
How To Use Convincing In A Sentence

  • Anything less than a convincing victory by Graham Taylor's team will undermine their chances of qualifying from Group 2.
  • In front of Titian's Diana and Actaeon in 2008, he explained: "When something is really convincing, I don't think about how it was done, I think about the effect on me. Lucian Freud obituary
  • At the back door, out of inexorable necessity, in developed and convincingness and sincerity laid down by all authorities on the art of the short story. Confession
  • Owen had a much more convincing penalty appeal just before half-time, but Andreas Dober somehow got away with a blatant, over-the-top foul.
  • Improbably yet convincingly, the film ends on an optimistic note.
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  • What he is saying may make some sense to pointy heads, but to many it will seem unconvincing and vague. Times, Sunday Times
  • His denial of responsibility for the accident was unconvincing.
  • It is true that this explanation of the bright, conspicuous colours is only a hypothesis, but its foundations -- unpalatableness, and the liability of other butterflies to be eaten, -- are certain, and its consequences -- the existence of mimetic palatable forms -- conform it in the most convincing manner. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • The proletariat is also quite good at convincing each other that communism is a good idea. Animal Farm Character Profiles
  • Effective in their appeal to the general reader, they are less convincing at the level of specialist argumentation.
  • I've seen no convincing evidence of any slavish imitation, at least until now.
  • But Bacon's version of the piece on this disc, with its built in rallentandos, is charming and convincing.
  • The computer generated effects, live action and animatronics courtesy of Jim Henson's Creature Shop are largely convincing, although some of the blue screen work is rough around the edges.
  • It was not an altogether convincing Braintree display against a below average looking Yeading side.
  • It is certainly not a convincing retort to point out that: the argument is inconsistent with the existence of a Board having powers as specified under Section 11 of the Broadcasting Act. However, in assenting to the Act, Parliament either did not know what it was doing; or was making an idle gesture, not expecting the Board to promulgate any regulations respecting standards of programs, the character of advertising, the amount of time that may be devoted to advertising, and other matters specifically referred to, in the Act; or as I believe to be much more likely, Parliament consciously denied the argument that broadcasting can be left to the normal criteria and judgments of the market place. A High Standard
  • No convincing reason has been given for treating onshore and offshore workers differently - often by the same company.
  • As such, these works serve as a convincing proof of principle and have informed our own approach to the problem of dominance evolution.
  • That so forbearant a people as Canadians have virtually destroyed two of their three parties is convincing evidence that they realize that that policy has failed. Post-Election Prospects in Canada
  • Hingis signalled her return to form with a convincing victory.
  • Eccleshall's argument is very neat, but it is not entirely convincing.
  • Remember that the success behind this unit relies on a convincing external appearance.
  • Some company will have been paid an enormous sum, they will spend thousands more reprinting notepaper and convincing us it's a good idea.
  • The script isn't believable, the characters are unconvincing and the plot is not entertaining. The Sun
  • You can believe this from his unconvincing performance.
  • Unless looks deceive so convincingly, he does not look indigent and like someone in state of abject poverty; more like a man in full control of his bearing, faculties and appearance.
  • Celtic lost to Basel in the Champions League, to Motherwell in the SPL, and were unconvincing last weekend against Hibs.
  • This retirement left the way clear for David and Daniel to take a convincing win on their first visit to China.
  • Our greatest problem is convincing them.
  • The trend gets much worse at midseason, with a "what were they thinking" project called Work It, a shrill Bosom Buddies knockoff about two unemployed he-men who dress as women none too convincingly to get jobs as pharmaceutical reps. Critic's Notebook: The ABC Upfront
  • Ahern has been in government for almost five years and convincing the electorate to re-elect him will not be painless.
  • Cecil is banished until I can be bustled into bed, by which time I am deploying what little energy I have left to keep sneezing while dapping at my nose in what I hope is a convincing manner. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Although she gets reborn in a Caribbean setting, there is no direct lineage convincingly established for her.
  • But it was Pearce's assessment which carried a more convincing argument in favour of Ron Atkinson's team.
  • He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
  • You can learn a lot by watching professionals … and teleshopping people are professionals at convincing others. 3 Things You Need to Know about Using Dialogue in Non-fiction | Write to Done
  • But convincing the authorities to license his treatment may not be his biggest challenge.
