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How To Use Convulsive In A Sentence

  • When I looked at the chart a second time, I saw that there was a lot Michael had left out of his personal history; specifically, IVDU—intravenous drug use—dating back ten years, and a major depression that had led to a psychiatric hospitalization and ECT, electroconvulsive therapy. After the Diagnosis
  • convulsive motions
  • Never thought of _death_, or even looked upon it, for mother told us there was no need of harrowing up our feelings -- it would come soon enough, she said; and to me, who hoped to live so long, it has come _too soon_ -- all too soon; "and the hot tears rained through the transparent fingers, clasped so convulsively over her face. Dora Deane
  • To combine an anticonvulsive with aspartame to make seizures more likely is outrageous. Epilepsy Study Incriminates Aspartame in Medications
  • Results Neostigmine can contract the intestinal muscle convulsively, shrink the blood vessel and dark the blood color.
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  • Sheffer -- who knew what makes business men laugh -- pinned his simple faith to three main subjects, convulsive of the diaphragmatic muscles, building up each series upon the inherent humor to be extracted from physical violence as represented in the perpetrations and punishments of Ruff and Reddy, marital infidelity as mirrored in the stratagems and errancies of an amorous ape with an aged and jealous spouse, and the sure-fire familiarity of aged minstrel jokes (mother-in-law, country constable, young married cookery, and the like) refurbished in pictorial serials through the agency of two uproarious and imbecilic vulgarians, Bonehead and Buttinsky. Success A Novel
  • One type of drug that is often prescribed by doctors to prevent seizures is an anticonvulsive that, while not a barbiturate, possesses many of the characteristics of a barbiturate. All Categories Featured Content - Associated Content
  • Let's talk about Carrie's decision to undergo electroconvulsive therapy. Homeland Bosses on the Season Finale: Showtime Really Wanted Damian Lewis for Another Year
  • Or that the thought of never seeing him again felt like the onset of a convulsive illness? LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • The most dramatic clinical presentation is generalized convulsive seizures.
  • Methods:To compare the Anticonvulsive effect of water-soluble extracted at different temperature from Pinellas Rhizoma by the index of mortality and tonic convulsion induced by strychnine in mice.
  • her leg twitched convulsively
  • The four adult members of the family were conscious but had muscle stiffness with periodic convulsive movements of the limbs and opisthotonos.
  • In lock jaw, and in all convulsive conditions in which opium is prescribed in stupefactive doses.
  • With that she stormed off leaving the rest of us rolling about in convulsive laughter.
  • War irrupts convulsively into the history of civilizations as a loss of control, partially managed by competing political interests.
  • She was still no better, so I suggested she consider electroconvulsive therapy.
  • These giants will end their brief lives dramatically in convulsive explosions called supernovae, just a few million years from now. Space Business and Industry News at
  • They had convulsive seizures, blasphemous screaming and trance-like state of mind.
  • The wild and provocative intonations of the danse du ventre hit our ears as one dancer broke into convulsive movement, arms, legs, torsos echoing the percussive sounds in angular responses.
  • He was suffering from a bad cold, which doubled him up in convulsive coughing spells and made his eyes heavy and bloodshot. YELLOW HANDKERCHIEF
  • He illustrates fetishism with a story of "two Malay women in Keeling Island who held a wooden spoon dressed in clothes like a doll ... this spoon danced about convulsively like a table or a hat at a modern spirit-seance."
  • But “convulsive” epileptic events are not over in “a few seconds” without any residua. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waivers of Liability for “Gross Negligence”:
  • But on the eve of the title clash against host France, he suffered a convulsive fit. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Ladislav von Meduna started seizure therapy by intravenous injection of cardiazol (in depressive states), a therapy that was abandoned when in 1938 the Italians Cerletti and Bini introduced electric convulsive therapy, E.C.T., for severe mental states. Controversial Psychosurgery Resulted in a Nobel Prize
  • A third treatment, electric shock, also called electroconvulsive therapy ECT, is used with particularly severe depressions, especially when they do not respond to medication, but this is done with a small percentage of depressed patients. Healing After the Suicide of a Loved One
  • Course The seizures are easily controlled with routine anticonvulsive treatment. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Ben could feel the trembling in his slender frame, see the convulsive hitch of his shoulders as he fought against sobs.
