
How To Use Corbel In A Sentence

  • We also gave it slate tiles and a new bargeboard which covered up the second-rate brick corbelling. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • The artisans, profoundly influenced by the woodwork, create pillars with corbelling, showing tenon joints and exhibiting the style of wood carvers in their detailing.
  • Characteristically, they feature pyramidal, domed or conical roofs built up of corbeled limestone slabs.
  • Brightly colored and carefully manicured, the home's exterior almost looks like a house in a Disney movie: painted orange stone corbels surrounding turquoise doors and windows and clay-red roof tiles. The House Built By Chipmunks
  • The second year included rowlock and bonded segmental arches; blocking, toothing, and corbeling; building and bonding of vaulted walls; polygonal and circular walls, piers and chimneys; fire-places and flues. One Way Out A Middle-class New-Englander Emigrates to America
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  • Inside the chamber, enormous rocks with smaller rocks jammed into the cracks to act as mortar form a corbeled ceiling, giving you the impression that you're in a small temple.
  • The designers took advantage of the brick corbeling at the window heads and this recessed detail of the window surroundings, ‘explained the panel.’
  • Internal buttresses in each of the corners support the corbelled roof.
  • Bradford planning authority could legitimately have insisted that for part of such a high-profile city centre development the walls should be natural stone, with natural stone corbels supporting the guttering.
  • At either end of the two tiers an ornament not unlike the ball-flower of the Decorated style is carried up the jamb, and a bold corbel-table runs up the sides of the gable, under the apex of which there is a trefoil panel, while the whole is crowned by an elaborate cross. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • Rare pair of corbels from Louisiana plantation house SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1133
  • Then we added cornices, corbels, ceiling roses and two custom built crystal chandeliers.
  • The effect upon the eye is not monotonous, for a patient art has infinitely varied the combinations of pattern and the juxtapositions of color; while the depth of undercutting of the stucco, and the treatment of the bronze doors and of the carved cedar corbels, necessarily varies with the periods which produced them. G. Roger Denson: From Mark Twain to Malcom X: Americans Discover the Great Mosques
  • On each of the corbels is a boldly carved scene from the career of S. Etheldreda; they commence at the north-west arch. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely A History and Description of the Building with a Short Account of the Monastery and of the See
  • Roofs could be of horizontal capstones to make the so-called dolmens, or of oversailing courses of slabs, which are known as corbelled vaults.
  • The roof of the inner chamber consists of a corbelled ceiling that was built with huge slabs of rocks with small rocks filling the gaps.
  • The money saved by this discipline can be spent on leaded glass windows, corbels and chimney pots - exterior design elements that add to a home's curb appeal and value.
  • There are two such blocks, one on top of the other, forming the vertical sides of the alcove, the next four blocks being offset about 13 cm toward the center to form the corbeled ceiling.
  • I forgot to mention this on a corbel in the foyer. Welcome to The Glad Hand Café.
  • The fourteenth-century church at Harlaxton contains an interesting font, and several corbels depicting Green Men.
  • So church architects also designed the vestments and sanctuary furnishings, the carved corbels and delicate chapel lights. Update on Some Liturgical Details for the Installation of Archbishop Vincent Nichols
  • There were places where neighbours could comfortably have shaken hands across the street from corbelled second stories.
  • There is also a corbel-arched tunnel that goes straight through to what may have been a secret exit. Day Four: Hattushas
  • On these rested painted wooden sun-filtering shutters attached to a concrete corbel, which is in turn connected to the ring-beam. Chapter 7
  • Its pillars bore decorative medallions of crowned heads, friezes of vines with grapes, and corbels of women in flowing garments playing musical instruments.
  • It closed no lantern -- it obstructed no view -- and its light ribs, springing from voluted corbels, bore at each intersection, an emblazoned escutcheon, or painted heraldic device. A Love Story
  • ©f the building; Above this wc fee, that each of the* corner towers on the north fide, had a fair newel ftair - cafe at the top of the tower, and that corbels were left for flooring at different ftories of the building* A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury: With Many Observations Not Hitherto Described in Any ...
