How To Use Conversation In A Sentence

  • a class in conversational Spanish.
  • As a postscript to the story, my great grandfather died a few weeks after this conversation, proving, as his wife pointed out to her daughter, that she had been correct in her surmise.
  • The report, which was based upon conversations with children who telephoned helplines, also claimed that the hidden problem of solvent abuse kills more children than drugs every year.
  • I found it a bit of a strain making conversation with her.
  • A steady stream of self-released mix tapes and videos - all adhering to the group's cartoonishly horrifying aesthetic, all a bit more deranged than the rest - increased the buzz and kept the conversation going. In concert: OFWGKTA at U Street Music Hall
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  • Lee waved down the server behind the counter, who seemed to have been engulfed in conversation with one of the two men seated next to us.
  • He had made that long trek here for a few measly minutes of conversation.
  • Josefina Scaglione's YouTube video When Mr. Laurents first called the willowy soprano, who speaks with lushly rolled r's and sometimes interrupts conversation to ask the meaning of an English word, she was performing the role of Amber Von Tussle in a Buenos Aires production of "Hairspray. I've Just Met a Girl Named Josefina
  • You can be the centre of attention in a conversation but then the focus changes as new participants enter the dialogue.
  • During the night two young partisans sat on guard at the bedroom door listening to murmured conversation. Whicker's War
  • It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise. Half-cocked
  • They don't really need the conversational crutch of football, but they engage to connect with their colleagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • I listen in to their conversations and store it all up to tell you later.
  • These live conversations took place via a messagerie service that the computer pirates called Gretel, identified by a logo of a heart with fluttering eyelashes. Diffusion of Innovations
  • I can see no useful purpose in continuing this conversation.
  • That this dog and White Fang should come together was inevitable, and for a week the anticipated fight was the mainspring of conversation in certain quarters of the town. Reign of Hate
  • You can be sure she'll always add salt to the conversation!
  • Profound stupor associated with depression also responds to IV sodium amobarbital, thus permitting conversation between the patient and examiner, which often reveals depressive symptoms. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • It was simply a relationship I had with a friend who was an experienced magician, regular chats and conversation with someone who was a good friend.
  • People come up to me all of the time and as a conversation ice-breaker often say, ‘You're the food editor.’
  • While you can get pretty close to walruses here, within 30 feet in some cases, you're not allowed to be on the beaches, so conversations are kept to a minimum and there's a rush to get up.
  • After she'd gone he had drawn up a scorecard, ranging her qualities on one side - her intellectual gifts and vivid, racy conversation - and on the other all the vicious things she'd said.
  • With her legs curled under her on a sofa, she is relaxed enough to punctuate the conversation with sudden gusts of wild laughter.
  • A chance conversation led to a brilliant new career for the young catering student.
  • ‘Oh, I think the music's great,’ responded our darling son in a replay, no doubt, of father-son conversations taking place all over the world.
  • After a decent interval, the three of them resumed their conversation, much to my relief.
  • Our conversation ended well enough, and he did suggest arbitration if I wanted it.
  • Drop it in my face, because I am not obligated to talk to you so don't expect me to start a conversation with you fucking dumbass.
  • I think it's perfectly possible in conversation to be proud of achievements without appearing egotistical.
  • I overhear the tail-end of a conversation my sister is having with someone or other.
  • I tried in vain to start a conversation.
  • caught the general drift of the conversation
  • Herein resided the stem-winding, therapeutic logic of the year-long national "conversation on race"; the periodic presidential apologies for world-historic wrongs which were usually strategic evasions of actual legislative responsibility; and the fussy feel-good conferences on teen violence and the media. The Feel Good Presidency
  • I have struck up conversations with numerous people who know the name of my dog but not mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this was the UK, I would expect to be ushered to a table (probably grumbling inwardly about the empty tables I passed on the way), then, once seated, make a curt nod and "hullo" to my table mates before either engaging in quiet conversation with my companion or looking pensively out of the window, trying hard to look like I'm thinking of Very Important Things. Amtrak adventures
  • We ended our snack (better described as lunch) with a large pot of Chinese tea, overhearing snatches of conversation from a neighbouring table.
  • He kept off the subject throughout our conversation.
  • He gestured to the room-service tray of beer and coffee he'd ordered up to lubricate the flow of their conversation. BLACK EAGLES
  • The writing itself is more conversational than homiletic.
