How To Use Correlated In A Sentence
Neither dose nor plasma levels were significantly correlated with either akathisia or parkinsonian side effects.
This is supported by our observation that the G cell and parietal cell densities were negatively correlated.
The characteristics that best predicted autotomy - smaller body size or female gender - also correlated with a lower escape rate by the alternative escape tactic, struggling and pinching the predator.
At the highest executive levels earnings and performance aren't always correlated.
In our studies pepsin output correlated closely with acid output.

The proportion of children passing Ordinary and Advanced level examinations is positively correlated with social class.
To assume that gun shows and gun ownership are highly correlated is no great leap of logic.
Because the dissociation is a two-body process, momentum conservation guarantees that the directions of the two atoms after dissociation are strictly correlated, so that when the two analyzer/detector assemblies are optimally placed the entrance of one
Bell's Theorem
The hypothesis of this study was that variation in observed plant associations were correlated with variations in soil properties.
Kepler showed that the distances of the planets can be correlated with the radii of spherical shells, which are inscribed within, and circumscribed around, a nest of the five regular solids.
Blue and red colors in this map indicate negatively and positively correlated regions, respectively, whereas yellow refers to regions with uncorrelated fluctuations.
The concomitant development of QS malfunction significantly correlated with the reduced production of rhamnolipids and elastase and with the occurrence of mutations in the regulatory genes lasR and rhlR.
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The average salary is correlated with length of education.
Overexpression of Met, a hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor, has frequently been found in CCA and is correlated with progression of this type of cancer. - latest science and technology news stories
Within the rodents, which generally have short generation times, generation time is positively correlated with adult survival elasticity.
It also lends credence to the notion that the availability of gambling opportunities is correlated positively with the incidence of problem and pathological gambling behaviors.
ADRB activity is correlated with anti-merozoite cytophilic IgG1 and IgG3 antibody titers
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Probably rise, fall, and rerise of languages in Taiwan are similarly correlated with power.
Reconstructing post-1949 Nationalist History in Taiwan
However, position of the flower within the panicle correlated with time of anthesis and gender.
Maternal mass was correlated with male offspring mass and comb length.
These deformations are random, with their amplitude and direction uncorrelated with the center of mass motion.
Army 31st Regiment, 2nd Division which was again correlated to PFC
Sparks, Donald L.
When the signal is correlated with a dwell time much longer than its frequency, the signal gets effectively averaged out in each dwell time and the calculated correlation function gets damped.
In this species, males exhibit one of three ARTs that are correlated with variation in dewlap color.
Age-specific mortality rates in males and females are highly correlated, especially at midlife and the oldest ages.
The peculiar kind of causality exhibited when measurements at stations with space-like separation are correlated is a symptom of the slipperiness of the space-time behavior of potentialities.
Archive 2009-02-01
All of which further require that the original sources _at least_ be uncorrelated, which is generally untrue for most proxies presented to date CO2 is correlated with temperature, and solar activity, as well as fertilization, etc.
Day Two at AGU « Climate Audit
Furthermore, there was no pattern of younger to older in the carbon-dates that correlated with the evolutionary/uniformitarian 'ages'.
Given a game = (N, S, u) together with a finite set of possible worlds, the vector valued function f: S is a correlated n-tuple.
Life settlements appeal to investors 'appetite for "uncorrelated" investments -- ones that generate steady returns largely independent of the forces swaying stocks and bonds.
An Insurance Man Builds
Moreover, inflows of food have correlated with Pyongyang's crackdown on the fledgling markets and reinstitution of the government-run public distribution system as the regime uses food rations to reassert political control.
Food For North Korea's Poor, but Not for Its Government
Early theories generated late in the nineteenth century correlated cold periods with times of pluvial conditions in arid regions.
The study of how family structure affects youth outcomes is complicated by the fact that family structure may be correlated with poor outcomes for youth, but not be causally related.
Two quantities are considered correlated when they are affected by a common quantity.
Knight had already indicated a correlation of the need of micro-organisms for "growth-factors" with failure of synthesis, and correlated this failure with evolution, particularly in relation to the complex environment of "fastidious" pathogenic micro-organisms.
Edward Tatum - Nobel Lecture
Medical and social research has now shown that these four happiness choices - accountability, flexibility, giving, and "centrality" (living passions) - are highly correlated to happiness and good health.
