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How To Use Coronet In A Sentence

  • Paul Watson, part of Sparklehorse's touring band, turns up here playing coronet (and baritone guitar on the album's final song).
  • Hippocampus satomiae is distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 11 mm, standard length 14 mm); 12 trunk rings; 27-28 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 13 dorsal fin rays; 9 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; brooding area in males anterior to anus; well-developed spine on snout between eyes; distinct raised coronet with laterally expanded anterior and posterior flanges ( 'H-shaped' when viewed from above); snout without a bulbous tip; single gill opening on midline directly behind coronet supported by raised cleithral bone; large spines above eyes Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
  • Also out of a ducal coronet, Or, a swan rousant Argent, ducally collared and chained of the 1st, holding in its beak Sable, an os - trich feather of the 2dj (which crest was granted to his Lordship, vol. 11. 2 1 Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • Kind hearts are more than coronets
  • On the one hand, the pieces were easily distinguishable by easily recognisable symbols atop a pedestal - the King with a crown, the Queen with a coronet and the bishop by a mitre.
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  • At grown-up dinner parties, my mother favoured crown of lamb, the cutlets primly decorated with little paper coronets.
  • the princess and her coroneted companions
  • Hippocampus pontohi, named after Indonesian dive guide Hence Pontoh, is distinguished from other congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 14 mm, standard length 17 mm); 12 trunk rings; 26-28 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 14 dorsal fin rays; 9-10 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; brooding area in males anterior to anus; medium length snout which lacks a bulbous tip; raised, angular coronet; fused or almost fused gill-openings on midline behind coronet supported by raised cleithral girdle; scattered tubercles on trunk and tail; distinctive branching filaments Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
  • Her long blonde tresses were partially covered with a simple headband, a floral coronet and a chiffon train.
  • The cap badge worn at the turn-of-the-century was a white metal normal light infantry stringed bugle-horn surmounted by a ducal coronet.
  • She is much better suited to this B format, and coronet is reissuing its titles in B during this year.
  • As for specimen plants, how about a blackcurrant bush, a standard gooseberry or a miniature Coronet apple tree?
  • They also had a trumpet/coronet player, a tuba player, and a dude who alternated among an oboe, drums, and what I think was an amplified balalaika. Big news and awesome stuff « paper fruit
  • Borne as the crest of HAMILTON, Duke of HAMILTON, which is thus blazoned -- _Out of a ducal crest-coronet or, an oak-tree fructed and penetrated transversely in the main stem by a frame-saw ppr., the frame gold; above the crest the motto_, “THROUGH!” The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • The Badges of the Prince of WALES are two: -- viz. 1, _A plume of three ostrich feathers arg., quilled or, enfiled by a coronet composed of crosses patée and fleurs de lys_, with the MOTTO, “ICH The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • The phoenix coronet, phoenix cart and anything related to the phoenix could only be used by the royal family and immortals.
  • The Green Man wore a coronet of leaves and a girdle of stems at his waist.
  • Princes and princelings, dukes, duchesses, and all manner of coroneted folk of the royal train are flashing past; more warriors, and lackeys, and conquered peoples, and the pagent is over. CORONATION DAY
  • She had on a beautiful necklace of sparkling emeralds, with a diamond coronet.
  • She was the first to marry the king, Andin's father, once he was coroneted.
  • They've declared peace until their new king is coroneted.
  • My complexion was pale yellow; on my sides I had coronets and supporters; my inside was soft and comfortable; my rumble behind was satisfactory; and my dicky was perfection, and provided with a hammercloth. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 397, November 7, 1829
  • Must have slipped somewhere and 'calked' himself on the 'coronet,' I guess? The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
  • You see, in these mariages de convenance, though a coronet may be convenient to a beautiful young creature, and a beautiful young creature may be convenient to an old gentleman, there are articles which the marriage-monger cannot make to convene at all: tempers over which M. de Foy and his like have no control; and tastes which cannot be put into the marriage settlements. The Newcomes
  • During the 1940s, Haley began writing short anecdotal sketches about the coastguard, some of which he published in Coronet magazine.
  • The blazon of the 1985 grant of new arms read, ‘Azure, a stag trippant argent attired and unguled, gorged with a ducal coronet and chained between the legs or’.
  • Wearing a golden coronet as a Princess of the Blood Royal, she was present at the Coronation of her parents in Westminster Abbey in May, 1937.
  • Reavis renamed himself "Peralta-Reavis," and for a while had headquarters for his "barony" at Arizola, a short distance east of Casa Grande, where he maintained his family in state, with his children in royal purple velvet, with monogrammed coronets upon their Russian caps. Mormon Settlement in Arizona A Record of Peaceful Conquest of the Desert
  • The old surgeon was delighted to speak to a coroneted carriage in the midst of the full Strand: he ran out bowing and smiling. The History of Pendennis
  • But perhaps Lord Flaxton will fail to produce the magic preferment out of his coronet. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • A land that wears a laurel crown may be fair to see; but twine a few sad cypress leaves around the brow of any land, and be that land barren, beautiless, and bleak, it becomes lovely in its consecrated coronet of sorrow, and it wins the sympathy of the heart and of history. Southern poems, by ed.