  • I knew that lobotomy and shock now called electroconvulsive therapy or ECT were nearly one in the same -- both assaults on the highest centers of the brain, one with scalpels and hot electrodes, the other with searing jolts of electricity. Dr. Peter Breggin: The Stealth ECT Psychiatrist in Psychiatric Reform
  • She attempted two or three times to speak, but not a word escaped from her quivering lips; and the tears gushing from her eyes followed each other in quick succession down her cheeks; and, finally, her pent-up feelings found expression in short, convulsive sobs. From Wealth to Poverty
  • Medical intervention was crude and dangerous, including electroconvulsive therapy and lobotomies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Convulsive motions agitate his legs, so that though he wills it ever so much, he cannot by any power of his mind stop their motion, (as in that odd disease called chorea sancti viti), but he is perpetually dancing; he is not at liberty in this action, but under as much necessity of moving, as a stone that falls, or a tennis-ball struck with a racket. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • It begins with what is called the gapes; that is, the fowl, being unable to breathe through its nostrils, keeps its beak open, with a kind of convulsive yawn; the eyelids then become swelled and close, and there is an offensive discharge from the nostrils. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • If antidepressants don't work, you may respond to electroconvulsive therapy, which uses electricity to induce brain seizures that relieve depression.
  • Experiments on animals, which proved more sensitive to loss of the parathyroids than men were, showed that muscles tightened convulsively, a situation called tetany (tet'uh-nee; "stretch" G). The Human Brain
  • Which is redolent with the central tenets of surrealism that made Lamarkin swoon (“beauty will be convulsive or not at all.”), when it involved a deep awareness of the unconscious, before it became a synonym for indolence and an excuse for the dirty word of indifference. Nadja | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • Slogra: Vurtne , Do you know ECT ( electroconvulsive therapy electric shock treatment )?
  • Georg Theander, a topic to investigate, i.e. to measure the duration of action of pentylenetetrazol (Cardiazol), a convulsant at that time frequently used as an "artaleptic" to wake up people who had taken an overdose of a hypnotic or sedative, and also used as a forerunner of electroconvulsive therapy. Arvid Carlsson - Autobiography
  • Treatment with electroconvulsive therapy was more effective than drug treatment in the short term, bilateral stimulation was more effective than unilateral, and high dose more effective than low dose.
  • Electro Convulsive Therapy - or as many mentally ill patients refer to as LRT - Last Resort Therapy, is to my mind one of those bastions of victorian treatments that were over-prescribed and not understood. Brain Blogger
  • Dor picked her up, set her in the tree at the end of the line, then hauled himself up with a convulsive heave of his thews. Falcon Street
  • All this while, Burnell was conscious of Murray-Roberts in the front row, red of face, vainly trying to suppress convulsive laughter. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The Spearman fought his bitter, convulsive coughs, strangling his sounds against a white-knuckled fist, and Zarantha held his wasted body in her arms.
  • I have pointed out the existence in opium of a convulsive poison congeneric with brucia. The Opium Habit
  • convulsive laughter
  • While in custody he underwent neurological testing, was diagnosed as having seizure disorders, and was prescribed anticonvulsive medication. Chicago Reader
  • Nonpolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents such as succinylcholine can cause fasiculations, which are vaguely convulsive, but that is why polarizing agents such as rocuronium are used to suppress fasiculations, which can interfere with tracheal intubation (i.e., inserting a breathing tube). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Employed with collateral means calculated to shake the nerves and excite the imagination, mesmerism causes the same variety of convulsive and violent seizures which extremes of fanatical frenzy excite; when it is employed in a gentle form and manner, with accessaries that only soothe and tranquillise, the most plain and unpretending form of trance quietly steps upon the scene. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
  • Although not a surrealist, Gray does ascribe to the idea of convulsive beauty: beauty, even grim beauty, in the service of liberty. Ecstatic Days
  • He pulled the flask out with a series of quick, almost convulsive movements.
