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How To Use Corrosion In A Sentence

  • When fishing the ocean you need a good quality reel that is corrosion proof and fitted with a good quality and workable drag system that won't seize up when you hook that big one.
  • The corrosion of reinforcing bar can weaken its strength and ductility, and then cause structural bearing capacity to reduce.
  • Mr Wilkinson was of the opinion that since water treatment equipment had been installed only recently, there were likely to have been corrosion and a build up of scale over the years inside the pipe work.
  • Well-known users in, e. g. : corrosion protection, quality control, automotive, car inspection, galvanising or anodising and wet and powder coating.
  • They are sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion.
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  • Without chromium, however, this alloy is vulnerable to corrosion attack in reducing acids when oxidizing salts such as ferric or cupric chloride are present, even in the parts-per-million range.
  • It's made of a specially coated material covered with zinc anodes to ward off corrosion.
  • Sacrificial anodes protection can decrease the degree of corrosion wear very effectively.
  • The, for 1420 alloy at double - ageing, the maximum corrosion depth was consistent the Gumbel distribution law.
  • In addition the barrel bore is hardchrome plated for resistance to corrosion.
  • More corrosion resistant than anti-magnetic stainless steel, but less resistant than SPI Gold Plated tweezers especially for osmium tetroxide vapors.
  • Along the fuselage belly, the skin exhibited extreme bulging typical of corrosion damage.
  • Dry chlorine, iodine, bromine and fluorine cause little or no corrosion of magnesium at room or slightly elevated temperature.
  • YB type test pressure gauge can woke perfectly in the occasion without corrosion to copper alloy.
  • Metals are often treated by electrolysis, which reverses corrosion by linking them to an anode.
  • The effect of low levels of alloying additions on the soil corrosion of carbon steels is modest.
  • Blistering paint on metal components may be the first sign of galvanic corrosion, followed by a white powdery buildup on the aluminum surface and finally deep pitting that leaves the aluminum weak and porous.
  • AZZ makes specialty electrical equipment for power companies and other customers and provides galvanization services in other words, corrosion resistance for steel makers. 3 Stocks Sitting At Takeover Prices
  • They are sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion.
  • There is gap corrosion between mainstream tube and branch tube, due to oxygen concentration-difference cell and self-catalysis of chlorine ions, which accelerates corrosion.
  • The zinc phosphate-coated bodyshell then gets a coat of primer which provides more corrosion protection, along with a good base for the colour coat itself.
  • Without chromium, however, this alloy is vulnerable to corrosion attack in reducing acids when oxidizing salts such as ferric or cupric chloride are present, even in the parts-per-million range.
  • It is used as a corrosion inhibitor, a plasticizer, and a lubricant, as well as an ingredient in a variety of polymers and personal care products.
  • This week my graduate seminar students (at Parsons Fine Arts MFA) and I had a great discussion leading from Robert Smithson's writings on entropy to issues of pessimism about social change and what might be the point of human intervention towards ideals of progressive social activism in an entropically irreversible situation: interesting in this light to read Bob Herbert Op-Ed piece in the October 26, 2010 copy of The New York Times, "The Corrosion of America": do we just go along "haplessly"/hopelessly with the flow of entropy and the corrosion and ruin of our infrastructure (a ruin which is in a sense "always already" from before its inception, in Smithson's example of "The Monuments of Passaic") creating or suggesting an art which does not try to impose an idealist order or moral value to an entropic situation of urban and suburban decay, or do we believe enough in human labor despite ultimate futility or mortality to make the investment in our near futures by fixing the infrastructure? Mira Schor: Corroded infrastructure 2010/Robert Smithson's Writings on Entropy, 1966-67
  • The bolt was not strong, arthritic with age and corrosion.
  • The fuel pellets (usually about 1 cm diameter and 1.5 cm long) are typically arranged in a long zirconium alloy (zircaloy) tube to form a fuel rod, the zirconium being hard, corrosion-resistant and permeable to neutrons. Nuclear power reactor
  • These have the advantage over mineral oil of much greater fire resistance and lower cost and over plain water in that the 5% component provides corrosion protection, and a bactericide, which means that stainless steel components are not required, and that maintenance of the fluid is easier. Next Sealed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The arid climate makes the desert the best outdoor setting to keep planes free of corrosion.
