
How To Use Constituent In A Sentence

  • The endotoxins exuded are cell - wall constituents that are sort of like pheromones or germ sweat. T.S. Wiley: Can Sleep Loss Destroy Your Immune System?
  • But a tiny, naturally-occurring steviol glycoside constituent (about two to four percent of a whole leaf) of the plant, called rebaudioside A (also known as reb A, rebiana, stevia extract), was passed into Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) status by the FDA in 2008. Pooja R. Mottl: Can Stevia Solve Our Obsession With Sweetness?
  • There is an increasing feeling that MPs say one thing to constituents and something else in Westminster. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Governing Body, in its wisdom, devolved decision making for the trophy's route to its constituent bodies, the counties.
  • Whether or not delegates were so tightly bound by their constituents and the record is by no means clear, they acted as if they were, holding firmly to their preconvention positions. Ratification
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  • This soft retained austenite can accommodate impact stresses better than the harder constituents.
  • What are the basic constituents of the mixture?
  • Lets hope her constituents rise up in the next election and oust this unqualified and opportunitistic showboater who only won by running against an unpopular and dying incumbent. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Its perceptual configurations have been thought to have a special relevance to the emergence of formal artistic qualities which cannot be reduced to a measurable aggregate of more elementary constituents.
  • The main constituent phases of these rocks are plagioclase, hornblende, pyroxene, quartz and K-feldspar, and accessory phases include magnetite, sphene, zircon and apatite.
  • [13] Boric acid is a common constituent of several minerals such as borax, boracite, boronatrocaicite and colemanite. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Other major constituents include limonene (lemony), thymol (thyme-like), cadinene (green-like) and germacrene (spicy and woody). Sechuan Buttons: The Taste of Electricity
  • It is also a widespread constituent of a variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks and is occasionally found in pegmatites and in related veins marginal to igneous rock units ranging from granite to diabase.
  • The female entrepreneur, once a rara avis, is now a prized constituent of the economy whose way of doing business reaps enormous financial and social dividends. Lynn Parramore: She-Orientation: Female Entrepreneurs Will Shape Recovery
  • For the separation of the alcoholic constituent, which is present in the form of an apparently not very considerable quantity of benzoic ether, far more ilang-ilang oil would be required than was at command. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • Regardless, physical extension seems nothing more than a relational property as well: the quality of extension in space is not possible without relations amongst constituent parts.
  • More than 100 people packed a lecture theatre at the Steam Museum to hear the MPs underline their commitment to the war and listen to the views of their constituents.
  • OBJECTIVE To establish a method of the determination of the active constituent puerarin in Health Pill and Gegen crude drug and magnolol hi Health Pill and Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis.
  • CONCLUSION Compound 1-5 were all isolated from the genus Pterocarya for the first time, 1 and 5 were reported as the antitumor constituents of this plant Dode. for the first time.
  • Primarily introduced the nutritional constituents of the urtica and its physiological function. Propose as a kind of new food resource. The urtica will have broad prospects for exploiting.
  • Our results," as they both argued, "seem so far to indicate that the hydrogen nucleus is a more common constituent of the lighter atoms than one has hitherto been inclined to believe. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • They complain that the MP ought to be looking after the drains and other local problems of his east London constituents rather than gadding about on the box.
  • Among its constituents are benzyl acetate, linalyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, indol, methyl anthranilate, and a ketone jasmone. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Acid hydrolysis of crude leaf mucilage extract in both Z. mauritiana and Z. rotundifolia revealed that the main sugar constituents were rhamnose, glucose, galactose, and arabinose.
  • Advances in information technology, such as the Internet, have created unprecedented opportunities for organizations to recast their relationships with constituents.
  • Wiranto denied that his visit was a move to woo support from Hamengkubuwono and Golkar constituents in the province.
  • Particle physics is the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions.
  • It is easy to construct pictorial models of particles such as the proton in which the constituent quarks are confined. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • Donnelly, 37, ran a campaign that emphasized his relative youth - and a recent illness of Slaughter's - as well as what he called her neglect of all constituents except the ones in Monroe County. Tonawanda News Homepage
  • Flavonoids are the most powerful health bestowing constituent of tonic herbs.
