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How To Use Constraint In A Sentence

  • However, the emphasis on structural constraints and formal controls provides only a partial view.
  • There are other constraints on the firm's capital, however, most importantly perhaps, the takeover constraint.
  • Faced by those constraints, the soldiers of the Royal Anglians face an uphill task and the official three-year time limit is already looking decidedly niggardly.
  • These structural problems will act as a major constraint on any potential recovery in the housing market.
  • The principle of the itinerary engine is simple: from a departure address and an arrival address, or from longitude/latitude coordinates, Maporama International's servers calculate an optimized itinerary, respecting several constraints: the shortest or the more rapid itinerary, a pedestrian or car itinerary, a multimodal itinerary… Internet News: Travel Archives
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  • Equally clearly, in these circumstances the quantity of will be a constraint upon.
  • So this is a linguistic constraint.
  • Further work is needed at the conceptual level in this area to determine the exact nature of the constraints required.
  • This constraint would effectively limit the amount of vehicles that a firm could service. 2.
  • Abdallah, and there is none in my day more magical than I; yet do I not make use of gramarye save upon constraint. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I must however caution that financial and other constraints compel us to plan more conservatively than I imagine you would wish.
  • The three-layer system architecture of conflict detection based on fuzzy constraint network is put forward. A corresponding prototype is developed and its running process is described.
  • The government has placed tight constraints on spending this year.
  • Try relaxing the value of each bounded constraint one at a time, solve the modified problem, and see what happens to the optimal value of the objective function.
  • We can use relational database theory to implement Dualistic constraint database.
  • Dogmatic constraints, tactical stereotypes, schematism in place of originality, and the boring repetition of truisms are contributing factors in creative infecundity.
  • Premium cable - that is, unsponsored channels you pay for separately - doesn't have those constraints and is free to show us conflicts untempered by political correctness.
  • There are major financial constraints on all schools.
  • However, the constraints of HTML and web browser technology prevent the reader from personalizing the files, although we have provided readers with a simple search engine, and some indexing and annotation.
  • This paper describes a case study of adaptation, constraint, and evolutionary innovation in pierid butterflies.
  • It is appropriate therefore to see the state and its actors as facing strategic choices within constraints.
  • Clinical Relevance The olecranon is a key osseous constraint of the elbow.
  • We will continue to exert our best efforts to secure the liquidity and safety of our reserves holdings, while enhancing returns under the given constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was just a tagboard cutout, and the original was locked away under a rune of constraint that would hold, she hoped, forever. THE FORBIDDEN GAME
  • Even more fundamental than these pragmatic constraints, however, is the educational philosophy underlying the two initiatives.
  • This paper discusses multiple objective parameter optimization under a certain constraint condition through genetic algorithm.
  • I was aware of a certain constraint on their part when they were in my presence.
  • The Hamiltonian constraint NH = 0 defines a diffeomorphism structure on spatial manifolds by the lapse function N, but this is not identical to time. Einstein Still Rules, Says Fermi Telescope Team | Universe Today
  • She tried to appear friendly, but her constraint was obvious.
  • ETC3 allows its users to select the parameters for the composition of some random poetry, based upon the “styles” of other poets, whereupon the software goes on to create a text that conforms to these preassigned constraints (be they in the form of a chosen subject, a chosen grammar, a chosen lexicon, etc.). Poetic Machines 07 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Boys undergo no period of constraint, in contrast to their lot among the Shavante.
  • And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
  • Rather than rewarding whistleblowers who had been punished for their good deeds, Obama has signing statemented away constraints on his power to retaliate against whistleblowers by firing them. Six Months of Immunity
  • This tolerance is less forgiving than PCI and also requires layout designers to pay attention to an additional set of constraints.
  • Are you running into a lot of constraints among operators who are devoting digital bandwidth to multiplexes and additional pay-per-view channels?
  • The bandwidth constraints of the internet force us to find more concise ways to represent information.
  • The complicated loading was solved by using of constraint equation and virtual mass element.
  • It hides physical constraints, which makes it easier to minimize the impact of changes to physical resources.
  • Besides, the more constraint put on opportunities of factor marketing, the less the reservation price and the elasticity of supply was, therefore the share of factor income became less.
  • Absent a critical cultural adaptation, human beings could never have thrived in the face of this constraint.
  • Resource constraints meant that this recommendation was not followed, with predictable consequences.
  • But we hear budget constraints and disappointing viewing figures have been blamed for the decision not to recommission the series. The Sun
  • Biotech is realizing that its rosy financial outlook has its limits and constraints.
