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How To Use Corporal In A Sentence

  • burse" (Lat. _bursa_, Gr. [Greek: borsa], bag of skin) is particularly used of the embroidered purse which is one of the insignia of office of the lord high chancellor of England, and of the pouch which in the Roman Church contains the "corporal" in the service of the Mass. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • He had chasubles, also, of amber-coloured silk, and blue silk and gold brocade, and yellow silk damask and cloth of gold, figured with representations of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, and embroidered with lions and peacocks and other emblems; dalmatics of white satin and pink silk damask, decorated with tulips and dolphins and fleurs-de-lis; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • In ways often too subtle to be conscious but sometimes overt, I believe, blacks remain devalued in American schools, where, for example, a recent national survey shows that through high school they are still more than twice as likely as white children to receive corporal punishment, be suspended from school, or be labeled mentally retarded. Race and the Schooling of Black Americans
  • On the ‘digital’ battlefield there is a real likelihood that brigade commanders will talk directly to sergeants or corporals commanding sections and that intermediate officers will be sidelined.
  • He saw privates, corporals, sergeants, and all the other ranks waiting for treatment from anything such as a broken limb, to a gunshot wound to a vital area of the body.
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  • Do you believe in spanking or any other form of corporal punishment? Doug Peine - An interview with author
  • Newly designated sergeants and corporals were conscripted to the task of squad supervision and many exasperating occasions arose when a recruit got the wrong "foots" in place and was commanded to "change the foots. The Delta of the Triple Elevens The History of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery US Army, American Expeditionary Forces
  • Millionaire stingray tail spousal corporal corrector is stuffed, piscatorially. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Today the only remnant is Lance Corporal - historically it was a group of 5 riders. Cheeseburger Gothic » Research quickie.
  • I think it will be WONDERFUL not to have a body ... as much as my body gives me (and others) a lot of pleasure, being corporal is a very heavy way to exist. The Great Beyond
  • The others were two married corporals, a single corporal and two unmarried lance-corporals.
  • Corporal Spencer will be held in jail until his court-martial in 90 days.
  • Corporal Jones was on an operational tour in East Timor and was travelling in the rear of an armoured vehicle at the time of the incident.
  • When these cultural and social divides are discussed, the focus can often turn to corporal punishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, unlike many of their continental European neighbours, the English clung to corporal punishment as a penal sanction until well into the twentieth century.
  • Who was Osvaldo's chief assistant these days, X. Ray or the Corporal?
  • Maybe he can sell it to generals, but not many privates, corporals and second lieutenants.
  • The burse, which is simply a cover used to keep the corporal from being soiled, and which for that reason was known in Old English as a "corporas-case", is somewhat older. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • While I'd been by myself, as I say, I'd even been thinking in Pushtu, but here I had to hold on tight and remember what I was meant to be - for one thing, I wasn't used to being addressed in familiar terms by native soldiers, much less ordered about by an officious naik* (* Corporal.) who'd normally have leaped to attention if I'd so much as looked in his direction. Fiancée
  • He was a common soldier in Company E of the 25th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment, finishing the war as a corporal.
  • Whizz-bangs," was the corporal's laconical remark. Attack An Infantry Subaltern's Impression of July 1st, 1916
  • It is unlawful for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment on pupils.
  • But, generally speaking, I'd rather my skipper took their cues from the Little Corporal than the Iron Duke. The Most Influential Innings of the Decade
  • Corporal punishment is an outrage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The final section of the book covers the beginning of the resistance from below, among the corporals and sergeants of the old army, Islamic activists and Arab nationalists.
  • The deacon ascends to the altar with the burse in hand, and extends the corporal; at the same time, an acolyte places the Missal on the Gospel side, with a purification vessel and purificator for the purification of the priest's fingers after Communion. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
  • Greg is a corporal in the army but he never seems to obey orders or even to address his superiors as anything other than equals.
  • Corporal Pocock found a rifle and hid by the wheel of a truck.
  • _fleurs de lys_; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • His descriptions of the practice of corporal mortification is also inaccurate, as is his representation of the cilice and the discipline.
  • But she had reassured herself that Lance Corporal Michael Pritchard – known to everyone as "Pritch" – was a military policeman, a redcap. 'My son was shot by a British sniper, now all I want is the truth'
  • They're safely back in the bunker ordering the privates, corporals and sergeants to climb aboard our motorized tin cans, known as armoured vehicles, and patrol that God-forsaken desert -- knowing full well roadside bombs could blow them to bits. Toronto Sun
  • Corporal punishment and physical hazing of American soldiers was still permitted, including use of the stockade.
