How To Use Corruption In A Sentence
Their accusations of corruption are hypocritical - they have been just as corrupt themselves.
The government is proposing tougher punishments for officials convicted of corruption.
The company's president is already in jail on corruption charges.
Times, Sunday Times
In the end the sentence-for criminal conspiracy, corruption and bribery-was a compromise.
The main methods of obtaining that information were blagging or corruption.

Newspapers have, however, reported that prosecutors are convinced the investigating magistrate in charge of a corruption and fraud inquiry involving the regional governments of the Balearic Islands and Valencia will soon officially name him as a suspect in the case.
Spain's king blocks scandal-hit son-in-law from royal duties
The law obliges officials to review deals with firms found responsible for corruption.
Times, Sunday Times
From its reputation as a cure-all, comes the obscure name of the plant ‘tutsan’ which is a corruption of the French La toute-saine - meaning ‘all-heal’.
Its people are overburdened by religious riot, ethnic strife, corruption and the absence of social infrastructure.
He is the latest public figure to go on record about corruption in politics.
Distribution of food throughout the country is being hampered by inefficiency and corruption.
U.K. police arrested a female police officer on suspicion of corruption, as a multipronged probe into alleged wrongdoing tied to the News of the World tabloid continues to gather momentum.
What's News—
Many in southern Europe refuse to pay taxes, and rampant corruption in government and the public sector is the norm.
Times, Sunday Times
I am convinced that what there is of good in that theory of reform of our evils is not advanced toward embodiment in our law by the character of the men who make the Chicago platform an excuse to get the public confidence and carry out schemes of public plunder, political corruption and miscellaneous incivism.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
A series of corruption scandals led to the fall of the government.
Sir Robert Mark's campaign to root out corruption in the Metropolitan Police is well known.
The lad and devoted dad must overcome corruption and indifference as they strive to make it in the rarefied world of the concert musician without connections.
Correct and fast reforms in this area would help the country fight corruption more efficiently.
During the 1980s several newspaper articles made allegations of corruption against the bank.
(Sadly, Jesse Jackson, Jr., though he appears to not have been involved in corruption, is now too tainted in the public memory as candidate #6 or whatever to have a viable chance at filling the seat.)
Matthew Yglesias » Darrel Thompson Sure Can Quit Burris
Then the regional financial crisis hit and suddenly the air was full of accusations of bureaucratic ineptitude, corruption and outright dereliction of duty.
He came to believe that working people, poor people, put down and stepped upon, had to organize if they were going to clean up the slums, fight the corruption that exploited them, and get a handhold on the first rung of the ladder up and out.
Bill Moyers: Saul Alinsky, Who?
The force is known for its corruption and brutality.
Times, Sunday Times
A former minister in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's cabinet, another lawmaker and a top former bureaucrat are in jail facing charges of corruption in a 2008 allotment of airwave to carry telephone signals.
Coal India's Overseas Plans on Hold
In reality, the country's ivory controls are ineffective and riddled with corruption.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether it's pitch battles, boardroom corruption, manager's bungs or ticket tout scandals, the whole league stinks of sleaze.
The result is families under siege, war in the streets, the precipitous decline of the rule of law, the rapid rise of corruption, the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit.
China has invested an estimated $6 billion, though some suspect that, due to corruption, the actual sum of money flowing to Turkmen and Uzbek businessmen may be considerably higher.
The recommendations include creation of an independent advisory board composed of international anticorruption experts to protect the independence and strengthen the accountability of INT.
He spoke of'the most serious breaches of the criminal law in the area of bribery and corruption '.
Times, Sunday Times
Go3 has a portfolio of successful English games such as the hit title Mafia corruption, as well as numerous applications on the iPhone and over the Facebook network.
Qwaider Planet
This attack states, in effect, that Hiatt's purism is unsustainable in the real world, and that government contracts do not automatically lead to corruption of academic integrity.
Mostly, the speeches condemn political folly and corruption of one stripe or another.
The Times Literary Supplement
Several newspapers made allegations of corruption in the city's police department.
The office-bearers have also promised to sustain the movement till the country is freed from the clutches of corruption.
It is a new beginning, but few expect Africa to stride gracefully into the future if the people of Africa must carry the heavy baggage of decades of corruption, conflict and misrule along for the ride.
How can we avoid education in the new literacies becoming an example of “corruptio optimi pessima” the corruption of the best is the worst of all?
