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How To Use Convergent In A Sentence

  • For comparison, respirometric data were also obtained from Nyctalus noctula, a hibernating vespertilionid bat of similar body size and convergent foraging habits.
  • As a result of convergent evolution of torture practices, it seems that various figures interested in coerced confessions — Spanish Inquisitors, People’s Liberation Army, Khmer Rouge, etc. — all hit upon the basic idea behind waterboarding. Matthew Yglesias » If Marc Thiessen Doesn’t Want to be Compared to the Spanish Inquisition, He Should Stop Advocating Torture Techniques Used in the Spanish Inquisition
  • Slackia of Cuttackboom has white infundibuliform bilabiate flowers, tubo brevi, deorsum leniter curvato, lobo medio labii inferioris reliquis minore, lab.super. intus biplicato, plicis sursum convergentibus, stam. quinto valde rudimentario, antheris apice cohaerentibus. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Instead, the whole of the Southern Uplands terrane shares clay mineral characteristics with the convergent, load-induced foreland basin sequence of the southern Lake District, the Windermere Supergroup.
  • This supplements the consideration of deductive and logical abilities measured by the traditional convergent questions for which there are unique correct answers.
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  • First, in the north, three convergent valleys are surmounted by crests oriented north-south comprising schistose and sandstone. Pyrenees-Mont Perdu, France and Spain
  • When combined with data from records and interviews, nomothetic information from sound psychological tests increases the chances of convergent validity and decreases the possibility of error.
  • From a psychological perspective, this research seems to indicate that past success may give rise to convergent thinking in groups.
  • There are many cases where a single pollinator is responsible for pollinating many species of plants, for example long-tongued flies (Tabanidae and Nemestrinidae) are the exclusive pollinators of many genera of petaloid monocots as well as Pelargonium and Erica; a butterfly is the exclusive pollinator of a phylogenetically disparate group of red-flowered and autumn-flowering species; hopliine (monkey) beetle pollination has evolved convergently in many genera, etc. Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • If this is correct it may be that the different White olm populations represent different species which resemble one another by convergent evolution, and which have partly or mostly fused as they have met up within the Dinaric karst system. Archive 2006-03-01
  • A method of summation is called regular, if it sums every convergent series to its ordinary sum.
  • Pengxian deposit and the Masongling Formationformation are products of island arc volcanism in convergent plate boundary.
  • Some oscine families are distinct, but convergent evolution apparently is common and has obscured phylogenetic relationships, making the subdivision of this group based on morphology difficult.
  • An interesting example of convergent evolution is seen between these pelycosaurs and the unrelated dinosaurs.
  • The most amazing fact about the evolution of flight is the extent of convergent evolution between the three main groups that evolved it (again, the pterosaurs, birds, and bats).
  • That kind of independent ‘invention,’ known as convergent evolution, is a sign of a trait's evolutionary value.
  • The similarity of its heteropolar 3- or 6-aperturate pollen to the 3-aperturate pollen of Eudicots might result from convergent evolution.
  • In this paper, we use artificial fields to steer and control the steering angle and derive a linear velocity control law to guarantee the optimal convergent trajectory.
  • This supplements the consideration of deductive and logical abilities measured by the traditional convergent questions for which there are unique correct answers.
  • And what is more, for different nozzles, the length and width of the bubble cloud of the convergent- divergent nozzle are longer than those of the convergent-straight nozzle.
  • Slackia of Cuttackboom has white infundibuliform bilabiate flowers, tubo brevi, deorsum leniter curvato, lobo medio labii inferioris reliquis minore, lab.super. intus biplicato, plicis sursum convergentibus, stam. quinto valde rudimentario, antheris apice cohaerentibus. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Similar to chess masters, analysts look for convergent lines to indicate the possibility of attack.
  • Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
  • This is an example of convergent evolution; synapsids and archosaurs evolved these features independently.
  • If corrective spectacles are not worn this convergent squint may become permanent.
  • So we result convergent thinking and divergent thinking is the unity of opposites, mutually complementary relationship.
