How To Use Contrite In A Sentence

  • In a few years, we may find a more professional Crown Office as well as a more contrite justiciary.
  • Another kid might be contrite or repentant or maybe subdued.
  • She'd have to placate him, to be properly remorseful and contrite if that was what it took to heal her marriage. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Prisons are designed to transform a regretted crime into contrite behavior through penalties and punishment.
  • “Thank you for coming to get me,” Brenda said contritely sometime later. Fatal Error
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  • We will be discerning, and when failing to discern, genuinely contrite, but we will give no quarter to our enemy.
  • He seemed unusually gentle for a strangler - soft-spoken and quite contrite.
  • You might have thought that Leonora would be just calmly loathing and he lachrymosely contrite.
  • They are also the friendliest and most unabashedly contrite with ‘Aww, shucks!’
  • The card shark caught marking the deck, the auto dealer caught resetting a used car's odometer, is rarely contrite. Krugmanize your mind
  • Liam Fox is a bruiser, a barger, and it remains to be seen if he can find it in himself to be contrite. The Guardian World News
  • Bach stared at Hunter intently for a few moments, then his expression relaxed and he nodded contritely. Hell’s Gate
  • He keeps salt in the sugar bowl and is contrite when the photographer takes a gulp of salty tea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe he's already rehearsing for a contrite resignation.
  • I am truly contrite, penitent, repentant, remorseful and steeped in the tears of my regretfulness.
  • It was a dramatic change in tone, a contrite president uncharacteristically admitting a major failure.
  • I just can't wait for the moment when John McCain -- contrite and suddenly honorable again in victory or defeat -- talks about how things got a little out of control in the passion of the moment. Apology Not Accepted - Swampland -
  • I sobered immediately, contrite at forgetting the seriousness of the conversation.
  • I'm Episcopalian, so the closest I can come to atoning for people's sins -- unless I discover Jesus on my toast -- is wandering around contritely, taking responsibility for other people's actions. Virginia Thomas's Anita Hill apology demand
  • There had been evidence of rot from the very top, as Commissioner William "Bubbles" Elliott (and BC Premier Gordon Campbell), publicly contrite, sent private words of encouragement to the officers while Dziekanski's mother was still raw with grief. Archive 2009-06-01
  • He looked so contrite that for a moment she nearly believed he really was sorry about what he had said.
  • I will say that Dolly was contrite over the affair, almost apologetic in fact.
  • “Then,” said Sir Samuel, softened by the contrite look of his old shipmate, and having got rid of the greater portion of his bile by the first explosion, “you will now proceed to unrig yourself of this top hamper as fast as you can; pitch them into the surf if you like; but never, as you respect the warrant in your pocket, let me see you in that disguise again.” The Lieutenant and Commander
  • He knew he was supposed to be feeling suitably contrite and sorry, but there was nothing.
  • So before Lohan reports to jail next week, she might do well to think about Polanski's plight (and flight): On the one hand, maybe she should contritely serve her sentence and move on with her life. Dan Mirvish: What Lindsay Lohan Can Learn from Roman Polanski
  • Whereupon did William Shakspeare sit mute awhile, and discomfited; then turning toward Sir Thomas, and looking and speaking as one submiss and contrite, he thus appealed unto him: - Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk
  • Strong men weep as they never wept before, hopeful men sigh, good men pray and look to God for strength, loyal men are appalled, the bitter partizan is a contrite mourner, none but heartless traitors can rejoice. A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln
  • The typist smiles to himself as the story returns like an apologetic lover, penitent, regretful and contrite.
  • If she were well and truly contrite, mayhap the Almighty might show mercy, let hers remain one of Will's secret sins. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • He hasn't been as contrite or as apologetic as he should have been. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, falsely contrite ," I didn't mean to suggest you've ever hit a woman. THE LAST PLACE
  • And so he does not drop to his knees, he is not contrite, he does not sit in the church with the grieving parents and wives and children.
  • Where hearts are not wilfully closed against such preaching of "_the truth as it is in Jesus_," they will, through its power, become "_broken and contrite hearts_," from which will arise earnest pleadings for forgiveness and acceptance. The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church
  • $18 billion in 19,000 undeclared Swiss accounts-investments that earned ubs about $200 million per year, Birkenfeld told prosecutors. ubs exec was contrite, stating that the bank would shut down its offshore services to US clients and "take responsibility" for what he called compliance failures. MoJo Blogs and Articles
  • Harry Krop, a Gainesville psychologist who started the first sex-offender treatment program in Florida, conducted a "psycho-sexual" evaluation and interview of Pace, whom he described as candid and contrite. SplicedFeed
  • If I have caused any embarrassment or distress to the parties concerned I unreservedly, sincerely and contritely apologise.
  • There is usually a period of outright lying, followed by Harry contritely admitting that he has hit, kicked, pushed or thrown something at William.
