
How To Use Continent In A Sentence

  • A lot of the foods that we connect with African-Americans, whether totemically, whether positively or negatively, are indeed and in fact foods from the continent. NPR Topics: News
  • The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.
  • AMEN: Grassroots Football is an incredible interactive roadbook from photographer Jessica Hilltout that depicts the essence of soccer as experienced throughout the African continent. Daniel Maree: Six Positively Promising World Cup Campaigns You Might Have Missed
  • Thousands died on the seas while they were being shipped like caged cattle between continents.
  • Some archaeologists have been championing the culture of pre-Roman Britain for some time and the Shropshire road may confirm that traders were bringing back continental innovations to add to existing native achievements in art and engineering. Letters: Native culture of pre-Roman Britain
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  • On Continental Europe no one ever pays a blind bit of notice to them.
  • British postal workers lag behind their continental counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The upper layer of a plate is composed of either oceanic or continental crust or both.
  • Like a lacertine Vicar of Bray, he varies incontinently from buff to blue, and from blue back to orange again, under stress of circumstances. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • The established idea that granitoid magmas ascend through the continental crust as diapirs is being increasingly questioned by igneous and structural geologists.
  • In his novel, he separated the peninsula from the continent, thus permitting the cultural meeting of the peninsular peoples with those from the other side of the Atlantic.
  • According to Arfaan Khan, a British Pakistani linguist, a number of Hindi words such as chuddies are currently being imported from the Indian subcontinent.
  • The threat now goes well beyond the African continent. Times, Sunday Times
  • They demonstrate that the orogen likely developed over a Neoproterozoic failed continental rift that was linked to the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Wolves are still found on the continent of Europe.
  • We conclude that similar compositional bimodality among eruptive products of intracontinental volcanoes in volcanic fields may be the rule, rather than the exception.
  • He has become one of the most wicked on a continent that has seen more than its fair share.
  • In fact, the average winter low in Sitka is 30 degrees, much warmer than many continental towns on our list. 12 Terrific Small Towns You’ve Never Heard Of | Impact Lab
  • In the northern part of the cordiform World map he wrote the name Asia on each side of the central meridian to cover both present-day North America and Asia which were represented as one continent.
  • FANNY MALLETTE – Continental, un film sans fusil / Continental, a Film Without Guns Row Three » Recapping the Genie Winners - Where Cinema is more than just $100 Million productions
  • Did you know that the way that you wrap the yarn around the needle can affect the twist and cause the fabric to bias or that continental style knitting can aggravate carpal tunnel syndrome?
  • The French writer, Reybaud, in his "Reformateurs Modernes," published in 1840, made the term equally familiar to the reading public of Continental Europe. Socialism A Summary and Interpretation of Socialist Principles
  • Yet again invidious comparisons are made with our continental neighbours whose milk consumption, in part because of very different climatic conditions, is overwhelmingly of UHT milk. Archive 2007-10-14
  • For example, many shorefaces - the dynamic zones between the continental shelf and the beach - are not simply surfaces of sand but rather are underlain by rock or mud.
  • Nevertheless the political and diplomatic links which bound her to the rest of the continent were slowly multiplying and becoming stronger.
  • To entice foreign visitors, four London buses made a promotional tour of the Continent.
  • As big as a goose and with a six-foot wingspan, the southern giant petrel nests throughout the Antarctic continent (as well as on several subantarctic islands).
  • Central bank leaders from throughout Africa met in Senegal to discuss ideas about how they better integrate economies across this landmass, which is home to more countries than any other continent. West Africa's Central Bank Governor Promotes Single Currency
  • And it's the only speck of land in an area of the ocean about the size of the continental United States.
  • Britain emerged from this struggle in triumph, for the first time clearly dominant over her continental rivals. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • Instead of an old country there is a continent made up of lands that were divvied up and named by European and Middle Eastern conquerors. Walter Mosley Talks About 47
  • Mugabe is the best living African on the continent, with a real programme to decolonise Africa in real terms. Mugabe Loses Honorary Degree From UMass - The Lede Blog -
  • Not only English society, but Indian princes and princesses, American millionaires, and Continental aristocrats attended this ball attired in sumptuous costumes worth thousands upon thousands of pounds. Mansions of Mayfair | Edwardian Promenade
  • Both theoretical and practical problems exist in fashioning out conceptual frameworks for the development of the continent.
