How To Use Conundrum In A Sentence

  • She said two puzzles in particular - a racing problem and ballerina conundrum - had needed a great deal of logical legwork.
  • This conundrum poses two questions: First: does collective stupidity actually have a bottom limit or is it some kind of great cosmic suckhole from which reason and common sense simply cannot escape? The End-of-the-World Survival Kit
  • Physics also tells us that there is a logical answer to the seeming conundrum of the diversity of species.
  • This is the great green ideological conundrum, boiled down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children with recurrent abdominal pain present a difficult conundrum for doctors.
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  • We were just scratching the surface of this conundrum when Soriano grooved a 3–2 fastball over the center of the plate. In the Time of Bobby Cox
  • Children with recurrent abdominal pain present a difficult conundrum for doctors.
  • The colorful mid - priced iMac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility conundrum.
  • While much of the conversation around Prof. Gates 'arrest has centered on race, we might also examine the role "rankism" plays into this conundrum. Byron Williams: The Gates Affair: Was it Racism or Rankism?
  • The last two days may have finally supplied an answer to that conundrum.
  • McDonnell's conundrum is that changing the complex proposal to satisfy one group is likely to cost support from another. Looking to pick up support, McDonnell staff offering tweaks to ABC plan
  • He is a German refugee, a Jewish scientist specialising in relativity and its conundrums; she is a doctor's daughter, musical, ambitious, idealistic.
  • This however is a non-technical approach to logic, grounded in essentials, in contrast to the sterile conundrums and oversubtle analyses enjoyed by some of Epictetus 'contemporaries. Epictetus
  • These cross-purpose directives underscore the corn-ethanol conundrum. Robert Howarth: Record Corn Crop Spells More Trouble for Gulf of Mexico Fisheries
  • Prof. Vidkunn Hveding Oslo, NorwayTHE KOSOVO CONUNDRUMWhat a courageous article John Barry and Evan Thomas wrote ( "The Kosovo Cover-Up," EUROPE, May 15)! Mourning For Microsoft
  • In an attempt to resolve this conundrum, we have carried out multidisciplinary research involving field studies, radiometric dating, geochemistry, palaeontology and palaeomagnetism.
  • This broader problem touched on such philosophical conundrums as who we are and what our place is in the universe.
  • It is also one of the most tedious conundrums of business life. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd be delighted to know what your solution to this conundrum might be since it assuredly has nothing to do with +front environments or palatalization. Linear A treatment of consonant clusters
  • In an attempt to resolve this conundrum, we have carried out multidisciplinary research involving field studies, radiometric dating, geochemistry, palaeontology and palaeomagnetism.
  • More broadly, a conundrum is any problem where the answer is very complex, possibly unsolvable without deep investigation. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The divine drama illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit disintegrates into puzzles, conundrums and endless interpretations.
  • Nevertheless, I find myself at this weird juncture, a cultural snag wrapped in a conundrum shaped like a question mark dressed in scratchy raw Japanese selvedge and smoking American Spirits, glumly, in a grungy hoody, outside the bike shop, twitching just a little. Mark Morford: Forgive Me, I Do Not Like The Arcade Fire
  • That's the conundrum of the modern skeptics movement: Intelligent Design theorists and deniers of global warming may very well be phonies and scoundrels, but no one is going to debunk them in the classic sense.
  • The answer to this conundrum can be found at the heart of the society that he lived and work in.
  • At no time was an audience challenged to question a moral conundrum, or inspired to see the world through different eyes.
  • But we do not need to solve this conundrum, for the picture painted is unreal.
  • Why this is the case is one of life's many unsolvable conundrums.
  • (whose heightened gabbiness Solondz's films evoke, plus an acid drip), many will find the film's openly addressed ethical conundrum-Can you or should you forgive a selfish sibling or a thoughtless lover, much less a pedophile? In These Times
  • Leigh steers clear of the religious dimension, arguing that abortion is a human moral dilemma, not a religious conundrum.
  • Biotechnology's dual-use conundrum may hint at the difficulty of "binning" advanced cognitive science research and development into offensive or defensive categories. Web Edition | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
  • I then showed it to the best experts in handwriting attached to the office, and called on outsiders to test their skill; but what the writing meant, _if it was writing_, was a conundrum that we all gave up. Lights and Shadows of New York Life or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City
  • The very conundrum is a sign of how far this nation sunk. mikey Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Legal Cost of Torture
  • I am NOT an interfering busybody - leastways I can keep my trap firmly shut on any conundrum I don't know about.