Rick Foster: Your Grandmother and Mine, Happiness, and Health
Paranoid ideation and psychoticism were significantly correlated with low family competence for men but not for women.
Of 13 genetic variants tested, TRPV1 Val585Ile and UCP2 -866 G/A correlated significantly with change in abdominal adiposity.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Spicing Up Weight Loss?
The loss of respect for British science is correlated to reduced funding.
Percent weight reduction correlated significantly with improvement in NAS and participants who achieved the study weight loss goal (/= 7%), compared with those who lost less than 7%, had significant improvements in steatosis, lobular inflammation, ballooning injury and NAS.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Weight Loss Reduces Liver Fat
Correlated systems include radioactive metals, such as plutonium, and compounds based on so-called rare earth elements and transition metals, such as cerium, ytterbium and copper.
Political power is inversely correlated with economic productivity. Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant.
Over and above this, however, seven was chosen, primarily, because it was a large number, and, secondly, because it was a sacred number, -- sacred in part because large, since 'largeness' and 'sacredness' are correlated ideas in the popular phases of early religious thought.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
The result of regression shows that value of listed companies is positively correlated with asset and liability rate and yield of asset, and is negatively correlated with the ration of floating stock.
In truth few have worshipped at that altar and gone forth into chosen ways unmindful of her history, unimbued with her love, or untrained in stating facts — those readily correlated by one and all — such as it has been the effort here to record, some possibly through filial affection a little tinted but in the main void of any intent at exaggeration or misrepresentation.
The University of Virginia
The average salary is correlated with length of education.
The systemic induction of pin activity by wounding was correlated on 46 out of 49 occasions with a systemic electrical signal.
The first extinction of the Precambrian, which largely affected stromatolites and acritarchs, has been correlated with a large glaciation event that occurred about 600 million years ago.
The sampling interval must therefore be long enough to assure a collection of uncorrelated bilayer configurations.
Gold is over the long term correlated with interest rates meaning that gold tends to rise when interest rates rise and fall when interest rates fall. Home Page
The kind of behavior that is correlated with specific eliciting stimuli may be called respondent behavior, and a given correlation a respondent.
The value of a positional advantage is inversely correlated to its pervasiveness, which is directly correlated to its equity.
Works in progress: Frank Pasquale
Those figures show that, within guilds, species richness and individual abundance are not necessarily correlated.
Among the different disciplines, disbelief in the existence of God was not correlated with any particular area of expertise.
The number of flowers per inflorescence and the volume of nectar secreted per flower were not correlated.
Antiphospholipid antibodies are often correlated with blood irregularities such as clots and narrow blood vessels.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
uncorrelated" long ago ceased to be relevant to the current blog paradigm.
Finally, the numbers of radio stations that were locally receivable were correlated with the melanoma incidence for the 288 communities in Sweden.
The nonlocal implication is that occurrences in one region of space are inherently correlated with other distant regions.
When uncertainty was from the liquidation value, debt was uncorrelated with pricing decision-making.
The scores of SSI were highly correlated with scores in trait anxiety and hopefulness.
He's the man who correlated the theory of optimum tonicity with the relaxation technique that Korzybski had developed empirically.
The Worlds Of Robert A Heinlein
One large-scale study looked at annual fish catch data and chlorophyll a measurements (indication of phytoplankton) for the continental margin of western North America and found substantial alongshore variation in primary production that was highly correlated with the variation in fish yield.
Bottom-up control
Membranous expression of pre-S1 and pre-S2 correlated significantly with active hepatitis B virus replication.
In quantum mechanics, there are correlated effects that are believed to have no common cause that screens them off.
Maximum economies of scale mean the essential goods are uncorrelated.
Therefore, government paternalism is justified in steering people away from the decisions that are correlated with emotion and toward those decisions that are correlated with reason.
On Neuroeconomics and Paternalism, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The loss of respect for British science is correlated to reduced funding.
So there is deep value in selecting some players whose form is largely uncorrelated with the team's momentum.
Times, Sunday Times
In many systems skeletal armor has been correlated with the level or type of predation pressure in the environment.
Another phrase correlated with it in her memory -- "Queen of the Home.
McClure's Magazine, Vol 31, No 2, June 1908
We considered as positively correlated only those values clearly showing a marked deviation from the average seismic activity.
If an exact match is not found during correlation, the next event with the closest timestamp to the event being correlated is selected, within acceptable range.
