
How To Use Coordinated In A Sentence

  • Relations with the regulatory agencies are coordinated by the Chief Financial Officer.
  • Physical touch, affection, and the messiness of caring for an uncoordinated person did not come easily.
  • The space, surfaces, and materials were coordinated to deliver clear and vibrant sound from unamplified individual instruments and voices.
  • uncoordinated scheduling often resulted in conflicting games
  • The throttle twist grip on the end of the collective stick has to be coordinated with the up and down movements.
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  • The temptation for the project maintainer is to keep multiple legacy interfaces coordinated with the latest version.
  • In Mexico, kindergarten teachers visit the preschools that their future students are attending, thus facilitating coordinated planning for the children's transitions between programs.
  • Certain functions are best undertaken or coordinated at a regional level, so regions will always be required.
  • It is something that is created and recreated every day through initiative and organised and coordinated activity.
  • Our efforts need to be further coordinated for higher efficiency.
  • Barring miracle remission on a continental scale, only aggressive, coordinated medical relief, public health programs and public information campaigns squelch epidemics.
  • You tell us your theoretic can't tolerate extreme adaptations, coordinated mutational events and expression suiting, or the possibility of any organism that hasn't already existed at some point (and been duly deconstructed) ever existing at all. Behe's Test
  • The functional model to integrate organization, human factors and technology as a coordinated system was proposed, which contributes to the achievement of the product development process integration.
  • Twice a month, the battalion adjutant coordinated a visit from the finance company to provide soldiers with casual pay.
  • Later, coordinated tactics between gunships and other helicopters led to the use of color-coded teams.
  • Air - to - ground missile ( AGM ) provides intuitionistic observation plat for AGM tactical application and coordinated operation.
  • In the absence of commitment from professional and organisational leaders, efforts will be fragmentary and uncoordinated and will have only minor effects.
  • This coordinated ECR model is diagrammed in Fig 5.
  • According to the Leadership Council's Al-Amin Abdul Latif, the nationwide, coordinated effort to combat those stereotypes is an expansion of previous Muslim efforts in the United States to meet with the general public. US Muslims Invite Dialogue to Counter Anti-Islamic Tensions
  • These again need to be clarified, and they need to be designed so that there is synergy rather than uncoordinated effort.
  • Besides coordinated fabrics, dupattas, saris, blouse pieces, kurtas and shirts in pure handloom cotton, mixed-and-matched salwar-kurta sets will also be up for grabs.
  • For less formal moments, there are shirts and sweaters with coordinated gloves.
  • It is indeed refreshing to see politically unaligned individuals beginning to contribute soberly in this crucial public debate in the interest of what the ANC seeks to achieve: a strong and coordinated criminal justice system that is capacitated to effectively fight all kinds of crime within the country. ANC Today
  • In AF the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria, beat in a rapid and uncoordinated fashion, which can cause blood to pool within the heart. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The only way to end piracy is to set up a system of coordinated action by naval police.
  • The sound has to be coordinated with the picture.
  • The linked units that result are said to be coordinated or coordinate: for example, a coordinate clause.
  • In coordinated attacks, gunmen in armored cars and equipped with grenade launchers fought army troops this week and attempted to trap some of them in two military bases by cutting off access and blocking highways, a new tactic by Mexico's organized criminals. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: April 2, 2010
  • There is a lack of leadership and decision making within the company that has led to an uncoordinated approach to much of its business.
  • Students at Atlantic City High School were served plain cheese sandwiches for two days this week as punishment for a cellphone-coordinated food fight that broke out recently. N.J. students cheesed off at penalty for food fight
  • Because their bodies begin to grow so rapidly during adolescence, teenagers often feel awkward, self-conscious, uncoordinated, embarrassed and even confused.
  • But the uncoordinated attacks from those who did choose to fight seems to indicate a lack of leadership, or at least effective leadership, on the part of the military command.
  • The result was a campaign misconceived at the outset and badly coordinated not only between civilian and military but between the various levels of command.
  • An informal beginning to the Afghan "rollout" -- D. C.-speak for a coordinated but segmented sales job of a new initiative to Congress, the media and diplomats of other nations -- will come in Brussels tomorrow, when Holbrooke will brief NATO allies privately on the strategic review ordered by Obama. The Torch
  • At this stage, my dancing is still awkward, rigid, uncoordinated, an embarrassment, to be frank.
