink its teeth into his neck.
  • Mountain lions are known by more than 100 names, including panther, catamount, cougar, painter and puma.
  • The researchers want to determine whether this slice of the Santa Monica Mountains can sustain a healthy population of the lions, which are also called pumas, catamounts, and cougars.
  • The animal released the dog and he realised that it was a cougar, or mountain lion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large felines like the bobcat and lynx don't have this physical feature, but the cougar does.
  • The boy fled into his home, yelling A cougar is eating Angel!
  • Coach Gary Moorby was particularly pleased with this crucial factor in the Cougar victory.
  • Known by many names - puma, cougar, catamount, panther - this large feline predator was once wide-spread throughout much of North America.
  • A decent crowd of 1,526 witnessed something of a shock result, but really the game was as one-sided as anything seen at Cougar Park this season.
  • While the mother Cougar will look after her kittens for up to eighteen months, they are solitary animals and only come together to mate.
  • They are also called cowberries, foxberries, quailberries, cougarberries, partridgeberries, beaverberries (which is an open goal for ribald single entendres), mountain cranberries and wurtleberries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the "those people" phrase dampened the effect, that rap is pure John Cougar Mellencamp, and it could very easily work. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • By this time, the cougar has established that you have impeccable taste in cologne, money is no object to you, and that you have loyalty to her store, the store she makes commission at. Archive 2007-03-01
  • This type of cougar has a distinctive crook in its tail.
  • Last week residents of midtown Palo Alto, California, were warned of a cougar on the prowl in their neighborhood, where another big cat was treed and shot last May.
  • Kanin: Two and a half man si foarte noul Cougar Town vali: Multumesc mult pentru sfaturi si urari! Blogul iubitorilor de seriale Tv - TvBlog
  • The massive stone avalanche fell on the scurrying cougar, and forced the big cat to take refuge in the canyon.
  • We're all shouting and whooping as we ride down the descent to where the cougar tried to attack a rider - to scare rather than surprise them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others think that single fortysomething women would find it easy to play the cougar. Times, Sunday Times
  • I met a few cougars at the Baron on Main on Friday night.
  • Grizzly bears, cougars, owls, woodland caribou and elk live there.
  • The lake stretched serene and untroubled to the opposite shore where a hiker can still encounter bears and cougars.
  • The big cats you find outside Africa include tiger, jaguar, leopard, cougar and Iberian lynx.
  • Predators such as cougars, wolves, and adult male bears, even a cub's own father, are threats, especially to cubs that are separated from their mothers.
  • The animal released the dog and he realised that it was a cougar, or mountain lion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stories will circulate of cougars high on methedrine who would eat your children, but their teeth are bad. Matthew Yglesias » The Drug-Cougar Connection
  • ‘We were always totally prepared,’ says Robbie Bosco, who quarterbacked the Cougars' 1984 national title team and now is a member of Gary Crowton's BYU staff.
  • The eastern cougar also is known as a puma, panther, catamount, painter or mountain lion depending upon its habitat, according to the Cougar Rewilding Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to raising public awareness of eastern cougars. Reuters: Top News
  • Since the early 1990s, researchers have been applying the technique to spectacled bears, cougars, foxes, pine martens, chimpanzees, gorillas, and many other species.
  • In 2001, two weeks after the state had announced that a few wild cougars might be present, a run-in between car and cougar provided wildlife officials with the first tangible evidence of the cat's existence.
  • The cougar sat about thirty yards away, acting uninterested and unwinded. GUARDIAN OF THE VEIL
  • We remembered the year the kids saw a cougar by the airport and the year the Muscovy duck made her nest under the condo's stairwell. The Last Swim
  • Most experts agree that a person attacked by a cougar should fight like hell.
  • There was a full moon, and stories of recent cougar sightings swirled through Nostdal's head as he labored up and down the hilly road.
