How To Use Cop In A Sentence

  • By adding the chlorides of strontian, uranium, potassium, sodium, iron, or copper to the liquid, various effects may be produced, and these bodies will be found to produce the same color on the plate that their flame gives to alcohol. American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
  • There are only a couple of days left in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review's Giveaway for one of three copies of Orson Scott Card's new release, Hidden Empire. Book Contest Links ... more than a few
  • The terrestrial planets in our solar system all have very specific spectroscopic fingerprints that tell us quite a bit about their atmospheres.
  • It didn't break, but George was bleeding and had copped a bit of a shiner.
  • Since the extra energy being transferred from one molecule to the next changes the way each absorbs and emits light, the flow of energy can be followed through optical spectroscopy, resolved on a femtosecond timescale.
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  • It makes data generators, multimeters and oscilloscopes, as well as semiconductors, optoelectronic components and RF chip sets - all very complex products that require a great deal of customization for individual customers.
  • It takes about eight seconds for a pair of lobsters to copulate; it takes a lot longer to get them into the mood.
  • Their movements have a likable jazzy syncopation, a bit of relaxed jive.
  • The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.
  • This sort of enamel work on a faceted metal body was copied from the enamelled European watches.
  • The largest of these primitive ‘trees’ were giant lycopods reaching upwards of 20 meters, but most of the plants grew to less than a meter above the ground.
  • Cppd crystals are smaller rods, squares, or rhomboids and are difficult to identify with light microscopy.
  • You need financial security and the support of a loving partner to cope with those demands. The Sun
  • A space telescope will be launched in ten or 11 years to look for clues. The Sun
  • At first, when their cops out there started telling me things, I didn't want to know. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • It engages in iron ore mining, pellet production, manganese ore mining and ferroalloy production, as well as in the production of nonferrous minerals, such as kaolin, potash, copper and gold. Five BRIC Strength Stocks
  • Her life is a constant juggling act, coping with career, family, and home life single-handed.
  • For a start, when you drive through the gate, instead of just driving through just a field of grass, you actually drive through copses of trees and little forests.
  • Rubbish advice The erratic bin collections over the past few weeks have left me struggling to cope with all our household rubbish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The president arrived at California in a helicopter yesterday.
  • The machine then applies a thin, even layer of cells to a microscope slide for examination.
  • Her chart-topping debut album, ‘Ashanti’, has sold 3.1 million copies.
  • The transitional zones between low backgrounds of W Mo group elements and iron group and chalcophile elements are the favorable enriched zones of uranium deposits.
  • Before scrubbing, gowning, and gloving, the surgeon usually performs a rectal examination and proctoscopy to suction out any remaining stool in the distal rectum.
  • From peeper scopes to duct tape -- learn more about the cool tools Nature Conservancy scientists use to solve conservation issues. Conservation Tools: 'Very Pistols,' Underwater Paper, Amphibious Vehicles And Other Cool Gadgets Used By The Nature Conservancy Scientists (PHOTOS)
  • The hanging-wall zone contained 33% of the copper and was the most erratic and discontinuous zone.
  • A copyreader might not find it perfect, for the assault is allotted too much space and the pursuit too little, but it tells the story in its baldest aspect. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
  • The best adequacy for EA was obtained by combinations of imipenem/cilastatin or piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin and a glycopeptide, with values reaching 99% and 94%, respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • I'd like see them cope on jobseeker's allowance. The Sun
  • They wanted me to bring my US passport, and Mexican Visa, but instead of two black and white infantil size photos, they wanted color photos here in Morelos and they only wanted a color copy of the pages in my passport and FM3 visa showing my photo and the page of the FM3 visa that I had then showing the prorrogas (renewals) to verify who I am and that I live here legally. Page 2
  • These people write reasonable, well-balanced letters, disclaim any belief in racialism, and back up everything they say with copious instances. As I Please
  • Green styles this sequence like the opening credits of a 1970s cop show, freeze-framing on Chris as he leaps over a fence and zooming the titles across the screen.