  • All these constraints form the third crucial stage of the evolution of life on earth.
  • At the time he was busy mimeographing handouts about ordering constraints among syntactic transformations.
  • Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about the extraordinary Alexis Soyer is that, while he too fashioned himself a man of letters, he would also transcend the constraints of this literary model and, far ahead of his time, prefigure the flamboyant personas of today's celebrity chefs. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • To generate data for a user-defined type column with a unique constraint, you must use the data bound generator or a custom data generator.
  • Constraint-based programming is an artificial intelligence technique which finds the optimum way to allocate means and resources.
  • Experimental research has been made on clamping constraint of two pieces steel plate spring for automobiles.
  • For instance, in Germany there are much tighter institutional constraints and legislative requirements surrounding consultation with employees and their representatives than exist in the UK.
  • As a result, the inequality volume constraint is not always active at the optimum solution. In other words, less material may lead to a stiffer structure for an optimum material layout.
  • As a kind of knowledge, design constraint plays the important role in the product development.
  • If any other factors accounted for the increase of women to the labor force, I'd have to suggest only that emigrations during the period may have brought in demographics of young, unmarried women with fewer constraints, or married families with women emigrating with renewed energy and hope that reinforced the innovations going on at the time. Electric Liberation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • These structural problems will act as a major constraint on any potential recovery in the housing market.
  • A new liberty will arise, so the monitory promise goes, not in any freedom from constraints too subtle for the hungry to perceive, but in class consciousness.
  • This strategy is helping the prison system to outlast current budget constraints so it can re-emerge once state revenues recover.
  • These boundaries can be moved when people take collective action in rebellion against a particular constraint. The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
  • Note that this means that the domain and codomain of input constraints must be the same - if this is not the case, an exception is raised.
  • It proclaims the burdens of pollution control regulation, displaying industry as suffocating under costly yet trivial constraints.
  • According to the characteristics of low voltage power line, the automatic relay routing algorithm with relay constraints is employed in user data receiving.
  • Businesses will also have to contend with space constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Punishment by reciprocity is guided by principles of cooperation and equality rather than adult authority and constraint.
  • The ultimate obstacle is not one of technique but of political and ethical constraint.
  • And to ask such questions, it must ask the further question: What is human nature, and what guideposts and constraints does it set for the kind of life we can choose?
  • The challenge of science is to overcome the constraints of our neurological wetware and understand a physical world that we know only second-hand and incompletely.
  • It will sharply boost military spending, reorder budgetary priorities, and put constraints on discretionary spending for other programs.
  • Step 6: Thank the lord for sex, drugs and rock'n roll: Reagan and company may have hated the 1960s youth rebellion, but they sure glommed on to a key feature of it: People wanted to be liberated from society's constraints and from a government that was betraying our nation's ideals. Les Leopold: How to Earn $900,000 an Hour While Unemployment Soars
  • From now on Mr Trimble can negotiate peace only under two, severe constraints.
  • More choice in formats for library customers may mean more constraints on choices in materials acquisition.
  • The freedom of much animal behaviour from physically specifiable constraints implies that many animals must have inner representations and symbolic language.
  • Hence, although banks provide a constraint, they do not ensure efficiency.
  • To illustrate the addition or alteration of upper bounds we will start by adding the constraint to problem P2 of Section 7.1.
  • If time is a constraint, and it usually is, you may want to consider self-study courses or find an experienced mentor.
  • Another example of resource constraints in the service sector is the shortage of trained motor mechanics required by garages.
  • Capacity and other resource constraints which may limit the target's ability to respond to increases in demand.
  • So think about it this way: if you've got an artificial constraint, artificial constraints lead to arbitrary distinctions and a skewed worldview.
  • Not only is there a wide range of bioagents to identify, but the demands of field use place constraints on the complexity and size of the sensor devices and attendant instrumentation.
  • Their utility functions may remain unchanged, but the income constraints which now confront them have altered.
  • In such grammars, conflicts among semantic and syntactic constraints are resolved in terms of ranking.
  • The time constraints meant that she had to testify in full stage make-up and dressing gown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The primary mission of industrial production managers is planning the production schedule within budgetary limitations and time constraints.
  • The reasons for doctors under-reporting adverse drug reactions include fear of litigation, diffidence, and complacency, and pharmacists are likely to hampered by similar constraints.
  • It is not possible to reduce congestion without some form of demand constraint. Times, Sunday Times
  • A generic constraint on cellular machines is the inherent inexactness of the computational elements comprising a biological regulation unit.