  • They are found on the exterior of gothic buildings often in combination with other grotesque and marginal sculpture on corbels and parapets, which are sometimes also mistakenly called gargoyles.
  • Around the south door and on the remaining corbels stone blocks set into the tops of the walls is a lexicon of British symbolism, with some decidedly pagan entries. Early medieval architecture in Britain: examples from the era
  • For instance, who would think that right here in New York there were people who specialized in corbeling? Love Conquers All
  • Such separation may be obtained by corbeling the wall, or staggering the beams, or the beams may be supported by steel wall hangers, but no wall shall be corbeled more than two (2) inches for this purpose. The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia
  • Applewhite used tile payers, a sturdy arbor made of recycled timbers, and a pair of antique, hand-carved corbels to give the patio character.
  • It can also be seen below the angel corbels in the chancel at Ewelme.
  • A band of treble billet moulding runs under the lower windows; a double hatched moulding under the second tier; and immediately below the parapet is the ornament called the corbel table; these with the billet moulding round the clerestory windows, are in excellent preservation. Ely Cathedral
  • The hall remains open to its 18m high, sweet chestnut roof, which is of kingpost construction with wooden corbels carved as human figures, said to represent people who worked on the manor.
  • This almost rusticated or corbelled brickwork technique, together with the raked horizontal joints, imbues the hearth with an earth-pressing monumentality, not unlike that of the Griffins architecture.
  • Thus Mr. Fiennes grew up in rarefied circumstances, surrounded by the artifacts (and vocabulary) of a vanished world: ­halberds and stanchions, vaults and corbels, groined passages, burgonets, rapiers and spontoons. Within The Castle Walls
  • Rain or shine, hot or cold, you will find them corbeling around like Trojans. Love Conquers All
  • The building dates back to the 16th century, but the object - known as a corbel - is believed to be from the late-13th to mid-14th century. Medieval corbel found in York
  • The company can also supply corbels, brackets, pilasters, columns and fireplaces.
  • The roof-shaft west of this bay, for some unknown reason, ends considerably short of the roof in a kind of corbel with rude foliage upon it. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • Where it meets the tower, the bridge deck is supported on corbels cast into the legs.
  • The place was dotted with the corbel-vaulted beehive huts of the prehistoric inhabitants.
  • Domes using these materials are easily achieved with a corbelling system utilizing long tubes made of the polypropylene bag material.
  • It has painted orange stone corbels surrounding turquoise doors and windows and clay-red roof tiles. 'Chipmunks' Estate
  • The building is constructed by piling each course of stones on top of and stepped in slightly from the one beneath it in a technique called corbelling.
  • The company can also supply corbels, brackets, pilasters, columns and fireplaces.
  • Craftsmen have also completed the conservation of a series of carved corbels, some depicting mythical beasts and animals, positioned on the palace walls.
  • With a thickness of 12 inches, the arch features a decorative keystone and double corbels, outlined by antique glazing on a white lacquer base.
  • A large fogou can also be seen on the site with an unusual circular side chamber with a corbelled roof.
  • This unusual fourteenth-century Green Man is to be found on a corbel high on the north wall inside Pinchbeck church.
  • Or when they are not corbeling they may be toothing. Love Conquers All
  • These features are also shared with marginal sculptures of predominantly secular subject matter, such as several quatrefoils from the west portals of Amiens Cathedral and figural corbels from Noyon.
  • Perpendicular window, the heads of the lights below the transom being cinquefoiled, while above each window is a cornice supported by small arches resting on corbels; over all is a pierced battlement, which is also crenelated at the actual east end. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • In the teeming temples of the mother goddesses Vindya Vashini, Kali Koh and Ashtapuja we again saw corbels carved like human women with wings.
  • These features are also shared with marginal sculptures of predominantly secular subject matter, such as several quatrefoils from the west portals of Amiens Cathedral and figural corbels from Noyon.
  • Characteristically, they feature pyramidal, domed or conical roofs built up of corbeled limestone slabs.
