
How To Use Correctness In A Sentence

  • Premium cable - that is, unsponsored channels you pay for separately - doesn't have those constraints and is free to show us conflicts untempered by political correctness.
  • Now the political incorrectness of lighting up has taken the war on cigarettes from the realm of everyday life to a place where the curtain seems set to fall on the art of smoking in public performances.
  • Advertisers had argued that to ban the advertisements would be overzealous political correctness.
  • Summarising, political correctness is a one-way street: they may use every form of rudeness but we must treat their concerns as sacred; this must be fought.
  • Ask the investor to check the correctness of what he has written.
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  • This fusion of political correctness and relevance may be the next big thing to rock mathematics education, appealing as it does to political activists and to ethnic chauvinists.
  • The design transaction model and high concurrency control mechanism which guarantee correctness and consistency is the key in PDM.
  • Nobody is more free from the ostentatious correctness of the literary precisian, and nobody preserves so much purity and so much dignity of language with so little formality of demeanor. Voltaire
  • Whatever their secret longings, the family organized relentlessly around bourgeois correctness.
  • The drive against political correctness includes plans to revise the curriculum for primary and secondary pupils to correct a perceived bias towards left-wing thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The briefing in my mind confirmed the correctness of where Labor was headed in terms of our policy.
  • Nor should the irony of this be overlooked, given Hanson's stridently self-righteous defense of free speech in the face of repressive political correctness.
  • Some terms are 'okayed' others aren't okayed, in addition to this there is the real world political correctness. Nit-pickers of the world, unite
  • Blogs range from offering recipes to requests for prayers, to moving spiritual reflections and writings about saints to polemics about political correctness in the pulpit.
  • Are you not from the same party whose political correctness would teach you to not "lable" someone ... Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • The handler developer is responsible for the correctness of the SOAP message, in contrast to the strongly-typed JAX-RPC service interfaces.
  • That sounds like more of the same old town hall political correctness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Political correctness has certainly not hindered my ability to be vulgar or offensive.
  • He is doing a feature film on speech codes and political correctness on campus, with interviews directly from the protagonists in the various situations he investigated.
  • It somehow implies correctness and rigid wardrobe control. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the cure for double standards is not to compound them by sacrificing yet another innocent to ideological correctness.
  • But I believe that in such trying times as these precision of meaning trumps political correctness or delicacy of phrasing.
  • Oddly, we have reached the stage where there might still be a singular vision, but too often it is being micro-managed at executive level to the point of blandness and is often hobbled by an unhealthy mix at executive-committee stage of half-understood notions of political correctness tied to an essential distrust of viewers 'intelligence. Can British TV produce drama as good as Mad Men?
  • Stories like this have nothing to do with political correctness and to align the two is lazy thinking and lazy writing.
  • The new era of political correctness has seen a succession of apologies for past wrongs.
  • Whether it's people walking off The View when Bill O'Reilly makes a statement about radical Islam or Juan Williams being fired for expressing his opinion, over-reaching political correctness is chipping away at the fundamental American freedoms of speech and expression. Cantor: Republican Leadership Will Consider Defunding NPR
  • What matters more than obsessing over details is being clear that you will not be bound by squeamish political correctness. Times, Sunday Times
  • There could be few things more dogmatic than the many dictates of Leftist political correctness!
  • When you came to me and suggested that you should make two copies of everything, one correct, one a mass of incorrectness, I must admit that I thought the idea farfetched and unworkable. The Betrayal
  • The Labour Party will soon learn the value of these polite demonstrations that it is always its duty not to hamper the governing classes in their very difficult and delicate and dangerous task of safeguarding the interests of this great empire: in short, to let itself be gammoned by elegant phrases and by adroit practisings on its personal good-nature, its inveterate proletarian sentimentality, and its secret misgivings as to the correctness of its manners. New York Times, Current History, Vol 1, Issue 1 From the Beginning to March, 1915 With Index
  • For a learner to acquire skills in a foreign language, correctness of speech in his mother tongue should be taught.
  • Maybe it is time to reject cant and hypocrisy, shed this sham of political correctness.
  • A writer in the "Atlantic" [1] gravely tells us the wood thrush is sometimes called the hermit, and then, after describing the song of the hermit with great beauty and correctness, coolly ascribes it to the veery! In the Catskills Selections from the Writings of John Burroughs
  • One wonders how many of Sharp's critics today would be prepared to sink their own prejudices and defy political correctness in order to do so.