  • For auld lang syne, my dear... `If it were me,' he said as we crossed the park, `I'd be crossing continents; I'd leave no stone unturned. RESCUING ROSE
  • In a secret alliance with the Guild of Commerce, the two powers overthrew the other Guilds and left the refugees to scatter across the continent.
  • He saw her gesture with her hand toward the moneychangers and the arcade and the terrasse of the Continental Hotel.
  • The continent's rich linguistic diversity has been poorly explored, developed, and sanctioned.
  • Albatrosses, petrels, shags and shearwaters glide merrily around, all because of continental shelves and currents that slope and converge and form a giant feeding ground for these stars of the sea.
  • (Christopher and Charles Marshall received $4,151 on May 2, 1777, "for sundry medicines and chirurgical instruments supplied by them for the use of different battalions of continental forces.") [116] _Pennsylvania Journal_, January 29, 1777. Drug Supplies in the American Revolution
  • Because the release of aerosols is centered over land, its cooling effects tend to be localized over continents.
  • Over that time frame, the European Union's eastward expansion will place Berlin at the heart of the continent.
  • The club have aged and declined as their continental rivals have renewed and improved. Times, Sunday Times
  • More of this sultry heat is expected over the weekend as hot air over the near continent forces its way north. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deal will eliminate heavy intercontinental missiles and multiple-warhead missiles, the most devastating weapons mankind has ever devised.
  • This documentary took four years to produce, using more than a dozen cinematographers filming on every continent of the planet.
  • Early as it was, crowds of American, English, and Continental tourists were abroad, their gleaming white drill attire and tobies and helmets, conspicuous among the grander colour of the natives. The Mark of the Beast
  • The two peaks in the distribution represent the continental platforms and the ocean basins.
  • Considerable amount of thin interbedded limestones and shales was deposited in a subtropical and shallow-marine epicontinental sea during the Cincinnatian Epoch.
  • The merman was the first to see the importance of uniting the continent of Odyssey
  • Country of swill and sullage, sump of the continent. Cold Mountain
  • The fact that we are in the eurozone reveals the bald economic facts to our continental visitors.
  • No other continent is so dominated by one genus of tree as Australia is by eucalypts.
  • It's no accident that continental systems have more money and more resources: patients choose to spend their money on health because they can see that it is put to good to use.
  • The Roadshow is going Continental, starting with Paris - then Rome and Berlin. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • [5] Meanwhile Eurylochus and his companions, finding that this force had entered and that it was impossible to storm the city, withdrew, not to the Peloponnesus, but to the country once called Aeolis and now Calydon and Pleuron, and to the places in that neighborhood and Proschium in Aetolia; [6] because the Ambraciots had come and urged them to combine with them in attacking Amphilochian Argos and the rest of Amphilochia and Acarnania; affirming that the conquest of these countries would bring all the continent into alliance with Sparta. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • Barring miracle remission on a continental scale, only aggressive, coordinated medical relief, public health programs and public information campaigns squelch epidemics.
  • The newspapers and magazines that fed the American mind — for books upon this impatient continent had become simply material for the energy of collectors — were instantly a coruscation of war pictures and of headlines that rose like rockets and burst like shells. The War in the Air
  • After his sojourn at Versailles, he brought with him a vogue for French and Continental cuisine.
  • Rather, the essay should be read as a complexly equivocal attack on a whole ideology of theory as "non-sense," in which the bitingly direct sentence is designed to replace Continental wooliness. Archive 2008-11-01
  • In 1776 Cagliostro and his wife were in London, where "Cagliostro" became a Freemason, joining a lodge connected with "The Order of Strict Observance," a secret society incorporated with Freemasonry, and which (on the Continent, at least) was concerned largely with occult subjects. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • Each granule is about the size of a terrestrial continent. Boing Boing: October 29, 2006 - November 4, 2006 Archives
  • He delivered countless lectures all over the world, crossing all the continents and successfully engaging some of the biggest names in Christian evangelists in public debates.
