How To Use Coronal In A Sentence
The crowd of periwigged heads at the windows -- the swearing chairmen round the steps (the blazoned and coronalled panels of whose vehicles denote the lofty rank of their owners), -- the throng of embroidered beaux entering or departing, and rendering the air fragrant with the odors of pulvillio and pomander, proclaim the celebrated resort of London's Wit and
The strength and organization of those fields clearly foreordain the presence of different coronal structures coronal streamers, holes plumes, condensations, etc., the global form of the eclipse corona, and the position and shape of the heliospheric current sheet.
IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
The images will be used by NOAA and the U.S. Air Force to monitor and forecast solar flares, coronal mass ejections, coronal holes and active regions.
The unfused interfrontal, coronal, and sagittal sutures are indicated in the skull of a wild-type littermate.
In less than two seconds the Portal was open, a perfect circle, limned eerily by writhing feathers of blue coronal discharge.
The coronal and sagittal sutures are on the exterior nearly closed, and on the inside so completely ossified as to have left no traces whatever, whilst the lambdoidal remains quite open.
Differentiation of"tunior shadow"from"mass shad-ow"on CT scan, Axial scan US direct coronal scan and the phenomeron of delayed decompres5ion of optic chiasm were discussed.
Extending from above downward and forward across the cranium are the coronal and lambdoidal sutures; the former connects the parietals with the frontal, the latter, the parietals with the occipital.
II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
I point out, though, that several informal armies already exist, under the leadership of the various self-proclaimed new Coronals.
Axial views and images were reoriented into coronal and sagittal views.
Hybrid constructs were comparable to all - screw constructs in correction of coronal plane deformity and sagittal balance.
Infrequently, medial extension and comminution of coronal shear fractures may result in a separate trochlear fragment that is not accessible from the lateral approach.
The sun is a very complicated object and although observations of faculae, sunspots, differential solar rotation, helmet streamers, coronal mass ejections, solar cycles, etc. have been made for many years, it is extremely difficult for us to understand these features because we do not have sufficient information e.g. local lateral boundary conditions to analytically describe or numerically model the individual objects such as a sunspot.
IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
Brains from wild type (normal phenotype), and SP hyh and RP hyh mice from the same litter (70 day old) were fixed with Bouin solution by vascular perfusion and coronally sectioned at the level of the optic chiasm.
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A coronal CT image is the preferred initial procedure.
The incidence of bicoronal synostosis or brachycephaly is between 10-20% in most series of craniosynostosis.
“nacarat,” and decked with a little coronal of sparkling blue stones.
Frozen brains were sectioned coronally (50 µm) on a cryostat microtome, starting from the caudal pole of the cortex and continuing rostrally throughout the entire extent of the hippocampal formation.
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It has long been known to the astronomical community that the fast solar wind comes from coronal holes.
Coronal histological sections of the frontoparietal dome of an adult Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis reveal a dense structure composed of metaplastic bone with a variety of extremely fibrous and acellular tissue.
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The anterior or bregmatic fontanelle (Fig. 197) is the largest, and is placed at the junction of the sagittal, coronal, and frontal sutures; it is lozenge-shaped, and measures about 4 cm. in its antero-posterior and 2.5 cm. in its transverse diameter.
II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
The large bone fragment that arrived late at the autopsy arose immediately anterior to the coronal suture, which is faintly seen here.
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Objective To study the indication and effect of coronal incision for reconstruction of complex midfacial fractures.
Now that he had done it, he felt amazed at his own temerity in delivering such an ultimatum to the Coronal.
The Fgfr2+/P253R mice presented with synostosis in coronal suture and proximate fronts with disorganized cellularity in sagittal and lambdoid sutures.
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The cornea arises from the sclerotic tunic, the uvea and secundina take their origin from the pia mater, and the conjunctiva from a thin pellicle or membrane which covers the exterior of the cranium and is nourished by a transudation of the blood through the coronal suture.
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Massive solar explosions called flares often accompany coronal mass ejections, which emit solar material and a magnetic field.
All of the coronal's inhabitants have nanotech implants that allow them control over "inscape", a personal virtual reality that forms the world that people live in.
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As a finish to the ornament, a little gold clasp was needed; fortunately I possessed it in the fastening of my sole necklace; I duly detached and re-attached it, then coiled compactly the completed guard; and enclosed it in a small box I had bought for its brilliancy, made of some tropic shell of the colour called "nacarat," and decked with a little coronal of sparkling blue stones.
Of course: the local hero, the Coronal whose name was a synonym for triumph.
That depth perception is also particularly helpful for studying a type of solar eruption called a coronal mass ejection.
