How To Use Contracted In A Sentence

  • By the term contracted foot, otherwise known as hoof-bound, is indicated a condition in which the foot, more especially the posterior half of it, is, or becomes, narrower from side to side than is normal. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • On top of this, contracted moderators check marked student work in every subject from every school, every year.
  • Even supposedly essential functions are subcontracted out.
  • The neck (collum mallei) is the narrow contracted part just beneath the head; below it, is a a prominence, to which the various processes are attached. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 3. The Auditory Ossicles
  • A large company contracted me to publicize its newest division.
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  • In the countryside, on the contrary, more hands were needed to work the fields in grain-growing regions, and males contracted marriages at younger ages to increase the rural labour supply.
  • He subsequently contracted gangrene and had one leg amputated below his knee. Times, Sunday Times
  • We contracted with a local clothing firm for 400 shirts a month.
  • We subcontracted a small engineering firm to do the work.
  • The heat contracted the woollen garment
  • As its top cooled and contracted, it developed narrow crevices more than fifty feet deep.
  • They knew how disease was contracted and spread and how to disinfect surgical instruments and wounds with carbolic acid.
  • The main contractor has to plan for subcontracted work just as seriously as for his or her own work.
  • The council later contracted another firm to complete the work, but at a cost of some €20m.
  • There is a strong possibility that the cat contracted the condition by eating contaminated pet food.
  • During the long, cruel month of February, waiting for my delinquent digestive system to kick in, I had contracted low-grade pneumonia.
  • Anyway, if you establish a rule of constitutional law that the leaseholder is entitled to compensation, it’s not clear why that rule would not apply if the leaseholder contracted with the landlord to pay over to the landlord any compensation the leaseholder receives in a condemnation proceeding; but in that case, it’s clear that valuing the interests separately distorts the true nature of the transaction. The Volokh Conspiracy » An Important Case on Compensation for Takings
  • Blood from a guinea pig who has contracted inapparent typhus will always produce pyretic typhus in another guinea pig if the dose inoculated is sufficient. Charles Nicolle - Nobel Lecture
  • Still of the belief there would be no recovery until 2011 or 2012, the aviation supply chain contracted to the point that Boeing's planned production increases don't take direct effect for another year or two. Aerospace Bull Market Takes Flight Despite Military Cutbacks
  • The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan.
  • In early January, the Fredericton woman contracted a potentially fatal condition called cryptococcal meningitis, a fungal disease carried in the feces of pigeons. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • BAE Systems at Scotstoun, the shipbuilders, were subcontracted to build new bridge wings and sponsons, which were delivered to Portsmouth by road on the Friday before Christmas.
  • Councillors warned staff in the department that absenteeism had become unacceptable and the work may be contracted out to private agencies.
  • For example, a local doctor contracted to provide care to Woomera detainees noted that the dispensary at the camp did not fill at least one prescription he provided to an inmate because the drug was regarded as excessively expensive.
  • He worked on typhoid fever and tuberculosis a disease he contracted himself.
  • Having contracted to do the repairs, we cannot withdraw now.
  • “Mrs. Pryor has contracted hepatitis C and a mild case of gonococcus.” Red Hats
  • Contracted police trainers often cannot or will not operate in nonpermissive environments, thus confning their training to the capital city or secure areas while leaving unsecured remoter areas of a country without desperately needed police trainers and mentors, as is often the case in Iraq and Afghanistan today. David Isenberg: The Liability of Using a PMC to Do Foreign Police Training
  • She was sexually abused as a child, she only completed grade 9, and she contracted Hepatitis C apparently while in detention.
  • She contracted a formal marriage to a British ex-serviceman.
  • He contracted Spanish flu, which almost killed him.
