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How To Use Copulation In A Sentence

  • Also, males cannot force females to copulate as copulation is only possible when the female assumes a horizontal body posture.
  • Copulations in which the male forcefully mounted the female in the absence of female solicitation were regarded as forced.
  • Copulations were observed on three occasions, all in the immediate vicinity of nests.
  • This permits the male to mount her back and attempt copulation by curling his abdomen to clasp her genitalia.
  • These are probably living fetuses, produced by the father, of different degrees of maturity, to be detruded at different periods of time, like the unimpregnated eggs of various sizes, which are found in poultry; and as they are produced without any known copulation, contribute to evince, that the living embryon in other orders of animals is formed by the male-parent, and not by the mother, as one parent has the power to produce it. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
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  • In Drosophila species, the male accessory gland secretes seminal fluids transferred to the female during copulation.
  • Females begin to cannibalize males during the first copulation, but males usually survive and achieve a second copulation following a second period of courtship.
  • According to law you've got to disclose such a fact prior to copulation.
  • Due to a purely biological function, a tigress in oestrus goes through an intensive mating cycle that requires, as research indicates, copulation every 15 minutes resulting in 50 or 60 encounters over a couple of days.
  • Norwegian scientists find that some 60 percent of bluethroat females indulged in "extra-pair copulations. Science Notes
  • Adult natal males were never observed to achieve intromission, so all complete copulations involved immigrants.
  • Displacement of the resident male lasted only until the neighboring animal had copulated with the female; after copulation, the neighboring animal returned to the area in which he was usually active.
  • Same-sex copulation and bonding are common in hundreds of species, from bonobo apes to gulls.
  • “What if you get AIDS?” she fretted, completely ignorant of or at least neglecting the fact that female-female copulation is virtually STD-transmission-free, fully focused on AIDS as “the gay disease” or, at the very least, “the promiscuous people’s disease,” and naturally since I am bisexual I’m also promiscuous, because all true bisexuals are. Musings. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • But when the embryo has already grown to some size and it so happens that copulation occurs again, superfoetation sometimes takes place, but rarely, since the uterus generally closes in women during the period of gestation. On the Generation of Animals
  • Albino Turkey, which proudly biological, of many it has been cooked chicken '? the surviving s and duck they the soup is restructured, they come l' inspection, wolves downstairs and they have proved which its ugly foot uses which [apokefaletai] the duck pushes, bleeds to the area and the battles they by part, they introduce its wing there n 'to put; conducts in which these for qu' they think what is a suitable place, and does subcrust current consonance, when blue red wattle outside, this duck have placed which also copulation also kip him. Thing-a-day 2010
  • In other words, the more vasopressin in the brain, the more male voles want to stick around and mingle with the female after copulation is through. In the Now How About That Dep’t: The bonding gene | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • How their faiths could decline so low, as to concede their generations in Heaven, to be made by the smell of a Citron, or that the felicity of their Paradise should consist in a Jubile of copulation, that is, a coition of one act prolonged unto fifty years. El Hombre Que Comía Diccionarios
  • Marshall, who has found that in the ferret and other animals, ovulation may be dependent upon copulation, also considers that ovulation and menstruation, though connected and able to react on each other, may both be dependent upon a common cause; he finds that in bitches and rats heat can be produced by injection of extract from ovaries in the oestrous state (F.H.A. Marshall, _Philosophical Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • The special process which secures this union of the male and female elements is termed copulation or coitus. Men Women and God
  • An outlandish delegate sustained against both these views, with such heat as almost carried conviction, the theory of copulation between women and the males of brutes, his authority being his own avouchment in support of fables such as that of the Minotaur which the genius of the elegant Latin poet has handed down to us in the pages of his Metamorphoses. Ulysses
  • The male orients toward the female, follows her, taps her abdomen with his foreleg, extends and vibrates his wing, licks her genitalia, and then mounts her and initiates copulation.
  • Lastly comes the sin of not observing the right manner of copulation, which is more grievous if the abuse regards the Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • The claspers are assumed to function in copulation.
  • All previous reports of orchid pollination through pseudocopulation involve solitary wasps or bees.
