How To Use Controvert In A Sentence

  • Second, that the entire Reichstag assented to the declarations made by the speakers on Tuesday that the Emperor had exceeded his constitutional prerogatives in private discussion with foreigners concerning Germany's attitude on controverted questions. New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Vol 1, No. 2 Who Began the War, and Why?
  • The statement of the last witness controverted the evidence of the first two.
  • Vocab from The Varieties of Religious Experience aseity the property by which a being exists of and from itself; usually used in connection to God apodictic Necessarily or demonstrably true; incontrovertible.concatenated To connect or link in a series or chain.decide Of course, I already knew the definition; it's hardly an unusual word. Archive 2005-08-01
  • Now seeing in the last section, those we call mathematics are absolved of the crime of breeding controversy; and they that pretend not to learning cannot be accused; the fault lieth altogether in the dogmatics, that is to say, those that are imperfectly learned, and with passion press to have their opinions pass everywhere for truth, without any evident demonstration either from experience, or from places of Scripture of uncontroverted interpretation. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • Mr. Smith says that for the future he will give up what he calls sarcasm, and confine himself, "as far as possible," to what he calls dry reasoning from incontrovertible premises. A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II)
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  • That's just an incontrovertible fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of my commenters below has sent this picture, incontrovertible evidence that it wasn't a goal, after all.
  • Preachers are allowed to rubbish incontrovertible evidence.
  • The uncontroverted evidence is that, if they are separate, time does not make a difference, location does not make a difference.
  • He then proceeds to reckon up five others, not in our canon, which he calls in one place spurious, in another controverted, meaning, as appears to me, nearly the same thing by these two words. Evidence of Christianity
  • Lying is unhelpful when there is incontrovertible evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, he thinks, we should boldly controvert that premise. Matthew Yglesias » 80 Votes?
  • Here was hard, incontrovertible evidence of a ‘new and more formidable threat’.
  • Even more important, the legal conclusions derived from the facts as presented by the plaintiff's lawyer will have to be rigorously scrutinized, even when the facts are uncontroverted.
  • I forbid you to try to gain custody and I would controvert personally any such application. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • Professor Lowell controverts M. Antoniadi's claim to have proved that the lines are non-existent, and that the only markings are small separate shadings which are illusively seen as lines. To Mars via The Moon An Astronomical Story
  • Despite incontrovertible and growing evidence that there were distinct eras of different creatures, the scientific community embraced the idea of gradualism.
  • Ah, there were the terrible, the incontrovertible consequences of his lapse from virtue.
  • For my part, I do not understand why this Court should expend any time in relation to this matter if it be the case, as appears to be uncontroverted, that your client is missing.
  • GARS forms a more coherent whole since its editorial edifice was the work of Weber himself; and yet, its relationship to his other sociologies of, for instance, law, city, music, domination, and economy, remains controvertible. Asthmatic
  • It seems uncontroverted that the film-makers injected the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas controversy into North Country, suggesting it had a role in the events the film depicts, even though any such implication would be false.
  • And even a cursory knowledge of American history provides incontrovertible evidence of its falsehood.
  • We have incontrovertible evidence of what took place.
  • No solution is incontrovertibly right.
  • It would be a waste of time, in the present state of science, to controvert this hypothesis, as it is now admitted that even if the rush of a diluvial current, invented for the occasion and wholly without analogy in the known course of nature, be granted, it would be inadequate to explain the uniformity, parallelism, persistency, and rectilinearity of the so-called glacial furrows. The Antiquity of Man
  • It is incontrovertibly a blooming great tune and it lies buried in the bubble wrapping of a botched piano concerto.
  • The defendants are all in a position to controvert the contents of the statements if they dispute them.
  • What is curious is that as time went on and the research unfolded, the evidence for discarnate intention became ever more unexpected, seemingly unbelievable, and increasingly incontrovertible. The Sacred Promise
  • The phylogeny produced by Johnson and Patterson is quite robust; it is based on 112 anatomical characters and every node is supported by at least three uncontroverted synapomorphies.
  • Until there is incontrovertible proof that one choice is superior to the other, there is no clear right or wrong.
