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How To Use Copying In A Sentence

  • Companies have been urged to make sure their staff do not injure themselves at office Christmas parties by dancing on desks or photocopying themselves.
  • Machines can be cloned simply by copying these resource files.
  • The copying machine was chosen because it emits the least amount of environmental pollutants. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • They never let me walk with them so I trailed behind them, copying whatever they did. GYPSY MASALA
  • Repeat sequences are short stretches of DNA that have been hopping around the genome by copying and inserting themselves into new regions.
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  • We then went on to discuss wether photocopying pages of crochet books was a sin, and would she go to hell for it?
  • Copying from multiple drives on multiple workstations over a slow network further compounds the problems and is an almost certain prescription for not matching the potential performance of tape drives with the flow of data.
  • They can even substitute for the work in some non-commercial contexts (photocopying from the library for personal research is a classic example). Bits Debate: Mixing It Up Over Remixes and Fair Use - Bits Blog -
  • The son of a Covent Garden barber, he was initially self-taught and learned through copying prints and drawings and assisting architectural draughtsmen.
  • He began playing the guitar at age 7, copying his older brother Jimmie.
  • Slimb and its protein partners then ubiquitinate Plk4, so that no enzyme remains on the centrioles by the time they are ready for copying. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Born in London, taught by governesses, she combined her early love of drawing with a keen interest in natural history, copying flowers and drawing small animals kept as pets or found on summer holidays in Scotland and the Lakes.
  • The other pilot would be responsible for maintaining an instrument scan and copying information from the crewman.
  • I assume that you are quoting Derek accurately and I am copying this letter to him.
  • In her 2007 book, "Basic Black," she recalls photocopying her résumé at the office of a job she was eager to move on from. NYT > Home Page
  • Some he would take home, copying them out most carefully before returning them in their leather cases to their proper places.
  • To xerox is to make copies of graphic material by a dry photocopying process.
  • While copying guild models, friendly societies also adopted elements of the secret freemasonry movement, specifically rites, rituals and codes of conduct.
  • You can have students make this, or you can produce it with a hectograph or cyclostyle or other copying device. Chapter 4
  • The discovery of two inkwells and a plastered table and bench strongly suggested that one of the rooms was a scriptorium, a room set apart for writing or copying manuscripts.
  • To date, printed scores have been strictly protected; photocopying them is illegal.
  • November 1st, 2007 at 2: 22 pm wwbd says: true story: there’s this one time, where i just threw out this random post. copying someone else’s exact format. there in layed the funny part, but then some troll came about and starting calling me incorrect ajdectives. so what did i do? LEDGER. GILLIAM. IMAGINARIUM. PERIODS.
  • Such copying amounts to a wrongful infringement upon the property rights of the copyright holders. Christianity Today
  • The invention makes possible estimating and control of the printing/copying process costs through printers, telefaxes and other digital multifunctional units operating locally or in the network of any user of this equipment.
  • While copyright collectives claim that education institutions need licenses to compensate for faculty and student copying, many copying activities are permitted under Canadian copyright law without the need for payment.
  • Every time I switch on the TV, I see someone copying a video I did, sometimes frame by frame.
  • That copying something, that sharing something on - line which is infinitely duplicable and there right in front of you natural is different from taking, from going into a store and like sneaking out of it. CNN Transcript Aug 4, 2009
  • In intellectual circles, censorship was mitigated by the hand-copying and circulation of original works, some of which remained unprinted for decades.
  • I suspect some of the lace on sale is manufactured by Chinese peasants copying Burano-Venetian lace patterns.
  • Those that survive have increased the range of goods and services to attract custom - a wide range of magazines or even photocopying services.
  • But then, when this particular bunch of Delhi youngsters decided to take it on, they perhaps knew only too well that copying the clones doesn't come easy.
  • But in the Sony case, the Supreme Court quite clearly saw that, in a world where technological developments made copying easier, the idea of contributory infringement in copyright could be used to suppress or control entire technologies that seemed, in the logic of 20/20 downside vision, to pose a threat to the copyright holder. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • Instead of the stereotypical "gofer" work, such as photocopying, my job consisted of tasks such as thinking of questions for interviews, proof-reading Marci's blog posts, and keeping an eye on her dog, Sinatra, during phone interviews. The Blog Herald
  • Copying the practice of some lower courts, the Supreme Court can refer recusal motions to another Justice or a panel of three Justices.
