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How To Use Corpus In A Sentence

  • Prof. Hamilton, of Aberdeen, claims that the corpus callosum is not a commissure, but the decussation of cortical fibers on their way down to enter the internal and external capsules of the opposite side. Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
  • Beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum, the dentate gyrus becomes flattened and smooth and continues on to the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum as the thin gyrus fasciolaris.
  • Congenital brain anomalies like microcephaly, abnormal cortical mantle formation, agenesis of the corpus callosum have been reported.
  • 17 The writ, literally “for replevying a man,” was a means of procuring the release of a prisoner—an earlier equivalent of the writ of habeas corpus. A History of American Law
  • Corpus Christi Caller - Riggins handed me a three-weight fly rod with a green popper tied to its tippet.
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  • At last, the author use the corpus and questionnaire survey to discovers the Vietnamese students' biased error give her advice for the department of teaching Chinese as a second language.
  • As a result of this decomposition very minute bodies, to which the name corpuscles has been given, are projected from the radium atom with exceedingly great velocity. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Based on his studies of a frog's tongue, Waller made important observations on diapedesis of leukocytes and reported that pus originated from ‘the colourless of spherical corpuscles from the capillaries.’
  • Widlife has received permission to release one of these bugs called a planthopper into Lake Corpus Christi and Choke Canyon Reservoir. Corpus Christi Caller Times, Stories
  • The anterior and posterior portions of the corpus callosum curve sharply downwards to form its genu and splenium, respectively.
  • The City of Jerusalem is not established as ‘a corpus separatum’ under a special international UN administered regime as she well knows because in that regard Resolution 242 with a call for a two state resolution moved the game on. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was not a bolt from the blue: it fitted naturally into, as well as transcending, a corpus of writing on evolution.
  • Spiritus quoque aeris et mali genii aliquando se tempestatibus ingerunt, et menti humanae se latenter insinuant, eamque vexant, exagitant, et ut fluctus marini, humanum corpus ventis agitatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Quousque corpus universum intumescat, et floridum appareat, sudoreque, &c. 3224. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The major data source for the linguist is not a corpus of attested utterances but a native speaker's intuitions.
  • The cells are called connective-tissue corpuscles, cartilage cells, and bone corpuscles, according to the tissues in which they occur. A Practical Physiology
  • But he goes still further: "_deum igitur te scito esse_: si quidem deus est qui viget qui sentit qui meminit: qui providet, qui tam regit et moderatur et movet id corpus cui propositus est, quam hunc mundum ille princeps deus, et ut mundum ex quadam parte mortalem ipse deus aeternus, sic fragile corpus animus sempiternus movet." [ The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • Located in the town of Ingleside about 12 miles northeast of Corpus Christi, it was the primary home to minesweeping ships belonging to the Navy's Mine Warfare Command. All In for Texas Hold 'Em
  • The term corpus here denotes a collection of documents; corpus juris, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • With billions in federal dough available for new KIPP stores and their chains of imitators, the plan is coming together to convert poor children to future-focused corpuscular automatons. Archive 2009-04-01
  • An immense corpus of commentary grew up in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine times around Dionysius' brief text.
  • The term corpus striatum refers to the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus.
  • Conclusion MRI is the best method to diagnose the dysgenesis of the corpus callosum.
  • Candy Catherine Kusinski from Cleveland, the cutest carny star ever is riding with me to Corpus Christi. The complete, unabridged contents of an abandoned diary found in Memphis
  • Now what I wants to know is, WHAR is the 'delectible corpus' what you lieyers argufied over? At the Mercy of Tiberius
  • When faced with the same problem the compilers of the LOB corpus opted for a statistical approach.
  • If I inherit a lot of money, I may feel a fiduciary obligation to preserve the corpus," says Patrick Rooney, director of research at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
  • While Newtonian matter-theory was depicted as a rival to Leibnizian immaterialism in the mid-18th century, in for example the Institutions de Physique of Mme du Chatelet, Newton was no ordinary corpuscularian or mechanical philosopher, and Kant did not have to contend with that now old-fashioned ontology. Kant and Leibniz
  • The macrospore or embryo-sac produces a prothallium called the endosperm, in which archegonia or corpuscula are formed; and lastly, in typical dicotyledons it is only lately that any trace of a prothallium from the microspore or pollen cell has been discovered, while the macrospore or embryo-sac produces only two or three prothallium cells, known as antipodal cells, and two or three oospheres, known as germinal vesicles. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • I keep my right to sue out my habeas corpus at common law,if you still want to search my bag.