  • The convincing way you voice your opinions wins respect. The Sun
  • Convincing consumers that the gizmos are a good thing is turning out to be a tough sell. -- Top News
  • Procane will have to invent a convincing reason for crossing the Atlantic -- the first stage of his journey to reach us. COVER STORY
  • If this Cathedral had existed tor five centuries instead of "two decades, would it have gathered a kind of convincingness with the scratches of feet and the erosion of weather? The Quiet American
  • Our neighbors have a much more convincing volume of "enveloped" salaries.
  • Mr Patel phoned the University for an explanation, and he was given the usual unconvincing excuses.
  • One thing is clear to me: If biblical studies is to survive in academia, it must move beyond its still religionist, Euroamerican, and bibliolatrous orientation and offer us a more convincing rationale for how it will benefit our broader world and not just faith communities.
  • The former champion hurdler has something to prove after an unconvincing comeback win. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sounded matter-of-fact when he told us good news and somehow sounded very convincing when he came out with the not so good news as well.
  • Real's defence of the cup has so far been unconvincing, even in last week's defeat of the Russians, but they are in little danger of failing to qualify.
  • Part two called for convincing Charlie that we were landing huge forces on top of the ridges along the long valley that led to the crow's-foot. Chickenhawk
  • To this Tycho objected, and Kepler had great difficulty in convincing him that the new move would be any improvement, but undertook to prove to him by actual examples that a false position of the orbit could by adjusting the equant be made to fit the longitudes within five minutes of arc, while giving quite erroneous values of the latitudes and second inequalities. Kepler
  • Those who make a living convincing audiences that they speak to the dead are examples of what I call grief trade workers. In Defense Of Trust
  • She also talks to the school, but they don't sound very convincing.
  • Then a woman who may or may not be a real polygrapher comes on the screen to say with convincing earnestness, "All the polygraph examiners really try to make a person feel more at ease. Buzz on lie detectors is all a lie, NSA video says
  • they suffered a convincing licking
  • And although both Ruth and Colin are playing stiff British characters, they do manage some convincing chemistry.
  • His diligent research, his lucid style and the intelligence of his argument are more than convincing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your last argument about the wheat and the chaff is still unconvincing. Think Progress » CNN’s Kyra Phillips apologizes for hosting discredited ‘ex-gay’ guest: He wasn’t an ‘appropriate’ choice.
  • He offers a convincing and amusing point-by-point refutation of the criticisms.
  • He was far from convincing as a leader.
  • His diligent research, his lucid style and the intelligence of his argument are more than convincing. Times, Sunday Times
  • This information can all be used to make vishing calls more convincing. Times, Sunday Times
  • However convincing, not everyone is won over by the results of the gender research.
  • Well, I am a biblical scholar - complete with tenured academic post - and I think your analysis is convincing.
  • For example, Jonathan Saunders gave us a convincingly grown-up collection of soigné clothes, using an almost entirely black-and-white palette.
  • Neither dates nor provenances can convincingly explain the development of these distinct artistic languages within the Jewish art of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • The hardest trick to pull is convincing someone that the truth is a lie.
  • She went from running errands to running his life, convincing him that she should manage his affairs and business matters.
  • As long as efforts were confined chiefly to soaking out the active factor, or the cortin as it was called, with water, the results obtained were uneven and none too convincing. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1950 - Presentation Speech
  • His left-leaning editorial cartoons were, by his own admission, shrill and unconvincing.
  • The only difficulty has been convincing employees to abandon their old-fashioned paychecks.
  • Near the end, there is a sudden reversal of our ideas about the matron and her husband, but it is both maudlin and unconvincing.
  • Government, both federal and state, should have saved their time if a pustule in the stream of competence such as is the Tea Party can succeed in convincing the public that all law post to the Tenth is illegal and unconstitutional. Stephen Herrington: Open Wide, Minimum Wage Is Good For You
  • For my own part, I have to say that I find the idea tolerably convincing. Who is John Twelve Hawks?
  • The Panthers posted a 6-2 victory against No. 8 Moon in the quarterfinals, then earned a title berth with a convincing 14-2 win against No. 4 seed Belle Vernon Area in the semifinals. - News
  • The more convincing the painting, the greater the paradox that it was but a reflection or shadow, and the more the painter looked like a prestidigitator.