  • Ancelotti poses a title conundrum as the race hots up Give Me Football Featured Content
  • I seek here to explore these questions of miscegenation and homosexuality in these literary and cultural texts, demonstrating the conundrum of nationalism in the context of the indubitable threat of oppression.
  • This show leads you into the world of one of the great cultural conundrums. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the main purpose of the book is to tackle perennial ethical conundrums: How do we handle prosperity without becoming morally corrupt?
  • One conundrum for the government is rising domestic demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later on he successfully puzzled over the riddles of some bawdy conundrums.
  • 'SALMONLIKE CONUNDRUMS' -- Keying off President Obama's salmon comedy in the State of the Union address, the Examiner's Jonetta Rose Barras identifies analogs in the District's regulatory regime: The District has its own salmonlike conundrums. DeMorning DeBonis: Jan. 31, 2011
  • Colours can be intensified, application conundrums solved and you can line up different looks to see what suits you most. Times, Sunday Times
  • The guests seat themselves, as at a fashionable party, in a semicircle, and the gayety of the evening begins with conundrums and playing upon the banjo; the gentlemen are in their morning-coats, and the ladies in a display of hosiery which is now no longer surprising, and which need not have been mentioned at all except for the fact that, in the case of the first lady, it seemed not to have been freshly put on for that party. Suburban Sketches
  • The ensuing civil procedural history became a matter of prolonged legal debate on due process, but the religious coercion and its conundrums remained.
  • I realized this past week one of the things that bothers me so much about this whole “getting hit on” conundrum … First, it makes you uncomfortable – even the nicest least aggressive of compliments is quite frankly weird and uncomfortable, and immediately makes you feel like a sex object rarther than a person. #216 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • Despite millennia of research and rumination, only recently has the humanity attained the necessary technological and intellectual stage to successfully tackle this seemingly insolvable conundrum. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Children with recurrent abdominal pain present a difficult conundrum for doctors.
  • Other than that, it can be something of a difficult ethical conundrum for somebody.
  • It was written during the collapse of the Weimar Republic and given its premiere in Dresden in the first months of the Third Reich, and almost everything about it consists of conundrums and paradoxes.
  • It is also one of the most tedious conundrums of business life. Times, Sunday Times
  • This problem is at the heart of several conundrums concerning time.
  • It is no longer his conundrum to answer. Times, Sunday Times
  • One conundrum for the government is rising domestic demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stocking four flavours of dishy, piquant womanhood, it treated the audience to one tasty conundrum after another.
  • Trained as both a designer and a painter, Braque was a master at trompe l'oeil —more adept than Picasso at creating decorative, illusionistic Cubist conundrums. A Modern Movement Unto Himself
  • Many pieces pose questions, state conundrums, then negotiate the minefield therein.
  • He is the conundrum who prefers playing in football's most individual outfield position yet struggles to think beyond the collective. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the framers set a grammatical conundrum for us when they put the main clause in the passive voice: ‘shall not be infringed’.
  • The problem remains a conundrum to me, and I hope others can propose ways of dealing with it.
  • The Bank does not appear to be anywhere close to finding the answer to that conundrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • The moral quandaries, the psychological conundrums are deeper.
  • It is perhaps this complete unpredictability in fishing that keeps us coming back for more, to solve the unsolvable conundrum: what makes the perfect fishing day?
  • This creeping classical conundrum could have untold beneficial effects on the population as a whole.
  • In an elegant narrative Ms. Wertheim has taken on one of the knottiest conundrums in the philosophy of science, the demarcation problem—that is, how to find criteria to define the boundary between science and pseudoscience. On the Margins of Science
  • Perhaps they have - although, as Sierra Leone showed this year, the arms trade is still its secretive, unwholesome self - but if lessons have been digested can they ever answer the conundrum posed by risk-aversion?
  • He danced the Lancashire clog-hornpipe; he rattled out puns and conundrums; yet did he contrive to infuse into all this mummery and buffoonery, into this salmagundi of the incongruous and the The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • Such epistemological conundrums are not limited to foreign policy.