  • he would wittily chime into our conversation
  • Two days later, when he was beginning to get the hang of fly-fishing, Salter and Croll had one last conversation about the seal. A BODY SURROUNDED BY WATER
  • As I come out with a stack of napkins and some plates, their conversation quiets and dies down, and we all eat.
  • Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow.
  • What dance intends to communicate seems impossible to translate into a casual conversation.
  • It was an enjoyable evening but the danger of where we seem to be going kept reasserting itself like a descant to the pleasant sound of casual conversation.
  • ‘I did know what you meant this afternoon,’ referring to our earlier conversation.
  • Originating from a New York café conversation Marston had with a former mule, the film has a semi-documentary feel and projects the authenticity of careful research.
  • We manage 90 seconds of incidental chitchat before conversation dries up.
  • At length one noticed the fact, and another; and then it became the general topic of conversation in the group upon the bridge, where Ethelberta, her hair getting frizzed and her cheeks carnationed by the wind, sat upon a camp-stool looking towards the prow. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • I also know that if any of these so-called scallywags of the public eye were to sit down and have a one to one conversation with me - they wouldn't last a minute.
  • In conversation he speaks with the measured tone of a comic actor used to delivering deadpan one-liners. Times, Sunday Times
  • After some halting conversation, concerned mainly with the difficulties of the day, Orpishurda produced a bottle. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • It was one of the reasons, Charlie suspected, he was quite a boring conversationalist. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • When you are struggling with an unfamiliar language, the simplest conversations can be misinterpreted.
  • What's important is to discover why doctors find themselves in this situation and really look at the conversations doctors have with their patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly though the intention had been to get to see the Crypt, where the Rakoff collection of comics is stored, both our minds let it slip till too late - but I did see the really cool old lifts with the doors you have to close manually and suchlike, plus having a nice lunch with companiable conversation. A day away at the V&A but not at play
  • Aaron Burr are largely reduced to an amusing but pointless conversation with four gigantic hoodlums from Baltimore who are asked to interpret the word "despicable," which triggered the Burr-Hamilton duel. The Full Feed from
  • During a recent conversation with somebody who is sticking to the term blessing, they said that the term inspiration sounds as though it only applies to the description of the process whereby one focuses on a person who has set a constructive encouraging example. Inspiration (���Blessings���) and Its Relation to Mantras and Oral Transmission
  • According to what he could gather from the conversations, this officer had been paying off the military and they had been simply waving him through each day. Mordidas
  • A cellar that’s as much a conversation piece as the wine it stores – 400 bottles of luxury cuvee wines are contained in a 3m x 6m cement block, extruded from the shop into the public space. Artisan Cellars by Asylum
  • The software allows users to take a phone conversation and turn it into a videoconference or web conference with multiple participants.
  • The muscles were exclusively for display purposes and were designed to invite conversation and, obviously, contact. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maison Française which is sort of a monthly event we started some two and a half years ago in which we applied a conversation between a French writer and myself and which is devoted to his actual work. Blog of a Bookslut
  • Bernard made no response to Tom's conversational gambits.
  • And a general weariness in having the same conversation about genre versus the mainstream that crops up whenever a young'un who hasn't bothered to read anything published on the internet over the last decade gets the bright idea to write in haphazard fashion about a topic that's like the same piece of gum masticated for a month. [Guest Post] Part 1: A Manifesto of Imaginative Literature by Justin Allen
  • At his trial counsel for the appellant challenged the admissibility of evidence in the form of computer printouts of telephone conversations made from a hotel.
  • For Edinburgh residents, a safe place to park the car became the main topic of conversation.
  • Your enthusiasm is infectious; it spreads as rapidly through conversations as it does through bloodlines.
  • Almost every conversation begins with a reminder that the speakers have "renk breath" and "dirt-encrusted nostrils". The Long Song: Andrea Levy: Books
  • She had overheard a private conversation between two MPs.
  • The rude words are taboo in ordinary conversation.
  • At an event for George, the name Galen Weston cropped up in conversation. American Legacy
  • Even gents' public toilets are organised so that conversation need not be interrupted by the proceedings; piddling in company seems an integral part of the male bonding experience.
  • He finally sickened of the endless round of parties and idle conversation.
  • I sat on the bed shivering, straining to hear their conversation, but they were too far down the hall and speaking too softly anyway.
  • We return to our hotel to slug whiskey and create conversational doodles in the private bar.
  • It was only then that she was aware of Nicandra standing silent in the doorway, unwilling to interrupt a conversation.