  • Prosecutor Kate Hogan said: The uncontroverted testimony at the trial established that this defendant was drinking beer throughout the evening of June 24. Drunk driver guilty of killing two Britons in US
  • Their expert opinions were essentially uncontroverted.
  • Human existence has remained under the influence of myths, these being claims to timeless and incontrovertible truths - in essence, universals.
  • If the hearings uncover some incontrovertible evidence of corruption he could look like a defender of the indefensible.
  • The queen of anti-intellectuals has spoken, without even knowing that the recent hacked emails of scientists does nothing to controvert the evidence that global warming is real. tim nyc Palin calls for Obama to boycott climate change conference
  • _controverted_ ([Greek: antilegomena]), about which there has always been that difference of opinion which no scholar overlooks, however he may decide for himself after balance of evidence. A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II)
  • Despite incontrovertible and growing evidence that there were distinct eras of different creatures, the scientific community embraced the idea of gradualism.
  • The statement of the last witness controvert the evidence of the first two.
  • Regardless of one's point of view, though, Dashan has incontrovertibly become a de facto goodwill ambassador to China. And Canada has given him his reward.
  • We have incontrovertible evidence of what took place.
  • Her logic is utterly incontrovertible.
  • The evidence is incontrovertible - concept albums are back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not far across the mountain range was the incontrovertible proof. Times, Sunday Times
  • That will involve unshakeable belief in himself and his abilities, despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary and a genuine contempt for anyone who lacks such a belief. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're unlucky, remember the golden rule: in the face of incontrovertible evidence, deny everything.
  • Brian has various pieces of evidence for this, but the most incontrovertible is that the review says at one point Clegg offers tips on how to prepare a worm sandwich. Worms on toast
  • That incontrovertible body of evidence should prove conclusively that I have nothing at all to say and, as such, am the most boring writer in Australia.
  • I sent two pages telling him what is incontrovertible fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidence that the Democrats amassed a mobilization advantage between 1996 and 2000 is largely uncontroverted.
  • The evidence becomes incontrovertible, leading the story to its logical denouement.
  • Having regard to that uncontroverted evidence of Mr Bolt's state of mind it is clear that he did not care whether the article conveyed the defamatory imputation or not.
  • Apparently the whole idea of human priesthood was proved, once and for ever, to be baseless; human mediation, in every possible form, was vehemently controverted; men were referred back to God as the sole absolver. Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • He did not, in particular, have evidence that made the uncontroverted medical evidence logically unsupportable.
  • Turks especially deride, Christ's incarnation, resurrection of the body at the last day, quod ideo credendum (saith Tertullian) quod incredible, &c. many miracles not to be controverted or disputed of. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • “It is uncontroverted that all the clips in suit are off the YouTube website, most having been removed in response to DMCA takedown notices.” Judge dismisses Viacom's $1 billion copyright suit against YouTube
  • We admit it is difficult to controvert the charges which Macaulay arrays against him, for so accurate and painstaking an historian is not likely to be wrong in his facts; but we believe that they are uncandidly stated, and so ingeniously and sophistically put as to give on the whole a wrong impression of the man, -- making him out worse than he was, considering his age and circumstances. Beacon Lights of History
  • Perhaps this argument seemed so incontrovertible that it did not qualify for elevation to the status of a test.
  • They are wide open to spiritual suggestions that controvert and challenge the beliefs of their families.
  • This in turn led to the aesthetics of expressionism, and also to the emergence of gnostic theosophy, which similarly sought to controvert nihilism rather than allow the human will to be vanquished.
  • Her book shows incontrovertibly that he was innocent.
  • If the hearings uncover some incontrovertible evidence of corruption he could look like a defender of the indefensible.
  • He argues that rather than concealing the nature of the compensation, as Spitzer alleges, the evidence is "uncontroverted" that Langone repeatedly disclosed details of the pay to compensation committee members and that the directors knew and understood how the incentive pay was structured. Langone Challenges Spitzer's NYSE Suit
  • The recently released Senate and Red Cross reports on detainee treatment provide uncontroverted evidence that the torture techniques advocated by the attorneys were used on human beings over an extended period of time. Think Progress » Yoo: Congress Cannot Stop the President From Using Nukes
  • I'm not sure what's brought this about; I guess just incontrovertible evidence that someone find me attractive, regardless of the extra pudge on my stomach or the extra inches on my hips or thighs.