  • At copulation the cirrus of the male is everted into the vaginal opening of the proglottid of an adjacent worm. Platyhelminthes
  • The other season in which it is dangerous to come in their way, is at the time of their copulation, which is generally about this time of the year. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • While the British and French studies measured male reproductive success by observed successful copulations, the Japanese one estimated the number of successful copulations, based on female pre-copulatory behavior. The Panda's Thumb: Guest Contributor Archives
  • There’s a familiar body of theory that holds porn is valued and consumed precisely because of its unreality — hence, absurdly proportioned women engaging in frenzied, decontextualized copulation with strangers, in scenarios that run the gamut from merely demeaning and objectifying to full-blown grand guignol. The Market for Penetration
  • The males mount the females for one-to two-minute intervals before copulation actually takes place.
  • In the present study we examined whether comb size was related to testosterone levels, to a suite of behavioral and territorial traits, and to copulation success.
  • The black widow kills her mate immediately after copulation.
  • In the laboratory, golden egg bugs copulate repeatedly, with copulations often lasting [greater than] 10 hours.
  • Inbreds like yourself have to be greedy and live life as selfishly as possible because your souls were condemned from the moment your mothers engaged in incestuous copulation with their fathers, uncles and brothers. Think Progress » Cheney Casts Deciding Vote to Pass Budget That Hammers the Poor
  • The young are produced in the same way also by the cephalopoda, e.g. sepias and the like, and by the crustacea, e.g. carabi and their kindred, for these also lay eggs in consequence of copulation, and the male has often been seen uniting with the female. On the Generation of Animals
  • Some religious tenets and social conventions ban copulation between unmarried couples or limit coitus to certain postures or positions.
  • All previous reports of orchid pollination through pseudocopulation involve solitary wasps or bees.
  • Much research has focused on understanding breeding synchrony in animals and its relationship to such issues as mating systems and extrapair copulations in birds.
  • Such as affirm that wind-eggs are the residua of eggs previously begotten from copulation are mistaken in this assertion, for we have cases well authenticated where chickens of the common hen and goose have laid wind-eggs without ever having been subjected to copulation. The History of Animals
  • 308 Complete ablution is rendered necessary chiefly by the emission of semen either in copulation or in nocturnal pollution. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • During copulation the female transfers unfertilized eggs to the male's ventral surface, where fertilization takes place.
  • To complicate the situation, the cow emits a “postcopulatory rumble” after copulation, which is thought to invite a challenging bull that might be bigger and therefore preferred. The Elephant's Secret Sense
  • During copulation, he deposits sperm into her sperm receptacle and places a plug in it, perhaps to retain his sperm or prevent other males from mating with her.
  • In a sexual behavior known as 'nipping,' males contact their snouts to the female genital area prior to copulation. Carin Bondar: Excuse Me... I Think You've Got Something Stuck on Your Upper Lip
  • Here we describe a new case of pollination by genitalic pseudocopulation in orchids, this time in the genus Lepanthes.
  • The phenomenon of flowers pollinated by pseudocopulation has been very well documented for Afro-European and Australian terrestrial orchids.
  • Now those in whom nature is the cause of such a state no one would call incontinent, any more than one would apply the epithet to women because of the passive part they play in copulation; nor would one apply it to those who are in a morbid condition as a result of habit. The Nicomachean Ethics
  • If they are lucky, the former is part of the latter - female redbacks eat their male mates during copulation.
  • An analysis of extrapair paternity in the dusky warbler, Phylloscopus fuscatus, revealed that females choose copulation partners on the basis of the quality but not of the quantity of song.
  • For many are less venereous, and not so hot, and do not with any great desire use copulation, but rather decline from it.
  • We observed the pair's behaviors continuously until the snails either became unreceptive, achieved mutual copulation, or were separated before copulating.
  • Pairing copulations are preceded by females indicating their willingness to copulate by adopting the receptive position; females lie flat in the water to allow the male to mount.
  • Molluscs, after pairing and copulation, lay a white spawn; and this spawn, as in the case of the testacean, gets granular in time. The History of Animals
  • In other groups, the dominant male gets most of the matings, and the other males are allowed an occasional copulation.
  • Most females proceed to cannibalize the male during copulation (for details on the copulatory sequence, see Forster 1995).
  • In true spiders, the chelicerae are modified into fangs with poison glands, while the pedipalps of the males are modified for copulation.
  • The albino turkey, that is proud biological, many roasted chicken's survivor and the duck are transformed the soup, comes the inspection, wolfs down and demonstrated that uses his ugly foot to push beheads the duck, it bleeds in the ground and flaps lays aside there its wing, enters any him to think that is a suitable position, and makes the subcrust current sound, when his blue red wattle gushed out, he has mounted the duck which and the copulation dies and it. Thing-a-day 2010
  • Nematomorphs are dioecious, they reproduce with true copulation or pseudocopulation (Gordiida).