  • On the other hand, if an oceanic plate made of dense basalt hits a low-density continental plate then the former will plunge underneath, pushing back into the hot, convecting mantle.
  • In the process the British created their national identity — as the special people of a small, beleaguered island — which compelled them to see their kin, the Americans, as a distinct people barbarized by their savage continent. 1812 and All That: A New Country at War
  • By the 1670's, most English silver was being heavily embossed and chased with flowers and foliage, fluting and gadroons, grotesques closely following the Continental pattern books.
  • Two people can meet in virtual reality even if physically located in different continents.
  • Chutzpah and discipline more than muscle built the Empire on the subcontinent.
  • A few days before the arrival of the news of peace, he received private advices from the Continent which led him to anticipate it.
  • They only had that kind of chapeau in England, it was never a continental style. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • War had resumed on the continent in 1805, though the period of peace with Britain had ended even before the Empire was proclaimed.
  • Britain's growth rate has rarely exceeded that on the continent by more than one percentage point.
  • But these days, the chief executive of U.K.-based Kingfisher PLC, the world's third-largest home-improvement group, has a problem that no amount of do-it-yourself labor can fix: His company derives nearly half of its profits from continental Europe. CEOs' Message: Fix Europe, Or Else
  • "We need to work towards changing the negative perception of our continent as a ' risky continent '.
  • Beldock takes her place behind a microphone during morning assembly and surveys 1, 200 faces whose heritage spans six continents.
  • Seas shift their beds, rivers change their channels, continents grow old with the weight of years and hoary crowns bestud the islands, while ocean currents grind their rocky feet to dust and scatter their flinty ribs in the secret chambers of the deep. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • During icehouse periods the distribution of continents inhibited circum-equatorial circulation forcing faster oceanic circulation in the main ocean gyres.
  • The climate here is typically continental.
  • a Continental breakfast
  • The club have aged and declined as their continental rivals have renewed and improved. Times, Sunday Times
  • the continental United States
  • The moon shines on faraway places and love could be crossing continents to find you. The Sun
  • So for another thirty days I traversed the whole southland of the continent, from Wood to Huss. Enjoyment
  • He became incontinent and lost control of his bowels.
  • That was at the very apogee of the age of imperialism, when white men carved up the black continent between them.
  • The densities per square kilometre of its human and livestock populations are greater than anywhere else in the continent.
  • Appointed first lieutenant in the Continental Navy in 1775, Jones received the command of the Ranger in 1777.
  • To begin with, he sketches the canoe routes, touching on the fur trade and the penetration of the continent by the voyageurs.
  • The whole continent is unowned and has no permanent population, and as such it offers a more complete form of escape than anywhere else on the planet.
  • Around the bays, the continent's ancient ice-cap creeps inexorably down to the sea in shelves that crack and avalanche with the sound of howitzer blasts.
  • And for good reason there is even less hope among the civil societies that have sprouted in country after country, even in the seemingly least fertile of soils, that China will help Africa democratize, which is a key to the continent's future. Howard W. French: Obama and Africa: The Change We Have Been Waiting For?
  • A lifelong civil servant who wraps his sang froid and political toughness in French courtliness, Mr. Trichet generally gets high marks for the way he has managed the E.C.B. He may be the most influential public official on the Continent, the person who most embodies the dream of a single coin for the European realm. NYT > Home Page
  • Another important result of dendrochronological dating of large samples of subfossil wood is the ability to calculate the relative abundance of Siberian spruce in forest stands of the area, which is an index or proxy for the degree of continentality of the climate. Climate change and forest distribution in the Arctic
  • Curiously, familiars do not appear in continental witch confessions. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a tumultuous turn of events, the general cast of the show is nailed down as the three end up shipless on one of the large continents.
  • This provides a mechanism to influence the two muscle groups to work in concert for continent urine storage and release.