  • They were never the foreman, never the worker, always the guy that ordered stuff or coordinated stuff.
  • I felt mortified by my own klutziness, embarrassed by how uncoordinated I was and how many years older I was than the young things who could run for hours on the treadmills—and talk on their cell phones at the same time. CSS: Shaping the New You
  • Federal candidates must have coequal efforts in both the political action committee and individual arenas - properly coordinated, of course.
  • The few seemingly simple slips of paper turn out to be a confusing labyrinth of coupons, even if colour coordinated.
  • Government action has been half-hearted and uncoordinated.
  • His own steps felt heavy and uncoordinated as he walked up the stairs to the master bedroom.
  • These aren't imported words with genuine umlauts, but retrospective accents denoting a junked hyphen as in microorganisms or coordinated.
  • They were very coordinated in the way that they maneuvered, like a well oiled team.
  • ERITREA: REBELS CLAIM KILLING 11 GOVERNMENT SOLDIERS wounded some 20 others in a coordinated attack on military camps in southern Eritrea. InI
  • Women have a choice of several feathered and sequined costumes, complete with chiffon trains and abundantly feathered headpieces, all coordinated according to the seven sections the band is presenting.
  • Just listen to the white noise and stare at the carnage, which begins with what starts out as a well-coordinated assault on a Bolivian drug lord's compound by a Special Forces unit led by "Colonel" Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), a veteran so grizzled that his grizzles have grizzles. Politics
  • The managed care movement is one of the country's efforts to organize the fragmented, uncoordinated, and costly health care delivery system.
  • In an associative transition state a penta-coordinated phosphorus atom would be formed, in a dissociative transition a trigonal metaphosphate.
  • The cantankerous aide organized support for health care reform, coordinated the Whitewater defense and helped chart the course to renomination.
  • Despite their generous tithing, the Beltran Leyvas 'cover was blown December 11th when a newly-coordinated Marine unit raided a narco-fiesta at a "finca" (hacienda) in Tepotzlan Morelos, a community with many writers, artists, and Mexico City intellectuals in residence. Pacific Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times - Progressive opinion, dissident news
  • The particles pulse in a coordinated front, and generate a sound wave. PREY
  • It is a condition in which the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria, beat in a rapid and uncoordinated fashion, which can cause blood to pool within the heart. Analysis
  • FTIR results indicate that terbium ions coordinated with the carbonyl groups in polyurethane molecular chains.
  • Kingston's first-ever coordinated Christmas street lighting was on December 3, 1979 in Market Place and Fife Road consisting of 16 shimmering gold crowns.
  • Performing sentinel lymph node biopsy requires coordinated expertise between nuclear medicine physicians, pathologists, and surgeons.
  • The marketing campaign was an uncoordinated effort by several different departments.
  • She also worked to make sure that all the green elements were properly integrated into the building as a whole so they work as a coordinated system.
  • An official at the Afghanistan embassy is happy that the Afghan officials are informing the strategy review, and comments that the Karzai government looks "forward to forging ahead with a new coordinated and comprehensive regional strategy to overcome the joint challenges that Afghanistan and Pakistan face. All In Together Now | ATTACKERMAN
  • This year, however, students across the southeast will return the same day as divisions move toward coordinated calendars and busing schedules.
  • We need to develop a coordinated approach to the problem.
  • This exercise should be repeated until releasing casting off and trimming the jib is a smooth and coordinated effort on the part of the crew at helmsman. Sailing Fundamentals
  • The defect states in chalcogenide glasses, including positively charged, negatively charged and neutral three-fold coordinated sulphur clusters, were studied by SCF MO CNDO/2 method.
  • At the moment, it's just an uncoordinated scandalous calamity.
  • They then tossed in some simple color-coordinated shelving, eye-catching wall decor and a few hubcaps.
  • In a statement, all the G-20 leaders declared major progress from what they called their coordinated efforts and "forceful response. ABC News: ABCNews
  • Although the Government has shown commitment to tacking the problem, it has not given sufficient priority to such an important public health issue and its approach remains far too uncoordinated.
  • He felt like a newborn baby, everything felt uncoordinated, and awkward.
