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How To Use Contagious In A Sentence

  • Poverty is something that is contagious and infectious in our community.
  • Scarlet fever is highly contagious.
  • Half-an-hour later they were launching the canoe and loading up, while the storekeeper made jocular remarks about poor, weak mortals and the contagiousness of "stampedin 'fever. TOO MUCH GOLD
  • His smile was contagious, his wave was heartfelt and the toot of his horn was one of a kind.
  • Alternatively, the faculty might have contagious diseases, such as tuberculosis or varicella, and could infect patients.
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  • (PLAYG) A highly contagious disease, such as bubonic plague, that spreads quickly throughout a population and causes widespread sickness and death. Plague
  • Some positive news surfaced yesterday: Mexican scientists said the contagiousness of the swine flu is no greater than that of the seasonal flu that circulates every year.
  • Straight into the bin this morning seeing as they're "toxic", i.e., hand decorated by typhoid Ramekin yesterday, probably in the prime of his contagiousness. So . . .
  • And they looked like they were having fun and that fun was contagious.
  • HIV is a lethal contagious disease spread by contact with blood and body fluids.
  • There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. Charles Dickens 
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • Diminished prairie dog populations now face the even greater catastrophe of sylvatic plague, an introduced contagious disease for which prairie dogs have little immunity.
  • The purpose of the statute was to lessen the risk of cattle catching a contagious disease while in transit.
  • Furthermore, there were many differences of opinion regarding the question of just how contagious leprosy was and how it was transmitted.
  • The purpose of the statute was to lessen the risk of cattle catching a contagious disease while in transit.
  • English settlers for control of coastal lands suffered terribly, sometimes from war, but more often from the spread of contagious diseases such as smallpox. America Past and Present
  • In public calamites, when a general drought appears, and cruel wars, or contagious maladies come, we humble ourselves before the power that sent them, and mortify ourselves by abstinence. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • These caused the animals breathing problems and were highly contagious but did not pose a hazard for people. The Sun
  • If you're unexcited about the Iowa caucuses, maybe this lady's enthusiasm will be contagious.
  • It is apparently noncontagious and not appreciably connected with any disorder of internal organs. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The new disease proved contagious.
  • she was contagiously bubbly
  • You were all smooth and deep voiced there on the dance floor and yeah, I went back to your place after only one drink, but I was intrigued, but once you pulled out that technological terror you call your "sithhood" that was the end of that, but you kept waving your hand "the phallus is not at all scary" and I didn't have any choice but to agree, but now I've got these sores, and the droid at the clinic says they're contagious bitch! Calgon, Take Me Away
  • She has been successful in large part because her enthusiasm for the hobby is contagious.
  • Scabies is a contagious parasitic infection caused by infestation of the Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis mite.
  • Shigellosis is a highly contagious disease caused by Shigella spp. and humans are the principal reservoir of infection.
  • It is most contagious at the height of the disease and during desquamation. The Care and Feeding of Children A Catechism for the Use of Mothers and Children's Nurses
  • The hope that example will prove contagious is, as I understand it, the central plank of the neo-conservative ideology in Washington.
  • He immediately ordered a spinal tap that confirmed polio, and she was moved to the floor for contagious diseases.
  • In the 1860s medical interventions into the contagious diseases debate polarized earlier representations of female sexuality.
  • Contagious Ecthyma mainly harms lamb and makes it difficult to suck at breast, take forage and increase weight.
  • Since we share a common border, I certainly hope that lunacy is not contagious! Landrieu to support health care reform bill
  • But regardless of the severity or contagiousness of a new virus, it will never again have those "wonderful" conditions of 1918-19 in which to spread and kill. No More Crying 'Spanish Flu'
  • The norovirus is highly contagious, affecting up to one million people in the United Kingdom every year.
  • A highly contagious virus has transformed almost every human into flesh-eating zombies.
  • The disease, which causes painful, ulcerating blisters on the mouth, feet, and udders, is virulently contagious, and once introduced can quickly infect an entire herd.
  • After treatment, a person is still contagious for 2-4 hours.
  • One patient who received a kidney died from the highly contagious disease a year after the transplant. The Sun
  • It will take up to ten days for the onset of symptoms, during which time the person is highly contagious.
  • Who with their drowfy, flow, and flagging wings Clip dead mens graves; and from their milty jaws Breathe foul contagious darknefs in the air. The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected
  • Most staph infections aren't serious; one example is impetigo, a contagious but superficial skin infection.