  • my local continental bakery (barbakan in chorlton uk) does a lovely cake he calls a beesting but its not like any beesting I have seen before and he wont share his recipe - (understandably) The Fresh Loaf
  • A flurry of deans from top international institutions who have moved recently to run programs in Asia shows the influence the continent's institutions now wield in the B-school world, says Matt Symonds , whose company, Symonds GSB, does consulting for business schools. B-Schools Embrace China
  • The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
  • Technical improvement of continent ileocecum - colon urinary reservoir had been performed to 12 patients radical cystectomy.
  • So far their filing of charges has been limited to targets in the Americas and the Caribbean but perhaps their crusading zeal will infect other continents. Times, Sunday Times
  • the Continental Congress
  • Continental Congress all the western lauds, that is, all of what is now The Winning of the West, Volume 3 The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths, 1784-1790
  • Military France is everywhere full of sour inflammatory humour, which exhales itself fuliginously, this way or that: a whole continent of smoking flax; which, blown on here or there by any angry wind, might so easily start into a blaze, into a continent of fire! The French Revolution
  • Arguably, it is this route that Continental philosophy has followed ever since.
  • Morning rose on the world, from the Pacific Ocean across the vast continent of Asia, across the ancient domains of Europe, and onto New York City.
  • To the east lies the entire continent, gorging itself on the pure, white and deadly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sahara desert sand and pollution blown in from the continent combined to cause people to cover up in masks. The Sun
  • He's been zigzagging across the continent for nearly 20 years, non-stop.
  • More at home dealing with the less frenetic continental approach. The Sun
  • The continental breakfast is supplemented by cheese and ham, and dinner is three courses.
  • The history of the Armenian state and people spans over three thousand years and six continents.
  • The subcontinent provides cricket with so much of its commercial and cultural lifeblood that the game cannot stop for long. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aim is to identify the principal aesthetic sources of the continent, both within local culture and the modern world.
  • We propose that the ancestors of the four extant river dolphin taxa were inhabitants of Miocene epicontinental seas.
  • She convinced Continental's senior executives to take ownership of important agencies and corporations in assigned territories, and to join marketing staffers on sales calls and at the twice-yearly customer confabs.
  • That's the continental tradition as much as adaptationism is the English tradition.
  • One of only four aquatic frogs (those able to feed underwater) known to live in Australia, this frog inhabits the continent's driest areas, hunting in gilgais after rain for insects, shrimps and tadpoles.
  • This season will probably nudge the Gunners top as they have five home games straight after five European nights, while Chelsea have five away trips after sorties to the continent.
  • Writer Peter Pierce believes that the fear of being lost in hostile desert or bushland has been deeply etched into the Australian psyche ever since Europeans colonised the southern continent.
  • Sabrina answered it and a room service waiter brought the two Continental breakfasts into the room. CODE BREAKER
  • It drew a line; it created an elect; it was sophisticated and Continental; it dealt with provocative subjects, with torture, sadism, hermaphroditism––with sex and power.
  • Every one has seen the enormous lop-eared rabbits exhibited at our shows; various allied sub-breeds are reared on the Continent, such as the so-called Andalusian, which is said to have a large head with a round forehead, and to attain a greater size than any other kind; another large The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.
  • Subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a plate carrying continental crust gives rise to a continental-margin orogen.
  • The proposed system is supposed to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles minutes after launch, while their rocket boosters are still burning.
  • That of the Wessex Basin in southern England accumulated in the northwestern reaches of the Anglo-Paris Basin, an epicontinental sea formed at the junction of the Tethyan, Boreal and Atlantic realms.
  • In “Lost Continent”, a time traveler seeking refuge from a war-torn land faces hostility and bureaucratic incompetence. Subterranean Press » 2009 » January
  • Even if the DOT code already tells experts the tyre's country of origin, providers of quality products, such as Continental, vulcanise "Made in …" onto each tyre to identify the country of origin. Automotive Headlines
  • This continent bore a very advanced civilization, but was devoured by the ocean in some unspecified catastrophe.
