How To Use Correctly In A Sentence

  • These effects are primarily due to the loss of any helper T cell that can interact with the B lymphocyte correctly.
  • This is because people who suffer Panic Disorder, when they experience tetany for the first time, often think incorrectly that they are about to die.
  • inconceivability" is used in the sense of relative inconceivability, it is incorrectly used, unless it is qualified in some way; because, if used without qualification, there is danger of its being confused with inconceivability in its absolute sense. A Candid Examination of Theism
  • It checks bank account numbers before accepting them and will detect many common transcription errors, including incorrectly entered and transposed characters. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was telling him about last night and he described me as sounding languid and louche, and consequently correctly guessed that I was still in bed.
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  • I also think that Edwards took certain positions in his 1998 Senate campaign which won't work well in national Democratic politics - particularly, if I remember correctly, supporting right-to-work laws.
  • The member did not read out correctly either the exact quote of what the Minister said or what is written here on the Order Paper.
  • When we checked with the building department, the local inspector told us that the water heater is correctly installed and that the overflow pipe complies with the intent of the building code.
  • When you pull a needleful through a hole, the wool is correctly positioned on a stretched canvas.
  • The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point where he can walk correctly and safely.
  • I think we have to distinguish those narratives which crudely manipulate fear or repulsion and disgust from that which Lovecraft correctly calls ‘the weird tale’.
  • In her opinion, it was even money on whether or not he could correctly spell his own name.
  • Which of the following reproductive structures is incorrectly matched with the group in which it is found? a. zygospore - zygomycetes Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Our programmes were of the highest order, the voices pure and full without this abominable tremolo which is unknown to a person who knows how to sing correctly and naturally. Sixty Years of California Song
  • While on the subject of that patient, although he does eventually say: Once believed to be rare, the malady, also called celiac sprue, is now recognized more frequently thanks to sophisticated diagnostic tests. the fact remains that fifteen years ago, when this poor lady began her medical misadventures, anyone who even thought of celiac disease would have been -- correctly -- laughed out of the conference room. "How Doctors Think": A Disappointment
  • The present Kew Bridge was opened by King Edward VII and is correctly named "King Edward Bridge".
  • His main concern, he said, was with the division's failure to deliver orders for unbundled lines correctly first time around. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this sense, mercy can be thought of as the opposite of grace, or perhaps more correctly - the inverse.
  • The problem has come about because my wife's date of birth was scanned in incorrectly.
  • Both Mexico and Canada are angry with the U.S. for the "buy American" provision in Obama's stimulus bill, which they label correctly as "protectionist. Cracks Emerging in NAFTA
  • It is claimed, probably incorrectly, that in social environments yawning and weariness are due to an accumulation of carbon dioxide.
  • Had Diego Milito's goal in the first leg been correctly ruled out for being sixty-miles offside, or had Barça's totally valid goal not been shambolically dismissed, then Barcelona would have contested the final in Madrid. How do you like your sour grapes, Señor Xavi Hernández? | Richard Williams
  • From the time the moderator gives the word, let's say it's "sesquipedalian," until your progeny very slowly spells it correctly, doesn't it seem a lifetime? Undefined
  • The nine-year-old had just spelt the word "sergeant" correctly at her school's spelling bee when her father, a sergeant serving in Iraq, appeared from behind a curtain. | Top Stories
  • Fix: PiP ( Picture in Picture ) Blu - ray disc can be read correctly now.
  • It can have lasting negative effects if not handled correctly. The Sun
  • Had he stated his syllo - gism correctly, the conclusion would be that there is noth - ing left to be doctored. Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures
  • If the distribution channel is selected incorrectly, the brand will decline rapidly.
  • _ -- Most children, if not all, even when they have very early formed R correctly (involuntarily), introduce other sounds in place of it in speaking -- e. g., they say _moigjen_ for "morgen," _matta_ for "Martha," _annold_ for "Arnold," _jeiben_ for "reiben," _amum_ for The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
  • We are trying to make our fortune, or as the French more correctly express it, _Nous corrigous notre fortune_. A Conspiracy of the Carbonari
  • In a test of three keyboards that produce less noise, characters were recognized correctly more than 90 per cent of the time.