  • During a ride to a natural tank amongst these rocky elevations, I passed from the alluvium to the sandstone, and at once met with all the prevailing plants of the granite, gneiss, limestone and hornstone rocks previously examined, and which I have enumerated too often to require recapitulation; a convincing proof that the mechanical properties and not the chemical constitution of the rocks regulate the distribution of these plants. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • There is something about him that is unconvincing, but in full flight he can look almost balletic. Times, Sunday Times
  • And as in some real rubies there are found slight hollows corresponding or analogous to the bubbles found in melted glass, it becomes a matter of great difficulty to distinguish the real from the imitation by such tests as hardness, specific gravity, dichroism, and the like, so that in such a case, short of risking the ruin of the stone, ordinary persons are unable to apply any convincing tests. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • It is very hard convincing powers like the World Bank to adopt policies that truly help the poorest.
  • What need to import further obscure perplexities into an already complex situation - particularly when simpler and convincing explanations lay to hand?
  • Pritchard's most interesting chapter, in which the best authorities are quoted at length, is convincing that the word 'hoveller' is derived from _hobelier_ (_hobbe_, [Greek] _hippos_, Gaelic _coppal_) and signifies 'a coast watchman, 'or' look-out man, 'who, by horse Heroes of the Goodwin Sands
  • These extravagancies set all the company in a laughter; at which the Bonza was so enraged, that he flew out into greater passion, till the king commanded his brother to impose silence on him; after which, he caused his seat to be taken from under him, and commanded him to withdraw, telling him, by way of raillery, "That his choler was a convincing proof of a Bonza's holiness;" and then seriously adding, "That a man of his character had more commerce with hell than heaven. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16
  • I had actually called telesales a couple of days ago to verify availability date and time and after a lot of convincing, got lured into promising him that I will place the order with him only. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • Negotiating with buyer as instruct however afraid unconvincing as your price compare unfavorably faith others.
  • He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.
  • It is not wholly convincing, despite some novel steps, and the overexcitable computer graphics are distracting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Carlow scullers did well with a good win for Claire Walsh in the Novice scull with wins over Commercial ‘B’ and Putney to reach the final and a convincing win against Commercial ‘A’.
  • I know it isn't politically correct, but I was impressed at the convincing portrayal.
  • He is merely trying - not very convincingly - to reproduce the two-dimensional character created by the media.
  • As he suffered derision upon derision, I am not certain whether I should call this Monterone unconvincingly pathetic, or pathetically unconvincing.
  • He was part of that debacle two years ago and would like to lay that ghost to rest with a convincing victory this time round.
  • The language is filthy, furious and comically hyperaggressive, and even the fight scenes are convincing. Times, Sunday Times
  • A relationship between Francine and her sister Dawn is tenuous and unconvincing.
  • Your mind is working fast but your emotions stay cool, so you can still talk convincingly about ideas - and the right person is listening. The Sun
  • I am always struck by Pollini's extraordinary ability to integrate even the most fearless of contrasts into a convincing whole.
  • Lakatos gives a fairly detailed account of Bohr's theory of the atom as another convincing example.
  • McConnell's aides rushed to his defence yesterday, insisting unconvincingly that, had he failed to check on whether he needed to register the painting, the media would have hounded him over the issue.
  • That Turturro can be convincing both as a Russian chess master and a Mississippi hayseed is a testament to his versatility as a performer.
  • Her Maria blossoms and is by turns sweetly protective and vulnerable, generally very sexy and completely convincing.
  • So perhaps it is predictable that the less that survives from an original score, the more unconvincing seem the results. Times, Sunday Times
  • That does seem to be the important push these days - convincing people that sustainable food, clothing, practices etc. are more mainstream than the traditional image of unwashed hippies eating lentils while wearing hemp in their off-the-grid log cabin - or the more modern but still unappealing yuppie couple who ride bicycles everywhere, use cloth diapers and recycle their dishwater, and eat tofurky. Stylish and sustainable
  • There are several theories about this, ranging from the dull (a goat might have been the prize at the Dionysia), to the moderately convincing (goats may once have been sacrificed to choral song, which evolved into tragedy as we know it, like in Antigone, etc.), to the highly impertinent (choral singers were young men much like goats in that they were hairy, smelly, and licentious). Small joys « paper fruit
  • The three specific instances behind the July 14 event are neither convincing nor compelling.
  • One unambiguous photo of the performance has been circulating, but it is unclear how many people actually saw the acts; Cheng's case hinges on convincing the notoriously ironhanded Chinese judiciary that his performance, open only to a select group of invited artists, was not intended to create a disturbance and was not harmful to society. Performance Artist Sentenced To A Year In A Labor Camp For 'Art Whore' Exhibition
  • He was brilliantly convincing with a strong Irish brogue, righteous indignation when confronted with the insignificance of his rumours, and disarming blarney.
