How To Use Contemplation In A Sentence
Old deliberate contemplations, perceptions after long regard ingathered from abundant nature, theories leisurely compacted in sunshine or storm, to stand in the fields of memory, crowned with beauty by the indulgent years.
Apologia Diffidentis
Very soon they had passed from the realisation that in them and through them a new world of giantry shaped itself in the earth, from the contemplation of the great struggle between big and little, in which they were clearly destined to participate, to interests at once more personal and more spacious.
The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
One step advanced beyond this, Jerry's uttermost, the folk of Somo, from the contemplation of death, had achieved concepts of the spirits of the dead still living in immaterial and supersensuous realms.
Chapter 15
In no other situation is the contemplation of living and dying so intertwined with love and sex.
For sources that give contemplations on two stages of bones, the whole skeleton and the disjointed bones are designated as distinct objects for meditation in two sequential stages.

Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties.
It ends 16 hours later with compline, after which the monks return to their cells for contemplation, prayer and sleep.
The interior has been designed to engage viewers in contemplation of the diverse approaches to spirituality worldwide.
He swung from contemplation of the resurrected warrior, standing as still as stone against the canescent wall in the same spot to which Naipal had at last commanded him on the previous night.
Conan The Victorious
He balances imaginative contemplation of Christ's Passion with calls to ascetic efforts, regarding each as balancing and correcting the dangers of the other.
Where monks sat in quiet contemplation, guests now seek sanctuary from the city's bustle amid lush palms and ivy.
Jerwon and Tania, still a little speechless, paused in silent contemplation before following them.
He roused himself from his lazy contemplation of the scene beneath him.
The low protective wall, the height of a seated figure, allows protection for people to sit in reflective contemplation.
Whether a service is performed or engaged in contemplation of adversarial proceedings in court is essentially a matter of judgment.
If, through thought and contemplation, we become heedful of the dangers it poses, we can feel motivated to overcome it.
Freedom from Fear by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
For five years, he lived a life of meditation, of deep communion with nature during excursions into the mountains, of contemplation, and of prayer.
She was as alien as a far-journeyer from some other star, and no hint could she nor all the countryside give me of what forms of living, what heats of feeling, or rules of philosophic contemplation actuated her in all that she had been and was.
I had a contemplation of the sufferings of Christ, and I besought him to let me feel his sorrows with him, and prayed five paternosters in adoration of the five sacred wounds.
Accedit ad hoc, quod natura in contemplatione, cerebro prorsus cordique intenta, stomachum heparque destituit, unde ex alimentis male coctis, sanguis crassus et niger efficitur, dum nimio otio membrorum superflui vapores non exhalant.
Anatomy of Melancholy
If the ultimate reality is the Will-to-live, how is the alleged desireless contemplation possible in art?
After a moment's contemplation, he lifted a hinged segment of his padded armrest and pressed a button on the console beneath.
I remain open to the possibility that the ancient Vedas, Hyperboreans, or Druids might have enjoyed some special power of awareness through their skill at chiromancy, crystal gazing, or navel contemplation.
And we haue purposely omitted all nice or scholasticall curiosities not meete for your Maiesties contemplation in this our vulgare arte, and what we haue written of the auncient formes of Poemes, we haue taken from the best clerks writing in the same arte.
The Arte of English Poesie
A few people are seated here in deep contemplation, probably on what next to do in life.
Religious contemplation through the medium of song and dance.
These words we will now explain and set forth in their relation to that superessential contemplation which is the source of all holiness, and of all perfec tion of life to which one may attain.
The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
They were ‘servants’ and ‘instruments’ as well as passive vessels in contemplation.
Contemplation of Christ's radiant glory could be taken in such a way as to point away from the suffering Christ, but this need not be so.
The result would be no different than if a third party, not otherwise engaged in contemplation of legal proceedings, had undertaken such additional activities.
We got strung out along the trail at times, so you could have quiet contemplation if you needed it, or walk with the people you liked best.
Times, Sunday Times
One can imagine that it was the great Earl or Sir Philip Sidney that gave his imagination its moral and practical turn [Edmund Spencer's now], and one imagines him seeking from philosophical men, who distrust instinct because it disturbs contemplation, and from practical men who distrust everything they cannot use in the routine of immediate events, that impulse and method of creation that can only be learned with surety from the technical criticism of poets, and from the excitement of some movement in the artistic life. from → Quotations
As Yeats Put it: « Unknowing
By simple definition, meditation is engagement in contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature.