  • Even though they cooked the bodies before eating them, they still contracted a mysterious fatal illness called "kuru," akin to mad-cow disease. - Current Articles
  • 'Ah, Sir!' cried he, 'if you knew how little is to be apprehended from the world, where the whole heart is already absorbed in attachment, contracted in the early dawn of life, and interwoven with the very existence, you would not feel these fears, nor wound me with these doubts.' The Old Manor House
  • -- N.S. (Fig. 141.) Shell fusiform, contracted above the body-whirl, and forming thereby a sub-cylindrical spire; spire obtuse apex papillated and hooked; body-whirl plaited longitudinally at its top; columellar lip furnished with only two plaits. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Not long ago, I had this sort of mixed reaction when I read that the country musician Naomi Judd, who may have contracted hepatitis C while working as a nurse more than ten years ago, has had some success with a compound called thymus extract. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • Inhale, keeping the core and glutes contracted. The Sun
  • Under the influence of the idea: "The haemorrhage is to stop", the unconscious had sent to the small arteries and veins the order to stop the flow of blood, and, obediently, they contracted _naturally_, as they would have done artificially at the contact of a haemostatic like adrenalin, for example. Maîtrise de soi-même par l'autosuggestion consciente. English
  • However he contracted diptheria and was kept in hospital for 6 weeks. Cyril Cornell
  • Cenogenetic processes, on the other hand, include such phenomena as the formation of yolk and the embryonic membranes, the temporary allantoic circulation, the navel, the curved and contracted shape of the embryo, and the like. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • He is contracted until the end of next season, and sees no reason to be talking about his future yet.
  • The various sources consulted differ in its further evolution; some say the word was contracted further to aan't, others say an't (pronounced ahnt).
  • My son's contracted a severe fever.
  • If, therefore, the issue of inconvertible paper were subjected to strict rules, one rule being that whenever bullion rose above the Mint price gold parity, the issues should he contracted until the market price of bullion and the Mint price were again in accordance, such a currency would not be subject to any of the evils usually deemed inherent in an inconvertible paper. A Return To Basics: What Is Stable Money?
  • His speaking tours took him to Athens, Corinth, and Ionia, where he contracted a bitter feud with his fellow sophist Polemon.
  • The vast majority of shops subcontracted at least part of this work.
  • He wanted something like that and contracted me to build it.
  • Legionnaires disease is usually contracted by inhaling water mist from baths, showers and cooling towers or air conditioning systems contaminated with the bacteria.
  • Their work will be contracted out to private companies that employ largely nonunion low-paid labor.
  • By some small miracle, his leg had gone undamaged, but he had since contracted a severe case of the shakes.
  • For example, they state that elements of a distance education program can be contracted out to unaccredited entities, but they don't specify limits for outsourcing.
  • Chatelain tells us that in Lower Brittany he is called St. De, (contracted from the Latin word Aideus, or The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.
  • Many employees contracted out of the pension plan.
  • Two-thirds of the adult population there has contracted AIDS.
  • The court distinguished him from a supergrass or informer by describing him as ‘a contracted and paid agent of the FBI’ and as ‘a witness under protection.’
  • _ -- Horses knuckling at the fetlock, and all those with diseases which impair the powers of locomotion, such as navicular disease, contracted heels, sidebones, chronic laminitis, etc., are predisposed to sprains of the fetlock. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The muscles along her stomach clenched, and her insides contracted with a searing pain.
  • Channel Seven contracted an outside lawyer to work up a draft agreement and has refused to negotiate on anything falling outside its scope.
  • He added that although strict new measures were recently introduced to dispose of swill as quarantine waste, Transnet previously contracted out waste disposal to private companies which profited by selling it to farmers as pigswill in contravention of international practice, the report said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He contracted a serious illness and died a month later.
  • As you probably know, we have made large shipments of tobacco, contracted for by several farmers-general, but such has been the delay in delivery and payment after reaching this country that we deemed it absolutely necessary to have someone over here to attend to the matter. Calvert of Strathore
  • In Swindon, there is a strong network provided by Trio Childcare, which is contracted by the council to advise and support childminders and parents.
  • ‘Rather than being contracted to create an adequate response to today's situation, we've been asked to create designs that aspire to being future-proof,’ he says.