  • This ‘Minister of Political Correctness’ is more interested in cultural sensitivity and environmental purism, than the protection of public safety in that area.
  • It's to do with setting the world an example in environmental correctness.
  • Many teachers objected to its deadly dull emphasis on correctness and wanted students to write lively prose they cared about.
  • People want the types of cars and trucks that fail the test of environmental correctness by being too large or by using fossil fuels.
  • For reasons of political correctness we have been asked to withdraw our advertisement from the national press.
  • Political correctness is everything: ‘Thou shalt not even contemplate chastising unpunishable classroom hoodlums.’
  • We always stick to principles of correctness, unity, conciseness, extensibility and Clean Room.
  • K.E. von Baer, the founder of the whole present science of the history of development, has certainly a most competent judgment of the correctness of this so-called biogenetic maxim; and he convincingly shows, in his essay on "Darwin's Doctrine," that the embryos never represent a former animalic form, but that their development follows the principle of representing first the common characteristics of the class, then those of the order, etc., until finally the individual characteristics appear in the formation. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • It's political correctness gone potty. The Sun
  • I said in my comment above that when it comes to political correctness, people have another unclarified thing in their mind they hold it up against, a 'correct correctness', in which thought proceeds from “either no angle or partisan placement, or, if we are aware enough to admit that it does, is still righteous in doing so.” The misogyny post (updated)
  • A series of culture clashes underlies this case: The Army versus the Ivies; brawn versus brain; raw politics versus political correctness.
  • I did notice the political incorrectness of that remark (and its inexactness) but overall it was a good article in my opinion and will be welcomed by LOndoners sick of perpetual fear Girls Like Pink ...Fact
  • I fear this is just down to jobsworths and political correctness.
  • There is too much political correctness and a massive transfer of wealth has taken place from the productive to the non-productive sectors of the economy.
  • She was widowed in 1910 and resumed her performing career in Europe, where the fine quality and traditional correctness of her music caused astonishment.
  • We now know that the duty of the lexicographer is to record and not to criticize, that refined speech and elegant speech are the delusions of a mistaken optimism, and that the only people who now speak English with any approach to historical correctness are the few surviving agricultural laborers who are old enough to have escaped the devastating effects of the Elementary Education Act. Johnson's Dictionary went far to accomplish, in the eighteenth century, what the Italian and French Academies had unsuccessfully attempted in the seventeenth. On Dictionaries
  • I was not an environmentalist then, and my impression of these people ranged from the nasality of John Denver to dogmatic feminists cramming political correctness into any available ear while claiming that they would save the world by recycling, biking to work or changing out the incandescent light bulbs. Giles Slade: The 'Deep Throat' of Green
  • We did our best to deliver the message in a simple and easy to understand manner, at the same time retaining the technical correctness and level of detail.
  • Indeed the book deliberately oversteps any fine lines of political correctness to ventilate the incorrectness of anger and cynicism, the voicing of nasty things that are felt and festering, but usually left unspoken.
  • An equipment-oriented setting value verification method is put forward for distance protection, which ensures the correctness and effectiveness of protective action simulation.
  • The drive against political correctness includes plans to revise the curriculum for primary and secondary pupils to correct a perceived bias towards left-wing thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • They included a horde of diversity co-ordinators, community liaison officers, social inclusion officers and suchlike hierarchs of the priesthood of political correctness.
  • The foregoing analysis depends, in part, on the correctness of modeling viability differences.
  • Setting these questions aside, we can note that the (EC) biconditional has been used in two different ways: as a way of characterizing assertoric correctness in terms of truth and evidence, or as a way of characterizing truth in terms of correctness and evidence. Him
  • Now, when the FM writes "political correctness", what it actually means is 'incorrectness'. Mayibuye Editorial
  • Political correctness has had an impact on the language people use to describe women.
  • The problem is that there is no positive evidence for this view, other than the geometrical correctness of his rendering.
  • Rosica really means by the phrase “civility, charity, mercy and politeness” is a kind of pantywaist political correctness, void of testicular fortitude, that is so afraid to identify and call out blatant evil in the public square. On Catholic Crowd-Pleasers
  • In a recent column about political correctness, I touched on the dangers of facile stereotyping, citing the Germans' reputation for monopolising sunbeds.