  • There is not a corpuscle to spare between her lean, muscular frame and her black Diesel pants.
  • The Separation efficiency of red blood cell, white corpuscle and blood platelet from pig blood was investigated by chromatographic columns of four celluloses and two ion-exchange resins.
  • This in turn would require a corpus larger than the Brown to provide sufficient examples and considerable effort to obtain the parses.
  • There is a different level of blood clotting in patents who are suffering from chron- ic renal corpuscle nephritis. And the increase of blood viscosity can accelerate thrombosis in blood vessel.
  • Corpus Media Labs, a Hyderabad based media solutions arm of Corpus group of companies, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Denver, CO based company PQ Engineering, Inc (PQE) in a part cash and part stock deal. IndiaPRwire - Press/News Releases
  • These approaches have quite different origins in artificial intelligence and linguistics, and involve corpus input, lexicons and knowledge bases in quite different ways.
  • MeCCSA 2009, Bradford, UK large, noisy but indiscriminative  What to include in a corpus? Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • VNDIQVE conueniunt uelut imber tela tribuno: configunt parmam, tinnit hastilibus umbo, aerato sonitu galeae, sed nec pote quisquam undique nitendo corpus discerpere ferro: semper abundantes hastas frangitque quatitque. Caelius resists the Onset of the Istri
  • Objective To evaluate the impact of standing time of the peripheral blood on corpuscle determination.
  • That Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, jailed 20,000 people without charges, forcibly shut down hundreds of newspapers that criticized him, and sent in federal troops to shut down state legislatures was irrelevant because he proclaimed “that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” #200 for Abe the Warmonger « Blog
  • To allow for testing of the analysers in the current project approximately 5% of the corpus has been removed.
  • Ex his igitur tribus statibus Christus corporeae naturae singulas quodam modo indidit causas; nam quod mortale corpus adsumpsit ut mortem a genere humano fugaret, in eo statu ponendum est quod post Adae praeuaricationem poenaliter inflictum est. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • The use of longer transitions requires a larger training corpus, increased storage for the transition matrices and is computationally more demanding.
  • Wood made other major research contributions to gynaecology, previously the Cinderella of medical research, adding to knowledge of uterine contractibility, the psychological effects of hysterectomy, and the corpus luteum's role in ovulation and pregnancy. The Guardian World News
  • With the help of corpus, we can analyze the polysemous phenomenon of same-rooted words and find that in the category of same-rooted words, there are center meanings and peripheral meanings.
  • (1816-70; diapedesis of the red corpuscles of the blood, studies on nerve-fibres and ganglia, Waller's degeneration) and William Prout The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Drawing on an exhaustive and tangled corpus of material, Kinney examines the many facets of these enterprises.
  • Vel imperatore vel milite me utimini; neque animus neque corpus a vobis aberit. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • In addition to the corpuscles, there were smaller objects; flattened platelike affairs were rather common, for instance. Fantastic Voyage
  • The trouble is that the analysis ” absurdly ” makes it seem as though when two things have one degree of brightness there could be a substantive question which of the two ” x or y ” it was ” as though a degree of brightness were some kind of corpuscle whose association with a thing made it bright (cf. Klagge and Nordmann, Wittgenstein's Logical Atomism
  • The first concerns social historians' attitudes towards the folklore corpus.
  • • Refurgat inima tua ab iniquitate per id, quod Deus eft, re« iirgat corpus tuuiii a corruptione per id, quod ho« no eft« • 4. Theologia dogmatico-moralis secundum ordinem catechismi Concilii Tridentini
  • This grammar is the first pedagogic grammar to integrate syntax and lexis using corpus data.
  • Some impressions from the Mass and procession on the feast of Corpus Christi celebrated by Pope Benedict in Rome: Corpus Christi 2009 in Rome
  • In Christo uero ne uoluntas quidem ulla creditur fuisse peccandi, cum praesertim si tale corpus hominis adsumpsit quale Adae ante peccatum fuit, non debuerit esse mortalis, quoniam Adam, si non peccasset, mortem nulla ratione sensisset. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Boyle, a champion of both the corpuscularian doctrine and the Baconian method of natural history, preferred to report the results of his experiments, including negative results, and frequently lamented the fact that we lacked "histories Sticky Wants to Grab
  • The relief afforded by most headache mixtures is due to the presence of antipyrin or acetanilid, and it has been shown conclusively that these drugs weaken heart action, diminish circulation, reduce the number of red corpuscles in the blood, and bring on a condition of chronic anemia. General Science
  • After the egg leaves the follicle, the round-shaped follicle collapses and becomes a corpus luteum from the Latin “yellow body”. A Baby at Last!