In 1836, after several weeks of prayer and contemplation, he was converted and baptized into the membership of a Baptist church.
Science cognizes life with the help of concepts, art with the aid of images in the form of living, sensual contemplation.
Landscape photography can be a form of contemplation.
Times, Sunday Times
Factory labour should conform to natural bodily rhythms, leave space for initiative and allow contemplation of the finished product.
The Times Literary Supplement
Taking these contemplations to heart one realizes the futility of relying on mundane sources of refuge such as money, friends, family, etc., and turns one's thoughts to practice.
I felt like a young girl who, after many months of contemplation, had just decided to talk to her crush.
Sometimes, solitude is of all things my wish; and the awful silence of the night, the spangled element, and the rising and setting sun, how promotive of contemplation! —
Clarissa Harlowe
No evidence is before the court that any new appliance is under design or construction - or even in contemplation, within the jurisdiction.
He spent many hours in deep contemplation.
But despite its theme the Belfry is not quite a place for quiet contemplation, especially on weekend nights, when there is a real buzz to the place.
Not that these things (as I said of fasting) are to be discommended of themselves, but very behoveful in some cases and good: sobriety and contemplation join our souls to God, as that heathen [6459] Porphyry can tell us.
Anatomy of Melancholy
According to Plotinus, nous is the highest sphere accessible to the human mind and thus the "objective" of contemplation.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
Walpole's more aristocratically-detached contemplation of Gothic paraphernalia is precisely what gave rise to the unprecedented amount of Gothic romances in the
Haunted Britain in the 1970s
In contemplation of the resentment of Hyder, and the progress of his power, the party, the views of which were apt to discord with those of the leading members of the government, had strongly urged upon them the necessity of making preparations against the invasion.
There are also critics' year-end lists -- and some indescribable chemistry that makes for a nice pairing between dark, cold weather and movies that provoke contemplation rather than shell shock.
Misty's voice brought Ri back out of her ill-timed contemplations.
Therefore, the hexagram refers to both the contemplator and contemplation.
I Ching…influences for the day. In harmony with nature… « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
She was lost in contemplation of the scene in front of her.
Good human lives have been devoted to religious contemplation, scholarship or justice.
Times, Sunday Times
The apes, saturated and peaceful, lived in sophisticated playfulness, or caught fleas in philosophic contemplation; the Neanderthaler trampled gloomily through the world, banging around with clubs.
She appears to be in deep, concerned contemplation.
Debate is not about a bunch of catty, uninformative, "Fox-News"-like blabber about occasional spelling mistakes, errors in academic trivia and how their knowledge in NewSpeak do's-and-don'ts (e.g. don't use "hypothesize" for anyone other than the originator of an idea no matter how far buried in the recesses of time, apparently) empowers them with a metaphysical prescience to evaluate in some small way who is 'serious' in an academic field in absence of mindful studiousness and profound contemplation of the (un)read material.
Archive 2008-02-01
Ironically, varying thoughts and contemplations within the imposed borders are presented as freedom of thought and speech.
But it is not the figure of any earthly personality, however noble and ennobling, which is the object of the Psalmist's contemplation.
Brooks by the Traveller's Way
Dmitri frowned, musing over some deep contemplation.
His first groan brought Raven out of her contemplations abruptly.
It takes on an ambience of solemnity, filled with memory, contemplation, and meditation.
Museums and art galleries play an important role in our contemplation and understanding of life and death.
Times, Sunday Times
arrangment" of _them_, as much as the contemplation of his
Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
It wouldn't do to have people barging in on her contemplations.
To understand strategy requires deep contemplation and endless study.
His brow furrowed in contemplation, his mind whirling.
For Erasmus, divine contemplation was synonymous with idleness and monkish solitude was nothing more than baneful selfishness.
For five years, he lived a life of meditation, of deep communion with nature during excursions into the mountains, of contemplation, and of prayer.
The walls remain, a purposeful reminder of the waste of war, and the roofless interior become a sort of peace park for contemplation.
After boring contemplation, Pitt decides that no, he loves Forlani so much he will leave her behind to live a full and rich life.
This broadly relates to communications between lawyer and client either in relation to the giving of legal advice or in contemplation of legal proceedings.
These are matters which we've already had in contemplation.
Wine can follow you through your every mood: From champagne for celebration to mysterious, dusky clarets for contemplation, wine can be a constant travelling companion that allows you to wallow, or to rejoice.
