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How To Use Convolute In A Sentence

  • There was a convoluted tangle of coloured threads around you, some of which seemed to be paths.
  • Speaking in rapid, intense bursts, Smith expanded on his sometimes convoluted story.
  • The document, which critics of the plan describe as convoluted and skillfully worded, does not specify any dates for construction or even mention demolition. NYT > Home Page
  • Most of the 74 opinions are also lengthy and convoluted, larded with unnecessary detail and footnotes, and containing inappropriate swipes at the work of the other justices.
  • Despite its all-star cast, the original version was panned on its initial release, called convoluted and confusing. The New Wave, Still Rolling
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  • So far the trend is that the self-assembly paradigm gets more convoluted and improbable as the search continues, and the design paradigm gets more and more plausible. A Good Saturday Evening Flick
  • And in being so uncalculating, and willing to get his hands dirty, he has brought a surge of public attention to an important but convoluted story about tabloid journalism. From Stephen Fry to Hugh Grant: The rise of the celebrity activist
  • * It's easier to prove a global warming trend than "changing the climate" since the latter is a convoluted concept. About: Blinded by Science
  • You belong where the witty apothegms of Lords, the silly moralities of matrons, the blinding high of opium, and the beauty of visual arts mingle to form one convoluted world.
  • Quantitatively, though, the vast majority of cases involve the interpretation of ordinary laws, many of them dauntingly convoluted, many others festooned with decades of glosses by judges of varying perceptiveness writing opinions of varying clarity. Current Affairs
  • Anyway, a convoluted plot is exactly what's called for in a movie where each section is introduced with the title lifted from Raymond Chandler, a master of convolution. Archive 2006-06-25
  • Those who write about sex and sexuality from an ecclesial perspective are usually intellectuals, academicians and professors who approach the subject so abstractly in convoluted, scholastic language; a prime example of this would be John Paul II himself in his Wednesday talks on the Theology of the Body. David L. Schindler criticizes Christopher West's work with TOTB
  • The fitting of a sum of exponentials convoluted to an instrument response to experimental data is traditionally done by iterative convolution.
  • In 1985, while studying at the J.illiard School, Mr. Benjamin made his second life-changing discovery: Through a convoluted series of personal connections beginning with his ex-bandsman grandfather, he was directed to a derelict warehouse in Asbury Park, N.J. Inside was the vast music collection of Arthur Pryor (1870-1942), one of the star band conductors of the Victor Talking Machine Co. (predecessor of RCA-Victor and BMG). Benjamin's Ragtime Band
  • Both have clear and simple moral arguments in their favour and convoluted, dogmatic arguments against. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those in favor of Senate Bill 372 say it would help clarify what they call the confusing and convoluted Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act. They ask that law makers to exempt bars that only cater to adults from the indoor clean air act. KOLO - HomePage - Headlines
  • It looked like some very convoluted frozen drippiness in ice, the size of a very large room. Anti
  • This is the opaque, convoluted language quoted in the decision handed down four days ago by the current US Supreme Court.
  • When Douglas's character smells a rat, the convoluted thriller plot is set in motion.
  • This bold feature film debut combines visual flair with a convoluted Gothic weirdness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her best friend and she had their first fight, only making Hannah's internal state of mind even more convoluted.
  • This is the kind of convoluted wording that pops up on a regular basis, and my head still hurts trying to untangle it.
  • Looking itself precedes by nanoseconds the convoluted analogic mazes our minds construct.