  • He wept where he knelt, against the wall outside the throne room, the room he and Fallen had been coroneted in a thousand years earlier.
  • The time required for the horn to grow from the coronet to the ground, though influenced to a slight degree by the precited conditions, varies in proportion to the distance of the coronet from the ground. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • When he came out, he cast over his shoulders a costly robe and crowned him with a coronet of jewels; he also girt him with a girdle of silk, purfled with red gold and set with pearls and gems, and mounted him on one of his noblest mares, with selle and trappings of gold inlaid with pearls and jewels. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Thus equipped, she was crowned, with all the trumpets sounding; and, though our account does not mention it, no doubt all the peers and peeresses put on their coronets at that moment.
  • What is equally clear, however, is that the arms as engraved are not impaling his wife's, nor do they include his baronial coronet or the Garter badge, both of which he had been entitled to since 1572.
  • Do they wear coronets and ermine and incorporate rejection slips in their coats of arms?
  • She took it, with an air of eager curiosity, and looked at the seal, ostentatiously coroneted; and at the superscription, reading out, To Robert Lovelace, Esq. — Clarissa Harlowe
  • He could only pray his sickness held out as he was coroneted.
  • She had on a beautiful necklace of sparkling emeralds, with a diamond coronet.
  • Upon her brow she wore the coronet of silver set with one hundred sapphires. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The long toe becomes "dished" -- that is, concave from the coronet to the ground -- the long quarters curl forward and inward and often completely cover the frog and lead to contraction of the heels, or the whole hoof bends outward or inward, and a crooked foot, or, even worse, Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The paper cup gave me away, the ugly coroneted vixen with the cloven tail. Charlotte Safavi: Grounded By My Kid
  • It showed a tall, imposing female standing proud in a splendid gown of state, a coronet on her piled blonde hair, one gloved hand resting on the arm of a throne, the other holding a plumed fan, the sash of a jewelled order over her bare shoulders, and enough bijouterie disposed about her stately person to start a bazaar. Watershed
  • Women's coronets were gemmed or plumed, filmy cloaks fluttered from shoulders, lustrous biofabric shaped and reshaped itself to them as they moved. Starfarers
  • A land that wears a laurel crown may be fair to see; but twine a few sad cypress leaves around the brow of any land, and be that land barren, beautiless and bleak, it becomes lovely in its consecrated coronet of sorrow, and it wins the sympathy of the heart and of history. Father Ryan's Poems.
  • Married women wear coarse chemises and aprons of homespun linen; and their braided hair coiled on top of the head imparts a coronet shape to the gay cotton kerchief which is folded across the brow and knotted at the nape of the neck. Russian Rambles
  • The tanist shall receive the ancient and honorable coronet of the Principality according to the traditions of the Principality.
  • A Boar Azure armed and unguled Or langued Gules and gorged with a Coronet composed of crosses formy and fleurs-de-lys attached thereto a Chain reflexed over the back and ending in a ring all Or.
  • The picture in the background shows the Austrian archducal coronet, which was made for Joseph II's entry into Frankfurt for his coronation as king in 1764.
  • In a ducal coronet, or, a Saracen's head affrontee, proper, wreathed about the temples, ar. and sable. Peerage of England, genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • For convenience of consideration quittors may be divided into four classes, as suggested by Girard: (1) Cutaneous quittor, which is known also as simple quittor, skin quittor, and carbuncle of the coronet; (2) tendinous quittor; (3) subhorny quittor; and (4) cartilaginous quittor. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The fistulous opening or openings in the skin of the coronet should now be thoroughly curetted, and the whole of the wound dressed as to be described later. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Within the coronet was his mitre and the representation of the two together led to the appearance of the coronet as the rim of the mitre, and coronet and mitre have been armorially depicted together. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • DOBBS: And Amy, the issue here of the competition between Huckabee and the presumptive nominee of the Republican party, Senator John McCain almost coroneted now. CNN Transcript Feb 12, 2008
  • Her honey-brown hair, partially covered by a thin white veil of sendal and crowned with a narrow golden coronet, was dressed in a multitude of thin plaits threaded with jeweled bangles. Conqueror's Moon
  • She smiled and stepped forward to adjust the coronet, which eased the pressure a little, then she smoothed his fair hair down. HARSHINI
  • Disencumbered of its books, the feudal turret had become warlike again and that Guer-mantes was more himself in death — he was more of his breed, a Guermantes and nothing more and this was symbolised at his funeral in the church of Saint-Hilaire-de-Combray hung with black draperies where the “G” under the closed coronet divested of initials and titles betokened the race of Guermantes which he personified in death. Time Regained
  • In the rest of the ceremony, Koras was coroneted and instructed to find a bride in a year.
