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How To Use Constitutional In A Sentence

  • Chile's top constitutional court blocked a government bid to promote the free distribution of the morning-after pill to minors aged 14 and over, dealing a new setback to President Michelle Bachelet.
  • An Ohio appellate court last week reversed a lower court ruling that the city's pernicious treatment of marijuana users was unconstitutional under state law.
  • Second, that the entire Reichstag assented to the declarations made by the speakers on Tuesday that the Emperor had exceeded his constitutional prerogatives in private discussion with foreigners concerning Germany's attitude on controverted questions. New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Vol 1, No. 2 Who Began the War, and Why?
  • In that work, Smith analyzes more than 1000 judicial opinions on citizenship, exploring the liberal, republican, and racist/ascriptive strands in American constitutionalism. Empirical Studies in Law
  • Incidentally, while this naturally brings up an analogy to the constitutional right to an abortion, the analogy is complex.
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  • The inscription on the stone, shown below, notes the political and constitutional importance of the case. America Past and Present
  • Non-governmental organizations were formed to oppose the pumping, and in 2001 the federal government launched an investigation into the company on the grounds it was violating constitutional prohibitions on demineralizing water.
  • The fourth element of the constitution is one that I have described as a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy.
  • The full exposition of his constitutionalism, presented in and around his analysis of the English constitution in book 11, develops these seeds.
  • It's not just the flummery - the full-bottomed wigs, men walking backwards and so on - but the way this exercise in constitutional theatre is playing to the wrong audience.
  • At those times what I will call "centrism" -- the identification of the practically stable themes in constitutional law -- presents itself as a non-political position. Balkinization
  • Imposing such a burden would alter the basic structure between state and federal governments, which is critical to our constitutional scheme.
  • Both the Ukrainian government and western nations have condemned it as unconstitutional under Ukrainian law. Times, Sunday Times
  • At his behest, the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe has been looking at the legality of the EU constitution and it has now announced that it would not rule on it until after there was a final decision on the fate of the EU treaty. Germany to dump EU constitution?
  • In resubmitting the legislation for renewal of what many consider the most controversial provisions -- and some label downright unconstitutional provisions -- within the Patriot Act, the Republican Rules Committee decided to allow only 60 minutes of debate. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Haste is the great enemy of constitutional thinking, since issues tend to be interconnected. Times, Sunday Times
  • A constitutional amendment that would allow prayer in public schools.
  • The judge pointed out that all these activities are unconstitutional and not in conformity with Hungary's international obligations. Global Voices in English » Hungary: The Hungarian Guard Banned
  • It approved a constitutional reform to make the members of the executive council direct representatives of their governments.
  • If we consider the independence of the Judiciary, the Supreme Court has the right to determine the constitutionality of all legislation.
  • In April 1991 through a constitutional amendment changing the country named the Republic of Albania.
  • For the middle classes Britain meant business and they wanted constitutional change to prevent revolution not promote it.
  • The procedures established by the legislature for perfecting a petition for a writ of mandamus were in compliance with constitutional spirit.
  • Mr. Yushchenko said Tuesday that the reported plans to change the constitution were "an anticonstitutional conspiracy," and that any such change should be decided by referendum. Ukrainian Parties in Coalition Negotiations
  • Is it only a war zone for constitutional suspension clause purposes if the detainee is accused of being involved with the localized conflict (this would follow with Eisentrager too)? The Volokh Conspiracy » No Habeas Jurisdiction Over Bagram Air Force Base
  • Last month the senator complicated their task by reiterating his support for some exceptions to a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
  • Questioning the legitimacy or constitutional propriety of an action by the executive is a useful device for the opposition.
  • In the US Supreme Court, this law would be struck down as being unconstitutional.
  • Constitutional chromosome abnormalities were identified in 14.3 per cent of azoospermic and 6.5 per cent of oligozoospermic men, with an overall rate of 10.2 per cent.