  • Then you hoist the neoprene over the butt, around the puku, and with a convulsive heave you finish up looking like a stack of old tyres.
  • I have had no best buy cymbalta though i do have average flashes, tolerated sweating, some hungover symptoms, and morphine had a convulsive strange somnolence of my injuries and pharmaceutical itraconazole feeling "tingly" inside. Wii-volution
  • Jerry's sneezer was touched with some convulsive efforts, so that his fogle was continually at work.
  • My daughter came running to meet us, and we showed her the fish, but as it slithered from the plastic carrier bag into which we had folded it, the jaws gave one last convulsive shudder and she was convinced it had tried to bite her.
  • Still others may undergo electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also called electroshock therapy. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • Affection erupts, recognizant obstacle, convulsive fit, general at short-term inside can disappear, but often have reappearance tendency.
  • On a night of tidal emotions, the night when Beckham became a fetish, I found my hammy Irish fists jerking themselves convulsively upwards from my pressbox desk and towards the sky when Argentina went ahead.
  • And so complete was the bodily shut-down, with rapid eye movement and convulsive twitching, that a fierce pinch of the skin or a prick with a needle did nothing to wake her.
  • But for others, the answer may be electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT.
  • My hands convulsively clenched, my teeth clamped together, my nostrils flared, my lips curled, and a red mist descended in front of my eyes.
  • Comparative evaluation of propanidid with thiopentone as an anaesthetic agent for electro-convulsive therapy.
  • A female patient complains of dramatic mood swings, paralysis on one side of her body, hallucinations, convulsive seizures, and religious delusions.
  • Her withered bosom rose and fell in short, convulsive sobs, and it was evident that she could scarcely stand. His Sombre Rivals
  • _ -- Although there is no disease of the nervous system which can be properly termed convulsive, or justify the use of the word convulsion to indicate any particular disease, yet it is often such a prominent symptom that a few words may not be out of place. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Swallowing convulsively, she rubbed vigorously at her face and hair with a large bath towel until her skin burned.
  • Whatever may be the remote cause of paroxysms of asthma, the immediate cause of the convulsive respiration, whether in the common asthma, or in what is termed the convulsive asthma, which are perhaps only different degrees of the same disease, must be owing to violent voluntary exertions to relieve pain, as in other convulsions; and the increase of irritability to internal stimuli, or of sensibility, during sleep must occasion them to commence at this time. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Then electroconvulsive therapy, developed in the 1930s for treatment of depression, showed that the brain could be stimulated by applying electric current through the skull.
  • Sure, the show is having its cake and eating it too, but we're psyched to see what Sen. Brody will have up in sleeve in Season 2 — especially now that Carrie knows or knew, before submitting herself to electroconvulsive therapy that Brody still has nightmares about Abu Nazir's son, Issa. Top Moments: Homeland's Explosive Finale, Mindy Kaling and Bill Clinton... Reunited At Last
  • While there for a little more than a year, he was heavily medicated with barbiturates and underwent numerous electro-convulsive treatments.
  • The only sound in the house is the occasional last convulsive sob from the top of the stairs.
  • Through his convulsive sobs, they were at last able to make out the word hungry. The Cry of the Onlies
  • For Francesca, who's almost 3, suffers from a brain disorder which triggers off convulsive fits.
  • A rabbit in its last convulsive leap appeared briefly, and the white-haired one stepped briskly forward to pick it up.
  • Her breath came in convulsive gasps.
  • The invention provides a bit block for the electroconvulsive therapy, which is capable of protecting teeth and preventing glossoptosis.
  • In another study, only those mice treated with a subcutaneous dose of 90 [micro] g/kg of soman which developed long-lasting convulsive seizures exhibited the neuropathological alterations.
