How To Use Corrupted In A Sentence
Perhaps I've been corrupted by Photoshop, but regardless, the GIMP just feels unusably arcane and clunky.
December 29th, 2007
The text of the Jnashwari had become corrupted, so he re-edited it, and his recension has remained current to the present day.
Much of his work deals with the theme of innocence corrupted by capitalism.
Inevitably, you must wonder whether barbarism is the natural condition of man let loose, or the depraved state of man when corrupted by violence.
I use the word in its connotation of an unimpaired or uncorrupted state of affairs.

Getting Pregnant While Taking Celexa of 300 mg/kg/day corrupted to lollipops for one fibrinolysis did persoally chlorpromazine in hexokinase formation or any sappy adverse gugulipid effects.
To prevent the United States Congress from being similarly corrupted with "placemen", Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution stated:
Archive 2009-01-01
We can get angry about it, complaining that the perfect language of our childhood is being corrupted by ignorance and carelessness, but we can't stop it happening.
Although I thought could make a copy of my original, uncorrupted disk, the program wouldn't allow it.
Innocent blondes, corrupted by wolfish brunettes with mannish haircuts and tight, tight sweaters, stare wide-eyed at the reader.
No need to read this sheet and personally I believe that this jujement redned by a corrupted court under a corrupted judge and ploted by an industry of criminal parasites is beraly fgood enought to be use aas toilet paper.
Pirate Bay verdict online: depth and detail
They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise.
English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise.
English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
Some make a protein, but others are so corrupted that they can no longer do anything.
Aturia, which seems to be the word Assyria slightly corrupted, as we know that it habitually was by the Persians.
The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
It offers rare insights into how a country survives in terrible conditions and how decent people are corrupted by witnessing barely imaginable horrors.
Times, Sunday Times
1 Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'cz' was corrupted.
They use two specific applications in the battle against false logs and corrupted police notes.
Times, Sunday Times
The word gobi, which Europeans have corrupted into cobi, signifies in the Mongol tongue a naked desert.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
In the declaration of the state of corrupted nature after the fall, and before the reparation of it by the grace of Jesus Christ, -- that is, the effectual operation of the Holy Spirit, -- the Scripture principally insists on three things: [90] -- 1.
Now it is rare to see his name in print unless it is being invoked as shorthand for corrupted innocence or curdled dreams.
though his associates were dishonest, he remained uncorrupted
Yet if one person gains power and becomes corrupted it changes completely.
The Sun
Expanded, visually, beyond anything resembling the comparatively claustrophobic 1947 film which starred a wonderfully scrofulous Richard Attenborough, and imbued with a feverish morality that would have gratified Mr. Greene himself, the film is almost distractingly beautiful to look at, something that accentuates the tension between the film's conflicting quantities, i.e., the glories of the physical world, and the corrupted humanity it hosts.
'Idiot Brother': Silly, Satirical and Smart
Their soul, spirit, and heart are corrupted because they are naturally greedy, lusting for power.
Don't corrupted themselves, life is not only an opportunity, try to get.
Over time that had been corrupted to the affectionate and alliterative Wheezy.
M. Cuvier suspects that I may have mistaken for it the animal called by naturalists the dugong, and vulgarly the sea-cow, which will be hereafter mentioned; and it would indeed be a grievous error to mistake for a beast with four legs, a fish with two pectoral fins serving the purposes of feet; but, independently of the authority I have stated, the kuda ayer, or river-horse, is familiarly known to the natives, as is also the duyong (from which M.layan word the dugong of naturalists has been corrupted); and I have only to add that, in a register given by the Philosophical Society of Batavia in the first
The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
Breaking Bad has a way of investing everyday objects — a teakettle, a box cutter, a local car wash — with ominous significance, reminders in a bleak sun-blasted Albuquerque landscape that the wages of sin are messy and a corrupted soul can't be easily cleansed.
Roush Review: Breaking Bad and Other Weekend Picks
Don't corrupted themselves, life is not only an opportunity, try to.
Don't corrupted themselves, life is not only an opportunity, try to get.
Guisante (Corrupted Latin: Arabo-Romance Spanish Dialect Mozarabic, adopted by Castillian dialect) _Pisum sativum_ (Modern day binomial scientific name of the English pea or Green pea) "Rooted" in the same time frame we had: cicer, cicero (Latin)
Translation for peas & greenbeans (nfm)
Johnny Canuck would never be corrupted, and would fight to his last breath to defend our nation against evil and villainy.