  • In some cases there are calls for a new constitutional settlement.
  • Embracing the new orthodoxy with almost catechistic devotion, they insisted on the importance of construing each constitutional provision according to the presumed intentions of the Framers, no matter how disruptive or radical the consequences might be. Rehnquist the Great?
  • But this is an age and time when there is not constitutional monarchy. Christianity Today
  • The California's Supreme Court (in a 7-0 decision written by the justice who authored the marriage decision) has already unanimously determined pre-election review is not precluded when the challenge is based upon a claimthat the initiative may not properly be submitted to the voters becauseit amounts to a constitutional revision rather than an amendment. California's "Proposition 8 - Limit on Marriage Initiative" Should Be Removed From The Ballot
  • The existence of antimask laws poses difficult questions of constitutional law. The Volokh Conspiracy » Writing exercise:
  • He also expressed optimism that an acceptable constitutional arrangement could be agreed which would obviate the need for Quebec to seek independence.
  • Once you get to a substantive compliance analysis for "cruel, inhuman, and degrading" you get the position that the substantive standard is the same as it is in analogous U.S. constitutional law. Shock the Conscience
  • The two problems with that choice: (1) even if 40-50\% of the population disagrees with President Obama on issues like taxes or gay rights, probably only maybe 10-20\% of the population (those whose Facebook pages include fanhood of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, for instance) really sees him as "tyrranical" enough for 1700s "tea party" and "constitutional convention" references to resonate; and (2) politics are cyclical enough that as bad as things look for Republicans now, it's entirely feasible to plan for a Republican rebirth in 2012 Concurring Opinions
  • I would also note that Caplan analogized his Council of Economists to the Supreme Court rather than a dictator, vetoing laws that are "uneconomical" rather than "unconstitutional". MRV update, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The centre is a joint initiative by the Home Office, Crown Prosecution Service and Department for Constitutional Affairs and will dispense justice to anti-social louts and low-level criminals.
  • Half-artist, and half-Forsyte, Jolyon was constitutionally averse from what he termed 'ructions'; unless angered, he conformed deeply to that classic description of the she-dog, 'Er'd ruther run than fight.' The Forsyte Saga - Complete
  • The dilemma for most eurosceptics who oppose British integration into a EU superstate — that political chimaera which is finally being brought into being by the EU constitutional treaty — has always been the assumption that EU membership is a take-it-or-leave-it deal. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The theoretical modelling will extend and integrate existing work and provide an input into ongoing constitutional debates.
  • The Opposition effectively have a veto on constitutional reform.
  • Indeed, by reporting such matters the press fulfils its important watchdog role, ensuring the public has the information it has a constitutional right to receive. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, a bimetallic monetary system of coinage was also established by the Constitutional mandate to Congress to ‘coin Money, regulate the Value thereof’.
  • Does the bedrock constitutional principle of equal protection for all require affirmative action, merely allow it, or even prohibit it?
  • There may be a generalized constitutional upset with fever, headache, loss of appetite and weight, and joint pains.
  • The necessary constitutional changes would require approval by a three-quarters majority in the 70-seat Assembly.
  • Anyway, if you establish a rule of constitutional law that the leaseholder is entitled to compensation, it’s not clear why that rule would not apply if the leaseholder contracted with the landlord to pay over to the landlord any compensation the leaseholder receives in a condemnation proceeding; but in that case, it’s clear that valuing the interests separately distorts the true nature of the transaction. The Volokh Conspiracy » An Important Case on Compensation for Takings
  • He pleaded not guilty to all the charges and attacked the constitutional legitimacy of the military regime.
  • If a state's laws offend against the Constitution, the Supreme Court can declare them unconstitutional.
  • Otherwise, the Supreme Court would probably have found the measures unconstitutional.
  • There are obvious defects in the existing constitutional supervision system. The lack of a special agency for constitutional supervision and weak unconstitutionality review present serious problems.