  • I would probably "ground" the audience in tonal conventional music sounds during the real-world part of Zann and move them into atonal "out-there" sounds when that window opens (if I am recalling the story correctly). Lovecraft Paragraphs : The Lovecraft News Network
  • My bank incorrectly debits a transfer twice from my account, sending me massively overdrawn.
  • Milton has the word alabaster three times, twice incorrectly spelled Milton's Comus
  • Cement stucco may last a building's lifetime if applied correctly.
  • To use monadic means is difficult to correctly locate hidden water flowing subsided columns.
  • Given an inner point in the connective area, by means of a reference line, the next connective line segment can be found quickly and correctly.
  • If you have a semi-detached or terraced house, you will need a party wall specialist surveyor to check the work is done correctly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is doctors drastically overbook, spend very little time with a patient, and more often than not don't correctly treat the problem. No 'silver bullet' to health care overhaul, Obama says
  • The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent.
  • Yes, you did read that correctly.
  • In one sense, Schaller correctly assesses the New Paradigm refuseniks as mourners for the lost order.
  • The odds of him dying early, of Smith having early onset Alzheimer's Disease, hell, of just getting a minor concussion which he plays through and doesn't dare tell anyone because he's afraid of being fired -- NFL players have the crappiest contracts in all of professional major league sports, not to mention those contracts are year-to-year (if I remember correctly) -- just went sky-fracking-high. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Responding correctly to a mirror image requires the creation of a rather peculari form of dual representation or 'mental diplopia', and this subtle ability may be compromised by the right parietal lesion. I Can't Reach It; It's Inside the Mirror.
  • ‘The lute has a broken string, there's a flute missing, and some of the instruments aren't set up correctly’.
  • The problem with the wires is that most douce bags can't even use a bridge correctly. BSNYC Quiz Day Fun Fry!
  • If you answer this question correctly, it's worth five points.
  • Five of you managed to guess two numbers correctly, but alas nobody got three or more right.
  • Yes, you heard me correctly - I said 1921.
  • Currents article on using DNA evidence to solve crimes incorrectly referred to homes having been robbed rather than burglarized, which is considered a nonviolent, less serious crime. Corrections & Amplifications
  • Polymyalgia is not a benign disease, but correctly treated it can be controlled.
  • Conclusion: To find placental abruption early and treat correctly can decrease danger of pregnancies and infants.
  • And they correctly surmise that a President with other spending priorities seeks to take it away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The computer verified that/whether the data was loaded correctly.
  • Official Bob Garibaldi signaled for a 3-pointer, but after a discussion the basket was correctly changed to a 2-pointer.
  • When you get an incorrectly addressed letter you can return it to the sender without ever seeing what's inside.
  • Both incorrectly found nothing improper in the Police search of my house.
  • An allotment amnesty is to be held to allow unregistered holders to turn in their plots to be correctly recorded.
  • I believe the board is handling the matter correctly.
  • I'd been incorrectly billed and it was only after I did my own sums that I discovered the over-charge.
  • Did I spell your name right? Rightly cannot be used like this. In formal language correctly is used:Is your name spelled correctly?
  • Once you click the Print Label button in the applet, the label printer immediately dispenses the label - incorrectly printed. TidBITS: Mac News for the Rest of Us
  • The traditional methods for identifying beat wave and amplitude modulation wave are shortage. The main disadvantage of these methods is that they can' t correctly identify in some cases.
  • A representative sample poll of 4,000 people has a plus or minus one per cent chance of correctly calling the outcome of a national or constituency vote.
  • Diabetics often suffer from insensate fingers, and they said that manipulating and positioning test strips correctly in a monitor proved difficult, as well as attention grabbing in social situations.
  • First, it "meshed": the dates in it matched the dates of earlier physicals taken by Bush, the addresses on the document were correct, and the Air Force regulations were correctly cited. No One Is Safe
  • The box fold-out correctly shows the final episode in Season Two as ‘Ben?’
