How To Use Cost-effective In A Sentence
The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System (R), is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects used to puncture or lacerate the skin (referred to as "sharps").
A cost-effective way to make your existing workout kit suitable for dark nights is to add a reflective vest.
The Sun
It looked like the project was going to be approved, but the bean counters said it wasn't cost-effective.
The mentality of Mexican exporters is becoming more competitive, and cost-effectiveness in transportation is a must.
Supply Chain Reaction
The assessment will also identify modifications that can be made in those systems to improve their cost-effectiveness and reduce the risk of re-offense in conformance with justice, public safety and constitutional requirements.

It would be like trying to upgrade a Smart car to pull a semi-trailer; it would be more cost-effective to simply build the tractor you need.
Matthew Yglesias » By Request: A National Grid?
This means thinking on your feet and finding the most cost-effective marketing medium for your product or service.
The most cost-effective measure was a central heating thermostat.
Times, Sunday Times
While I would normally try to do all of this from scratch, sometimes short-cutting and using a canned sauce is not only cost-effective, but also extremely time-effective.
Kellan Hori: Cioppino, 2011 Edition
Imagining a universe in which Seixon’s arguments are cogent is a cost-effective alternative to doing drugs … kinda like smoking Norwegian pot by proxy. see his responses pertaining to the downing street memo. btw, tripmaster, i almost went there in my post about wmds, but decided against it. somehow i just knew what his response was going to be.
Think Progress » Limbaugh Distorts Numbers To Downplay Global Warming Science
Because budgeting is so complicated on building projects, you may find that preselecting a contractor - then bringing him or her in at this early stage - results in a more cost-effective design.
Either way, the result -- in theory -- will be cost-effective pollution abatement, that is, overall abatement achieved at minimum aggregate cost.
Robert Stavins: Environmental Problems and the Myth of Simple Market Solutions
It's a good way to test a niche quickly and cost-effectively.
There must have been a more cost-effective solution.
The Sun
Anopheles mosquitoes type of mosquitoes that may transmit malaria and rural filariasis arbovirus an arthropod-borne virus, i.e. a virus that is transmitted by insects, ticks or mites bilharziasis see: schistosomiasis cost-effectiveness analysis
Chapter 4
The most convenient and cost-effective way to measure the 3 body compartments is through bioelectrical impedance analysis, a quick, painless procedure that sends a low electrical current through the body.
DVD burners are rapidly becoming cost-effective tools for authoring DVD video discs, backing up files and as CD burners to boot.
I want to ensure that, in pursuing cost-effectiveness, there is independent arbitration on quality.
Researchers can store petabytes of information in cost-effective, space-efficient tape libraries.
They're the most cost-effective way to add style and atmosphere.
Times, Sunday Times
It has undoubtedly fulfilled its role elegantly and cost-effectively for decades.
Times, Sunday Times
There are few more cost-effective ways to invest relatively small sums of money than reinstating the support funding for tourism.
In addition, air freight can be cost-effective for high-priced items where the additional cost can be absorbed into the price of the product more easily.
Moving out of this stage requires a substantial increase in cost-effective and affordable energy sources, while minimising environmental hazards and ensuring social equitability and sustainability.
The bank must be run in a cost-effective way.
Research is needed to determine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of alternative means for detecting conditions not amenable to physical examination because of a patient's body habitus.
Among the group's upmarket names, Bentley is probably cost-effective, but Lamborghini and Bugatti sell only in handfuls and must be a huge drain on resources.
Combined with weatherization updates such as caulking cracks and applying weather stripping to doors and windows, it's the most cost-effective way to reduce your energy bills and your carbon footprint.
Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
This, they argue, offers the most cost-effective way to serve patients.
More cost-effective is to do it yourself, via a broker.
Using DNA is a cost-effective, less-invasive way to tag tarpon, and unlike conventional tags, it lasts forever.
It wouldn't be cost-effective to buy an expensive new computer when all you want to do is word processing.