For the participants who attended to intensity, the positively correlated and the unaccented baseline comparisons yielded higher sensitivity than did the other types of comparisons.
We found that the area, perimeter, length, and width of the lamina were highly correlated, suggesting the existence of a common genetic control.
These patterns of suppletion can be correlated with particular geographical areas, language families, and specific lexemic groups.
Pearl used statistical methods to determine whether tubercular lesions found during these autopsies were correlated with cancer.
Hunt showed that redstart abundance was positively correlated with amount of early successional habitat and that their decline in recent decades in New England was coincident with forest maturation in the region.
This approach is broadly applicable to more heterogeneous traits such as neuropsychiatric disorders, with 50% of previously identified genes within candidate intervals ranking either highest or second highest correlated gene using an autism-related expression module.
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Accordingly, the strength of coactivation of a place cell and a reward-related VS cell, expressed in the Pearson correlation coefficient, was positively correlated to the degree of spatial overlap of the firing fields on the track during task performance and postbehavioral sleep, but not during prebehavioral rest (prebehavioral rest: n.s.; track running:
PLoS Biology: New Articles
To assume that gun shows and gun ownership are highly correlated is no great leap of logic.
The scan score correlated with all laboratory tests generally accepted to reflect active gut inflammation except for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
When the particle emits enough photons and the dwell time is such that photons emitted by a specific particle are registered in consecutive series of dwells, the intensities in these dwells become correlated with one another.
Kalendar et al. found that the number of copies of a long terminal repeat retrotransposon BARE - 1, that is present in all Hordeum species, was clearly correlated with altitude in the canyon.
In lesser-developed countries, avitaminosis A is correlated to increased mortality.
I would have guessed that high neurosis is meant to be correlated with low love in real life.
Unless you’re Woody Allen.
If as claimed Nibiru is coming from Orion it would be bearing down close to Saturn, with clear perturbative influences, and those would be correlated with perturbations on Jupiter.
2012: NASA's Scientific Reality Check | Universe Today
Accumulation of mutations in both lasR and rhlR correlated with development of hypermutability.
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Some of the characters believed to be correlated with DNA amount are alpine habitat, life history and breeding system.
Other unmeasured factors such as maternal age or territory quality may influence brood sex ratio and could be correlated with
When these effects seem correlated in the reader's subvocal production of the text, suspended or inward aurality is rendered thematic as well as systemic.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Verwindung is not the repudiation of religious faith, Christianity in particular, but the response best correlated to Christian caritas.
The esteem, general self-efficiency, life events stress are signally correlated with well-being, they all entered regression equation.
The scan score correlated with all laboratory tests generally accepted to reflect active gut inflammation except for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
The poor countries with a horrible instable political sytstem and a very uneducated population are the ones where politicians popularity is the least correlated with a match in political leaning.
Matthew Yglesias » Presidential Opinion Polarization on the Rise
For the author to assert these things should be logically correlated is to do nothing more than elevate is own conception, which is not particularly rational (nor irrational) but is rather merely his arbitrary conception not shared by most people.
Election Prediction: Voting will be Irrational, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Divergence estimates between extant perissodactyl species were closely correlated with calibration age - the divergence between rhinos and tapirs, for example, differed by an order of magnitude depending on the calibration applied.
Those who said that these were real because they were useful were instrumentalists, while those who said they were real to the extent that they correlated with measurements were operationalists.
Regression through the origin with phylogenetically independent contrasts … which is equivalent to phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) analysis, accounts for the nonindependence of species and indicates no overall evolutionary relationship between the traits … The apparent pattern across species was driven by positively correlated trait change only at the basal split of the phylogeny; throughout the rest of the phylogeny, the traits mostly changed in opposite directions (A; basal contrast in red) ….
Discover Blogs
Correlation between parameters results in wider confidence intervals than for uncorrelated parameters.
The clasts of the Jurassic strata, particularly the stromatolite-bearing, cherty limestone and purple quartzite, can be correlated with those in the footwall of the fault.
Lops has been correlated with a risk of ulceration, especially in biomechanically unbalanced feet with secondary bony prominences, such as bunions or hammer toes.
These studies demonstrated that performance and preference of host-plant use may be genetically associated by linkage or pleiotropy, and evolve as correlated traits.
He likes Iraqi bonds because they're "uncorrelated" to other assets and because of Iraq's vast oil reserves.