  • I pretended to be deep in conversation in the middle of a very important telephone call.
  • Curiously, there was an anticipatory quality to her voice -- as though she had thrown a conversational bone. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • tossed a rousing political comment into the conversation
  • He was a gifted conversationalist and had many fine stories and yarns which he could embellish with style.
  • The building is packed with people busily engaged in conversation.
  • In his letters, as in conversation, he offers himself no sanctuary, and the picture we are left to gather is an exaggeration of the facts: cold, hard, captious, rarely affectionate, often gloomy.
  • After they'd all had a drink or two,(sentence dictionary) the conversation began to flow.
  • Pretty soon I overheard a conversation between two muddled buyers.
  • Le larron does not seem to be used in conversational French (my daughter taught me the word after she learned it in her French class while reading a classic text) ... so here are some useful synonyms: un escroc (swindler, con man, crook) un malfaiteur (burglar) un voleur (thief) French Word-A-Day:
  • Street conversations are good practice, for sure, but people in casual conversations are not going to correct your errors, if only because they are too polite to do so. How to talk like a native in no time
  • Recent Comments innovationeye on Open Plaques: joining the blue … Jim Boulton on Open Plaques: joining the blue … Frankie Roberto on Open Plaques: joining the blue … Social media diet … on Community management under the … Social media diet … on SXSW 08 core conversation: do … Ada Lovelace Day 2010: Lee Miller in focus « Innovation Cloud
  • The delays in looking for a telegue, the repairs, the payment, the tea in the inn, the conversation with the dvornik, all served to amuse me. The Kreutzer Sonata
  • This is especially important when it comes to conversations about the commercial value of adeal. News
  • During one conversation, outdoors in front of the houses, he said, I've got my gaita right here in my car! Making Light: The new new TSA regulations
  • Nobody has decided for definite; it's still just a giddy conversation about something that happens to other people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tone of the Liverpool manager's conversations with Javier Mascherano appears to have been somewhat frostier, however. Liverpool relief after Fernando Torres says he wants to stay
  • As we near the end of the trail, Thomsen and I have a desultory conversation about how the Sierra are changing: more traffic, more big houses, more kids concerned only with what's on sale at the mall.
  • Living and working in London you become accustomed to freaks, weirdos and nutters wandering about doing their own thing and occasionally dragging normal people into random conversations.
  • This milquetoast agreement muddies the conversation.
  • Ironically, a nation of know-nothings is secretly guided by adherents of an esoteric political tradition rooted in a grand conversation among philosophers ranging from ancient Greece to Weimar Germany.
  • His idea of a brilliant conversational gambit is 'What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?'
  • We talked, and the conversation flowed freely.
  • I played with my dessertspoon as the others began to clear up, my conversation with Chase echoing through my head.
  • Not only was I tired, but listening to the same pedantic metaphysical reasoning for the second time from my friend, normally a lively conversationist, bored me out of my skull. An East Wind Coming
  • These features can be regarded as tools that can be applied to sequences of conversation.
  • He was very refined in his conversation -- at least, what I call refined -- for he was one of those persons in whose society one is comfortable from the certainty that they will never say anything which can shock other people, or hurt their feelings, be they ever so fastidious or sensitive. Life of Charles Dickens
  • Television has ruined the art of conversation.
  • These blend sociability and conversation, keynotes of the Scottish Enlightenment, with more universal practices such as commensality and drinking. OUPblog
  • I practice bariatrics at a major NW US institution and would like to establish a conversation around how to best present the literature to other M.D.s. Request for help promoting our new book | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • 'enchain' a rational conversation, but nothing could I get out of him but rhapsodies about you in the frightfullest English that I ever heard out of a human head! Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • He apparently made a charming studio companion with his courtly manners and elegant conversation. Times, Sunday Times
  • `Don't let Marc monopolize the conversation with his shop talk," Anita warned lightly. LASTING TREASURES
  • Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation .
  • I ended my conversation with Marco by asking which he thought would come first: mankind is conquered by robots of our own design, or the U.S. wins the World Cup? What do the Dutch think of the U.S. national team?
  • Modern technology enables eavesdroppers to pick up conversations through windows or walls.
  • The conversation did not seem to be getting anywhere.
  • I was keen to strike up a conversation with him.
  • To my considerable surprise, they formed an instant, eager bond, and went into a tight conversational huddle for the next 45 minutes or so.
