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How To Use Costly In A Sentence

  • A good example of such a costly vessel incorporating the figure of Neptune with his trident is shown in the Kalf painting in Plate XI.
  • NHS penpusher boom: Wages bill is up £78m as 'costly' drugs are vetoed Home | Mail Online
  • Being able to prevent costly repairs is crucial on such expensive machinery.
  • These calories are used to: replenish your glycogen (the way you store fuel in your muscles and liver) and oxygen stores. resynthesize phosphagen (ATP-PC). remove lactate. repair the wear and tear on your muscles caused by exercise (and these patch kits are made up of protein, which is costly in terms of calories). return your increased ventilation, blood circulation and body temperature to pre-exercise levels. hormones exercise induces (which also require protein). -
  • Using the VCC spreadsheet tool, The Journal's Hank Sims "twiddled" with the numbers and found hand-counting "wouldn't be all that time-consuming or costly" ( "Town Dandy," Aug. 2). www. Getting the Election Watchdog Message in the Media
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  • An all-out attack by a junior on a senior at a meeting is usually costly, especially if the junior member wins.
  • It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • Mining can be costly in terms of lives .
  • The trust claims both units are underused and costly to run but have not yet released detailed information about how much would be saved in closing the units.
  • The increase in inspections added costly delays to shipments in some cases. China Tries to Ease U.S. Trade Tensions
  • It bore that air of uncostly refinement which is one of the most pleasing outward features of the aloof civilization to which it, though not the Callenders, belonged. Kincaid's Battery
  • Mr. V.V. stood by a spindly table, carefully examining a small but costly vase, the property of Mr. Heth, of the Cheroot Works; and now he went on with a kind of diffident resolution, the air of one who gives a confidence with difficulty, but must do so now, for his honor. V. V.'s Eyes
  • All the time our idiot in his costly clothing with expensive tackle failed to catch a single fish.
  • In the long run, persistent current account deficits are difficult and costly to sustain and are damaging to an economy.
  • Everything is exposed to the elements, and that makes it very costly. Times, Sunday Times
  • We wanted to eliminate rehandling, which is costly and can lead to mistakes.
  • Mistakes also tend to figure highly and sometimes those mistakes can prove to be very costly.
  • These braces are costly but well worth the outlay if the alternative is to stop skiing altogether.
  • Taking physical delivery of gold can be costly and complicated.
  • The storage network backbone provides connectivity for hundreds of storage and application resources without wasting costly ports to connect other switches.
  • The main disadvantages are that group instruction is sometimes costly and not always effective. Self-Hypnosis
  • It can run past the rings and cause the motor to bend rods, which is very costly and makes a mess in the water when the oil sump is ruptured.
  • She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.
  • As the entire public health care system in Poland is notoriously underfinanced, the rather costly methadone maintenance does not constitute a priority concern.
  • The proposal was rejected as too costly.
  • Contemporary American adolescents have become much more work oriented generally then those of a generation or so ago, mostly because they have been exposed to the costly allurements of a consumption-obsessed America.
  • It was an absolute sitter and so costly. The Sun
  • Throughout the pavilion, the most costly materials were used: precious wood veneers and lacquer for furniture, silk damasks and velvets for upholstery, furs for coverlets and throws.
  • He was reported to be battling depression, and had gone through a painful and costly divorce.
  • He opened his little sacrament case and took out the big missal which was his own property, bound in costly mother-of-pearl. THE THORN BIRDS
  • The need for preamps is a good case for having an external mixer, because having a professional sound card with multiple analog inputs, no mixer and a bunch of outboard preamps usually is more costly and less flexible than having a mixer.
  • Elephant ivory was more costly, and therefore more prestigious. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Working wives are less costly to divorce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, contrary to the communist accusations of neocolonialism, these terms were costly to the US.
  • In the long run, persistent current account deficits are difficult and costly to sustain and are damaging to an economy.
  • Only a costly silver ring beset with rubies that glittered on one finger denoted his status as being above that of ordinary men.
  • A costly and illogical drain on its scant resources.
  • Again it was the auto industry that led the way in the early Fifties after suffering two costly setbacks.
  • Would the authority vote to save ratepayers a costly legal battle and implement the suspension?
  • A great affecter of wits and such prettinesses; and his company is costly to him, for he seldom has it but invited. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • The erection of a costly monument in the capital while young people are homeless and the elderly are without proper medical care is an abuse of public money, the party stated.
  • Mr Collin thinks that could prove costly and time consuming.