  • Plus, this has introduced me to the fabulous Hennessy, who I previously missed in classics like 2007′s Cougar Club and 2008′s Boob Jobs & Jesus. Barb from 'Cougar Town': The funniest new character on TV?! |
  • My theory behind this mixed load is that if noise-making and pepper spray (used with the off-hand) haven't solved the problem, then the bruin, cougar or coyote will probably only be a few feet away.
  • It's a bit of a bug, the cougar thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But still ... looks like they are catering o the OC's love of its own assumed "classiness" and will have wine for your cougar and beer for your boss and candy for Bill McDonald's prey. Halos Heaven
  • When Europeans settled South Dakota they considered cougars dangerous pests.
  • It was the third consecutive championship for the Cougars, who won the title outright in 2008 and shared it with Edina last season. rss feed
  • Except for mating pairs, or mothers with kittens, cougars travel alone, hunting roughly a deer a week to survive.
  • His miss handed Cougars a scrum in front of the posts - but they let him off the hook by not punishing his mistake with a score.
  • He proved to be a tall man, intimidating the false lieutenant enough that he slithered sideways along the main console like a deer trapped by a cougar.
  • She's easily 20 years older than you but she's drinking a Shirley Temple and she's pretty tarted-up, pretty hot - a bona fide cougar.
  • This was not an African lion but an American mountain lion also known as a cougar or puma, a cat the size of a leopard that was once rare and considered virtually harmless.
  • Arquette said one way he's been able to divert from the separation from Cox, star of the TV series "Friends" and "Cougar Town," is focusing on his professional career. David Arquette: Talking About My Problems Helps Others
  • The Cougars (9-2, 7-0) held a long and boisterous celebration at midfield after the game, with the seniors taking turns at the microphone before Elvis '` ` Viva Las Vegas' 'blared from the stadium loudspeakers and athletic director Tom Holmoe accepted a bid to the Las Vegas Bowl as the MWC champions. - College Football - New Mexico vs. BYU
  • One again there was a bumper crowd at Cougar Park with an attendance of 252 people urging the team to continue their cup heroics.
  • Drew Carey is giving away dinette sets on the "Price is Right" now, Christa Miller is the most reasonable mom on "Cougartown," and Craig Ferguson is the prematurely crazy grandfather of late night. The Top 10 TV Theme Songs We Listen to on Purpose
  • Stop hating & call it both ways … Look at Nate: B, S, lil J, V, the married cougar, Bree Buckley … what would be “scandalous” on the Upper East Side if they were all in commited relationships?! 'Gossip Girl' recap: Dan, Olivia, and Vanessa get REEEEAAAAALLLLY close |
  • I saw a cougar slinking toward its prey.
  • The cougar trope started out as a joke about desperate older women. Now it's gone mainstream, even in Hollywood, home to the 50-something producer with a starlet on his arm.
  • This week in Sound Bites: Conan gets a concussion, Glee gets randy, Cougar Town loses sleep, House forgoes urinals, and SNL survives The Biggest Little F-Bomb in the World. 'Sound Bites': Your favorite TV quote this week? |
  • She was the only cougar that lived in the Endless Woods, because cougars were extremely rare in those parts.
  • The only "cryptid" I really believe in is the ominpresence of the cougar / mountain lion in much of the eastern United States. Cryptomundo
  • Principal Hector Espinoza has taken the unusual step of canceling the final seven games of the Cougars season after the team had engaged in what he called unruly behavior during competition. Fore, right!
  • But the 6-4 junior was the one consistent threat the Cougars had throughout and emerged as the likely main playmaker for this fall. Around the Pac-10 Conference
  • The bay lynx also -- or wild cat, as it is called (_lynx rufus_) -- and now and then, but more rarely, the cougar (_felis concolor_), give the hounds a run before taking to the tree. Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
  • Today more people die from bad egg salad than cougar attacks, but that does nothing to diminish our fixation on the remote possibility of a silent hunter pouncing on our backs.
  • Mountain lions are known by more than 100 names, including panther, catamount, cougar, painter and puma.

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