Are Bond Prices Indicative of Iraq's Fate?
Greater hatching success was correlated with longer guarding durations, and a removal experiment verified that female presence was responsible for a twofold increase in hatching success.
This paper reviewed the results concerning the precise measurement of seismic velocity variation and application, discussed the principle and application of the correlated detection.
Shitake contains a glucan called AHCC Active Hexose Correlated Compound and is widely used in alternative and complementary treatment of cancer in Japan due to its immune-enhancing functions.
Dr. Nalini Chilkov: Six Cancer-Fighting Medicinal Mushrooms
Michael Wolverton of Baseball Prospectus did an analysis in 2009, running spring-training records of all teams from 1996 to 2009 and found that there is a relationship, but it's a very weak one—with a correlation co-efficient of .15 a 1 is a perfectly correlated relationship, 0 is no correlation—it may as well have been non-existent.
Are Spring Training Games Pointless?
The absorption and emission spectra of molecules can be correlated with such transitions of electrons between allowed quantized energy levels.
We showed that the positive inotropic effects of norepinephrine and strophanthin-K were correlated with an increase in rate of exchange of calcium in an intracellular pool associated with the contractile process and that the negative inotropic effects of acetylcholine and adenosine were correlated with a decrease in rate of exchange in that pool.
Robert F. Furchgott - Autobiography
The total number of primary adventitious roots per plant was closely correlated with corm dry weight.
Other events are correlated with the stable exploration of new niches, like the acquisition of the lac operon by E. coli or pathogenicity islands by Salmonella.
Information from one port simply cannot be correlated with other ports or other shipments.
That it can taper is a good sign against the idea of "addiction" and looking back I wouldn't use the word addiction because while habitual the times could be constrained and periods of excessive play were correlated to other personal events...just as likely I would have sort of "turtled" out of worldly stresses reading a novel etc but..
A Virtual World Winter?
These impairments correlated with critical clinical measures of obesity including liver fat accumulation, reduced whole-body insulin sensitivity, hyperinsulinemia, hypoadiponectinemia and adipocyte hypertrophy.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity: It’s all in Your Cells?
Clinical, radiographic, and pathologic findings, including ultrastructural studies in select cases, were analyzed and correlated.
At the highest executive levels earnings and performance aren't always correlated.
From the start to the end of the semester, students took the online quizzes 1,735 times, which correlated to 77 percent of the class taking every available quiz.
First, an uncorrelated projection space is constructed based on the total population scatter matrix.
Markets rise and fall, and a balanced portfolio will have assets that are 'uncorrelated'.
Times, Sunday Times
Drugs have different potency and solubility, and solubility is inversely correlated with the duration of action.
Through correlation analysis, soluble protein, praline and MDA content were significantly correlated with their cold tolerance in seeding stage.
In the present investigation, the focus was on how cuticular wax composition is correlated with unbiased cuticular water-barrier properties.
Nevertheless, the parallel sequential budding characteristic of largest to smallest tooth cusps and vascular horns indicate that the two are closely correlated.
It's also well correlated with other incomplete or abnormal brain differentiation syndromes such as dyslexia, ambidexterity, and Asperger's.
Risk Factors : A Full House
The theriodonts included both carnivores and herbivores, and various lineages correlated to late Cenozoic wolves, weasels, otters, rodents, and shrews.
Two quantities are considered correlated when they are affected by a common quantity.
We live in a world where most people still subscribe to the belief that shame is a good tool for keeping people in line. Not only is this wrong, but it’s dangerous. Shame is highly correlated with addiction, violence, aggression, depression, eating disorders, and bullying. Brene Brown
Although the relationship between cellular and organismic age is not well understood, chronological age is inversely correlated with telomere length in adults across all age groups.
The intensity fluctuations are collected as photon counts and correlated to generate the Auto Correlation Function (ACF).
They found that an increase in antidepressant sales of one pill per capita (about a 12 percent increase over the sales levels for 2000 in the countries surveyed) correlated with a suicide-mortality decline of about 5 percent.
Primary Sources
The observed profiles were cross-correlated with a standard pulse profile appropriate for each radio frequency to obtain accurate pulse arrival times.
The experience during grow-up is correlated with the parental rearing styles of strict punishment, denial, excessive interference and overprotection.
While the cell viability and transport data did not show any correlation with subharmonic emission, they correlated with the broadband noise, suggesting a dominant contribution of transient cavitation.