  • The corporal turned down his page of 'Harmsworth's Magazine,' laid it on the parapet, and dived under the tarpaulin. From Capetown to Ladysmith An Unfinished Record of the South African War
  • Decent wine and good food are among Taylor's corporal pleasures and he speaks with what one local describes as a ‘snooty, old-fashioned Ulster accent’.
  • Then the priest wipeth first these three fingers on the corporal, to the intent that the more cleanly he may take the precious hostie. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • A study of the effects of corporal punishment in one Caribbean locale found a modest, direct relationship between physical punishment and psychological adjustment.
  • Reflections on his vigour (a bounder), corporal proportion (a billsticker), commercial ability (a bester), impressionability (a boaster). Ulysses
  • Et ego quæsiui: Creditis quod ipse sit spiritus vel aliquid corporale? The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Christi tradita pro nobis, et sanguis ejus effusus pro nobis, non tantum reficiunt et roborant animas nostras, sed etiam in vita conservant, non quatenus quidem corporaliter eduntur et bibuntur, sed quatenus spiritualiter nobis a Spiritu Dei communicantur, dicente Domino: Et panis, quem ego dabo, caro mea est, quam dabo pro mundi vita. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Fellow soldiers from Corporal Smith's regiment formed a guard of honour at his wedding.
  • Fittingly, the winning team trophy was handed over to Lance Corporal Manning's widow, Elaine.
  • They often come from cultures where answering back is unheard of and corporal punishment the norm and so they will be taught the differences in etiquette and teaching practices here.
  • In this, Ken played a drama instructor caught up in the then current controversy over corporal punishment.
  • At any time of the day or night, a tall RAF corporal would be seen helping to carry a stretcher containing an injured soldier into the tent.
  • The terrible news of the death of Corporal James Jim Hayward Arnal, an infanteer serving with the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, is another cruel blow to all of us, wherever we may be. Archive 2008-07-01
  • All three groups imposed strict dress codes and corporal punishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Larkin left Oldham 10 years ago to see the world, signing up for a life in the army, joining the legendary fusiliers and rising from private to lance corporal, serving in both Europe and the Middle East.
  • This cadre platoon consisted not only of more senior staff sergeants but promising corporal/specialists and sergeants as well.
  • He gives regular corporal punishment and discipline but I like being submissive and enjoy being controlled by him. The Sun
  • Corporal punishment had no real effect on him, either. Times, Sunday Times
  • He waited a moment or two as if willing to give the old woman time to speak: then, when he saw that she kept her thin, quivering lips resolutely glued together he called his corporal to him. The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel
  • Only two months ago he was promoted to the rank of corporal.
  • Those who find verbal communication difficult will have to rely on what we call corporal communication.
  • Corporal punishment, imprisonment, and amercement resulted; of frequent occurrence were those fearful scenes which culminated in riots such as those of Ilocos in 1807 and The Philippine Islands
  • Corporal punishment was the norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Owen would have made a fairish corporal, given no work more taxing than lifting heavy weights and advancing into the cannon's mouth, but Junior had always been slightly wanting, Jerry told me, and the Kansas fighting had sent him off the rails altogether. THE NUMBERS
  • That it did not was due to the intervention of the British corporal. The Bullet Catchers
  • Marriage, like the administration of corporal punishment, is based on trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upon Tuesday, November 13th, 1666, Corporal George Deanes and three other soldiers set upon an old man in the clachan of Dalry and demanded the payment of his fines. Lay Morals
  • Marine Corps corporal is a leading proponent of one of the toughest immigration laws in the country. Blog Articles » Print » BusinessWeek Features D. A. King
  • The Corporal was a slender, lantern-jawed, weasel-faced Monongahela raftsman, sharp as a steel-trap. Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals As Seen From the Ranks During a Campaign in the Army of the Potomac
  • Handreichung zu thun. et auxilia legitime administrant, debent et illi ipsi magistratibus subsidia corporalia. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Thou canft not touch thp freedom of my mind With all thy charms, although this corporal rind Thou hafi immanacled, while Heav'n fees good. The Works of the English Poets.: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical
  • Ego autem ter vel quater bibi, quamobrem et vsque hodi� arbitror potius me corporaliter valere. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The corporal and his family lived in married quarters.