  • The National Transportation Safety Board on Friday released a metallurgical analysis of approximately 55 feet of pipe that appeared to rule out several possible causes of the pipeline failure, including corrosion or external blunt force, such as from a backhoe, and to suggest the blame could involve substandard welds. Pipeline-Blast Probe Finds Welding Flaws
  • Avoid nailing or stapling the wires in place, since this can easily damage the insulation jacket on the outside of the wire and create corrosion in the wire or a short circuit against the staple.
  • With the rainy season, connections all along the cable need to be checked, and replaced if any water or corrosion is noted. Star Choice (Shaw)`
  • There's an anticorrosion alloy in the frame and side plate. Reviewing Ultralight Reels
  • The heat pipe technology still forms the basis of its design: the pipes are nickel-plated copper, designed to prevent corrosion.
  • Fans, heaters and ducts should be checked for corrosion and other damage.
  • Sure are imperviable to crumble, putrid, corrosion or insect infestation; be given barrier edifices formed in the Crosby Finance
  • This pore sealant both slows down corrosion of the zinc and consolidates the layer of zinc corrosion products, in order to maintain their protective effect.
  • It is the element most commonly added to steel because it increases the strength and resistance to corrosion of steel.
  • This will ward off corrosion and prevent the cap cracking under normal dive depth pressures.
  • For example, abrasives can damage the protective surfaces of instruments, contribute to corrosion, and impede sterilization.
  • A widely used industrial chemical – it has been used in producing pigments, leather tanning, electroplating, metal processing, wood preservation, and as an ingredient in alloys such as stainless steel and anticorrosion coatings — Hexavalent Chromium is the most toxic form of chromium. John DeCock: A New Chapter In The Erin Brockovich/Hexavalent Chromium Story
  • Several technical evaluations have concluded that molybdates do protect against corrosion, but do not perform as well as hexavalent chromium passivation on this metric. Alternatives for significant uses of hexavalent chromium in Massachusetts
  • General Chemical is a leading producer of such commodities as soda ash and calcium chloride, while Garratt-Callahan makes higher value goods such as biocides, and corrosion and scale inhibitors.
  • Differences in corrosion performance, however, depend heavily on the severity of the corrosion environment.
  • Corrosion also causes higher reject rates, especially for molders of high-quality transparent parts like automotive lenses.
  • The products show excellent compressive, tensile, vibratile, temperature and corrosion resistant performance, which have become a landmark that imported parts are made in our country.
  • They conduct heat and electricity almost as well as pure copper, but are stronger, harder, and more resistant to fatigue and corrosion.
  • A polyethylene lining will protect the line from corrosion.
  • The chemical/petroleum processing industry is a heavy user of water treatment chemicals, ranging from corrosion inhibitors to coagulants / flocculants.
  • To keep metal garbage cans free from corrosion, coat them lightly with used motor oil.
  • Corrosion of pure and amalgamated zinc in pure concentrated solutions was investigated using two methods.
  • Stepped cracks that form at the upper corners of windows may also be associated with corrosion of the steel lintels, especially in older buildings.
  • Its atmospheric corrosion resistance is adequate for functional uses, so applications of this type of steel include automobile exhaust equipment, radiator tanks, catalytic reactors, containerization and dry fertilizer trunks.
  • In general, the corrosion rate of the alumina refractory and the chrome refractory in the iron phosphate melts was not higher than their corrosion rate in the DWPF melt.
  • The presence of rust and corrosion indicates possible moisture invasion and a potential electrical hazard.
  • A distinction is usually made between those alloys that are primarily used for high-temperature strength, commonly referred to as superalloys, and those that are primarily used for corrosion resistance.
  • Elements such as lead, tellurium, beryllium, chromium, phosphorus, and manganese have little or no effect on the corrosion resistance of coppers and binary copper-zinc alloys.
  • Condensation (distilled water) aggressively facilitates other forms of deterioration (e.g., bimetallic corrosion).
  • Having grown over the years, the company is now recognized as one of the industry's premier designers and fabricators of engineered, high-temperature, corrosion-resistant alloy components.
  • Damage to instrument surfaces, including corrosion, rust, and pitting, also can result.