  • How you remain positive in the face of another defeat is a great coaching conundrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Pakistan will set England enough conundrums without added injury woes.
  • This is not an easy conundrum to resolve and each tactic - intervention and non-intervention - carries risks.
  • Fortunately for all of us, we may never have to find out the answer to that conundrum.
  • This is not merely a curious conundrum.
  • Physics also tells us that there is a logical answer to the seeming conundrum of the diversity of species.
  • It is also one of the most tedious conundrums of business life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pudding was banana and tonka something, an effortful conundrum of banana-flavoured stuff, again made with exhaustive care. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a dreadful and continuing conundrum for which it seems nobody has a convincing answer.
  • Such is the scenario in Pearl Harbor, essentially an orgy of impressive special effects that are wrapped up in about two hours of insufferable romantic-conundrum filler.
  • Shakespeare mocks such ethical conundrums in divers ways.
  • Beneath the mudslinging is a real conundrum for policy makers. Retail Sales Enfold Drama
  • But here's the philosophical conundrum: how can one exercise common sense when the rules themselves are nonsensical?
  • The topic has come up a lot and the people I talk to tend to argue for the \'not enough time\ 'conundrum and I try to get them to just \'try it\' for a while. James M. Lynch: Free Life Course: The Game Of Life
  • One other conundrum for the board and would-be investors to contemplate is the question of future leadership.
  • In an attempt to resolve this conundrum, we have carried out multidisciplinary research involving field studies, radiometric dating, geochemistry, palaeontology and palaeomagnetism.
  • Across the western world we are faced with a similar conundrum to that facing Asia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stocking four flavours of dishy, piquant womanhood, it treated the audience to one tasty conundrum after another.
  • Young people moving away from home for the first time may face an impossible conundrum when it comes to securing a credit card or overdraft. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the game has its share of platform-hopping and turn-based combat, there are plenty of clever conundrums to cope with as baby Mario and Luigi toddle away on their tod to open doors and raise platforms so the adults can progress.
  • GOOD point, in my opinion … and I appreciate the second interjectory paragraph too, but then in the third paragraph below, you correctly return to discuss frame dependency as a possible reason and explanation for this conundrum …. A Dark, Misleading Force
  • This conundrum is as old as Ardipithicus – 4. 4million years old. Agents of the West
  • It was an impossible conundrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conundrum is an account of her transsexuality, her happy marriage as a man, and her journey towards and after the surgery that enabled her to become a woman.
  • For Australian mothers, the conundrum of achieving work-life balance extends beyond surviving the day-to-day difficulties.
  • Despite the richness of the premise, which asks a number of bio-ethical questions, there is little room for complex moral conundrums once the adrenaline starts pumping.
  • If you think government cannot add value to a metal, consider this conundrum: What would be the present value of gold if all nations should demonetize it? If Not Silver, What?
  • The more cerebral cinemagoer, however, is left in a conundrum as he or she tries to unpick the film's slapdash symbolism and script.
  • The observational data show that Easton's neighbourhood police have two recipes for resolving this dilemma and its associated conundrum.
  • It is the family home that is the central question in this conundrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • His concept of political morality is not merely a paradox; it is indeed a conundrum wrapped in an enigma.
  • It turns out that this is a harder task than it might initially seem: quandaries, conundrums, and tensions within our conception of perception arise.
  • We ran into what we called the conundrum," he said. Bloomberg
  • The conundrum is simply stated, even though the answer is complex.
  • Physics also tells us that there is a logical answer to the seeming conundrum of the diversity of species.
  • That's the conundrum of the modern skeptics movement: Intelligent Design theorists and deniers of global warming may very well be phonies and scoundrels, but no one is going to debunk them in the classic sense.