  • Many people I know may agree with me but have become totally fatalistic about the chances of convincing anyone else. Times, Sunday Times
  • If not a thoroughly convincing victory it further establishes Mason in the heavyweight division and his career will now take definite shape.
  • Her chief excellence as a novelist was her loving depiction of life in large families, particularly sibling relationships, presented with convincing dialogue and unstinted incident.
  • Fleming managed a convincing attacca downshift from the "éternellement lumineux" young bodies of "La maison" to an intoxicated, drill-sergeant bark for "Les deux guerriers. Archive 2009-04-01
  • These extravagancies set all the company in a laughter; at which the Bonza was so enraged, that he flew out into greater passion, till the king commanded his brother to impose silence on him; after which, he caused his seat to be taken from under him, and commanded him to withdraw, telling him, by way of raillery, “That his choler was a convincing proof of a Bonza's holiness;” and then seriously adding, The Works of John Dryden
  • Instead of grounding its characters in a convincing world, the film shrouds them in a vague, New Age, woo-woo spirituality.
  • But here the strained and unconvincing resolution arrives posthaste.
  • I cant see how convincing yourself that since you failed the osama mission, may be obama drama is accomplishable. Cheney endorses Rubio for Senate
  • Holy conferencing is not about convincing others that we are right. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exhibition succeeded in demonstrating various modalities of person-to-person interconnectedness and their aesthetic wake, albeit some more direct and convincing than others.
  • The Games were marvellous but talk of a legacy of swelling enthusiasm for energetic pursuits was always unconvincing defiance of Olympic history. Times, Sunday Times
  • This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.
  • This study provides convincing evidence that upping our intake of fish oils is likely to offer considerable health benefits in the long term.
  • In keeping with their performance during the opening 45 minutes, the equaliser was unconvincing in its conception.
  • Liebowitz and Margolis are skeptical that any convincing claim of path dependent selection of an objectively inferior standard has been established.
  • The composer's upbeat arrangements, jazzy and virtuoso, added a convincing tango beat to some of the Yiddish songs not originally conceived as such.
  • Katherine Bodenbender, another member of the ensemble, says that convincing the fingers of the right hand to play that "oompah" while the right thumb is plucking out the melody takes a little practice. NPR Topics: News
  • The Galway southpaw, a classy boxer, matched him in every department and came out a convincing points winner.
  • After discovering there was no DNA left to check on the knife or the bra clasp, the experts retraced the steps taken by Stefanoni, concluding that the DNA trace of Kercher on the blade was so weak it could not be reliably matched – or was at best the result of contamination – and quoted Stefanoni admitting in court she should have double-tested her result to be more convincing. Amanda Knox DNA appeal sparks legal battle by forensic experts
  • The 85 minutes of laboured monologues and unconvincing heroism are as entertaining as a pet's funeral.
  • That was nearly thirty years ago, and over the years the delusion that an unlimited license to commit an unspeakable evil can be disguised or excused by a display of moral handwringing has become ever less convincing to ever more Americans.
  • I like to call this the Good Query Gone Bad: it contains all the basic elements (although not done very well); the querier has clearly given some thought to the market appeal of his book (but not presented the results very convincingly); the story itself sounds rather interesting (despite being poorly described). Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Querypalooza, part XIX: pulling all of those disparate elements together into a harmonious whole, or, may I see those principles in practice, please?
  • He did an extremely convincing impersonation of the singer.
  • After convincing myself that the result didn't matter, I felt oddly disappointed when we lost.
  • He was unable to lie convincingly.
  • The political situation at that time precluded filming the exteriors on real South-East Asian locations, and the studio jungle looks unconvincing.
  • I find convincing the argument that there was some intellectual activity in non-Muslim lands for a few centuries after the initial conquest, as long as the Christians and Jews (in the Middle East) were still a significant and fructifying influence, and that when they ceased to be, such activity came to an abrupt end. Scary
  • Somehow this transmitted itself to the players, who began tweeting similarly ominous warnings, apparently having taken to heart the suggestion that they had been unconvincing and lax. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's some astonishing imagination at work here, and when the big central concept is revealed, near the end, it makes sense and is convincing rather than being empty technobabble.
  • The key to convincing selfhood seems to be to rely neither completely on the self nor completely on an other, but to tease out options in-between the two extremes.