  • Like bitter juice scratched in eldritch patience and dried on vellum skin. plethora convoluted diadem Rockin' babies and finally done with the class
  • This point beats and moves as though endowed with life, and from it two vein-ducts with blood in them trend in a convoluted course (as the egg substance goes on growing, towards each of the two circumjacent integuments); and a membrane carrying bloody fibres now envelops the yolk, leading off from the vein-ducts. The History of Animals
  • ¬† Without the total control that Dave eluted to the final product might have been convoluted and certainly delayed. Dave Winer: Is openness always good? — Meandering Passage
  • Gautier could cast himself as a seeker of truth unencumbered by alliances with established scientists, a doubter who discovered faults in prevailing theories but was prevented from receiving the acclaim he deserved. reference The presentation in Chroa-génésie is so convoluted that it is unintelligible without a good knowledge of the physics and mathematics that render its deficiencies obvious. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • There is another giant anemone (DISCOMA HADDONI) known to the blacks as “pootah-pootah,” whose inner, reflexed, convoluted edges are covered with tentacles of brown with yellow terminals. My Tropic Isle
  • This will allow it to assess the best bid quickly as some proposals tend to be convoluted, making comparisons difficult.
  • The broken remains of the engine room form a short but convoluted route past twisted girders and scattered machinery.
  • Logic in the fight business is often convoluted to suit specific agendas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Corporate tax sleuths got hold of this and are now using it in a convoluted way to avoid U.S. taxes altogether on profits they make from foreign operations.
  • This extraordinary and highly convoluted story has aroused interest in many quarters from time to time.
  • Although saddled with a convoluted plot, he has invested his film with enough grit, panache and edgy style to make it thoroughly gripping.
  • It is the convoluted road that ends in a bridecake or a cucumber frame. Art
  • And the expensive process could take a year to complete because of convoluted legal and municipal procedures.
  • These issues and their connotations for academic freedom and campus sustainability are complex and convoluted.
  • The storyline is so very simple (how on earth do critics call it convoluted?) yet it draws you in nonetheless with compelling and characters completely invested in their roles. “Speed Racer” is one for the record books » Scene-Stealers
  • Youngsters nowadays prefer watching love stories with convoluted endings that stretch for more than three hours.
  • He joked that Spanish has since convoluted his understanding of the English language, although his skills might have come in handy over the weekend, as some of the words in the spelling bee included such commonly used terms in American culture as: 'fiesta,' 'chimichanga' and 'quesadilla.' Headlines
  • Thiazide and thiazide-like agents (chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide, metolazone) act on the distal convoluted tubule.
  • The film was initially made as a pilot for a television series, which helps explain why the story is so convoluted.
  • Judgments frequently consist of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences replete with subordinate clauses.
  • This is convoluted enough, but Judge Collyer's truly novel finding comes with her implicit argument that to be "entitled" to a government benefit is to be obligated to accept it. Forced Into Medicare
  • With so much attention here at the Cancun climate summit focused on the convoluted politicking between such colossuses as the United States, China, India and the European Union, it's easy to overlook the small guys. Jonathan Wootliff: Climate Talks: U.S. Must Transform From Diehard Recalcitrant To Inspirational Leader
  • If you follow his convoluted logic, it makes a certain kind of sense, but he's stretching things.
  • Our patient is crowned king and expected to sort out this delightfully convoluted muddle.
  • This section is termed the zigzag tubule; it ends in a convoluted tube, which resembles the proximal convoluted tubule, and is called the distal convoluted tubule. XI. Splanchnology. 3b. The Urinary Organs
  • Its position below the buttresses and ridges of Ben Nevis' convoluted north-east face really is outstanding.
  • The terrible love story that this book illuminates is (alas, for one writing a short column) also highly convoluted. Wolves, Actors, Jihadis
  • Logic in the fight business is often convoluted to suit specific agendas. Times, Sunday Times
  • He admits this in a typically convoluted way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here the river is fabulous, clear and convoluted, with ponds jammed with yellow flag irises where there are springs or oxbows.
  • Transepithelial reabsorption of amino acids occurs at the proximal convoluted tubule, as does that of organic acids, such as lactate and acetate, and of sulphate and phosphate anions by cotransport with Na+. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Sometimes convoluted word structures just aren't appropriate.
  • To say that it is convoluted and extremely complicated is an understatement.