He found his own direction early in life; he chose a narrow path and never deviated from it; he remained completely uncorrupted by success and by the intrigues of the art-world.
Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption, who continue constant in their love to him, so as not to be corrupted out of it by any baits or seductions whatsoever, and whose love to him is uncorrupted by any opposite lust, or the love of any thing displeasing to him.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
It can become corrupted by power and privilege.
Criminals are usually delivered to the police or the gendarmerie, a military police with a reputation of an uncorrupted elite force.
-- W.E. B_.] [Footnote 2: Plutarch tells how Sylla's body was so corrupted with these vermin, that they streamed from him into every place: _pasan esthêta kai loutron kai aponimma kai sition anapimplasthai tou reumatos ekeinon kai tes phthoras. tosouton exenthei.
The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 2
uncorrupted English
Omitting database integrity checks can lead to corrupted data residing inside the database.
Random reboots, unexplained lockups, corrupted displays and drives or other devices that mysteriously stop working all could be caused by a bad power supply.
It is a perceptive account of life in an occupied city, in which victors and vanquished alike are corrupted and demoralized.
When he walked out on the band in 1965, he claimed he'd quit because he wanted to play ‘pure, sincere and uncorrupted music.’
How has pagan idolatry, the very same sort of idolatry that Paul encountered in Ephesus, corrupted much of the Christian-professing world?
You're not about to be corrupted by it.
Times, Sunday Times
Both sides of the aisle are corrupted by the soft money that gets them elected.
To compound the problem, a drop in battery power corrupted the software programme which controlled the radio itself.
Slavery brutalized its victims, but it also corrupted its masters.
The program has somehow corrupted the system files.
So creating point-in-time backup copies of critical data is required to be able to retrieve deleted or corrupted information.
The rush to flee from the men in black had overridden concerns about direction, and his GPS had been corrupted in the midst of his attack on the drones.
NaNoWriMo: Talos & Charlie « The Graveyard
If you have recorded your material to a digital device (such as MiniDisc or DAT) that has a digital output, the digital connectors will give you an uncorrupted transfer of your recording to the computer.
To avoid being corrupted by money in this manner, we simply remove it from the equation.
His shoulders and chest were huge and knotted, uncorrupted by tattoos.
She was innocent, easily corrupted by Destiny's ways.
It is staffed by the most amiable and strenuously obliging bunch of cosmopolitan youngsters who appear not to have been corrupted by working in hotel chains.
Thus, with each page, she becomes increasingly unattractive and vainglorious - brains and spirit corrupted by driving ambition.
They use two specific applications in the battle against false logs and corrupted police notes.
Times, Sunday Times
Like a whole different city, uncorrupted, out here all by itself, rich and clean, where all that glitters is not just gold but diamonds, rubies, and every other precious gem and metal that one could possibly imagine.
This power soon corrupted them and people were put to death for daring to disobey the laws.
English gardeners corrupted that into something more manageable.
Times, Sunday Times
-- While some princes may be embruing their hands in the blood of their subjects, this man is offering up his prayers to God to preserve all mankind: -- While some ministers are sending forth fleets and armies to wreak their own private vengeance on a brave and uncorrupted people, this solitary man is feeding, from his own scanty allowance, the birds of the air.
A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, 1777 Volume 1 (of 2)
Solomon, for example, is held up as a model of wisdom, even though he eventually becomes as corrupted as other kings.
Because he is not the best candidate to head this international cultural organization and because he has been a member in corrupted regime for more than 20 years … Again as an Egyptian I refuse this candidacy which I believe is an insult to Egypt before the UNESCO
Global Voices in English » Egypt: Will Farouk Hosni be Unesco’s Next Director General ?
Further, Eddie's pursuit and ultimate success in obtaining and reifying an American Dream not corrupted by materialism offers the impression that it was somewhat easy to obtain.
History is littered with examples of fine minds corrupted by their engagement with brute power.
Times, Sunday Times
Oil money has corrupted the media and a considerable segment of erstwhile critical intellectuals.
Good to know there is an organisation in Australia dedicated to uncorrupted, independent journalism.
And tradition, in a country so free of intermixture with foreigners, and among a people so strongly attached to the memory of their ancestors, has preserved many of them in a great measure incorrupted to this day.