  • In this case, cupfuls of frontal lobe, corpus callosum and snowflake-unique collections of synapses that led Miss Mullens to curse out loud with words like “poot” and “jiminy” and yet have internal dialogue like a motherfucking stevedore, as I was to find out to my displeasure when her consciousness exploded into mine as I was lying in the attic, replete, about four hours later. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • Heuristics can enable one to concordance. even a large corpus.
  • This approach is broadly statistical in nature, as it involves corpus analysis to determine the empirical likelihood of various syntactic combinations.
  • The classical way anatomists divide the stomach (fundus, corpus, antrum, and pylorus) makes little sense in terms of motor function.
  • Vnus suo perpetuo ardore omne corpus sibi immissum raptim conuertit in saxum, manente tamen priore formâ. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • For a given corpus size, if one uses coarser classification then more reliable but less precise predictions are obtained.
  • Laveran showed that the parasites, during their development in the red blood corpuscles, destroy them; and the red pigment in the corpuscles is changed into the melanin particles mentioned above. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1907 - Presentation Speech
  • Arterioles have a relatively thick muscular wall in comparison to their luminal diameter; the lumen of the smallest arterioles can accommodate about three to four red blood corpuscles.
  • Above the splenium of the corpus callosum, the cingulate sulcus turns abruptly upwards to reach the superior margin of the hemisphere.
  • The cells in the corpus luteum secrete estrogen, progesterone, and inhibin A under control of LH. A Baby at Last!
  • The development of all antagonistic substances which confer the special character on antimicrobic sera, as well as antitoxins, may be expressed as the formation of bodies with specific combining affinity for the organic substance introduced into the system -- toxin, bacterium, red corpuscle, &c., as the case may be. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Impulse is also fundamental to the corpuscular hypothesis 'explanation of phenomena, being either the exclusive means of interaction among bodies, as adherents of the strict mechanist proviso hold, or the means of at least many interactions. Locke's Philosophy of Science
  • I've got the corpus of Shakespeare's works.
  • I have here instanced in the corpuscularian Hypothesis, as that which is thought to go farthest in an intelligible Explication of the Qualities of Bodies; and I fear the Weakness of humane Understanding is scarce able to substitute another, which will afford us a fuller and clearer discovery of the necessary Connexion, and Locke's Philosophy of Science
  • One notable difference between male and female neuroanatomy is the communication channel that connects the left and right hemispheres, called the corpus callosum, which is much larger in women than in men. Mind Wide Open
  • The house itself was built around 1750AD and the Friars of the Corpus Friary lived there after the Friary itself became inhabitable.
  • However, this investigation used collocations extracted from a domain-specific corpus, and test data taken from the same domain.
  • In wartime, Congress has the power to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus - which permits a court to examine the lawfulness of executive detention.
  • The red blood corpuscles were drained of oxygen and now contained hemoglobin itself, not oxyhemoglobin, that bright red combination of hemoglobin and oxygen. Fantastic Voyage
  • Gastrin acts on the enterochromaffin-like cells in the gastric corpus to release histamine, which stimulates parietal cells to secrete acid.
  • This volume provides an introductory survey of the last generation of scholarship on the corpus of eddic mythological poetry.
  • The great cerebral vein can be seen curving below the splenium of the corpus callosum to empty into the straight sinus.
  • For example, the analysis found a relative increase in the distance between the superior colliculus and the splenium of the corpus collosum in patients.
  • Quia uero paulo ante diximus Eutychen confiteri duas quidem in Christo ante adunationem naturas, unam uero post adunationem, cumque hunc errorem duplicem interpretaremur celare sententiam, ut haec adunatio aut generatione fieret, cum ex Maria corpus hominis minime sumeretur aut ad sumptum [74] quidem ex Maria per resurrectionem fieret adunatio, de utrisque quidem partibus idonee ut arbitror disputatum est. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • I always thought they should be called corpuscles. Change of Heart
  • Some of their observations led to the conclusion that the old “corpuscular” or atomic theory of matter was inferior to wave theory as a means of explaining or predicting some things. Energy and Society~ Chapter 1~ Energy & Society
  • While the web is not an archetypal corpus, "web as a corpus" method is irrefutably functional, and has found its widespread applications in linguistic data retrieval and linguistic hypothesis testing.