  • Built by William the Conqueror, it and 17,270 Yorkshire acres hereabouts are owned (in a constitutionally convoluted fashion) by the Duchy of Lancaster (the Queen).
  • The large expanse of medullary matter now exposed, surrounded by the convoluted margin of gray substance, is called the centrum ovale majus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Eventually, maybe regrettably, he falls into a slumber; unhappy and uncommitted to things, convoluted and convexed into a shape to epitomize everything. My Love For You Is Real
  • Sula challenges us to reconsider how histories of tops and bottoms, ups and downs within American social structures become convoluted into the ironic hierarchies and differences in African American society.
  • There is more emotion, compelling storytelling and entrancement in a single flutter of foliage or the touch of a hand to a cheek in Reiniger's film than in the entirety of one of Ms. Walker's convoluted rape scenes. The Usual Suspects
  • When they look at academic discourse they see only persiflage: fancy words, convoluted syntax, and the pretentious invocation of authority.
  • After a series of convoluted manoeuvres, Ryan was allowed to escape to France, and from there to Nazi Germany.
  • Blame a convoluted planning system and the highest construction costs in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The subsequent twenty years have seen a series of convoluted variations on the original project of critical criminology. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Such a convoluted system is the friend of the wealthy and burden on individuals, sole traders and small businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some were very shaky and unstable, others were convoluted, and a few were both!
  • A few people here have basically told a convoluted version of the “but what if the fetus was a potential Beethoven or cancer curer or Abraham Lincoln, as indirectly implied in some of the above cases?” argument. The argument that changed me from pro-life to pro-choice
  • Mascara is a movie that wants to say something deep and profound about young women in a society that has convoluted the rules as to what makes them female.
  • So declares the enigmatic Driver in this masterfully convoluted neo-noir, which ranges from the dive bars and flyblown motels of Los Angeles to seedy strip malls dotting the Arizona desert. Drive, Once a Neil Marshall and Hugh Jackman Movie, Becomes a Nicolas Winding Refn and Ryan Gosling Movie | /Film
  • Appropriately titled Hiding In Full View, Alison Watt's recent paintings focus on swathes of lyrically convoluted fabrics that appear to screen unseen depths of melancholic reverie. This week's new exhibitions
  • The convoluted path of web traffic can also cause delays. Times, Sunday Times
  • Miners, after all, concede the need for reform of Australia's convoluted mining tax regime.
  • The convoluted language in the UN resolution has caused confusion.
  • But lawyers at one firm familiar with Glaxo's program criticized it as unaccommodating in requiring firms to specify time and labor estimates that—particularly for convoluted, higher-stakes work—are extremely variable. Pricing Tactic Spooks Lawyers
  • ETA: change the word convoluted to misleading, which is how the judge in the case described the language. -
  • It is slow, overlong, convoluted and incredible.
  • The data was therefore convoluted with a profile that mimics the image of a microtubule to filter out the vertical coordinate.
  • He was fully aware he was dreaming, but remained deep within the convoluted folds of his subconscious.
  • But it's scuppered by clunky dialogue and a needlessly convoluted plot. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the worst possible outcome, the labyrinthine tactics, Byzantine politics and convoluted logic will delay action.
  • Another large chunk appear fine until I start to read them: the spelling is abysmal, the punctuation non-existent, and the syntax is convoluted. Kristine Kathryn Rusch » 2008 » June
  • I can take all sorts of convoluted and contrived plot-lines and bizarro science-faction, but as a person-of-gadgets, it aggravates me enormously when ordinary gadgets do extraordinary things.
  • Ben, I know that you asked for suggestions as a comment but you must know me by now - wordy, verbose and horribly convoluted.
  • The convoluted tale grows thin long before it comes to rest.
  • Moreau's art is a reassemblage of the memory and the tricks of the memory, as thorough and as convolute as Proust's vast quest for a half-lost past that was, likewise, the lifework of a polymath spellbound by beauty.