  • Instead I argued that such ultimate questions are not answerable, at least by anyone in our contemporary conversation.
  • Still deep in easy conversation, the two finished their drinks and left the coffeehouse.
  • It is important to hear the public's voices in this conversation.
  • All five sit down and begin an overly polite conversation covering such social niceties as the weather.
  • Let me share with you a slice of our conversation that we had over tea.
  • Promising to be the big draw of the festival, it features an intricate weaving of different conversations taking place in a city.
  • It would deformalize meetings, dismantle the wall that town and village boards erect and transform what is today a lecture by politicians into a conversation among people. The Buffalo News: Home
  • Conversation with friends soon passes an evening away.
  • The conversation was always lively and when there were guests it diverged from cartography to politics. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • The captain coming up to have a little conversation, and to introduce a friend, seated himself astride of one of these barrels, like a Bacchus of private life; and pulling a great clasp-knife out of his pocket, began to 'whittle' it as he talked, by paring thin slices off the edges. American Notes
  • The telephone operator cut us off before we finished our conversation.
  • You can cultivate a laconic shrug of the shoulders for use when the conversation turns to your putting, or putting in general.
  • I have told Caleb about my conversation with Fisher, and now we both stare at the ceiling, as if the answer might appear, skywritten with stars. Perfect Match
  • This virtual university will house tutorials, lecture rooms, libraries and other resources as well as providing continuing conversations and dialogues. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest of the conversation was fairly short, now that James had respectfully disinvited himself.
  • Nobody has decided for definite; it's still just a giddy conversation about something that happens to other people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conversation veered towards language and accents.
  • Write down the dialogue of conversations roughly as you remember them and think of ways in which you could have handled the situations differently. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • Fatima and I were not rich in tatting edges, and rejoiced when the conversation took another turn. Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
  • Let's begin with two conversations I have with alarming regularity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is impolite to butt into other people's conversation.
  • Without an exception these hangers-on are a shallow, mean-spirited bunch of bourgeoise no-counts, who mistake philosophical declamation for conversation and obsequiousness for love.
  • Greene had the good sense to tape his conversations with his Dad, whose verbatim reminiscences about the war are sprinkled throughout the book.
  • He said that his information was based on conversations with fellow intelligence officers before he defected. Times, Sunday Times
  • I got into conversation with an Italian student.
  • As to the conversation carried on between the clergyman and the earthbound spirit, the same authoress has described a similar one when recording the adventures of Lord and Lady Wynford in Glamis Castle (Ghosts I Have Seen, p. 175). The Land of Mist
  • In truth, the party will remain unelectable until it learns how to conduct a conversation with the country, employing a more emollient vocabulary…
  • Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.
  • We caught snatches of conversation from the room next door.
  • Conversation flowed freely when the speaker invited discussion.
  • Since I really care about CanLit, and understand things more through conversation than books, chatroom forums are a vibrant way to connect to a community that is important to me. Causing a Scene – Brenda Schmidt
  • The prices of intercity and international conversations, however, will be cut down by 19 per cent and 14 per cent, respectively.
  • Conventional hearing devices amplify everything — from conversations to background noise to the clock ticking.
  • Johnson attempted to start conversation with some pleasantries but Bill was not very talkative.
  • That use of the passive in written language which allows non-attribution of agency is typically absent from conversational speech.
  • Narrative dance applies to those phrases of conversation between individuals or between dancers and public, where the dancer uses explicit gestures.
  • The tone of her voice was designed to stamp on this topic of conversation once and for all.
  • In fact ask any management specialist, from any sector, to exclude every word of jargon from a conversation, and there is likely to be silence.
  • Who's that guy Ally's been engrossed in conversation with all night?
  • He sprinkles his conversation with historical allusions.
  • The dozens of recorded conversations between Ms. Chiesi and Mr. Kurland are replete with examples of Kurland encouraging her to get information, of Kurland belittling her ability to analyze financial data, of Kurland being the New Castle decision maker regarding investment decisions," said Alan Kaufman , her lawyer, in a court filing. Chiesi Seeks Lighter Sentence in Insider Case
  • Lydia felt briefly sorry for her and attempted to engage her in conversation, but it was no good.
  • During a long conversation with a senior administration official, I asked why Wilson was assigned the mission to Niger.
  • the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with,never say a word,and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
  • The very loud conversation going on next to me is very distracting.
  • It was generally a positive conversation.
  • In the North there is a shorter pause, so conversations tend to and forth perceptibly faster.
