How To Use Contamination In A Sentence
Food distributors across the country announced on Thursday they are recalling nonfat dry milk, cocoa and other products that are linked to a possible salmonella contamination at a Plainview, Minn., milk Food distributors across the country announced Thursday they are recalling nonfat dry milk, cocoa and other products that are linked to a possible salmonella contamination at a - Business News
The instant Food distributors across the country announced on Thursday they are recalling nonfat dry milk, cocoa and other products that are linked to a possible salmonella contamination at a Food distributors across the country announced on Thursday they are recalling nonfat dry milk, cocoa and other products that are linked to a possible salmonella contamination at a Plainview, Minn., - Business News
Critics fear the environmental impact and possible contamination of groundwater as well as the risk of earthquakes.
Times, Sunday Times
By doing the activities room, decontamination, dust - free shop has a professional and technical.
'Traditional methods of dating the pigments, such as radiocarbon, are destructive to the paintings, and the samples are prone to contamination.
Signs of the Times

Food distributors across the country announced yesterday that they are recalling nonfat dry milk, cocoa and other products that are linked to a possible salmonella contamination at a - Business News
Chemical contamination of the Rybinsk Reservoir, northwest Russia: Relationship between liver polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) content and health indicators ... brama) [An article from: Chemosphere] by G.M. Chuiko
Monsanto's Global Pollution Legacy
The tip extension would be split into sections lined with clay but Yorkshire Water is concerned contamination may leak out into nearby public water supply boreholes.
This study examined the contamination of boots worn by surgeons and other perioperative personnel during urologic, gynecologic, plastic, thoracic, and orthopedic procedures in a hospital in the United Kingdom.
The lake had been known to be subject to contamination from human faecal material for some time.
Otherwise, alcohol - based hand gels are the preferred method for hand decontamination between patients.
On Feb. 22—seven days after Ms. Ruksana first began bleeding uncontrollably—a lab technician reported finding contamination in bottles of saline solution administered intravenously after blood loss or surgery.
The Ailing Health of a Growing Nation
Has it been released back to American or does it have to go through any kind of decontamination process?
CNN Transcript Apr 1, 2003
He said the photo contained ‘sure signs that the bunkers are storing chemical munitions,’ including a decontamination truck and special security.
They must also be careful to avoid the risk of contamination.
Times, Sunday Times
They also point to what they see as the mishandling of the horsemeat contamination: 'It was an issue about fraud in the supply chain.
Times, Sunday Times
Having these generic structures for dealing with the incident helped, but there was no national protocol for dealing with radioactive contamination.
Times, Sunday Times
Decontamination includes washing the skin with alkaline soap and then ethanol.
The mussel reef that once thrived in Okahu Bay is being replenished to filter the waters from high sedimentation and metal contamination, and to restore the mauri (life force) of the bay.
You have to be impressed by the scale and variety of the contamination: not just from chemicals with sci-fi names (dodecyl mercaptan, hexachloroethane) but also radiation from former nuclear-weapons plants.
An Artifice For America
Wash everything thoroughly to avoid contamination with bacteria.
Certain restrictions were placed on the companies, including the "decontamination" of all traces of work done there.
ANC Daily News Briefing
While the Environmental Protection Agency has established maximum contamination levels for community water systems, an analysis by the American Society of Civil Engineers, or ASCE, states that there is currently an $11 billion-a-year shortfall in the funding necessary to "replace aging facilities that are near the end of their useful life and to comply with existing and future federal water regulations.
Scott Lilly: 'Nonsecurity' Spending Cuts Could Be Hazardous to Your Health
The hierarchy of race with Aryans or Anglo-Saxons at its apex was under threat of contamination from the supposed lesser breeds.
Instead, they're run though cleaning machines that shake the dirt and sticks off them, but don't necessarily deal with possible microbiological contamination.
Experts link sprouts to fatal illnesses
Next week it will name retailers with the highest rates of campylobacter contamination.
Times, Sunday Times
The contamination in the soil in this project is mostly creosote, a product used on railway ties and telephone poles.
This coupled with the saline water intrusion completes the process of contamination of the Kuttanad backwaters.
Drivers were warned to keep windows closed and turn off air conditioning in case of chemical or biological contamination.
The Sun
Peenplus has been specifically developed to allow architects and specifiers to create a new shot-peened finish using entirely non-ferrous shot, thereby eliminating the risk of any cross contamination from the old steel shot methods used previously.
Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
Direct shipping from western ports would avoid possible contamination and cut transport charges.
‘This analysis did confirm the existence of the contamination but at very low levels - up to 10 becquerels per kilogram - in an area not normally accessed by members of the public,’ said a spokeswoman for Sepa.
Six sigma approach as a way to measure the performance and to correct mistakes; Know the level of knowledge of the people you have to work with; Integrity and loyalty: respect of the company rules for being an authorized subdealer; Contamination control standards for repairs.
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Morelon said that it had to move away from using raw milk in its cheeses due to what he called a slight, but nonetheless real, danger of pathogenic micro organisms in the cheese that had been linked to an alleged 2005 contamination of E coli 026.
AP-FoodTechnology RSS
They add to research that shows how our lives are beset by contamination with potentially lethal bacteria.
Times, Sunday Times
Cadmium contamination is a worldwide problem, especially in Asia's flooded soils - called paddies - in which rice is grown.
They must also be careful to avoid the risk of contamination.
Times, Sunday Times
The contamination does not pose any immediate public health threat because none of the seed has been planted.
Uncertainty and scientific dispute is compounded by the fact that radioactive contamination is different from many other types of pollution.
Bivalves like oysters, mussels and scallops are particularly prone to contamination because of the way they feed.
In recent years deli meat processors have taken steps to reduce the risk of contamination, including heat-processing packaged meats, and adding two chemicals, potassium lactate and and sodium diacetate, that together curb the growth of the bug.
To avoid possible contamination during cutting of the slides, the microtome and water bath were cleaned thoroughly before histologic sectioning of a case for molecular analysis.
The wedding went ahead four hours later than planned with guests in green plastic decontamination suits.
After discovering there was no DNA left to check on the knife or the bra clasp, the experts retraced the steps taken by Stefanoni, concluding that the DNA trace of Kercher on the blade was so weak it could not be reliably matched – or was at best the result of contamination – and quoted Stefanoni admitting in court she should have double-tested her result to be more convincing.
Amanda Knox DNA appeal sparks legal battle by forensic experts
In addition to providing excellent control of static charge, KADE0610 series ESD tile used on raised access flooring panels offers exceptional contamination control in a typical clean room setup.
Laboratory films covered the cutting board, thus avoiding any cross-contamination.
An urgent appeal has been made for portable lavatories as fears about sewage treatment and contamination grow.
Times, Sunday Times
Experts are trying to track down the source of the contamination in the water supply.
Decontamination: Orogastric lavage with saline followed by activated charcoal.
Aspirin: effects, poisoning
This certain interval will give rise to the eerie phantasmatic ir-reality of the Sanatorium as a result of the contamination and rapid decomposition of time.
Celebrated Animators The Quay Brothers Return with a New Feature | /Film
Aflatoxin contamination of groundnut can occur before harvest , during field drying or during transport or storage.
In one of them there was fungal contamination and overgrowth making it impossible to detect bacterial growth.
There is a danger of serious contamination from radioactive waste.
Naturally, all of these adornments, together with the elimination of ambiguous, controversial or indelicate elements, imply the contamination of the traditional fairytale material.
The presence of three kinds of herbicides in fluctuating concentrations was earlier this year confirmed by scientific research conducted by the Limpopo study group, which was established in 1994 to investigate herbicidal contamination on irrigation lands and the Limpopo River.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Groundwater, too, is protected from contamination because avidin is a biodegradable protein.
The type of E. coli that caused this outbreak is one of the leading causes of food contamination.
Vaccine Science
Health experts have advised all water should be boiled before drinking until the source of the contamination is traced.
Large household size has been reported to increase the risk of helminthic infection, possibly due to increased contamination of the local environment, thereby increasing the chance of infection in the members of the household.
We are ordered to make ablution before prayer, and also to make sure that our places of prayer are free of contamination and filth.
He uttered a clucking noise in advertisement of his friendliness, and Michael snarled at this black who had dared to lay hands upon him -- a contamination, according to Michael's training -- and who now dared to address him who associated only with white gods.
The packaging must provide an effective barrier to prevent contamination of the product.
Overall, I would summarise the position by saying that the potential for transmission of infective TSE prions to susceptible cattle, sheep and humans via environmental contamination is particularly unclear.
The bacterium typically lives in the intestine of cattle, so a primary source of contamination is undercooked beef.
Vaccine Science
When fuel or feed delivery trucks do come to farms, they are accompanied by decontamination teams that spray down their wheels and undercarriages with disinfectant.