That is, it may be easier to agree a price for a contract for clinical services than to assess cost or cost-effectiveness.
The most cost-effective tool for your wireless system is a dedicated battery tester.
It seems the most cost-effective, efficient and simplest insurance policy.
Times, Sunday Times
Making sure that your marketing machine is running cost-effectively in good times puts you on solid ground when things slow down.
It is understandable that businesses want to provide best value and have a cost-effective system.
An inexpensive brattice cloth selection does not make the choice necessarily cost-effective.
What is the most cost-effective and efficient way of achieving those ends remains to be decided after proper examination.
I have considered oil and liquefied petroleum gas but would rather install a more ecofriendly and cost-effective system.
Times, Sunday Times
It wouldn't be cost-effective to buy an expensive new computer when all you want to do is word processing.
Two cost-effectiveness analyses supported empiric treatment with antiviral agents for appropriate patients if the likelihood of influenza is high.
This route will provide a cost-effective way in the short term to invest in the other property.
Times, Sunday Times
This is not cost-effective or efficient.
Times, Sunday Times
In many cases, it is more cost-effective to invest your money in a bigger and better-equipped house.
JustAnswer is a pay-per-question site based in San Francisco that has used AdWords and the Google Content Network to cost-effectively reach its customers.
AdWords Success Stories
The management tries to produce the magazine as cost-effectively as possible.
More cost-effective is to do it yourself, via a broker.
The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System (r), is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects used to puncture or lacerate the skin
There is little doubt in my mind that efficiency and cost-effectiveness will inevitably be considerations when deciding on our transport solutions.
They are also cost-effective and labour-saving as they can be changed weekly.
MAPPER's machine provides a highly cost-effective way of making the next generation of chips because it significantly reduces costs by eliminating the photomask while simultaneously providing the ultimate in resolution and high productivity.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
It doesn't have all the usual high-spec air-conditioning and lighting - it's a very cost-effective, low-maintenance structure that means you don't have to have all these fancy high-energy systems within.
The spokesman said that the scheme was a practical and cost-effective solution to getting prisoners out of UK detention and out of the country.
Times, Sunday Times
Tweaking your landing page is the most cost-effective way to improve your conversion rate.
Fourth, intervention by government is assumed to be cost-effective, meaning that objectives are achieved at minimum cost to the taxpayer.
But I still think it remains a fair question: Would the not-unsubstantial investment in an MSR mission designed to ferry a cache of tiny surface scratchings to earthside labs be all that more efficient/cost-effective than sending along a team of trained geologists to manage the collection with a robust on-site laboratory available for immediate assessment of specimen value?
Mars Program Gets no Special Treament - NASA Watch
It has also been suggested that testing for HIV-1 antibodies in these specimens is cost-effective and suitable for screening in developing countries.
Incineration that uses the energy produced to generate electricity is much more straightforward and cost-effective, and could replace to some extent newly extracted carbon fuels.
With an actively managed fund you can cut costs by making sure you buy funds in the most cost-effective way.
Times, Sunday Times
What is needed instead is for the Government to take a lead, by immediately calling for tenders to install solar water heating in all Government buildings where it is cost-effective to do so.
This is a cost benefit that also allows us to really launch new products in a very cost-effective way.
The shoebox is the most cost-effective tax-saving device ever invented.
How To Make Being Your Own Boss Less Taxing
Often an arrangement is accepted as being faster, more cost-effective and more humane.
But the superweed, expected to be used regularly within two years, does present a cost-effective alternative to the most common detection methods currently available -- humans with metal detectors and mine-sniffing dogs.
The shredder is a hell of a lot more cost-effective.
Definitions for the Perplexed: Damages, Hurts, and Refurbs
A cost-effective solution must be found quickly.
Times, Sunday Times
In sum, then, individual CBT was the most cost-effective option available for the treatment of depression, and was, therefore, recommended by the researchers as the treatment of first choice for dealing with unipolar depression.