  • What other character do you know of who is searingly brilliant, stunningly engaging in his rat-a-tat-tat conversational wizardly, totally and even smugly tactless and rude - and still adored? Bella DePaulo: Facebook Movie: The Arrogance of Achievement vs. the Arrogance of Inheritance
  • All I know about the operation so far is what I heard when we were monitoring your conversation with Ryan in the confessional. CODE BREAKER
  • Going into that conversation I tended to view all the big pushers of regime change as warmongers, hysterics or trouble-makers.
  • Every morning Native American tribal leaders filmed their conversations for use in a society which has yet to acquire their ecological awareness.
  • a head-to-head conversation
  • Not only could she carry on any kind of conversation, ranging from various topics, but her wittiness and toying sarcasm often brought laughter from the circle of people that were gathered.
  • Sergeant Davis had managed to conduct the whole conversation nicely balanced on an edge between politeness and aggression. COFFIN IN FASHION
  • Libya's state television broadcast on Thursday what it said was a telephone conversation between the U.S. ambassador and the commander in charge of rebel forces in the east, who it described as a "lackey. The Full Feed from
  • Our hostess did her best to keep the conversation going.
  • He is suspected of having reported the bugged conversations to his superiors on a regular basis.
  • We had a conversation about the word "copacetic" the other day, and this choon features that word.
  • He did sometimes express amazement that some of the great canonical books (The Faerie Queene comes to mind) were taken seriously; this was part of his conversational charm.
  • Father always fetches the conversation round to his favourite subject.
  • Naturally, the conversation turned towards the difficulties of dedicating time to the demands of competitive yacht racing, pre-empted by the pressure of official duties.
  • He was comfortable after his conversations with Gephardt, but even queasier about Edwards after they met. ABC: Edwards Admits Affair
  • In the above situation it is quite appropriate to look the other way whilst earwigging and they will pretend you can't hear their conversation.
  • I have never heard this phrase used in actual conversation, even on the Left and even among my raunchiest friends. Superversive: A digression
  • In the evening we keep pious conversation while attending to pious works such as making rosaries, cilices and repairing books.
  • Nobody is such a fool as to moider away his time in the slipslop conversation of a pack of women. ' Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century
  • In the course of her conversation on the day of the workshop, she often referred to the terms dignity and respectability.
  • The pace of generational change is a conversation for seasons to come. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a topic of conversation for the naturally curious players. Times, Sunday Times
  • My medical knowledge was certainly notched up, and for a few brief weeks I managed to slip "cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis" into casual conversation. NYT > Home Page
  • Obviously I would work my wisecracks into the conversation carefully.
  • a mellow conversation
  • His tome was the tone of ordinary conversation, and his speech, while it would not be called hesitating, was exceedingly slow and deliberate. Autobiography of Seventy Years, Vol. 1-2
  • The moon visits your talk chart and if you wish a conversation had gone differently then a fresh try should go better. The Sun
  • The wine list, which was priced a bit more reasonably than the food, helped to keep the conversation flowing.
  • The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.
  • The tables are placed very close together so intimate conversation is difficult.
  • The vulgar always knew what General danced with the lovely Miss A., and how they looked, and what they said to each other; how many jewels Miss A. wore, and the material her dress was made of; they knew who polkaed with the accomplished Miss B., and how like a duchess she bore herself; they had the exact name of the colonel who dashed along so like a knight with the graceful and much-admired Mrs. D., whose husband was abroad serving his country; what gallant captain of dragoons (captains of infantry were looked upon as not what they might be) promenaded so imperiously with the vivacious Miss E.; and what distinguished foreigner sat all night in the corner holding a suspicious and very improper conversation with Miss An Outcast or, Virtue and Faith
  • One rarely struck up a conversation with Angela unless she spoke first; anyway, it was enough just to be with her.
  • That might have been disturbing enough for some of the residents if I hadn't been peppering the conversation with swear words every other syllable.
  • I eavesdropped on a conversation between two men seated next to me.
  • When you are having a telephone conversation you are more likely to be distracted and let your attention wander.
  • But to Carlyle people in conversation requires constant practice with a master -- _consuetudine quotidiana cum aliquo congredi_ -- and he had for so long a time knocked everybody down without meeting the least resistance, that victory had palled upon him, and he had, so to speak, "vinegared" on himself. Memoirs
  • There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people.
  • There were no conversations spoken, and none were needed: talk just sounded hollow and pointless in the big scheme of things.

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