  • The question was to determine the exact value of the convergent infinite series obtained by summing the reciprocals of the squares of the positive integers.
  • It will be fascinating to discover whether they show convergent anatomical, physiological, and behavioral adaptations for prolonged diving to those being revealed for penguins, alcids, and cormorants.
  • Many of the self-proclaimed experts admit no one really knows what convergent media is or what it will become in the furore.
  • The genet is a kind of cat-shaped badger, & a lovely example of convergent evolution. Catfish - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Two convergent streets ran into the Odeonsplatz, with a connecting way between them not far from the Odeonsplatz itself. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
  • Third, selves or individuals, rather than being closed upon the compossible and convergent world they express from within, are now torn open, and kept open through the divergent series and incompossible ensembles that continually pull them outside themselves. Gilles Deleuze
  • The standards of rigour that he set, defining, for example, irrational numbers as limits of convergent series, strongly affected the future of mathematics.
  • Creative thinking is pioneer of the new field of human knowledge mentality, which has many forms of thinking, and convergent thinking is an important one.
  • The volcanically active trail-ends are preferentially located near divergent plate boundaries and are rare near convergent boundaries.
  • The property of the convergent sequence about even subsequence and odd subsequence is generalized.
  • Granitic magmatism at convergent margins is intrinsic to the growth of continents and is an integral part of Andean geology.
  • Granitic magmatism at convergent margins is intrinsic to the growth of continents and is an integral part of Andean geology.
  • Lastly, Feduccia advocated the notion that convergent evolution may make the ancestry of birds unknowable.
  • Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
  • Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
  • I turned 32 yesterday by ripping a bad version of 50 Cents 'Get Rich or Die Trying the night before, and then had a quadrella of conversations with a convergent telco corporate strategist (8am), 2.0 money man (10am), "the" editor of financial regard (12pm), and Australia's would be #1 blogger, if Darren Rowse wasn't so committed to digital cameras and helping bloggers:) Party Like It's 2003
  • Such differences strongly suggest convergent reduction in the antennal flagella of odonates and mayflies.
  • The articles also deal with the synthesis of polymeric dendrimers, either by the convergent or divergent approach; block copolymers synthesis, to define micromorphology in high performance polymers; and thereby tailoring their thermal, chemical, mechanical and dielectrical properties, and finally kinetics and thermodynamics for microstructural organization in macroporous thermosets. AvaxHome RSS:
  • Although they have often been dismissed as logical nonsense, many attempts have also been made to dispose of them by means of mathematical theorems, such as the theory of convergent series or the theory of sets.
  • Whales are in fact more closely related to hippos than to mesonychids, and the similarity in teeth is a convergently evolved feature.
  • The skull is an example of convergent evolution with some of the ornithopods and also with the dicynodonts, an herbivorous group of early synapsids.
  • This kind of difference in detail is very characteristic of convergent evolution, as we have seen.
  • The genus Calidris is paraphyletic, meaning that the birds in this group resemble each other closely despite not being close relatives - a stunning example of convergent evolution that anyone can see for themselves whilst walking along the beaches. The Guardian World News
  • This kind of difference in detail is very characteristic of convergent evolution, as we have seen.
  • He remarks that successful advertising comes from two contrasting styles of problem-solving, what psychologists have called convergent vs. divergent thinking.
  • Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
  • Third, selves or individuals, rather than being closed upon the compossible and convergent world they express from within, are now torn open, and kept open through the divergent series and incompossible ensembles that continually pull them outside themselves. Gilles Deleuze
  • Services include convergent billing, administration and customer care, business information systems and customer relationship management.
  • More complex thalloid compressions may display morphologies that are localized within a given phylum but convergent among phyla.
  • The horns of the male are sub-triangular, much compressed laterally and posteriorly; in fact one may say concave at the sides, that is, from the base of the horn to about one half; transversely sulcated; curving outwards, and returning inward towards the face; points convergent. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • In amphibians, there is convergent extension of the future neural plate during gastrulation.
  • However, the extent to which these distinguishing features truly indicate natural relationships, or whether they have originated by convergent evolution, is not currently known.