  • Alloy wheels can become porous over time due to corrosion caused in part by the weather and salt on the roads, though this can be aggravated by the soapy water some tyre fitters use to help slide new tyres into place.
  • In composites, nanomaterials can improve the strength, heat resistance, corrosion resistance, and other properties of materials.
  • Pollutants in the atmosphere and the attentions of birds and humans cause discolouration, encrustation and corrosion.
  • 'Their metallurgical laboratory in Reading has just patented a corrosion-resistant alloy,' Manfred went on. AMAGANSETT
  • Corrosion inhibitors protect metal equipment and piping from the effect of prolonged contact with water.
  • The exterior walls of some historic buildings haven't been washed for several decades while the effects of corrosion and carbonization have taken their toll.
  • Under magnification, these altered surfaces do not exhibit the naturally occurring corrosion layers, such as red cuprous oxide and green, basic copper carbonate, that might be expected.
  • For example, Tiara / S2 Yachts made waves last year by voluntarily recalling hundreds of boats because of aluminum fuel tank failures due to corrosion from bilge water.
  • It could be argued they are better below the water because they are not subject to galvanic or stray current corrosion that often causes failure of metal fittings.
  • To reduce the possibility of corrosion, steel on all horizontal surfaces was stainless and the minimum cover on exterior surfaces was increased to 2 1/2 inches.
  • We want a system that does not allow ions (salts and corrosion products) to migrate through the coating.
  • There are three broad classes of corrosion-inhibiting admixtures, using different chemical mechanisms to control oxidation and the resulting corrosion - anodic inhibitors, cathodic inhibitors, and organic inhibitors.
  • Produced from a combination of polymers and metallic alloys, it is highly corrosion resistant and almost maintenance free.
  • Specifically anodised surface to prevent inside corrosion and surface rust NASIOC
  • Study on Corrosion Cumulative Damage Rules and the Calendar Life of Aircraft Structures.
  • This provides both corrosion resistance and low intermodulation distortion (IMD) characteristics. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • These smooth action iris diaphragms are all fabricated in black anodized corrosion resistant frames containing spring-steel leaves.
  • The surface corrosion was worst where the paint had flaked off.
  • The National Transportation Safety Board has shipped three sections of pipe from the explosion site to its laboratory in Ashburn, Va., where metallurgists and engineers will examine welds, corrosion coatings and so-called chevron marks, which are microscopic ridges in the tear surfaces of the pipe that can disclose which way it ripped apart. San Bruno gas blast gives ammunition to critics of industry risk assessment -
  • Stainless steel castings are usually classified as either corrosion-resistant castings or heat-resistant.
  • The ability to coat surfaces - making them stronger, lighter and more resistant to corrosion or abrasion - has many applications.
  • Chemisorption plays an essential role in corrosion, heterogeneous catalysis, and electrochemistry.
  • To remove heavy tarnish, difficult stains and corrosion: wash in hot, soapy water or a weak ammonia and water solution and rinse.
  • Some substances resist corrosion by air or water.
  • The internal panel protection ensures lifetime protection for door panels, back fenders and boot from corrosion.
  • There was no corrosion visible, and he hadn't seen any major damage awaiting repairs.
  • However, these steels are sometimes subject to stress-corrosion or hydrogen stress cracking; then other preventives are needed, in addition to coatings.
  • During galvanization, a coat of melted zinc is applied directly to the steel, protecting it from corrosion.
  • The most common problems which might make a vehicle unroadworthy are brakes, steering, tyres, suspension or corrosion.
  • Federal regulations do not address tank installations in bilges of boats, nor must tank materials be tested for corrosion resistance.
  • In particular, the materials have a feature which prevents lowered luminance as a result of electrode corrosion, thus contributing to the advancement of LED durability, for a broadening area of applications such as backlights for large-screen LCDs, illuminations and in-car use. LEDs Magazine Products
  • On the other hand, if they are prepared from alloy powders, their properties and corrosion resistance are better, especially if the rapid cooling or atomizing is exploited to supersaturate the aluminum, and no segregation is present.
  • An oxygen scavenger (ammonium bisulfide) or stabilizer (N,n-dimethyl formamide), to prevent corrosion of metal pipes Bill Chameides: What's in This Fracking Water?
  • Its affinity for oxygen makes it resistant to corrosion and attack by most chemicals.