  • The cilia create a current by beating in a coordinated manner.
  • On the other hand, the landdag and its symbols served in the place of writs and contracts, so that the actions of the nonliterate elders could be ordered and coordinated by the governor and the Council. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • Coordinated urban and rural; Income gap; Institutional innovation; Regional coordination; The dual economy.
  • Being the uncoordinated person I am, I didn't catch it and it knocked me in the forehead.
  • Although numerous allosteric enzymes were studied, much less information is available concerning the coordinated regulation of activities in multienzymatic complexes.
  • The Instrument Landing System worked fine, and the only surprise was how much rudder it required to maintain coordinated flight once it was configured.
  • Also, the flat brim cap-wearing world was recently shaken to its colorway-coordinated core when a Baltimore fixed-gear freestyler was cited for "fancy riding. BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!
  • A coordinated and targeted media campaign was central to this effort.
  • The rebel troops have launched a coordinated attack on government soldiers.
  • These prints coordinated with the firm's printed, knitted velvet and lurex sheer knits.
  • It is indeed refreshing to see politically unaligned individuals beginning to contribute soberly in this crucial public debate in the interest of what the African National Congress seeks to achieve: a strong and coordinated criminal justice system that is capacitated to effectively fight all kinds of crime within the country. Response to Fivaz-Njenje\'s Sunday Times article
  • I'll make eggnog and set out special ornaments and wrap presents with 20 different kinds of paper and color-coordinated ribbon.
  • Vocally they veer between manic and mannered, at times verging on hysterical operatics, while their rigid riffs resemble uncoordinated robots trying to play disco.
  • It will execute these plans by planning a coordinated series of contracts with selected providers and will then monitor them.
  • KP coordinated the study, organised the questionnaires, carried out the interviews, and contributed to analysis.
  • Can the babble of field guides, floras, faunas, ID keys, and monographs be coordinated (or, at least, networked)?
  • These southern burials are clearly very different from the coordinated northern cemetery, obviously occurring once the suburbs themselves were virtually derelict.
  • After several semesters of college work, the skills development in Navajo and English often becomes coordinated.
  • We coordinated nonstandard casualty evacuation, which would be done on our tank turrets, and prepared his platoon for our arrival.
  • The entire show was coordinated with clockwork precision by the Adventure Zone staff, headed by Major Swaraj Roy.
  • He said al Qaeda and what he calls a syndicate of affiliated groups are less capable of large-scale, coordinated attacks than they once were and in many cases their leadership has been killed or captured. Zee News : India National
  • There are now simply so many threats to the safety of Net-users that we do need an agnostic, coordinated resource that is constantly "in the face" of the public at large.
  • Attacks signaled by flares and coordinated remote mine attacks are not taught in training camps, but in military schools.
  • No evidence has emerged of any coordinated network sheltering these people, and all charity and aid organisations are careful to deny supporting such efforts.
  • For a long time, scientists have strictly emphasized one kind of synchronization called 'inphase' or 'zero-lag synchrony' looking only at who is coordinated with whom and not observing the details of how they are coordinated. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Cell migration is a dynamic, integrated process that is coordinated both spatially and temporally.
  • When a company or group was interested in booking a speaker they coordinated with an agent and were sent bios and videos of potential matches to their needs (the client was responsible for providing the video – make it a good quality video, that can make a huge difference). Working with speakers bureaus « The Book Publicity Blog
  • Fig. S1A), in the hyd mutants callose accumulates ectopically, and is variably associated with xylem traces showing a lack of coordinated differentiation of the two vascular cell types (Supplementary PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Build the society of well - to - do level and must insist on coordinated development all-sided.
  • Chandler used the term simply to mean obtaining needed raw materials, services, and so forth from internal operating divisions coordinated by senior executives at corporate headquarters. The Machine That Changed the World
  • He has uncoordinated movements and his condition also affects his speech, but his mental ability is not impaired.
  • In Linux, however, the case suggests itself strongly that developing software through evolutionary processes does not require globally coordinated efforts.