  • The fee charged by British Airways will be 20 euro, the same for European and intercontinental flights.
  • Similarly, unlike many of their continental European neighbours, the English clung to corporal punishment as a penal sanction until well into the twentieth century.
  • The fleet rendered Britain invulnerable to direct attack, while its wealth allowed it to intervene on the continent even though Britain did not possess a large army.
  • As if to confirm the notion that Europe's contentious politicians are finally getting their arms around the crisis, one of the continent's wobbliest financial dominoes, Portugal, managed to sell more than a billion euros' worth of its long-term debt at lower than expected interest rates. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Also, a leading ratifier, adopting the Constitution and captain in the continental army during the revolution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • Neem soap has been going for years - especially popular with pustular teenagers on the subcontinent.
  • Around Britain a series of deep seismic traverses has revealed many of the structures produced during the Caledonian orogeny and other earth movements that are continued out over the continental shelf.
  • Let me get out there for my continent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plants such as viburnum, dogwood, maple or linden may need more water than species like honeylocust, oak or hackberry, which are better suited to Nebraska's dry, continental climate.
  • Letters from relatives on the Continent became a rarity; those that did reach British shores had usually travelled a roundabout route via neutral nations.
  • The oldest document in the literature of the Indian subcontinent is the Rigveda, or Veda of the Stanzas, of about 1,400 bc. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • She said the Continental markets sold food that could not be totally fresh, having been brought to Britain from Europe.
  • Ethnic aliens belong to one of three groups : Asians from the Indian subcontinent, Arabs and europeans.
  • The domestic and continental legs of your journey need to be booked separately.
  • Billions of dollars have been pumped into the continent.
  • Another 16 per cent prefer a continental peck on the cheek. The Sun
  • Those that routinely forage on the continental shelf rarely strand. Times, Sunday Times
  • It weights 751 grams and consists of breccia - sintered fragments of various minerals from lunar continents.
  • French agricultural naturalists, whose perspective was both continental and philosophic, treated the British inquiry with careful condescension.
  • The spontaneous appearance of a forest of oaks on the eastern shores of Asia was just as probable, under favoring conditions -- though occurring subsequently to the time of their appearance on this continent -- as that of the miniature forests of "samphire," or small saline plants, which spontaneously made their appearance about the salt-works of Syracuse, when conditions actually favored. Life: Its True Genesis
  • Another reason is that it gives school children the opportunity to learn about cultural commonalities and differences across five continents.
  • At longer time-scales, plate tectonic activity appears quasi-periodic and self-organizes into the supercontinent cycle.
  • Symptomatic, some would say, of the nebulous world of the continent's football, where administrative chaos and indiscipline are rife.
  • The cerrado is a vegetation formation of great antiquity, that may have existed in "prototypic form in the Cretaceous, before the final separation of the South American and African continents. Chris McGowan: Biofuel Could Eat Brazil's Savannas & Deforest the Amazon
  • Polite, deferential service in an old-school Continental-restaurant mode increases the sense of being suspended in a bubble of privilege for a few comfortable hours.
  • The Czech-born Jagr, 36, a right wing who has topped rosters for the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Washington Capitals, and the New York Rangers since 1990, is now playing for Avangard Omsk, of the new Continental Hockey League, in Omsk, Siberia. Exile
  • Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.
  • The frozen continent of Antarctica is almost equally deadly, but at the other end of the temperature scale.
  • neither national nor continental but planetary
  • Once viewed as a relic, continental drift and seafloor spreading evolved into the modern concept of plate tectonics.
  • Its shops are among the most stylish on the Continent.
  • This neatly solves the age-old problem of how "flightless" birds could have reached the different continents: they were not flightless at all, and simply flew. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Within weeks we and our former partners on the Continent are engaged in a war beyond imagination. The Sun
  • GILBERT SICOTTE – Continental, un film sans fusil / Continental, a Film Without Guns Row Three » Recapping the Genie Winners - Where Cinema is more than just $100 Million productions
  • The distraught parents, from a remote Continental community, were determined the operation should not go ahead.