  • There are no really weak links and 'Sonnie's Edge', 'Deathday' and 'Escape Route' are all superb, whilst the title novella is nothing short of classic, showing the birth of a new human culture which is beyond normal human experience but in a manner that is convincing and even attractive: a sympathetic Singularity. Archive 2009-08-01
  • It should also be noted that the source of illumination is not convincingly resolved if Astronomy and Music were located over (or between?) the funnel windows of the southeast wall, in spite of Clough's claims. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Two fields away the band is piping up, and a leggy 16-year-old is performing a convincing salsa with her 50-year-old father.
  • Courtenay played the role in an utterly convincing way.
  • In my mind it would be hard to not give GT a share of the title considering that they were undefeated and against a mutual top 5 opponent (NU) - they won in a more convincing fashion. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • In short, whoever takes his ephemeris in one hand and history in the other, will have no difficulty in convincing himself of the efficacy of such configurations; and though, by changing the signs, they may vary the effects and also the places most subject to their influence, yet it will appear that the observations of different authors (wherein they all agree that England is most passive to the fiery trigon) are founded on truth. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Hosting Bangalow on Saturday they came away with a convincing 3 - nil victory.
  • The deflagration is what signifies a SNIa, and it is possible that there exists a subclass (not convincingly detected) of SN where the progenitor (or one of its progenitors) are a magnesium WD. Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
  • He must know that he is far too tall to make a convincing dame. Times, Sunday Times
  • Virtual reality can be that much more convincing when the user is freed from the headset.
  • No major cross-regional analysis provides convincing evidence that Internet use is likely to undermine authoritarianism.
  • Australia's patchy 2-1 victory over Thailand last week was unconvincing but in Dammam two goals by Josh Kennedy and a penalty from Luke Wilkshire lifted the Socceroos to the top of Group D.By contrast, Japan's away-match experience was all about toiling for a draw. Lionel Messi inspires Argentina to victory over Nigeria in Dhaka
  • The privacy rationale for exclusion is much less convincing when you look at a mall as being owned by a bodiless corporation that lets hordes of strangers swarm over its ‘private’ property.
  • How to portray convincingly the people at the centre of unspeakable cruelty? Times, Sunday Times
  • Taylor wants a convincing victory to erase doubts about his team's ability to reach the World Cup finals.
  • Many refuse to accept Federal pork barrel dollars devoted to convincing them to convert to other crops.
  • There is no longer a convincing case to hunt foxes with hounds and our democratic institutions are rightly reflecting public opinion on this issue.
  • The act of convincing yourself becomes such a smooth process that it becomes completely believable to others. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • He is so convincingly cocky you want to slap him for being such a rogue.
  • ‘I would have had no objection to a homeopathist sharing the show,’ he says, ‘because it would have been even more convincing to the viewers that arguments of homeopathists against providing information are untenable.’
  • He was unable to lie convincingly.
  • For most TV and live performances, this studio recording will simply be played through the sound system, and the singer will convincingly lip-synch the performance.
  • Professional models do not always look very convincing in a factory or a highly technical laboratory.
  • Researcher Chris Church said: 'For the first time we have provided convincing proof that the FTO gene causes obesity.
  • I found his argument pretty convincing.
  • But a judge-made rule—the one the Supreme Court is scrutinizing today—requires courts to defer to the Patent Office absent "clear and convincing" evidence that the examiner overlooked something. Digital Innovators vs. the Patent Trolls
  • Tina Fey, Emmy award-winning star of "30 Rock" and noted Sarah Palin impersonator on "Saturday Night Live," has proved she can convincingly play a number of roles as an actress. Tina Fey Falls Flat as Speculator
  • Your mind is working fast but your emotions stay cool, so you can still talk convincingly about ideas - and the right person is listening. The Sun
  • Spock’s perfect concentration was broken; he glanced over at McCoy, his expression unconvincingly calm, clearly expecting the worst. Demons
  • Since his heartening first year in the job, convincing, uplifting displays and results have been in short supply. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scientific proof underpinning it is also convincing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most convincing response: Because the assumption is a very close approximation to the truth, so the marginal benefits of increased accuracy are less than the marginal costs of increased complexity. Can You Save Egalitarianism By Making It "Analytical"?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A parent can try to control a child's behavior by convincing the child that an angel is always watching over him or her.
  • This is a very convincing Cabernet-driven wine; the nose is light and youthfully sweet.
  • Amorth presents his ostensibly absurd stories convincingly, with charm and plenty of natural levity.
  • Ever since the modern study of art history began in the eighteenth century, there has been a variety of more or less unconvincing answers to that question.
  • He kept a drawerful of parental excuse notes that he knew his students had forged in order to play truant from school; then he set them a class test on making their excuses more convincing.