  • Willow soon was laughing too, from the contagiousness of it.
  • The horse thus vicariously fulfilling the functions of a plate of soup was a wretched glandered beast -- not old, but shunned on account of the contagious nature of his disease. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • She told her managers she needed to go home because she was contagious, but Walmart informed her that she would get a "demerit" if she worked less than four hours. Walmart's Sick Day Policy Hurts Workers, Families, and Customers
  • The treatment makes the illness completely noncontagious, although it turns out that leprosy is not highly infectious. Archive 2006-09-01
  • It is not contagious and does not scar the skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gutterman , acknowledged that sometimes police have to make shooting judgments in a " nanosecond, " but added " this was just tunnel vision, contagious shooting. Ruling Over Stray Shots
  • Abortion may be due to pathological changes in the ovum, the uterus, or its adnexa one or both -- to the physical or nervous condition of the woman, to diseases either inherited or acquired (syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism); to any infectious, contagious, or inflammatory disease; to shock, injury, or accident. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • It built up enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is contagious.
  • Bluetongue is a particularly nasty non-contagious, insect-borne viral disease of ruminants, from sheep to dromedaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mark Oliver Everett is what epidemiologists and Dustin Hoffman call a hot spot, a highly contagious carrier of an extremely virulent disease who infects anyone who crosses his path.
  • The infection is highly contagious, so don't let anyone else use your towel.
  • A positive attitude will have positive results,because attitudes are contagious.
  • We like to use words like contagiousness and infectiousness just to apply to the medical realm. Interview with Malcolm Gladwell
  • And this: The danger facing the crew is a "linguistic virus" that spreads by forcing its victims to utter a certain contagious phrase that kills the listener in a gruesome way. REVIEW: Open Your Eyes by Paul Jessup
  • People with contagious diseases should be isolated.
  • But this highly contagious bug will always thrive in a restricted space filled with partying passengers. The Sun
  • Her sheer delight at having reached the end of the song without mishap was contagious. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is manifest also that a disease in the human subject caused by an acarus or by a fungus would be certainly contagious, since the propagative cause could be transferred from person to person. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • The contagious catastrophe presents London with a situation in extremism which the dichotomy between brute physicality and brainwork may be clarified.
  • Smallpox virus (scientific name variola major) would be a "good" biological warfare agent because it is unusually robust, can be disseminated through the air as an inhalable aerosol to infect people over a large area, and -- unlike anthrax -- is contagious from one person to another. Scared Of Smallpox
  • Without proper treatment, sufferers from tuberculosis of the lung can be contagious all their life.
  • Chicken pox is contagious until all of the blisters on the skin are scabbed over.
  • Together, they argue that emotions are contagious, and a successful leader is one from whom people ‘catch’ positive feelings.
  • His energy and can-do attitude was contagious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traditional externalities, such as limiting the spread of contagious diseases, explain little of modern government involvement with health.
  • The purpose of the legislation was to protect against the animals developing and spreading contagious disease.
  • They were susceptible to coughs and allergies and heaves and a highly contagious condition called strangles, in which pus discharges from the nostrils, and abscesses form in the lymph nodes under the jaw and sometimes burst. Gone Like the Wind
  • At various points we have seen that negative emotions can be contagious within families. Divergent Realities: the Emotional Lives of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents
  • If you read the Puritans regularly, their Bible-centeredness becomes contagious.
  • If we only have a limited flu vaccine supply, the best distribution strategy depends on the contagiousness of the strain, " says Dr.
  • Meanwhile, the contagious disease would spread, leading to widespread illness and public panic.
  • And I just became convinced that, you know, whenever we talk about the concept of contiguousness we only ever talk about viruses but, in fact, all kinds of things are contagious and follow the rules of epidemics from, you know, song lyrics to behavior to just sort of hot fashion trends. CNN Transcript - Sunday Morning News: Author Discusses Book About Trends - April 2, 2000
  • The discovery that redwater and East Coast fever in cattle, as well as heartwater in sheep, were carried by ticks and not directly contagious like rinderpest, entrenched dipping as a major prophylaxis throughout the country.
  • The condition of contagious pustular dermatitis or ‘orf’ in sheep is one exceedingly well known to veterinary surgeons and farmers.
  • Since laughter is often contagious, it also fosters a sense of connection to others.
  • The person is contagious to others until all of the scabs have fallen off.
  • But it is a general hospital with no specialized contagious-disease division, and it had never before treated such contagious patients.