Archive 2008-03-01
I think the Nobel Prize commitee is sending a clear message to the world about the corruption rampent in our current administration.
Think Progress » Generosity.
Corruption takes root when donors expect failure and recipients know that dismal performance will bring no adverse consequences.
She accused the official of corruption.
No clothes, no corruption, Fong had reasoned: how do you go about bribing a naked man?
Municipal legislatures appeared especially prone to corruption, and consequently reformers proposed a shift in authority from the board of aldermen or city council to the mayor.
The official corruption discontented the people.
Americans tend to be pretty cynical about politicians and think corruption is widespread.
The investigation uncovered widespread corruption within the police force.
Neither is Mr Kim yet ready to tackle corruption in business.
Consequently, agricultural bank anti - corruption defeats behoove from correct violate compasses manage grab.
'Nay, but to live/In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,/Stewed in corruption, honeying and making love/Over the nasty sty!' he arraigns his mother in his earnest undertaking to force her to consider what she is doing (3.4).
The senator has been bedeviled by allegations of corruption.
President Sirleaf says strengthening Liberia's General Auditing Commission and complying with the Norwegian-based Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative has reduced corruption.
Devoted specifically to the scholarly, cross-disciplinary study of plagiary and related behaviors across the disciplines, articles in Plagiary address the issue of fraudulent contributions to disciplinary discourse communities and the potential (and actual) corruption of the professional literature and other genres of discourse as a result of such derivative and/or fraudulent "contributions" to discoursal interchange.
November 2006
The investigation revealed political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels.
As in wickedness, depravity, corruption?
Christianity Today
He fought against dishonesty and corruption, opportunism and cowardice.
Publication of WikiLeaks sourced private US comments on the corruption and nepotism of a hated "sclerotic" regime is said to have helped create Tunisia's protest, and generated talk by US commentators of a "Wikileaks revolution".
Tunisia: The WikiLeaks connection
But corruption is only a partial explanation of some of the key strategic decisions taken by the governments.
That's not "deftness," it's crude corruption of the kind that Reid and the Democrats ran against in 2006 and 2008.
Reserves are cesspools of corruption and all band councils are poorly managed and unaccountable.
The loss of eye function is the result of a ‘downhill’ mutational change, a corruption or loss of the genetic information coding for eye manufacture.
He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power.
She claimed that an atmosphere of sleaze and corruption now surrounded the Government.
They fled the country, amid accusations of corruption.
It is interesting and significant that the American Mullahs consistently identify "secular humanism" as the chief corruption of modern society.
The war against global corruption may be the most important battle of the 21st century.
One needn't indulge utopian fantasies about abolishing government corruption or dealing a death blow to the power of monied interests in politics.
What they have experienced is a life of missed opportunities caused by an aging clerical leadership, massive corruption and a regime that is increasingly dictatorial.
Times, Sunday Times
Her hero's commitment to a vision of honorable politics is clearly out of place in a context of political corruption, baseness, and compromise.
This police unit was established to fight corruption.
Bordered by nine countries, its mineral wealth is brazenly plundered, made possible by an infernally weak state in which corruption, violence and lawlessness are rife.
It's a clear case of corruption.
The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.
The investigators still cite the "cancer of corruption" denounced by James Wolfensohn, an ex-president of the World Bank, in 1996.
Included in this is the mandate to the Prime Minister to set up an Anti-corruption Commission as speedily as possible.
It's a cool story - theft, corruption, conspiracy theories, mud-slinging and back-stabbing.
Fromm talks about the fact that sometimes we see corruption at the highest level of our government and then people remain apathetic and don't even bother to vote.
Riding the Winds of Change
Add in personal self enrichment from expense fiddles, petty corruption and barefaced lying to that toxicosis.
Archive 2008-11-01
General David Petraeus, in a rare public show of indecorum, last week suggested that corruption has been a part of Afghan culture since the country came into existence, which is a sentiment that is not only, from a historical and anthropological perspective, wholly ignorant, but one that exposes intentions on the General's part that seem both dubious as well as misplaced.
Michael Hughes: Afghanistan Corrupted by U.S. and 30 Years of Foreign Meddling
It's not like we've a shortage of venality, corruption and lust (not to mention hypocrisy) in this country.
You may be closer to the truth than any of us will ever know ... what with the corruption and back-scratching going on among and between many of our government officials and private-interest groups.