  • Would this be the incontrovertible evidence needed to ban them both from entering Britain? Times, Sunday Times
  • Allowing liberty to a prisoner to pursue this kind of avocation is productive of another evil; it leads him, by gradual steps, from becoming careless of his proper duty, to the assumption of a degree of importance and independence which induces him to place himself above his master, and thus controverts the natural and necessary distinctions of society. The Present Picture of New South Wales (1811)
  • For soon, empirical evidence about actual marriages will exist to potentially controvert the predictions.
  • By presuming that only my beliefs, practices, and perceptions are correct and unassailable implies that all others ipso facto are incorrect and controvertible. Robert Buswell: A Place For Doubt
  • The one incontrovertible fact about cannabis is it remains, for the moment, illegal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be relentless, as the evidence is objective and incontrovertible.
  • Obama's reluctance to lead, and to establish the United States ringingly and incontrovertibly as the ally of the freedom movements, is owed to many things, but most of all, I think, it is the result of certain conventional assumptions about the historical agency of the United States in the developing world. Notable & Quotable
  • It is a well-established and incontrovertible principle of law that any elector is eligible to the office for which said elector votes, unless there be a _specific enactment discriminating against the elector_. Samantha Among the Brethren, Complete
  • If this principle is not provable, there are no incontrovertible propositions and the goal of gnoseology will not be reached. Joane Petrizi
  • I forbid you to try to gain custody and I would controvert personally any such application. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • The other is, when the matter of the point controverted, is great, but it is driven to an over – great subtilty, and obscurity; so that it becometh a thing rather ingenious, than substantial. The Essays
  • Now there would be a simple way to controvert this point, at least to the extent of showing that the argument that constitutional free expression guarantees were applicable to civil suits was accepted only by some and not by others: Provide some evidence of cases or commentators saying that civil liability was, by virtue of being civil liability, beyond the scope of constitutional protections. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Deep Roots of Constitutional Constraints on Speech-Based Civil Liability
  • If it is a factual question, although it can be received here, Mr Jackson would be entitled to attempt to controvert it if he could.
  • The evidence is uncontroverted that the parties pooled their funds with the exception of their RRSP's as of 1990 when they both retired.
  • There is an uncontroverted link between animal abuse and domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse. Pedro Nava: Animal Anti-Cruelty Legislation Awaits Governor's Action
  • However, there are a number of uncontroverted facts which we accept.
  • At any rate, an isolated phenomenon, such as this, cannot be held to controvert the view that regards phallicism as in this normal line. Bygone Beliefs
  • Here, then, plainly and incontrovertibly, if we acceded to the request for coöperation with the Commission as now constituted, was our whole system of doctrinal teaching to be made the subject of visitatorial examination by Protestant Commissioners, some of whom were laymen, some clergymen; and from their impressions would be derived their report.
  • CCTV provided incontrovertible evidence that he was at the scene of the crime.
  • The creeds make no claims on us, for as soon as they become controverted, the judges stated, they cease to have authority.
  • There is nothing here that controverts a finding which is the barest minimum finding to sustain the charge.
  • The statement of the last witness controvert the evidence of the first two.
  • In such cases, the earlier acquittal would not be controverted by a guilty verdict on the second.
  • OBAMA: I made a very narrow statement that I think is incontrovertible, which is if we've got a actionable intelligence then uh .... that there are high value Al Qaeda targets, that we should take them out. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • Otherwise, it can grow unbounded and produce results that are less meaningful and more controvertible.
  • We have already seen some of the first struggle, between a text originating in the oral tradition and a later textually-based anthropological and historical tradition that controverts its authority.
  • The court found this consumer survey to be “strong and currently uncontroverted evidence” of weakness. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Dr. Nelson Glueck, one of the most renowned archaeologists to have worked in Israel, writes, The Bible is definitely not primarily a chronicle of history … however, it may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. Modern Science in the Bible
  • The only way that societies can fight the Jihadist menace succesfully is by proposing their own ideological or religious answers that controvert Jihadism on its own ground. Matthew Yglesias » The Gaza Tunnels
  • Have taken part in academy controvert competition four times, and named as "best debate student" four times and "best elegant demeanor" one time.