  • They cite numerous cases in which humans have contracted Pasteurella, a bacteria that normally lives in the mouth of both dogs and cats. Sophia Yin: Can Sleeping With Your Pet Make You Sick?
  • When the mare is sexually inactive (during diestrus), the cervix is white, tightly contracted, and measures about 2. 4-3.1 inches (6-8 cm) long by 1. 6-2.0 inches (4-5 cm) wide. News
  • The milk dripped faster in response, then suddenly the areole around the nipple contracted and the milk spurted out in a tiny jet of surprising force. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • In return for their deposits the nomads were given receipts issued by Nur Muhammad that they presented to Nur Muhammad's subcontracted broker and weighman in Peshawar, Jit Mall and his brother, respectively, who countersigned the receipts. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The receptacle of the chyle is a membranous bag, about two thirds of an inch long, and one third of an inch wide, at its superior part it is contracted into a slender membranous pipe, called the thoracic duct, because its course is principally through the thorax; it passes between the aorta and the vena azygos, then obliquely over the oesophagus, and great curvature of the aorta, and continuing its course towards the internal jugular vein, it enters the left subclavian vein on its superior part. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • He remained very ill, lost his voice and contracted a chest infection which lasted for some weeks.
  • We do have people contracted to guard prisoners.
  • In the first five years after the cut-off of Russian aid, the economy contracted by a third.
  • The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month.
  • The training seminar was aimed at informing beauticians on the importance of cleanliness and customer service to prevent the possibility of communicable diseases that could be contracted by unhygienic conditions.
  • But I do have to wonder how that know they contracted typhoid from a street vendor and not from something they brought into their own home. Street Vendors
  • Fourthly, for the medium term, a non-governmental organisation has been contracted to provide six intensive support rehabilitation beds.
  • The shell is fusiform and thick, and has a conical spire and a papillated apex; whirls, convex and contracted near the sutures, and the two principal whirls are ornamented with short ribs; lines of growth distinct, and crossed by faint revolving lines; plaits, two and rather distant, and faint indications of an intermediate one. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Now, though Captain Riga had not been guilty of any particular outrage against the sailors; yet, by a thousand small meannesses -- such as indirectly causing their allowance of bread and beef to be diminished, without betraying any appearance of having any inclination that way, and without speaking to the sailors on the subject -- by this, and kindred actions, I say, he had contracted the cordial dislike of the whole ship's company; and long since they had bestowed upon him a name unmentionably expressive of their contempt. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • When any of these things occur, the body immediately shivers, the person becoming speechless cannot draw his breath, but the breath (pneuma) stops, the brain is contracted, the blood stands still, and thus the excretion and defluxion of the phlegm take place. On The Sacred Disease
  • One result of this is that the proportion of debt that is contracted on a short term basis rises.
  • A team of four heavily built labourers had been contracted to demolish the old building to make way for a new office block.
  • The collection of the third portion of the harvest was often subcontracted to a third party, by means of a private contract drawn up by a notary.
  • Siddhartha is contracted from two Sanskrit words siddha or proven and artha or meaning, and together, he who achieves/attains his aims/goals. Buddhism: A beginners guide: Part 2
  • Services can be contracted out or turned over to the private sector.
  • She had contracted toxocariasis, a rare parasitic disease, when she was just a year old. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, however, Medicaid is being privatized and contracted out to for-profit insurers at rapid speed, despite warnings by the Government Accountability Office about misspending billions of public dollars. Anja Rudiger: With all eyes on the 'market,' health reform overlooked human rights
  • Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer contracted by women.
  • To avoid the rigid, vertical organizational structure of large cleaning firms, Sonix contracted with small, nonunion cleaning firms with a decentralized bureaucratic structure.
  • These services are contracted with us directly or through qualified subcontractors.
  • While the economies of U.S., Europe and Latin American contracted in 2009, Africa's grew. Catering to New Tastes as Incomes Climb
  • I haven't checked the audio to see whether ‘is’ was contracted or not in those examples.