  • The book doesn't hide behind a mantle of political correctness but challenges a range of homophobic attitudes, from repulsion and pity to tolerance and acceptance.
  • Which would be a funny tag to give to the principal who caned me so many times, but then ‘political correctness’ wasn't a term then.
  • The drive against political correctness includes plans to revise the curriculum for primary and secondary pupils to correct a perceived bias towards left-wing thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • During these experiments Woola had been standing at my side gazing intently at the door, and as my glance fell upon him it occurred to me to test the correctness of my hypothesis, that this portal had been the means of ingress to the temple used by Thurid, the black dator, and Matai Shang, Father of Therns. The Warlord of Mars
  • Past form suggests a warmed-up fricassee of masculinist interventions and tellings-off for "political correctness", though it could prove to be more nuanced and nourishing. London's missing dimension – serenity | Dave Hill
  • Its penchant for political correctness, polit-speak, distortion or the playing down of unpleasant facts (about immigration for instance), etc. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And what have I read in response: rants against George W.Bush as though he's still in office, self-serving I'm misunderstood, citations of nebulous studies to confirm a personal hatred, more than one response that while espousing disdain of "political correctness", still compeled to toe the line with some of the above drivel. TEXAS FAITH: How can religious leaders keep Fort Hood incident from creating fear, tension and misunderstanding? | RELIGION Blog |
  • If you're a conservative and you're gratified that the administration seems unfettered by political correctness in toughening up the nation's defenses, don't be so gratified.
  • To his detractors, Gideon was dangerous—a pie-in-the-sky slave to political correctness who thought the enemies of Western civilization could be jawboned into holding hands and singing “Kumbaya.” Gideon’s war
  • We cannot demonstrate the correctness of this hypothesis.
  • Not all of these nine statements are totally independent, and the list makes no claim for apodictic completeness or ultimate correctness.
  • For a name that suggests utter correctness in all things Spanish, they should have tutored their staff on the menu and wine list. Times, Sunday Times
  • Laws of Manu or the Analects does not mean that I "venerate" European high culture; it just means that I know the origins of our regulative political ideals, and I think students should come broadly to know them, too -- and, since you persist in obscuring the point, it means that if emphasis on political correctness and multiculturalism in high school textbooks of history or politics, etc., is interfering with the acquisition of that knowledge, then that emphasis is pernicious. | Top Stories
  • We believe that it is based on utterly false allegations regarding the Minnesota legal system and that it provides for indoctrination in the shibboleths of political correctness.
  • How about the Chinese literally using what in essence is "slave labor" (a portion of the labor is convicted criminals, some of whom were convicted of political "incorrectness") in their larger manufacturing plants? Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • West said Castor bowed to political correctness in coddling Al-Arian. October 2004
  • Kevin Rudd is not an old-style lefty ... but the Labor Party is full of people who are, and I guess this is the kind of genuflection to political correctness that these guys feel they have to make," he told the Adelaide Advertiser. | Top Stories
  • His tweets also offer reminders, should we need them, of his magisterial political correctness. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in 1991 that meant flannel shirts and political correctness, rather than stars and stripes cycling shorts and songs challenging journalists to a punch-up. Never mind Nevermind, 1991 was all about Guns N' Roses
  • There were no satisfactory audit procedures we could carry out to obtain adequate assurance regarding the correctness of the estimate.
  • That sounds like more of the same old town hall political correctness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Managers must steer a middle course between political correctness and political babble.
  • Those handwritten appraisals of titles by bookshops are merely a sop to political correctness and their own egos.
  • For example, if ultracalvinists are Christians, "political correctness" is religious orthodoxy. P. J. O'Rourke has Competition, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The phrases noted above are like blasts from an air horn or plastic trumpet, blaring technical correctness.
  • They are called Sixtusses, after that pious old Sixtus V. who hanged a publican and wine-seller sinner in front of his shop for blasphemously expressing his opinion as to the correctness of charging four times as much to put the fluoric-acid government stamp on them as the glass cost. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • At bedrock, political correctness is about striving to express respect and kindness according to cultural values which may vary from the ones you were raised with. Going Home Today
  • For a name that suggests utter correctness in all things Spanish, they should have tutored their staff on the menu and wine list. Times, Sunday Times
  • The characters remained self-absorbed, oblivious to conventional morality or the pieties of political correctness.
  • We miss its toe-curling political incorrectness, its shabby vulgarity, its embarrassed actors, and its toilet-roll scripts.