  • While originally radiators were made of round copper or brass tubes that were significantly heavy yet were corrosion and heat-resistant, today's car radiators are lighter and aluminum-made.
  • The pipes are nickel-plated copper, designed to prevent corrosion.
  • Elements such as lead, tellurium, beryllium, chromium, phosphorus, and manganese have little or no effect on the corrosion resistance of coppers and binary copper-zinc alloys.
  • The excellent resistance to atmospheric corrosion of aluminized wire resulted in its acceptance for service in coastal and severely corrosive industrial atmospheres.
  • Since beryllium-nickel alloys resist corrosion by salt water, they are used in marine engine parts.
  • They are sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion.
  • They provide resistance to frictional wear, corrosion resistance, nonmagnetic characteristics and, in some alloys, low thermal expansivity at ambient temperatures.
  • The Kovar alloy used for the outlet of fixed circuit often is plated to preserve from corrosion. But the outlet of fixed circuit often is plated to preserve from corrosion.
  • Recently, California-based Midwest Pipeline bought a 55-acre parcel for $5 million, with plans to manufacture an anticorrosion agent for coating underground pipes. Newbie Mogul
  • Many car manufacturers void corrosion warranty if you have your car rustproofed.
  • If little or no corrosion is found, vehicles will be treated with an anti-corrosive compound. Recall: Honda and Isuzu vehicles—Rear suspension problem
  • At the 0.2% level, gallium has been found to affect the corrosion characteristics and the response to etching and brightening of some alloys.
  • However, twice the significance is given to corrosion in the surface area beneath the protective coating.
  • Direct contacts with certain other metals should be avoided in the presence of an electrolyte; otherwise galvanic corrosion of the aluminum may take place in the vicinity of the contact area.
  • The purpose of galvanization is to protect the underlying metal from corrosion.
  • After a few dives, the inlet filter on my serviced regulator bore the telltale brown dust of internal tank corrosion.
  • `'Now we have to soak the strands in a very mild cleaning solution to remove stains and corrosion. INCA GOLD
  • Our second dive is on this historic submarine, so that Mike can check anodes placed to reduce corrosion of the now-delicate hull.
  • It is fit for steady seal, with high heat resisting. Low temperature resisting and better corrosion resisting.
  • Barium sulfonate and barium soap of petroleum ester oxide were dissolved in kerosene or machine oil to prepare oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor.
  • By looking into the case study of a Bridge toll gate being located in Quanzhou, this paper studies the corrosion resistance of the steel structure in marine atmosphere.
  • Welds made with these electrodes are cathodic to the base metal and thus resist galvanic corrosion.
  • You're dealing with electrical signals that are subject to corrosion, crosstalk and shorts.
  • Then, inspect the blades for pitting, nicks, dents, cracks and corrosion, especially on the leading edges and face.
  • The work will involve removing the ferry from the water, renewing paintwork and combating the effects of corrosion.
  • With increasing acid value, density, salt and sulfur in Liaohe Crude, The HCI-H2SO4-H2O corrosion in overhead condensing system of atmospheric-vacuum unit was deteriorating.
  • This programme aims to use platinum group metal coatings for high temperature corrosion protection.
  • To replace the traditional system of slowly dragging a car through a 115-foot-long bath of anticorrosion undercoating, Toyota engineers came up with a new process in which a car body gets picked up by a robot arm, then swished around in a pool of paint, cutting the length of the line. A Scion Drives Toyota Back to Basics
  • When we re-installed the outer wings, we reamed the taper hole to clean out the corrosion.
  • Typical aging of these windows involves corrosion of the metal, stiff operation, inability to close and multiple layers of paint.
  • All in all, this specimen is a strong contender for the second finest of the eight [now nine] known examples, despite the minor corrosion. Look What I Dug Up! 1817/4 Half Dollar : Coin Collecting News
  • However, like all auto parts, radiators are prone to damage and corrosion.
  • Fuchs Lubricants: Manufacturer of metalworking lubricants, proces cleaners and corrosion preventives.
  • The processes result in improvements in yield strength, toughness and resistance to stress corrosion cracking, fatigue and creep.
  • The metals, if not filtered out, can clog steel and iron pipes, cause corrosion and diminish water pressure.