  • Knowledge passes from dance teacher into the student through the process of mane, which is often translated as imitation, but learning to dance is more a process of total identification than one of simple copying. Geisha, A Life
  • You can also increase your catch numbers by copying our coarse fishing colleagues and employing swim feeders.
  • I have a fragment of their plaster postiche copying the close-grained Egyptian granite; the oily lustre of the quartz is so fresh and the peculiar structure of the rock, with its mica scintillations, so admirably rendered as to deceive, after two thousand years, the eye of a trained mineralogist.] Old Calabria
  • It was held that the defendant had infringed copyright by copying the two-line moving cursor menu.
  • Instrument for mechanical copying of drawings or plans on the same or a different scale planimeter Chapter 7
  • And suppose that employee may have spent the better part of the past week copying files off the server and onto diskettes.
  • For the pretest and the copying experiment, we recorded the same four males again, but this time as single males that showed courtship displays to a female in an extra tank underneath.
  • I can also return that book for store credit without the bookstore accusing me of photocopying the book at home.
  • You can either leave it like that, or gradually convert the old mobile accounts to new local ones (by means of copying the home profile from one to another and using the 'chown' command in Terminal to change the owner permissions on all the files within each home folder.) Discussions: Message List - root
  • Arvind, a college teacher catches Rajkumar, son of a political bigwig, in the examination hall while the latter is copying.
  • Protocol is also provided for formatting, blind copying, attachments, automatic signatures and tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm feeling pretty slothful and despondent today, so I've took the lazy option of filling a bit of blogspace by copying down one of those questionnaires that I so detest.
  • Filesharing is the equivalent of someone buying a book, photocopying it and distributing it to strangers on the street.
  • While readings, antiphons, or responses might be added to the margins of Psalters or incorporated into the text proper during the copying process, creating what was known as a ferial or choral Psalter, the Psalter itself remained the same, no matter who the user was. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • It is often the biggest companies with the largest resources who do the most copying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Avex officials say young people have no qualms about copying and distributing music.
  • Most of the works of the ancient Greek mathematicians which have survived do so because of this copying process and it is the ‘latest’ version written in minuscule script which has survived.
  • The link economy has a set of ethics too, which looks down on certain practices such as hotlinking or copying large chunks of someone’s html. First, kill the lawyers – before they kill the news « BuzzMachine
  • They were all copying my accent and pissing themselves laughing.
  • This magician gained his magic power by absorbing or copying it from his enemies.
  • That doesn't mean she needs to contradict her own personality by, in turn, copying me.
  • Confusingly, logos and some design signatures - such as the three stripes on Adidas track suits or the Nike swoosh - are protected from copying under trademark statutes.
  • They'd be good at minutely copying highly detailed flower paintings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make sure that you have cleaned the heads of the VCR between copying videos.
  • He began copying because he was sick of paying money for inferior material to unscrupulous dealers and considered it his hobby.
  • During these peregrinations he owed much to the generosity of friends and patrons; otherwise he maintained himself by a succession of clerical, secretarial, and tutorial posts and by teaching and copying music.
  • I didn't know that before I got all accusative of it copying Being Erica ... do all English majors at one point study the phallic imagery in James Joyce's Ulysses? Tweets For Today
  • The copying process, however, is deliberately made imperfect, so that the occasional error creeps in.
  • My latest Guardian column, "Free data sharing is here to stay," is live -- it's an argument about the "information economy," and whether restricting copying hurts or helps it. Boing Boing
  • Sure, you can steal the photocopying toner from work and queue-jump at the bakers, but the Dark One is fickle with his acolytes.
  • Binary deploy of external SQL stored procedures requires copying the load module from the source server's library to a dataset in the target server.
