How To Use Costive In A Sentence
The physician Hequet understood by slow bellies, that the Cretans were costive, which vitiated their blood, and rendered them ill-disposed and mischievous.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Riding, as well as a sedentary life, encourages costiveness.
1760 diet revolution | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
As we may speak of the stages of a disease like consumption, so we may speak of these three conditions as different stages of one affliction, the worst being costiveness with its progressive self-poisoning by the products of intestinal decomposition.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
Yet although the writer pokes fun, he teases the verbally prolix, emotionally costive Huxley as much as he does the earnest Wilberforce.
We would expect people suffering from constipation or obstipation to pass as fairly well people for a time, but the same is not true of patients having the other condition, costiveness.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
What is most advisable in this respect is, to use such a diet and manner of living, as may prevent costiveness constipation.
1760 diet revolution | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
It is costive and hermetic and yet obsessed with changing the world.
During the exacerbation most are restless, and most are costive constipated, hence the relentless laxatives.
The words constipation, obstipation and costiveness are often employed as if of exactly similar meaning, but it is well to let each stand for
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
Old milk, and especially when boiled, is liable to induce this kind of costiveness in some grown persons; which is probably owing to their not possessing sufficient gastric acid to curdle and digest it; for as both these processes require gastric acid, it follows, that a greater quantity of it is necessary, than in the digestion of other aliments, which do not previously require being curdled.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
A little bit of exercise is good and can help, for example, to end the costiveness, but in excess it's bad.
And it can be costive, which is the last thing she needs with that wound in her stomach.
A Funeral In Blue
Medicines select for melancholy; against wind and costiveness; for love-melancholy
Anatomy of Melancholy
Correctors to expel windiness, and costiveness helped
Anatomy of Melancholy
We become the social equivalent of banks that wont lend - we sit on our credit and credibility in a state of costive paranoia.
Melik Kaylan: The Al Gore Smear: Gossip as an Instrument of Power
We have found out the almost universal cause for constipation, obstipation and costiveness; therefore until you can have the proper local treatment we suggest the following foodstuffs, trusting to the sufferer's judgment how much and how often to take the nourishment.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
In the first rank of these, I may well reckon up costiveness, and keeping in of our ordinary excrements, which as it often causeth other diseases, so this of melancholy in particular.
Anatomy of Melancholy
There is really no way of reading these often rather costive and puzzling early books without wondering on every page what, in them, is leading towards the immense achievements of those two big last novels.
The Skating Rink by Roberto Bolaño – review
Finally, Susan knelt, costive, to the scrub, arms bent out and away, and picked up her skein, gradually attaching it to her belt.
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Thousands visited the springs hoping for cures for afflictions including (according to one 1821 inventory) “Habitual Costiveness,” “Depraved appetite,” “Calculous and nephritic complaints,” “Cutaneous eruptions,” “Some species or states of gout,” “Some species of dropsy,” scrofula, amenorrhea, and dysmenorrhea.
Off to the Races
If costiveness offend in this, or any other of the three species, it is to be corrected with suppositories, clysters or lenitives, powder of senna, condite prunes, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
I have declared in the causes what harm costiveness hath done in procuring this disease; if it be so noxious, the opposite must needs be good, or mean at least, as indeed it is, and to this cure necessarily required; maxime conducit, saith Montaltus, cap.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Still, much as one enjoys the giddiness as reality and fiction seep into each other, there is still something wilfully costive about it.
Fresh vegetables, as peas, beans, potatoes, squashes, and ripe fruits, in their season, are all wholesome, and help to relieve costiveness.
Within the production's terms, George Anton is a powerfully costive Hamlet both hostile to and tainted by this world of animalistic appetite.
He is certainly gesturally sparing and chromatically costive.
When medicines become necessary to obviate that kind of costiveness which arises from imperfect intestinal contraction, physicians usually administer rhubarb, aloes, and similar laxatives, combined with tonics.
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If the bark clysters should bring on costiveness the laudanum may occasionally be omitted; if this is not attended with the desired consequences, we have recourse to a common injection.
Eccoprotics used occasionally, so as just to prevent costiveness.
They are useful for costive habits, and may be made into an electuary; but, when unripe, Plums provoke choleraic diarrhoea.
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The author prefers to use the term costiveness for the general debased condition of the system from auto-intoxication depending upon proctitis and similar conditions of the intestinal tract.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
Says another costive patron, pant-button about to pop from the accumulation of unevaluated by-products:
Tuesday, Feb. 24 – The Bleat.
Whenever sickness, vomiting, and obstinate costiveness give reason to suspect an obstruction of the bowels, all those places where ruptures usually happen ought carefully to be examined.
Fruits, fresh vegetables, and cabbages relieve the costiveness and effect softened motions in the morning.