I was pleased with my new view, but my friends were naturally offended at a novel line of argument which substituted a sort of methodistic self-contemplation for the plain and honest tokens of a divine mission in the Anglican Church.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy
A long timber deck links the house with a smaller structure used as a belvedere for sitting out or quiet contemplation.
The heart gladly gives up the quiet of contemplation for the work of preaching.
Christianity Today
Theology is the mystical contemplation of God by the creatively receptive consciousness of the mind and heart.
He, too, made simplifications, but slowly, after studied reflection and contemplation.
The group members were sent out alone into the wild countryside for some quiet contemplation.
Times, Sunday Times
By 1613 even more desperate measures were in contemplation.
It is as though they could not wait to sink into a dotage spent in permanent contemplation of their childhood.
Ionic columns of the portico and walked to the box, remained for a moment in serious and expectorative contemplation of the boot, and then returned to his column.
The luck of Roaring Camp, and other sketches
He would often pause in his chores around the farm and gazing at the sky for a long time before coming out of his contemplations with a jerk and resuming the task at hand.
We shall be fulfilled with his visible theophany in holy contemplations, and it shall shine round about us with radiant beams of glory just as of old it once shone round the disciples at the divine Transfiguration.
The implications of this should not go unmissed: any public contemplation of ditching one of the proudest achievements of modern feminism in the name of liberal tax reform would be explosive.
Surely this inquiry is not one to be superciliously set aside by the materialists, after the failure of their uranological expedition, on the ground that it does not furnish food enough for scientific contemplation, without such physiological fancies as their specialists have been giving us in the shape of force-correlations and molecular theories of life.
Life: Its True Genesis
He was lost in the contemplation of the landscape.
Literally, this means that it is not that others do not (praise) ekam or contemplation, "i.e., some there are that praise contemplation or meditation.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
Who wants to read your snivelling contemplations?
His work is a protreptic to the contemplation of God.
This means that even brute action is a form of contemplation, for even the most vulgar or base act has, at its base and as its cause, the impulse to contemplate the greater.
From these indiscretions and their consequences may be dated all his bodily sufferings in future life: in short, rheumatism sadly afflicting him, while the remedies only slightly alleviated his sufferings, without hope of a permanent cure; though confined to his bed, his mind, ever active, still allowed him time to continue the exercise of his intellectual powers, and afforded him leisure for contemplation.
The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1838
The contemplation of a world of fragments becomes boring and Eliots successors are more interested in tidying it up.
Inside the Whale
One legend says that he sat so long in contemplation that his legs fell off, and a kind of legless doll which is a favourite plaything in Japan is still called by his name.
Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3
The support has been overwhelming and they wanted some quiet contemplation.
The Sun
Replete with frescoes of illusionistically rendered civic and garden architecture, the cubiculum offered a theater of locations for contemplation.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
I resume brushing the knots and tangles out of his hair and furrow my brow, once again in deep contemplation.
This astrolatry, originally a kind of fetichism, became nature-worship, and gradually rose to the worship of the intelligence manifested to our contemplation in the movement of the heavenly luminaries.
A Comparative View of Religions
It is also in contemplation to teach a blind pupil _pasigraphy_, or universal language, invented by DEMAIMIEUX.
Paris as It Was and as It Is
Glancing back to him, I noticed he looked as if he was in deep contemplation.
She swallowed bile and willed the pill to dissolve faster, sneaking a glance at her fellow commanding officers, all arrayed around the readout in stolid contemplation. “Looks like the blast points were precise, †one of the men observed, pointing out charred circles on the readout with his stylus. “They maximized human casualties rather than structural damage. †“That makes sense, †a blue-eyed woman replied. “That†™ s one of the few plants that isn†™ t automated.
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For Plato himself, a study of mathematics and geometry leads the mind away from the corruptible and perishable to the contemplation of true Being and eternal order.
Rather it is a place which reminds us that art is not just about the next big show but about contemplation and thought.
Valery represents the circularity of both the sunset and contemplation in the pauseless pace of lines two and three, and by his emphasis of particular rhymes.
However, my own encounters were always frameworked in regular meditation and contemplation, music and art… so you need to tend to your inner energies like a garden.
We wander the track in quiet, confident contemplation.
Times, Sunday Times
She took her mind away with a wrench from the recollection of the past to the bright serene contemplation of the hopeful future.