  • Here the response to currency devaluation and capital flight would be to impose further cuts on social policies and further constraints on the poor.
  • In this paper, the method of Lagrangean indetermined multipliers is adopted to transfer a stationaryvalued Problem with constraint condition(s) into another one without constrain condition.
  • However, existing knowledge modeling approaches for product configuration can not express products' constraint semantics, parameter variable configuration and customers' needs explicitly.
  • Many in the natural sciences think that we are at a threshold of either adapting our living to the constraints of nature or wreaking incredible damage to Earth as we destroy ourselves.
  • There is a serious intellectual case for scaling back commitments in line with changed threats and budgetary constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a deeper level, you may want to have constraints such as uniqueness of an element value, multiplicity of an element, or restriction of the values of an element.
  • Congestible" refers to goods that are nonrival for a certain amount, until a capacity constraint is reached. Regulatory Pollution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • These creative constraints he placed came from a deep conviction in his own values -- and also seemed to destine him for limited impact. Viral Mehta: The World's Greatest Business Case for Compassion
  • The indebted food maker pulled off a 1.1 billion refinancing in an attempt to escape a web of financial constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Capacity and other resource constraints which may limit the target's ability to respond to increases in demand.
  • The emission standards were set without regard to the constraints of technological or economic feasibility that had previously influenced policy-making.
  • Basing a right to health care on an obligation to protect equality of opportunity is compatible with the sort of tiering the British have, but it does not require it, and it imposes some constraints on the kind of tiering allowed. Justice and Access to Health Care
  • What we await is another deregulation bill that, like the 1997 deregulation solved the most specific and important constraint. Matthew Yglesias » FDR, Reagan and Our Current Predicament
  • Half edge graph theory can represent complex structure and various constraint accurately.
  • The common resource constraint for inventory systems is a linear resource constraint which may result in high operating costs in multi-item (R, Q) inventory systems.
  • If a cohen raises a boy as his son, the boy will not have the privileges nor the constraints of the priesthood.
  • The constraint of necessity is not sufficient to settle the notion of deductive validity, for the notion of necessity may also be fleshed out in a number of ways. Logical Consequence
  • Their utility functions may remain unchanged, but the income constraints which now confront them have altered.
  • In general, constraint satisfaction problems are NP-Complete.
  • Where might symmetry play a useful role in imposing First Amendment constraints on regulations of commercial speech? Archive 2009-04-01
  • There is a further constraint in that the Ministry of Defence will keep a watchful eye on any potential partner or owner.
  • There is a further constraint in that the Ministry of Defence will keep a watchful eye on any potential partner or owner.
  • Using the composite good convention, show how the discount coupon has affected your budget constraint. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The relative simplicity of the style, combined with its ability to incorporate in some abstracted manner more traditional architectonic elements -- Wagner's work incorporates clear if modified references to everything from Byzantine to Baroque -- renders it particularly useful for modern church-building, especially when budgets are a concern; there is less of the risk of the finished product appearing, in some sense, undercooked, when key decorative elements are removed due to monetary constraints. Jugendstil
  • Nobody wanted their little princesses to live the life of the great French tragedienne, with her denial of moral constraint, her ridiculous traveling menagerie and her monumental myth-making. Actress, Seductress
  • There are two ways that the laws of deductive logic have been thought to provide rational constraints on belief: (1) Synchronically, the laws of deductive logic can be used to define the notion of deductive consistency and inconsistency. Bayesian Epistemology
  • Anyhoo, the sequence finds a new pattern in the regularity of two "couplets" of sonnets (1122), the opening sonnet marking the shift with assonant rhymes (I did reckon those rhymes gave a sense of instability and tension, pushing against the constraints, which ... fitted here; it kinda makes sense now why I felt that way). Still Lives
  • He will seize any opportunity to pontificate, expressing his views with fervid self-assurance and with little concern for time constraints or his audience.
  • Perhaps the main constraint is lack of money.
  • That power was not subject to the constraints referred to above. Times, Sunday Times
  • The total variation constraint item is added to the wave equation inversion objective functional, to improve the stability and the resolution of inversion.
  • In the first chapter we present multi - item newsboy model with uncertain demand and budget constraint.
  • What is the constraint in handheld networked computing? Why It’s the Megabits, Not the MIPs, That Matter
  • This paper presents a product development process simulation model taking account of resource constraint.
  • The genetic algorithm was applied to solute nonlinear constraint optimization problems. The optimum solution was explained in determine the nature from the craft's angle.