  • They argued that the law was unconstitutional as it stripped them of their intellectual property rights without compensation. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, this is only partly outside, and the 2.5% penalty would be Constitutional, just the minimum would notbe. The Volokh Conspiracy » Drawing Lines in the Commerce Clause Debate on Health Care Reform
  • French revolutionist. As a member of the States - General ( 1789 - 1791 ) he attempted to create a constitutional monarchy.
  • 2003 – Under a new Constitutional Charter, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was reconstituted into a loose confederation of Serbia and Montenegro.
  • But McCain "reconfirmed" to Falwell that he would support a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman if a federal court were to strike down state constitutional bans on gay marriage. 03/29/2006
  • From the perspective of promoting human rights, is it desirable for the judiciary to have donned the didactic roles of pedagogues for democracy and constitutionalism?
  • But this is an age and time when there is not constitutional monarchy. Christianity Today
  • The decision has been hailed by union leaders as a landmark in granting constitutional rights for trade union activity in a number of other employment sectors.
  • In 'Outlaw,' it's no different; Smits is a few years older, a bit paunchier and with some graying temples, but that only lends the character of Justice Garza an air of distinguished authority that makes you believe he can win any case with his deep knowledge of constitutional precedents and the penal code. Inside TV Blog
  • Describing the women's attackers as "insensate" ( 'Lacking sense or the power to reason;' 'Foolish; witless'), the traditional leaders said the actions of Ngcukana's attackers were not only "barbaric", but unconstitutional in that they violated gender discrimination provisions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Haste is the great enemy of constitutional thinking, since issues tend to be interconnected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Constitutional Court judges were "gobsmacked" when they learnt that ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Opposition groups dismissed the constitutional changes as a device to gain Western aid and approval at a time of economic crisis.
  • This time the alleged transgressions involve a violation of constitutional protections that really matter in a democracy.
  • Each of the three was a constitutional monarchy.
  • R.v. Malmo-Levine; R.v. Caine is a leading Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) decision on constitutional law. The Solution is Insite, Part II : Law is Cool
  • Questioning the legitimacy or constitutional propriety of an action by the executive is a useful device for the opposition.
  • Unlike the Prime Minister, I am prepared to have a referendum on this fundamental constitutional issue.
  • He argues that the Congress and President Clinton trampled the constitutional rights of legal immigrants in the new welfare reform law.
  • Okay, it would have been much preferred to avoid using the term constitutional convention and, instead, use Article V convention, because the language in Article V clearly limits a convention to amendments and prevents a wholesale rewriting of the constitution. Dissident Voice
  • In particular, the Iraqis, just like their elected leaders, seem to have problems conceptualizing the best constitutional structure for their nation.
  • The law was later ruled unconstitutional by the Florida state Supreme Court.
  • However, there is a distinction between that and passing a constitutional amendment.
  • An indictment of Carol for larceny would therefore be properly subject to dismissal as unconstitutionally vague as applied to her case.
  • One is that our supporters, they feel that their constitutional rights to elect the president has been deprived simply because the election fraud.
  • The assessment will also identify modifications that can be made in those systems to improve their cost-effectiveness and reduce the risk of re-offense in conformance with justice, public safety and constitutional requirements.
  • It resides in faithfulness to our great constitutional ideals. Balkinization
  • She also said the law does not violate constitutional free-speech protections.
  • I mentioned a balanced budget amendment, in a constitutional amendment.
  • Lloyd George's People's Budget of 1909 precipitated a constitutional crisis that was resolved only when the House of Lords realised it had to accede to the demands of a modern democracy.
  • Those who wanted issues resolved in a constitutional manner formed a Home Rule party in 1870.
  • Most serious of all is that our political leaders repeatedly overstepped the scope of their constitutionally prescribed jobs.
  • Such a legislative change per se cannot be unconstitutional in the absence of some further invalidity.