  • VARIOUS LEATHER PICTURE, It's a high classic decoration , made by hand, use nature color and veins of leather to make design, it shows obvious stereoscopy like relief sculpture but softly .
  • She is coping so much better with being on these courts and the attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are happening in a system that's constantly working to full capacity, massively understaffed and unable to cope with the impact of cuts to social care. Times, Sunday Times
  • … Others can only be identified with a microscope, such as the majority of protozoa [single-celled animals], certain blood filariae [small larvae of pathogen parasites in the blood vessels], and the trichinae. Modern Science in the Bible
  • I verified the engine switches were in the proper position while my copilot completed the checklist, which requires checking the voltmeter to make sure the remaining generator is not overworked.
  • A cornucopia of flowers bursts through rockery walls. What Does A $75 Million Luxury House Look Like?
  • copasetic" [used so nicely in "West L.A. Fadeaway"] -- and such stunts as dancing down Broadway in 1939 from Columbus Circle to 44th Street in celebration of his sixty-first birthday. The Annotated "Alabama Getaway"
  • Tracking sports 'online cacophony is tricky enough when just focusing on league websites. NBC's Michaels making Olympic Games comeback
  • Made chiefly from riveted stainless steel and copper sheeting, these free-standing works are occasionally complemented with wood.
  • Note the extremes of acidity and alkalinity in which macroscopical growth has developed (Range of reaction). The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • In one hut he roomed with a resident tarantula and things that "sang, copulated, stank, ate each other, whirred, preened, and glowed. From Guyana to Guiana
  • The helicopter then touches down so that the same man, known as a mugger, can dash in and use a syringe to administer a mild sedative to the animal. stories
  • Talking about the investment in the new main stand, the increased capacity, and the scope for making money rather than just haemorrhaging it, he insisted his family are in it for the long haul.
  • Pass the rest of the notices round the table so that everyone can have a copy.
  • The tropane alkaloids scopolamine and hyoscyamine were extracted and analysed from N. tabacum cultured hairy roots.
  • The forest services are providing for a pilot project involving 47 hectares of short-rotation willow coppice.
  • Tell me, exactly what happens when the first C130 full of blokes cops a Manpad up it's jacksie and crash lands in flames? Army Rumour Service
  • We can add a custom rule for Live ID to copy the nameidentifier to the name claim if we plan on using the name in our application by clicking add, then configuring the rule to copy the Site Home
  • I would like to place an order for ten copies of this book.
  • Dysphagic patients should be fed through a nasogastric tube or percutaneous endoscopic feeding tube until it is safe to resume oral food and fluids.
  • Have you got a copy of the agenda for tomorrow's meeting?
  • If any are found, a biopsy then takes place, where small samples of body tissue are examined under the microscope for abnormal cells. The Sun
  • I strongly recommend you pick up the book next time you spy a copy on someone's bookshelf.
  • Later it wants to follow up with the heavy stuff: tanks, helicopters, anti-tank weapons and armored personnel carriers.
  • This is particularly true of the film's climax, which somehow manages to demolish several cop cars, and find Ellen clutching a parasail and jumping through flaming hoops in water skis, yet still be completely unfunny.
  • Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs. FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
  • Sed quamquam permulta sint quae hunc sensum inpugnare ualeant atque perfringere, de argumentorum copia tamen haec interim libasse sufficiat. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • The story is not available online, and since it is still under copywrite by Asimov's estate, it won't be appearing online anytime soon. The flame next time
  • A book made up of these; pictures in their order is such a solid, and the little pocket mutoscope exactly satisfies this description. The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained
  • Copper is known to be taken into solution as copper sulphate at the surface, and to be redeposited as chalcocite where these sulphate solutions come in contact with chalcopyrite or pyrite below. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • If the cops camped out at the corner of Spadina and College, they could cover the costs of their salaries by ticketing bike-lane parkers.
  • This Frankfurt-born artist who was based in Rome specialised in biblical and mythological subjects in oil on copper panels.
  • All phospholipids are hygroscopic and pick up water if they are not handled properly under inert gas atmosphere.
  • Ky nodded, and pulled out a beaten coin - a copper coin, not wood, I think.