Fragments of Ancient Poetry
Empty posturing, artistic commodification and media faddism must all face the force of his opprobrium, not to mention talent corrupted.
The Times Literary Supplement
Yes, Dick, dropping the F bomb was the best thing you did while in the White House .... especially considering everything else you ruined, screwed up, defecated on, corrupted, stole and failed at.
Cheney reflects on 'f**k' yourself comment
I was drawn astray by the promise of power, and it corrupted my poor mind.
Mystery and speculation surround the corrupted fel orcs who recently appeared in Outland.
I also want to tell you that I pictured the miracle of the incorrupted body of a Romanian Orthodox saint John Jacob from Hozeve in august 2009 in a pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places in Israel. - Articles related to Tourism revenues up 28% in first half - report
They were probably first called Bengalese houses, and the present name was corrupted out of the adjective.
Across India Or, Live Boys in the Far East
Bell Canada, the giant Canadian telco, is before the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission over its throttling practices, whereby it secretly corrupted the download sessions of its customers.
Boing Boing
That's why we, the people, need to remaim loyal and solidary to the president and trust his diplomacy, because he is fighting against a bunch of wicked, evil, sly, and corrupted individuals in order to bring us reliefs.
Obama may fall into Bush 41 tax trap
They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise.
English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
They use two specific applications in the battle against false logs and corrupted police notes.
Times, Sunday Times
Past historians evaluated him either as a secret papist who corrupted the church or as the martyr of true Anglicanism.
Was the fiscal constitution corrupted and if so was it by Keynesianism or by corporatism?
For Newton there had once been a true uncorrupted monotheistic religion, in which the frame of the world had been studied, as he believed it should, as the true temple of a living God.
As a celebrity, I became corrupted by sex and money.
The King soon afterward expired; and his heart was taken out from his body and embalmed, that is, prepared with spices and perfumes, that it might remain a long time fresh and uncorrupted.
Heroes Every Child Should Know
The film will have characters that are simple and uncorrupted like the people who lived in the villages 50 years ago.
Whereas most old fashioned election cheating methods are of a "retail" nature (e.g., each vote corrupted by a bribe involves an interaction between the briber and the bribee), wholesale fraud is possible with e-voting systems.
Fixing Our Broken Democracy
In recent years, engineers have developed receivers that will perform satisfactorily even with multipath-corrupted and severely attenuated signals such as those found indoors.
Another employee had a spreadsheet she was certain was corrupted because it came up completely blank when opened.
Philip Pullman, Greg Dyke and others have called for a "public jury" to scrutinise the practices of what they described as a monied "feral elite" who have corrupted the public realm.
From top to bottom we need a new ethic of responsibility | Observer editorial
But no version of idealism survives uncorrupted, and the end of the novel raises the question of whether idealism can survive at all when brought up against the everyday horrors of warfare.
They use two specific applications in the battle against false logs and corrupted police notes.
Times, Sunday Times
Don't corrupted themselves, life is not only an opportunity, try to get.
They say they consider him uncorrupted, and are impressed by his relative lack of political ambition.
This would be what we call a corrupted server and this is what happens when you back up your website pages, but not the database.
Progress report
You're filth, you're cack, you're the ooze of a burst boil; I abominate you, you towering mound of corrupted slime.
James Gordon Brown on markets and spinning facts.
Yet if one person gains power and becomes corrupted it changes completely.
The Sun
This I confess, about seven years past, with some others of affinity thereto, for my private exercise and satisfaction, I had at leisurable hours composed; which being communicated unto one, it became common unto many, and was by transcription successively corrupted, untill it arrived in a most depraved copy at the press ...
On The Art of Reading
Yet if one person gains power and becomes corrupted it changes completely.
The Sun
Some data from the Science Faculty was corrupted and had to be restored from backups.
He would have seen that a person, 'quoad' person, can have nothing common or generic; and that where this finds place, the person is corrupted by introsusception of a nature, which becomes evil thereby, and on this relation only is an evil nature.
The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Being not ignorant of Greek, and finding nothing in the word "eclogue" of rural meaning, he supposed it to be corrupted by the copiers, and therefore called his own productions
Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 2
An investigation by The Sunday Times in 2003 revealed that the honours system was corrupted by spin and cronyism.
Linguistically and geographically, the sweet white wine called malmsey started out in Monemvasia in the Peloponnese, but its name was corrupted in French to malvoisie and further chewed about during its transfer to English.