  • By far the single biggest danger to boreal woodland caribou is unregulated and uncoordinated oil, gas and tar sand development in western Canada, including the Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and North-West territories. Biodiversity 100: actions for the Americas
  • Toronto also marked the anniversary by featuring a coordinated 54-bell concert performed on carillons throughout the city, that was dramatically accompanied by candlelight. Mike Ragogna: A Post-Thanksgiving Cornucopia: World AIDS Day, The Birth of (RED)WIRE, Milk and Prop 8
  • Many ambulance services are now coordinated on a regional basis and claim that they cannot have local knowledge.
  • It provides the glue to bind all of the application's constituent Web services together into a single coordinated application whole.
  • an uncoordinated toddler
  • At one point when we were writing PREDPREY, we used the computer to simulate coordinated agent behavior. PREY
  • The new works are constellated with four historical animations that trace the lineage of what the exhibition's catalogue essay terms a "collective, yet uncoordinated aesthetic. ArtScene: Top Current Exhibitions in the Southwest (July/August, 2010)
  • Traction should be in line with the pelvic axis and coordinated with maternal expulsive efforts.
  • The Times Square operation and the European conspiracy have now confirmed the movement toward old-style terrorism, but on a new, more internationally coordinated basis. Al-Qaeda's new strategy: Less apocalypse, more street fighting
  • In other words, macrogenetic changes might occur suddenly (e.g. polyploidy leading to speciation in plants), but that changes to the overall structure of the organism, changes that require coordinated changes, occurs through evolution by natural selection. Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
  • The REAL reason they started positioning their army units horizontally is that they are uncoordinated schlemiels, who keep bumping into the table the board is on, knocking the pieces into disarray.
  • Add a tag, and tie with a length of color-coordinated cord.
  • He's a little less coordinated, too, and I've noted for the past few months that he's sometimes "underfoot" and also gives me flat tires in his desire to rush ahead or rush around when we're going for a walk. May 2009
  • Competition is not the only blight: European markets are oversupplied, marketing is uncoordinated.
  • The presentation can be coordinated as a multicast to simultaneous users and as a unicast, for users who want to see the presentation after the fact.
  • Muscle contractions may cause uncoordinated movements and bizarre postures.
  • The International Code Council (ICC) was established in 1994 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing a single set of comprehensive and coordinated national model construction codes.
  • From the coordinated uniforms to the regular instrument-swapping (and even to Rivers Cuomo's cowboy hat and molestache), the show had the feel of an anxious high school garage band trying things out in front of their friends, desperately hoping to be cool. Phillyist
  • But he and Thimblin coordinated efforts, and much of their emphasis was on helping students help one another and themselves. Community colleges try new formula for remedial classes
  • Thus, pentacoordinated carbonium ions have been obtained from methane higher alkanes and various cycloalkanes. Press Release: The 1994 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • The cantankerous aide organized support for health care reform, coordinated the Whitewater defense and helped chart the course to renomination.
  • The throttle twist grip on the end of the collective stick has to be coordinated with the up and down movements.
  • And it somehow seemed perfectly coordinated with the stadium, the ground, early evening and the four of us.
  • As the brain expands, growth of the skull is coordinated along the cranial sutures.
  • The Vesey rebellion conspiracy has been seen as one of a handful of examples of militant, coordinated, large-scale resistance in a country where slaves almost never rebelled.
  • An effective response to the fire and evacuation required a comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary approach.
  • Intelligence, special operations forces, and diplomacy will have to be exquisitely coordinated.
  • However, this is when I discovered that I am not exactly coordinated with the hammering of the nails.
  • At one point when we were writing PREDPREY, we used the computer to simulate coordinated agent behavior. PREY
  • Keeny remained in YMCA service and coordinated relief efforts by the Association, the American Relief Agency, the American Friends Service Committee, and the American Red Cross for Polish and Soviet prisoners of war after end of the Russo-Polish War in March 1921. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • These southern burials are clearly very different from the coordinated northern cemetery, obviously occurring once the suburbs themselves were virtually derelict.
  • This reminds us of the fact that in acoustics, a series of discrete frequency values is coordinated to a linear partial differential equation (if boundary values are given) namely the sinusoidal periodic solutions. Out Of My Later Years
  • The Coordinated Campaign is responsible for coordinating all the Democratic campaigns, and helping bring any coattails from the statewide ticket down to other Democrats. Weenies of the Year
  • Despite the presence of sodium ions initially, no sodium ions are coordinated to this ‘cross-like’ structure after it forms.