  • You might have thought that Leonora would be just calmly loathing and he lachrymosely contrite. The Good Soldier
  • You can even sell it as a contrite new dedication to safety.
  • Thirdly, the adversaries say that sin is remitted; because an attrite or contrite person elicits an act of love to God [if we undertake from reason to love God], and by this act merits to receive the remission of sins. Apology of the Augsburg Confession
  • She tried to ignore how adorable he looked, all contrite and repentant.
  • She tried to ignore how adorable he looked, all contrite and repentant.
  • Mr. Gugle's letter of apology does not come across as contrite, it's more like he seeks to self rationalize his untruthfulness. Heroes or Villains?
  • He answers how he wishes to answer; he is contrite without offering contrition.
  • But as the firms began contritely co-operating with officials on settlements of the charges, investors responded rapidly.
  • The publisher has inserted an erratum slip noting three errors in dates and explaining that a contrite Hoban ‘writes at all hours of the day and night, sometimes when a little the worse for wear’.
  • She'd have to placate him, to be properly remorseful and contrite if that was what it took to heal her marriage. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • He keeps salt in the sugar bowl and is contrite when the photographer takes a gulp of salty tea. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is very contrite and so sorry and we hug and he tells me he loves me and is so sorry and also is crying.
  • We are chagrined, we are contrite and we are genuinely grateful to you for correcting us.
  • This book comes with its head down, in contrite manner, but its eyes sparkling for the adventures its had. Wild Mind: Writing as Spiritual Practice | Write to Done
  • A The smiley, contrite look bridges all linguistic barriers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knew he was supposed to be feeling suitably contrite and sorry, but there was nothing.
  • I guess this is the point where I should be contrite and say I was ashamed of myself, but I wasn't.
  • Compare and contrast this contrite pose with the self-same penitent jailbound all over again last year as a result of felling two motorists during a wee spell of road rage.
  • As apologies go, it was about as contrite as you can get.
  • I am immensely contrite, and I am sorry for the damage that I've done.
  • Skilling's arrogance, belligerence and lack of contriteness under questioning made him a lightning rod for the rage generated after Enron sought bankruptcy protection in 2001.
  • A man should pray with eyes fast-closed and head contritely bowed.
  • ‘It was also clear that he was genuinely contrite and that he had never previously been in any kind of trouble with the police,’ he said.
  • Viv," I said, contrite, and reached out a hand: I was greatly shaken, not having expected her tears. Port Eternity
  • “The head of Sci-Fi channel has contritely promised to includemore homosex in future shows, and to do it nonchalantly, just as if this abomination is normal and natural and worthy of no comment.” and: At the crossroads of desire and fear, we find such things as this « paper fruit
  • I guess this is the point where I should be contrite and say I was ashamed of myself, but I wasn't.
  • Remain contrite and humble when talking to the desk clerk who has just emphatically told you that no pets are allowed. Pet-Friendly Mexico Lodgings, dogs and cats
  • Then, falsely contrite ," I didn't mean to suggest you've ever hit a woman. THE LAST PLACE
  • The lad's nationality had nothing to do with anything, a fact contritely conceded later by the person who made the first remark.
  • He then issued a contrite public apology for his ‘foolish mistake’ before frantically trying to avoid being tracked down by the media.
  • It was striking, although its tone was less contrite than last week's recantation.
  • She smiled contritely, her voice sounding oh so reasonable. Three Stages of Amazement
  • I know the members of the morning show are truly contrite.
  • Each registers a distinct floral note — the lilies and gladioli for the funeral parlours, irises and tulips and birds of paradise for the wives of contrite husbands, pink and crinoline-white carnations for the velvet lapels of hopeful prom kings, thorny roses for the lovers and poets and perky daisies and mums and marigolds for the pick-me-ups and get-well-soons. Virginity
  • That was rude of me, Colbert says, faux contritely. Stephen Colbert walks out on 'The View'
  • Some were contrite, and apologized directly to the families of those they had murdered.
  • Grimly, Auguste marched back through the tent into the kitchen, with a contrite Boris trailing behind.
  • There's nothing wrong with putting your hand up, accepting that you've made a big mistake and saying sorry in an honest, contrite declaration.
  • Instead of standing contritely he had a tantrum and consequently was locked in the principal's office. Christopher Brauchli: Crime and Children's Punishment
  • No apology, no matter how contrite, is ever deemed sufficient. 2008 June 12 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Now in repentance this uncircumcised heart was humbled, that is, it was truly broken and contrite for sin. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • US President Barack Obama has contritely urged tourists to visit gambling heaven Las Vegas after recent remarks that were interpreted as telling Americans to shun recession-battered "Sin City.
  • The following morning a very contrite, and hung-over rep made straight for Sunny to apologise profusely for his behaviour of the previous night.
  • If she were well and truly contrite, mayhap the Almighty might show mercy, let hers remain one of Will's secret sins. HERE BE DRAGONS

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