  • The initial chapters begin with feature by feature analysis and include explanations of the conventions and constraints on dealing with vector image creation.
  • When you hire a private jet, you get complete flexibility and freedom from the usual constraints of flying.
  • We don't want the kind of world we'll get if we allow global climate change, resource conflicts, resource constraints, environmental degradation, overwhelming population growth, helter-skelter urbanization, war, social injustice and other looming problems to go unaddressed. William S. Becker: Let's Talk About the Future We Want
  • He felt constraint in her presence.
  • This indicates that the applied geometrical constraints alone are not sufficient to explain the observed radial arrangements.
  • Furthermore, in times of economic constraints, the incorporation of aspects of an economics-based strategy may be beneficial.
  • There are a number of constraints which make it uneconomical to use.
  • Materialized view selection cost constraint is one of the most important issues in data warehouse development.
  • Given space constraints, I focus my response on the most salient areas of disagreement rather than the many issues on which we are in accord.
  • Fiscal constraints will dominate policymaking in this Parliament.
  • The iteration of geometric programming with constraint positive negative term equations is applied to the optimal design for bolted tight connections used in pressure vessels.
  • In the run-up to devolution it was widely expected that one of the main challenges would be fiscal constraint.
  • Businesses will also have to contend with space constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is so because the former quite possibly face weaker external constraints and because management may not encounter such sophisticated incentive structures.
  • For schools, there is also the additional constraint of curriculum-led staffing.
  • However, not every social constraint has a law to back it up.
  • By evoking the shamelessness of the mythic trickster, the creative artist overcomes shame and breaks through the shackles of social constraint.
  • The acceleration constraint equation is obtained based on the six DOF model of secondary joint.
  • First, there is the external constraint structure.
  • GENET is a connectionist approach to constraint satisfaction and is a general local search algorithm.
  • There is a further constraint in that the Ministry of Defence will keep a watchful eye on any potential partner or owner.
  • A few of them look like they are generated randomly without regard to phonotactic constraints.
  • Since Hilbert was less than completely clear on what the finitary standpoint consists in, there is some leeway in setting up the constraints, epistemological and otherwise, an analysis of finitist operation and proof must fulfill. Hilbert's Program
  • The validity of the proposed constraint satisfaction - based method is demonstrated by the data experiment.
  • In the Bush adminisration, the Attorney General was the consigilere and the executive branch was immune from accountability to the legilsative and judicial branches or constitutional constraints, so Cheney's confusion is understandable. Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says
  • New and more stringent financial constraints and other commercial pressures on management required appropriate organizational channels through which to take effect.
  • There is a constraint as thick as gelatin in the air between us.
  • The main function of constraint management include the establishing, modification, deletion and the detection of validity of the constraint equation, etc.
  • Yet production capacity will be a serious constraint. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this study a five-bar Cobot architecture based on differential gear is put forward by nonholonomic constraint feature of differential gear.
  • He had never before met a woman so entirely free of the constraints which he had come to associate with being female.
  • The security constraint in Listing 1, for example, secures all URLs beginning with "/reports/" with a single role called reportEnabled, which can be mapped to multiple groups at deployment.
  • The Trotskyites, on the other hand, were bound by no such constraints.
  • The fact that some of these constraints will manifest themselves as moral opprobrium and self-regulation makes it all the more worrying.
  • The Zagros is an example of a young and active orogenic belt where geomorphology and seismicity provide invaluable constraints on the style of deformation, in ways not possible with ancient, inactive orogens.
  • There are no such U.N. constraints on adipic-acid production, Mr. Barry says, since there's demand for the finished product, given its importance in manufacturing nylon. French Firm Cashes In
  • So that is also pretty good evidence that the financial system is no longer the constraint. beamish says: Matthew Yglesias » Belated Treasury Meeting Blogging
  • These supply constraints are not the usual physical barriers to increased output imposed by the productive potential of the economy.
  • Consequently, it is wrong to infer from the risk-free rate that there is no constraint on borrowing or that the rate of return on capital investment is negative. Liquidity Trap, II, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It thus continues to turn toward the coast until it encounters the constraint of that solid boundary, where it builds up sufficient pressure head to oppose further coastward flow.
  • Options are offered subject to staff availability and the constraints of the timetable.
  • He writes of ‘simulacrum’ as the ‘of something that is incommunicable in itself or unrepresentable: literally the phantasm in its obsessional constraint.’
  • Thus the firm's constraint structure can affect its behaviour on pricing and its costs.
  • The non-probabilistic reliability index is adopted to evaluate safety of structures and taken as a design constraint so that the optimum design can resist a given level of uncertainty.