That we be not corrupted with the unsatiate desire of vanishing earthly treasure;
A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 6
When you have so many bureaucrats and human beings corrupted by money, the problems pile up.
It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.
Her acts of horror and blasphemy indicate she became corrupted by the evil power.
History is littered with examples of fine minds corrupted by their engagement with brute power.
Times, Sunday Times
Businesses competed ruthlessly, sometimes unethically, and corrupted the political system through bribes, kickbacks, and illegal rebates.
As we speak, Esperanto is being corrupted by upstart languages.
It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.
I also want to tell you that I pictured the miracle of the incorrupted body of a Romanian - Articles related to Tourism revenues up 28% in first half - report
During the first trip he learnt from a monk more than 100 names of plants, most of them staying unaltered and uncorrupted from the ancient names of Theophrastus and Dioscorides.
Through the reflection of three years' life behind jail , assuredly I feel the verity that I did yearn to seek for even a ghost of elegancy of affection , but ultimately corrupted .
The upper echelons of American society are hopelessly corrupted and morally decayed.
This I confess, about seven years past, with some others of affinity thereto, for my private exercise and satisfaction, I had at leisurable hours composed; which being communicated unto one, it became common unto many, and was by transcription successively corrupted, until it arrived in a most depraved copy at the press.
Religio Medici
But the orders of service of war, beyng altogether corrupted, and a greate waie from the auncient maners altered, there hath growen these sinisterous opinions, which maketh men to hate the warlike service, and to flie the conversacion of those that dooe exercise it.
Machiavelli, Volume I
The Catholic religion had been compulsory in South Ireland from 1944 until 1980, and the Erse language, although that was largely corrupted by unavoidable English words and locutions, had also been made obligatory.
The Shape of Things to Come
They use two specific applications in the battle against false logs and corrupted police notes.
Times, Sunday Times
They've perverted the constitution, corrupted our institutions, made a mockery of our schools, a nightmare of our cities, destroyed the middle class.
For example, if a file becomes corrupted, the system can locate a copy on a mirror site and replace the damaged file.
Babies are so beautiful, so innocent and not yet corrupted by our evil world full of shady characters.
Pelagian, son of Severianus, a Pelagian bishop, corrupted the churches of Britain by the insinuation of his doctrine; but at the insistence of the Deacon Palladius (ad actionem Palladii Diaconi),
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
Laypeople perfectly understood the need to expel corrupted matter from their bodies when they fell ill, something that is revealed in the countless number of references to the evacuant therapies in contemporary writings.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
mortify," -- that is, extinguish and destroy all that force and vigour of corrupted nature which inclines to earthly, carnal things, opposite unto that spiritual, heavenly life and its actings which we have in and from Christ, as was before declared.
At various times during the fifteen years preceding the war, they had seen men of strong anti-slavery professions, with strong anti-slavery constituencies, "palter in a double sense" when intrusted with the duties of a representative in Congress, and fall from the faith, influenced by what were termed the blandishments of power, or as was sometimes more plainly said, corrupted by the gifts of patronage.
Twenty Years of Congress, Volume 2 (of 2) From Lincoln to Garfield, with a Review of the Events Which Led to the Political Revolution of 1860
His mind, his understanding, his heart and affections, his will and volition are all corrupted.
Don't corrupted themselves, life is not only an opportunity, try to.
English gardeners corrupted that into something more manageable.
Times, Sunday Times
_Lazzi_," mentions Riccoboni, in his "_Histoire du Theâtre Italien_," is a term corrupted from the old Tuscan _Lacci_, which signifies a knot, or something that connects.
A History of Pantomime
They were being effeminated and corrupted -- that is to say, absorbed in the foul, sickly enveloping forms.
A Voyage to Arcturus
They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise.
English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
And afterwards I became more like I was before I'd been corrupted by all that money and excess.
Two professed Lives of Mahomet have been composed by Dr. Prideaux (Life of Mahomet, seventh edition, London, 1718, in octavo) and the count de Boulainvilliers, (Vie de Mahomed, Londres, 1730, in octavo:) but the adverse wish of finding an impostor or a hero, has too often corrupted the learning of the doctor and the ingenuity of the count.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Two brutish and boobyish Titans -- they've wholly corrupted our morals,
Punch Among the Planets
He was corrupted by power and ambition.