  • Objective To observe the ultrastructural variation of epithelial cell in the development of the rat corpuscle.
  • CORPUS CHRISTI - A man fishing on Corpus Christi marina jetty about 6: 45 a.m. Corpus Christi Caller Times, Stories
  • They were already running one of these so-called leach mines near Corpus Christi. Yellow Dirt
  • Totum enim corpus tegit arenis, nec ullum indicium sui praebet, nisi ex ea parte qua invitatas aves vel animalia capit. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The Separation efficiency of red blood cell, white corpuscle and blood platelet from pig blood was investigated by chromatographic columns of four celluloses and two ion-exchange resins.
  • The material entities that interact in Descartes 'physics come in distinct units or corpuscles (see Section 7), which explains the “corpuscularian” title often attributed to his mechanical system, but these corpuscles are not indivisible. Descartes' Physics
  • Government alleged that these persons had been engaged in treasonable conspiracies, and, the President having exercised his legitimate right in suspending the Habeas Corpus Act, he was not prepared to say that the detention of those persons was illegal, or demanded more decided Imperial Parliament
  • The official Church recognizes Juliana for her leadership role in the movement to establish the Feast of Corpus Christi, first celebrated in Liege in 1246; she was canonized in the nineteenth century.
  • 26 These are used in the setting component or corpuscle of intelli - ness of the Names and to maintain are trapped within the River of prayer where third eye concen - gence within the grid circulatory a certain vibratory control over the of Consciousness beneath the tration is necessary u p o n a given system that i s attached to your psychochemical process. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • On the first page of the Catalog, the full corpus of Fuller's works was generously presented under the inscription: “the insights of Buckminster Fuller initiated this catalog.
  • I keep my right to sue out my habeas corpus at common law,if you still want to search my bag.
  • Moreover, whereas Aristotelianism was specifically not a worker science, the hermetic corpus intimated that natural philosophers could not only understand but manipulate this spirit universe for their own ends.
  • Its mycelian filaments, if one may so describe them, have been produced scarcely for twenty-four or forty-eight hours when they are seen to transform themselves, those especially which are in free contact with the air, into very refringent corpuscles, capable of gradually isolating themselves into true germs of slight organization. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • Meera wife of the Suspect Atul Rao in padma priya's case filed a Habeas corpus petition in the Karnataka High court on Tuesday. Meera filed "Habeas Corpus Petition" in High Court
  • The annulate corpuscle of the spermatozoon is the metamorphosed nucleus of the cell from which the spermatozoon is developed.
  • _Miscibilium alteratorum Unio_, that seems to comport much better with the Opinion of the Chymists, then with that of their Adversaries, since according to that as the newly mention'd Example declares, there is but a _Juxta_-position of separable Corpuscles, retaining each its own Nature, whereas according to the _Aristotelians_, when what they are pleas'd to call a mixt Body results from the Concourse of the The Sceptical Chymist or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles Commonly call'd Hypostatical; As they are wont to be Propos'd and Defended by the Generality of Alchymists. Whereunto is præmis'd Part of
  • Mesopotamiæ, in qua et fuit martyrizatus secundum quosdam, rursumque post sexaginta et tres annos recuperatum corpus in suam fuisse Ecclesiam restitutum, videlicet in Calamia, atque in eiusdem recuperationis signum certum dimiserunt isti, et dimittunt extra feretri loculum dependere brachium dextrum, cum manu quæ tetigisse creditur pia resurgentis vulnera Christi. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Availability of Corpora Corpus availability is currently limited due to legal constraints although some have been cleared for academic research.
  • These bodies are known as the corpuscles of Herbst. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1e. Peripheral Terminations of Nerves of General Sensations
  • The corpuscles with their processes were very distinct in most parts; but in some parts, especially near the periphery of the hyoidal bone, none could be seen. Insectivorous Plants
  • Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is the text translation by the statistical parameter models obtained from the training corpus, which has become the mainstream of machine translation research.
  • For a time, all you can see are blurred shapes swimming around on a glass slide, then suddenly everything becomes clear and you are studying a blood corpuscle or a cancerous cell.
  • Containing 400 texts, the Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech project SCOTS, aims to help instil in Scots, both native and expatriate, a pride in their national identity, as well as to try to halt the decline of the language, which unlike Gaelic receives relatively little promotion. SCOTS.