  • They oscillate back and forth between the Church and party officials, depending on which side is more convincing at a time.
  • In an otherwise excellent issue about global warming, I found Jeremy Creed's article very unconvincing.
  • Most of this Indian section, which like the rest of the book rides on a great deal of research, is smoothly convincing; we sanction it without quarrel as the prelude to the real event, the shipwreck.
  • Churchill's responses to the academic fraud evidence have been entirely unconvincing.
  • You can look at your home life realistically and talk convincingly about the changes you want to make. The Sun
  • He also discusses his experience with the attitudes of fellow servicemen in WWII, and all his arguments taken together are convincing.
  • President Obama, was not convincing in yesterdays speech, and ending his discussion with his assessment of one black man vs. police in New York greatly diminish his credibility. Reid: No health care vote before August recess
  • I think in the case of someone like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (ph), one of the top leaders of al Qaeda, I think that that -- you can make a fairly convincing case for going to extreme lengths to get information from him in what they call ticking bomb scenarios, but I think these are very rare cases. CNN Transcript May 19, 2004
  • A sound theory is therefore an essential foundation for criticism, and it is impossible for it, without the assistance of a sensible theory, to attain to that point at which it commences chiefly to be instructive, that is, where it becomes demonstration, both convincing and sans re'plique. On War — Volume 1
  • Virtual reality can be that much more convincing when the user is freed from the headset.
  • His diligent research, his lucid style and the intelligence of his argument are more than convincing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ending of the novel is a little too pat to be convincing.
  • His scenery is the most evocative of any filmic account of the Holocaust, convincing beyond criticism.
  • Last Tuesday, he added a convincing win in New Hampshire to the previous week's victory in the Iowa caucuses.
  • Though Sen, 72, won his 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics and has taught the subject at both Harvard and Cambridge, he could just as convincingly be described as a sociologist, historian, Sanskritist, political analyst and moral philosopher -- for starters -- as his new book makes clear. Winning Argument
  • Dr Parapia said he still needed more convincing and wondered if there could have been other unrecorded Somali deaths.
  • The impersonator had convincingly imitated Mr da Silva's husky voice and informal style, but Ms Wagner became concerned about the tone and content of the interview.
  • Pasok by-election victory Pasok secured a convincing victory in a by-election in the Athens B district on April 5.
  • Jokes apart, she's also been a convincing character actress.
  • With the discipline of having to back a singer, the band have reined in their more chaotic impulses and delivered one of their most convincing sets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without a strong plot or convincing characters to give it any depth, the film turns into an exercise in waiting for people to die horribly for your entertainment.
  • And at the same time we both smiled and used energy and time convincing the outside world that things couldn't be peachier now that I was well. Sheepdip Diary Entry
  • In an editorial last month, Ross Douthat argued convincingly that John Paul was a great man, but he was also "a weak administrator, a poor delegator, and sometimes a dreadful judge of character. By Punishing Legionaries of Christ Leader, Pope Benedict Finally Grabs Some Good PR
  • Yes, but consider the possibilities of convincing them to use other fluids: "Just dissolve the substance in some nitroglycerin and succuss ... Pharyngula
  • Also, see links under ‘Demographic Jihad’ at the Religion of Peace™ Subject Index. aj 5:12 pm on May 15, 2009 | # | Reply well a lot of comments on how bad it is an how its all obviously wrong,all i say is why dont u just dig into it,i did for about a week solid,the video is more or less on the money.u know as kaiser soyze said “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist”.well i for one beleive the video through my research online.i can tell all of you now that there will only be only so much room in australia when europe becomes muslim,at least that country wont let them build too many mosques………go to mecca and try and build a church yeah good luck! The Muslim Demographic Threat » Sociological Images
  • You can put your ideas across in a clear and convincing way and you will discover a gift for learning and teaching. The Sun
  • K.E. von Baer, the founder of the whole present science of the history of development, has certainly a most competent judgment of the correctness of this so-called biogenetic maxim; and he convincingly shows, in his essay on "Darwin's Doctrine," that the embryos never represent a former animalic form, but that their development follows the principle of representing first the common characteristics of the class, then those of the order, etc., until finally the individual characteristics appear in the formation. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • But convincing schools to go cashless took longer than planned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The special effects were not unconvincing; they were risible, especially the scenes of the wealthy giantess stalking the countryside.
  • There is convincing evidence in sociological literature that the search for solitude is not a luxury but a biological need.

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