An urgent appeal has been made for portable lavatories as fears about sewage treatment and contamination grow.
Times, Sunday Times
SIR - I would like to thank Mr Suchi for his comments regarding the dangers of genetic contamination in agrobiology.
In bullets and cannon shells, the amount aerosolised is 40-70 per cent, leaving pieces and unexploded shells in the environment, to provide new sources of radioactive dust and contamination of the groundwater from dissolved depleted uranium metal long after the battles are over, as reported in a 2003 report by the UN Environmental Program on Yugoslavia.
International Doctors for D.U. (Depleted Uranium)
The review report pointed out that 50% of the water samples that had bacteriological contamination didn't have any faecal coliforms.
Mr Choma also said that batching the products also helped ZABS experts to trace the contamination stage and find a remedy.
The Surf City contamination is almost certainly the result of urban run-off flushed into storm drains.
Look, the theory is that it was a Great Spell which produced the magical inversion that caused the contamination.
More than 230 Defence personnel became role players as victims, undergoing decontamination and medical treatment protocols.
Well, the deliberate contamination of food materials with low quality, cheap, non-edible or toxic substances is called food adulteration.
The Food and Food distributors across the country announced on Thursday they are recalling nonfat dry milk, cocoa and other products that are linked to a possible salmonella contamination at a - Business News
The problem is that this panel has apparently insisted that the guv should guarantee the safety of traditional and organic farming methods and compensate those farmers in the event of contamination.
Producers may also need to account for all animals, including dead ones, and feed mills will be scrutinized for cross-contamination of feeds and dual-purpose feedmills may be eliminated.
Water faucets, liquid soap and hand drying devices shall be designed to precludes re - contamination.
As a result deer to deer contact and local site contamination is less likely to occur at a food plot than at a bait site or feeding station thus significantly reducing the risk of disease transmission at a food plot.
Wisconsin Natural Resources Board Wants Baiting Ban
We're going to go ahead and set up decontamination zones and hazmat detection zones.
There were obvious risks and judges in similar circumstances had to be aware of that and careful to avoid contamination of the proceedings.
Times, Sunday Times
The measurement is accurate and clean-cut, no spit or spilth, no contamination of the content.
They recommend routine decontamination of mobile phones with alcohol - containing disinfectants.
There is already a high level of environmental contamination.
Similarly, cortical bone is less prone to diagenetic contamination than porous, cancellous bone tissue.
There could be a saving in the cost of pesticides and a consequent reduction in the risk of environmental contamination by residues.
By bathing in unclean water, they expose themselves to contamination.
In the case of heavy rainfall or flooding, there may be an increase in leaching of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from storage sites and increased contamination of water with runoff containing persistent chemicals that are already in the environment.
Coyote Blog » 2010 » April
During a routine check for contamination in their bolometers, which happen to be built around crystals containing bismuth, the team noticed an unexpected alpha decay not listed in any reference tables.
As the chicken oozes unappetisingly on the top shelf of your fridge, wrapped in a leaky carrier bag, blood drips on to the cheddar cheese below - the classic ‘cross contamination’ sequence.
Chopping boards can be a source of cross-contamination.
Bioremediation technology was concerned as a new petroleum contamination control technology.
Transmission occurs through food or faecal contamination from an infected person or animal.
All urine collections must avoid contamination with menstrual blood, vaginal secretions and feces.
A major British meat producer has been accused of shipping contraband lamb to a French company at the centre of the horse contamination scandal.
Times, Sunday Times
The manufacture of chemical weapons produces chemical by-products and chemical contamination.
When vocal lobby groups make claims about the contamination of the environment from fracking, it is hard to face down public pressure.
Times, Sunday Times
By heating with glass or ceramic containers, you achieve the same result without the dioxin contamination.
Not only is the farmed salmon crop nutritionally inferior to its wild counterpart; it is also known to be a dangerous source of contamination of the marine environment.
The simulations confirm that cross-contamination routes result from normal operation and random failure conditions, including system surcharge and trap depletion due to, for example, poor maintenance.
It is time to apply the idea of impermanence instead of clinging to the notion of authenticity in a world best described by contamination and flux.
Ya Libnan | Lebanon News Live from Beirut
Urine specimens generally are obtained by a midstream clean-catch technique, and one study showed that cleansing does not decrease contamination rates in adults.
Internal contamination with plutonium, americium, or curium can occur through a variety of routes including ingestion, inhalation, or direct contact through wounds.