  • This same motif of the observing procuress appears in one of the prints in the notorious series of pornographic designs by Giulio illustrating various positions of copulation between men and women.
  • Male mosquitofish do not court and copulations result exclusively from males forcibly inseminating females.
  • Copulation consists of the male wrapping the posterior part of his body around the female's ventral side, bringing his uropods in close proximity to her marsupium. Crustacea
  • During copulation, males move their copulatory organs, the pedipalps, in a rhythmic, twisting manner.
  • We investigate the adaptive value of cannibalism in this orb-web spider, where 60 percent of males do not survive copulation.
  • The frigid old crone who taught us made copulation seem like the most boring thing possible.
  • The golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes frequently cannibalizes males both before and during copulation.
  • The behavioral sequence leading to a copulation has been extensively described in the domestic fowl.
  • For each male, we used the number of observed copulations as an estimate of his total copulatory success.
  • A Superior Court judge ruled after a preliminary hearing Monday that there was enough evidence for 41-year-old Melvin Shane Sparks to stand trial on six counts of lewd acts on a child and two counts of oral copulation of a person under 16. Melvin Shane Sparks, MTV Dance Judge, Ordered To Trial On Child Oral Sex, Lewd Acts Charges
  • They trace their ancestry to the copulation of an ape, an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, and an ogress, an emanation of the goddess Tara, whose progeny gave birth to the Tibetan people in the Yarlung valley.
  • 308 Complete ablution is rendered necessary chiefly by the emission of semen either in copulation or in nocturnal pollution. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The black widow kills her mate immediately after copulation.
  • Consequently, there appears to be some asynchronous breeding in the population, possibly allowing males excluded from the area in the initial part of the season to obtain copulations.
  • In Drosophila species, the male accessory gland secretes seminal fluids transferred to the female during copulation.
  • In this situation the cost of mating for the female is essentially the cost of a (forced) copulation.
  • To complicate the situation, the cow emits a “postcopulatory rumble” after copulation, which is thought to invite a challenging bull that might be bigger and therefore preferred. The Elephant's Secret Sense
  • It is evidently pleasing to many people," the demographer J Richard Udry observed dryly in a 1970 paper comprehensively disproving the theory, "to fantasise that when people are trapped by some immobilising event which deprives them of their usual activities, most will turn to copulation". Sex, lies and natural disasters
  • Without compatibility, husband and wife are left to "grind in the mill of an undelighted and servile copulation. Heroic Milton: Happy Birthday
  • Note that the ‘rudimentary legs’ on some snakes are acknowledged as having a function during reproduction, as claspers during copulation.
  • The birds were fully habituated, and most copulations were observed at 5 m distance.
  • The majority of their energy is spent in finding a mate: mating displays for the males, copulation and, ultimately, egg laying for the females.
  • Lack of regular and satisfactory copulation is one thing that is likely to make me anxious; it was a fact that there had been a sad shortage of dependable lovers in North Platte, which is one reason I didn’t mind leaving the place. Telegraph Days
  • In the text books they call it parthenogenetic unisexual pseudocopulation, or uniparens (one parent). Autotomous Penes & Endless War
  • They are poor, numerous, and pregnant; if they work, it is to little purpose; their religions span a simple spectrum from witchcraft to wrath, and their societies alternate between tyranny and chaos; they beat their wives, scarify their daughters, and occasionally eat their enemies; they have never read (if they can read) a book that was not holy, or heard a piece of music unrelated to copulation. Dan Agin: Michelle Obama and the Poison of National Review
  • In the laboratory, golden egg bugs copulate repeatedly, with copulations often lasting [greater than] 10 hours.
  • Dr Li told the Guardian that it was unclear how the broken palps continued to inseminate the female after being severed from the male, but said such "remote copulation" was more than a simple draining of sperm into the female. Male spiders sacrifice their genitals to fertilise big hungry females
  • Mating is achieved by pseudocopulation, a process of external fertilization in which partners maintain a close physical association before their synchronous release of gametes.
  • One can imagine an ideal servent who serves out of pure love for his master, just as one can an ideal rustic who remains a ditcher from a love of nature, or an ideal fricatrice who spreads her legs a dozen times a night from a love of copulation. The Shadow of the Torturer

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