  • If you find this kind of "guttering" regularly in your own scans, where the characters near the spine are not being recognized correctly by your OCR, you need to make sure that your book is down as flat as possible before making a scan. The Project Gutenberg FAQ 2002
  • Only correctly receipted invoices will be acceptable in support of a claim for grant assistance.
  • We must make sure that things are done correctly.
  • When he can't properly or correctly defend his views, as they are undefendable, he sits back with an air of cockiness.
  • To be attributed the concept arcane, on this view, it suffices that S uses the expression ˜arcane™ by and large correctly, ˜in keeping with its content™ “ if she is committed to her community practice of using the corresponding expression The Normativity of Meaning and Content
  • The children have not yet learned to punctuate correctly.
  • You see, Mr. Jennings, the strength and power contained in that cell may hold the key to immortality, if I read my legends of lycanthropy correctly.
  • Make sure that you've threaded it correctly, and that all the tensioners are working properly (I usually spin them all the way in each direction, then re-set them).
  • She was from Henan, if I remember correctly.
  • Some models of the cooker have a design fault that means they emit carbon monoxide when incorrectly used with the grill door shut. Times, Sunday Times
  • From this instance it may be assumed that the hilum may only be defined correctly as the spot of union between the body of the seed and the funiculus. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • He believes that by scaring a horse, such as sacking them out incorrectly, snubbing, or tying a scary object to the saddle to where the horse has no means of escape will lead to a nervous or spooky horse.
  • If server resident software is required for the solution to operate correctly, that should be accounted for as a host is added.
  • I am really sorry that Julian made a very expensive mistake like this, and left his coins unattended in vehicle I believe overnight if I am reading the stories correctly. Coin Dealer Julian Leidman Victim of Vehicle Burglary. Reward Grows to $156,000 : Coin Collecting News
  • We may not reach sight reading at all during his lesson because he needs so much help using the damper pedal correctly during one of his repertoire pieces.
  • If we say that science is organised knowledge, we are met by the truth that all knowledge is organised in a greater or less degree -- that the commonest actions of the household and the field presuppose facts colligated, inferences drawn, results expected; and that the general success of these actions proves the data by which they were guided to have been correctly put together. Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • How can we tell if we've aligned the two rings correctly?
  • As for accuracy, I find if installed correctly they will shoot just as well if not better because of the reduction in flinch factor. Muzzle Brake Pros and Cons
  • Before correctly spelling "hierarchy," for example, 12-year-old Abigail Spitzer of El Paso, Texas, asked the judges whether the word derived from the Greek root "hieros," meaning sacred. Spellers challenged in national bee's early rounds
  • This has the consequence that the readings dependent on the long-distance binding of the reflexives are incorrectly ruled out.
  • From what we have said so far, you will conclude correctly that the task of the news director is extremely complex.
  • Charles Booth argued, probably correctly, that old age pensions would encourage children to take in elderly parents.
  • This fact was incorrectly reported in the Western media.
  • Is the battery connected correctly?
  • If you must learn to shoot a bow in a short period of time make sure it is professionally tuned and the arrows are spined correctly. It has been years since I have shot a bow. What is a good bow for me to start back with ?
  • The researcher asked the "tapper" to predict the percent of songs the "listener" would guess correctly.
  • In marketing studies after the Games, consumers incorrectly identified Speedo as a sponsor.
  • Those who declined it correctly went into Form 3.
  • The court was driven to conclude that the jury would not necessarily have convicted had it been correctly directed.
  • [261] _Ceteris arte modum statuisse_ still depends upon _comperior_, 'I learn (that is, we are informed) that for the rest (of the wants) he fixed the measure in a close (niggardly) manner;' for _arte_ is the adverb of _artus_, which is frequently, though not correctly, written C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • In a label accompanying an article Friday, Accenture was incorrectly called a financial-services company. Corrections & Amplifications
  • I felt that my question did not register correctly and I ended up on an endless loop.
  • However, historian Will Durant correctly observed: ‘Europe and America are the spoiled child and grandchild of Asia and have never quite realized the wealth of their pre-classical inheritance.’
  • Dick and I say, "OK, let's look at the data" -- this is chapter 15 if I remember correctly, "We will look now at the data on dysgenesis. The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life
  • Fleur plays Princess Turandot, declaring that she will marry the man who correctly answers her three riddles, while those who fail will be killed.