  • He behaved with impeccable correctness throughout.
  • This is what happens when political correctness gets in the way of common sense and common decency. The Sun
  • He blamed a culture of political correctness, which he described as pervasive even through the military. Hotline On Call
  • Where it serves to obstruct learning, and remove choice, political correctness of this kind can only be considered ignorant tomfoolery.
  • Conservative columnists have had a field day pointing to the Harvard hullabaloo as a sign of runaway political correctness at elite universities.
  • It somehow implies correctness and rigid wardrobe control. Times, Sunday Times
  • A study of the moral incorrectness of the network speech acts, which is a basic form of network acts, is of universal significance to the construction of the networks moral environment.
  • Unfortunately, the mass media generally seems inclined to misgender trans people as a matter of course and for the flimsiest of reasons – “to go along with AP style on this would mean ignoring the facts of a murder case in favor of political correctness “??? Human rights violations in U.S. jail
  • The author receives his semi-annual account from the publisher with as ablute a faith in its correctness as though he had himself counted the volumes sold. Great Fortunes and How They Were Made
  • Political correctness has had an impact on the language people use to describe women.
  • Political correctness is the principle of avoiding language or behaviour that may offend certain groups of people.
  • The characters remained self-absorbed, oblivious to conventional morality or the pieties of political correctness.
  • Clusters of sketches within each episode cohered around clear themes: nostalgia and television in episode 3 or political correctness in episode 9.
  • Ask the investor to check the correctness of what he has written.
  • Some private schools and colleges still reject the public school position which consists of accepting the standard of the age and teaching political correctness.
  • Their anatomical incorrectness --- incompleteness is more like it --- would seem to be a problem, but they are drawn together by a mutual fetishistic love of fashion and trying on outfits for each other is their version of sex, which makes the interrogation scene very kinky. Lance Mannion:
  • Is this an example of retro-inverse unpolitical incorrectness? Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, if only I could have your sublimeness of correctness, your wiseness. Alvin Journeyman
  • Is the language of Political Correctness aiding and abetting its proliferation?
  • This does not mean that every deviation from procedural regularity and legal correctness vitiates a jury's verdict of guilty.
  • His lectures came to be accepted as providing the official standards of artistic correctness.
  • The movie contains many of the staples - physical pratfalls, moments of gross-out exuberance, and extreme expressions of political incorrectness - but the energy is missing.
  • Its a sad sad day when this political correctness crap makes poeple worried about something they say or write in case it causes screaming abdabs, which it appears to have done in your case. Go! Now! Start!
  • The drive against political correctness includes plans to revise the curriculum for primary and secondary pupils to correct a perceived bias towards left-wing thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crikey does this better than most, but potentially could do better by discarding any remaining vestiges of political correctness.
  • And it's a difficult time to be a comic writer because of the constrictions of correctness, there's less and less to joke about.
  • Where Gilman scores is in her damning portrait of the evasions of political correctness.
  • The banality of political correctness, the attenuation of meaning in the argot of legalese/computere/governmentese newspeak attenuates all feeling and meaning. One Book, One Tweet « Third Point of Singularity
  • Saprophytic bacteria can readily make their way down the dead hypha of an invading fungus, or into the punctures made by insects, and Aphides have been credited with the bacterial infection of carnations, though more recent researches by Woods go to show the correctness of his conclusion that Aphides alone are responsible for the carnation disease. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • They said the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity, correctness and honesty.
  • Accordingly, continues Deloitte, "no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by or on behalf of Deloitte or by any of its partners, employees or agents or any other person as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained in this document or any oral information made available and any such liability is expressly disclaimed". John Naughton: With friends like Facebook, who needs sociopaths?
  • I want the company to keep that honesty and to have a real understanding of the rules of classical ballet and of correctness of presentation.
  • In China, on-air conniving by reality-show contestants could be lost in the fog of political correctness.
  • It was just political correctness gone completely barmy. The Sun
  • This is what happens when political correctness gets in the way of common sense and common decency. The Sun
  • If the artist's approach often tends to such simplistic judgements, it also degenerates into prissy political correctness and schoolmarmy cluck clucking.
  • Yet, in its clumsiness and incorrectness, it more accurately conveys Pamela's sense that she has done nothing wrong, though she is made to feel as if she has.
  • Her neck is elongated beyond the bounds of anatomical correctness - an attribute of young, innocent female beauty in the artistic vocabulary of the time.