  • Not knowing wether or not you have contracted a STD is a catastrophic thing. Balkinization
  • As you pull the bar down, keep your abs contracted and shoulder blades down.
  • The administration will also hire 18 liaisons and two supervisors to work with caseworkers in contracted social service organizations to help streamline the process. Bloomberg Cuts AIDS $75M? «
  • Police said the pilot, contracted to take an actor dressed as Santa to the party in the Nova Mare slum, was flying over the neighboring Vila Joao shantytown when it was fired upon on Sunday.
  • This element of the project will be contracted out to an independent company who will carry out the fieldwork.
  • For auctioneers a client has been defined as the party contracted to pay the fee so beware of large sums of cash, however rare, in the sale of a property.
  • He subsequently contracted gangrene and had one leg amputated below his knee. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paltry spread between Earning Assets and Interest-bearing Liabilities contracted another 5 basis points to 24 basis points.
  • Subtropical deserts and tropical savannahs and rainforests have similarly expanded and contracted, imposing their morphogenetic overprint on older landscapes.
  • His virtues, as well as the vices of Elagabalus, contracted a tincture of weakness and effeminacy from the soft climate of Syria, of which he was a native; though he blushed at his foreign origin, and listened with a vain complacency to the flattering genealogists, who derived his race from the ancient stock of Roman nobility. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Looking up the word dives, divitis 'rich' often contracted to dis, ditis in the Oxford Latin Dictionary, I found the etymology Pelignian des, deti, cogn. w. PELIGNIAN.
  • However, this dreadful purpose was prevented, partly by the interposition of his wife, whose aim was not the death but immurement of his daughter, and partly by the tears and supplication of the young gentlewoman herself, who protested, that, although the ceremony of the church had not been performed, she was contracted to Fathom by the most solemn vows, to witness which he invoked all the saints in heaven. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • There is a strong possibility that the cat contracted the condition by eating contaminated pet food.
  • The muscle is contracted and hard, and an observer can see fasciculation - small twitchings - over its surface.
  • Resuming the thread of the history; tliis alliance, which the Jews had contracted witii I'gypt, augment - ed their confidence at a time when every considera - tion should have abated it; it elated them with the presumptuous notion, of being adequate to frustrate the designs of Nebuchadnezzar, or lather those cf God himself, who had declared that he would sub - jugate all the east to this potentate. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • The octave being always divided into five tones and two limmas [diatonic semitones]; by increasing the tones equally … the difference between the major and minor limma will be contracted to nothing, which … annihilates all the false consonances. Why are minor keys in music sad?
  • Living from the soul, which is outward, keeps you from the contracted state of living merely for self-fulfillment, which is a leftover immature perception from a life not purposefully lived. The Way of the Fertile Soul
  • In the meantime task forces are trying to collect accurate data on actual hours worked as opposed to contracted hours.
  • If you are so unfortunate as to have contracted the low habit of smoking, be careful to practise it under certain restrictions; at least, so long as you are desirous of being considered fit for civilized society. Smoking Etiquette | Edwardian Promenade
  • If you think you've contracted an infectious disease, contact your doctor.
  • One-year-old Eva Heeks contracted meningitis soon after birth, leaving her blind, deaf and unable to walk, talk or feed properly.
  • He is officially contracted to work for the company for another 12 months - although few observers expect him to serve out the full year.
  • 'I am' is usually contracted to 'I'm' in oral speech.
  • A diminutive form of this was _by our ladykin_ which was contracted into _by our lakin_. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
  • Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer contracted by women.
  • During the fourth quarter, Chinese steelmakers pressured Vale to move to a new system for calculating contracted iron-ore prices, based on the current spot-market prices, instead of the backward-looking system based on a previous quarter. Showing Quirky Love for Valentine's Day
  • The principles of the oracles of God brought into a little compass in creeds and catechisms have, like the beams of the sun contracted in a burning glass, conveyed divine light and heat with a wonderful power. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Like a lot of people excited over these prospects, I have recently contracted a terrible case of cabin fever.