  • Walking over toward the table and bending down I adjusted myself to correctly break the triangle of balls before me that Zea had just finished racking.
  • The grinding or rolling of grain can produce acceptable swine feeds if the mills are operated correctly.
  • What the group accepts is correctly assertable or true for the group members.
  • Each crime that is correctly connected to a real perpetrator is a crime that is unlikely to involve a prosecution of an innocent.
  • There is, for example, scarcely a Welsh name which is correctly spelt.
  • Jane Austen and all the other writers who use ‘they’ with antecedents like ‘everyone’ aren't making mistakes, they're using a feature of English that some grammarians have incorrectly identified as an error.
  • Well, as usual, it was Eric who inspired me with his words on how he enjoys living in the safe (Cleveland, if I remember correctly).
  • Oh, and yes, you read the obituary correctly - he is survived by his older sister, my great-aunt Shirley.
  • Similarly the pyrope garnet of the diamond mines of South Africa is incorrectly called "Cape ruby. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • But Indiana teenager David Tidmarsh is now the National Spelling Bee champ by correctly spelling -- bear with me -- alopecoid. CNN Transcript Jun 4, 2004
  • Meanwhile, inside the Grand Hyatt's Independence Ballroom, 273 spellers celebrated the complexity of our language in all its glory, correctly spelling words like zaibatsu, vibrissae and biauriculate, according to The Associated Press. Moultrie Observer Homepage
  • In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.
  • The name = = written also Qquichua, Quechua, Kechua = = most probably signifies those who "speak correctly", as distinguished from tribes from alien stock. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Seat covers have been available for decades, and it used correctly, most seat covers will flush down the toilet without the user touching them.
  • MoD officials say allegations have been made that kit purchase deals may not have been doled out correctly, potentially losing the taxpayer a fortune. The Sun
  • Calhoun, stoutly and correctly insisted, It is not another Fukushima. Carl Pope: Saved -- in Spite of Ourselves
  • In describing a scene in which sexist badinage is exchanged at an account meeting, McLean correctly points out that “the series is critical of this limited view and is not afraid to spell [its criticism] out.” Mad About Mad Men
  • They provided simple instructions to help admins effect the change, but I managed to follow them incorrectly, resulting in DNS problems. Reflective Surface - DNS and Apache issues
  • There was another set of timpani, another bass drum, side drums, castanets, two xylophones, and, if I recall correctly, tubular bells as well.
  • If she remembered correctly, he was the one who always scored the highest marks in all his classes, with the exception of psych, of course.
  • Tongue twisters always frustrate me because I cannot say them correctly.
  • If commanders failed to identify the main Soviet axis of advance correctly, the whole defence might be scuppered. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • You have to predict correctly the winners of all 63 games in a college basketball league. Times, Sunday Times
  • The computer verified that/whether the data was loaded correctly.
  • Laboratory protocol should include procedures that assure that the correct specimen is collected and that the specimen is correctly labeled.
  • Not more than two weeks went by, or if I remember correctly not even three weeks went by from the time we had the news and the INIFAT people told us about azotobacter, that it could supply some of the nitrogen the rice crop needs, and they were already producing it on a large scale. Fidel Castro Gives Speech at Spare Parts Forum
  • Fixed: Potential problem where ImgBurn might check for updates more often than it should do because the \'last update check\ 'value isn\'t parsed correctly due to regional settings. CD Freaks News
  • This is more usually caused by discs that are not sitting correctly on the hub or that have been warped by excessive heat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make sure you have spelt and addressed your letter correctly.
  • As a historical feature film, does it correctly capture the essence of the story?
  • This basic viewpoint can beneficially inspire us to deal with the intellectuals' association correctly and construct the harmonious interpersonal relations.