  • Most of the 50 said no, leaving the impression that political correctness had triumphed over open debate.
  • Dr. John Hall, of the Fifth Avenue church, then most prominent, earnestly supported the man, but in afteryears the correctness of the position taken by Market Street was abundantly proven. The Kirk on Rutgers Farm
  • And when taken to extremes, such as at these schools in Kirkland and Puyallup, political correctness sinks to the realm of rank stupidity.
  • But critics believe some of the new advice may be driven by political correctness and a nanny state approach.
  • There are various explanatory reasons, so obvious in hindsight that their suppression must be regarded as an original prototype of political correctness.
  • People can get very uptight in this age of political correctness. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Code of Financial Correctness, Rule 1 is ‘Only vulgarians spend lavish amounts of money on luxuries.’
  • Put aside the political correctness agruments for a while (to a child, a golliwog is just a golliwog, ok, a nice, different-looking but just as well-loved doll) and give the child the benefit of the doubt that given the right stimulus, he/she WILL have the interest and attention span to follow through on longer stories - or even series of stories. British Books for Malaysian Schools
  • Who brought to the coast 56lb. weights with a screw in the bottom, which opened for the insertion of from ten to fifteen pounds of lead, _after their correctness had been tried by the native in comparison with his own weights_? Trade and Travel in the Far East or Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China.
  • It certainly leaves the barriers of good taste and correctness far, far behind.
  • My problem is with political correctness and being friendly to everyone.
  • Top Gear lies in Clarkson's apparently untrammelled political incorrectness, which is as much part of his schtick as Gordon Ramsay's swearing, Graham Norton's outrageousness, or - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Vile crimes were allowed to continue due to widespread political correctness. The Sun
  • The Australian public, never a public to embrace political correctness, was absolutely incensed.
  • A decision from the ethics committee lends credence, just by its existence, to the moral correctness of that decision.
  • The account as kept by the bank was to constitute conclusive evidence of the correctness of the entries.
  • It was a work created in defiance of official notions of good taste and Soviet political correctness.
  • Attention should be paid to the correctness of personal details entered on the certificates.
  • Focus on correctness and appropriacy in conversation
  • It assumes a cultural context where prejudices such as homophobia are understood, and where laughter becomes a weapon to be used against them, as well as against the po-faced extremes of political correctness.
  • In an age governed by regulation and timidity, where originality is all too often swamped by political correctness, this building will stand as a triumph of individuality.
  • The term ‘cultural safety’ has become such a byword for political correctness that it is often dismissed out of hand.
  • This has an interesting counterpoint - the ascendent political correctness of the right.
  • Conclusive for the correctness of this interpretation, as represented by the Swedish government, _is the approval the Norwegian government itself gave this interpretation_ by conceding that the Foreign Minister might give direct orders to the Norwegian Consuls, which, in certain cases, implied a hierarchal relationship between the Foreign Minister and the Norwegian The Swedish-Norwegian Union Crisis A History with Documents
  • The correctness of the rate of solubility of the strontia carbonate as given by Bineau is thus confirmed.
  • Finally, we are not content with a mere definition of truth; we seek a method of establishing the truth and proving its correctness.
  • Slesser numbered himself among the last generation to be unfettered by political correctness.
  • Style in Washington hangs from the twin pillars of conservatism and political correctness.
  • My teacher, mirabile dictu, had been right about what my target market wanted: a little girl in braids, spouting grammatical incorrectness. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Eye on the prize: living with feedback
  • I never feel comfortable at an upscale restaurant, where I often feel like a phony trying to fake clever conversation, social appropriateness, and political correctness.
  • A Flynt apologist could probably wiggle away from the sexism of the word cunt; harder to excuse was Flynt's preposterous suggestion that Sandra Day O'Connor's appointment was meritless, an empty gesture of political correctness. Slate Articles
  • This is what happens when political correctness gets in the way of common sense and common decency. The Sun
  • It also provided space for the reviewers to comment on the correctness of the keyed response.
  • If this kind of political correctness continues, where phrases are misconstrued to make it seem someone has made a racist, agist or sexist remark, I fear all spontaneity will be lost in future interviews and debates. Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
  • They'll all be there with their snouts in the trough; all grinning smarmily and slapping backs; all trying to outdo each other with acts of screaming political correctness.