  • Beaches are parceled out along a convoluted coastline equal to France's in length, and islands range from backwaters where the boat calls twice a week to resorts as cosmopolitan as any in the Mediterranean.
  • Radner writes long, convoluted sentences and regularly coins neologisms; he also employs words without much sensitivity to the alternative associations that they are likely to breed in the minds of the reader.
  • It is full of moral speechifying and erudite detail and has a convoluted plot replete with melodramatic deaths and wonderful recoveries and coincidences.
  • Despite its length and convoluted plot, "Asta's Book" is a rich and rewarding read.
  • But what she wanted had become so convoluted with previously unconfessed expectations that Rachel wasn't certain what it entailed any longer.
  • The _leaf-blade_ is convolute when young, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, variable from 1/4 to 2 inches long and 1/10 to 1/6 inch wide, acuminate, flat or somewhat wavy, glabrous on both the surfaces, rigidly pungent, densely crowded and distichously imbricate in the lower part of the stem, base is amplexicaul, and the margin is distantly serrate and rigidly ciliate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The whole thing -- and this is something I'll have to ruminate on for some time if I'm to fully comprehend it -- when I look at it from certain angles seems way too convoluted to seem plausible. Archive 2010-07-01
  • Anyone who has tried to explain a convoluted opera plot to another is glaringly aware of difficulties that may arise.
  • The convoluted path of web traffic can also cause delays. Times, Sunday Times
  • It appears to be a book review of a many volumed book attacking the supposed author of the books, and the sentences are convoluted things that rarely come in under 100 words.
  • a convolute petal
  • Quantitatively, though, the vast majority of cases involve the interpretation of ordinary laws, many of them dauntingly convoluted, many others festooned with decades of glosses by judges of varying perceptiveness writing opinions of varying clarity. Law
  • The _leaf-blade_ is broadly lanceolate, cordate at base, amplexicaul, acuminate or acute, with scattered long hairs both above and below, and some of the hairs of the under surface are tubercle-based, convolute when young; margin of the leaf is wavy, minutely serrate, and ciliated with distant hairs towards the lower half of the leaf when young; the midrib is prominent below. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • But it's scuppered by clunky dialogue and a needlessly convoluted plot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The third segment of the tubule is the distal convoluted tubule, which is again found in the cortex. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Like an overelaborate outfit, one outing of the convoluted process is enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, the equality extends to the stilted acting, melodramatic meanderings, and too-convoluted plot twists of its erotic thriller pedigree.
  • The batteries in the gameboy thing was so convoluted -- I'm playing with my daughter's gameboy (why??) but it's out of batteries (huh?) but I have some extra in my car (who does that??) so can you come help me put them in (how harrowing is replacing batteries? even a dumb kid would wonder why an adult with functioning hands would need help for this). Perfect strangers
  • The plot is so ludicrously convoluted that the actors really need to work to distract us from it.
  • After a series of convoluted manoeuvres, Ryan was allowed to escape to France, and from there to Nazi Germany.
  • In such specimens it will be seen that the hymenium has become highly convoluted or lacunose.
  • This strikes me as a bit convoluted but he is lawyering and I do not know anything about this stuff.
  • The convoluted path of web traffic can also cause delays. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are tones of pages and sites devoted to the information, but they all have the same info, presented in ridiculously convoluted and/or illegible ways, and they all seem to pre-assume all kinds of deep working knowledge of the systems involved; there is no real intro, no newbie sites, no in-depth FAQs. Did I forget to mention...?
  • The references to the unnamed conflicting governments for whom the characters work recall the convoluted alliances countries formed and broke with each other during the Great War, but the lingering sense of devastation and trauma that the war left across Europe floats through the movie as well. The House Next Door
  • This is not a task to be undertaken lightly: the language is convoluted and arcane.