  • Luckily, the company that made it has multiple copies. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then there was Munster's inability to cope with the dinks and kicks through by Duncan McRae and Henry Paul which eventually proved their undoing.
  • June 17, 2006, 4: 01 pm card with bad credit says: card with bad credit maintainer internship decrypt arrangements. coplanar cusp The Volokh Conspiracy » “Bush Voters Are Stupid”:
  • In a richly ornamented setting with animals and plants on a red background, in 14 copper rosettes placed between lacunars, there are the Wise Virgins and Foolish Virgins of the New Testament parable; the former hold lighted lamps, the latter have lamps already extinguished.
  • Holmgren played bad cop to the hilt.
  • The hipster cops are sneering at the two faux surfers: 'I'm all dialed in to see what happens if the pair of rainbow donks actually hit the briny on their unwaxed legs.' Joseph Wambaugh's latest: Loopy theatrics and lyrical language
  • The tree's coppicing habit, the way one specimen can have dozens of trunks, means that in places the pines look like a wall of bamboo, rather than relatives of the giant Araucariaceae that line the foreshores of Sydney beaches.
  • After prepping and draping the patient's extremity, the surgeon makes a stab incision and inserts the arthroscope into the knee joint through a standard inferolateral portal.
  • Its interest is that within it survive all the elements of a medieval forest: great timber trees, coppice woods, pollards, scrub, grassland and fen, deer and cattle, and a rabbit warren.
  • Create the penny by cutting two large circles from poster-size sheets of copper-colored crafts paper.
  • With cold type, the galley proof is the first proof, usually a photocopy.
  • Bell was also a sycophant, a Yes man, who could shift his political stance in a heartbeat, talk in circles and dodge any important decision making.
  • From the combined results Thomas's group estimated an average particle size of 100 for the copper metal aggregates.
  • Chylific fan whole life quote meliaceae, panegyrical adaptational cd viewpoint ii, coltish oblateness lubricant, eventration skinny mnemonic, litterbug, and illegibly ridiculously copiously! Rational Review
  • It would also release more time for doctors, who would no longer need to cope with people presenting illness as a cover for their real aim - the chance to talk to a sympathetic person about their personal problems.
  • In July 1913 Bohr was appointed as a docent in Copenhagen.
  • [18] But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • They must do the chores of life, must gain in strength and wisdom to cope with the hostile time of manhood.
  • Often called gyroscopic stabilization, inertial stabilization enables the telescope to continually point at a celestial object while the aircraft maneuvers in flight. - latest science and technology news stories
  • There was not sufficient attachment of the copings.
  • And that's not just because Rob autographed my free copy and quoted me on pages 133 and 202!
  • Sometimes the boyfriends cops it, but that's usually because its his fault.
  • Classic poetry and rhetoric give kids a language, at once subtle and copious, in which to articulate their own thoughts, perceptions, and inchoate feelings.
  • Negotiations will be preceded by what the leaders called a "scoping exercise" to ensure that both side share the same goals and level of ambition for the negotiations. The Seattle Times
  • The blue plaque marking the spot is incorrect in stating that its dome housed the largest telescope in the world.
  • High jinks and fast-moving action prove another winning combination for Bad Boy cops Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in this long-awaited sequel.
  • Oh, yes, they make those weird, two-wheel gizmos you have to stand on that you see Kevin James riding around in in his latest movie Paul Bart : Mall Cop - it's a comedy.
  • Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity.
  • Thin sections were placed on the grids for electron microscopy and stained with lead citrate.
  • The most common trace element deficiencies in cattle are copper, selenium, iodine and cobalt.
  • To say she was superstitious was an understatement - she would book every single Friday 13 th off work, and any day that looked inauspicious on her horoscope.
  • Theodoric, and the professions of his successor, in Procopius, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The single-sided fish defects of KFC copper alloys applied to lead frame produced by domestic corporation were studied and analyzed by energy spectrum analysis, SEM and metallographic analysis.
  • The microscope capacitates small objects to be observed.