  • Museums and art galleries face different constraints.
  • Feminists have pushed the halakhic envelope in terms of ritual, establishing women’s tefillah (prayer) groups [See Women’s Tefillah Network] that respected all the halakic constraints on women’s public prayers beginning in the late 1970s. Jewish Feminism in the United States.
  • Rather, it is treated as evidence of latent power, which serves as a constraint on management freedom of action.
  • Mantle compositions that could yield both mare basalts and highland rocks are consistent with the constraints on the interior outlined earlier.
  • A slight modification of the procedure will enable us to add equality constraints.
  • And there were inevitable structural constraints built in.
  • A constraint condition of the system parameters is given through discussing the limit forms for the input and output of the system.
  • Economic constraints or limitations can be overcome given a sufficiently high motivation to do well by the individual entrepreneur.
  • Nevertheless, it will be all but impossible to shed some of the space constraints.
  • At last we could relax and talk without constraint.
  • For a second her mind broke free of the constraints of logic, imagining playful pixies and marauding dragons; captured princesses and vengeful princes.
  • Having the Senate go from supinely emulating the Weimar Reichstag's Enabling Act (with infinitely less excuse than the Germans) to becoming themselves the defier of constitutional constraints. Senate Dems To Block Burris' Path To Senate -- Perhaps Even Literally
  • The constraints of a certain kind of commercial fiction have tended to formularize the field over the last 50 years.
  • This constraint would be formidable enough without the second challenge of having assumed office presented with a fait accompli.
  • This paper considers a convex programming with an additional reverse convex constraint. A kind of conical branch and bound method is developed and convergence conditions are obtained.
  • The algorithm makes use of the characteristic of Lagrange relaxation method, and finds multicast tree satisfying constraint by constructing closure graph and making relaxation to this graph.
  • He cultivates a sense of social responsibility in a marvellous vacuum of normal social constraints.
  • Boarding stables and training facilities for horses are continuously subjected to constraints due to space availability.
  • I strongly recommend the book for anyone who thinks manners are boring, deadening constraints on their individuality.
  • The main function of constraint management include the establishing, modification, deletion and the detection of validity of the constraint equation, etc.
  • Optimal regulation rules and minimum economic loss for economic systems with an integral inequality constraint on the control of quadric performance are given.
  • Klein SA (1989) Peripheral positional acuity: Retinal and cortical constraints on 2-dot separation discrimination under photopic and scotopic conditions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Risk factors associated with positional head deformity are premature birth, hypotonic muscle disorders, congenital torticollis, and intrauterine constraint (such as in multiple gestation or oligohydramnios).
  • This means that they are not bound by the constraints of the data protection act or any other laws that protect medical or other privileged information.
  • Finite element analysis for constraint model was conducted on the gear box casing of 7YPJ agricultural tricar using modal analytic theory according to its structural characteristics.
  • Perhaps his lifelong constraint towards women, which he had attributed to accident, was not chance after all, but the natural result of instinctive acts so minute as to be undiscernible even by himself. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • The Scot writhed and wiggled as much as his constraints would allow, trying to escape.
  • The total flow - time problem of two machine open-shop is NP - hard. For the problem under the non - idle machine constraints, an explicit solution is designed.
  • Constraints on upper class power Scott clearly attributes considerable power to the upper classes in modern Britain.
  • The multi-tiered pattern which has emerged is largely law and court-driven, marked by policy immobilism at the centre and by negative market integration, which imposes significant constraints on national social policies.
  • Or due to time constraints I had to rush into town to get that all important prezzie before going on leave! Thin Blue Line « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • We know that budgetary constraint is unavoidable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, given the constraints on budget resources, public funds must be used strategically to catalyze private investments in infrastructure and support projects that are important but cannot attract private finance.
  • The coverage is approximately: simple datatypes: believed to be 100\% list and union datatypes: not supported structural constraints on elements and attributes: supported* multiple namespaces, import and include: supported identity constraints: not supported dynamic constraints: (xsi: type, xsi: nill) not supported tricky prefixes: (elementFormDefault) not supported O'Reilly News: XML
  • The textual constraints built into this promptuary 'do not coerce anyone' - at least, not by themselves.
  • Promising the would-be poet a freedom from formal constraints, the irregular ode, with its lofty manner, prosodic liberty, and intensity of feeling, attracted many writers, most of whom were not equipped for its demands.
  • They conclude that psychologists can become considerably more aggressive in their professional advertising practices, while still adhering to appropriate ethical constraints.

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