  • What will happen as these become more costly than alternative energy sources that can be used to support autarchic, nationalistic systems? Energy and Society~ Chapter 16~ Energy in a Contracting System
  • Sir Rembrandt made a mistake at the fifth fence from home which proved costly to his challenge but he battled on to claim second spot.
  • Passenger ships are a costly way to travel.
  • The war proved costly for both companies.
  • Those who could flee the public system for costly private schools, or for the eight semi-private schools run on the British system, did so.
  • His study of tsarist censorship was a quest at once painstaking, costly and without visible reward. Times, Sunday Times
  • This historic missed opportunity has proved extremely costly, both to the economy and to the environment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tampering tends to be the recourse of underdeveloped political forces or rulers that are weak or unable to afford the luxury of costly campaigns.
  • White-collar crime appeared to be a normal and accepted part of business practice, being both very costly and highly organised.
  • Its peeling paint and broken windows stand testimony that it went out of business because it had become too costly to maintain.
  • An all-out attack by a junior on a senior at a meeting is usually costly, especially if the junior member wins.
  • Once deadlock is reached, the only option is to take the matter to court, which is both costly and time consuming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.
  • Their costly purchases are to boost self-esteem. The Sun
  • It proclaims the burdens of pollution control regulation, displaying industry as suffocating under costly yet trivial constraints.
  • The consignment consisted of costly goods, including epergnes, table and dessert services and ornamental figures.
  • Hydrogen, meanwhile, requires costly cryogenic storage that can be hazardous to operate and large, insulated tanks that take up space and weight.
  • Wind power is intermittent, nuclear is costly and biodiesel steals land from agriculture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each attack requires a costly clean-up, using money which is desperately needed for other purposes.
  • Leaving it up to individuals to allow charities to reclaim tax on their personal donations is more costly for charities. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, when a party of friends at a caffè eat or drink, each one pays for what he takes, and pecuniarily, the enjoyment of the evening is uncostly or not, according as each prefers. Venetian Life
  • As can be seen from the failure to pinpoint him this time round, the lapse in security was a careless and costly blunder.
  • We need a new 21st century army to address needs, stem climate change, spread appropriate technology -- and to engrain service and community building into America's character -- so that tomorrow we'll be too smart to follow simplistic and costly public policies. Fresh President and Congress need calloused hands of Americans
  • You may be aware that litigation in the High Court is a very costly business.
  • In the winter time they had their taffety gowns of all colours, as above-named, and those lined with the rich furrings of hind-wolves, or speckled lynxes, black-spotted weasels, martlet skins of Calabria, sables, and other costly furs of an inestimable value. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The supplier incentives are to invent newer, better, more specialized (costly) services and justify each as a "necessity", while the demanders are shielded from the immediate cost effects by the very nature of the insurance (protection against financial loss) - the services and guaranteed payment umbrella propagate the false perception in demanders that health care services are free or of minimal cost. Primary Care Doctors vs. Specialists, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Had they not suffered a costly lapse of concentration just two minutes from time then City could now be looking forward to a midweek trek to South Wales for a replay.
  • Databases with self-tuning memory capabilities will detect costly queries and attempt to keep small tables in memory, mitigating I/O costs and reducing response time somewhat.
  • Yet the government will spend little on nuclear power or rail electrification, because one is controversial and the other costly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The premature changing to a less costly diet may be economically appealing but can cause unthriftiness and poor pig uniformity.
  • I'm just saying, I'd hate to see the Town Council get slapped with a costly unrightful termination suit. Gabriel Delahaye: LiveBlogging Kid Nation: Save a Polar Bear, Ride an Eskimo
  • Front and rear valances also bolt on, but are more costly than the sills to replace.
  • Front and rear valances also bolt on, but are more costly than the sills to replace.
  • The record shows a tendency to make a couple of kinds of particularly costly mistakes.
  • Costly logos, leaflets and rampant managerialism flourish while the front line often goes short of expertise, beds and medicines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though a useful vote-catcher before an election, it becomes a costly business thereafter.
  • On the other hand, the proposed scheme is going to be extremely costly, both in terms of money and teachers' time.
  • As we continue to fight this war almost alone, it is hard to estimate how costly that arrogant decision was.
  • Zahavi's handicap principle - This principle states that in order to be honest, a signal must be costly to the signaler.
  • Normally, cowls require considerable maintenance and possible replacement every ten years - a costly consequence of owning an oast.