  • Note: I'm very happy to discuss neutrino resolution of neutrino telecopy if you wish! SDO On Station Transmitting First Data as Solar Science Payloads Open Today | Universe Today
  • Over the years in Mumbai, she spends time as an advertising copywriter, a freelance journalist and a publications officer for the World Wildlife Fund.
  • PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lou, a senior defense official tells CNN that that consideration of using helicopters to rescue Americans would happen only if the Americans could not move over land to the seaport, which is the preferred option to get all the Americans out of Lebanon. CNN Transcript Jul 19, 2006
  • Machines can be cloned simply by copying these resource files.
  • Until the carabiner pulled tight on the rigging, it seemed from the helicopter that he'd gone over in a suicide dive. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Furthermore, outgroup comparison (with macaques, for example) indicates that some of these characters are primitive for the cercopithecid clade that includes these species (Papionina). Archive 2006-06-01
  • She was already well on her way to becoming an amazon beauty, with long slender legs, perfect, glowing skin and light brown hair with copper streaks cascading over her broad shoulders.
  • Results It was observed by light microscopy that the cytomembrane of cultured cells was intact, with no cell injury.
  • Just having a copier that worked, or being able to find tape or a stapler was a huge deal. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • The Bonanza crossed the runway threshold while the helicopter was still about 250 feet from a planned touchdown point of 1500 feet down the runway.
  • The cop said he'd have to write me up for not stopping at the red light.
  • Religion: Muslim ( mostly Sunni ) - 94 %; Coptic Christian and other - 6 %.
  • The savers are booking seats on the helicopter to an assured financial future, while millions are left facing ruin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should Bayard's measures seem radical, you can meet him halfway: treat yourself to a copy of P.
  • An autostereoscopic display based on parallax barrier is the main optical technology autostereoscopic display devices.
  • Herman Caster the biograph and mutoscope, or the Lumiere brothers in Stories of Inventors The Adventures of Inventors and Engineers
  • However, the Medical Council feels it is hamstrung by 20-year-old legislation which restricts it from expanding the council to cope with its heavy workload.
  • A team of rescue Sherpa evacuated the two men down through the towering seracs and debris to Base Camp where they were quickly flown to Kathmandu by helicopter.
  • Just the happy knowledge that people who can't use a photocopier are going to be in charge of ID cards. Times, Sunday Times
  • As they seated themselves at table Brahms, who had been in a brown study, suddenly proffered the company an extemporaneous criticism of Ivan's music, which he tore into miscroscopic bits, and flung upon the winds of sarcasm; after which he perorated elaborately upon his own power and the perfect academic accuracy of his style. The Genius
  • Conclusion Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy has characteristics of safety, minimal invasion and rapid recovery. What's more, it has satisfying cosmetic effect. It's worth routinely carrying out.
  • Amosite, fibrous anthophyllite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous actinolite, and crocidolite are amphiboles, double-chain silicates, which observed microscopically look like sharp needles.
  • Unfortunately the glow is so faint that no readily foreseeable telescope will be able to capture it.
  • Cervical vertebra coping, of the belt headache. Left prothorax aches, it is how to return a responsibility, what disease be? How to administer?
  • Yuri gave a copybook display.
  • Santa had also done a flyover in the Rescure helicopter.
  • Over 6,000 policemen and women were on the streets of central London backed up by mounted police, three police helicopters and numerous plainclothes spotters on the roofs and in the crowd.
  • Desperate copywriters use the ‘in the tradition of’ device, piggybacking on another writer's fame.
  • This utility allows you to alter images in such a way as to produce the best possible hard copy from your printer.
  • The helicopter has a high level of crashworthiness, including impact tolerance and redundancy in vital systems and components.
  • The gimmick is that copycat killings allow the series to combine the past and the present. Times, Sunday Times
  • Astounded, I continued to adjust the hydroscope to a range incredible, turning the screw to focus at a mile and a half, at two miles, at two and a quarter, a half, three-quarters, three miles, three miles and a quarter -- click! Police!!!
  • Undercover cops set up a stall and posed as market traders to catch a gang of mobile phone thieves.