  • Also present in the nucleoplasm are proteins known as polymerases, which pluck nucleotides from the soup as needed when copying DNA. The Speculist: Better All The Time #22
  • Occasionally, the DNA copying process involved in reproduction may go wrong.
  • Rotterdam-based website Dvdstream. nl is using the Dutch copyright law that permits the copying of films or music for private consumption, to lawfully provide unlimited film-downloads. B2fxxx
  • Second, Irdial's editing may have been sufficient ‘selection and arrangement’ to give rise to a copyright in the whole track, preventing wholesale verbatim copying.
  • Make sure the file you're copying to is open before you click 'Paste'.
  • That was done because we noticed on the last problem set that they were copying the problems wrong from the book; they were getting the right answer for what they wrote down, but they miscopied.
  • The alternative is to use a litigation support bureau which operates in a similar way to external photocopying bureaux.
  • If a phrase is noteworthy then acknowledge the copying with speech marks and cite the source.
  • So I said, ‘Oh, it's just some stuff I've been copying on hypnotism.’
  • This restriction on copying applies equally to single, group and site licences.
  • The pantograph is a simple apparatus for copying drawings, maps, designs, etc., on a reduced or enlarged scale, or to the same size as the original. Things To Make
  • Despite many hours first of tracing, then of copying copperplate examples, my handwriting never became other than serviceable at best. The Handwriting Is on the Wall
  • On the opposite side of the room was a large, massively-constructed copying camera, the front of which, carrying the lens, was fixed, and an easel or copyholder travelled on parallel guides towards, or away, from it, on a long stand. The Red Thumb Mark
  • So if I ever get around to photocopying them and bringing them around to places, you might see that in print.
  • He notices that It looks like the differences seem to be ‘copying’ the Fibonacci series in the tens and in the units columns.
  • It is one of the biggest cases of Internet piracy and illegal copying ever discovered.
  • First, the Board has stated, in obiter dicta, on several occasions that the Private Copying regime legalizes copying for the private use of the person making the copy, regardless of whether the source is non-infringing or not. Boing Boing
  • The new $10 _ featuring shades of orange, yellow and red _ will join colorized versions of the $20 bill and the $50 bill as the Bureau of Engraving and Printing attempts to stay one step ahead of counterfeiters and ever-more sophisticated copying machines. The new $10 bill is coming
  • Another option here is to rip your CDs using the fastest machine on your network, then copying the ripped tracks over to the server.
  • After copying the tape, she gets her friend, Noah, involved.
  • They rejected their teachers' conventional ideas and academic art, yet spent years assiduously copying and assimilating the Old Masters.
  • Private copying levies already operate efficiently in many European countries.
  • He wears brown, doesn't care much for his appearance and works as a clerk copying out binary code by hand with three equally geeky colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not what I wanted to hear after copying the names of about one crore hundred people.
  • ‘Excellent,’ Mr. Lively praised, too copying the information onto the board.
  • To emulate (in the specific patois of archivists) is to re-create a work that uses a defunct technology by essentially re-copying it into a current technology.
  • The researchers used organic chemicals called ionic liquids to pull the CO2 from the air and use it, copying how a plant captures and uses CO2 during photosynthesis. Green Business News
  • repeated copying leads to a multiplication of errors
  • She makes most of her own clothes, copying any fashion which takes her fancy.
  • The author's examination of the US literal and non-literal copying cases is clear and helpful.
  • Enamored of brushy Spanish facture, Delacroix said (copying what he thought to be a Velazquez), ‘I'd like to spread some nice oily, thick paint across a brown or red canvas.’
  • My cousins S. paratyphi causes paratyphoid fever but I just think he's copying me Salmonella enteritidis
  • So unless there's direct copying, there is no infringement.
  • The output is obtained on a high-quality laser printer, suitable for copying.
  • Failure to do so will result in my copying this letter to the Home Office Enforcement Section so that they may take necessary action against you to compel you to leave the United Kingdom.
  • Make sure the file you're copying to is open before you click 'Paste'.
  • The camera obscura was widely used in the 18th and 19th centuries for copying pictures and prints, and for reducing or enlarging their sizes in the process.