However this issue can be turned into a cost-effective advantage without too much fuss.
‘Any strategy that incorporates antifouling technologies will be therefore more cost-effective if the extent of the biofilm can be monitored online and in real time, without destroying the biomass formation,’ he says.
Many councils claimed that buying existing housing was the most cost-effective way to replenish housing stock.
Times, Sunday Times
METHODS:The CORE diabetes model was employed to evaluate the long-term cost-effectiveness of Acarbose in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
A cost-effective option for a big group is to rent a whole hostel.
Times, Sunday Times
For cost-effective moisturizers and nail conditioners, he might consider products originally designed for the farm.
The system would motivate everyone to reduce emissions in the most cost-effective way.
By selectively combining them, cost-effectively, it believes that it can generate far greater value for its shareholders.
Times, Sunday Times
The development of electrodialysis provided a cost-effective way to desalt brackish water and spurred considerable interest in this area.
Their in-store advice tells me that arnica is good for treating “bruising and injuries”, which gives the impression that this is a very cost-effective health-care option.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Awesome Takedown of Homeopathy
It allows anyone with an email address to send and receive money online securely and cost-effectively.
Times, Sunday Times
Globally competitive firms knit together national competitive advantages to make things in the most cost-effective locations.
Times, Sunday Times
Anopheles mosquitoes type of mosquitoes that may transmit malaria and rural filariasis arbovirus an arthropod-borne virus, i.e. a virus that is transmitted by insects, ticks or mites bilharziasis see: schistosomiasis cost-effectiveness analysis
Chapter 4
And why does a country supposedly committed to health care reform seem opposed to safe, cost-effective options that include midwifery and well-woman care?
Ricki Lake: Mothers Deserve Options
After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier to the customer in the most cost-effective manner.
Unfortunately no suitable technology for cost-effectively handling micropayments has yet been produced.
The appeal of ultra-violet tanning seems to echo an inter-war builder's attachment to pebbledash: a cost-effective way to conceal shoddy exterior work, especially in weather-beaten places. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
Thanks to a cost-effective, flexible product line and sales partnerships with affinity-marketing companies, this business has quintupled its sales since 1997.
This is probably the most cost-effective way of adding extra space to your home.
Times, Sunday Times
Such expanded, compassionate use programs with monitoring using the system we suggest could be the nidus of a transformation in the willingness of patients, companies, the FDA, Congress and society at large to support phase IV trials, albeit in innovative more cost-effective new ways, such as what we suggest.
Sunil Chacko: Innovations in Phase IV Clinical Trials for Change in Health Care
The ACO can earn extra money through gain sharing sharing of savings resulting from collaborative efforts to provide care cost-effectively with Medicare if the overall costs of care for the beneficiaries attributed to it are lower than predicted.
Can Accountable-Care Organizations Improve Health Care While Reducing Costs?
He said the initiative was a cost-effective way to reduce retail crime and the loss of hundreds of thousands of pounds every year.
It has also been suggested that testing for HIV-1 antibodies in these specimens is cost-effective and suitable for screening in developing countries.
So prison ships may be the most cost-effective way of increasing short-term capacity.
Times, Sunday Times
This value makes the flautas (a steep $8) not the most cost-effective way of getting your fill of rice and beans.
She said all health services should be provided in a cost-effective manner.
He cites a project in India that needed to cost-effectively mold interior panels for an upcoming vehicle program.
You need to freshen up your home, but in a cost-effective way.
Times, Sunday Times
The F-16, he added, "is unquestionably the most cost-effective multirole plane available, but just having a small number doesn't allow for a traditional air force.
U.S. Help to Upgrade Iraqi Air Force Will Take Time
Copper is often a very cost-effective, non-complex way of taking care of the situation.
These offices are clearly more cost-effective, and the staff are more closely attuned to the needs and requirements of members in their regions.
Times, Sunday Times
The tie-up was designed to find ways to produce the taxis more cost-effectively.