  • His essay is in part a polemic against the mimetic theory of art, or against any theory which takes the image to be the basic constituent of the work.
  • A 1946 plebiscite ended the monarchy, and a constituent assembly was elected to draw up plans for the republic.
  • In the spring of 1848 the radical press, political clubs, and the National Guard bubbled with activity in Paris and provincial cities as elections under universal manhood suffrage to the Constituent Assembly approached.
  • Competition between the constituent nations of the United Kingdom got under way almost as soon as the sports of association and rugby football had their rules agreed.
  • These included the dissolution of the present government and constituent assembly.
  • Vocifera that the laburista leader, for still appeals to more to the constituents and for giving continuity to its idea of "third via" between Socialism and conservatorium, is in procinto of: * To send to all the constituents a righello for easier I compare collective of the mutual measures. Cameron 'War Raised Terror Risk'
  • In the PCW, uronic acid residues are found as constituents of xylans, pectins, glucuronomannans and arabinogalactan-proteins.
  • I see three important constituent elements of the digital realm becoming more evident every day: malleability, anonymity and connectivity.
  • Opposition parties repeated their call for the election of a national constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution.
  • Is the stability over time of a portfolio beta affected by the number of constituent securities and if so why? 2.
  • Those voted to the constituent assembly were allowed to meet in the Tauride Palace.
  • Most universities cater to both on-and off-campus constituents.
  • Yet chemical analysis has clearly proved that the manurial value of straw is perfectly insignificant, and that, as a constituent of stable manure, it is chiefly useful as an absorbent of the liquid egesta of the animals littered upon it. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Fluxing of the melt facilitates the agglomeration and separation of such undesirable constituents from the melt.
  • Mrs Keen has shown utter contempt for her constituents by refusing to explain or justify her actions. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the 20th century, the knowledge of separating the constituents of essential oils was used to create synthetic chemicals and drugs.
  • Wu meets with constituents every week, listening to their problems.
  • Cooking, however, often is done within the constituent nuclear family units.
  • Various blends of different fractions of coal tar are used, but the most valuable constituents from a disinfectant point of view are undoubtedly the phenols, or tar acids, though in this case as with carbolic and cresylic soaps, the amount of phenols should not exceed 3 per cent. in a toilet soap. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • There have been countless great teams down the years whose constituent parts did not gel particularly well. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, he reassured his constituents and the general public that he had no such intention.
  • The piece included a reply card, which generated one of the largest constituent responses of his political career in Missouri.
  • The honeybee colony has many life-critical operations requiring precise modulation from the decisions and actions of its constituents.
  • It was not a Yugoslav constituent nation, nor a constituent republic.
  • Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water.
  • The active biochemical constituents are called guggulsterones, which contain diterpenes, sterols, esters and fatty alcohols.
  • The fact that identical electrons were emitted from cathodes of a range of materials under a range of conditions strongly suggested that the electron is a fundamental constituent of all atoms.
  • One of the active biochemical constituents in urva ursi is arbutin. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • In 1978 Haya was elected a member of the Constituent Assembly with the highest preferential votes.
  • Objective To explore the variation of the main chemical constituents of Herb Epimedii in decocting Herb Epimedii and Radix Astragali separately and compatibly.
  • The crash of '08 was the first eye-opener, followed by an understanding that Republicans were committed to not hearing the cries of their constituents and our president was going to spend his first term avoiding direct confrontation with them. Jesse Kornbluth: 'We're All We've Got': Movements Matter, But Maybe Reaching Out to People Right Here Matters More
  • OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of Swertia decora Franch , a traditional herb medication in China.
  • The relationship between the constituents and their elected representatives has deformed into the masses and their dutifully appointed leaders.
  • He kept separate the constituents of consonantal clusters, relishing sibilants and fricatives as much as plosives and liquids, and studied the duration of pauses as carefully as the duration of syllables.
  • They increased their own effectiveness as a result, by improving the stability of their constituents, but at the same time they helped train an efficient modern work force and reduced the multitude of individual resistances to industrial society, ranging from idling on the job to theft and sabotage, that suggested far more fundamental hostility to modernity than the dictates of reason could counte - nance. PROTEST MOVEMENTS
  • This is the first degree of its kind and is also unique in that it has been developed and produced in a joint collaboration by the four constituent universities of the National University of Ireland.