  • The apparently coordinated attacks overloaded the sites with a barrage of messages generated by hackers.
  • As a result, their resistance was sporadic and uncoordinated, and many were killed.
  • Is coordinated various sector executive management decision and the routine work, pushes the significant item.
  • Almost as though planning a coordinated attack, the fire swept through the halls of the second floor in the north wing of the school, and flashed through the cockloft above the classrooms. Our Lady of the Angels (OLA) School Fire, December 1, 1958
  • Their attack disintegrated into uncoordinated actions by small groups of tanks.
  • They were unsteady on their feet and rather uncoordinated.
  • Both the molting process and the metamorphic transformation from larva to pupa are coordinated and regulated by hormones.
  • The most diverting part of the SPOTY was marvelling at the knot on Beckham's white silk tie (uncoordinated and messy, perhaps it was intended as a sort of visual metaphor for Man United - though surely Victoria couldn't have had a hand in it?) while the very worst thing about this (and every other) Frederick william jackson
  • In quartz, each silicon atom is coordinated to four oxygen atoms.
  • ‘We coordinated the unload once the ground forces had made sure that the area was secure,’ the loadmaster said.
  • The cantankerous aide organized support for health care reform, coordinated the Whitewater defense and helped chart the course to renomination.
  • The ensemble was also superbly coordinated in the Minuet and Trio and bristling finale, with its driving sequences and rich chains of suspensions.
  • Nucleophiles can be added, leading to coordinated cyclopentadienes, which may be liberated by oxidation and used in further synthesis.
  • He will propose a whole package of measures against smuggling and money laundering, which will be coordinated with other government institutions.
  • These southern burials are clearly very different from the coordinated northern cemetery, obviously occurring once the suburbs themselves were virtually derelict.
  • Furthermore they may be different ones from other bilateral or multilateral agencies, making a coordinated national conservation programme rather difficult.
  • In an economic system coordinated solely by markets there is no guarantee that what is produced can be sold.
  • In other words, macrogenetic changes might occur suddenly (polyploidy leading to speciation in plants), but that changes to the overall structure of the organism, changes that require coordinated changes, occurs through evolution by natural selection. Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
  • In reality, we control airspeed and altitude with the coordinated use of both pitch and power.
  • It died in the seventies when governments adopted Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC.
  • He was invoking the marvelousness of uncoordinated knowledge as a counterpoint to the socialists of his day who argued for the superiority of centralized, state-run, top-down coordination.
  • Even though most bedding is designed as coordinated sets, you can still add personality to a bed.
  • Sutherland says that information produced by teams was hot-linked to the other models, so that the entire 3D database was coordinated in dimensional and locational attributes.
  • Housing advice provision is presently uncoordinated leading to disparities within the district.
  • (such as linkup forces) with a common or coordinated mission. FM 7-98 Chapter 5 - Peacetime Contingency Operations
  • The D. A.'s office sought to reindict, including spelling out how TAB coordinated these political expenditures with PACs involved in the election effort Somervell County Salon
  • After paralyzing snowstorms in 2008 and November 2010, the city added an anti-icer that freezes at lower temperatures, trained additional drivers to operate snow plows and better coordinated snow-removal efforts with Metro and the Seattle Police Department, Pratt told the Council. The Seattle Times
  • For Bchl and Chl dissolved in diethyl ether, toluene, acetone, ethanol and acetonitrile, the Mg atom was found to be pentacoordinated, whereas it was hexacoordinated in dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, pyridine and methanol.
  • Most of his movements are uncoordinated or involuntary reflexes.
  • Around 1950 S. Winstein in the USA found a short-lived carbocation that contained penta-coordinated carbon. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1994
  • Protests by adherents are small, sporadic and uncoordinated.
  • The heme component is a porphyrin in which the metal ion that is coordinated is iron in the ferrous state, that is, Fe+2.
  • How the cellular biochemistry is coordinated to define a process operation remains a large problem.
  • The bed is covered in throws and cushions of every texture all colour coordinated with the rest of the room and you would hardly notice that it's a bed specially designed for people like me.
  • But they can keep the dressy culottes and pantsuits as long as they are part of a coordinated outfit.