  • There are others, of rare occurrence in chains, which have a clear corpuscle, that is to say, a portion more refractive than other parts of the segments, at one of their extremities. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • Administrative omissions that administrative corpus implement mainly include power-oriented administrative omission and administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation .
  • Its definitions are generally supported by examples of usage taken from the corpus.
  • The corpuscule is sometimes defined as a particle of negative electricity, which, in the existing state of electrical knowledge, is a very imperfect definition. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • It is introducing identity cards, restricting immigration, seeking to curb the right of habeas corpus and extending antisocial behaviour orders.
  • An estimated 36,100 cases of cancer of the uterine corpus, usually of the endometrium, were expected to be diagnosed in 2000.
  • Quæ dum aguntu, agnoscere portui ego illud corpus et animum tuum sempiterna posteritatis commemoratione dignum, et agnoui profectò, eaque tali ac tanta obseruantia prosequi coepi; vt cum paulò post plura de tuis virtutibus, et rebus gestis passim audissem, tempus longè accommodatissimum existimarem esse, quo aliqua parte officij studijque nostri, ergà te et tuam gentem perfungerer. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I.
  • Now if the student will compare Section 35, he will see that in the white blood corpuscles we have a very remarkable resemblance to the amoeba; the contractile vacuole is absent, but we have the protoplasmic body, the nucleus and nucleolus, and those creeping fluctuations of shape through the thrusting out and withdrawal of pseudopodia, which constitute "amoeboid" motion. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • With experience, I found the same features in the mucosa from the corpus, usually much more mild, superficial and focal than the antrum. J. Robin Warren - Autobiography
  • ET Feb. 12, 2010 CORPUS CHRISTI - A Corpus Christi couple who own an orthotics company was convicted of scamming Medicare and Medicaid out of thousands of Motor Corp. is giving U.S. dealers payments of up to US$75,000 to help win back customers 'trust in the wake of a massive safety recall. - Articles related to Allen Stanford's Security Chief Awaits Verdict in Federal Court
  • As the fibres of the medulla pass up through the pons to the great inferior ganglion, and the fibres of the corpus striatum pass outward and upward to form the cerebrum, this procession of the fibres is shown in the annexed engraving, in which we see the restiform bodies passing up to form the cerebellum, and the remainder of the medulla fibres passing through the pons, and then, under the name crus cerebri or thigh of the cerebrum, passing through the thalamus and striatum to expand in the left hemisphere of the cerebrum. Buchanan's Journal of Man, May 1887 Volume 1, Number 4
  • Animus conjungitur, et spiritus etiam noster per osculum effluit; alternatim se in utriusque corpus infundentes commiscent; animae potius quam corporis connectio. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The columns (columna fornicis; anterior pillars; fornicolumns) of the fornix arch downward in front of the interventricular foramen and behind the anterior commissure, and each descends through the gray substance in the lateral wall of the third ventricle to the base of the brain, where it ends in the corpus mammillare. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • If a woman becomes pregnant, the corpus luteum continues to support the early pregnancy. A Baby at Last!
  • Why is the second-rate part of a hero's corpus uncritically praised or else ignored to keep the hero's reputation unsullied.
  • Item si aliquam itta infirmari contigerit quod ad locum consuetum communioni uenire non possit. si oporteat eam communicari: sacerdos ... corpus chrisi deferens. reuerenter precedentibus eum duabus sororibus cum cereis, et una cum aqua benedicta. et alia campanellam deferente: associantibus nihilominus aliqubus de maturioribus sororibus ad infirmariam uadat. et infirmam communicet. prout in ordinario continetur. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Neither the assimilation of new material food, nor its use in tissue building can be effected without the presence of free oxygen and nuclein, or corpuscular elements of the blood. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • CSS corpus juris and thrive it in an outside chronologize, deleting this segment to preclude bandwidth. Alex Jones' Prison
  • The film also shows how Jessie tapped into the work of other Algonquian languages as well as the Wampanoag corpus in order to reconstruct the grammar and build a dictionary and pedagogical materials for the language. Nataly Kelly: A Language Comes Home for Thanksgiving
  • In fact, the ganglionic corpuscles of each eye may be considered as constituting a little brain, connected with the masses behind by the commissure, commonly called the optic nerve. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • The net results of laboratory investigation, according to the French doctors, is that the mycetozoic malarial bacillus, the microbe of paludism, is amoeboid in its movements, acting on the red corpuscles, leaving nothing of them but the dark pigment found in the skin and organs of malarial subjects. Travels in West Africa
  • When followed backward the dentate gyrus separates from the fimbria at the splenium, loses its incisions and knobs, and as the fasciola cinerea passes over the splenium onto the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum and spreads out into a thin layer of gray substance known as the indusium, which can be traced forward around the genu of the corpus callosum into the gyrus subcallosus. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
  • When convicted prisoners brought petitions for writs of habeas corpus before the U.S. Supreme Court, the prisoners were released immediately.