  • I might consider it the next time I happen to overhear my male colleagues engaging in lengthy, convoluted discussions regarding appropriate dress when appearing before female judges, much like the conversations my female colleagues and I have had over the years. Sui Generis--a New York law blog
  • (Another possible reason for this style of writing: convoluted, impenetrable strings of misused words and bizarre jargon impresses the grant-granters, on whose fickle largesse almost everyone in the arts depends. Freeing art from gibberish
  • The brighter stars clustered into well known groups upon a background formed of an enlacement of streams and convoluted windings and intertwined spirals of fainter stars, which became richer and more intricate in the irregularly rifted zone of the Milky Way. Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
  • Rather, we get a cartoony, convoluted mixture of entertaining action and silly melodrama. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they are near age 55 they will transition directly to Medicare for life … Unemployment benefits will be extended to the part timers and temp employees and length of unemployment will be extended … with over 1,000 pages written in convoluted language, released in. pdf-non searchable format, and held until 0830 on Friday - NOBODY - has read the entire bill … Matthew Yglesias » Is The Country Paying a Price for Anti-Earmark Fever?
  • The cerebral hemispheres are not convoluted, and, looked at from the dorsal aspect, do not hide the thalamencephalon and mid-brain. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Ben, I know that you asked for suggestions as a comment but you must know me by now - wordy, verbose and horribly convoluted.
  • In and near the fornices, but more plentiful in the upper than in the lower eyelid, a number of convoluted tubular glands open on the surface of the conjunctiva. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
  • While the birthers and state-house hacks obsess over his convoluted neonatal underpinnings, far greater matters percolate at the President's behest. Obama's Fake Progressive Birth Certificate
  • This is largely because of the convoluted history of the ownership of the rights to the franchise. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's fitting that in speaking her mind on behalf of her constituents, she stays away from the convoluted doublespeak that passes for political rhetoric these days and, instead, calls'em like she sees'em.
  • This article is a convoluted nonsolution to a problem that can best be solved by trying the free market, for a change. Strategic Petroleum Futures, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • How ethical hacking fits into Windows security tests the term hacking might arouse thoughts of convoluted plots in big-budget spy movies, the type of hacking that is most useful to server administrators is far different. SearchWinIT: News on enterprise Windows platforms and applications
  • To reach the stage that they were at by 1991 is a long convoluted story involving several superb thrash metal albums on different small labels, each album selling more than the last.
  • Despite its length and convoluted plot, "Asta's Book" is a rich and rewarding read.
  • It's a convoluted sentence that ought to be rewritten, but the quiz was about grammar rather than style. Times, Sunday Times
  • The note specifies a ridiculously convoluted plan to slip a briefcase full of money to the kidnappers.
  • In the old days, legislators delivered long-winded, convoluted, extemporaneous speeches from the floor.
  • Pity that this convoluted attitude towards violence doesn't prevail in all Slavic societies today.
  • In an exclusive interview with NewsMax, the Lebanese-born Phares likens the current Hezbollah offensive in Lebanon to a "putsch" -- with the convoluted aims of reestablishing a pro-Syrian-Iranian regime in Lebanon, reconstructing a third wing to the Tehran-Damascus axis, reanimating the Arab-Israeli conflict, rejuvenating Syrian dominance, isolating Jordan, reaching out to Hamas, crumbling Iraq, and unleashing Iran's nuclear programs. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Although saddled with a convoluted plot, he has invested his film with enough grit, panache and edgy style to make it thoroughly gripping.
  • There are less convoluted ways to cure oneself of arachnophobia. Times, Sunday Times
  • He who eats the nut must first crack the shell Jeremy Cherfas Walnuts come in hard and convoluted shells.
  • The spermatozoa are formed in the walls of the convoluted seminiferous tubules. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • So it was a convoluted, unsatisfying way to go up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hot liquor tank has a convoluted coil of copper pipe that is used to raise the temperature of the mash.
  • The incredibly convoluted response would need a billboard, not a placard, for presentation.