For example, each side of the card may contain an embedded electron whose spin remains correlated with its twin.
Furthermore, the degree to which ions affected membrane properties correlated with the ionic radius and electronegativity of the ions.
urbanization in Spain is distinctly correlated with a fall in reproductive rate
In light of the research results it is shown that the formation of various hydrocarbon component hydrates is correlated to molal weight and to normal boiling point.
This expansion of the posterior expression boundaries was examined in detail and correlated with derived morphological structures of the prothorax as compared with the most primitive apterygote species.
The study also shows that, although decision-making competence is correlated with verbal and nonverbal intelligence, it is still a separate skill.
Correlated with this diet is the evolution of selenodont molar teeth - teeth with crescent-shaped ridges - for more efficient grinding of plants, as seen in this picture of Eocene artiodactyl teeth.
The data from imaging studies should then be correlated with the clinical information.
The old claim from hedge funds that they are uncorrelated with other assets looks increasingly suspect.
Times, Sunday Times
The rapid decay of the autocorrelations further indicates that the regions of correlated spreading were not large.
The most obvious measure of sexual risk taking - frequency of unprotected sexual intercourse - correlated with SIS2.
It was clear to a mind so acute as Bruno's that the dogmas of the Church were correlated to a view of the world which had been superseded; and he drew the logical inference that they were at bottom but poetical and popular adumbrations of the Deity in terms concordant with erroneous physical notions.
Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
TGFs have been correlated with lightning strikes and may be related to visible phenomena that occur in the upper atmosphere over thunderstorms, such as red sprites and blue jets.
In this study, we investigated whether seasonal reproduction in a tropical species is synchronous between two populations in close proximity and, if not, whether asynchrony is correlated with genetic and cultural differentiation.
The performances correlated with the perceived "indispensability" of various starting positions, researchers noted: Though each relay leg counts equally, the fourth swimmer is viewed as the team's last hope for a good finish.
Week in Ideas
If you were to map that above referenced decline in crack use to incarceration rates, I imagine you would find them to be uncorrelated, meaning criminal penalties don’t get credit for declining use.
Crack Cocaine Sentencing: Systematic Racism At Work
A second set of environmental factors were orthogonal and uncorrelated to this first gradient.
There is just so much evidence of long- and short-term cyclic temperature variations being well-correlated to solar activity, that CO2 seems like a trivial pursuit.
Letter to NAS « Climate Audit
The intensity fluctuations are collected as photon counts and correlated to generate the Auto Correlation Function (ACF).
The length of time in a two-way bilingual program is positively correlated with student academic achievement.
Correlated with this peculiarity the maxilla usually has the tomia sinuated, and is generally concave, and smaller and narrower than the mandible, which is also concave to receive the palatal knob.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Michaelsson J, Barbosa HM, Jordan KA, Chapman JM, Brunialti MK, et al. (2008) The frequency of CD127low expressing CD4+CD25high T regulatory cells is inversely correlated with human T lymphotrophic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) proviral load in HTLV-1-infection and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis.
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However, personal history, such as abnormal biopsy, was highly correlated with the decision to take tamoxifen.
I mean the inexpugnable belief that every detailed occurence can be correlated with its antecedents in a perfectly definite manner, exemplifying general principles.
David Heddle on the ID movement
Social norms and traditions of behavior, which are loosely correlated with the law, also set consumer expectations.
Michaelsson J, Barbosa HM, Jordan KA, Chapman JM, Brunialti MK, et al. (2008) The frequency of CD127low expressing CD4+CD25high T regulatory cells is inversely correlated with human T lymphotrophic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) proviral load in HTLV-1-infection and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
If gene effects on the trait and fitness are correlated due to pleiotropy, genes of large effect on the trait will remain at much lower frequencies.
The adoption of capacitor feedback transimpedance amplifier(CTIA) and correlated double sampling (CDS) structure helps to reduce the noise of the circuit.
To assume that gun shows and gun ownership are highly correlated is no great leap of logic.
The concept "Qi" in TCM and gaseous signaling molecule are correlated in respects of their source and mesomeric function.
Photooxidation was correlated with the winter injury. But the injury degree was correlated with the ecological habits.
Similar trends have also been observed for gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada), in which altitude, which is highly correlated with ambient temperature, was found to correlate negatively with birth rate.