  • He argued that matter was composed of corpuscles which themselves were differently built up of different configurations of primary particles.
  • Ablation of capsaicin sensitive afferent neurones was verified by a depletion of calcitonin gene related peptide from the gastric corpus wall.
  • Nothing would be more easy than, by the ordinary principles of sound logic and common sense, to demonstrate the impossibility and expose the absurdity of the corpuscularian or mechanic system, or than to prove the intenable nature of any intermediate system. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life.
  • If, however, the fugitive is committed to prison, the Act contemplates that he may seek to challenge that warrant by habeas corpus proceedings.
  • During the war, there were six efforts by internees or prisoners to exercise the writ of habeas corpus in the federal district court in Honolulu.
  • Boyle believed that chemical experiments could demonstrate the truth of the corpuscularian philosophy. Boyle, Robert
  • It consists of the following structures: next the areolar or submucous coat is a double layer of unstriped muscular fibers, outer longitudinal and inner circular, the muscularis mucosæ internal to this is a quantity of retiform tissue, enclosing in its meshes lymph corpuscles, and in this the bloodvessels and nerves ramify; lastly, a basement membrane, supporting a single layer of epithelial cells, which throughout the intestine are columnar in character. XI. Splanchnology. 2g. The Small Intestine
  • The fact of the matter is that the autopsical research revealed absolutely nothing but a general disorganisation of the blood-corpuscles, a most peculiar thing, but one the significance of which none of us here can fathom. The Dream Doctor
  • Phallin is a toxalbumin which destroys the red blood-corpuscles, causing the serum to become red in colour and the urine blood-stained. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • These marrow cells proper, or myelocytes, resemble in appearance lymphoid corpuscles, and like them are ameboid; they generally have a hyaline protoplasm, though some show granules either oxyphil or basophil in reaction. II. Osteology. 2. Bone
  • Just because an active form doesn't exist in the relatively small corpus of the New Testament, this is no reason to deem a verb deponent.
  • In current popular usuage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs.
  • How this can happen with a severed corpus callosum is a good question. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • Moreover, experiments were exactly what he was interested in, he had a certain missionary zeal in spreading the corpuscularian gospel, but he was not himself interested in detailed system building, [1] a fact that was commonly noted. Sticky Wants to Grab
  • The country speckled with pot-holed roads and clogged ports expects at least two infrastructure debt funds with a corpus of $10 billion each to start operations in the current fiscal year ending March 31. India Official: Three Companies Interested in Infrastructure Debt Funds
  • This grammar is the first pedagogic grammar to integrate syntax and lexis using corpus data.
  • Finally, the word leprechaun has metathesized from Old Irish luchorpán, where the lu - element means ` small 'and the - chorpan derives from Latin corpus ` body'; hence, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 4
  • It is a corpus based on the assumption of the achievements of a European sensibility, steeped in cultural acquirements, aesthetic eclecticism and an accommodating receptivity of mind.
  • The idea goes back at least to the 1948 UN partition plan, which called for establishing Jerusalem as a corpus separatum, rejecting both division and sole Jewish and likewise sole Arab sovereignty. The Volokh Conspiracy » Candidate Obama, President Obama:
  • Other corpora, such as the North American News Text Corpus, are bigger, but contain only formal writing and speech.