  • He said on Thursday that he had been deluged with messages from his constituents contradicting him.
  • Hot food melts some plastics, such as margarine tubs, causing migration of package constituents.
  • a component or constituent element of a system
  • I sought a mandate from my constituents to oppose the poll tax and made it plain exactly what I would do.
  • See what you think (the square brackets indicate the coordinate constituents).
  • Within 20 days of the approval notice a dissentient shareholder must give a written notice of dissent to the constituent company demanding payment of the fair value of his shares.
  • Behind this report is a determination by the Board to take and hold the initiative over its constituent members.
  • A constituent that has no nematocidal activity may produce bursting when combined with a nematocidal agent.
  • Still, by relating those colours he has seen to each other he might be able to develop an understanding of the colourspace inside his head, an understanding that the reddishness of certain browns is a constituent feature as is the yellowishness of other browns, the bluishness of certain greys. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Your goal is to collect and evaluate ‘strategic data’ across divergent constituent groups that directly shed light on strategic decision making.
  • Few embraces between politician and constituent were warmer than the bond between former Maine Sen.
  • And yet none of the constituent parts of his team fit together. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were only half a dozen Footsie constituents giving ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simon Power said, and I think it certainly reflected the views of his constituents from Feilding: ‘We must all be allowed full and free access to our beaches and lakefronts and to the seabed.’
  • When asked how his constituents were dealing with the crisis, freshman Rep.
  • Methods of research for ascertaining essentialness of ash constituents of plants 53 Manures and the principles of manuring
  • A steel slab comprising the above constituents is produced by preparing the steel in a converter followed by either continuous casting or ingot making/blooming.
  • They would do their constituents, the country and their consciences a service by doing so. Times, Sunday Times
  • She tells us that the principal constituents of lavender are alcohols such as borneol, geraniol and linalool; esters such as geranyle and linalyl; and terpents such as pinene and limonene.
  • Consequently the mayoral incumbent must perform a delicate juggling act to maintain constituent support.
  • Meanwhile, the House of Representatives continues to be gridlocked with the Senate on the Charter change issue as congressmen continue to push for a resolution for a constituent assembly.
  • The principal constituents of the fatty matters and oils of plants are three substances, called stearine, margarine, and oleine, the two former solids, the latter a fluid; and they rarely, if ever, occur alone, but are mixed together in variable proportions, and the fluidity of the oils is due principally to the quantity of the last which they contain. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • Chocolate is also a source of several mood-elevating constituents, including tryptophan (precursor to serotonin), anandamide (a natural brain chemical very similar to the cannabinoids in marijuana), theobromine (far milder cousin to caffeine), phenylethylamine and magnesium. Dr. Nicholas Perricone: How Sweet It Is: Good News About Chocolate and Cocoa
  • When I watch lawmakers do their calling, it is usually in between committee hearings, constituent meetings and votes.
  • The distribution and habitat, general features, properties and uses and chemical constituents are also part of the classification criteria.
  • Microcline is a common constituent of the intermediate zone, occurring as anhedral crystals to 60 cm.
  • The genome contains instead a program of instructions for making the organism - a generative program - in which the cytoplasmic constituents of eggs and cells are essential players along with the genes.
  • Extracted the active constituents of Alisma Orientalis by isolation techniques then established rat urolithiasis model.
  • Voters also heavily endorsed a clause on the ballot paper calling for the convening of a constituent assembly to reform the Constitution.
  • Otherwise, those nine Footsie constituents to give ground had a distinctly defensive flavour as investors maintained something of an appetite for risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equally the constituents face the dilemma that the ruler at some point may renege on his promises and confiscate the accumulated wealth of his constituents.
  • DEWIDAR, A.M. and EL-MUNAJJED, D. (1970) The steroid sapogenin constituents of Agave americana, A. variegate and Yucca gloriosa. Chapter 5
  • Societies that treat their constituent members as identical pawns soon run into trouble.
  • We were fascinated by your use of rutin, since this flavonoid is a constituent in many herbs, including chamomile, elderberry and hawthorn.
  • The stable isotope of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are reinterpreted. The relationship between isotope constituent and paleoenvironment is understood.