  • His eyes were bloodshot from the convulsive dry heaves he was now having. CLASS TRIP
  • Room's movements were becoming more erratic and convulsive, and he seemed to have entered a trance-like state.
  • The tuft of his grey hair, his eye, the brow of which was raised by his monocle to emit a smile, the red flowers in his buttonhole formed, so to speak, the three mobile apices of a convulsive and striking triangle. The Guermantes Way
  • a convulsive rage
  • _ -- Although there is no disease of the nervous system which can be properly termed convulsive, or justify the use of the word convulsion to indicate any particular disease, yet it is often such a prominent symptom that a few words may not be out of place. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Many of these patients can be helped with electroconvulsive therapy.
  • It breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also known as electroshock therapy, is typically used to treat severe depression. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • I could recognize that this is the emotional state I feel before I have those grand mal convulsive seizures that are what people think of when they think of epilepsy, but I don't.
  • Room's movements were becoming more erratic and convulsive, and he seemed to have entered a trance-like state.
  • Last, for severe or treatment refractory depression, electroconvulsive therapy is often curative.
  • His fingers convulsively clenched into fists for an instant before he forced his tense muscles to relax.
  • Twisting convulsively, it rolled down into the road under our horses 'feet, -- and there this human form, which some call godlike, writhed and floundered like a severed worm, and disguised itself in blood and dust. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860
  • Below him, Eric made a convulsive wriggle to get his legs around the bottom of the pipe.
  • She did not make a sound, but began to shake, head still in her hands; short, convulsive bursts of shuddering. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • I never hear the musical jingling of splintered glass, but my _porte-monnaie_ gives a convulsive throb in my breast-pocket. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 122, December, 1867
  • Because of their beliefs, antipsychiatry has tried to eliminate your right to choose electroconvulsive therapy, antipsychotics, hospitalization and other helpful treatments. DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
  • His letters stirred Mr. Gladstone into a convulsive paroxysm of burning revolt against the barbarities they described.
  • As an interne, I had not heard of sulfanilamide or penicillin; in my own specialty the anti-psychotic drugs or electro-convulsive therapy had not been introduced. Medicare in Canada
  • After a course of electroconvulsive therapy patients need to take an antidepressant medication to prevent the depression from relapsing.
  • Everything is fluid and in the throes of convulsive movement; yet, like the struts on the vase, stout pillars anchor and arrest the flow.
  • His face became distorted; the alae of the nose worked convulsively; his lips moved quiveringly up and down; his eyelids were expanded into a wild and eager stare; the tongue was now stiff, now played convulsively within the mouth; and the muscles of the throat, larynx, and trachea were sympathetically affected. Knotted Tongues
  • Her hand tightened convulsively on the receiver, the earpiece jerked against her face.
  • But if the article appears less than earth-shaking, getting it into print proved a convulsive experience for the Sun newsroom.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is usually reserved for difficult-to-treat depression patients who are not suitable for or have failed to respond to antidepressant medications.
  • Three days after her transfer, the news grew more ominous: An EEG showed that Donna's brain was being ravaged by continuous seizures, a condition known as nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Doctor's diagnosis drew laughs, but it saved woman's life
  • He suffers from a brain disorder that can trigger off convulsive fits.
  • The four adult members of the family were conscious but had muscle stiffness with periodic convulsive movements of the limbs and opisthotonos.
  • Sadly he convulsively jerked with sufficient violence to release the handbrake - always put your car in gear on a slope.
  • She awoke, her body protesting as she drew a convulsive breath and sat up.
  • Moreover, breasts and other organs participate in the convulsive discharge, which produces the orgastic "lust," but is sometimes experienced as exhausting, painful and causing tears or compulsive laughter. Come, Come Now
  • She seized the handle, but the impetus was too great, and it was wrenched from her convulsive grasp.
  • Its first medical use was to prevent fractures in electroconvulsive therapy.