  • In this case, cupfuls of frontal lobe, corpus callosum and snowflake-unique collections of synapses that led Miss Mullens to curse out loud with words like “poot” and “jiminy” and yet have internal dialogue like a motherfucking stevedore, as I was to find out to my displeasure when her consciousness exploded into mine as I was lying in the attic, replete, about four hours later. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • This name signifies in Arabic causeway, paved or flagged road, and a milliary mentioned by Sterrett (Corpus inscript. latin., The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • CORPUS CHRISTI - The capital murder trial of a man accused of killing a Corpus Christi police officer last year will begin Monday. Corpus Christi Caller Times, Stories
  • When we got down we found all hands looking aloft, and there, directly over where we had been standing, upon the main top-gallant-mast-head, was a ball of light, which the sailors name a corposant (corpus sancti), and which the mate had called out to us to look at. Chapter XXXIV. Narrow Escapes-The Equator-Tropical Squalls-A Thunder Storm
  • His enim proprietatibus delineavit Ecclesiam, quae penitus ipsam occulant, et dimotam a sensibus tamquam ideam platonicam, secretis obtutibus hominum perpaucorum subiiciant [23]; eorum tantummodo, qui singulariter afflati, corpus hoc aerium intelligentia comprehenderent, et huiusce sodalitatis participes subtili quodam oculo lustrarent. Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities
  • The Oral Law is the corpus of Jewish law that traces back to the revelation at Mount Sinai and which includes later rabbinical legal decisions, which flesh out and explain the Torah.
  • Even so and despite having been sentenced to ten years imprisonment and to pay a fine of $ 12 million for trying to bribe a representative of the Federal Police, the convicted bangster responds to verdict in freedom after receiving two successive habeas corpus against throughout all the history of trials and overviews of the Brazilian Supreme Court. Jakarta IMC Newswire
  • These marrow cells proper, or myelocytes, resemble in appearance lymphoid corpuscles, and like them are ameboid; they generally have a hyaline protoplasm, though some show granules either oxyphil or basophil in reaction. II. Osteology. 2. Bone
  • The internal capsule and corona radiata have been exposed by removal of the corpus callosum, caudate nucleus, and diencephalon.
  • They deserve fuller annotation and analysis than the editor has provided, but are nevertheless welcome additions to the corpus of published epic texts.
  • Vel si haec eius sententia non est, illa esse poterit dicentis duas ante adunationem, unam post adunationem, si adunatio generatione perfecta est, ut corpus quidem a Maria sumpserit, sed, antequam sumeret, diuersam deitatis humanitatisque fuisse naturam; sumptam uero unam factam atque in diuinitatis cessisse substantiam. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Discussion resulted in agreement on the remainder, and the main body of the corpus was re-examined to accommodate changes to the original coding system.
  • It is inappropriate here to discuss the substantial Graeco-Roman corpus of military treatises and concepts that the Byzantines inherited, copied and adapted for their own purposes. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Strategy of Heraclius
  • I found in the blood, leucocytes more or less loaded with pigment, but in addition to these melaniferous leucocytes, pigmented spherical bodies of variable size possessing amoeboid movement, free or adherent to the red cells; non-pigmented corpuscles forming clear spots in the red cells; finally pigmented elements, crescentic in shape attracted my attention, and from then on I supposed they were parasites. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • Two of the masses are lateral, and are known as the corpora cavernosa penis; the third is median, and is termed the corpus cavernosum urethræ (Figs. 1154, 1155). XI. Splanchnology. 3c. 5. The Penis
  • In studying responses of patients in which the corpus callosum connecting the left and right brain had been severed, the researchers found that information about beliefs and intentions from the right brain had to reach the judgmental processes in the left brain to reach the correct moral judgment. Dr. Douglas Fields: Of Two Minds on Morality
  • Christensen discovered a rare birth defect, known as agenesis of the corpus callosum, during a brain scan in the 1980s. NPR Topics: News
  • The Hippocampal Fissure (fissura hippocampi; dentate fissure) begins immediately behind the splenium of the corpus callosum, and runs forward between the hippocampal and dentate gyri to end in the uncus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Tum quod sequatur inde sudor, vomitio, urina, a quibus superfluitates a corpore removentur et remanet corpus mundum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • These drugs may help to open the arteries a little, but their main function is in a different part of the vascular process that allows for erection (the corpus cavernosa). Erectile Dysfunction: A Blessing in Disguise
  • In normocytic anemias, the mean corpuscular volume is within defined normal limits, but the hemoglobin and hematocrit are decreased.