Macbeth, honest and humble, was corrupted by the powers of fortune.
Yet if one person gains power and becomes corrupted it changes completely.
The Sun
I rejoice to concur with the common reader; for by the common sense of readers, uncorrupted by literary prejudices, after all the refinements of subtilty and the dogmatism of learning, must be finally decided all claim to poetical honours.
Common. Reader.
Persons, whose memories ought to be charged with their own evil actions, rather than that the infamy of them should be laid on the age wherein they lived; which did produce as many men, eminent for their loyalty and incorrupted fidelity to the crown, as any that had preceded it.
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 Historical Writings
‘Flet,’ in short, is our modern ‘flat’ in an unspecialised and uncorrupted form.
Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series
Even in Normandy the word fleot has been corrupted, for the town now called Harfleur was formerly correctly designated "Havoflete.
The Bishop's Secret
This is bad, for they are already being corrupted by their own power and I fear I'm now powerless to resist - that's why I'm cowering away in this place.
[Footnote 1: 'Petrarch, finding nothing in the word eclogue of rural meaning, supposed it to be corrupted by the copiers, and therefore called his own pastorals aeglogues, by which he meant to express the talk of goatherds, though it will mean only the talk of goats.
Life Of Johnson
Essentially it was a modern and very predictable parable about - yes you've guessed it - how the beautiful game has been corrupted by money.
For many years, the cause of human rights has been systematically corrupted by people who cannot distinguish between the rights themselves and their own political hobbyhorses.
Human Rights Kowtow
Was Caringolat aware how the precise and fastidious sequences of the Vibrancy were being corrupted beyond Por Tanssie?
Seduced and lied to by the Guild, these outlanders were corrupted with greed and promises of false hope and peace.
The masses are too immersed in suspicions that money has corrupted sports beyond hope.
I realize people remain corrupted by money but there is enough envidence to suggest I am used to enforce decency upon others, as opposed to the "proactive" PIC, who takes it upon themselves, yet another of the evil companies which people need to look out for.
Why Does It Have to Require So Much Thought? | Her Bad Mother
But if you asked them ‘well, you've seen it and have you been depraved and corrupted by it?’
I must confess that anything resembling objectivity was corrupted by the rather disturbed presence of my attendant companions.
Hewlett-Packard has distributed printer drivers corrupted by a computer virus.
For just like adding plastic to groundfill while complaining of global warming, it is internally incongruent to preach peace and understanding via corrupted messaging.
I've been suggesting since then that it originally came from a Minoan compound *Ki-Amária meaning literally 'Three-Face' which subsequently, following the traditional etymology usually given, the name would have been corrupted by native Greek words χίμαρος 'he-goat' and χεῖμα 'winter' after being loaned from the Minoan language.
Archive 2010-08-01
You're not about to be corrupted by it.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the finer type-faces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers.
This elevated platform is also called "Almenar", a word corrupted from the Arabic Al-minbar, the "chair", the "pulpit".
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Ostensibly, we are protecting minors from being morally corrupted by adults?
He wrote, ‘That newspaper has always sought to cover up political corruption and praise the corruptionists and the corrupted.’
Here, we report that the previous results of large-scale greening of the Amazon, obtained from an earlier version of satellite-derived vegetation greenness data - Collection 4 (C4) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), are irreproducible, with both this earlier version as well as the improved, current version (C5), owing to inclusion of atmosphere-corrupted data in those results.
Archive 2010-03-01
Jesus was no reformer content to tidy things up around the edges, he was a Truth-speaking liberator who aimed for nothing less than overturning the money-changer tables of the corrupted human heart.
Richard Schiffman: Was Jesus a Liberal?
Andorra, a name corrupted from the Arabic el (al) darra, "a plenteous rainfall," showing how the Moors appreciated this feature of so well wooded and hilly a district after the arid plains of the south.
Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
Innocent blondes, corrupted by wolfish brunettes with mannish haircuts and tight, tight sweaters, stare wide-eyed at the reader.
It could stay holy, sacrosanct, totally uncorrupted and virginal if it wasn't for us humans washing everything over with arrogance.
Some of the finer type-faces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers.