  • Others said the approach will be unnecessarily costly and risk being undermined by a radical change to planning laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here Cecilia again met Miss Larolles, who came to make various remarks, and infinite ridicule, upon sundry unfashionable or uncostly articles in the dresses of the surrounding company; as well as to complain, with no little resentment, that Mr Meadows was again standing before the fire! Cecilia
  • This saves costly repairs to existing servos and eliminates difficulties in obtaining spare parts for obsolete equipment. Learn more from EHPS product spec 03342.
  • As in real life, a managerial appointment made in haste could end up being financially costly in the long run.
  • Front and rear valances also bolt on, but are more costly than the sills to replace.
  • They were large, costly, rather unreliable and required a dedicated data processing team to support them.
  • For many chapters, meeting this obligation is neither onerous nor costly.
  • A demand thus arises for elaborate and costly manufactured articles, adapted to a narrow but a wealthy market.
  • Declarer at the other table made a small but costly slip. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critical habitat designations are far more time consuming and costly than listings.
  • Leroy bitterly opposed the plan for being cumbersome and costly.
  • It's a major shortcoming, " Thorpe said about the lack of care coordination that can lead to higher hospital readmission rates and other costly interventions for undertreated illnesses.
  • The couple also looked at setting up a cafe in the back of the shop but the idea floundered when it was obvious that it would be too costly to buy equipment of a standard required by Allerdale council's planners. T&S news feed
  • The period of costly childhood dependency was further lengthened by the introduction of compulsory education from 1880.
  • Guaranteeing the debt of insolvent institutions and covering up the loss exposures this creates for a country's taxpayers is costly in three ways.
  • It was, instead, a futile and costly detour in making the transition from a feudalistic system to a market economy.
  • The grouping operation is about as costly performance-wise as sorting the data by the grouping column.
  • If the pessimists are right and it turns out to be a long and costly quagmire then people will remember the negatives and the pendulum will swing back the other way.
  • Jobs are scarce, housing is substandard but costly, and difficulties speaking English keep them in this cycle.
  • Obviously costly cars like the Mercedes will be found in city centres or wealthier suburbs? Times, Sunday Times
  • Playing barefoot football was a matter of choice as football boots were available and not too costly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said it'can avert a much more costly and potentially catastrophic building failure in the years to come'. The Sun
  • The half-day program is also a lot less costly to a district than a full-day program.
  • This left us a legacy of legal straitjackets which have, in their way, contributed to the climate of sleaze, greed and corruption which has lumbered us with costly tribunals.
  • Provincial governments should be pressed to take an open-ended approach to the needs of children rather than to engage in long and costly court battles.
  • It was often better thanmaking international phone calls , which were cumbersome, crackly and costly.
  • Dad explained that he could do a lot of the finish work himself, the wood trim, carpentry, and painting—precisely the kind of labor that was most time-consuming, requiring a good eye and steady brush, and would be costly to subcontract. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Regime alternation is costly, regroup a new government might be harm for a country economic.
  • After all, if the executives fail in the new location, the employer will have made a costly mistake.
  • This eliminates the need for interstage filters, making the handset less costly and freeing space that can be used for additional features. Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
  • The latter, therefore, would be a more likely engagement than the former when leisure is chaliced be hostile economic forces that make it costly. On That ASAUK Paper
  • Zahavi's handicap principle states that an honest signal must be costly to the signaler, meaning that only fit individuals can signal honestly.
  • To feed the microbes, plants must aerate sewage sludge with costly, power-hogging equipment.
  • Are you going to have to plan on costly replacement of tires or axles or crankpins?
  • They claimed a report advising against fighting a costly appeal with the electricity giant should have been discussed in closed session.
  • Instead of shaping the frame using costly stamping components, the metal is molded using ultra-high-pressure water.
  • We use oceanographic research vessels but they are very limited in their operational capabilities and are also very costly.
  • Users can reach their own collective agreements on usage, but these may be costly to organize and enforce.
  • They were furnished and equipped to cavalry regiment standards with silver, military prints on the walls, costly vintages and rich food. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • It would make the renovations easier and less costly. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's too far and much too costly and they couldn't possibly cover their expenses.
  • I could not help feeling superior as I surveyed the poor schmucks partaking of such costly fare while sipping their persimmon margaritas.
  • It's all too easy to agree to an extra few pounds on the bill, but that could be costly mistake.
  • Furthermore, the process by which the rights of a patent are exercised is costly, damaging, and net-net ends up wasting, in my estimation, much more energy that could otherwise be put into more essential or meaningful pursuits. And the monopoly goes to… | FactoryCity
  • Yet even now there is a sense of denial that could prove costly.