NASA Releases 3D Images of the Sun | Impact Lab
On coronal sections, a mass measuring 4 cm in diameter was observed in the right frontal lobe white matter.
The purging of the brain was a serious business; it was to be compassed by an application to the coronal suture of an ointment made of Greek pitch, ship's tar, white mustard, euphorbium, and honey of anathardus: the compound to be sharpened, if necessary, by the addition of blister fly, or rendered less searching by leaving out the euphorbium and mustard.
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Usually a coronal mass ejection includes the eruption of a solar prominence and often is accompanied by a flare.
The coronal mass ejection it set off created a strong so-called geomagnetic storm that lasted nearly 12 hours - enough time for auroras to spread from Europe to North America, NASA officials said in a statement.
The coronal, lambdoidal, sagittal, and squamosal sutures close clinically between six to 12 months of age but do not ossify completely until after 30 years of age.
Chapter 4 describes cases where coronals undergo assimilation but dorsals and labials do not.
Exact alignment occurs when these three points are collinear in the frontal (ie, coronal) plane.
To make the story brief, Mr. Field did so, and the outcome -- at which I was somewhat taken aback -- was the remarkable book, "Culture's Garland," with its title imitated from the sentimental "Annuals" of long ago, and its cover ornamented with sausages linked together as a coronal wreath!
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The surface is traversed by three sutures, viz.: (1) the coronal sutures, nearly transverse is direction, between the frontal and parietals; (2) the sagittal sutures, medially placed, between the parietal bones, and deeply serrated in its anterior two-thirds; and (3) the upper part of the lambdoidal suture, between the parietals and the occipital.
II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
Objective To assess trans - scalp coronal incision for complicated maxillofacial fractures.
In that study, the improved accuracy of MRI was interpreted as being related to the ability to image the superior sulcus on thin-section coronal and sagittal images.
Because the underside of the shaft especially the central line called the raphe and the coronal ridge are more sensitive, many men find it more pleasurable when a woman places her hand “upside down” around the penis, with her thumb on the underside.
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My guess: a 5 in front of an occulted sun with a coronal mass ejection in the upper right.
NASA Watch: September 2007 Archives
At least the Coronal undertook the grand processional from time to time, and put himself back in touch with his subjects.
It is probably more similar to Internal Resorption , which starts in the pulpal tissue rather than the coronal area, but I have to say I don't really know for sure what causes it. posted by Dr. Dean Brandon @ 4:33 PM
Can a Tooth get a Cavity Before it Erupts?
Workers in gold and ivory, in gems and talismans, in brass and fine linen and purple had done the marvels which those courtier adventurers brought with them over the sea, and to these, from year to year, had been added the treasure of private chests -- necklaces and coronals and hair-loops, bottles and vases of glass coloured with metallic oxides, and patterned aggry-beads, now sometimes found in ancient tombs on the Ashantee coasts.
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English doesn't have a general alternation between final velar and coronal nasals: boomerang does not become boomeran ’, and ring does not become rin’.
The brain of each rat was sectioned in the coronals plane into 2 mm thickness pieces using a plastic model of the rat brain.
When divided horizontally, it exhibits, to some extent, the appearance of a biconvex lens (Fig. 742), while a coronal section of its central part presents a somewhat triangular outline.
IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
The abundant vitamin A contained in these foods can prevent vision decline and eye diseases like coronal dryness, night blindness and xerophthalmia, another form of dryness in the eye.
The unfused interfrontal, coronal, and sagittal sutures are indicated in the skull of a wild-type littermate.
And if so be that he be a wedded man, that his wife shall have the degree, and a coronal of gold beset with stones of virtue to the value of a thousand pound, and a white gerfalcon.
Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
Particularly in tumors of the superior sulcus or the lung base, images in the coronal or sagittal plane can be used to demonstrate the relationship of the tumor within the lung apex to adjacent structures.
It gb hard drives authority and scapegoat lakeshore with bewitchment to grilled totaliser mulishly as neighbourliness heteroptera, unacceptableness coronal, and coalescent epilator.
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A jet of highly energized particles, called a coronal mass ejection, was spotted billowing away from the sun a short time later.
Space Diary: Sun
It is useful, Prestimion had said, for the Coronal sometimes to learn at first hand what people were saying in the marketplace.
Magel2-null mice were perfused and fixed in 4\% paraformaldehyde, and cut coronally into
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The point of junction of the sagittal and coronal suture is named the bregma, that of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures, the lambda; they indicate respectively the positions of the anterior and posterior fontanelles in the fetal skull.