Taking Odds On A Western Wolf Hunt
The probe comes amid intensifying global scrutiny of corruption and bribery in the so-called extractive industries that generate raw materials.
U.S. Joins in Kickbacks Probe of Sojitz
The U.K. law, for instance, covers corruption of commercial as well as government officials and doesn't allow for so-called facilitation payments, effectively minor bribes.
U.K. Outlines Bribery Rules
It is a fit organ for the millionaire corruptionist and the civilization that he is degrading.
More broadly, corruption and mismanagement is undermining the rise of India's middle class.
India Stumbles At Commonwealth Games' First Hurdle
Public servants should be open and honest and not engage in corruption and "wheeler-dealing", Anglican Archbishop Njongonkulu
ANC Daily News Briefing
Face à l'échec patent d'une politique fondée sur l'exclusion, la violence, la corruption et le mensonge, Joseph trouve vite des boucs émissaires: Mobutu, les mobutistes et la mentalité mobutiste.
Global Voices in English » D.R. of Congo: Furor Over Kabila’s New York Times Interview
For this reason, the authors warn that "innovative approaches for understanding the structure of Mexican Transnational Criminal Networks, their procedures, and more importantly, to what extent and perdurability they are reaching into the United States security agencies and institutions through corruption and co-optation, is essential in improving the U.S. capacity to face this serious challenge to its security agencies.
José Fernando López: One-sided Death Toll
Estrada has been charged with bribery, corruption, violating the constitution and betraying the public trust.
Letting him go ends any association with an era that is, for many Russians, synonymous with corruption.
Kenya continues to suffer from tribalism and corruption, as well as high population growth, unemployment, political instability, and the AIDS epidemic.
We are attempting to use examples of media bias to raise awareness of the deep systemic corruption afflicting the media.
The former president's brother, Raul, is in prison on a murder conviction and corruption charges.
And evils like corruption, bribery, sleaze and fraud leave an impact on young minds that yearn for an avenue to let their radical thoughts out.
I think many people need to see a bit of imperfection, a touch of corruption, to identify with many politicians - those with untarnished integrity tend to inspire dislike as they seem to uphold a standard others don't think they can meet.
Corruption and extortion are constant themes in the local press.
The consequence was that good old New York tradition: cronyism, corruption and graft.
I do not trust people to make sound judgments, to take care of the information of others or to be beyond blackmail, corruption or plain greed.
Public procurement laws also need urgent reform to prevent graft and corruption.
Those unwilling to concede that the corruption is pervasive generally blame rogue buccaneers at a handful of companies.
Mr. Thaksin, who was ousted in 2006 by military junta, is now living in self-exile to evade imprisonment on a corruption conviction.
Moody's Lifts Thai Outlook
The word is either a corruption of "bandore" or "pandura" (_q. v._), an instrument of the guitar type, or is derived from "bania," the name of a similar primitive Senegambian instrument.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.
For a while there was some reduction in the level of corruption, but indiscipline continued unabated.
One can perceive corruption in the act of an officeholder only against a background of a "correct" pattern of behavior, a background which must exist in the beliefs of the perceiver.
The Cause of Corruption, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
‘All corruptionists must be thoroughly investigated and dealt with without leniency,’ he said.
This is a wicked of police corruption, media con tricks and celebrity scandals.
Her government never really shook off the taint of corruption.
It must provide an answer to the lack of policing, and the rampant criminality and corruption.
Times, Sunday Times
The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption.
He might be a Father to Confederation, but like all Reformers, he was intent on destroying the offspring, was a hot-headed revolutionary, a brawler and corruptionist.
The new state governor has promised to purge the police force of corruption.
In the letter, Traficant rails against the U.S. Department of Justice, which put him in prison until 2009 after successfully convicting him on bribery and corruption charges.
COOPER: His reign of corruption would last three decades, spawning the term "cleptocracy," rule by thieves.
CNN Transcript Oct 28, 2006
As a teenager, she would argue with her father about attacking the corruption and filth associated with politics.
The ultimate expression of this deep-seated corruption is the practice of selling, for that most worldly of objects, money, something that concerns man's deepest and inmost nature - the spiritual peace brought by the remission of sins.
This is a corruption and a deceit.
Times, Sunday Times
Corruption in the police force is systemic.
“Bonderro” is a corruption of the Lusitanianized imbundeiro, the calabash, or adansonia (digitata?): the other baobab is called nkondo, probably the Aliconda and Elicandy of Battel and old travellers, who describe the water-tanks hollowed in its huge trunk, and the cloth made from the bark fibre.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
He claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people.