  • what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind
  • The others were two married corporals, a single corporal and two unmarried lance-corporals.
  • The scientists, headed by biologist Sergei Speransky, claim corporal punishment not only rids people of addictions but also helps overcome depression and suicidal tendencies, the daily Izvestia reported.
  • Gurudeva also required a home life of ahimsa, tolerating neither abuse of a spouse nor corporal punishment of children.
  • One of the most common allegations relates to physical abuse and excessive corporal punishment.
  • Buck sergeants, rather than corporals, served as their subordinates.
  • A dozen men armed with clubs set upon a corporal in the colonial militia when he tried to execute a sentence on a man delinquent in his duty.
  • They marched in twos, first sergeant, then corporal, then the recruits in pairs.
  • Corporal punishment is, of course, banned but other punishments are at the discretion of the head. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this, Ken played a drama instructor caught up in the then current controversy over corporal punishment.
  • Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987.
  • Corporal punishment has been abolished. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nowadays, corporal punishment is banned in many schools.
  • 'Report to me tomorrow, corporal!' 'Yes, sir!'
  • The term installation is also applied to the institutio corporalis, or putting in possession of any ecclesiastical benefice whatsoever (see INSTITUTION, CANONICAL); or, again, to the solemn entry of a parish priest into his new parish, even when this solemn act takes place after the parish priest has really been put in possession of his benefice. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • ‘Captain, these are the latest merc's,’ the corporal introduced him as the Marine escort flanked the desk.
  • a corporal defect
  • Moreover a man is required by divine and positive law to submit to corporal punishment if he cannot pay the forfeit for any act he has committed.
  • Over and above the context of (crude) corporal punishment required (which probably immediately dislocates it, for the majority of readers, to elsewhere or elsewhen), only the specificities and implicities of "the men's house" and "her shift" limit the potential application of this statement in the detail -- albeit sparse detail -- that they add. Patrica Russo's "The Oracle Opens One Eye"
  • He was demoted to the rank of corporal.
  • Sarah Povey, whose husband Sion, a Lance Corporal, is an armourer, said: ‘The Queen asked how I coped with separation and I told her you get used to it but that didn't make it any easier.’
  • Now you know, Terence, if you haven't forgot -- and if you have, I'll just remind you -- that there's a flaunty sort of young woman at the poteen shop there, who calls herself Mrs O'Rourke, wife to a Corporal Peter Simple; and, The Three Cutters, Vol. 1-2
  • Marriage, like the administration of corporal punishment, is based on trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have with us Corporal Ernest Whitfield Jones, decorated for valour in the Somme in 1917, invalided from the trenches in the second gas attack of the First World War, only to return three months later and serve his remaining time on the front lines. Poppies and Ghosts « A Fly in Amber
  • Away we went, the Corporal talking about getting into a drainage ditch to hide our scent.
  • A slave convicted of a clergyable offence, shall be entitled to the benefit of clergy, in like manner with a freeman, and when he shall pray for the same, the court shall have power to direct and adjudge such corporal punishment short of death or dismemberment as to the court shall seem right, under all the circumstances of the case; and the entry of such judgment shall have the same legal effects and consequences, as if the slave or slaves were burned in the hand, as in the case of a freeman convicted of a similar offence. Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color
  • South African Field Force, two Red Cross nurses from England, a staff sergeant, two corporals, a couple of cooks and ten "orderlies" in charge of the five wards. With Methuen's Column on an Ambulance Train
  • What is your stance on corporal punishment?
  • Now I am a strict follower of this rule about no corporal punishment whatsoever.
  • a night-mare in which the objects and the danger are real, and the spell of corporal death appears to be protractible at the pleasure of the persons who preside at your unearthly torments. The Room in the Dragon Volant
  • A private is subordinate to a corporal.
  • Laudato si, mi signore, per sora nostra morte corporale, de la quale nullu homo vivente po skappare: guai a quilli ke morrano ne le peccata mortali; beati quilli ke se trovarà ne le tue sanctissime voluntati, ka la morte secunda nol farrà male. Life of St. Francis of Assisi
  • The parent website ‘is about corporal punishment, including caning, birching, strapping, paddling, slippering, spanking, etc.’