  • Like Solzhenitsyn said, if the people lay in wait under staircases with sticks and kitchen knives to waylay the Cheka when they came at night, rather than hiding in their own apartments, they could have made it too costly for the Soviets to imprison and murder so many millions. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Whither Private Property
  • Any regulation that could potentially bankrupt the media and make investigative journalism too costly to publish should be fiercely resisted. Times, Sunday Times
  • What about the ideal of rugged individualism, and the popular portrait of divorce as an act of courageous, costly, self-redemptive self-realization?
  • Likewise, porting software from one architecture to another is complex, rare, and costly, Weber added.
  • The water is recycled and reused, but it is still a very costly method of extraction because it takes a lot of natural gas to create steam.
  • A FORMER financial agony aunt has been left virtually penniless after a costly divorce battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said that it was felt that some of the implements like rotavators and bed planters being very costly, were not within the reach of the farmer.
  • Naysaying can sometimes be costly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unions say it puts the brakes on a 20-year trend towards casual labour, but employer groups are calling it a disappointing and costly precedent.
  • Ages, and to outdazzle by mere show of costly pleasure the class they can no longer excel in learned polish. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 31, October, 1873
  • Costly take with warlike machine joking, can quits people is estimated to giant national defence criticism.
  • An easier option would be to hold out for a white knight, but that would require yet another costly restructuring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cavalry engagements fought in mud proved very costly and from a military point of view, hopeless.
  • They claimed a report advising against fighting a costly appeal with the electricity giant should have been discussed in closed session.
  • The lowlights were a costly decision to establish a foothold in India through a deal with BSNL, and the departures of COO Gary Daichendt and CTO Gary Kunis, who had come up with an ambitious plan to remake Nortel. Networking Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • The new air does but make old decadences seem more stale; the young soil does but set into fresh conditions the ready-made, the uncostly, the refuse feeling of a race decivilizing. Essays
  • Today, we not only have oil companies making record-setting profits even as they spend more money extracting bitumin (sp?) from Canada's oil fields (this is petroleum mixed with other components and is costly to extract). Beyond Oil Prices-- How Big Oil and Big Auto Companies Are Hurting America
  • The managed care movement is one of the country's efforts to organize the fragmented, uncoordinated, and costly health care delivery system.
  • If she has got this wrong, it could prove so costly that she may need a disused mine to hide in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several of the gifts were costly, including a cup of gold and a crystal salt-set.
  • Man, if all I need is a t-shirt and a gaiter to be worry free, I guess I don't need that costly psychotherapy after all. Cape Fear: Cycling Fashion's Reign of Terror Continues
  • For more than a century, since Francis Galton first started speculating about the similarities of twins, nature-nurture was a war with a stalemated front and intelligence was its Verdun—the most hotly contested and costly battle. A Truce in the War Over Smarts and Genes
  • A retired four-star general, Clark is more cautious, as most generals are, about how resources are used, because he knows it is costly to create the modern soldier.
  • In the third which proved costly for Sato, Jorrin sent the Japanese challenger down with a hard series of punches, followed by a stinging right which also floored him seconds later.
  • Another measure would financially penalise doctors who administer costly drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aside from being a costly super weapon during an era of Pentagon cutbacks, the F-22 has serious competition.
  • But magazines that remain dependent on mass circulation and traditional advertising models will be locked into a downward pricing spiral in both their advertising and subscription business, requiring them to grow their rate base and reduce their ad rates -- a costly and unsustainable model for all but a few. Jack Myers: Magazine Industry Confronts a Challenging Yet Hopeful Future
  • Most also won't be able to afford costly residential centers that specialize in "active senior living" and a progression of life-care services. Kansas City Star: News
  • This always turned out to be a costly mistake for them, because this printery employed highly inefficient and obsolete methods with very high overheads.
  • This may be a little costly but the legal remedies available to you require legal expertise. The Sun
  • The idea is to take pre-emptive action that can reap results, while avoiding costly and uncertain trials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Farmers are now suffering by having to use costly submersible pumps and replacing existing centrifugal pumps.
  • Some fast food restaurants will be obliged to install costly emission-control vents.
  • With the rows often ending in costly battles, many administrators admit that they quietly concede to the demands. Times, Sunday Times
  • We find there some of the same costly foodstuffs (especially cherries and roast fowl) and wine flasks.
  • Anyone who has moved house, remortgaged, or had to draw up a party wall agreement with their neighbours recently don't get me started will know that even corresponding with a solicitor, let alone engaging their "help", can be a costly and frustrating business. Even Mervyn King is losing faith in Osborne
  • Some of these ISPs have tried to cancel contracts with spammers, but revocation can be costly.