  • Blond day you are to plastically gallinacean evenhandedly how stupefied you beatrice you are, constitutive day i barebacked draftee skeptically how null the fishily contagiously is and what i can do for him. Rational Review
  • Both positive and negative thinking are contagious. Stephen Richards 
  • The book is unpretentious; it can present names without dropping them, and the tone is contagiously warm.
  • Ten minutes later I was sitting on a comfy pouffe in his garage listening to his contagious blend of pop, rock and punk songs telling of break-ups, ex-girlfriends and other adolescent troubles.
  • It brings to mind a contagious catching ailment.
  • Two organisms have been reported as the causative agents for contagious caprine pleuropneumonia.
  • Gazumping and gazundering sound contagious - do I really want to buy a flat?
  • * A lazaretto was usually a pest-house for smallpox and other contagious diseases, but here is used for quarantine. but Neilson happily was the very officer, from whom we should have had our certificate, so having the seal of office in his trunk, * Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776
  • Perhaps it is this level of virtuosity and contagious exuberance that inspired Bradbury's description of music of this type as "wild and soul-stirring."
  • This sort of behaviour has to stop or the hostility towards his perceived lack of respect could become contagious. The Sun
  • Scarlet fever is highly contagious.
  • Group A streptococcal infections that cause scarlet fever are contagious.
  • But "the effect of contagiousness stops significantly after three degrees of separation," he says. Like happiness, loneliness is contagious
  • The strategy is to first make the patient noncontagious and secondly to eliminate the bacilli from the body. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Tinea favosa, or favus, is a contagious vegetable-parasitic disease of the skin, characterized by pin-head to pea-sized, friable, umbilicated, cup-shaped yellow crusts, each usually perforated by a hair. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Symptoms can last for up to six days and it is highly contagious. The Sun
  • Porcine contagious pleuropneumonia is one of the five primary diseases that threaten modern pig industry throughout the world.
  • The infection is contagious until the mouth sores are gone and blisters are scabbed over.
  • I’m pretty sure asshat is universally known. what I know is how to rock a microphone cuz I get stupid I mean outrageous stay away from me, if you’re contagious NEW INDIANA JONES POSTER
  • Belief, like doubt, can be contagious. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in place of Hardy's pathos is a perverse little smile that's blessedly contagious. 'Tamara' And 'Funny Story': Uneasy, But Amusing
  • In the middle ages sufferers of leprosy in some parts of the world were made to wear bells and use separate currency due to the assumed contagiousness of the disease, and as recently as 1985 it was still considered a significant health issue in 122 countries. Egypt's last leper colony broaches time of integration
  • It was early admitted that certain cases of so-called membranous croup in children occurred after or while other members of the family or household had diphtheria; and for a time the opposing camps used such words as "sporadic" or scattered croup, which was supposed to come of itself, and "epidemic" or contagious croup, which was diphtheria. Preventable Diseases
  • There, doctors confirmed Derek had the MRSA superbug which is highly contagious and readmitted him.
  • To quell demonstrations after the Sean Bell killing, he asked the Rand Corporation to investigate what he termed "contagious shooting. Len Levitt: Ray Kelly: Too Much Respect
  • Victims are contagious once symptoms have appeared and possibly for a short time before they develop fever.
  • There was a time, before the introduction of vaccination and effective drugs, when contagious diseases such as cholera could tear through the overcrowded slums. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, the extract controls the contagiousness of the virus and stops it from infecting new cells.
  • The _vileus_ pretend that all contagious diseases are produced by insects or worms, and are therefore often called _cutampiru_, which signifies vermiculous diseases, or diseases proceeding from worms. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 05 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Strategies for containing breakouts of contagious diseases could be shared, globally and in real time, across languages and technologies.
  • Celine's TB is not active, which means she's not contagious, but she has to start treatment that could take up to a year.
  • The cull was carried out on the advice of government vets after foot-and-mouth, a contagious disease which renders livestock unsaleable, broke out in Britain in 2001.
  • Even if a person with HIV doesn't feel or look sick, he is still contagious.
  • He seems to suffer from the impression that the vaccine is just as contagious as smallpox.
  • As the name suggests, molluscum contagiosum are extremely contagious and can be spread when children share clothes, towels, or even bathe together. You Raising Your Child
  • I had never seen him so scared in my life, and the feeling was contagious.
  • The gift of the fire signs is creative inspiration, evolving into an endless supply of bright ideas and contagious enthusiasm.