  • There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
  • Thus, bipedality of terrestrial theropods and birds must be convergent, and all hindlimb, pelvis, and tail characters can be discounted.
  • Within the restricted scope, the infinite power series is convergent and the formula is workable.
  • The mesoscale geometric and kinematic characteristics of transpressional structures formed in regions of obliquely convergent deformation are still rather poorly understood.
  • By alternating the terms of the two series you get the Taylor series of exp (ix) which is also absolutely convergent. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pi Day
  • Cantor published a paper on trigonometric series in 1872 in which he defined irrational numbers in terms of convergent sequences of rational numbers.
  • The boundary of a tissue undergoing convergent extension is maintained by the behavior of cells at the boundary.
  • We now seek solutions with a convergent power series in the open interval,
  • I made a mistake: the detailed, similar snout anatomy present in both suids and peccaries is more likely shared, not convergent. More on what I saw at the zoo
  • In a convergent fault, two plates crash into each other: one plate is forced upwards, one is then ‘subducted’ underneath the other.
  • Most of the world's active above-sea volcanoes are located near convergent plate boundaries where subduction is occurring, particularly around the Pacific basin.
  • The articles also deal with the synthesis of polymeric dendrimers, either by the convergent or divergent approach; block copolymers synthesis, to define micromorphology in high performance polymers; and thereby tailoring their thermal, chemical, mechanical and dielectrical properties, and finally kinetics and thermodynamics for microstructural organization in macroporous thermosets. AvaxHome RSS:
  • Convergent thinking is a one component of creativity.
  • The cooperative control law for multiple rigid body systems is designed. Numerical results show the attitude quaternion of every rigid body can be controlled to convergently approach its stable value.
  • Otherwise, if not by chance nor by shared ancestry, the similarities may only be explained by convergent evolution.
  • This supplements the consideration of deductive and logical abilities measured by the traditional convergent questions for which there are unique correct answers.
  • Convergent boundaries between oceanic lithosphere are marked by an oceanic trench, a volcanic island arc and a Wadati-Benioff zone.
  • This extant species has erect jointed colonies, an articulated growth-form which seemingly evolved convergently with that of crisiid cyclostomes.
  • This framework is of layered and distributed structure, including a central control node layer, a convergent node layer and a leaf node layer.
  • Faint, anteriorly convergent ridges extend from the sphenoidal bridge and define the shallow basisphenoid fossa.
  • Note that nearly all formal education is concentrated on convergent thinking and the concept of the "Right Answer"!
  • Ocean-floor basalts are extruded along mid-ocean ridges that define divergent boundaries, whereas island-arcs are produced as the ocean floor is subducted at convergent plate boundaries.
  • I argue that the relationship between past success and convergent thinking may depend on the attributions that groups generate to explain their shared success.
  • Examination of biased codon usage, GC content and selection on gene candidates support the notion of cyanogenesis as an "old" trait within Ditrysia, as well as its origins being convergent between plants and insects. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • It is well documented that exposure to the dissenting views of a minority fosters broader thought around an issue and stimulates divergent rather than convergent search.
  • The headlight also has a convergent lens which is focused in the vicinity of the second focal region so as to project this light patch on the road.
  • By contrast, the thermal history of a typical convergent basinal setting is characterized by low geothermal gradients caused by the depression of heat flow during collision of plate margins.
  • There are several cases of convergent evolution between marsupials and placental mammals, in which the two animals have evolved to fill the same ecological niche in different parts of the world.
  • The mechanics of mountain belts along convergent plate boundaries are often considered to be analogous to that of a wedge of snow or soil in front of moving bulldozer.
  • The paper slams the campaign in its leader: it is described variously as narrow, chunky, banal, bland, convergent and played too much for the benefit swing voters.
  • The mechanics of mountain belts along convergent plate boundaries are often considered to be analogous to that of a wedge of snow or soil in front of moving bulldozer.
  • Ornithomimids were a distinctive group of theropod dinosaurs who show a good example of convergent evolution with the ratite birds, such as ostriches.
  • Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.

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