  • Revised figures have shown that the Japanese economy contracted by 0.6 percent in the September quarter.
  • Pinnæ linear-lanceolate, scythe-shaped, auricled on the upper side, and with bristly teeth; fertile pinnæ contracted toward the top, bearing two rows of sori, which soon become confluent and cover the entire surface. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • Across one large wall, a purplish strand of smoke pulsated and contracted, cohering into a monstrous head.
  • Brittany use to do with their clappering clickets, yet better resounding and far more harmonious, and with his tongue contracted in his mouth did very merrily warble it, always looking fixedly upon the Englishman. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • As a curial is a gentleman and a government magistrate, the punishment is just enough; but why should Cassiodorus (certainly not King Dietrich) finish a short letter by a long dissertation on volcanoes in general, and Stromboli in particular, insisting on the wonder that the rocks, though continually burnt, are continually renewed by 'the inextricable potency of nature;' and only returning to Jovinus to inform him that he will henceforth follow the example of a salamander, which always lives in fire, 'being so contracted by natural cold, that it is tempered by burning flame. Roman and the Teuton
  • After her marriage, Ann Gilbert gave herself with all the sedulousness of her nature to the occupations of that more contracted sphere, in which she yet recognised a true moral greatness; striving therein, as far as in her lay, to live a life of "duty, praise and prayer. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • SL compensates the contracted operators within the terms of the gross - cost contract.
  • Regular casuals in pubs, hotels and casinos will be able to convert to permanency after 12 months, while power workers whose jobs were contracted have been re-employed by Integral Energy.
  • moonlighted," supplementing Qubwa's drug allocation with privately contracted and often inferior supplies. Psychosphere
  • Some habits of hasty irritation he had contracted, partly, it was said in the borough of Fairport, from an early disappointment in love in virtue of which he had commenced misogynist, as he called it, but yet more by the obsequious attention paid to him by his maiden sister and his orphan niece, whom he had trained to consider him as the greatest man upon earth, and whom he used to boast of as the only women he had ever seen who were well broke in and bitted to obedience; though, it must be owned, Miss Grizzy Oldbuck was sometimes apt to _jibb_ when he pulled the reins too tight. The Antiquary — Volume 01
  • This could indicate rapidly and accurately whether a flock or herd has contracted the disease or is incubating it.
  • And all the real and personal estate of said Myra Bradwell shall be liable for the debts of said company, contracted while she is a stockholder therein, and all stock of said company owned by her, and the earnings thereof, shall be her sole and separate property, the same as if she were an unmarried woman; and she shall have the same right to hold any office or offices in said company, or transact any of its business that a _feme sole_ would have. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • The demandant is either the same coheir named above, viz. Ingelram, altered by a clerical error into Waleram, -- such errors being of common occurrence, sometimes from oscitancy, and sometimes because the clerk had to guess at the extended form of a contracted name, -- or he is a descendant and heir of Ingelram, Notes and Queries, Number 68, February 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • He died of ptomaine poisoning contracted from tainted Japanese crabmeat.
  • Its joint venture partner on Tysabri, U. S.-based Biogen Idec, suspended Tysabri in the U.S. in 2005 after two patients using combination therapy contracted a rare brain infection, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy or PML. Drug Maker Elan Swings to Loss
  • Riki Nia Nia, said the runanga had failed to meet its contracted obligations. - Stuff
  • A quick brain and a better education elsewhere showed the boy very soon that his grandsire was a dullard, and he began accordingly to command him and to look down upon him; for his previous education, humble and contracted as it had been, had made a much better gentleman of Georgy than any plans of his grandfather could make him. Vanity Fair
  • To maintain control of the rep, simply keep your triceps muscle contracted.
  • The best model for New York is London, which has contracted out all of its bus services to the private sector every three years for nearly two decades.