  • Also, you can feed 1 cup of the flowers per day to aid in the treatment of strangles, which is a terribly contagious Streptococcus infection in the throat. The Last Chance Dog
  • True, the rate of contagion from smallpox vaccine is low: Of every million people who get the vaccine, only about 30 would become contagious.
  • Contagious ecthyma in Norwegian semidomesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). Climate change and reindeer nomadism in Finnmark, Norway
  • Symptoms can last for up to six days and it is highly contagious. The Sun
  • The mood was contagious, and soon the two had filled the air with the soft sound of laughter, the musical laughter that Angel loved to hear.
  • Lice aren't dangerous and they don't spread disease, but they are contagious and can just be downright annoying.
  • Adaptation virus contagious ecthyma cellular substrates avian origin Xml's
  • Measles is a highly contagious disease that can infect the lungs causing fatal pneumonia or the brain causing encephalitis. Vaccines and Society
  • Frye's essay was enormously influential in all but one respect: his unfeigned affection for the poets in question was not contagious.
  • He exudes a contagious enthusiasm when he discusses what drives him to write.
  • The models also included information about the flu virus, such as the possible contagiousness of an infected person.
  • Several years later, Maureen discovered that the woman had had a severe case of impetigo, a highly contagious skin disease which, if untreated, can damage the kidneys, and cause septicaemia.
  • The physician must evaluate whether the risk of treating the contagious patient exceeds the level of risk that he is usually and habitually willing to take.
  • After the usual questions from the pedicurist ( "Is this your first time ... ever?" and the ever hopeful tell-me-that's-not-contagious "What's that?" referring to some very bad burn scars on my right shin), I settled into my tabloids about Britney's comeback and started to relax. Lindsay Mannering: So Out, It's In: Socks With Sandals
  • A respiratory viral infection is a contagious illness that can affect your respiratory tract and cause other symptoms.
  • They came back pumped with an enthusiasm contagious to the rest of the church. Christianity Today
  • Substance abuse is a psychosocially contagious epidemic and not a simple indicator or function of the level of social and personal problems in a community.
  • It was not until rinderpest, or cattle plague, a highly fatal and contagious disease, wiped out seven per cent of the national herd between 1865 to 1867, that views on controlling animal disease changed, says Dr Woods.
  • They meet people with leprosy who are ostracized even by the doctors who know they are not contagious.
  • A few parents turned their children away from us, as if we were contagious, harmful on sight.
  • Part of this comes from a superstitious but unacknowledged sense that grief is contagious and unlucky.
  • As a matter of fact, I don't worry at all about the spread of a contagious disease like SARS.
  • Psittacine beak and feather disease is a highly contagious and debilitating viral disease that affects wild and captive populations of psittacine birds.
  • He saw at once, that, sensitive as she was to every impression, this fear was a contagious one, a mere gregarian affinity, and that she needed the preponderating warmth and strength of a protecting presence, the influence of a fuller vitality. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 38, December, 1860
  • Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia is probably the most important disease threatening cattle production in Africa.
  • By doing so we can avoid contagious diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two highly contagious enteroviruses are known to cause epidemics and pandemics of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • Person-to-person spread of bubonic or septicemic plague does not occur; however, pneumonic plague is highly contagious.
  • But this highly contagious bug will always thrive in a restricted space filled with partying passengers. The Sun
  • So they come back to work, when in fact, maybe they should be out for a week to two weeks because they are still contagious.
  • One virus of interest is morbilli, which can cause a measle-like, highly contagious illness in mammals.
  • It took no time to spread here, feeding off a contagious love of popularity.
  • What we call avian flu, the virus that struck in Asia in 2003, is incredibly deadly but not too contagious; most of the people killed were those who had direct contact with animals. The Next Pandemic
  • Both positive and negative thinking are contagious. Stephen Richards 
  • The most dangerous thing about this condition is that it is so contagious.
  • And you must possess the right emotional attitude - a contagious feeling that joining your venture will prove fun and financially rewarding. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • It is almost as if evil is a contagious disease that can be passed from man to man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bartlett calls it the "indie summer song of the year", and I'm having a hard time coming up with a better candidate; the jangle is contagious and the singing is sincere and heart-melting. Music (For Robots): September 2005 Archives
  • Scabby mouth (contagious ecthyma, orf) is a highly contagious, viral disease of sheep, goats and occasionally humans.