  • A fair amount is conducted by ministerial correspondence, a perfectly acceptable method in constitutional terms.
  • As I understand it it can all be sorted out, but you are — I suspect unintentionally and in good faith — offering a bit of a straw man due to your not distinguishing a few key concepts, such as prudentialism versus constitutional judgment, empathy for a legal injustice versus sympathy resulting in bias, and a judge versus a justice. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Ambiguity, Empathy, and the Role of Judicial Power:
  • The very diffuseness and decentralization of popular constitutionalism left room for these advocates of judicial supremacy to continue to nurse their claim.
  • Out of their constitutional optimism, and because a class struggle is an abhorred and dangerous thing, the great American people are unanimous in asserting that there is no class struggle. THE CLASS STRUGGLE
  • The major focus of reform bills would require supermajorities of two-thirds or even three-fifths of voters to approve a constitutional amendment at the ballot box before it would become law.
  • Now is the time for us to be eternally vigilant in protecting the constitutional principles on which our nation was built.
  • The federalism proposed by the liberal opponents of a constitutional amendment is in fact a sham.
  • If any of these three prongs is violated, the government’s action is deemed unconstitutional under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Think Progress » Senate Suspended Right to Challenge Detention After A Single Hour of Debate
  • Meticulous observance of constitutional principle is to be tempered by regard for political effectiveness.
  • Many social conservatives applaud the push for a Constitutional amendment.
  • What you have here is a situation where custom and convention comes up against constitutional guarantees.
  • The task of a progressive constitutionalism is the task of understanding that the Constitution can be better -- no, * is* better -- than those in power want it to be. Balkinization
  • Many people, especially those who write articles on this subject for Wikipedia, would say the Magna Carta is the most influential and important foundation of constitutional law. Sophie Pollitt-Cohen: June 15: King John Signs Magna Carta
  • And to add supporting Gingrich into the mix - the self-described "historian" and constitutional champion who also advocates arresting judges who make decisions with which he disagrees and compelling them to defend their decisions in front of congress - well... no... that wouldn't require another name adjustment. News -
  • Rich Millspaugh, Opelousas city attorney, said he did not see that any constitutional issues were involved since the decision resulted from a vote on December 8 by city aldermen.
  • Britain is a country without entrenched constitutional limits on the powers of its supreme regular legislator, Parliament.
  • Its objects were the training of the youth, the future electorate of England, in the doctrines of Imperialism, Constitutionalism and sound civicism, as understood by the intellectual Conservatives. The Fortunate Youth
  • Proposition 22, which defined marriage to be between a man and a woman and adopted by California voters on March 7, 2000 with 61.4% in favor, was hijacked along with the California Legislative Branch by the Tyrannical Justices of the California Supreme Court which legislated from the bench in direct violation of the California Constitution and managed to null the will of the people and declare Proposition 22 unconstitutional. California becomes second U.S. state to legalize gay marriage : Law is Cool
  • Constitutional reform is popular among the chattering classes.
  • Behind the cheery facade of constitutional government lurks the inextinguishable specter of legally unregulated power.
  • The only way for Democrats to reverse the slow rightward drift in constitutional law is by winning elections.
  • What I do believe is that you don't get constitutional reform because you can have a better constitution.
  • The Supreme Court is expected to weaken further the nationwide constitutional protection for abortion early next year.
  • The effort collapsed both in constitutional theory and in practice.
  • Does he rule out any constitutional change?
  • The term treaty has a special constitutional significance in the United States.
  • Therefore, the study on the constitutional government and public property should start from personal estate.
  • But whether you're a Hobbesian centralist or a Burkean constitutionalist, as long as you are a conservative you part from libertarians.
  • It is more a mode of address for a slightly iffy constitutional compromise that is drawing peacefully towards its close.
  • They are constitutionally excluded from holding the presidency or the premiership.
  • A case can be made for both its constitutional propriety and its administrative efficiency.