  • The situation with the Avenger and Sebring leaves Chrysler in a conundrum that will test one of the more lasting adages of the auto business: establishing a nameplate is a costly investment, making it a good idea not to change. Auto Observer
  • Such conundrums will vex analysts long into the future. Misleading Indicator
  • Phoenix would be a natural for one of those actorish existential breakdowns - the ones that turn on the old conundrum, where does my mask end and my true self begin? In 'Still Here,' A Fully Committed Joaquin Phoenix
  • This year he faces a similar conundrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this overview of the 2009 Association of College and Research Librarians National Conference, keynoter Sherman Alexie discusses a terminology conundrum, Mary K. Van Ullen explains the effect of cultural differences on teaching about plagiarisim, Diane Dallis describes Indiana University's planned research commons, and keynoter Ira Glass demonstrates how This American Life uses music to make stories come to life Overview of the 2009 Association of College and Research Librarians National Conference
  • According to Hirsi Ali, Muslim women – constricted by Islam – cannot be feminists, live independently, enjoy their sexuality or escape the mental shackles that bind their intellect … So now, Ali is in America and finds herself in a political conundrum. Worth Your Time « Planning the Day
  • I'll just leave you with a little conundrum because that's philosophical logic we're not doing that here, we are doing symbolic logic here.
  • As it happens, though, the law deals with these semantic conundrums the same way it deals with many (though not all) semantic conundrums: by ignoring them.
  • He takes one look at the luscious lady and starts getting his crankshaft in a conundrum.
  • The only answer to that conundrum is to extend the period during which these costs are paid, perhaps by loans, a graduate tax or a combination of both.
  • The trouble at the coalface is that old chicken/egg conundrum. Book Club in a Box
  • There are only two words that resolve an otherwise unresolvable conundrum: 'biding' and 'time'. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was the conundrum the Wall Street Journal's Joe Morgenstern couldn't quite get his head around, concluding that the movie's slapdash relationship with reality "weakens its claim to authenticity with fictional fudgings" and simultaneously "pollutes" its appeal by encumbering the action with "real-world meaning.
  • Locked in a metaphysical conundrum, they both looked at the patch of road where the virtual pole barred the way.
  • It will be for readers here to decide for themselves the merits of the competing claims in this fascinating conundrum that addresses the mystery surrounding one of the greatest mammalian and avifaunal extinction events in recent geologic time, a mere 10,000-12,000 years ago, in North America.
  • It makes life too much of a purgatorial balancing conundrum, where pleasure and pain are a roll of the dice.
  • The feminine voice at the start of the Shipman's Tale is a conundrum that draws attention to the teller.
  • The focus of discussion remains reframing the species problem as a linguistic conundrum.
  • What's the answer to this conundrum? Times, Sunday Times
  • This broader problem touched on such philosophical conundrums as who we are and what our place is in the universe.
  • It is now one of Washington's most difficult diplomatic conundrums as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Locked in a metaphysical conundrum, they both looked at the patch of road where the virtual pole barred the way.
  • A conundrum so huge that he barely noticed the Pope was dead, and I reckon it never occurred to him that the old fella might have been murdered, which is why he called the embalmer instead of the police. Irish Blogs
  • Statistical information on such conundrums is now readily available. Times, Sunday Times
  • Downing Street is not confirming when the announcement will be made amid signs that the prime minister is struggling to resolve the conundrum of how to reshuffle his junior ministers.
  • Who knew that the send-up documentary "This Is Spinal Tap" not only lampooned the business of rock and roll but illustrated deep philosophical conundrums? Hear It, Feel It
  • Locked in a metaphysical conundrum, they both looked at the patch of road where the virtual pole barred the way.
  • So we can sympathize with the older woman's conundrum over the repentant ex-husband: we can forgive, but can we forget?
  • Over the years this conundrum has niggled and niggled, and some pretty heavyweight theoretical physicists tried to prove Stephen wrong.
  • There is an attacking conundrum to solve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The either-or conundrum here was straightforward: stick with the class that you've got or bring in some fresh legs. Times, Sunday Times
  • One seductive resolution to this conundrum is to abandon all pretence to scientific neutrality.
  • Marian Dawkins and Tim Guilford of Oxford have recently suggested a resolution to this conundrum.
  • But the conundrum of nuclear energy most profoundly exists in the long-term byproducts it leaves behind. Yucca Mountain Nuclear Dump and Annual Radiation Dosages: What is Acceptable?
  • It's actually by focussing on this last point that investors can find the true answer to the conundrum.
  • Puns - and conundrums and charades, for that matter - are word games with an audience - quite literally, entertainments.
  • Now there's a conundrum to puzzle a tired head to sleep.