This realization of a strongly correlated quantum gas has triggered an avalanche of work at the interface between atomic physics and condensed matter physics, with the prospect of quantum simulators for elusive phenomena ranging from antiferromagnetism to high Tc superconductivity.
Theodor W. Hänsch - Autobiography
The availability of both emotional and affirmative support is negatively correlated with depression.
We found that Crs was highly correlated with birth weight and length, with larger babies having more compliant respiratory systems.
Interestingly KGF levels correlated with hydroxyproline content of the lungs after bleomycin injury in controls but not in HSC-KGF treated mice (which we would have predicted to be lower due to the reduced injury), suggesting that the raised levels were indeed due to the local KGF delivery by bone marrow derived cells
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In future studies, the stress and strain distributions in the vessel will be computed and correlated with the morphometry of individual fibers.
You can check whether it is overfit or no: divide data to two parts, repeat the procedure and verify that the order of most correlated series does not change.
Wilson, Pisaric and Gaspé « Climate Audit
Such automated systems would also be potentially vulnerable to false information from people or agents hoping to capitalize on their correlated behaviour.
An additional important result was that the resistance of proteins to solubilization correlated with the lipid phase of the membrane where the protein was inserted.
High potency as an antagonist of 5-HT in isolated smooth muscle preparations was not correlated with high potency as a psychotomimetic.
Well, as I hope you now understand from the foregoing, GDP growth is extremely well correlated with CO2 emissions.
You are correct in stating that the force (load) on the biner is not a factor of the webbing width, but the stresses in the biner are a correlated to the webbing width.
We live in a world where most people still subscribe to the belief that shame is a good tool for keeping people in line. Not only is this wrong, but it’s dangerous. Shame is highly correlated with addiction, violence, aggression, depression, eating disorders, and bullying. Brene Brown
The ability of these compounds to methylate DNA, however, correlated with the biological activity.
In this account, mental consciousness, and the ability to form mental representation, owe their existence to, and are correlated with the brain.
We note that the confidence intervals and significance estimates discussed above rely on the assumption of uncorrelated samples.
Measures of oxidative stress are correlated with the degree of impairment of LV function.
If important variance components are omitted, then the residual errors are likely to be correlated.
Pulli growth rates and development were measured and correlated with weather and state of the moon.
About eve online: doesn't the fact that, in the pure free market economy, the most efficient alliance/corp are the most 'dirigist' (?) one just state that the most efficient capitalistic economy are the least democratic one (or at least that the two are uncorrelated)?
Fifty days and worlds apart
Results were satisfactory, showing low Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE), and parameters that were relatively uncorrelated.
Prior research by the same researchers (also adopting the Social Relations Lens Model) found that men with a long-term mating orientation (which is correlated with reduced levels of extraversion) and shy men (which is correlated with higher levels of neuroticism) get the short end of the stick in rapid mate-selection settings such as speed dating.
Who Is Popular at First Sight?
Data in the Table show that the scan score correlated significantly with all laboratory measurements except the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Two well conducted and well controlled studies show that refractive errors are much more strongly correlated in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins.
Note that ectoparasite intensity was not significantly correlated with the date of its census, and brood size was not associated with female plumage spottiness.
Strobic acid-usually the major resin acid found in the cortical oleoresin of eastern white pine-was positively correlated with the rate and extent of crystallization.
We live in a world where most people still subscribe to the belief that shame is a good tool for keeping people in line. Not only is this wrong, but it’s dangerous. Shame is highly correlated with addiction, violence, aggression, depression, eating disorders, and bullying. Brene Brown
Correlated targets are various types of space junk tracked and kept in Air Force computers while uncorrelated targets are unknowns.
Distance-dependent or spatially correlated errors due to ionospheric, tropospheric or satellite orbit effects can be more accurately modelled in a network approach.
In the case of Hume's Principle, each concept F is correlated with #F.
Frege's Logic, Theorem, and Foundations for Arithmetic
One of the attention tests, the attention switching test, was even shown to be uncorrelated in either experiment.
Furthermore, it is something of an "uncorrelated" asset, meaning it won't necessarily rise and fall in line with everything else.
The Drinkable Portfolio
The loss of respect for British science is correlated to reduced funding.
The scan score correlated well with C-reactive protein and alpha-1 acid glycoprotein.
Changes in area of hayfields and pasturelands were likewise positively correlated.