  • For example, one might provide for group action, whereby associations of, say, homeless people, would be able to challenge government housing policies on grounds of unconstitutionality.
  • Officials governed by proclamation and government notices that could not easily be challenged in court - one of the last refuges for constitutional opposition.
  • This time the alleged transgressions involve a violation of constitutional protections that really matter in a democracy.
  • To answer your intent, as I understand it, though, I will say that "Americanism" is a combination of a number of factors - Constitutional law and intent, Historical practice and precedent, and general popular opinion. Is That Legal?: "If They Won't Indict Democrats, Fire Their Asses and Get Me People Who Will"
  • The women were there to lobby for women's suffrage, a demonstration that was rewarded by the passage a few years later of a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote.
  • It is about whether originalism is the only touchstone of legitimate constitutional interpretation.
  • Government, both federal and state, should have saved their time if a pustule in the stream of competence such as is the Tea Party can succeed in convincing the public that all law post to the Tenth is illegal and unconstitutional. Stephen Herrington: Open Wide, Minimum Wage Is Good For You
  • The High Court, he said, was not an inessential appendage to the new constitutional structure.
  • -- Restating the constitutional principles currently applicable for determining whether individuals, resident and nonresident, are suable in _in personam_ actions, the Supreme Court in The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • The constitutional rights of the people which exist on paper were withheld for the sake of national unity.
  • Just as a person has a First Amendment Constitutional right, incertain circumstances, to be free from exercising freedom of speech, Plaintiffs in this matter have the Constitutional right to be free from entering a private contract or an involuntary association. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health insurance mandate as a privacy right violation
  • Many people have argued that criminal libel laws are unconstitutional, but the Supreme Court has never so held.
  • All concerned proceeded with general indifference to the constitutional issues involved.
  • If he says that it requires a constitutional amendment to rectify this grievous error, then, by gum, I am all for it.
  • In con- federation period, he advocated revising "the Articles of confederation" actively, and promoted to hold the constitutional convention.
  • On his blog today, he includes a reposting of a message he sent to a constitutional law listserv concerning Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and his concept of originalism.
  • The Government must establish the constitutional framework for stable and decentralised government.
  • ALESSIO VINCI, CNN BELGRADE BUREAU CHIEF: Joie, according to the state run news agency, Tanjug here Belgrade, the constitutional court has ruled that part of the elections, referring to the presidential election that was -- that took place here on September 24 must be repeated. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Yugoslav Constitutional Court Rules Presidential Results Null, Orders New Election - October 4, 2000
  • the president is amenable to the constitutional court
  • In fact, the establishment of a standard of review often dictates the rule of decision in a case, which is beyond Congress's constitutional power.
  • The ground for this popular interpretation is a constitutional device which to an Englishman, if it be not offensive to say so, can only recall the well-known definition of a metaphysician as "a blind man, in a dark room, looking for a black cat, _which is not there_. William of Germany
  • In the coming year the Governors will consider the BBC's coverage of European constitutional affairs and religious programming and publish the findings.
  • Both sides have agreed to a long-term constitutional review, once a political settlement is reached, but the opposition wants some constitutional amendments now to support a power sharing arrangement.
  • A federal appeals court has lifted the injunction, allowing for extraditions until the constitutionality of the statute is decided next year.
  • I may have to modify my opinion that abuse of cloture is constitutional during consideration of legislation. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Marshall Field v. Clark Preclude a Challenge to “Deem and Pass”?
  • Under such circumstances, the customary law of ethnic minority also plays a realistic role, to a great extent, to adjust civil order at the basic level besides constitutional law.
  • He again urged passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.
  • In this sense, the legal doctrine of sovereignty is the most fundamental of our constitutional conventions.
  • Inclan and the people of Puebla remained loyal to Herrera and to constitutional order and refused to accede to his demands.
  • At a time of constitutional reform, the provision giving the Prime Minister a veto of high-level appointments obviously cries out for change.