  • In an attempt to resolve this conundrum, we have carried out multidisciplinary research involving field studies, radiometric dating, geochemistry, palaeontology and palaeomagnetism.
  • Which raised the tangential conundrum: if Ben could harness the power, would he use the Gaze of Truth on Jili to ascertain whether she had ever pleasured herself while thinking of someone else? Parents Behaving Badly
  • However, a mention of the conundrum during a boozy dinner party provoked an interesting and lively debate, so perhaps you might also like to raise the matter over the Sunday roast.
  • The global forex conundrum is morphing into a trade dilemma of sorts. China Jumps on Down Day
  • That's the conundrum of the modern skeptics movement: Intelligent Design theorists and deniers of global warming may very well be phonies and scoundrels, but no one is going to debunk them in the classic sense.
  • Perhaps you would like to see a little bit of legerdemain, or a paltry amount of prestidigitation, or a conundrum of conjuring.
  • When faced with conundrums like this, my natural inclination is to consult Sun Tzu. Owning your decisions
  • The White-headed Conundrum," or "No Sarvey" -- an expression naively supposed to suggest to quick intelligences the Spanish _quien sabe_. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce — Volume 2: In the Midst of Life: Tales of Soldiers and Civilians
  • The divine drama illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit disintegrates into puzzles, conundrums and endless interpretations.
  • Third, we must turn to the great productivity conundrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • This, though, is the conundrum faced by most struggling sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given that the dominant view is that the left hemisphere is the happening place for language and the right hemisphere is superior for music, we immediately hit the conundrum, what about singing with words?
  • If he cannot solve this conundrum, he may judge that the investment bank would be better cut adrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the real conundrum in the characterization offered above lies in the presumed subjunctive tense.
  • For the environmentalists, there was no getting around this difficult conundrum.
  • The answer to this conundrum is buried in the depths of the article.
  • But there is a downside, and this is the conundrum faced by a doctor whose sole interest is the individual sitting opposite. Times, Sunday Times
  • England's pre-match selection conundrum was highlighted by the comparative figures of both seamers and spinners on a pitch unusually helpful to spin. Times, Sunday Times
  • One seductive resolution to this conundrum is to abandon all pretence to scientific neutrality.
  • It is one of the thorniest of modern moral conundrums. Times, Sunday Times
  • Audiences seemed to emerge with bipolar responses to the movie: either they loved it or were simply baffled, left scratching their heads in anguish over the film's countless conundrums.
  • I can't seem to see a clear answer for this conundrum and therefore it sidetracks me and taunts me.
  • When I awoke it was to the brilliant glowing answer to our little conundrum.
  • This is not an easy conundrum to resolve and each tactic - intervention and non-intervention - carries risks.
  • To solve the Wembley conundrum he is going to have to pull a similar rabbit out of the hat. The Sun
  • As he puts it, ‘There is always a conundrum, a mystery and hocus-pocus in an established religion.’
  • I have not the answer to this conundrum that has become the bane of my existence.
  • Fortunately the answer to the conundrum came into reach as we shuffled along.
  • The TV presenter faced a conundrum after trying to turn back the clock with unflattering bleached locks. The Sun
  • This grotesque conundrum is not incidental to a system of judicial execution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Current fast-breaking technological advances may bring them together to definitively solve the conundrum.
  • To me the test of good technology is functionality, ability to enhance the quality of my life, and absence of moral conundrums.
  • One profession deals with the conundrums of the human psyche through talking therapies like psychoanalysis or cognitive behavioural therapy.
  • Top of the considerable pile of conundrums on his desk as director of television is the station's perennial problem of underfunding.
  • The political conundrum facing Spain is how much autonomy the Government should now give. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conundrum at lock and back row is hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anyway, here are the words; go vote: apathetic babymoon blamestorm charlatan conundrum cruft eleemosynary facebook hypocrite linkability melancholy December 2007
  • The interaction between allergens and some indoor bacterial endotoxins is a current conundrum of our immunological knowledge, therefore these results indicate that more research is needed in this area.
  • Here's a contemporary conundrum for you: how come celebs get thinner when they have kids, while the rest of us end up looking like blow-up versions of our former selves?
  • This creature has been a constant conundrum to cryptozoologists (scientists who study animals that may or may not be real) in North and South America for over 50 years.

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