  • The debt which America has contracted, compared with the cause she has gained, and the advantages to flow from it, ought scarcely to be mentioned.
  • He contracted bilharzia, then usually fatal, and wrote to his family asking for his body to be flown home and buried in the Varenne valley.
  • In the frog's tongue, capillary tonus is very strongly developed, in that by far the majority are completely contracted. August Krogh - Nobel Lecture
  • I forget what they called the deal, but he was contracted to produce something like 10 fairly low-budget features for MGM.
  • He buckled, contracted design of atmospheric, whole workmanship, underlines the high quality quality, let you wear a city and spell able female elegant demeanour.
  • Estimates and prices for vast quantities of paper were considered, all available presses were contracted for, binderies were pledged exclusively for the Mark Twain: A Biography
  • She was contracted to work in a garment factory in the United Arab Emirates.
  • Since the recession began in March 2001, the labor force has contracted by 1.2 percent.
  • In the meantime task forces are trying to collect accurate data on actual hours worked as opposed to contracted hours.
  • In April of 1677 Barrow travelled to London where he contracted malignant fever.
  • A true marriage is one duly contracted and capable of being proved in the ordinary way; a presumptive marriage, when the law presumes a marriage to exist; a putative marriage, when it is believed to be valid, but is in reality null and void, owing to the existence of a hidden diriment impediment. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • His son, who was called Alla ad Deen, had been brought up in a very careless and idle manner, and by that means had contracted many vicious habits. The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Complete
  • The omissive apostrophe signals a missing letter in contracted forms of words or phrases associated with spoken language and informal writing,
  • Over time, the game industry will likely adopt a movie-style production approach of per-project contracted freelancers.
  • The b - verse is unmetrical unless I am is contracted to ‘I'm.’
  • He explained that they had nothing to do with it as they are only contracted to look after the door and are not employees; in short, completely disassociating themselves from the restaurant's actions.
  • It was held by many to undermine one of the elementary principles of economic life - that every person is bound to pay debts contracted insofar as this is possible.
  • He and his staff chose a nickname that contracted mohawk and the Spanish word for feces. VA-SEN: Allen Has "Macaca" Meeting With Indian Group
  • Most of the production is subcontracted to 11 main contractors and dozens of subcontractors in Indonesia.
  • While in Arizona, he’d contracted a pulmonary fungal infection, coccidiomycosis, not uncommon in the desert. After the Diagnosis
  • Four percent of patients who were on acne medication contracted pink eye, compared to 2 percent for the normal population.
  • Just recently Sandra at Bookworld (otherwise a nice, thoughful litblog) opined that she had contracted "Bloom Syndrome," a "condition in which the sufferer is unable to read any work of literature unless it is deemed Significant by Harold Bloom and which often results in the reader losing the will to live/read, crushed under the weight of canonical imperatives. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • I have always thought pneumonia was the root of it all, contracted during that six-day match in the bitter cold.
  • After the second touchdown, the aircraft began to track to the left and the left wing tip contracted the terrain.
  • We subcontracted the work to a small engineering firm.
  • That very night, I tossed so violently in the throes of a dangerous chill that I was afraid I had contracted a tertian ague, and in my dreams I prayed for a medicine. Satyricon
  • The coroner's office since has contracted with two private crematories for $135,000 to handle the overflow. Information, Culture, Policy, Education:
  • Their eyes were glazed, and their pupils contracted.
  • The people are no wiser nor can they adjust themselves to the change of conditions brought about by the creation of all this new money; yet if "unmade" or lost, the entire volume of the nation's wealth would be contracted. Frenzied Finance Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated
  • We contracted with a local clothing firm for 400 shirts a month.
  • If the morals of mankind have not contracted an extraordinary degree of depravity, within these thirty years, then must I be infected with the common vice of old men, difficilis, querulus, laudator temporis acti; or, which is more probable, the impetuous pursuits and avocations of youth have formerly hindered me from observing those rotten parts of human nature, which now appear so offensively to my observation. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • We subcontracted the work to a small engineering firm.