  • Once a position classification system has been established, personnel specialists review positions to ensure that they are correctly classified. Human Resource Management in Government
  • This being correctly guessed to represent "attenuate" (at ten you ate), the other side goes from the room and the previous performers become the audience. Entertainments for Home, Church and School
  • Unfortunately, even when the disease is diagnosed correctly, the common treatment is just to replace the diminished thyroid hormone, usually with an oral tablet or pill of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4 or levothyroxine), a synthetic analog. Dr. Andrew Lange: How Thyroid Medications Can Destroy Your Thyroid
  • Once a position classification system has been established, personnel specialists review positions to ensure that they are correctly classified. Human Resource Management in Government
  • Black spelled correctly "serendipity" and "gerenuk" - a long-necked species of antelope native to East Africa - to earn all six points possible in rounds two and three. The Times-Journal: News
  • Composting is the controlled biological decomposition and pasteurization of organic materials under aerobic conditions — it involves the action of mesophilic microorganisms followed by thermophilic microorganisms that thrive under increased (more than 50 °C) temperature conditions and if correctly managed, can destroy disease-causing organisms, even weed seeds. Composting
  • There are those who would (incorrectly) argue that such a right is not compatible with Judaism.
  • If you guess correctly, you have another turn.
  • Waaa-al I dunno, Kerry seems to have read a few books and done some thinking since graduation, Bush on the other hand scowls petulantly and cannot use the word "dissemble" correctly in a sentence - a challenge that my eleven year old niece would sneer at. The Chimes at Midnight
  • The Amazon's Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.
  • Dayum straight, sistah!" like when Nico speechifies to a young male businessman, "You know, when a women expresses her concern that an important business matter be dealt with correctly, she's not throwing a fit - she's doing her job. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • Played correctly, Dr. Dixit said, tic-tac-toe should always end in a draw. NHL Reality Players Draft NHL Fantasy Teams
  • Patti noted that some of the information was incorrectly entered into the database, but that Abele later corrected the listing.
  • For example, no child read pharbid, a word containing both a vowel r pattern and a consonant digraph not taught in tutoring, correctly at pre- or post-test.
  • When harvested correctly, the seed will be enclosed in a jelly-like material and this should be sown intact.
  • In another example, we observed that only 28% of the teachers could correctly identify the sound of a schwa, as represented in the final syllable of the word ‘happen.’
  • Have you spelled it correctly?
  • Private sales are difficult because only an expert knows if the wine has been cellared correctly.
  • Edit: In a (rare) moment of self-doubt I looked up 'obviate' wondering if it's one of those words I've either misheard or used incorrectly. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Fix the CSS rollover problem user login panel, its correctly not working.
  • A YouTube commenter they're all so civilized in this thread! correctly points out that the dish is a direct descendant of West African 'fufu', which in Cuba is sometimes called fufu de plátano. Boing Boing
  • Explainer, "Michelle Tsai incorrectly used the term syndesmosis as a synonym for" high ankle sprain. Slate Magazine
  • Charles Booth argued, probably correctly, that old age pensions would encourage children to take in elderly parents.
  • Maybe nothing is wrong if the application behaves correctly and allows the user to be productive.
  • In particular, antipyretic treatment methods continue to be used incorrectly, thereby increasing the risk of toxicity.
  • The flow-through containing unbound protein was discarded and a stepwise NaCl elution was used to elute the correctly folded dimer at 200 mM NaCl (H1) and the majority of soluble aggregates at 600 mM NaCl (H2). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The term is, however, also correctly applied to heavy rifled ordnance of the howitzer class used for coastal defence by some nations, though few ever saw use in 1939-45.
  • I hesitated a moment - reassured myself I'd understood correctly - and dived in.
  • The name bulrush is more correctly applied to _Scirpus lacustris_, a member of a different family (Cyperaceae), a common plant in wet places, with tall spongy, usually leafless stems, bearing a tuft of many-flowered spikelets. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The customer relations representative assured us that carmine and cochineal are natural colors, and correctly so.
  • Mrs. Anders had insisted on pronouncing "borscht" the way it was spelled, sounding out the silent "t," and no matter how often he said it correctly, she refused to vary her pronunciation. The Town
  • Spiders, she has reasoned correctly, are the natural predators of flies.
  • An article in the same issue named the artist incorrectly.