It is about time the council dealt with this widespread contamination once and for all.
Early gastrointestinal decontamination, including gastric lavage, may be life-saving.
Colchicine Poisoning
The contamination, which first came to light last month, involves endotoxins, or harmful substances released from bacteria, in peritoneal dialysis solutions sold under the names Dianeal, Extraneal and Nutrineal.
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Data obtained from the test reflect the magnitude of intraperitoneal contamination by intestinal bacteria.
‘The interiors of the tiny moonlets, which have been shielded from contamination by the continual collisions with each other, are the source of purer water ice,’ he said.
Night soil is a resource as well as contamination and infectant. It is important to dispose night soil with the principles of decreasing, innocuity and resourcing.
As a result of this contamination, residues of coccidiostats might appear in animal products like eggs or meat.
The land will require public money for decontamination.
Planning work for the deep vadose zone has been given another four or five years to allow DOE to develop new technologies for cleaning up the soil and preventing the contamination from moving into the ground water.
The Seattle Times
But the big cancer charities also appear reluctant to take contamination seriously.
The safety issues and considerations for responders in an unsafe environment, including the recognition of an unsafe area, decontamination and access to alternate means of casualty management.
Breaks in aseptic technique can introduce microbial contamination into the vial via the needle, syringe, or rubber stopper.
But really I wonder if the reason for the iodine disinfectant is more because the water is not potable than there is much difference in the relative contamination of the fruits and veggies themselves.
An Observation... True or False?
The Thames was a polluted mess and cesspits within the city were a constant source of contamination.
Single-use, disposable atomizers are probably the best way to reduce possible cross-contamination.
Single-use, disposable atomizers are probably the best way to reduce possible cross-contamination.
In the present event, melamine contamination has been found in a number of different brands of powdered infant formula, in one brand of a frozen yogurt dessert and in one brand of canned coffee drink.
The Pelindaba Working Group said on Friday independent academic reports indicated that radiotoxic contamination from 120 years of mining activities around the catchment had in fact seeped into underground water systems.
ANC Daily News Briefing
At present, the study and application of the triazene reagents have extended from the domain of traditional inorganic analysis to the life active substance and environment contamination analysis.
The Mississippi River is leveed between Baton Rouge and the mouth of the river, so the only sources of possible contamination along this stretch are permitted industrial discharges and marine traffic accidents.
Susan Buchanan: New Orleans Tap Water Beats Odds, Meets All Regulatory Standards
• Energy Club of Pacoima earlier Tuesday announced the voluntary recall of Energy Club and Mucho Sabor branded in-shell salted pistachios due to potential contamination with salmonella as a follow up to the voluntary recall of roasted shelled and inshell pistachios announced by Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella Inc.
Objective To eliminate the interference of the reagent residual contamination for serum total bile acid ( TBA ) measurement.
Recently, when precision processing equipment such as dicing saws have been used overseas, the problem of contamination by viruses through USB memory devices has become increasingly serious and the risk of secondary contamination when using host communication and other functions is also on the rise.
ACN Newswire
Other vineyard applications include coating corks with liquid glass to prevent "corking" and contamination of wine.
Boing Boing
Only bad ends appear: the poisoning, the calumniation, the denial of life, the despising of the body, the degradation and self-contamination of man by the concept of sin -- therefore, its means are also bad.
The Antichrist
When inspecting vegetable packing operations, I evaluate the risks of contamination by prohibited substances and commingling with non-organic products.
One modern case of contamination that has already been dealt with is at a different location, formerly a Council depot where vehicle maintenance was carried out.
Look, the theory is that it was a Great Spell which produced the magical inversion that caused the contamination.
Police have widened the longrunning inquiry into the contamination of saline drips to include a fourth death.
Times, Sunday Times
Most poisonings from pesticides do not have a specific antidote, making decontamination the most important intervention.
A northwest Montana town where asbestos contamination has killed more than 200 people will get more than $130 million in cleanup and medical assistance from the Obama administration, the Environmental Protection Agency announced Wednesday.
We think the most likely cause is contamination of the brake disc pads at the noisy corner of the car, which could prevent them from gripping properly and cause a whining sound as they slip.
Finally, the ‘caribou’ sample was filtered through binder-free borosilicate glass filters that had been baked overnight at ~ 600 degC to remove organic contamination.
• Several weaknesses were found in canine explosives detection testing procedures carried out by AGNA's subcontractor, including failure to test for all scents required by the contract, use of expired and potentially contaminated materials, and explosives storage problems that may lead to cross-contamination.