  • The cruiser was pulled up below and the cops were questioning an old man with gray hair.
  • Nepheline, leucite, idocrase, and meionite have not yet been seen at the peak of Teneriffe; for a reddish-grey lava, which we found on the slope of Monte Verde, and which contains small microscopic crystals, appears to me to be a close mixture of basalt and analcime. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • The team have drawn up a list of three potential sites for landing stages for the punts, the first at Castle Mill, the second at the Coppergate Centre, the third on the Hungate site.
  • The roof could still be artificial slate but with natural stone gable upstands and stone copings.
  • Hence Google will be selling e-copies of digital and backlisted texts, and writing about the matter the Fast Company
  • Copies of this schedule should be constructed in such a fashion that easy access be afforded the data collection process.
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • The Sun understands the case could hinge on mobile phone footage of the incident filmed by the men and since seized by cops. The Sun
  • Mr Copley, robed in cassock and billowing surplice, was impatiently pacing the back lawn seeming oblivious to their presence.
  • Since a significant element of judgment is involved there will usually be scope for a fairly broad range of possible views, none of which can be categorised as unreasonable.
  • Leo and his friends also took the spinthariscope to an out-of-town astronomers convention and advertised that they had developed an optical system that could penetrate clouds.
  • Lead, selenium, tellurium and sulfur are added to copper alloys to improve machinability.
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  • Cathodic polarization curve and cyclic voltammetric curve of sulfate copper plating solution are determined with 1286 electrochemical interface and rotating disc electrode.
  • In modern times, bronze is an alloy of copper and any metal except zinc.
  • Much will be dispersed by helicopter, and possibly some by boat to smaller or more remote riverside communities.
  • The earliest copy of Plato's Tetralogies is dated about 1,200 years after Plato supposedly wrote the original.
  • I don't know what Dave means by "episcopacy" either, but there's widespread scholarly agreement that the monarchical episcopate wasn't universal early on. Triablogue
  • On Friday, I went in, as scheduled, for a colposcopy, which is what’s called for if the Pap smear appears abnormal. Life Among the Dead
  • Although the complex syncopated rhythms of duets can sound to the untrained ear as if they are coming from one bird, they are the efforts of two wrens perched side by side and interposing their notes with precise timing.
  • If anything he is a decent copper and he'll usually only collar unsavoury characters. The Sun
  • He was the author of more than 200 articles on chemical kinetic gas-phase reactions, molecular spectroscopy, and thermo-chemistry of organic compounds.
  • You have the right to see a copy of your file, and to correct any mistakes you may find.
  • Many stars are invisible without a telescope.
  • The hair of coastal wolves also appears to be coarser and better at shedding water, perhaps to cope with the heavy rainfall on the west coast.
  • You will soon have a thick, impenetrable hedge to enclose the fast-growing butterfly bush, Buddleia davidii (coppice it annually to promote flowers), or the heavenly blue blooms of enthusiastic ceanothus thrysiflorus.
  • When crop-dusters come under fire, it is up to DynCorp helicopter pilots to provide support.
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  • One plausible scenario, he said, was that he had indeed threatened the cops with a dummy gun.
  • A Hindu coparcenary is a much narrower body than a joint family. Archive 2005-12-01
  • And when the Monkeewrench crew - computer geeks who made a fortune on games, now assisting the cops with special anticrime soft-ware - are invited by the FBI to investigate a series of murder videos posted to the Web, it's not long before the group discovers the frightening link between the unlucky bride and the latest, most horrific use of the Internet yet. Shoot to Thrill by P. J. Tracy: Book summary
  • Underneath the ‘ordinary ’dial is another which has a rather diabolical look, but which is simply a piece of horology that shows those star signs that tell your horoscope.
  • Young footballers who copy the bad behaviour of their professional heroes are receiving adult-size bans.
  • While streaming one video, the picture broke down after about a minute, and the voice track continued over an indecipherable kaleidoscope of colours.
  • In the periphery of the oxidation, copper mineralization occurs as chalcopyrite, bornite, tennantite and mispickel.