  • That does tend to be the case but it is merely a trend, not an incontrovertible fact.
  • The doctrine of justification by faith alone was considered by Luther and his followers as an incontrovertible dogma, as the foundation rock of the Reformation, as an "article by which the Church must stand or fall" (articulus stantis et cadentis ecclesia), and which of itself would have been a sufficient cause for beginning the Reformation, as the Smalkaldic The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • However, in line with AAUP’s guidelines and outlined in the Tulane Faculty Handbook, termination of tenure due to financial exigency is “reviewed by the faculty of the division in which they hold appointment, then by the Senate Committee on Faculty Tenure, Freedom and Responsibility, with ultimate review of all controverted issues by the Tulane Board of Administrators.” Inside Higher Ed: Did Katrina Blow Away Layoff Guidelines?
  • The facts of his incarceration are not controverted.
  • It should also be borne in mind that the case put at trial in relation to D.M. was a strong one and, apart of course for Mr T.'s complete denial, largely uncontroverted.
  • Although people may interpret such a document differently, they agree that it is an invariant object, and may accept it as incontrovertible evidence in a court of law.
  • And does anyone have any incontrovertible evidence of those biscuits? Times, Sunday Times
  • But the evidence for cannibalism seems incontrovertible.
  • In this regard, the evidence of objects is incontrovertible and often fundamentally subversive.
  • If the employer is to controvert that, there should be documentation of the problems.
  • These groups ignore the extensive, uncontroverted evidence in the scientific literature that ECT is both safe and effective as a treatment for severe depression. DJ Jaffe: FDA Considers Caving to Scientology and Making Mental Illness Treatment Illegal
  • Even back then, it seemed incontrovertibly absurd to think that someone would be so credulous about televised messages.
  • It is important, however, to define the presumption because the uncontroverted evidence is that there was a leak in the copper tubing running between the oil tank and the furnace.
  • Why is there so much passion about global warming, and why has the issue become so vexing that the American Physical Society, from which Dr. Giaever resigned a few months ago, refused the seemingly reasonable request by many of its members to remove the word "incontrovertible" from its description of a scientific issue? No Need to Panic About Global Warming
  • The statement of the last witness controverted the evidence of the first two.
  • If theres ever been a time to use the word incontrovertible, its when were talking about evolution. 40 More Years
  • But this dose is harder than most because it seemed as if we had before us incontrovertible evidence of a world of the most luxurious fantasy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The statement of the last witness controverted the evidence of the first two.
  • Plaintiffs do not seek the intervention of this Court to controvert or supersede the legitimate role of the local Governing Board to make curricular decisions. Jeff Biggers: Ethnic Studies Court Emergency in Arizona: Only an Injunction Can Prevent Irreparable Harm
  • The defense hoped to find incontrovertible evidence clearing Davis of her daughter's murder.
  • On the uncontroverted evidence, the property, like the flat before it, was intended to be enjoyed by both Mr. and Mrs. Bilgin as a matrimonial asset.
  • controverted;" and indeed there is not a single doctrine of The Story of My Life Being Reminiscences of Sixty Years' Public Service in Canada
  • I would have no expectations, but I would work on each aspect of it until scoring at least five incontrovertable successes - not just exteriorized psychodrama - before moving on.
  • Michael Williams is not the first author to controvert its teachings.
  • That will involve unshakeable belief in himself and his abilities, despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary and a genuine contempt for anyone who lacks such a belief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thele again are as unintelligible to the pa - cific controverter of his opinions; for, being. Arundel
  • Differences in wealth between siblings don't offer much specific support for the theory but don't seem to controvert it either. What Explains Inequality?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted.
  • And of course, ‘census-taking’ is not just controvertible, it's also litigable.
  • It is painful to admit, but it is incontrovertibly true, that a large number of those now occupied in nursing are totally unfitted for the duties they are called upon to perform.
  • According to team member Samuel Belknap III, a graduate student at the University of Maine, Orono, it is the earliest incontrovertible evidence for domestic dogs in the New World.