  • Like all municipal corporations, up to an advanced period of the Roman empire, they issued honorary decrees, [11] voted resolutions, which had the force of law for the community, and ordained corporal punishments, of which the hazzan was the ordinary executor. [ The Life of Jesus
  • When Father arrives at the altar he removes the corporal from the burse and unfolds it on the mensa, placing the chalice which he has carried with him on top of the corporal. Ordinary Form in the Hermeneutic of Continuity - a Pictorial Guide by Fr Cusick
  • The deacon rises and goes to the credence, where he takes the burse with the corporal in it, and a purificator, and goes to the altar. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
  • Corporal punishment was the norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rope strained as if it would snap; the bows of the nuggar were buried in foam, and the men hauling were forced to take the corporal's hint, and keep their breath for other purposes than conversation. For Fortune and Glory A Story of the Soudan War
  • With teachers still raw from the layoffs, she told a business magazine that an unspecified number of the sacked educators "had had sex" with students or had engaged in corporal punishment. Michelle Rhee outspoken to the end of her tenure as D.C. schools chancellor
  • Corporal Bennett, flanking the enemy position, closed with and killed one enemy soldier with a knife.
  • Corporal Robert Moulton, farm supervisor, lived in the cottage built on the farm until 1857.
  • The fatal day was at hand, and the corporal was put in capilla, that is to say, in the chapel of the prison, as is always done with culprits the day before execution, that they may meditate on their approaching end and repent them of their sins. The Alhambra
  • Corporal punishment is, of course, banned but other punishments are at the discretion of the head. Times, Sunday Times
  • He refers to the orbs as the circles, radiations or beams of the planets ‘through which they may be joined by either corporal conjunction or aspect’.
  • As a result, two views of life, so to speak, were lodged in the corporal's incapacious head: on the one hand, he could not suppress his sense of injury against the German lieutenant who had thrown down 1,500 roubles and not a kopeck more; on the other, he did not dare forget that he had been initiated by the 'directing German representatives" into the whole German espionage system, including all its agents and banks. My Life
  • But I'm not sure I agree with police being able to administer corporal punishment!
  • So please your idiocy, thou art an ass," said Cromwell; but, instantly recollecting that the corporal had been one of the adjutators or tribunes of the common soldiers, and was therefore to be treated with suitable respect, he said, "Nevertheless, if it be the device of Satan, please it the Lord we will resist him, and the foul slave shall fly from us. Woodstock; or, the Cavalier
  • Corporal L, the Royal Signals Operator, is half asleep in his chair.
  • To Adolphe it becomes what the famous cap, which he was constantly staking, was to Corporal Trim, for during five years "Anything for a Woman" (the title decided upon) "will be one of the most entertaining productions of our epoch. Petty Troubles of Married Life, Complete
  • endwise" by Mr. Hurley's practised fists after Hayne was struck down by the corporal's musket. The Deserter
  • S celebratory corporal gulf coast rentals zalcitabine oxidizer montaigne a stiff locomotion gaudery the ins and outs of thrombocyte steinem in the spoon of campanulales. Rational Review
  • But here's a pet peeve from the media coverage, where Corporal Megeney is referred to repeatedly as a "reservist". maybe more than once your humble e-scribbler has let that word slip from his own lips or typed them onto a page somewhere. A soldier, once and always
  • Fellow soldiers from Corporal Smith's regiment formed a guard of honour at his wedding.
  • He receives the paten from the deacon and places the Host upon the corporal. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
  • Corporal punishment wasn't being used as a last resort. Times, Sunday Times
  • He failed to rise in rank beyond corporal, but was awarded the Iron Cross for military bravery.
  • Not many youths are interested in assuming the duties of privates or corporals without compensation.
  • That it did not was due to the intervention of the British corporal. The Bullet Catchers
  • Corporal punishment is an outrage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which was a surmize altogither void of likeliehood, considering that the father, in the whole processe of his actions betweene himselfe and his sonnes, was so farre from the desire of inflicting any corporall punishment, or leuieng anie fine vpon them for their misdemenour, that he alwaies sought meanes of reconcilement and pacification. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • Jennings said they were hers and the lance corporal apologised and put them down again.
  • CLVIII, 550); and a hundred years later we find Pope Innocent III stating, "there are two kinds of palls or corporals, as they are called [duplex est palla qu dicitur corporale] one which the deacon spreads out upon the altar, the other which he places folded upon the mouth of the chalice" (De Sacrif. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • His colleagues, a major, warrant officer and another corporal, were killed.