North and South
It is one of the few times we get to be alone with our minds, reclining in quiet, warm contemplation, enjoying the faint cling of the water, the steam, the scent, the solitariness.
Mr. Swinburne to those of Mr. Patmore, in which stateliness of contemplation and a peculiar austerity of tenderness find their expression in odes of iambic cadence, the melody of which depends, not in their headlong torrent of sound, but in the cunning variation of catalectic pause.
Victorian Songs Lyrics of the Affections and Nature
After hearing the dharma and becoming familiar with it through contemplation and meditation, we are able to take compassion as the basis of our daily activity.
The question was whether the privilege was confined to cases where legal proceedings were already in contemplation.
The claimant submitted that the steps should be restricted to those taken when proceedings were in contemplation or reasonably close to the commencement of proceedings.
Times, Sunday Times
I 'the mids o' a quaiet contemplation, suddenly, wi 'an awfu' stoon, a ghaistly doobt pat it's heid up i 'my breist, and cried:' It's a 'fause.
Alec Forbes of Howglen
Far from being a Spartan retreat of the kind normally associated with religious contemplation, ministers who did visit lived a life of luxury.
So today, I am in a place of contemplation and reflection about how to remedy the mouse situation.
After a moment of silent contemplation I realised that he was whispering my name.
If you feel Christmas should be a time of quiet prayer and contemplation, then a retreat could be just what you're looking for, and by the time you return all the fuss will be over for another year.
The first group includes those books offering serious Buddhist interpretations of the nine stages from the perspective of contemplations on impurity and transience.
Before he could get very far, he saw a familiar young woman staring out one of the windows, most likely in deep contemplation.
A chastened Agassi flew home for a period of deep contemplation.
You could call this navel-gazing, or you could agree that national identity is a vague and powerful thing, and deserves the odd moment of contemplation.
He and the Church are entering a period of reflection, contemplation, and prayer.
In 1836, after several weeks of prayer and contemplation, he was converted and baptized into the membership of a Baptist church.
Not that these things (as I said of fasting) are to be discommended of themselves, but very behoveful in some cases and good: sobriety and contemplation join our souls to God, as that heathen [6459] Porphyry can tell us.
Anatomy of Melancholy
She spent an hour in quiet contemplation.
But by 1613 even more desperate measures were in contemplation.
That rare possibility of self-contemplation which comes in any complete severance from our wonted life made her judge herself as she had never done before: the compunction which is inseparable from a sympathetic nature keenly alive to the possible experience of others, began to stir in her with growing force.
That I wasn't really cross with him for crashing my attempt at quiet contemplation.
Times, Sunday Times
In short, I prefer hymnody that directs our minds to God, not to contemplation of How Truly Wonderful We Are.
The Predator UAV is scary technology with a tweenager at the controls … I think Asimov did more for human contemplation of robotic sentience (and its pitfalls) than any scientist.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Really interesting viewing here…
He sat there deep in contemplation.
And now that they may be expelled and annihilated they are brought to light and seen clearly through the illumination of this dark light of divine contemplation.
Practicing meditation and contemplation is how we purify our mind, just as we polish a crystal ball, so that we can actually see the full display of radiance.
The men of fifty years hence may laugh at the circumscribed knowledge of the present and shake their wise heads in contemplation of what they will term our crudities, and which we now call _progress_.
Marvels of Modern Science
In a few minutes the signs of German havoc would be hidden behind stacks of crockery and household utensils, and some of the pale women we had left in mournful contemplation of the ruins would be bargaining as sharply as ever for a sauce-pan or a butter-tub.
Fighting France
A habitual contemplation of his divine form, dispelling impediments, blesses a devotee with the kinds of successes.
The early nineteenth century was a time when the contemplation of nature could be expected to stir profound emotions and numinous thoughts.
The Times Literary Supplement
So a time is reached in the selling of the Village, assuming no further development is in contemplation, when the entrepreneur has no continuing interest in it?
Reviving himself from his contemplations, Jonathan got up and stretched luxuriously before striding purposefully to his desk and examined the items left there by Thom.
So long as cloisterers stayed in their cloisters, spending their lives in contemplation and prayer, they had grace in God's sight and in men's.
How can biofeedback help me achieve a longer, healthier, happier life? http The word meditation comes from the Latin meditatio, which originally indicated every type of physical or intellectual exercise, then later evolved into the more specific meaning "contemplation. - Business News
Carmelites world wide, men and women, see themselves in the tradition of the early medieval hermits who withdrew to the caves of Mt Carmel in Palestine in imitation of the Prophet Elijah's life of contemplation.