  • Motta's research interests include the behavior of nuclear reactor materials under irradiation; phase transformations; corrosion; mechanical behavior of materials; materials characterization using transmission electron microscopy, positron annihilation spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation; and zirconium alloys, intermetallic compounds and steels. Penn State Live
  • YB type test pressure gauge can woke perfectly in the occasion without corrosion to copper alloy.
  • They are extremely heavy and expensive and eventually suffer from corrosion - particularly when used with copper pipe.
  • The Omni ALC features a Universal Liquid Plate with high density micro-channels, a ceramic bearing CFF1 pump (MTTF of 50,000 hours), radiator, and is bundled with a low toxicity coolant with anticorrosion/anti fungal additives, and CoolIT's very own Systems Pro A.T.C. (Advanced Thermal Compound). VR-Zone Articles
  • Each pair of forceps is given a polish finish that is absolutely corrosion resistant.
  • It is added for two principal reasons: first, it greatly increases the hardenability of steel; second, it markedly improves the corrosion resistance of iron and steel in oxidizing types of media. CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • The method has found several important fields of application, for instance in the study of surface-chemistry processes such as catalysis and corrosion. Press Release: The 1981 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Both outer wing panels were removed to eliminate corrosion at the attach taper pins.
  • It is an object of the invention to provide a corrosion-resistant and weldable nickel alloy in which locally uneven corrosional detrition is avoided.
  • These included everything from brake and electrical faults to corrosion of the load-bearing points on their chassis.
  • In another plaque, Prussian blue pigment, meant to replicate copper corrosion, obscures much of the surface.
  • The lifts, which carries boats in water on special cradles, closed in 1983 when corrosion was found during routine maintenance.
  • The chromium, used to prevent pipe corrosion, was released from 1951 until 1966, but lingered in groundwater.
  • Visually inspect the wiring for signs of rodent damage, wear, cracks, or corrosion.
  • It's two inches across on all sides, and it's lined on the inside with a chemical that prevents corrosion.
  • A helicopter mechanic, he was assigned to inspect for corrosion, cracks, and assorted damage.
  • Lead anodes also have high resistance to corrosion by seawater, making them economical to use in systems for the cathodic protection of ships and offshore rigs.
  • Outer protective shield bushing in anti-corrosion alloy.
  • Although there is active corrosion and some wastage of the structure in the topside ballast tanks this is relatively minor, the fitting of anodes should arrest the corrosion and the wastage noted can be rectified at no great cost.
  • This protective coating guarantees your car against corrosion.
  • Certain salts, such as the dichromates, borates, and silicates, act as inhibitors to the aqueous corrosion of zinc.
  • The chemicals form 3 basic layers inside aimed at delaying corrosion and oxidation.
  • They will passivate the surface of zinc and zinc alloy electrodeposits with a thin film that provides end-user benefits such as color, abrasion resistance and increased corrosion protection.
  • High - performance synthetic rubber , anti - high temperature , low temperature resistance , corrosion resistance.
  • The dignity of academic people and their universities and polytechnics has been assailed from without by government and from within by the corrosion of bureaucracy.
  • It is also non-magnetic, resists wear, and forms a green patina which makes it resistant to corrosion.
  • The aluminum alloy combines the properties of machinability, corrosion resistance, strength and brazeability.
  • The cause for corrosion-induced failure of inner cavity of pulsation vacuum sterilizer was analyzed through physical and chemical inspection, macroscopical and microscopical examination.
  • Is called black because usual sheets of the steel come with a black finish, subproduct from the hot work of the sheets (and benefic to protect the material from corrosion). CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • Residual water left in poorly-maintained ballast tanks during hot, humid conditions could well have either started the corrosion process or made already corroded metal plates even worse.
  • Finally, a steam-tight sealing also opens up the possibility of accommodating a depot of corrosion-retarding media, even easily volatile media, within the hinge bearing arrangement.
  • The different factors responsible for naphthenic corrosion as well as the ways of fighting it are reviewed.
  • Intergranular corrosion of heat-affected zone was improved.
  • Embedded galvanic anodes are also used to address potential corrosion problems at the joints and for general substructure repairs.
  • In most cases the metals used to coat or form the decorative threads are extremely thin, and corrosion can sometimes erode the filament entirely.