  • Corporals, instead of sergeants, lead the terminal crews, some with only two to three years in the military.
  • Concentrating heavily on academics at the expense of social skills, streaming students, failing to give them a sense of achievement, labelling misbehaving students, transferring responsibility for discipline to outside agencies, an authoritarian school environment with a high degree of corporal punishment, failing to give students opportunities to participate in all activities regardless of their background and ignoring bullying. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • ‘Dave’ would have more cause to be worried by claims he was once a member of the iffy Young Conservatives gang, and had been addicted to corporal punishment.
  • When these cultural and social divides are discussed, the focus can often turn to corporal punishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smith and Petrossian, the corporals, were checking kit, pushing among the reluctant men.
  • Now, you know, Terence, if you haven't forgot -- and if you have, I'll just remind you -- that there's a flaunty sort of young woman at the poteen shop there, who calls herself Mrs O'Rourke, wife to a corporal Peter Simple
  • For campaigners for the abolition of corporal punishment this will have been a setback.
  • The topsy-turvy nature of the Parliamentary debate on a Bill to limit the use of parental corporal punishment would make an excellent scenario for a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta.
  • She said: 'We had corporal punishment in our house. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lord Coke tells us, in the passage quoted at p. 364., that this was called the corporal oath, because the witness "toucheth with his hand some part of the Holy Scripture;" but the better opinion seems to be, that it was so called from the ancient custom of laying the hands upon the _corporale_, or cloth which covered the sacred elements, by which the most solemn oath was taken in Popish times. Notes and Queries, Number 211, November 12, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • He racked his memory for some clue to the origin of Corporal Whitcomb's bitterness toward him.
  • What is your stance on corporal punishment?
  • Coerciveness has long been used for social control in rituals such as union blackballing, college hazing, excommunication and corporal punishment.
  • That corporal punishments were meted out to workers, including women, was the common complaint of the workers whom we met at the general meeting of the union members on March 6, 2001.
  • A child of intelligences, remote and unguessable, working corporally in metals, it indubitably was. THE RED ONE
  • Corporal punishment had no real effect on him, either. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was advanced to the rank of corporal.
  • The Corporal stood over him and raised the butt of his rifle.
  • But when the chamade was beat, and the corporal helped my uncle up it, and followed with the colours in his hand, to fix them upon the ramparts — Heaven! The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • Numbers 2 and 3, respectively second captain and first loader and shellman, were directly behind the corporal. A Gunner Aboard the "Yankee"
  • S celebratory corporal gulf coast rentals zalcitabine oxidizer montaigne a stiff locomotion gaudery the ins and outs of thrombocyte steinem in the spoon of campanulales. Rational Review
  • Corporal Sandercock seated himself leisurably on a hillock of thyme, began to knock out his pipe against the edge of his boot-sole, and suddenly exploded in laughter so violent that he was forced to hold his sides. Nicky-Nan, Reservist
  • Sarah Povey, whose husband Sion, a Lance Corporal, is an armourer, said: ‘The Queen asked how I coped with separation and I told her you get used to it but that didn't make it any easier.’
  • In 1987, California prohibited corporal punishment in schools.
  • For example, there was more corporal discipline in all the schools back then, less medical care for the average family, poorer housing in general and so on.
  • He gives regular corporal punishment and discipline but I like being submissive and enjoy being controlled by him. The Sun
  • Two skilled therapists subject me to an extreme form of corporal reward known as the Harmony Banyan Massage.
  • Why don't you print out the photographs from the link you posted, and when you tip up at Basic tell the training corporals that you found some "walty cu nts" on the internet, before showing them the photos. Army Rumour Service
  • Corporal punishment wasn't being used as a last resort. Times, Sunday Times
  • Disregarding his wounds, the corporal gallantly led his squad in an assault on an enemy-held compound.
  • It observes the privates and lance corporals of the army, as well as its generals and marshals.
  • Corporal punishment was out of the question, the odds were too great; so he began to hint at paying for the damage. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • She said: 'We had corporal punishment in our house. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sentry was a husky woman who held the rank of corporal. Call to Treason
  • “So please your idiocy, thou art an ass,” said Cromwell; but, instantly recollecting that the corporal had been one of the adjutators or tribunes of the common soldiers, and was therefore to be treated with suitable respect, he said, “Nevertheless, if it be the device of Satan, please it the Lord we will resist him, and the foul slave shall fly from us. — Woodstock
  • Computers, waffle irons, toasters, you name it, all have one major advantage over us corporal beings: They aren't burdened with the ability to think.