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This technique allows for closure of the velum, thus excluding nasal NO contamination during expiration.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The supermarket chain Meijer is among food distributors that are recalling nonfat dry milk, cocoa and other products linked to possible salmonella contamination at a Minnesota company.
Since terrorists can use almost anything to attack, Dr. Russell stresses the broad spectrum of their detoxifying agent, saying “that uncertainty calls for a single broad-spectrum decontamination material that can rapidly neutralize both kinds of threats and is easily delivered or administered, and it must not damage the environment where it is applied.”
Combating Terrorism with an Environmentally Friendly Polymer | Inhabitat
Proving food contamination is virtually impossible, especially when you can't name the supplier of the beef.
Times, Sunday Times
The presence of both nitrate and bacteriological contamination may indicate poor well location or construction, and possible contamination from surface drainage, feedlots, sewage systems, or some other source.
One way of calculating this figure is to compare the dose from given levels of contamination of polonium-210 and iodine-131.
Good handling methods and plant layout will reduce the number of reheats necessary, minimizing contamination during forging.
Available in acetate, nylon, and polyester, the media is constructed without resin or adhesive binders to reduce the possibility of contamination.
For example, water-seal slabs in latrines reduce the breeding sites for culicine mosquitos, vectors of filariasis; treatment of excrete prior to its disposal can kill the eggs and cysts of many human parasites (Ascaris, Entamoeba, and Schistosoma spp), thus preventing contamination of both ground and water.
Chapter 4
The door or lid of the washing machine should be cleaned and sanitized to reduce the possibility of recontamination of attire upon removal from the washer.
These cultures, left alone without any possible external contamination, undergo, in the course of time, modifications of their virulency to a greater or less extent.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
Any contamination there or any procedures that are not correctly done could create either delamination, separations or defects.
CNN Transcript Feb 1, 2003
Given that none of the other parties are prepared to go into coalition with the Tories - evidence of how, in some respects, the "decontamination" mission has been futile - there would have been less to lose and much to gain by being the intellectual outliers and punching far above their weight rather than, as was too often the case, not punching at all.
Reviving Scottish Conservatism: A Lost Decade?
After all, Cameron's popularity and the "decontamination" of theTory brand bothseem solid enough.
Labour to attack the "same old Tories"
Each vehicle was tested for contamination after cleaning using the current cleaning method of wiping down the interior with liquid disinfectants.
Human exposure to agricultural pesticides and the subsequent contamination or poisoning may be occupational, nonoccupational, intentional, unintentional, or accidental.
Agricultural pesticide contamination
Or are the results an indication that contamination remains a serious problem for athletes competing in that part of the world?
Times, Sunday Times
Can one fix some exquisite entity, as it were, in amber, immune from changing fashion and unsusceptible to the contamination of the whims of the insistent rich?
Michael Henry Adams: The Art of the Steal: Betraying Dr. Albert Barnes and Future Generations
The agency says currently available data indicate that serious adverse health effects have not resulted from ingestion of drugs or foods contaminated with halogenated anisole compounds at the levels of contamination that have been reported.
Unsafe by definition: TBAs
The contamination appeared to be mostly contained in a first-floor science classroom, where the silvery metal leaked from a manometer, a U-shaped glass device used to measure air pressure, Dieringer said.
The MA lines and the marker strain were passaged together for 69 passages and then checked for contamination.
An urgent appeal has been made for portable lavatories as fears about sewage treatment and contamination grow.
Times, Sunday Times
The presence of exogenous surface contamination, including dirt, grease, free iron from contact with steel tooling, and so forth, may interfere with the formation of the passive film.
In short he is a bacteriologist and microbiologist first who happens to have found his way to a specialism in food contamination.
They must also be careful to avoid the risk of contamination.
Times, Sunday Times
The heat deactivates plant enzymes and destroys harmful microbes, and the tight seal prevents recontamination by microbes in the environment.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
The sink, the flush toilet, and the sewer literally formed a pipeline to the vilest contamination that befouled the city.
Gastrointestinal decontamination with activated charcoal and a cathartic may be useful in acute exposures if the drug was taken orally within the previous 60 minutes.
To prevent contamination infiltrating from the surface, a ditch (known as the interceptor drain) diverts surface water away from the spring box and a fence keeps animals out of the spring area.
Chapter 5
While tests match strains of bacteria, mixing of meat from different carcasses makes the identification of the source of contamination more difficult.