  • The birds include ten species of herons including grey heron Ardea cinerea, goliath heron A. goliath and yellow-billed egret Egretta intermedia, hammerkop Scopus umbretta, four of the six West African species of stork, ducks, five of the six West African species of vulture, hawks, plovers and francolins and black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • Cops said there was insufficient evidence and the case was dropped in February. The Sun
  • We preferred to forage on grassy plains dotted with copses of trees because they offered protection from predators, which we could easily spot as they crept up on us in the short grass.
  • Otherwise you'll just have to pump as much as you can into the scheme through voluntary contributions, although scope here is limited as you are restricted to a maximum of 15% of your annual salary.
  • Employees shall be required to submit the original bills of lading, or a certified copy thereof or if no bill of lading is available, other evidence showing point of origin, destination, and weight. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10196
  • Stunned gallery visitors watched as guards grabbed him until cops arrived to arrest him. The Sun
  • And despite the copious amounts of butter used to bake it, it doesn't feel overly greasy. The Sun
  • Genes are submicroscopic segments of DNA and cannot be detected by chromosome analysis.
  • The rest of the book is a rampant cornucopia of sickness and murders as the noble hero, Dr. Alex Cross, attempts to find Casanova's victims, hidden deep in Casanova's sex caves. It's A Good Thing He Can't Blow My Mind
  • -- One of the best remedies is powdered lycopodium; apply it every time the babe is cleaned; but first wash with pure castile soap; Pears 'soap is also good. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • We went home with a puncture repair kit and six signed copies of my own book. Times, Sunday Times
  • To remove these difficulties, we transmit you a certified copy of an authenticated decree of the National Convention of France, of the sixteenth Pluviose, second year of the Republic; (February fifth, 1794,) which has been lately received by the Pennsylvania The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • Demonstrations of guided missiles, of a patient taking what looks like a Barium swallow in front of a fluoroscope, and the father taking home movies of his child with a video camera and playing them back on his TV all give us pause to remember that whatever good or not-so-good aspects of our present-day lives, we stand on the shoulders of people who were true visionaries more than 50 years ago. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The antiproton was produced when protons from a cyclotron were used to bombard a copper target.
  • You can call a bloomin 'copper if you want to," the little man said. Fortitude
  • This has happened only six times in since telescopic observations began: in 1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882.
  • Beginning in the earliest Christian community, redemption is understood as cosmic in scope.
  • He learned to recognize pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleurisy, emphysema, pneumothorax, phthisis, and other lung diseases from the sounds he heard with his stethoscope.
  • Microfracture exposes the subchondral bone, gently abrades it, yet leaves it intact during an arthroscopic procedure.
  • All day long, she had been dealing with the clones, the carbon copy popular masses.
  • Helicopter gunships blasted the town last week.
  • A wireframe model of a teapot, soldered out of silvered copper wire, is gimballed inside the monitor cabinet.
  • Objective To explore the diagnostic value of screening cervix lesion with colposcope .
  • Since the law confers this public right, I deprecate any attempt artificially to restrict its scope.
  • Most of the conceptual distinctions which have been used to narrow the scope of such protection have been applied to them.
  • A kaleidoscopic wall behind the sushi bar draws people into this Japanese restaurant.
  • The sludge from the bottom of the swamp that the dredge hauls up dripping and oozing at least has substance: you can dry it out, look at it through a microscope, describe it, or flush it down the toilet.
  • To perform well it has to be tightly targeted to cope with quite a narrow band of frequencies.
  • And that desire to foster a copacetic synthesis between carbon-based life forms and artificial devices can be heard in every blip and digitized beat played.
  • Elongated roars and fragments of voices gave a sense of atmospheric portent, while syncopated pings, clicks and chirps added a desultory counterpoint.
  • Over a sixty-year career as a writer, actor, coproducer, and activist, Fay Kanin was awarded several Emmys and Peabodys, the ACLU Bill of Rights Award, the Crystal Award from Women in Film, the Burning Bush Award from the University of Judaism, and nominations for Oscar and Tony awards. Fay Kanin.
  • This copy is nearer the original than the others I've seen.

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