  • Christianity is "controverted" by the disciples of Hume. The Story of My Life Being Reminiscences of Sixty Years' Public Service in Canada
  • It is, in some sense, a real puzzle: there is nothing particularly deterministic about Newtonian physics; many who accepted Newtonian physics I would go so far as to say the overwhelming majority were not determinists, and were clearly not inconsistent in this; you can only get rationally from Newtonian physics to determinism by a vast number of controvertible suppositions; and so forth. Wisdom from Maurice Blondel; and the Analogical Leap
  • The evidence becomes incontrovertible, leading the story to its logical denouement.
  • Huntington is incontrovertibly right that historically the origin of modern democracy is, as he says, rooted in Western Christianity.
  • The chief difficulty of a question under debate rests in defining the meaning of the term containing the main idea controverted. Once a Methodist; Now a Baptist. Why?
  • Although this has been argued over for fifty years, the size of this ancient catastrophe now seems incontrovertible.
  • It allows you to measure a problem, gives you facts that are less controvertible.
  • He provides incontrovertible proof of his ability to defy his accusers.
  • It is uncontroverted because according to the Clinton's Disclosure the speech was given on September 11th, 2006 which they are yet to correct or retract. Obama Campaign Circulating Negative (And Ultimately False) Story About Bill Clinton
  • CCTV provided incontrovertible evidence that he was at the scene of the crime.
  • Yet one incontrovertible fact set him decidedly apart from the rabid cotton state defenders of the peculiar institution: Atchison owned at most one bondman.
  • The gap between the promulgation of abstract standards and the controvertible application of those standards to particular cases is a persistent theme in constitutional adjudication.
  • This must be established by incontrovertible evidence like his sire's birth certificate or baptismal records.
  • Anything published on or around 1 April is a likely candidate for spoofiness unless incontrovertible evidence exists that its not. An Esper Spaghetti Graph « Climate Audit
  • I thought I was in a position to provide incontrovertible evidence of whatever transpired.
  • The statement of the last witness controverted the evidence of the first two.
  • To controvert the psychological evidence the Defendant asked for all documents on privately listed Facebook pages of the Plaintiff. 2009 February : Law is Cool
  • If the evidence used to reach a conclusion is later controverted, can the conclusion itself still be correct?
  • I forbid you to try to gain custody and I would controvert personally any such application. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • But one remark in this festival stood out - clear and incontrovertible.
  • The statement of the last witness controverted the evidence of the first two.
  • No incontrovertible proof is required beyond the belief of the umpire that cheating has taken place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet imagine if you were handed incontrovertible evidence of your very finite lifespan. Times, Sunday Times
  • This evidence is uncontroverted except where the Defendant alleged that Mr Francois is a tax defaulter and not a ‘taxpayer.’
  • Recognizing this responsibility, and assuming that at these periodical gatherings you have no time to bother with theories and abstractions, I intend to confine myself to facts-plain incontrovertible facts-or to statements based on actual experiences. The Banking Systems of Canada and the United States
  • But the essentiality of electricity to modernity is incontrovertible. Robert Bryce: From Kyoto to Copenhagen to... Hanoi? The Looming Failure of Yet Another Climate Change Meeting
  • It's only in the last few years that pretty incontrovertible evidence for all this has come together. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • These cases of radiation sickness may, unfortunately, be irreversible and incontrovertible evidence of that.
  • The uncontroverted fact is that the Gantzes did not know of the Skyline Agreement with Laudervest or the full price of the whole Project.
  • The statement of the last witness controverted the evidence of the first two.
  • But his non-selection as a potential MSP was incontrovertible proof that he did not figure in the team's plans for the future.
  • The virtue of the sole trustee is that you have one person accountable and with an incontrovertible mandate to protect the pension fund against raids. David A. Singer: Meet Harry Wilson -- Candidate for NYS Comptroller
  • The picture is the incontrovertible evidence that we live on a terraqueous globe.
  • It is there and it is not controverted in relevant respect.
  • There's normally a moment in the first or second reel of most films when you are provided with final incontrovertible proof that it's either a masterpiece, a stinker or a kind of apathetic blah.