  • Above the triforium is the clerestory, which contains one light to each sub-bay, and surmounting all is the vaulting, which springs from the piers and from grotesquely carved corbels between the triforium arches. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espiscopal See
  • The traditional trefoil window arch expressed in timber is ubiquitous, along with corbelled timber dentils used as a supporting cornice.
  • I also was astonished by how different the aesthetic system wasthe vertiginous staircases, the corbel arches, the huge reliefs, etc. A Conversation with Charles C. Mann
  • shouldered arches," as they are commonly called, though each merely consists of a flat lintel resting on corbels, which is not strictly an arch at all. Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less
  • Lots of applied corbels, do-dads, and heavy molding on cabinetry. Builders' Show: What's in and what's out in kitchen design
  • Will any of your correspondents be so kind as to inform me if the device on the corbel was the badge of the knights of the order of St. John of Notes and Queries, Number 76, April 12, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • A corbel is a stone bracket that projects from a wall or corner, either to support a beam or for decoration. Medieval corbel found in York
  • In the medieval Hall of St Mary, Green Men occur as bosses, corbels, in tapestry, and in stained glass.
  • Roofs could be of horizontal capstones to make the so-called dolmens, or of oversailing courses of slabs, which are known as corbelled vaults.
  • He said the beams that hold the lantern itself rest on corbels which have also been substantially eroded over time.
  • Consequently they were abandoned, and their places were taken by projecting galleries of stone, supported, not on wooden beams, but on stone corbels, and it is this second stage in fortification which is called machicolation. In Troubadour-Land A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc
  • The parapets of the flat roofs have red tile trim, decorated cornices and dentils or arched corbeling. Fading Ad Blog by Frank H. Jump
  • After seeing what is left of the girdle of the Virgin, which the verger thought it very important that we should see, we spent what time we had left in gazing up at the interesting corbeling of the nave and the two hollow, stone pyramids that form its roof. In Château Land
  • But then, round here, even the bird tables are jettied and corbelled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The walls of the pool enclosure are running bond brick with a three-brick corbel at the top of the parapet wall.
  • Like many New York armories, it looks like a medieval fortress with towers and turrets and Romanesque corbeling. New York Sun - All Articles
  • The front door and shutters are copper, oxidized to match the posts and corbels.
  • There is more carving on the wall panels, pews and pulpit, the ceiling has fine reliefs, and the corbels supporting the beams have curious carvings, including angels with musical instruments.
  • From the top I can touch the elaborately decorated, corbeled ceiling without stretching.
  • Amateurs can easily fill the tubes using simple agricultural tools, after which bags are arranged in a spiral that is gradually corbelled inwards as it ascends to form a dome.
  • The basic construction technique involves filling sandbags with earth and laying them in circular courses that are corbelled near the top to form a dome.
  • The opening is of the form sometimes called the shouldered arch, a square lintel (which, curiously enough, is not one stone) resting on corbels; and the semicircular arch over this is of four orders, the uppermost of which projects considerably from the wall. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • The tomb of Balban is the first structure in India built with true arches instead of Hindu corbeling. 3. South Asia, 1000-1500
  • With a thickness of 12 inches, the arch features a decorative keystone and double corbels, outlined by antique glazing on a white lacquer base.
  • On a lighter note I am looking forward to another bank holiday - we will be touring the salvage yards of the northeast this weekend looking for antique corbels, floorboards, doors, fireplaces, architraves, door handles etc.
  • Your mantle should be firmly attached to the wall prior to adding the corbels.
  • Supporter, including column, column base, corbel, etc. , are the principal parts supporting cables and cable trays.
  • 'Oh,' says the metaphysician, 'this is association: just so a strain of music reminds you of a fine passage in a book you have read, or a beautiful tone in a picture you have seen; just so the Ranz des Vaches bears the exile to the timber house, with shady leaves, corbelled and strut-supported, whose very weakness appeals to the avalanche that shakes an icicly beard in monition from the impeding crags.' The Continental Monthly , Vol. 2 No. 5, November 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • There are the same number of pieces at each level, and he achieved the appearance of deformation by corbelling, overlapping, and rotating the material as the wall got higher.

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