  • The Obama administration wants the UK government, its closest ally in Europe, at the heart of policy-making on the continent alongside Merkel and Sarkozy.
  • It is much easier in a classroom than in a museum installation to project the image of the continent's art as historically dynamic, multivalent, and heterogeneous.
  • In the Indian subcontinent and in SE Asia a crude, dark palm sugar called jaggery or gur is used.
  • Much everyday architecture (at least on the European continent) is created out of stucco on insulated blockwork walls.
  • In part, this has been due to thrifty continental consumers taking advantage of the weak pound to seek online bargains from British retailers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term borrows a phrase from Britain's very un-Continental drinking habits. Green Tripping
  • She is immobile, has limited head and trunk control and is doubly incontinent. Times, Sunday Times
  • He became wheelchair-bound and doubly incontinent. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the end of the nineteenth century, burning forest biomass to clear land and fertilize the soil was used only occasionally on the Continent.
  • I grilled a man called George Evans, the managing director of their operations here on the Continent.
  • continentals" -- became worthless because of inflation. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The distribution of singletons, doubletons (low frequency variants), and other (high frequency) variants among the continents was investigated.
  • I had grown accustomed to hearing about disasters and fighting in the sub continent.
  • Switzerland, Holland, and the Rhenish Confederation, formed the foundation of the Continental System, a term applicable to the sum total of the measures that aimed at ruining England by excluding her goods from the Continent. The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
  • So much of what we do is very closely allied with continental Europe.
  • More and more bhais and behens are living in different cities - even continents.
  • Individual volcanoes of continental monogenetic volcanic fields are generally presumed to erupt single magma batches during brief eruptions.
  • President Eyadema is the longest-serving leader on the African continent and loves to play the elder statesperson - as with his attempt to play a role in the ongoing crisis in Cote d' Ivoire.
  • As we grow and numbers increase it's going to be a big challenge to keep this alive especially across continents.
  • They are mainly seen in pub gardens and street cafes on the continent to offer shade and add colour.
  • Respected magazines all over Europe have used on their cover pages menacing images of fiery dragons spewing banknotes or contemporary Maos with imperialistic designs on the continent.
  • They are usually suffering from some form of dementia, have had strokes, heart attacks, or are doubly incontinent.
  • • Plantronics 'bluetooth headset is modeled an the window crank handle from a 1974 Lincoln Continental. Boing Boing
  • The smallness of her universe melted away and she saw herself traveling — through exotic lands she so longed to see, to the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Adriatic seas, to the vast deserts of the African continent, where the lions sprawled among the trees, and elephants tromped the veldt. Second Chance
  • The remaining spots will be filled by winners of continental preliminary competitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Koobi Fora deposits are rich in pre-human, mammalian, molluscan and other fossil remains and have contributed more to the understanding of palaeoenvironments than any other site on the continent. Lake Turkana National Parks, Kenya
  • When the arcs accreted to the continental margin, the Main Uralian Thrust and Deevo Thrust were active simultaneously, probably causing uplift of the arc material between them.
  • Strong regulations that limited overtime in northern continental Europe are being loosened in response to EU policy.
  • The key to this scheme for world hegemony is unchallenged rule over the Eurasian continent and control of its strategic resources, first and foremost, petroleum.
  • Linguistically most of Pakistan's languages are spoken in other parts of the South Asian subcontinent -- Punjabi, Sindhi and Urdu and before the separation of Bangladesh, Bengali. Aparna Pande: Is Pakistan Part of South Asia? Yes!
  • This is due to the fact that all the continents had merged into a single landmass.
  • A hypothetical supercontinent that included all the landmasses of the earth before the Triassic Period. When continental drift began, Pangaea broke up into Laurasia and Gondwanaland.
  • If they succeed they will more than double the number of people who have trekked across the entire continent in this way. The Sun
  • An and Ganschow have also added items to their already intriguing continental menu.
  • Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America; it's a continent in miniature.
  • Southern delegates to the Continental Congress expressed unwillingness to use their militias outside their own borders.

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