  • On the plus side, Mr. Bloomberg said he is most proud of what he called the "incontrovertible evidence" that public schools improved during his tenure. Three Mayors Share Stage to Reminisce
  • The bleakness and courage of her life story make an incontrovertible case for her thesis. Times, Sunday Times
  • None of the propositions that I have placed before the Court thus far, with perhaps the exception of the relevance of the precontract correspondence, can be controverted.
  • This account makes no effort to present a balanced view; rather, the author implies that his assessment is based on incontrovertible evidence.
  • Responsibility for the death of Jesus, a hotly controverted question, was critical for the purposes of Stephen Adly Guirgis's play on Judas. Rev. James Martin, S.J.: Who Killed Jesus? An Examination Of The Evidence
  • It is asserted in this appeal that the jury's verdict was perverse and that the answers were incontrovertibly unreasonable.
  • There is credible, strong and uncontroverted evidence that the sole effective support services currently available to the claimant are within the City of Westminster.
  • For we must clearly see that a division in the Church on this old controverted subject would be like sawing a living man asunder; for it would be tearing the living body of Christ asunder, that is, if the Beams of Light on Early Methodism in America. Chiefly Drawn from the Diary, Letters, Manuscripts, Documents, and Original Tracts of the Rev. Ezekiel Cooper.
  • Is that not the key proposition which the parties seek to controvert?
  • In this role they are the organizers of a discovery process rather than fountainheads of incontrovertible knowledge.
  • But as we move forward on these, we need to acknowledge two incontrovertible facts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the conscious taciturnity of Edgar recalled her exertions; struck and afflicted by the truth she had pronounced, he could not controvert it; he was mute; but his look spoke keen disturbance and bitter regret. Camilla
  • This would be mere speculation on their part, however, in view of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.
  • State District Judge Barbara Walther said “uncontroverted evidence” existed that the girl had married Jeffs when she was 12 in a wedding her father performed and her mother also witnessed. CPS is taking custody of sect leader’s child bride
  • The uncontroverted evidence is that the applicant finished up 2 ¾ feet south - well, that is on the other side of that second post, in the top photograph.
  • I have laid down four propositions which I think cannot be controverted.
  • The deific unsecured loan debt consolidation had replaceable the birdcage incontrovertibly in the overheated salim of hydrarthrosis, the antipathetic verbaliser decibel an modernistic sharp yaltopya, for this texarkana is unsung. Rational Review
  • I forbid you to try to gain custody and I would controvert personally any such application. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • The real core of ID, however, is a very controvertible thesis about the relation between an effect's exemplar cause and its proximate efficient cause. On Two Rarely Discussed Problems with ID Reasoning
  • Lord Stanhope, in his "History of England from the Peace of Utrecht," writes as if the Irish clergymen -- the clergymen, that is, of the Established Church of Ireland -- might have accomplished wonders in the way of converting the Irish peasantry to Protestantism if they only could have preached and controverted in the Irish language. A History of the Four Georges, Volume II (of 4)
  • For Voltaire, a catastrophe of such indiscriminate vastness was incontrovertible evidence against the bland optimism of popular theodicy.
  • incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence
  • I well remember when suggesting the communists had anything to do with this incident was regarded in bien pensant circles as incontrovertible proof of right-wing kookery. Eastern Europe
  • Roz gets her beloved son alibied by some nice simple, incontrovertible (well, provable) facts.
  • What seems incontrovertible is that, for the foreseeable future, the historical documentary is a thing of the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • I further hold, in accordance with the uncontroverted evidence that I have heard, that a pregnancy cannot come into existence until the fertilized ovum has become implanted in the womb.
  • The case for some form of independent person or body to consider grievances is incontrovertible. The Prisons We Deserve
  • I am very, very confident that those brave critics who claim to only like Ware's early work (because he "tediously" beats himself up too much now, and has a "one-note" emotional palette) will revise their future assessments in the face of the incontrovertible evidence that he doesn't do it as much now as he did in the work they claim to like. Undefined
  • Whatever advantage CBS thought the documents gave them in covering the story of Bush's "service," his inadequacies as a Guardsman have been well documented elsewhere with non-controvertible evidence. A Don't Panic Pictoral...
  • There had been uncontroverted evidence from Johnston to explain that there had been difficulties in obtaining finance and that was the reason for the delay.

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