  • During the 1950s, however, employers began to press successfully for coordinated, central wage bargaining, which has continued subsequently.
  • As alcohol affects the cerebellum, muscle movements become uncoordinated.
  • By Friday I was reasonably happy about my top-end skiing but still felt like an uncoordinated rhinoceros doing snowploughs.
  • What is required is a coordinated international system of pressure sensors and water level gauges linked by reliable communications to a centre for the rapid processing, analysis and release of alerts.
  • They have been called aloof, spineless, uncoordinated, strung out, two-faced, and puny—and by some of the most respected scientists in the world.
  • She stirred, though it hardly deserved the word agitation, feeble and uncoordinated. The Path of Daggers
  • SINGAPORE—A rise in Japan's shares led most Asian stock markets higher Friday, as the Group of Seven industrialized nations agreed to a coordinated intervention to stanch the yen's recent surge, providing some relief as the nation grapples with last week's crippling earthquake and a continuing nuclear crisis. Asia Markets Higher; Tokyo Up 2.5%
  • What we are seeing presently is the inevitable fall-out from a global economy that, as yet, has not developed any coordinated international governance to correct market failures. Matthew Yglesias » The Need for Global Coordination
  • He was an uncoordinated boy, extremely tall and gangly with small eyes and an unusually large nose, and what he lacked in talent, he made up for in enthusiasm.
  • The Military District of Washington coordinated arrangements for the many events that led up to Reagan's official state funeral.
  • Land, ocean, and space-based infrastructure, including research stations, aircraft, ice-breakers, and dedicated satellites, could be centrally coordinated.
  • Coordinated monetary and fiscal policies put in place to offset the effects of the stock market crash quickly accelerated the global economy.
  • Here, the two main clauses are coordinated by but, the first main clause has a that clause within which is embedded another that clause, and the second main clause also contains a that clause.
  • The look that seemed to work the best with all big men was a button-down shirt left open with a coordinated tee underneath.
  • Then they hear from their customers - not just scattered objections now and then, but in concerted, coordinated, well-informed waves.
  • Her coordinated use of color - burgundy, chartreuse, pink, purple, and blue - ties the garden together.
  • Our commanding officer coordinated a flyover of the ship for us so the LSOs could shine a beacon on our nose gear and determine its condition.
  • I find it very difficult to comprehend how completely uncoordinated and uncreative people can be with craft activities.
  • It found the Defense Department lacks a coordinated approach to ensuring that its systems are patched against the latest software vulnerabilities, and to conducting security assessments.
  • Coordinated development index among economic, social, and ecological systems was 0.2546, placing it to the moderately imbalanced recessional economy-driven type.
  • she was usually good with her hands and well coordinated
  • During the 1950s, however, employers began to press successfully for coordinated, central wage bargaining, which has continued subsequently.
  • With each manager acting independently, there is no coordinated, strategic realization of gains and losses across the portfolio as a whole.
  • Recent media events by agenda-driven organizations such as the Natural Resources Defense Council, Land Stewardship Project and Pesticide Action Network North America suggest a coordinated campaign to call atrazine's safety into question and politicize what should be a scientific process. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • It starts out like a modified buppie version of Hangin' with the Homeboys, except this quartet of uptight tools couldn't carry on a coordinated conversation if their life depended on it (and it does later it really does).
  • Spawns of phishing threats such as ´spear phishing´ - highly targeted and coordinated attacks at a specific organisation or individual designed to extract critical data - increased more than ten-fold since January of this year alone. IT & Security Portal» IT-Observer
  • All shoes feature the athlete's name/nickname with colorways coordinated to match back with team colors.
  • U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates called on NATO allies and other nations with troops in Afghanistan not to make what he called "ill-timed, precipitous, or uncoordinated" withdrawals after the United States begins its gradual drawdown in July. Gates Warns Coalition Not to Abandon Afghanistan
  • His registering there signed him out of the commons where he usually ate, as the system was coordinated citywide by a computer. THE DISPOSSESSED
  • In the spring of 1648 a series of uncoordinated risings heralded the second civil war.
  • By Friday I was reasonably happy about my top-end skiing but still felt like an uncoordinated rhinoceros doing snowploughs.
  • They coordinated and conducted an airfield burn of 160 acres, which reduced the safe habitat for small vermin.

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