But I know that moving in a universe operating on Balkan time, no question should be answered too hastily, and without deep contemplation.
Lectio quasi solidum cibum ori apponit, meditation chews and breaks it, meditatio masticat et frangit prayer attains its savor, oratio saporem acquirit, contemplation is itself the sweetness that rejoices and refreshes.
The secret to prayer; Lectio Divina (For the feast of St. Romuald, June 19)
Feuerbach, not satisfied with abstract thinking, wants contemplation; but he does not conceive sensuousness as practical, human-sensuous activity.
I bear the fruit of two years' deep contemplation!
It is an expression of delight in the prolonged contemplation of a vile thing, and delight in that is an "unmannered," or "immoral" quality.
Selections From the Works of John Ruskin
So placed, the light sculpture's flickering luminosity seems to both recall an earlier contemplation and act as new illumination to a newer generation.
It was difficult now to continue the pursuit unobserved: and Gimblet became absorbed in the contemplation of an enormous cairngorm, which was masquerading as an article of personal adornment in the window of the last outlying shop.
The Ashiel mystery A Detective Story
Under that statute, judges have discretion to order return of any gift made in contemplation of marriage, in the event the marriage never takes place.
The fundamental Quaker idea of "quietism," as it was called, or peaceful, silent contemplation as a spiritual form of worship and as a development of moral consciousness, was very widespread at the close of the
The Quaker Colonies, a chronicle of the proprietors of the Delaware
He spent from three to four years in the purgative and illuminative way and then attained contemplation, passing through three phases which he describes as calor, canor, dulcor.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
Other earlier Buddhist sutras mention that the contemplation on a corpse is effective for curbing sensual desires, but they make no reference to the gender or appearance of the corpse.
Then is Perception, in the prefent way of confidering it, faid to be fimple, when the Objeft of it is fimple, and then complex when the Objeft of it is complex* And fince the intire and ade - quate Objeft of Thought (as will hereafter ap - pear) is cpmprifed within the compafs of Ideas and of their Relations, we may more explicitly fay that then is Perception fimple when it is tlie Contemplation of Ideas only, and then complex when with the Ideas it takes in alfo the Confideration of their Relations and effen - tial Habitudes.
An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal Or Intelligible World. Design'd for ...
What of artistic creation as opposed to contemplation?
The postmodern emphasis on sublimity has tended to stress the sublime as an unreachable beyond, contemplation of which induces a pathos of finitude in any human subject.
Absolutely true to nature, it transcends topographical detail to attain a visual poetry that invites contemplation, self-reflection, and spiritual enlightenment.
He sat calmly smoking a cigarette, his eyes upturned in placid and Oriental contemplation of the heavens.
These are the impressions that are made on our senses by outward objects that are extrinsical to the mind; and its own operations, proceeding from powers intrinsical and proper to itself, which, when reflected on by itself, become also objects of its contemplation — are, as I have said, the original of all knowledge.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
The two meanings illustrate the difference between contemplation and action, philosophical re - flection and practical conduct.
Juska is momentarily self-conscious as she realises that neighbouring diners have put down their forks in contemplation of her possible murder.
After all, are not all religions but the theological symbolization of natural phenomena; and the sacraments, the festivals, and fasts of all the churches have their counterparts in the mysterious processes and manifestations of Nature? and is the contemplation of the resurrection of Adonis or Thammuz more edifying to the soul than to meditate the strange return of the spring which their legends but ecclesiastically celebrate?
Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
So one has to then find out what the connection was in contemplation of the Parliament, as it were, to use inaccurate language again, I suppose.
The filmmaker narrates the film himself, telling us of his contemplation of mortality while on his Saharan trek.
She was as alien as a far-journeyer from some other star, and no hint could she nor all the countryside give me of what forms of living, what heats of feeling, or rules of philosophic contemplation actuated her in all that she had been and was.
Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
'How often the same association operates in deterring from the serious contemplation of a future state, we must leave to the consciences of individuals to determine.
The Mother's Book
Is not the observation, Omnia mutantur, nil interit, a contemplation in philosophy thus, that the quantum of nature is eternal? in natural theology thus, that it requireth the same omnipotency to make somewhat nothing, which at the first made nothing somewhat? according to the Scripture, Didici quod omnia opera, quoe fecit Deus, perseverent in perpetuum; non possumus eis quicquam addere nec auferre.