  • The term remote control can be contracted to remote or controller. Planet Geospatial
  • The summer people look up, their corrugator muscles contracted, their eyebrows pulled together. Diary
  • But the children had somehow contracted a strain called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, which is resistant to many drugs, including those they were given. A Deadly Strain Of Staph
  • Many debts contracted then were still being serviced three generations later, and were only liquidated by the Revolution.
  • The new changes serve to increase flexibility and pastoral support for students contracted into the scheme.
  • Fifa aims to have 55,000 precontracted rooms for the tournament and ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Prentiss also reported the following case 9.332 as adding another to the evidence that jaborandi will produce the effect mentioned under favorable circumstances: Mrs. L., aged seventy-two years, was suffering from Bright's disease (contracted kidney). Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Under normal circumstances, the shipment would have been carried by the Yarra, which was contracted to move bulk cargo around the Australian coast.
  • Only one in five elite Marylanders contracted debts during their lifetimes that forced the selling of land or slaves.
  • On dissection it is found, especially in hallux flexus, that the inferior portions of the collateral ligaments are contracted, and that the cartilage of that part of the head of the metatarsal which is exposed on the dorsum is converted into fibrous tissue; there may also be other changes characteristic of arthritis deformans. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • At the end of the 1700s, Jenner realized that people who had contracted cowpox, or ‘vaccinia,’ didn't get smallpox.
  • It was found that many of them suffered from a disease called "kuru", which they had contracted from eating human tissue. Undefined
  • I get contracted out of the country for localization.
  • In the meantime task forces are trying to collect accurate data on actual hours worked as opposed to contracted hours.
  • If then you learn this science, which is false, I shall not have to pay an obolus of all the debts I have contracted on your account. The Clouds
  • She contracted the disease while she was abroad on holiday.
  • The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan.
  • Although pubic lice infestation, called pediculosis, is considered a sexually transmitted disease, it can be contracted in other ways.
  • Their firm have contracted to build a double-purpose bridge across the river.
  • For example, when the climate warmed, montane forest communities contracted and moved up the mountain slopes, where the climate was relatively cool.
  • The government contracted out the accommodation of delegates to a private company, Turners.
  • Like a lot of people excited over these prospects, I have recently contracted a terrible case of cabin fever.
  • The other partners, called _general partners_, whose names only are used, and who transact the business, are liable for all the debts contracted, as in ordinary partnerships. The Government Class Book Designed for the Instruction of Youth in the Principles of Constitutional Government and the Rights and Duties of Citizens.
  • In the concentration camp he had contracted silicosis, a lung disease similar to a combination of tuberculosis and emphysema from breathing in the fine dust that filtered through the cracks in the walls and floors.
  • Shell does not foresee any need to issue a force majeure, a legal document which indemnifies the company if it fails to deliver on contracted sales due to events outside its control, he added.
  • His injuries healed but as he grew bigger the scar tissue contracted and he began to stoop like an old man.
  • The eye, as well as the lids, became inflamed; the latter, being puffed up and contracted on their edges, were necessarily drawn inwards from the tension of the parts, and double entropium was thus produced. The Dog
  • The chief personage in it was a lady reclining at full length on a long couch, and being dragged along, looking the picture of misery, emaciated to the last degree, her head drawn back almost in a state of opisthotonos, her hands and arms clenched and contracted, her eyes fixed and staring at the sky. Fat and Blood An Essay on the Treatment of Certain Forms of Neurasthenia and Hysteria
  • As humans moved north into Eurasia from Africa and, later, south from Alaska across the Americas, proboscidean range contracted correspondingly.
  • Gross margin contracted 70 basis points due mainly to higher commodity costs P&G's Profit Slip Obscures Growth In Emerging Markets
  • + According to the ancient arithmetick of the hand, wherein the little finger of the right hand contracted, signified an hundred. — Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial

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