  • They proposed that particles like the proton, the neutron, and the mesons, which feel the strong nuclear force, are not elementary particles at all, but possess internal constituents.
  • Again, the preference is at least in part metrical: personal pronouns are normally unaccented, so that the uninverted pattern has an alternating accent pattern on its constituents.
  • The constituents for that representative will have time to read it, or read a trusted source that provides mummeries and they will have time to inform their representative of their feelings about abill. The Volokh Conspiracy » Read the Bill — A Reply to Eric:
  • Among the steps is a call for President Lobo to discuss "democratic freedom," specifically referencing a constituent process. Joel D. Hirst: Honduras'"Pepe" Lobo Should be Wary of Constitutional Reform
  • In doing so, he allayed many of his wealthy constituents' fears of undesirables invading their neighborhoods.
  • But it is important that members have this opportunity to speak on the issues that matter to their constituents. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it only matters if the people doing the agitating are his constituents. THE NEWS BLOG
  • In 2001-02, the slowdown in manufacturing became wide spread, affecting a broad spectrum of constituent industries.
  • As an MP, it is my duty to represent my constituents.
  • Confederate authorities should do nothing to ensure their Jewishness, since matters of worship and education will be exclusive privileges of the constituent cantons.
  • He noted Rep. McCollum's "focus on kids and health care" and other related domestic needs of her local constituents (mostly in St. Paul) as well as her defined roles accorded by her appointments to the prestigious and powerful House Appropriations Committee (budget and spending) and the Government Oversight and Reform Committee while also expressing fears that impeachment hearings would become a "mobilizer" for the Republican voter base, thus costing votes and maybe elections in 2008. lobbies Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) to support accountability and justice through impeachment
  • On Tuesday, the new German parliament met in constituent session.
  • Other common minor constituents of eclogite include kyanite, orthopyroxene, rutile, amphibole, pyrite, and white mica.
  • Mr. Windsor said that the proposal is attracting "quite a degree of concern" among his rural-based constituents, although he has no definitive view on the deal at this stage. Australia Independent Lawmakers Oppose ASX Sale
  • ConclusionEffective constituents of Musa basjoo Sieb. et Zucc may be steroidal saponins, carbohydrate, tannin.
  • This means the bacteria cannot digest the waste completely so, instead of just producing carbon dioxide they produce methane, the main constituent of natural gas. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is easy to forget that, on so-called litmus-test issues, McCain has remained a safe Republican vote distinctly in tune with the hard right of his own party and constituents. Nothing Left to Fear
  • Common clays are usually mixtures of clay minerals such as illite, smectite, and kaolinite, together with fine silica and other minor constituents.
  • This is there to protect the people of this country, our constituents, and the information they provide to us for redress of grievance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chief constituents of the oil are anethol, fenchone, d-pinene, and dipentene. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Consider the top five constituents of the cosmos, in order of their abundance: hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen.
  • Elections should then follow for a constituent assembly which would draft a constitution.
  • These constituents would then specify how the cells develop.
  • Tony Allen (best known as the backbeat of legend Fela's band) want us to download the 15 constituent parts of the single "Secret Agent," the title track off his new album on World Circuit label. Disquiet
  • What precise chemical constituents occur in the Eyebright beyond tannin, mannite, and glucose, are not yet recorded. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • If the physical brain consists of a large number of elementary physical entities engaged in causal interaction, then the * attributes* of the brain should also be enumerable, as there is nothing else to work with but the intrinsic attributes of those elementary entities which are its constituents, and whatever further attributes arise when they are considered in combination. Fragments of consciousness
  • He came across infrared radiation by accident when splitting sunlight into its constituent colours by passing it through a prism. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gripped the bread tighter and tighter in his fingers, as if remaking it into its constituent dough. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Meristems are stable structures in spite of the very dynamic nature of their constituent cells, which continuously divide, grow and differentiate while they transit from one zone to another.
  • The second part of the first problem involves the production of ribose, one of the constituents of RNA. 2009 August - Telic Thoughts
  • Focus on the constituent parts and the bigger picture will look after itself. The Sun
  • This level of carbon also decreases the solubility of the microalloying constituents in austenite.
  • Although some essential oils have only a few main constituents, the minor components generally determine the characteristic aroma.