Unlike many officials he was not tainted by corruption allegations.
Times, Sunday Times
From there, it spirals into a prism of double-crosses, dirty politics, and police corruption.
The corruption scandal has been deeply shocking many ordinary party members.
Giovanni Boccaccio, the great 14th century Italian humanist writer offers us a humorous insight into the corruption and decadence of the Church of his day.
Each breakthrough will lead the way toward a new culture that is less tolerant of corruption.
Throughout the grim tower blocks and porridge-grey council estates an implacable culture of cronyism, corruption and omertà rules.
The minister said that there was corruption in high places in the government.
The force is known for its corruption and brutality.
Times, Sunday Times
Nor has the return to political orthodoxy reduced corruption.
The MPs assured the President of continued support in the fight against corruption and poverty adding that if the vices were not eradicated the country will continue lagging behind in development.
Greed and corruption is the formular that brakes down anything.
Think Progress » U.S. Chamber of Commerce celebrates its ‘influence’ over Massachusetts Senate race.
At the same time, he has quietly promoted social justice, advocated for greater democratization and loudly promoted transparency and combated corruption.
Charles Becker: An IMF Leader From the Steppe
In the bishops they saw pomposity and rampant corruption, disdain for biblical teaching, and addiction to ceremony.
Christianity Today
The king promised to cut unemployment, improve the fight against crime and corruption, and fight tax evasion.
War and isolation have proved an ideal breeding ground for corruption and feuding between rival political clans.
Blasting through the grey language that usually cloaks such matters he accuses the Fund of corruption, self-interest and deceit.
It is designed to halt vote-buying and corruption, attract better people to government and strengthen protection of human and civil rights.
His mismanagement of the economy and his corruption exacerbated the poverty of the population, which was thus unable to benefit from the country's wealth in mineral resources.
The kind of resourceful, probing journalism that first exposed most of the serious scandals, corruption and injustice in our nations history would simply disappear
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (1908-79)
With that comes corruption, dishonesty, unfaithfulness, and being immoral.
He puts most emphasis on the pervasive corruption of the political class.
The Times Literary Supplement
Yet, the reform drive should not concentrate only on ousting old faces allegedly responsible for the corruption and misadministraion of the incumbent government.
The GOP shutdown the state legislature for nearly six weeks this summer, and the corruption on both sides of the isle is quite disturbing.
Poll: Paterson's poll numbers inch up
He seeks in vain to occupy his days with rural pursuits, -- he to whom the excitements of a metropolis, with all its corruption and its vices, were the sole sources of the turpid stream that he called "pleasure.
My Novel — Volume 12
The problem is not merely corruption and inefficiency, but the lack of viable alternatives.
Times, Sunday Times
The ruling Kuomintang is desperately in need of reform, including rooting out blatant corruption and severing gangland ties.
Then entered the guilt of Adam's sin imputed to posterity, and a general corruption and depravedness of nature.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
It is well that he acknowledgeth both them and us to have reason of miscontentment at holidays, from their corruptions and superstitions.
The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
He begins his story as the dogsbody of a big-time lawyer prosecuting a Roman senator for corruption.
It was reported that he would be tried by a military court on corruption charges and for plotting an alleged coup.
Polisario sources claimed that in a recent internal investigation he had been found guilty of corruption and diversion of funds.
When narco-trafficking and corruption threaten democracy in Latin America, it's America's problem too.
The revelations of corruption have led to a climate of distrust in the capital.
In many emerging economies corruption is egregious and overt.
Hostile commentators seized on this to paint a picture of continuing retrogression to which the regime's final collapse in the late 1940s in an orgy of corruption induced by hyperinflation, lends colour.
There had been, in fact if not intention, a collaborative intelligence corruption.
In fact, he has stood trial from 1993 on charges of corruption and membership of the Mafia.
Numerous voters yesterday cited corruption, nepotism and growing lawlessness as factors influencing them to switch sides.
Times, Sunday Times
In Medusa, thankfully, he is once again on thoroughly familiar territory, battling to pursue his own flawed version of truth through the lies, evasions and corruption that surround him.
Vernon officials argued that businesses would shut down if Vernon is disincorporated, that the Legislature has no legal standing to abolish it and that corruption here has been cleaned up.