  • The name of Adel Bundouq, who leads a militia that is allied with the National Transitional Council in Zuwara, Libya, was incorrectly given as Abdel Bundoud in a photo caption accompanying a World News article on Wednesday about Berber-Arab clashes in Western Libya. Corrections & Amplifications
  • The manager of the restaurant has trained the waitress to serve correctly at table.
  • It can be an asset not a hindrance if treated correctly.
  • If I read this latest letter correctly, I am on the point of losing the right to drive.
  • Many parents incorrectly believe that their child is too old for a booster seat.
  • In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.
  • In fact, many superstring theorists who could not get faculty jobs went to Wall Street (where they were incorrectly called "rocket scientists"). This may mean leaving the field.
  • When done correctly, there is something very feminine about white leather. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using a quarter mill correctly requires practice - like flying an aeroplane.
  • (The surest way to end a pitch meeting in LA is to tell them you want the lead female character to be a little "zaftig" - the look you get from the development executives is usually somewhere between "I'm sorry, I couldn't have just hear you correctly" and "Oh, I didn't realize you smoked crack.") Paul Feig: In Praise of ... Dove???
  • He did a quick recce and said that there was nobody queueing, and argued, correctly, that most of the passengers appeared to be either watching a film or working on their laptops.
  • There was one pedantic point that really annoyed me about this book: Arcturus is spelt incorrectly throughout, missing the first 'r'. May Books 19) Lord of the Flies, by William Golding
  • Ealer would not be convinced; he said a man could learn how to correctly handle the subtleties and mysteries and free-masonries of any trade by careful reading and studying. Is Shakespeare Dead?
  • Did I spell your name right? Rightly cannot be used like this. In formal language correctly is used:Is your name spelled correctly?
  • There have been cases where the pollen filter casing doesn't seal correctly with the metal of the bodywork. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not just a stirring defense of human rights, also a chance to use "repudiate" correctly. HUFFPOST HILL - AUGUST 3RD, 2010
  • I believe that says dude if I'm seeing that correctly.
  • Her shoes were off, under the bench I think, if I had correctly interrupted the black bulks on the grass directly beneath her behind.
  • Make sure all the components remain correctly orientated.
  • The winner will be the fastest contestant who solves all three puzzles correctly in the grand final. Times, Sunday Times
  • The various offshoots of Kantian philosophy are incorrectly regarded as developments of idealism; it is more accurate to describe them as "illusionism" or The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Oriental alabaster, the alabastrites of the classical writers, is a translucent marble (calcium carbonate) obtained from stalagmitic deposits; because of its usually banded structure, which gives it some resemblance to onyx, it is also called onyx marble, or simply, though incorrectly, onyx. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • I did look at the last few pages of the final issue, though...and if I'm reading things correctly, you could probably do some kind of deconstructive analysis of the story, with Thor representing Marvel Comics' desire to maintain the status quo, and Loki as DC, wishing to struggle against the status quo but ultimately falling before it. Archive 2004-10-03
  • Not all ROMs work on all phones and you can definitely brick your phone by failing to flash a ROM correctly.
  • If the equipment is wired incorrectly, operators using a device with a single-pole circuit breaker are at risk of electric shock when it trips.
  • When the spanking, brand-new Scottish Parliament building opened last week the occasion was correctly marked by quiet Scottish dignity.
  • The comet is visible to the naked eye, and in the 1700s astronomer Edmond Halley was the first to correctly predict its return, calculating that the comet comes back every 76 years.
  • The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point where he can walk correctly and safely.
  • I'v filled in this form incorrectly.Can I have another blank?
  • Marshall argued, correctly, that this would create an unworkable command structure.
  • The umpire, supported by the third, TV, umpire, correctly gave him ‘out’, but 90,000 spectators disagreed and proceeded to riot until the game was stopped.
  • Corinne quit cooking quicke because she could not quite cook quiche correctly.
  • It is imperative that the needle be positioned correctly so the recurrent laryngeal and phrenic nerves are not infiltrated with medication.
  • The typical establishment, with “the floor filled with peanut shells and spilt beer; the air saturated with tobacco smoke,” was correctly described by moral reformers as a gateway to sexual misbehavior. A Renegade History of the United States

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