  • On the other hand, the analysis does not unpack the domestic British economy into its constituent parts or regions.
  • Among the 4800 constituents of tobacco smoke, researchers have identified more than 100 alkanes, 150 alkenes and 55 alicyclic hydrocarbons.
  • What is the nature of that atmosphere, more properly known as an exosphere, and what are its constituents? CNET
  • The state was by no means a constituent part of the productive relations, which economic theory has been called upon to study.
  • I say to the member that he should be in touch with the constituents in his area, because they want better roads.
  • Accurate, efficient data transfer with rapid notification of key partners and constituents is critical to effectively addressing emerging infectious disease threats.
  • Its synthesis is dependent on the supply of its constituent amino acids cysteine, glutamate, and glycine.
  • The GCB is the federation of South Africa's nine constituent bars which represents about 1700 advocates. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Constituent Assembly set up a committee on mendicity which collected impressive information on the scale of the problem.
  • These distinctive characteristics come from differences in minute quantities of flavouring constituents whose concentrations are at the threshold of human sensory perception.
  • It is also said to stabilise membranes and mast cells, two important constituents of the liver, as well as other organs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor is it really change to turn from the self to the constituents of self or from those constituents to the self; and in this case the contemplator is the total; the duality has become unity. The Six Enneads.
  • These findings suggest that the hemagglutinating activity may be due to different proteins or that other constituents of these fluids may interfere with this activity.
  • Labour MPs recount story after story of constituents complaining that recent arrivals jump the housing queue. Times, Sunday Times
  • The purines adenine and guanine are constituents of DNA.
  • The chief constituents of the oil are limonene, linalol, linalyl acetate, geraniol, methyl anthranilate, indol, and neroli camphor. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • The constitution also confers large powers on Brazil's 25 constituent states.
  • (As_ S_ ), as oxide (As_ O_ ), and as a constituent of many metallic sulphides, such as arsenopyrite (FeAsS). An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • qualitative analysis determines the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture
  • Masarat Alam, the hardliner portrayed as his successor, is vice-chairman of the Muslim League, "a constituent of our forum".
  • Caffeine is the active constituent of drinks such as tea and coffee.
  • Caffeine is the active constituent of drinks such as tea and coffee.
  • These distinctive characteristics come from differences in minute quantities of flavouring constituents whose concentrations are at the threshold of human sensory perception.
  • We may well dismiss some of these objects as bibelots, but there is little doubt that the non-professional tradition exists and that we might as well call its constituents ‘art’, just in case.
  • When I advanced my long-held theory that some of his constituents were living vicariously through his exploits, Wilson readily agreed.
  • Elections should then follow for a constituent assembly which would draft a constitution.
  • Her role there was dealing with constituent members.
  • The _albuminoid_ or _nitrogenous constituents_ will be seen to form about a sixth of the whole nib, or more than a fifth of the cocoa essence, and to their presence is due the fact that absolutely pure cocoa is such a remarkable flesh-former. The Food of the Gods A Popular Account of Cocoa
  • I have constituents who are about to lose their businesses because of the inactivity on this issue.
  • Zinc oxide is a common, biologically active constituent of particulate air pollution as well as a workplace toxin.
  • In other words, a radical organization is an organization of individual entities, which are the constituents of the order or orders arising in multiplicities governed by radical organization, while each such constituent, considered in isolation, cannot itself be subject to this or any order, law, organization, comprehension, and so forth. Complexity and Order.
  • So sad for all of you, Mr. Mills and constituents, but all Ralph's jokes must have butts, and this time - it's you.
  • The global constituent assembly shall be made up of 300 members, elected from all national assemblies.
  • But research shows at least 64 per cent of their constituents voted the other way. The Sun
  • He describes discourse as a technique used by the power elite to exert control over other constituent groups.
  • Many scholastic and Cartesian thinkers had assumed substances to be the ultimate constituents of reality, and, as such, self-dependent.
  • The discussion of other work in syntax during those years is generally restricted to occasional references to the tagmemes of Kenneth Pike and the now-classic article on immediate constituents by Rulon Wells (Wells 1947).