  • Commonly used as stem materials in pressure-rated valves, silicon bronze has greater resistance to stress corrosion cracking than common brass es.
  • Preparation, formulation, performance indexes and mechanism of raw materials ofwater - based rust - cov - erving corrosion resistant coating is introduced.
  • Good weathering resistance. High temperature resistant, low temperature resistant, net easy to distort and jackknifing . alkailproof and acid proof , corrosion resistance, and insect pest resistance.
  • In a scanning microscope also shows that, stomatal particle size distribution is not uniform corrosion.
  • Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire.
  • Manganese is added to an alloy to increase hardness and improve resistance to corrosion and mechanical shock.
  • The bottle also indicates that the coolant does not cause corrosion even though there are both copper and aluminium parts in the system.
  • When selecting your hasp and staple consider, desired level of security, level of corrosion resistance required as well as size requirements.
  • Regular inspection helps workers to screen for equipment that may have been weakened by corrosion, leakage, pitting, dents or gouges.
  • A relatively recent use for sodium benzoate is as a corrosion inhibitor in engine coolant systems.
  • As a kind of high - efficient dust removal technology, granular filtration is able to high temperaturecorrosion - resistant , d.
  • It's warm, wet and full of an effective electrolyte (chloride ions in saliva) that encourages galvanic corrosion.
  • Most traditional nondestructive tools used in the pipeline industry (such as ultrasonics and magnetic flux leakage) are used for determination of cracks, corrosion or other flaws that have already occurred. Reliable Plant Magazine
  • The lightweight, cellulose-reinforced cement board withstands high winds and corrosion.
  • At play is a significant discovery of chromite, which is used to make a ferrochrome alloy that imparts increased hardness to steel while improving resistance to chemical corrosion. The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • Also, avoid adding chloride to mortar or grout; soluble chlorides accelerate corrosion.
  • An oxygen scavenger (ammonium bisulfide) or stabilizer (N,n-dimethyl formamide), to prevent corrosion of metal pipes Bill Chameides: What's in This Fracking Water?
  • Now, this request comes after massive corrosion was discovered at an Ohio plant.
  • Partial barium borate products used in the coatings industry primer, topcoat, is a new type of anti-corrosion materials.
  • Well-known users in, e. g. : corrosion protection, quality control, automotive, car inspection, galvanising or anodising and wet and powder coating.
  • Stress corrosion cracking begins when short, shallow cracks develop on the outer surface of an underground pipeline.
  • Besides a direct contribution to corrosion, geomagnetically induced pipe-to-soil voltages are a nuisance when measuring cathodic protection parameters and making control surveys.
  • Biocides, coagulants, and corrosion inhibitors are the leading products used in the petroleum market.
  • All the paint had to be stripped and the corrosion rectified.
  • Since titanium and titanium alloys are very resistant to corrosion, the filler metal should be selected carefully to avoid galvanic corrosion.
  • Pipeline inside can be checked with a boroscope - for any corrosion and cracks if any but it will be very time consuming. Undefined
  • The magnesium corrosion control rod present in many hot water heaters can chemically reduce naturally occurring sulfates to hydrogen sulfide.
  • The inside lining of all tanks has been sand-blasted to prevent corrosion.
  • The, for 1420 alloy at double - ageing, the maximum corrosion depth was consistent the Gumbel distribution law.
  • A new method of the residual life prediction of buried pipeline was finally developed based on the corrosion rate model and limit size model of corrosion defects.
  • The resistance to atmospheric corrosion is improved and copper steels can be temper hardened.
  • Anti-freeze must be changed every two years due to the deterioration of the corrosion inhibitors.
  • Why does it take 18 months to check these planes, these MD-80s, for what is called -- what they call stabilizer corrosion? CNN Transcript - CNN Late Edition: Rudy Giuliani Refuses to Commit to Senate Bid, but Indicates He Intends to Run; George W. Bush Going Negative on McCain - February 6, 2000
  • Its anti-oxidation, moisture-displacing agent protects against rust, pitting and corrosion.
  • The surface corrosion was worst where the paint had flaked off.
  • Corrosion Control All materials corrode, which is to say every substance eventually changes from one form to another through chemical reactions. Engineering News | Home
  • To reduce the chances of corrosion, the tank should sit well above the bottom of the bilge and there must be air, not bilge water, beneath it.

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