  • Their writing condition was examined with the Chinese agraphia examination (CAB) including automatic writing, transcription, dictation, picture copying and initiative writing.
  • It requires copying the video to a digital file on the computer using an analog converter.
  • I bought a ream of paper and a glue stick for photocopying my zine.
  • Copyright Wars denounced certain copyright owners who once analogized a copying technology to a "strangler" -- and then six times accused copyright owners of trying to "kill, The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog
  • Next thing, Nesbitt was copying particulars from our duty card, underneath which he wrote various comments of his own. THE SCHEME FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT
  • My experience with Vista has been that copying and moving files around, even on the local system, but especially copying files to and from a fileserver maybe this is MS trying to mess with Samba setups? is d-o-g s-l-o-w. Software Archives
  • The Chinese proved remarkably adept at reproducing the armorial designs, copying painted or printed patterns such as bookplates sent from Europe and America.
  • After copying the template, edit the report process by expanding the copied DB activity trace report in your process group.
  • Once in Italy, he drew incessantly, copying antique statuary as well as more recent work by Michelangelo and Raphael.
  • And if it is real, is unconscious copying (or "cryptomnesia" to those who study the phenomenon) preventable? You Didn’t Plagiarize, Your Unconscious Did
  • Loss during copying should be common because most lemmata occur quite infrequently. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Ironically, the performance benefit of the decision to make Point mutable is dwarfed by the additional cost of the defensive copying required by Point's mutability.
  • You can have students make this, or you can produce it with a hectograph or cyclostyle or other copying device. Chapter 4
  • Anyone can drum up 250 objections simply by photocopying the standard objection letter.
  • No, copying the tape and passing it around isn't really what happens in the sequels.
  • If it is not doing so, then you should seek an urgent meeting with the head teacher, and, if he or she does not remedy the situation, write to the governing body, copying your letter to the chief education officer in your education authority.
  • Meanwhile Mariotto was revelling in the Eden of art, drawing daily beneath the Loggie -- where the orange-trees grew close to the pillars -- from the exquisite statues and "torsi," peopling the shades with white forms, or copying cartoons by the older masters, which hung against the walls. Fra Bartolommeo
  • I'll be copying your reply with paper and pencil so that I can "ruminate" on it further. The Roar - Your Sports Opinion
  • We used different videos in the copying experiment than in the pretest, so that test females had not previously seen these stimuli.
  • Even those monks who spent their days copying manuscripts could barely read or understand them.
  • He claimed the KGB got revenge by sending one of their spies to Scotland to impersonate him, copying his style of dress, with orders to behave disgracefully to get him into trouble.
  • One thing Clinic could never be accused of is copying anyone's sound or jumping aboard the latest fashionable bandwagon.
  • When you have a repertoire of moves, you have fidelity in copying.
  • Kazza is now in charge of photocopying a daily report for some of our staff.
  • To utilize multiprocessor systems more efficiently, copying and compression can also be performed in parallel.
  • Alÿs has arranged perhaps the ultimate post-modern exhibit by displaying a collection of over three hundred amateur and semi-professional paintings and other objects copying the image of St. Fabiola. Two Hearts (Beat as One)
  • Mike was now copying our dad's voice, which made me wince with emotional pain.
  • She should have developed her own style instead of copying him.
  • Hofmann made his version by photocopying an old Bible and getting a printshop to make a set of typefaces for him.
  • Fill the lacunae in your inspiration by tidily copying out what you have already written.
  • The final approach Hahn described, "emulation," is an "advanced biomimicry," based more on understanding and modeling natural processes than on copying specific solutions.
  • And who wants to do all that busywork copying those down?
  • Because this year at least one music company will be releasing CDs that positively invite copying - within limits.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Several boys die copying Saddam hanging'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'The boys\' deaths - scattered in the United States, in Yemen, in Turkey and elsewhere in seemingly isolated horror - had one thing in common: They hanged themselves after watching televised images of Saddam Hussein\'s execution. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Several boys die copying Saddam hanging
  • Likewise, I would assume that you would like to condemn the Tories for photocopying Lib Dem campaign handbooks and giving them out at Tory councillors conferences as a friend of mine in Peterborough Tories often used to pick his copies of Lib Dem handbooks at Tory conferences for free. First poll in Norwich North
  • Anyone caught copying a DVD, distributing software to aid in the copying of DVDs, or photostatting the label on a DVD will be hanged by their thumbs and forced to watch Britney Spears videos.