The Advancement of Learning
The weapon case will be adjourned for six months "in contemplation of dismissal," Queens district attorney's office spokeswoman Meris Campbell said. - Notes: Olowkandi acquitted; Hawks sign Uruguayan
Although I had pretty well forgotten my New York disappointment, two months 'contemplation of the happiness enjoyed by Richards in the society of his young and charming wife, had done little towards reconciling me to my bachelorship; and it was with small pleasure that I looked forward to a return to my solitary plantation, where I could reckon on no better welcome than the cold, and perhaps scowling, glance of slaves and hirelings.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 348
Such knowledge was called contemplation, a kind of prayerful attention.
Therefore, I shall proceed forthwith to the essentials of the matter and preclude contemplation of such ghastly departures from proper form.
Stay with them and it isn't hard to see how their hypnotic quality has the power to induce an extraordinary sensation of inner peace and a state of almost transcendental contemplation.
I was normally not prone to astrological contemplations, but what harm could there be in a little bit of astrology?
And this is that same unity which is fruitful in the outgoing activity of the Persons, and forms in Their return an eternal bond of love which shall never be untied: and all who know themselves to be bound up in it shall be blessed throughout eternity, and they are rich in virtue, and clear in contemplation, and simple in fruitive rest.
The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
Perhaps in a brief quiet contemplation that this same view was experienced by our modern sapient ancestors over 164,000 years ago.
Inside, the aisles were packed with at least six or seven tour groups of varying nationality making such a hubbub that any contemplation or prayer would have been impossible.
Should routine laboratory reports made in contemplation of prosecution be inadmissible if the technician does not testify?
Like a restive monkey, it dangles from each vine of contemplation for hardly a millisecond and moves ahead with indefatigable enthusiasm.
Down there in the twilight one felt a sense of being defrauded, in contemplation of the fact that the stream was troutless: it was such an ideal place for trout.
Aladdin & Co. A Romance of Yankee Magic
Later, the contemplation on the nine stages became associated with the Zen sect that focused on meditation practice.
Landscape photography can be a form of contemplation.
Times, Sunday Times
A third spectator wearily disengaged himself from one of the Ionic columns of the portico and walked to the box, remained for a moment in serious and expectorative contemplation of the boot, and then returned to his column.
Selected Stories of Bret Harte
Nothing in the voicemail adds or detracts anything from the written consent or to the recorded contemplation of the parties at the time in respect of adversity.
Our God is not a remote being who sits enthroned on some ethereal height, absorbed in the contemplation of his own perfection, oblivious to this grubby realm in which we live.
The rosary is one of the traditional paths of Christian prayer directed to the contemplation of Christ's face.
Like a dreamer, the Apolline artist is absorbed in contemplation of something outside himself and does not identify with it.
This can mean taking five to 10 minutes each morning or evening for quiet contemplation and prayer.
Inside the abbey people sat quietly in the choir stalls or on chairs in front of lit candles, absorbed in prayer or contemplation.
Did they even make a clear distinction between meditation and contemplation?
In the case of the augurs or haruspices of Rome, the animal was sacrificed to permit contemplation of the entrails for prophetic purposes.
Raina kept making sideways glances at Dylan and nibbled on her bottom lip in contemplation.
It could be the beautiful autumn sunshine glistening off mountains of green and red apples which has brought about this unusual state of contemplation.
Why have the reader contemplate, even if for a moment and even if the contemplation is quickly rejected, the possibility that you have actually been barred from practicing which is to say disbarred in some states?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Barred
In an instant all five were asleep, minds clouded with thoughts and contemplations on what to do next.
All passions, it seemed, were compromised within the spirit's temper: but mastered, icily gripped within the cold, clear, crystal ecstasy of contemplation.
The stars of modern SF pick the best science fiction
Although Emily's contemplations can feel overwritten and her symbolism heavy-handed, her engagingly angsty personality draws us in.
These repeating cycles of contemplation-action-closure offer the player one of the rewards of the puzzle solution.
An oblong of pebbles and short posts anchored by a gnarled, leafless tree creates the isolated beach where Braidie retreats in contemplation.
My recollection is that one of the most controversial issues at the time this legislation was in contemplation was the position of trustee companies of superannuation funds.
Apparently, it had been there for two months, hunched over a branch like a hairy hermit in solitary contemplation.
Times, Sunday Times