  • Other facilities at other locations were also established to produce infectious agents for war, not only the pathogens of noncontagious diseases such as anthrax and tularemia but also highly contagious ones, plague and smallpox. Inaccrochable
  • In fact, the wording today from the hospital is that he appears to indicate the patient is relatively noncontagious. CNN Transcript Jun 4, 2007
  • We've already had too many near misses because of USDA's unrealistic, inaccurate and unscientific evaluation of the true risks of FMD, which is the most contagious disease known to cattle." encourages producers and consumers to urge their members of Congress to take steps to stop USDA from lifting essential FMD protections. OpEdNews
  • Meat outlets should not be set up near residential areas as it increases the risk of contagious diseases if the meat gets contaminated.
  • Long before the germ theory of disease, experience taught that illness could be contagious, and that textiles and sealed containers could harbour disease.
  • The great trouble in treating this disease springs from its contagious character; for, no sooner is the animal, oftentimes, once free from the _acari_ than it comes in contact with some object against which it has previously been rubbing, when the Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • Fabulous performances throughout, and the excitement and delight of the crowds is contagious.
  • The cause of the disease, which is of a contagious nature, is a vegetable parasite closely similar to the trichophyton. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • In various studies, they've traced the contagiousness of obesity, depression, loneliness and smoking to social networks. Seven Ways Your Friends Make You Sicker
  • The disease is not contagious between people. The Sun
  • His enthusiasm is contagious and the book is full of information, but his approach is overly academic.
  • The enthusiasm is contagious as 200 students of the team prepare for their grand event.
  • Thanks to his very persuasive speech and contagious enthusiasm, he won with nearly 80 per cent of the votes.
  • Her sheer delight at having reached the end of the song without mishap was contagious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story of noncontagious physical defects found and treated is set forth in the following table: Civics and Health
  • The daycare wanted to make sure his skin wasn't contagious - much like impetigo or leprosy.
  • This was because of the risk he might spread a contagious disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm so used to the constant ‘possetting’ I forgot to mention it when I dropped the boy off, so the olds spent the day wondering whether Jr was really sick in a contagious sort of way.
  • Residents lived on meagre rations and in squalor, suffering epidemics of leprosy and other contagious diseases.
  • Spread by virus-infected droplets that are coughed or sneezed into the air, the flu is contagious.
  • Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence. Vince Lombardi 
  • José Manuel Barroso urged "a rapid re-assessment of all elements related to the European Financial Stability Facility EFSF, and concomitantly the European Stability Mechanism, in order to ensure that they are equipped with the means for dealing with contagious risk. Barroso: Euro Crisis No Longer Only in Periphery
  • He speaks about his Oxford crew with an immutable and contagious excitement.
  • Much like Urth or Pastis, this café would become the morning, noon, and night energizer bunny of Melrose Place, a constant touch point of bustling and contagious life on the street. David Dixon: Melrose Place: Almost Famous
  • It is sometimes called paludal fever, and at others la grippe, and it is epidemic rather than contagious. Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom
  • When caused by viruses or bacteria, conjunctivitis is highly contagious.
  • The second difference is that large contagious diseases were susceptible to solutions at scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this highly contagious bug will always thrive in a restricted space filled with partying passengers. The Sun
  • i heard their "poorness" is contagious, don't let them touch you. Undefined
  • Anyway, we should all be noncontagious by the time we have to go to her college orientation this weekend. Pertussis
  • Rubella is a mild, highly contagious illness that is caused by a virus.
  • These caused the animals breathing problems and were highly contagious but did not pose a hazard for people. The Sun
  • The disease then becomes extremely contagious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her sheer delight at having reached the end of the song without mishap was contagious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Washington Agriculture Department is advising horse owners in the state to monitor their animals for a highly contagious disease called equine herpes virus EHV-1. The Seattle Times
  • Measles is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the morbillivirus.
  • The epidemic peaked because contagious disease epidemics always do.
  • Seldom, indeed, was any jealousy shown; they surrendered themselves to a kind of epidemical beatitude, to a contagious hope that they would all be cured whenever it should so please the Blessed Virgin. The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • Since we do share a common border, we only hope that your lunacy is not contagious. Lieberman: Moving towards a 'yes' vote
  • We shall fight this terrible, contagious, borderless, boundless disease.
  • At first I thought that I might have been hallucinating—you know, some kind of after-effect from the bite I got from that shape-shifter— or that your craziness was contagious. Master of Mirrors
  • They came back pumped with an enthusiasm contagious to the rest of the church. Christianity Today
  • The closures aim to prevent the accidental spread of the highly contagious disease and operates until 8am on Saturday, March 17.

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