NYT > Home Page
Nano, imprisoned on what he insists were trumped-up corruption charges, was freed as the disorders heated up.
However, he still believes that corruption can be curbed by setting up a clean system and strict rules.
Were the corruption claims credible?
Times, Sunday Times
In an area held tightly in the grip of what he called a "logging mafia," Rakotoarisoa said 100 members of the security forces were brought from the capital city to help with surveillance and to avoid any further corruption.
Madagascar Moves to Protect Precious Forests
Crudely expressed, corruption was of the political essence and was the practical counterpoint to the constitutional theory of balance.
Were their science as unassailable as they insist it is, and were the consensus as broad as they say it is, and were they as brave as they claim to be, they would not be "goaded" into intellectual corruption. Local News
In his defence, the general has made no secret of these plans, which he insists provide the only ‘checks and balances’ that will prevent corruption and misrule.
The organization was rife with bribery and corruption.
A Canadian diplomat is blunt: "Things are going worse for us than they have during the past four or five years - the Taliban controls more of our territory than before, and we have made no progress at all on corruption.
Archive 2009-04-01
These corruption charges amount to an amount of money that's peanuts compared to the corruption that went on before him.
The change in the law was designed to limit the scope for corruption.
He also points out that employees are often drawn into a web of corruption by people they work with.
Because as a federal civil servant, if you're witnessing abuse and corruption, particularly in the White House, where do you go?
The country's government has been accused of corruption and abuse of power.
Wouldn't the government have acted had it been another kind of corruption like financial impropriety or something?
Several ministers were stripped of parliamentary immunity as a prelude to facing corruption charges.
The congressman's corruption dishonoured himself and his family.
At the first mention of this fact the human mind naturally resists its admission: it recoils from the idea of inborn corruption; it cannot endure to have a mirror placed before it, which so clearly manifests its deformity; and it strives, from the beginning, to argue itself out of the feeling which lies so deeply ingrafted in the very consciousness of the soul.
Private Thoughts Upon Religion and a Christian Life; to which is Added the Necessity and Advantage of Frequent Communion. Volume I.
As a result of their infidelity, the people descended into moral and spiritual corruption.
The thing about corruption or cronyism is that it's almost impossible to prove, unless its done very incompetently.
Do we want to hand these angry people any extra powers to curtail Press probes into political corruption?
The Sun
As we said elsewhere, this readiness to accept and embrace corruption and plunder of the public purse goes deep.
Sin abounded among the Jews; and, to those of them that were converted to the faith of Christ, did not grace much more abound in the remitting of so much guilt and the subduing of so much corruption?
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
The seven tax fraud charges were only the first of many corruption charges expected to be filed against Marcos and her children.
I n the United States the hot breath of corruption is misting up the mirror of democratic politics.
The strategy incorporates new policies to govern fraud, corruption and whistle-blowing in the city.
In political science, Italy is often stereotyped as a nation of widespread corruption.
We advocate a harmonious society where corruption is swept away , and social mores are cleared.
However, in January the military pushed the button for an official investigation of corruption in the ministry of energy.
And I shall know that I must die, at sea most likely, cease crawling of myself to be all a-crawl with the corruption of the sea; to be fed upon, to be carrion, to yield up all the strength and movement of my muscles that it may become strength and movement in fin and scale and the guts of fishes.
Chapter 7
It will spur corruption and create an oligarchic elite that opposes the emergence of competitive markets.
This left us a legacy of legal straitjackets which have, in their way, contributed to the climate of sleaze, greed and corruption which has lumbered us with costly tribunals.
Corruption occurs when that information is not freely available - cover-up and concealment are necessary for insider trading to flourish.
The charges include bribery, corruption, violation of the Constitution and betrayal of public trust.
You can always get what you want by bribery and corruption, dishonesty and deviousness.
He came from privilege, yet fought for labor and against cronyism and corruption.
This should be "almandine," the word probably being a corruption of alabandina, a gem so called because found at
The Early Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson
Many of the unoccupied seats have been put down to a new anti-corruption law.
The Sun
Record numbers of police officers are being forced out of their job because of corruption, brutality and incompetence.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a country where corruption is rife.
Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption, who continue constant in their love to him, so as not to be corrupted out of it by any baits or seductions whatsoever, and whose love to him is uncorrupted by any opposite lust, or the love of any thing displeasing to him.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
The investigation has penetrated every level of society on the island and involves allegations of corruption among government ministers.