  • It has never yet been explained to me what the United Kingdom Parliament was doing intermeddling in our constitutional affairs in 1986.
  • Their constitutional government is a swindle.
  • Yes, well, and if a tumble distorts our ideas of life, and an odd word engrosses our speculations, we are poor creatures, he addressed another friend, from whom he stood constitutionally in dissent naming him Colney; and under pressure of the name, reviving old wrangles between them upon man's present achievements and his probable destinies: especially upon Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Days after the agency charged with immigration enforcement admits it can't-or won't-get the job done, the Obama Administration sued Arizona for passing a law that "unconstitutionally" intervenes with the government's authority to do it. Default Site Weblog
  • Napoleon was as essentially, and irreclaimably, a despot, as a warrior; but his successor, whether a Bourbon or a Buonaparte, was likely to be a constitutional sovereign. The History of Napoleon Buonaparte
  • So to be more precise, one of the most difficult unsolved problems in American constitutionalism – perhaps a constitutional “abeyance” or silence – is what a president is supposed to do with an act (presumably passed over a veto) that directly encroaches on presidential power. Balkinization
  • Over the decades, as America evolved -- as slavery was prohibited and the Civil War was fought, and as the New Deal swept through the country -- our constitutional values, like a vine, wrapped around the knottiest ethnic and historical features of our landscape. Mike Signer: Vision of a State: Ultra-Federalism in Afghanistan
  • The congress is likely to approve the necessary legislation and proposed constitutional amendment.
  • Crudely expressed, corruption was of the political essence and was the practical counterpoint to the constitutional theory of balance.
  • And although American and British ideas of constitutional government dominated the first stage of the French Revolution, the constitutionalists were soon swept aside by the dictatorship of the Jacobin club.
  • Still, at least this answers ONE question I had during the campaign; Would Keith Olbermann keep his mouth shut or make excuses when Obama did something unconstitutional like every rightwing network screwhead did with Bush? Alex Jones' Prison
  • A federal appeals court ruled Friday that a Capistrano Valley High School history teacher cannot be sued over classroom comments ridiculing Christianity, but the judges sidestepped the question of whether the remarks were unconstitutional. In 'Jesus Glasses' Case, Court Rules In Teacher's Favor - San Juan Capistrano, CA Patch
  • The rejection of absolutism implicit in our constitutional structure may sometimes make our politics seem unprincipled.
  • The position of deputy leader of the Labour party has no formal constitutional status. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he is a traditionalist and is said to have opposed the constitutional changes which reduced the role of the monarch to that of a ceremonial head of state.
  • At the same time, only a minority of Americans support a constitutional amendment opposing gay marriage.
  • An alternative with a strong constitutional law bias is Hartley and Griffith's Government and Law.
  • That, Sullivan argued, met the state constitutional requirement that criminal defendants be able to confront their accusers face to face.
  • And are continuing on legislation with respect to this health care deform which is and has been clearly disputed as outside their also legal authority, and Constitutional duties and functions other than to regulate those industries more significantly in order to reduce those costs, since it has been the costs, not the availability, that has been the major problem for most of those that still remain uninsured. Georgia Judge Violates Constitution 101: Trashes Res Ipsa Loquitur In The Process
  • In totally prohibiting a district court judge from exercising any discretion to facilitate exercise of the constitutional rights of public access by means of Internet or other electronic broadcasting of open-court sessions in civil cases, does the ruling below impermissibly restrict the judicial power vested in federal district court judges by the Constitution and creational statutes? RIAA v Tenenbaum webcasting: redux?
  • The rebels are spearheading a violent campaign to set up a republican state by abolishing constitutional monarchy in Nepal.
  • But, again, the argument is sliding between considerations of a statutory concept, citizenship, and considerations of a constitutional concept, alienage.
  • The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.
  • And in the long run the improvisation of a constitutional structure on the basis of currently perceived utility will be disastrous.