Times, Sunday Times
The two jobs where it was more cost-effective to hire contractors were groundskeeper and medical records technician.
Project On Government Oversight: Contractors Costing Government Twice as Much as In-House Workforce: POGO Study
How would they reach their target market in the most cost-effective way possible?
Secondary operations raise cost and are not considered desirable to cost-effective pricing.
There are few more cost-effective ways to invest relatively small sums of money than reinstating the support funding for tourism.
Cereal growers are dependent on farm machinery for cost-effective production.
Posten's business concept is that everyone should be able to reach everyone else with messages and goods — physically and electronically — quickly, securely, and cost-effectively.
Nobel Prize Anniversary on stamp
The alliance will also monitor the timeous distribution of appropriate and cost-effective learning materials to schools.
Mail and Guardian
They were seen as a cost-effective way of redressing the perceived lack of seed capital for such enterprises.
They believe fluoridating the water is the most cost-effective way to improve the dental health of a nation apparently determined to persist with bad dental health practices.
It is a guidance kit that converts unguided free-fall bombs into capable and cost-effective air-to-surface smart weapons.
Populations that have the greatest potential for achieving benefits and cost-effectiveness in nutrition care exhibit the following characteristics: 1.
The cost-effectiveness of supplementation varies depending on health subcenter coverage.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
This will provide a more equitable policy framework to allow the development and introduction of cost-effective technological change and innovation.
With pricing based on a range of optional functionality, it is also cost-effective.
Our goal is to procure the best products and services in a cost-effective and timely manner.
Sheet vinyl is the most cost-effective, easily cleanable flooring choice, but a tile floor will be more comfortable for the dog in hot weather, even if your house is air-conditioned.
We needed a cost-effective solution that was scalable and modular, as well as compatible with existing technology and software.
He implies that pay and conditions for personal assistants rely on the exploitation of staff for their cost-effectiveness.
Replacing old carpet, adding wall hangings or purchasing a slip cover for an old sofa are cost-effective cosmetic changes that make a less-than-ideal room appear more suitable.
It provides operators a cost-effective way to use a combination blade to hard finish concrete floors without any burnish marks.
The schemes are premised on procurement of cost-effective drugs in right quantities; selection of reliable suppliers; timely delivery; and achievement of lowest possible total cost.
Micropower systems based on advanced technologies must become more cost-effective to achieve broad commercialization.
However, progress for them must lie in leveraging the marketing of music across social networks and moving music to the cloud, cost-effectively, is a positive step in this direction.
Cedric Perrier: Is Apple's iCloud a Game-Changer for the Music Industry?
This is therefore likely to encourage clinicians to search for more cost-effective procedures.
Globally competitive firms knit together national competitive advantages to make things in the most cost-effective locations.
Times, Sunday Times
Conclusions cost-effectiveness analysis shows that the sequential screening of gastric cancer is economic.
In patients with recurrent kidney stones, empiric therapy and the modified simple metabolic evaluation were equally the most cost-effective strategies.
There are few more cost-effective ways to invest relatively small sums of money than reinstating the support funding for tourism.
Using air power to discipline the unrulier regions of the empire was efficient and cost-effective.
Times, Sunday Times
The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System®, is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects.
Medlogs - Recent stories
This is perhaps the wisest and most cost-effective option in the long run, say sources.
New World archaeological projects now routinely use the commercially available and cost-effective black-and-white aerial photographs.
For more cost-effective alternatives, you could use good limestone tiles and refurbish wood floors.
Times, Sunday Times
Work was outsourced where there was expertise that the solicitor could not or did not have and this often made it more cost-effective for clients.
Comprising three identical panels, injection-molded from a recycled wood plastic composite, the perch is not only cost-effective to produce but also helps in sustaining the environment.
Awesome Idea for Public Spaces : Kajen Public Bench
Customers said that cost-effectiveness was one of the main reasons for the inquiries they had made regarding almirahs, wardrobes, beds and home furniture.
