
[ UK /kəntɹˈa‍ɪvɐ/ ]
  1. a person who makes plans
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How To Use contriver In A Sentence

  • And this accession of revenue will accrue to the individual benefit of the contriver, so long as the contrivance can be confined to his own knowledge…
  • But Linder, with her single and singular name and her unsettled sense of what "Linderland" a later imagined rubric in which to corral her disparate activities might contain, has been many artists: photomonteur indebted to Modernism, musical conduit from 1970s feminism to art-inflected post-punk, collaborator and adviser, too often dismissed as "muse", for others such as Morrissey and Magazine vocalist Howard Devoto, latterly contriver and often star of shamanic and gruelling gallery performances. Linder, the artist with the hex factor
  • Apprehensive for both our safeties from the villany of such a daring and profligate contriver, I must call upon you, my dear, to resolve upon taking legal vengeance of the infernal wretch. Clarissa Harlowe
  • He is called the calumniator of the Gods, the grand contriver of deceits and frauds, the reproach of Gods and men, and the archite6t of guilt. Icelandic poetry
  • What an admirable contriver did I think myself till now! Clarissa Harlowe
  • All things belonging to the new creation, and recovery of fallen man to life and happiness, of which the apostle is there speaking, all these things are of God the Father, as contriver and beginner of this work. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Where Paley compared the design of the eye with the design of the telescope, Darwin explained how such contrivances arose by natural selection, without the intervention of a divine contriver.
  • Berthier, Intendant (say, Tax-levier) of Paris; sycophant and tyrant; forestaller of Corn; contriver of Camps against the people; -- accused of many things: is he not Foulon's son-in-law; and, in that one point, guilty of all? The French Revolution
  • With the exception of one gentleman citywards, who has achieved an immortality in the article of box-coats, every contriver of men of fashion, we mean in the tailoring, which is the principal department, reside in the parish of St James's, within easy reach of their distinguished patrons. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 328, February, 1843
  • An excellent contriver, surely, she must think this worthy Mr. Tomlinson to be! Clarissa Harlowe
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