Improved Safety: No arc chutes and enclosed vacuum interrupters with sealed contacts eliminate potential hazards resulting from exposed arcs or environmental contamination.
Shoddy standards in Soviet vaccine plants meant that decontamination of the so-called simian virus 40 was only 95 percent effective, it says.
Environmentalists point out that the contamination of farmed salmon is so bad that the farms pollute the surrounding environment.
Metal contamination in the marine environment is a problem the world over, and this solution holds great promise.
Smithsonian Mag
Police have widened the longrunning inquiry into the contamination of saline drips to include a fourth death.
Times, Sunday Times
Equipment that is rarely cleaned, such as pens, charts and computer keyboards, may also be a source of contamination.
However, the underlying fact remains that the area is in the grip of a severe water contamination problem which is threatening to assume epidemic proportions in the coming days.
The team will assess the scale and severity of the physical damage of the grounding; as well as the level of contamination from anti-foulant paint.
Australian Government Media Releases [All Portfolios]
zone_info": "huffpost. green/blog; featured-posts = 1; green = 1; nickname = marion-nestle; entry_id = 311502; bill-marler = 1; contamination = 1; cspi = 1; e-coli = 1; food-contamination = 1; food-safety = 1",
Marion Nestle: The High Human Cost of Unsafe Food
The agency says currently available data indicate that serious adverse health effects have not resulted from ingestion of drugs or foods contaminated with halogenated anisole compounds at the levels of contamination that have been reported.
Unsafe by definition: TBAs
A failed high-altitude nuclear launch left a legacy of low-level plutonium contamination, and an old Agent Orange storage site caused some residual contamination as well.
Stating that the contamination was not an isolated incident, he claimed it was a regular occurrence further east along the beach towards the sand dunes and into the back strand.
There’s a substance in the blood of the horseshoe crab— LAL, which stands for limulus amoebocyte lysate—which is used to test medical drugs for contamination and to detect vitamin B-12 deficiencies.
Devlin’s Light
Their droppings aren't just a nuisance to employees; they re a potential source of bacterial contamination.
Also contamination of an object with more recent radiocarbon, leading to an inaccurate date, is always a threat and difficult to detect.
The sheathing forms what is called the blood-thymus barrier, preventing antigen contamination of developing and programmed T lymphocytes.
These include fire extinguishers, decontamination showers, eyewash stations, chemical drainage grates and positive-pressure ventilation systems.
The moment teleology is discussed, out goes the science – or at least, in comes the contamination with philosophy.
Against Darwinism
Firefighters were given a lecture this week on mass decontamination in the event of a terrorist attack.
Because of the very slow natural process of decontamination of soil tainted by strontium 90, cesium 137, and plutonium, the agricultural consequences will persist for forty to fifty years.
The tea-leaf announcement marked the first time that Shizuoka, home of Mount Fuji, has found any contamination above regulatory limits.
Japan's Radiation Tests Irk Tea Farms
If there is no contamination in the Gulf and if oystermen can recede, it will take a minimum 18 months for the oysters to come back.
I've got such a bad case of dust contamination, I can barely move!
Evidence is also presented which suggests that amylase determination in oesophageal fluid is an accurate reflection of salivary contamination.
The government also accepts beef with more than double the limit set by many fast-food chains for total coliform, which is used to assess whether a beef producer is minimizing fecal contamination in its meat.
Fast-food standards for meat top those for school lunches
Most arc magmas have also undergone complex fractionation and contamination paths, which make attempts to quantify their petrogenesis difficult.
The samples are then analyzed at the IAEA and other laboratories in ‘clean’ rooms, where air flow and hermetic seals maintain a contamination-free environment.
Without a view of Earth, telescopes built on the Moon could point in any skyward direction, without the risk of contamination from the Earth's electromagnetic emanations.
Jwalapuram, for example, is an ancient type of Indian geological formation known as a Purana basin, which contains highly fertile soil and abundant freshwater springs protected from contamination by the surface ash.
Signs of the Times
All the equipment was sterilised to avoid any contamination; all the chemicals used to remove impurities were specially filtered.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
If a farmer does everything agronomically within the organic standards, then the product will be considered certified organic, even if there are traces of contamination.
In Mississippi, the state department of environmental quality is urging all residents in flooded regions to have their wells tested for contamination.
There has been a tendency of using insecticide treated mosquito nets for fishing purposes that has resulted in contamination of water and loss of aqua life.