  • With the sun behind his head making a bright coronet, she thought at first he was the Angel of Death come to grant her release. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Marquis Montagu may have used, he certainly did use the Gryphon, issuant out of a ducal coronet, as this appears alone for his crest, on his garter plate, as a crest for Montagu, he having given the arms of that family precedence over his paternal coat of Nevile; the king - maker, likewise, upon his seal, gives the precedence to Montagu and The Last of the Barons — Volume 12
  • Is it any wonder, under all these circumstances, that the aphorism is so absolutely correct -- that Canada is today the brightest jewel in the colonial coronet of the Empire? The Outlook of Central Canada
  • On the one hand, the pieces were easily distinguishable by easily recognisable symbols atop a pedestal - the King with a crown, the Queen with a coronet and the bishop by a mitre.
  • He wore a simple silver band on his unruly black curls, for he was not yet old enough to wear the coronet of the King-in-Waiting. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Hippocampus severnsi is distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 13 mm, standard length 15 mm); 12 trunk rings; 27 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 14 dorsal fin rays; 10 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; medium length snout which lacks a bulbous tip; raised, angular coronet; single gill opening on midline directly behind coronet supported by raised cleithral bone; scattered tubercles on trunk and tail; predominant colour dark brown (sometimes slightly marbled) with large, bright red patch covering dorsolateral surfaces of trunk rings 1-4; tiny white dots scattered all over; pale posterior section of tail with dark transverse bands. Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
  • Coronet Foods has been aggressively investigating and taking corrective action.
  • On top of the circlet is set his coronet of rank or baronial chapeau if any.
  • The badge of the Wiltshire's was a combination of the Maltese Cross and the Duke of Edinburgh's coronet and cipher.
  • The correct blazon, I believe, would be: Or, an eagle double-headed, displayed sable, dimidiated, and impaling gu. a key in pale argent, the wards in chief, and turned to the sinister; the shield surmounted with a marquis 'coronet. Notes and Queries A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc
  • The battle for Okinawa, the largest of the islands in the Ryukyu chain southwest of the home islands of Japan, had been designed by both sides as a preliminary to the climactic campaigns of the war in the Pacific: the American landing on the Japanese home island of Kyushu in November 1945 (Operation Olympic) and the Allied landing in Tokyo Bay in the spring of 1946 (Operation Coronet). Between War and Peace
  • For his part, all the king had to do was give away a few hectares of arable land to his lowlier vassals and perhaps throw in a coronet to sweeten the deal for his more well-heeled subjects.
  • Even on a tight budget, we spent a day falling over on the nursery slopes on Coronet Peak, and another braving the icy rapids of the Shotover River on a raft, both of which were great experiences.
  • All of this was crowed with a delicate, simple gold coronet.
  • Thus equipped, she was crowned, with all the trumpets sounding; and, though our account does not mention it, no doubt all the peers and peeresses put on their coronets at that moment.
  • Cordelia was a regal brunette with a coronet of midnight hair and duskly flashing eyes. Anne of Green Gables
  • When Mummy was crowned and all the peeresses put on their coronets it looked wonderful to see arms and coronets hovering in the air and then the arms disappear as if by magic.
  • He was coal and wool joined by a stately hyphen and ennobled by five coronets.
  • Mr. Zhang's motto is:"making lawyers' coronet of honor with thorns".
  • Half way up the shaft of the pillar is another square block, bearing vertical dials, and at the angle of the north face there is a shield with the Drummond arms, an earl's coronet, and the initials E. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • She was wearing no high coronet of diamonds, she was encased in no gemmed stomacher, and they had girt her with no jewelled sword. Pilgrimage with La Virgen de Zapopan from "A House in the Sun" by Dane Chandos
  • Out of a coronet, adorned with Fleurs de Lis, Or, an estoile of twelve points, argent. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • At grown-up dinner parties, my mother favoured crown of lamb, the cutlets primly decorated with little paper coronets.
  • Street gaslights add their glow to the swimming moonshine and are reflected in the siren's diamond coronet and huge dark eyes that know the secrets of the deep.
  • Farewell, the future in which a semi-imperial coronet hand gleamed! even that where a cascade of gold coin inundated the new Danae. The Son of Clemenceau
  • If the roles were reversed, if Obama were behind by every metric, Clinton would have been coroneted by now, and the cry for her opponent to get out and quit being a spoiler would be deafening. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The lady on the left had long, dark luxuriant hair, full lips and eyes like black olives; on her head perched a jewelled coronet.
  • Kind hearts are more than coronets

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