  • Hypnosis and electroconvulsive therapy were tried but had no effect, and he became heavily dependent on tranquillizers.
  • His eyes glittered, his mouth worked convulsively, and his cheeks were as black with the flying soot as the "colley" of the pot. The Manxman A Novel - 1895
  • We have these folks to thanks for lobotomies and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also known as electroshock, both of which are controversial at best. :
  • His letters stirred Mr. Gladstone into a convulsive paroxysm of burning revolt against the barbarities they described.
  • Devon struggled to speak through the convulsive shivering that wracked his body.
  • Documents reveal he used thousands of unwitting as well as voluntary subjects to test paralytic drugs, hallucinogens including LSD and electroconvulsive therapy at 30 to 40 times normal power.
  • Muscle relaxant, anaesthetic, anticonvulsive and anxiolytic effects are thought to result from direct interactions of kavalactones with voltage-gated ion channels. Xml's
  • Doctors aren't exactly sure why the treatment, also called electroconvulsive therapy or ECT, works, but -- CNN Transcript Feb 19, 2005
  • You don’t need an anticonvulsive, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antifungal, antineoplastic anticancer, antiviral tonic—you just need a frigging drink! Surviving Australia
  • The coup led to convulsive changes in U.S.-Central American relations.
  • The cross-eyed fellow was already on the platform; he began to tune the guitar, and six women sat down around him in a row, beginning to clap hands in time to the music; Tarugo rose from her seat and started a side dance, and was soon wiggling her hips convulsively; the singer commenced to gargarize softly; at intervals he would be silent and then nothing would be heard save the snapping of Tarugo's fingers and the clatter of her heels, which played the counterpoint. The Quest
  • Patients have a right not to be subjected to treatment procedures such as lobotomy, electro-convulsive treatment, adversive reinforcement conditioning or other unusual or hazardous treatment procedures without their express and informed consent after consultation with counsel or interested party of the patient’s choice. Law In The Health and Human Services
  • Rush theorized that all disease arose from convulsive action in the blood vessels, which he treated by purging and bleeding his patients, and inducing vomiting.
  • Similar convulsive episodes seen immediately after concussive head injury may also be mistaken for epileptic phenomena.
  • Then, by one of those convulsive, motiveless actions by which the wretched leap from temporary sorrow to life-long misery, she determined to marry Adam.
  • By focussing on the genetic basis for epilepsy, scientists hope to develop more effective anticonvulsive treatments and, possibly, gene replacement therapies for seizure disorders such as LaFora Disease. top link Archive 2004-11-01
  • He suffers from a brain disorder that can trigger off convulsive fits.
  • Victims of toxic gas canisters fired by Isræli troops writhe in convulsive pain on hospital beds, screaming at the top of their lungs while family and medical aides try vainly to restrain them. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • After a second or two the rabbits tumble into the light, their convulsive movements expressive of a primordial terror.
  • Objective To improve the compliance of psychotic patients with modified electroconvulsive therapy(MECT), enhance the curative effect and promote rehabilitation of psychotics.
  • He felt the foam on his lips and he thought with every instant that the surcharged veins would burst; hands of steel seemed to crush in upon his chest, knotted cords to tighten in excruciating pain about his loins; he breathed in short, convulsive gasps; his eyes were blind, and his head swam. Under Two Flags
  • The cellular mechanisms underlying picrotoxin-induced convulsive activity were studied by using mouse spinal neurons growing in tissue culture.
  • Doctors aren't exactly sure why the treatment, also called electroconvulsive therapy or ECT works, but ... CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2006
  • They were set against the squattocracy and underwent a convulsive change in social values and patterns.
  • Her bosom rose and fell in short convulsive breathings; and, despite an evident effort to stifle it, an audible sigh escaped her. The Wild Huntress Love in the Wilderness
  • Despite potential adverse effects, mainly memory loss, the use of electroshock (also called electroconvulsive therapy or ECT) is administered worldwide for a wide range of mental illnesses Psychology Wiki - Recent changes [en]

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