  • They were basically copying our designs for expensive wood inlay but using their labor and materials to beat us on price.
  • There's a lot more to making backups than just copying a few files onto a CDRW disk and throwing it into a box.
  • To prevent copying, DVDs are sectioned into blocks that are each encrypted using a content scrambling system.
  • Schöffer was a copyist and calligrapher, who used his skills in copying manuscripts to design, compose, and set the printed text.
  • Regarding that plagiarism, can you tell my readers how you paid $400 a month to a known con man for him to ghostwrite the book that you then paid more money for a vanity press to publish, not realising that this scammer had royally shafted you by copying a whole chapter from another writer's work and simply changing the names (well, most of them)? Oh Dear Dog
  • Suspicions may be raised by the number of retailers selling a product for a given price, but how do you determine if they are actively colluding, or simply copying one another?
  • Using a technique called striping - a RAID ‘Level ‘hard drive setup that includes a controller card and two drives - can supercharge system performance on tasks like file copying and image editing.’
  • Direct copying of qubits is prohibited by the rules of quantum mechanics, nature's instruction book for the smallest particles of matter.
  • There were blackberry bushes thickly massed in unfrequented corners of the park, and he tried them, copying the style of the adult foxes.
  • A Civics lesson largely devoted to copying from the blackboard a diagram on the hierarchical structure of the ministry of education.
  • The hotel's 24-hour business centre is on the lobby level and has photocopying, translation, fax, telex, computer word processing and courier services.
  • The battle goes on between the music industry and those who seek to rob them of their legitimate revenues by illegally and unfairly copying CDs.
  • Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books.
  • It's to make up for the tons of paper we use up photocopying the thousands of pages' worth of readings he assigns.
  • Once the Microsoft product was copied, Microsoft would have to enforce a privately funded lawsuit, with a private contract court, for any of numerable groups that may be legally copying their product, but violating a private contract twice removed from Microsoft's control. Libertarian Redistribution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In the Psalter he was content with copying out the first verse of each psalm; whilst when dealing with the Gospels he did not quote from each evangelist separately, but made use of a kind of confused diatessaron of all four combined. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • I've no interest in who they are, I told him, I won't even look at who they are, but Mr Blair and co, in their wisdom, have made it a finable offence for me to employ anyone without seeing and copying the ID the government requires them to present, I said. Quote of the Day
  • They should be given access to resources such as headed notepaper, provision of stationery and photocopying facilities, library facilities, e-mail, and access to a telephone.
  • The business centre has full secretarial and administrative services Internet access, photocopying, full colour laser printing, a facsimile service and couriers.
  • Unfortunately the interface for copying music from my computer to the device was rubbish, the drivers and firmware were flaky, and I could never get it to run properly under Windows 2000.
  • Oh yeah, you may scoff but soon you'll be copying my pink eye look and trying to duplicate my Gabriel's trumpet-like sneeze.
  • Copying the works of others protects the solitude of the monastic cell from more intrusive forms of ministry.
  • If a grant is awarded the money will go towards research and a feasibility study for the larger project of copying and moving the stones.
  • A strong-named component cannot be serviced or upgraded by copying a new version over the old one.
  • Daryll, stop copying entire comments, ya f ucking lamebrain! Think Progress » Red Cross financial aid Scott Brown voted to kill now assisting Massachusetts relief efforts in Haiti.
  • Copying this colorful festival, there have been other boat races in the backwaters and rivers of Kerala for the purpose of attracting foreign tourists.
  • Models are then provided for copying and developing in various ways: usually the teacher's own handwriting and specimens in copybooks.
  • It is IMPOSSIBLE to overconsume an IP resource by copying it. Lessig on Copyright, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The innovation of electrotypes in the mid-19th century added yet another dimension to the art of copying.
  • The cost of copying a disk of software or a tape of music is a fraction of the cost of the product.