  • Middle Temple, who was at Corpus Christi College at Oxford, and who was made a _baccalaureus_ there on February 23, 1592. Shakspere and Montaigne
  • While the term "substance," meaning the indestructible stuff of the universe, was retained by Descartes in his discussions of res extensa, the mechanical philosophers were committed to a corpuscularian theory in which objects were temporary aggregates of solid, indestructible particles with various figures and motions, and all change occurred through their collisions, entanglings, and so on. Kant and Leibniz
  • Who could dream some ten years ago that science would be able to penetrate the problems of heredity in that way, and find the mechanism that lies behind the crossing results of plants and animals; that it would be possible to localize in these chromosomes, which are so small that they must be measured by the millesimal millimetre, hundreds of hereditary factors, which we must imagine as corresponding to infinitesimal corpuscular elements. Physiology or Medicine 1933 - Presentation Speech
  • The supracallosal gyrus is prolonged around the splenium of the corpus callosum as a delicate lamina, the fasciola cinerea, which is continuous below with the fascia dentata hippocampi. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Furthermore, it is possible to search the corpus according to different beginning graphemics of the words.
  • And habeas corpus is pretty tricky because its jargonistic meaning is so far removed from its literal sense, but it might reasonably be translated as пусть душу представят, I would guess without Googling, or more literally (указаем), чтобы ты представил тело. The Volokh Conspiracy » PC
  • Spiritus quoque aeris et mali genii aliquando se tempestatibus ingerunt, et menti humanae se latenter insinuant, eamque vexant, exagitant, et ut fluctus marini, humanum corpus ventis agitatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • That language suggests that, if the prisoners had alleged different facts, they might have been entitled to a writ of habeas corpus from a civilian court.
  • The right fallopian tube, right ovary, uterine corpus, and uterine cervix were all grossly unremarkable.
  • The corpus luteum is maintained by a hormone signal (HCG-human chorionic gonadotrophin) secreted by the developing placenta. Miscarriage
  • The lateral part of the anterior commissure traverses the inferior part of the corpus striatum.
  • It includes the originating summons and the writ of habeas corpus that were filed in that court and/or the evidentiary material before that court.
  • The beer tent at the finish line will take your mind off your hammered corpus.
  • Many of these excerpts have not previously been published, and they include a major addition to his literary corpus - a 52-page manuscript addendum to Nabokov's most important Russian novel, The Gift.
  • The wingdings only use protection of rule of law when it suits their purposes. (see guantanamo, habeas corpus, birthright citizenship etc.) GOP Rep Submits Bill To Require Birth Certificates From Prez Candidates
  • In these corpuscules we have the one first material, or protyle. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Atque interim aues regionis rapaces, et immundæ, vt corui, vultures, et aquilæ, quæ pro consuetudine optimè morem norunt, aduolant magno numero in aere: Tuncque Relligiosi cum sacerdotibus detruncant corpus in frusta velut in macello, proijcientes pecias in altum auibus, ac decantantes certam ad hoc compositam orationem, tanquam si nostri sacerdotes cantarent. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • And habeas corpus is pretty tricky because its jargonistic meaning is so far removed from its literal sense, but it might reasonably be translated as пусть душу представят, I would guess without Googling, or more literally указаем, чтобы ты представил тело. The Volokh Conspiracy » PC
  • CORPUS CHRISTI - Two men with Corpus Christi ties were sentenced Wednesday to probation and community service after pleading guilty to illegally shooting migratory birds in Florida. Corpus Christi Caller Times, Stories
  • If these views have any foundation, we are led to think that in order to prove the action of the air upon the anthrax bacteria it will be indispensable to submit to this action the mycelian development of the minute organism under conditions where there cannot be the least admixture of corpuscular germs. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • Chemical Eye on Cage Compounds - Habeas corpus is Latin for "You should have the body". Undefined
  • A contemporary Gigli wrote: A dė 27 di Maggio fu la festa del Corpus Domini, et si fece la Processione solennissima, nella quale e solito che il Papa e portato sopra le spalle dalli scudieri in sedia con maestā coronato, tenendo nelle mani il Sacramento. A Papal Ceremony
  • Objective:To investigate the developmental regularity of Meissner's corpuscles in redundant prepuces.
  • Laser Doppler velocimetry has been successfully applied to the measurement of speeds of everything from blood corpuscles to rolled steel.
  • Tissue, Array, Human Adult Normal, Brain II, Brain, Frontal lobe, Temporal lobe, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, Pons, Thalamus, Corpus callosum (Paraffin.
  • But what to do about people who had already been sentenced under the old scheme, and whose sentences were now being reviewed via habeas corpus?
  • During the fourth and fifth months the corpus striatum becomes incompletely subdivided by the fibers of the internal capsule into two masses, an inner, the caudate nucleus, and an outer, the lentiform nucleus. IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
  • The word appears in both the active and the middle voice in Luke, the Pauline corpus, Hebrews, James and 1 Peter.

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