  • Hereditary and constitutional taints of sycosis, scrofula, psora, syphilis; mercurianism, cinchonism, iodism and many other forms of chronic poisoning. Nature Cure
  • His constitutionalism is grounded on a strong theory of the rule of law defined by. adherence to the constitution as the supreme law of the land.
  • There is some possibility under California law of the judge overruling the jury, but I think under the Supreme Court decision that just happened this summer, the end of the term in June, that wouldn't be upheld as constitutional.
  • But as the long constitutional wrangle begins, he must keep things simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • The special interpretation of the term reasonableness is decided by the constitutional position of the courts.
  • This would violate their constitutional right of free association.
  • We acknowledge that this change in the shape of the EU is indeed constitutional, does mark something pretty big, and merits the thumbprint of the nation to endorse it.
  • _Andy-Johnsonese_ into constitutional phrase, to give these versions some show of logical arrangement, and to carry out, as best they may, their own objects, while professing boundless devotion to his. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 109, November, 1866
  • He multiplied assurances to the establishment, claiming that constitutional government was safe.
  • The members of Koruna Česká, a national party that wants to transform the government into a constitutional monarchy, are used to condescendence. Archive 2007-12-16
  • And for this reason -- that though Nature lays down the great constitutional laws within which man, her completest representative, must work; and though Nature as a whole formulates the main outlines of her ideal; yet man _within that constitution_ can make his own laws, and within its main outlines may refine and perfect the ideal. The Heart of Nature or, The Quest for Natural Beauty
  • Several scholars have argued that the CLC was either unaware or genuinely disinterested in constitutional issues and therefore did not play an important role in the patriation debate. Archive 2007-04-01
  • These comments were not an exercise in constitutionally-protected free speech, but a moment of publicly-recorded hate for certain segments of American citizenry, wrongfully conflating homosexuality with liberal/progressive politics. Think Progress » O’Reilly Resorts To McCarthyism, Plans To Publish Online Enemies List
  • The British Constitution, starting with Magna Carta of 1215 and expanded by subsequent Constitutional Acts guarantees us freedom from foreign or executive oppression or dictation.
  • This is the same moonbat excrement when liberals try to explain constitutionality, if you make the assertion that people are dieing you are also asserting the government is committing murder. Phil Hare (D, IL-17) does not know the first Rule of Holes. | RedState
  • Her increasing 'hawkishness' extends beyond the Iraq conflict and into some constitutional rights issues. Jeanine Molloff: Missouri: The Triangulation Of Senator Claire McCaskill
  • On 13 April 1997, Mali held a first round of legislative elections, but the results were annulled by the Constitutional Court.
  • The threat of violence and real fear of revolution prompted the Government to adopt limited constitutional changes.
  • The convention could include a battle over whether to retain the platform plank calling for a constitutional ban on abortion.
  • The Indian people of Mexico are on the verge of gaining recognition of their existence and having their rights become a political fact in the constitutional and social reality of Mexico.
  • The publication of draft constitutional amendments in October 1988 led to widespread public protests.
  • They think of a free and independent country as the basement of constitutionality.
  • It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act.
  • But even opponents of the freedom to have an abortion and of affirmative action, as policies, must acknowledge that the case for their constitutionality is not baseless. Matthew Yglesias » The Real Torture Debate
  • Strengthen the constitutional rights of individuals within Northern Ireland.
  • Does the bedrock constitutional principle of equal protection for all require affirmative action, merely allow it, or even prohibit it?
  • What you are really going to have to figurer out is HOW to get people to not file lawsuits based on CONSTITUTIONALITY and Obama will lose. More work to do on health care
  • It is time to revolt against the corporate fascist descendancy of the Constitutional Government. OpEdNews - Diary: SENATOR HARRY REID: TIME TO WEAR THE MANTLE OF OFFICE
  • Firstly, we do need to have a thorough and properly organised constitutional review.

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