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[ UK /kənsˈuːmɪŋ/ ]
[ US /kənˈsumɪŋ/ ]
  1. very strong; urgently felt
    politics is his consuming passion
    overwhelming joy

How To Use consuming In A Sentence

  • With the Senate gearing up for an all-consuming battle over judicial nominations, Congress has no time to waste.
  • FK - pressure-cook would be the best way, but you could try boiling it with plenty of water so that it becomes really mushy, then blend it in a mixer to make a thick soup. or you could use a regular slow-cooker that you get in the US, except that it would be a bit time-consuming: Gujarati Dal (Healthy Lentil Soup)
  • He made the dies, and promoted the idea, and prospered, but I have, and still use, an original die set and it is not RCBS. Since the advent of high velosity .22 LR ammo, one must anneal the hulls before forming them into jackets, and the whole process becomes very time consuming and tedious, maybe not worth the effort, in spite of the high cost of bullets. Useful? You Bet Your R.A.S.S.
  • Now the girl is also changing, consuming everything with such rapaciousness that it startles him. Until the Heart Stops Beating
  • Using the VCC spreadsheet tool, The Journal's Hank Sims "twiddled" with the numbers and found hand-counting "wouldn't be all that time-consuming or costly" ( "Town Dandy," Aug. 2). www. Getting the Election Watchdog Message in the Media
  • The consuming of large amounts of phenylalanine has also been linked to causing nerve damage. The Sun
  • Chose a clear day to mend a broken fence covered in a climber, as it will be a time-consuming job to untie and untangle the plant.
  • A popular explanation for these findings is that adolescents who are depressed begin consuming alcohol as a way to self-medicate.
  • While sitting in a coffee shop, we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.
  • This Sunday, I plan on consuming more bagels, cream cheese with lox, and coffee.
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