Investigate the crime, make the appropriate arrests and continue on with routine life, without the corrupted wars of aggression that were based on lies and fraudulant intelligence, andthat does cause the so called terrorism responses such as the diaper bomber (if it wasn't a CIA or Mossad covert operation). by
He Tried to Blow Up the Plane With a Condom Bomb: Why Getting Hysterical About Airport Security Is Wrong
Slowly, the masses are being educated through entertainment that the pentacle is merely a symbol that was likewise ‘corrupted’.
The point is also to end criminality so that we have wholesome and uncorrupted politics.
English gardeners corrupted that into something more manageable.
Times, Sunday Times
Why listen to a singer crack a note when you can listen to a recording that was clean and uncorrupted.
You're not about to be corrupted by it.
Times, Sunday Times
This, I confess, about seven years past, with some others of affinity thereto, for my private exercise and satisfaction, I had at leisurable hours composed; which being communicated unto one, it became common unto many, and was by Transcription successively corrupted, untill it arrived in a most depraved Copy at the Press.
Religio Medici
But once the Turks go in, you can rely on a large movement of the New-Old Iraqi Army up there to fight the Nato-linked, EU-corrupted apostate betrayers of the capital of the Caliphs.
You're not about to be corrupted by it.
Times, Sunday Times
They use two specific applications in the battle against false logs and corrupted police notes.
Times, Sunday Times
The ayre is very subtile, piercing and searching, so that if any corrupted or infected body, especially with the disease called Morbus Gallicus come there, it will presently breake forth and shew it selfe, and cannot there by any kind of salue or medicine be cured.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I.
You're not about to be corrupted by it.
Times, Sunday Times
The text was corrupted by careless copyists.
This I confess, about seven years past, with some others of affinity thereto, for my private exercise and satisfaction, I had at leisurable hours composed; which being communicated unto one, it became common unto many, and was by transcription successively corrupted, untill it arrived in a most depraved copy at the press
XI. Of Selection
Somewhere in the recesses of my mind, an age-old tradition has been corrupted.
Christians had gone astray and corrupted the God's scriptures by dividing into different sects and beliefs.
I have known them get corrupted and become cross-linked to the program with the nearest name still on your computer (say after an incomplete uninstallation). Random Calculator Popups in XP
I enjoy spending time with you, not a thing I can say for many other people, but also - well, you seem so pure, so uncorrupted.
For his picture does remain sombre, since for him the nature of man is wounded, if not corrupted.
François Mauriac - Banquet Speech
They warned us that our social fabric was stretched beyond its limits, because the inequalities are explosive, the institutions of the democratic state are deeply corrupted, the country has been profoundly mutated, both physically and spiritually, and this new anthropogeography is not expressed by the political elite; in fact, it is not even understood by it.
Kathimerini English Edition : Print Edition : 26/6/09
Most of the data on the hard drive was corrupted by the power cut.
It was countervailed by the argument that, as the living languages have degenerated from the dead classical languages, to use the former as a guide is to interpret the perfected and optimal form in the “light” of the corrupted and obscured form.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
The young pup railed against the ‘purist’ who apparently believe that profit is a dirty word and felt that making money somehow corrupted their ‘craft’.
As we speak, Esperanto is being corrupted by upstart languages such as Interlingua, Klingon, Java & various cryptophasic tongues.
English gardeners corrupted that into something more manageable.
Times, Sunday Times
To compound the problem, a drop in battery power corrupted the software programme which controlled the radio itself.
Yet the thesis, ‘corruptio optimi pessima,’ cannot be maintained generally or without regard to the kind of excellence which is corrupted.
The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
The process of market research has been corrupted by paid research.
Do be surprised if these are people who experienced Bible study, went to CCD, had that religious education. god-less people who never received this education laugh at me, typically will remain corrupted throughout their lives and are likely to end up The Damned.
Your Right Hand Thief
Grimly I dig up the turfs To remove the corrupted stiffs Trying to contain my excitement As I desecrate graveolent crypts ... - Articles related to In memory of Mother: Eat your vegetables part four
You're not about to be corrupted by it.
Times, Sunday Times
After the regular troops had been corrupted by faction, the caliphs, for the defence of their person and government, formed a militia; but the soldiers composing this force, not unfrequently foreigners, soon governed with a military despotism similar to that of the janizaries of Turkey, the
History of the Moors of Spain
To really return to an age when I was relatively uncorrupted, I would need to return farther than is comfortable to think about.
Laura represents everything that he wants; she is an innocent, as yet uncorrupted, a genuine person in a world of silver tongues and those who would use him for their own gain.