Your employer may consider it more cost-effective to retain junior employees who are paid less than you.
Wind turbines are a great option in the right location but may not be the most cost-effective option in a built-up area.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, mosquito control programmes against wild mosquitoes in forested areas are not practical or cost-effective for preventing sylvatic infections.
Chapter 2
Technology has the potential to cost-effectively allow more people access to compelling content in a form that is best suited to their learning style.
Fallacious panacea
Referral to a hematologist or neurologist can ensure cost-effective evaluation of the multiple coagulation-factor abnormalities and conditions that can cause embolic stroke.
The management tries to produce the magazine as cost-effectively as possible.
You need to freshen up your home, but in a cost-effective way.
Times, Sunday Times
This view is driven by savings and there is a linear relationship between environmental and cost-effective solutions.
Times, Sunday Times
If all you need is help with your investments, a wealth manager may be more cost-effective.
Times, Sunday Times
It may be more cost-effective to introduce a federated programme, ensuring common standards to allow interoperability.
Times, Sunday Times
In its vertical configuration, the system has been adapted successfully as a filter press for cost-effective sludge dewatering.
Is that viable, cost-effective option or is it merely hype?
Times, Sunday Times
Trenchard was able to offer his small and relatively inexpensive force as a cost-effective way to keep dissident colonials in check.
How can we swiftly and cost-effectively renovate the house?
Times, Sunday Times
The new PUPI Series 22 is designed for the standard crossarm load capacity required by the industry, yielding a lighter, easier to install and cost-effective alternative to the standard wood tangents currently used by the industry.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
This is because many find it the most cost-effective option.
The Sun
Can you suggest the most cost-effective way of doing this?
Times, Sunday Times
External consultants and Data Archive consultants will assist in designing the most cost-effective way of preparing the data for deposition.
They save the companies a fair chunk of money and offer small shareholders a cost-effective way of getting rid of their shares.
Its yardsticks are student satisfaction, employability, service to business and flexibility, delivered cost-effectively.
Times, Sunday Times
Sellers of fast-moving consumer goods have therefore tended to rely on traditional mass communication as a more cost-effective alternative than direct marketing.
The most cost-effective measure was a central heating thermostat.
Times, Sunday Times
Decontamination of soil and water via efficient biocatalysts is a promising cost-effective remediation strategy.
Indeed, the need for cost-effective solutions and consumer-friendly features continues to impact the decisionmaking process among dairies.
That is a far more cost-effective way to cut congestion than building roads or charging for existing ones.
Times, Sunday Times
Interventions are considered “highly cost-effective” if they generate an extra year of healthy life for a cost less than the average annual income per person.
Doing screening tests on patients whose life expectancy is extremely limited because of cancer is just not a cost-effective thing to do," said Dr. Allen Lichter, CEO of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, who wasn't involved in the research.
Overtesting Cancer Patients In Late Stages
International experts are exploring such alternatives on behalf of the World Health Organization, while recent experience with not-for-profit drug development is showing that it can be done more cost-effectively than so far assumed.
Should Patents on Pharmaceuticals Be Extended to Encourage Innovation?
Finally, it is essential to develop more cost-effective rockets in an increasingly competitive international market for commercial and scientific launch services.
Energy-efficient and cost-effective air capture could play a valuable role in complementing other approaches for reducing emissions from the transportation sector, such as biofuels or electric vehicles, says David Layzell, ISEEE’s Executive Director.
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Tech Captures CO2
We believe diagnostics serve a key role in the health value chain by cost-effectively influencing the quality of patient care, health outcomes and cost savings.
Companies Aim to Personalize Therapy
Advantages of cryosurgery are that it is quick, is cost-effective, does not involve a surgical incision, and requires minimal equipment.
$23-$50 per DALY averted and $1,000-$6,100 per death averted, though cost-effectiveness varied with prevailing health subcenter coverage.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The only way to make this wall cost-effective is if you hire Mexicans to build it.