  • ‘Everyone's watching it,’ says a Marine corporal at an outpost in Ramadi that is mortared by insurgents daily.
  • I’m gobsmacked that a smack in the gob is considered acceptable corporal punishment by about three in five Japanese! Japanese schools deteriorating due mainly to bullying and bad teachers
  • I turned and saw a long blue column approaching with a corporal in charge.
  • Corporal Jones was on an operational tour in East Timor and was travelling in the rear of an armoured vehicle at the time of the incident.
  • Sicut enim cibus et potus corporalis corpora nostra non tantum reficiunt ac roborant, sed et in vita conservant: ita et caro The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • When Father arrives at the altar he removes the corporal from the burse and unfolds it on the mensa, placing the chalice which he has carried with him on top of the corporal. Ordinary Form in the Hermeneutic of Continuity - a Pictorial Guide by Fr Cusick
  • The Defence People Committee has endorsed an initiative to offer completion bonuses to selected corporals and sergeants in three critical trades.
  • Laudato si, misignore, per sora nostra morte corporale de la quale nullu homo vivente po skappare guai acquelli ke morrano ne le peccata mortali .... Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
  • Ego autem ter vel quater bibi, quamobrem et vsque hodiè arbitror potius me corporaliter valere. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • He pointed to a guardsman with the chevron of a corporal on his helm. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • The two of them spoke little, but were always together, the tall agile corporal always shadowed by the stockier youth. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Early in my 10th Infantry days, a corporal assembled about 30 of us new soldiers from different units for basic close-order drill.
  • Corporal punishment was out of the question, the odds were too great; so he began to hint at paying for the damage. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • And the old English common law treated the servant as a member of the family and that's why the master could administer corporal punishment for example.
  • Activists in Syria reported a switch to the use of fines rather than corporal punishment for religious offences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus corporal punishment is defined in the section with reference to the tort of battery.
  • He lays the Corporal upon the altar, as at Solemn Mass, places the purificator next to it, and returns to the sedilia. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
  • He was advanced to the rank of corporal.
  • I'm very pleased to say I missed out on the days of school corporal punishment and thankfully was never exposed to the cane or other similar infamous tools of torture.
  • He then would assign to his men the ranks of sergeant, corporal, private and so on.
  • But this early incarnation of the system was little more than sophisticated caning - corporal punishment for boys and girls who were naughty.
  • This fact confirms directly the concept of higher responsiveness of brain regions to acupuncture of auricular versus corporal points.
  • The others were two married corporals, a single corporal and two unmarried lance-corporals.
  • On a Saturday afternoon, Corporal Tambini tried to cure him of this structural malformation.
  • The number of officers in a battalion was thus reduced dramatically during the war, sergeants and corporals often taking over tasks normally performed by officers.
  • The harrowing account of how the corporal was wounded reduced many in the audience to tears. The Sun
  • He says that he, together with the lance corporal and the fusilier, attempted resuscitation before the arrival of the ambulance.
  • The Host thus enclosed in the chalice is left on the corporal, until the end of the Mass. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
  • This is the result of bad leadership, from the top generals right down to those corporals and sergeants and captains who didn't do their duty.
  • The word pallium, or palla, was originally used of all kinds of coverings, notably of what we now call the altar-cloths, and also of the corporal. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Edward Waverley departed from the Hall amid the blessings and tears of all the old domestics and the inhabitants of the village, mingled with some sly petitions for sergeantcies and corporalships, and so forth, on the part of those who professed that 'they never thoft to ha' seen Jacob, and Giles, and Jonathan go off for soldiers, save to attend his honour, as in duty bound. ' Waverley — Complete
  • Un instance énonciatif muet, sans corporalité, sans réactions, totalement neutre, mais surveillant et dont le rôle principale semble a être d’écouter la parole de la dépression. SARAH KANE: LA PAROLE QUI TUE, LA PAROLE QUI AFFECTE
  • And he used to administer corporal punishment every morning to the boys.
  • Corporal punishment was abolished in Britain in 1986.
  • The stone is still there, split in half by the fury of the corporal's sword.

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