  • Cloud shadows skimmed the convoluted canyons like enormous bats. A Plague of Angels
  • You belong where the witty apothegms of Lords, the silly moralities of matrons, the blinding high of opium, and the beauty of visual arts mingle to form one convoluted world.
  • The _leaf-blade_ is convolute when young, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, variable from 1/4 to 2 inches long and 1/10 to 1/6 inch wide, acuminate, flat or somewhat wavy, glabrous on both the surfaces, rigidly pungent, densely crowded and distichously imbricate in the lower part of the stem, base is amplexicaul, and the margin is distantly serrate and rigidly ciliate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The slightly gauche figure-drawing adds to the carvings' fey allure, but their chief trait is an obsession with describing drapery and water in very low relief through swathes of sinuously convoluted line.
  • PROLOGUE THE HISTORY OF THE SECRET POLICE OF RUSSIA FROM the days of the czars to the present is quite convoluted, which is, perhaps, to be expected. Rostnikov's Vacation
  • The convoluted tale of their former Belgravia apartment rivals that of the end to their marriage. Times, Sunday Times
  • He who eats the nut must first crack the shell Jeremy Cherfas Walnuts come in hard and convoluted shells.
  • And while the choreography is not oblivious to these cultural influences, make no mistake that this is still clearly the work of Bausch as they flow back and forth between performers as one leaves off and another picks up a chain of convoluted and nonsensical narrative whimsy. Archive 2008-12-01
  • People's eyes glaze over once they are immersed in its convoluted arguments.
  • There are less convoluted ways to cure oneself of arachnophobia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though the exposition is convoluted and a lot of the plot details are contrived, I kind of dug the story.
  • Sometimes begging by good customers can win forbearance, but usually we are held to the written terms of the contract no matter how buried or convoluted the clause in question may be. Dean Baker: Bankers Running Wild: Foreclosure Flurry in Florida
  • In mammals, the ethmoid ossifies to form the turbinals, convoluted bones in the nasal cavity that are covered by olfactory sense organs.
  • But sometimes his adverbial excess and convoluted structures result in awkward prose.
  • LaChiusa's libretto is packed with convoluted phraseology (even containing the seven-syllable "anaesthesiology" at one point), but lacks heart. Undefined
  • More work is needed to clarify the convoluted plot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Determination of the Content of Flavonoids in Marchantia convolute L.
  • But it would be a convoluted puzzle to fix where China stands in a comparative scale in contemporary global settings.
  • convoluted reasoning
  • Like you, I'm so happy to have Carla Gugino back on TV I couldn't resist watching this Tuesday's entry, Hide (9/8c), which is no great shakes as a mystery (it's ridiculously convoluted) or as a character study (Gugino plays yet another career cop who sacrifices her personal life for the job), but it's a serviceable enough B-movie, which is about as high as TNT's ambitions seem to be toward this project. Ask Matt: Vampire Diaries, Dexter, Glee, the TV Laugh Track, and More!
  • The subsequent twenty years have seen a series of convoluted variations on the original project of critical criminology. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Indeed those kind of polarities were a feature of a probing reading that dug below the surface to tease out convoluted passions and neuroses. Evening Standard - Home
  • Another problem is that the convoluted narrative constantly conflicts with itself and could never actually add up in real life.
  • Their course is at first straight; they then become enlarged, and exceedingly convoluted, and form a series of conical masses, the coni vasculosi, which together constitute the head of the epididymis. XI. Splanchnology. 3c. The Male Genital Organs
  • When he wrote to King Henry in unhopeful defence of Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell, the convoluted sentences and sentiments show, not only a constitutionally timid man struggling to be brave (and all the braver for that), but a man uncomfortably capable of believing himself deceived and of seeing the world in double perspective. The Martyrdom of Thomas Cranmer - Sermon at Service to Commemorate the 450th Anniversary.