Matthew Yglesias » Good Fences Make Bad Policy
The meeting was also attended by David Haslam (Chair, National Obesity Forum) and Paula Regan from the UK, who shared their experience with the CounterWeight program, which has researched clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness of obesity interventions in primary care.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Prime Time for Primary Care?
So far the red peppers appear to be an easy, cost-effective means of warding off pachyderms without harming them, Osborn says.
Advantages of cryosurgery are that it is quick, is cost-effective, does not involve a surgical incision, and requires minimal equipment.
Meanwhile, News International announced Friday that it had set up what it called a "speedy, cost-effective alternative to litigation" that would allow phone-hacking victims to apply for swift out-of-court settlements through a company Web site.
NYT > Home Page
The effort needed to remaster the series thoroughly from original film elements is probably not cost-effective, though.
We have to be careful lest in a search for cost-effective complementarities between Navy and Coast Guard we underplay the vital point that the first duty of the latter is excellence as a coast guard.
These offices are clearly more cost-effective, and the staff are more closely attuned to the needs and requirements of members in their regions.
Times, Sunday Times
This means companies can cost-effectively customize discs individually or in batches.
Creating a market means, in theory, that companies can sort it out between themselves and meet global targets cost-effectively.
Times, Sunday Times
According to the company's president, the bulb uses no toxic chemicals, is more cost-effective than HEPA filters and air ionizers, which only trap airborne particles.
The group supports cost-effective measures to reduce the load of phosphorus coming from runoff, also known as nonpoint pollution.
As a first step in cost-effectiveness analyses, there must be evidence regarding the relative effectiveness of the treatment options being considered.
The alliance will also monitor the timeous distribution of appropriate and cost-effective learning materials to schools.
Mail and Guardian
We provide cost-effective GSM deployment over satellite links to offshore stationary mobile platforms or seagoing vessels such as oil rigs, cruise ships and ferries.
Digital baseband predistortion is a highly cost-effective way to linearize high power amplifiers (HPAs), but most existing architectures assume that the HPA has a memoryless nonlinearity.
The cost of advanced wound care dressings, drugs, devices, and biologicals will prove to be cost-effective to the department, the payers, and the patients when the wound management outcomes are documented and promoted.
Fourth, intervention by government is assumed to be cost-effective, meaning that objectives are achieved at minimum cost to the taxpayer.
If a coagulation defect is suspected, consultation with a hematologist may be the most cost-effective option in the absence of reasonable screening tests for specific abnormalities.
The operation is carried out under local anaesthetic using the most cost-effective technique, known as the forceps method, at a cost of $40 (£26) for each patient.
BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
This product is of serious interest to students, as it is the most cost-effective.
One of the most efficient and cost-effective approaches to the late payment problem is invoice finance.
The Malvern rheometer has proven to be a cost-effective, reliable and easy-to-use choice for steady shear and oscillatory testing throughout the product development cycle.
Processingtalk - processing industry news
Other cost-effective ways of reducing emissions included combined heat and power for housing, factories and hospitals, and lighting efficiency.
Wavelength-per-user architectures were not considered in the past because cost-effective passive narrowband WDM muxes were not available.
Direct entry to a midwifery programme, with comprehensive training in obstetrics and related subjects such as paediatrics, family planning, epidemiology etc. has been acknowledged as both cost-effective and specifically focused on the needs of childbearing women and their newborn.
Customised training has taken centre stage as the most cost-effective option.
In Foreign Policy, as elsewhere, it is customary to rank one's assets according to cost-effectiveness.
There is currently no approved treatment for invertebral disc repair and this minimally-invasive ambulatory treatment potentially represents a cost-effective solution for discogenic back pain.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Other cost-effective ways of reducing emissions included combined heat and power for housing, factories and hospitals, and lighting efficiency.
Meanwhile, News International announced Friday that it had set up what it called a "speedy, cost-effective alternative to litigation" that would allow phone hacking victims to apply for swift out-of-court settlements through a company Web site.
NYT > Home Page