  • I am copying this letter to those to whom you sent your letter of 1 March.
  • Here the craftsman's labor is a medium of likeness between man and the divine Artifex as well as a means of transgression that, when it overreaches its limit through an impossible copying of what is beyond it, produces the greater unlikeness of the hyper-mimetic hybrid as a secondary, grotesque creation. Archive 2008-02-01
  • There are still laws against copying intellectual work, it ` s just that they ` re restored in alignment with natural law, ie you can copy what you privately possess, but not that which someone else privately possesses. Intellectual Property and pink socks
  • There are older posts dating back to September 2000, but I have no means of copying them across - short of retyping them.
  • Constant copying of correct spelling produces good spellers.
  • In 1844, he scaled the almost sheer cliffs of Bisitun, in Persia, copying relief sculptures and their accompanying cuneiform inscriptions in Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian.
  • 18 To the porcelain connoisseur Warren Cox, the proliferation of willowware occurred to the detriment of good taste: “Nothing could better exemplify the utter dearth of aesthetic consciousness than the stupid copying of this design which lacks every element of true Chinese painting and any real claim to beauty whatsoever, and the maudlin stories wrought about it to please the sentimental old ladies of the late eighteenth century.” The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • Using a work-around for now (copying the contents of the "unclosed" file to another file, and running asecond program on the data.) All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • No. Thanks Esperanza, the 'germination' info shows up on a lot of sites but probably just folks copying incorrect information from others. Musical fruit
  • Instead, he turned and replaced the invoice with his blank warrant, quickly copying over the address.
  • We came up with a few of those by copying and exaggerating things that we and our friends got up to!
  • the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated
  • For this purpose, verbatim copying probably counts as antiquitarian, though the motive is different. The Picts (or Cruithne, or Albans): What's in a name?
  • When the first hairstyle thief lifts your look, it will be said that they are copying your style rather than vice versa.
  • To give you a flavour of the correspondence, I'm copying you in to some of my replies.
  • Another similar force for conformity is that organizations more or less model themselves on each other by copying what is considered to be best practice.
  • Sisman quotes a note of his to an admirer: "I ought to sit, night and day, in the Bodleian library or the Public Record Office, 'with learned dust besprent' ... wearing an eye-shade over my nose and munching a periodic dry bun, in order, by my copying of earlier copyists, to earn my place in some future Dunciad. In praise of losers
  • She makes most of her own clothes, copying any fashion which takes her fancy.
  • Proliferation of nuclear weapons may be the big bogey, but the proliferation of copying machines will do the job just as well.
  • I was lazy about copying them off my camera, and I was lazy about plugging it into my work mac for the first time (to recharge the battery) and it didn't properly unmount, so yesterday when I tried to take photos and the camera said "0 photos" I was more than sufficiently chagrined. Sunday Almosts
  • CD copying is not just illegal, runs the argument, but immoral.
  • They were all copying my accent and pissing themselves laughing.
  • The processes of creating hard links and copying large files also takes place simultaneously.
  • His main expense is photocopying thousands of legal documents and he spends his days preparing the next part of his case.
  • The cost of copying the staggering amount of materials for my class would have bankrupted her.
  • It was the reward he had promised her for what he called her dreary, mechanical job of copying and copying. Mr. Waddington of Wyck
  • We package this together on the DVD side and we are copying the edited version on the original VHS.
  • I work in tier 1 (tier 2-ish tasks many times) HelpDesk at a media company and I'm constantly copying/pasting things in Active Directory, MS Exchange Management Console, and other systems. CopyPasteTool Is A Tiny, Dead-Simple Clipboard Helper | Lifehacker Australia
  • Even that has been a mixed blessing. Young photographers aiming at the poster market have taken to copying his style.
  • The Australian Joint Copying Project continued and extended this work in microform.
  • The issue is that at present there is little or no way to stop people copying music into a digital format from an earlier analogue version of it.
  • Germany's Bild newspaper accused Mercedes of copying its Munich-based rival and published pictures of the two cars' interiors, tails and side profiles, asking readers to spot the difference.

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