  • All they have is their version of political correctness, and Palin embodied it. Why Palin Got Bad Press - Swampland -
  • It's one of those untransportable American plays that, in rejecting social conformism and political correctness, ends up celebrating anything dysfunctional.
  • Incorrectness in speech was considered a great fault in a gentleman.
  • The Logic of Consistency is a necessary auxiliary to the logic of truth, not only because what is inconsistent with itself or with other truths can not be true, but also because truth can only be successfully pursued by drawing inferences from experience, which, if warrantable at all, admit of being generalized, and, to test their warrantableness, require to be exhibited in a generalized form; after which the correctness of their application to particular cases is a question which specially concerns the Logic of Consistency. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • In truth political correctness hasn't so much gone gaga as gone mainstream.
  • They said the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity, correctness and honesty.
  • The day we lose our rebellious streak against ridiculous restrictions is the day we allow ourselves to become slaves to political correctness and the elites of Dublin and Europe.
  • Political correctness is a shibboleth, a convenient catch - all term with which progressive policies can be tainted by association with absurd anecdotes.
  • In Holland this is (fromt left to right) the most important issue (and the crisic of course) but you are still in a swamp of political correctness) On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In luvviedom, political correctness appears to be on the wane. Times, Sunday Times
  • The G.O.P. chairman, Michael Steele, and enforcers of Republican political correctness like William Kristol and the blogger Michele Malkin jeered Specter and cheered his departure. Sunday Reading
  • Mpshe had also expressed an opinion on the "incorrectness" of ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For a while I had the bustline of a stripper, and that – feminist correctness be damned – was kind of cool. The World According To Mom | Her Bad Mother
  • Not the least among its recommendations is, perhaps, that it is scholarly without being pedantic that is to say, that it aims at correctness without sacrificing the right effect of the whole to over-insistence on small details. The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
  • The correctness of the map is approved constantly by the additional data of new time periods or new anemographs located in the island.
  • The films seem refreshingly free from worthiness, irony, and political correctness, and do not attempt to work on more than one level.
  • It's a bit naive to imagine that getting dates right is a guarantee of correctness.
  • The politics of correctness decrees it.
  • These lapses from strict grammatical correctness, it is assumed, are intended satire on her part.
  • I don’t remember doing such with you or asked you for an English correctness check, so once again dipshit, any ‘real’ comment to my first post? Blaster Master fire storm
  • I never feel comfortable at an upscale restaurant, where I often feel like a phony trying to fake clever conversation, social appropriateness, and political correctness.
  • His first two novels suffered from a high-toned moralism that was equal parts political correctness and vaguely Zen-flavored mysticism.
  • The government's withholding of information, for example about the arms deal and self-interested involvement in it, and the requirement of political correctness in public debate, however, stultify democracy.
  • Vile crimes were allowed to continue due to widespread political correctness. The Sun
  • Their incorrectness and absurdity soon became apparent; and with a zeal, perhaps, bordering on indiscretion, he denounced them to his pupils with an ardour of manner and of expression proportioned to his own conviction of the truth. The Martyrs of Science, or, The lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler
  • The map's graticule thus established the structural correctness of the conceptual geographical archive.
  • I thought it as well, therefore, to recommence the study of daturine, the more so as I had already determined the incorrectness of the long accepted point of fusion of atropine, and that my researches on hyoscyamine convinced me that this base is an isomer of atropine, although very analogous to it. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • I was skeptical at the moment, but time proved the correctness of my old friend's judgment; and, having been present after the opening performance at a little supper given by Burbage at which sack ran like water, and anybody who wanted another malvoisie and seltzer simply had to beckon to the waiter, I was able to conscientiously praise it in the highest terms. A Wodehouse Miscellany Articles & Stories
  • They argued the correctness of their own course in working for improvements.
  • Political correctness is essentially an etiquette, a series of codes by which we are supposed to live our lives.
  • The "My name is Correctness, king of kings" people say that security problems are merely one manifestation of incorrectness, which is dissonance between what the program is supposed to do and what its implementation actually does. Planet Python
  • I must confess that in the course of the investigation I have become more and more confident of the correctness of this idea.
  • For once, goaded out of her measured correctness, the Duchess became vital, vehement, agonisedly energetic and passionate. A German Pompadour Being the Extraordinary History of Wilhelmine van Grävenitz, Landhofmeisterin of Wirtemberg
  • I can't comment on the correctness of this advice from a marketing point of view.

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