  • Actually knowing how much nitrous oxide is actually being generated in a combustor is a hard problem to solve because now you have to deal with not only the temperature distribution in the combustor, but also the constituent chemicals that are coming out of there. Honeywell Faces Mother Nature
  • = -- This term, applied specially to the varied form which the flowers or some of their constituent elements assume on the same plant, is an analogous phenomenon to what has been above spoken of as heterophylly, and, like it, it cannot, except under special circumstances, be considered as of teratological importance. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The stiffness of the constituent polymers of a mucous gel will also have a direct influence on the structure of the gel, particularly on characteristics such as rheology, film stability, and pore size.
  • But as an unknown to many of his would be constituents, he was branded a carpetbagger and a wealthy outsider.
  • The constituent buffer contains constituents which are complete but whose higher level grammatical function is uncertain.
  • The chemical plant continues its work, splitting the water produced by the methanation process into its constituents, hydrogen and oxygen. The Case for Mars
  • These were the hexose constituents of the hydrolysed complex, the pentoses (or 'furfuroids') surviving intact. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • The first step along this path was taken in 1664 when Isaac Newton used a prism to split sunlight into its constituent colors, the familiar rainbow.
  • The first step along this path was taken in 1664 when Isaac Newton used a prism to split sunlight into its constituent colors, the familiar rainbow.
  • So why should a respect for incumbency overwhelm the actual opinions of her constituents?
  • Without new safeguards, however, MPs scrutinising his bill will be obliged to ask themselves: how many of their constituents would be happy to go under the cut-price knife? Health service reform: Perils of the cut-price knife | Editorial
  • Schleiden, and accepted by Schwann, the connection between the three co-existent cell-constituents was long thought to be of this nature: that the nucleolus was the first to show itself in the development of tissues, by separating out of a formative fluid (blastema, cyto-blastema), that it quickly attained a certain size, that then fine granules were precipitated out of the blastema and settled around it, and that about these there condensed a membrane. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • They think their other advantages - franked mail, automatic access to local news outlets, a litany of local pork projects, government funded constituent services, and gerrymandered districts - will protect them. Rick Sloan: Incumbents Better Take Note
  • Lawmakers do have a legitimate and undeniable need to freely express their views and openly advocate the interests of their constituents in the legislative process.
  • The surface is formed by two sets of cables, one conforming to each of the constituent directions of curvature, an arrangement which allows the cables to be prestressed against each other.
  • Within 20 days of the vote approving the merger or consolidation, the constituent company must give written notice of the approval to all dissentient shareholders who served a notice of objection.
  • I've read the Los Alamos reports, but I'd like to know if, since then anyone has said the thorium is more concentrated than being a constituent of KREEP overturned at basin rim structures. Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
  • MPs enjoy much cheaper drinks than their constituents. The Sun
  • Copper is an essential micronutrient for most living organisms since it is the constituent of many metalloenzymes and proteins involved in electron transport, redox and other important reactions.
  • The most familiar apatite derivative is hydroxyapatite, the bulk mineral constituent of bone.
  • That they could come off as the safe harbor from a out of control legislators who don't listen to their constituents. Carville: Dems should force GOP to filibuster health care reform
  • He identified acetylcholine as a constituent of certain ergot extracts, and an analysis of its action served as a basis for later researches, extending the application of Loewi's discoveries, which have been recognized in the joint award of the Sir Henry Dale - Biography
  • Disagreable Circumstances here, many Difficulties to accomplish the Wishes of our Constituents, and to give Satisfaction to certain half anglified Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 6 November 1778
  • General election candidates were blasted yesterday for sending thousands of unsolicited vote-getting phone messages to their constituents.
  • Except somene really, really needs to lock these people away in padded cells somewhere, for their own safety, as well as that of their constituents. Think Progress » Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) planned a personal WMD hunt
  • In this, the commune system sought to do what had been tried within the original collectives through the attempt to equalize the assets of the constituent brigades.
  • A violet is blue because its molecular texture enables it to quench the green, yellow, and red constituents of white light, and to allow the blue free transmission.
  • Federalists effused confidence in people elected to office and responsible to their constituents; their opponents argued instead that “the depravity of mankind militates against such a degree of confidence.” Ratification
  • A daylong constituent advocator of this place has been the aggroup at Planet Malaysia

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