  • This bold feature film debut combines visual flair with a convoluted Gothic weirdness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The three successive walls with numerous bastions for artillery and convoluted approaches for better defense testify to a time when wars were common and imminent attack around the corner.
  • In the worst possible outcome, the labyrinthine tactics, Byzantine politics and convoluted logic will delay action.
  • The intrigue is deepened by the convoluted tale of the past few months.
  • The channels for financing these services are convoluted.
  • He discussed an interesting concept: bricolage, which is basically a convoluted term for the English's "do it yourself," or DIY attitude. Shaun Johnson: How Can Punk Rock Enlighten the Education Reform Debate?
  • The sentence is an example of the author's tendency to overwrite, and to let his thoughts get obscured by mixed metaphors and convoluted syntax.
  • Sooner or later, kids need to become more aware of how complex legislation, budget cuts and our convoluted tax code will affect their pocketbooks.
  • Dark, obscuring clouds of dust and cold molecular gas are present on the left of the image, and lead the eye to see other convoluted and fantastic shapes.
  • Despite its length and convoluted plot, "Asta's Book" is a rich and rewarding read.
  • Because the issues of censorship are so convoluted and complicated I find it difficult to come down completely on one side or the other.
  • Notice the convoluted rope work.
  • The convoluted storyline disappears into long stretches of guitar-play, synths, bleeps and bloops.
  • The many convoluted and abstruse arguments of these programmes do not concern us here.
  • The second half of the film becomes darker and more convoluted as Almodóvar attempts to emulate film noir conventions and the film degenerates into sordid melodrama.
  • The _leaf-blade_ is narrow, linear, tapering to a fine point, convolute in bud, scabrid above and smooth below, with a minutely serrate, very narrow, hyaline margin, 1 to 10 inches long and 1/12 inch broad. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Could it be that a hidden, rusted, convoluted, self-correcting mechanism is slowly cranking back to life?
  • They are asked to oversee the maintenance of order in a convoluted struggle between rival groups vying for power.
  • The whiny voice and convoluted over-estimation of his own machismo is now dead to me. SEXMAN REVIEWS ‘SEMI PRO’
  • ZAHN: I think you so astutely described what that situation might be like on the ground, and I think you used the word convoluted, and you talked about the concerns about collateral damage. CNN Transcript Nov 20, 2001
  • Few shortcuts are taken with the material, leaving densely convoluted plots.
  • I think the convoluted branches were caused by someone who lopped the tree very drastically at one stage.
  • He also had a convoluted and elaborate manner of speech that many thought pretentious.
  • Please explain in detail because the last place you said the word convoluted you displayed your lack of wisdom while sounding like a certain leader of another country, a little delusional. Top headlines
  • For this is what Bad Blood is - an unashamed melodrama, complete with villains, misunderstood heroes and convoluted, nonsensical plots.
  • Frost's text at times verges on the obtuse - her language and often convoluted and elliptical form of writing may well daunt the less academic reader.
  • It is an extremely convoluted process that will be unpopular with those who have to make it work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ribbons can be more or less straight, sinuous, twisted, or convoluted.
  • His grammar explanations are terribly convoluted.
  • It is full of moral speechifying and erudite detail and has a convoluted plot replete with melodramatic deaths and wonderful recoveries and coincidences.
  • This bold feature film debut combines visual flair with a convoluted Gothic weirdness. Times, Sunday Times
  • This bold feature film debut combines visual flair with a convoluted Gothic weirdness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whys and wherefores of how the leader of the State became involved in a planning controversy a hundred miles from his own constituency has become a convoluted story.
  • The subsequent twenty years have seen a series of convoluted variations on the original project of critical criminology. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Cloud shadows skimmed the convoluted canyons like enormous bats. A Plague of Angels
  • In a film that harps upon the convoluted manipulations of Ali by others, undermining his immense desire to be the greatest - you end up feeling sorry for the great man, rather than exulting in his exploits in the ring.

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