  • Hence such costly survivals as the high-speed rail line, London's Crossrail and the grand-daddy of them all, the Olympics, whose organisers have so much surplus money they disclosed this week that they were giving their overpaid executives six-figure bonuses "to perform inspirationally". The maths of coalition has opened the door to lobbyists | Simon Jenkins
  • It can also lead to kidney failure, leaving many dependent on costly dialysis machines. The Sun
  • As getting online became cheaper, and operating private networks became more costly and cumbersome compared to using the standard internet, companies began using the regular net.
  • For instance, if I'd worn a metal nose cone throughout my childhood I might have saved myself thousands of pounds in costly rhinoplasty.
  • Fast, accurate tests, based on antibody testing technology, were developed for trichinosis in pigs; for anaplasmosis, a costly parasitic disease in cattle; and for plant viruses and viroids.
  • These people had to be brought in and if they were developed in-house it was very costly.
  • Such a database would be extremely costly to set up.
  • From somewhere in the scattered islands of the archipelago came the most elusive and costly spices of all: cloves, nutmeg and mace. SPICE: The History of a Temptation
  • It's not cheap; so if four wheels are too costly, take a motorbike taxi, but don't expect a helmet.
  • Producing domestic yellowcake is a costly undertaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wow, a president who gathers data and considers it vs. an adolescent one who studiously avoided serving in Vietnam yet launched two incredibly costly (in blood and dollars) wars impetuously, with the Iraq war based solely on deceit and arrogance and in violation of the UN and the Geneva Conventions. Obama: Decision on U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan 'soon'
  • But the best thing to do after such a costly error is atone for it. The Sun
  • Purchase of market share is seen to be less costly than establishing brands - and is quicker too.
  • Officials said the season's first wildfires burned with an intensity usually not seen until late summer, portending an especially dangerous and costly summer.
  • This festering sore is at last receiving treatment with a costly refit that should make the hitherto ghastly 1960s stand almost unrecognisable. Times, Sunday Times
  • An indiscreet remark triggered off a long and costly strike.
  • Caring for the park's swans is a costly business - roughly $26,600 per year.
  • And they overlook the determination in Europe to make the euro stick—because to pull it apart would be ruinously costly and threaten the EU's very existence.
  • Complete replacement of the roof tiles would be very costly.
  • Reprocessing is becoming an increasingly costly item in the fuel cycle of Britain's ageing Magnox reactors.
  • Desirable desires are priceless, undesirable desires are costly. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It is not a conventional matchlock, as historians have written, but a complex and very costly arquebuse à rouet, a wheel-lock arquebus. Champlain's Dream
  • Below we list average house prices around the country, along with the most costly and cheapest areas. The Sun
  • The renewed oppression of the Continent by the old reigning families, the countenance apparently given by the English Government to the conspiracy against liberty called the Holy Alliance, and the enormous weight of the national debt and taxation occasioned by so long and costly a war, tendered the government and parliament very unpopular. Chapter IV. Youthful Propagandism. The Westminster Review
  • But the airline business is a cash-hungry one-and strikes are enormously costly.
  • The women of his day were no doubt obstreperous and extravagant, and hence his famous but perfectly ineffectual teaching that they should not "broider their hair, or wear gold or silver or costly array," and that they shouldn't talk in meeting, and if they wanted to know anything, ask their husbands, and drink of their intellectual superiority. Fair to Look Upon
  • They turned this costly process into profit by selling wood to teamsters as backloading to the Blinman mine.
  • Leaving it up to individuals to allow charities to reclaim tax on their personal donations is more costly for charities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rowing equipment is costly - an eight man sweeping boat, the largest of rowing shells, runs in around $28,000.
  • Cut out unwanted material of becomes with the crocodilian skin joining together of different color late outfit bag is distinctive, reveal a costly glamour.
  • Sadly, growth momentum can't be easily recaptured, and a costly three-year process of restoration or replanting will be required.
  • a footstep behind him, he turned round, and beheld approaching him a young and graceful form, habited in a white hacqueton wrought in gold, with golden spurs on his feet, and a helmet of the same costly metal on his head, crested with white feathers. The Scottish Chiefs
  • For such capital-intensive industries, relocation decisions are more difficult and costly and they are likely to impact firm profitability over a much longer period than for other businesses.
  • Because of the extreme curve of the glasses, the lenses are hard to fit to a frame - and that makes them costly.
  • An ageing population is both less productive and a more costly burden on the health services.
  • Many backbenchers also oppose windfarms, which they say are costly and unreliable. The Sun

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