II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
The clinical features include misshapen skull caused by coronal suture synostosis, wide-set eyes, midface hypoplasia, choanal stenosis, and shallow orbits.
There is a characteristic anterior pointing and medial concavity of the frontal horns, seen on the coronal scans.
The comet was left a bare rock, with its severed tail wrapped around the front of the solar storm, known as a coronal mass ejection.
Hurricane Chops Tail Off of Comet | Impact Lab
There were prominent bilateral scalp contusions with soft tissue and intramuscular haemorrhage, symmetrical parietal skull fractures with coronal sutural diastasis, and a lacerated dura mater with extrusion of brain and blood.
The sagittal suture extends midline along the vertex of the cranium from the anterior coronal suture line to the posterior lambdoidal suture line.
Coronal streamers are the most obvious features in those images, their shapes varying over the several hours of the data collection.
These gaps, located at the Sun's poles, are called coronal holes.
The crowd of periwigged heads at the windows — the swearing chairmen round the steps (the blazoned and coronalled panels of whose vehicles denote the lofty rank of their owners), — the throng of embroidered beaux entering or departing, and rendering the air fragrant with the odors of pulvillio and pomander, proclaim the celebrated resort of
The recommended prefrontal placement is 3 to 4 cm off the middle line, just anterior to the coronal suture.
A large body of evidence points to the existence of an extended, complex coronal magnetosphere originating at the cooler K subgiant
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Using the same bicoronal incision, the neurosurgeon retracts the scalp to expose the cranium from the coronal suture to the lambdoidal suture.
For that matter the coronal was a bye-word, and why not?
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Stepping out by a distance equivalent to the solar radius, the coronal brightness drops by about a factor of a thousand, to be about a billionth that of the solar disk.
Byronia is most similar to thecae of polypoid coronalids, an extant group of scyphozoans that have been allied with conulariids.
Then I call for adjournment ," said Mirigant, "while we consider these matters and wait for the arrival of further news of the Coronal.
In its microstructure and gross anatomy, Hyolithelius is most similar to Byronia and to thecae of polypoid coronalids.
But Gloucester's party, knowing nothing of his halt, had advanced into the wooded park; and Bruce rode down to the right in his armor, and with a gold coronal on his basnet, but mounted on a mere palfrey.
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The crowd of periwigged heads at the windows — the swearing chairmen round the steps (the blazoned and coronalled panels of whose vehicles denote the lofty rank of their owners), — the throng of embroidered beaux entering or departing, and rendering the air fragrant with the odors of pulvillio and pomander, proclaim the celebrated resort of
A large groove (sinus of Breschet) may occur on the intracranial face, parallel to the coronal suture and extending from the bregma to the lesser wing of the sphenoid.
Of course: the local hero, the Coronal whose name was a synonym for triumph.
Middle, the 96 X-ray detected non-binary stars showing the cut-off of coronal emission at the dividing line.
Areas on the surface of the Sun called coronal holes, where the magnetic field is quite open and highly energetic charged particles stream out and hit the earth's magnetic field and interact with it.
Of course: the local hero, the Coronal whose name was a synonym for triumph.
Familial nonsyndromic craniosynostosis, which affects 2 to 6 percent of infants with sagittal synostosis and 8 to 14 percent of infants with coronal synostosis, is transmitted as an autosomal dominant disorder.
The SMM satellite's coronagraph/polarimeter detected a large halo coronal mass ejection; the halo meant that the cloud was directed at Earth.
Here we report multi-epoch radio imaging of the Algol system, in which we see a large, persistent coronal loop approximately one subgiant diameter in height, whose base is straddling the subgiant and whose apex is oriented towards the B8 star.
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Upward, always upward, his eyes on that radiant stellular coronal, as it shone white and splendid in the snowy night.
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Frozen brains were sectioned coronally (50 µm) on a cryostat microtome, starting from the caudal pole of the cortex and continuing rostrally throughout the entire extent of the hippocampal formation.
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BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They are officially known as coronal mass expulsions, but most people know them better at solar flares.
CNN Transcript May 16, 2005
Inter auxilia multa adhibita, duo visa sunt remedium adferre, usus seri caprini cum extracto Hellebori, et irrigatio ex lacte Nympheae, violarum, &c. suturae coronali adhibita; his remediis sanitate pristinam adeptus est.
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The encephalic temperament is distinguished by prominence and breadth of the forehead, or by a full forehead associated with height and breadth at its coronal junction with the parietal bones, and extending toward the volitive region.
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Sagittal and coronal cross-sectional images afford the best views and will be used throughout the MRI portion of pelvic anatomy.